Newspaper Page Text
Wm T Kir.v:u Bilim and Proprietor
ilcop II llcfire ihi‘ l*-opl-.
'I list, jpne an g the difficulty of rrittk
brig a m utinat >n tl Onion bus, lb*
pm'Oii >l the Hon. Henry If Harris > ffer
e-l l(-40Id kill prop mil (5 to remand the
<lll If 1: mtlu-r bo:k in 'lie peoplt 4 * and let
the tlemncratic votiia ol the seveial f.ouu
tiito il;oi liy I* iiuurv Election* who
abotild be tin- candidate, m l that Ilte op
position n jetted till 9 (sir propoatttot .
'I bin revolulhu wee oflered by Juilge
Jinnee Whittle o! Ctistiabnoehee, mrly
Saturday morning idr ci.tisolmtiou with
majority. Ri-ad and pontUrr line feet.
(Jajii I'cr. Mie, one ol flie coign **iona
randldaUi. neon lopsided by Mf. Haul el
and Judgt: Malltaw* ol Tslboltoil, waa in
G’cen villa lael week. 'I lie (Jap’aln c * lie 4
at the Vlni/ICAToIi office ami ixebanged
ajfie or iw<i good joke* with the adllo'•
lion, J. !. Nlcholl* bar been Selected,
•Iter a protracted m talon, a Li* deoioerai
ic candidate lor Congroa* in t u Savannah
district. He Went Into the Convention
with a majority vot# but lha utlnnUy H
t ally wti.l oyer 11 aofficiaol strength 40
ji.iiiiinate lorn by a ten. third* vote. o'l.
Nlc.bol* It** hid coll* idemlde eipel tone*
u-t a legislator and will make an able and
T,ilium reptaaeolftllv*
In Virginia Get. Jom;ph F Jobnaton
lie* l.ei'ii nominated lor cungraaa In the
Richmond district and Ottn. K[i|i liniiton
In the Alexandria district Gan. Hitntoti
lisa artvoJ most efficiently aevoral 'em*
in the Hi u*e and *m a member ol tins fa
inou* 1 'e, 1 oral a>nml*-l an.
The executive cmnnilltco ol Ourro'l
county tin t bint Wednesday b Uku toe'lat *tap* lor MdacUng (Itdcgnte* to tin
congmaihiunl COUVenIP n that 11.eel* in
Newnan mi the third Tlteaday in Hnpteni
$$F" A* a portion of the stale prr* have
fallen into e ier in trgard 1(1 'l** Hot# "I
•Ilev* n ifaeinbttiu ol the cirngn-Mional
convention ol IHIm dl-trlct, tvu nail peclal
■iitHiilioq to the lima which ti the
I nmo TotiDAf in HttFTKtf nan,
nt 11 o’clock, a. in., and at Naeitun. Will
.onr brethren ol the pros* notice the above?
VVe have tlm official report ol the secret*
ry helnrc ita a* wo wilie, amid r*|>orl agree
Inj! wlflr <ur n&rllnot too ol the resolution
.<>l hiIJ uirnmeul.
~ Is wi voKsfyFw.y r.
It will Im) remembered Hint the lixbtlul
dehifatun front Oatrolt wnt rohtard <1
romance by the Columbus convention,
'l itls was done becsiw It wnii claimed that
I lie executive committee, liy whose diirc
lion tlir primary duel lon was lirlil ap
pointing those delegates, n not regulni
ly ami rightfully appointed. Belnrc ad
journment, however, the convention te
ptidttled IU former action ly raoogntJ’Jng
to the (ullett extent tho va'kJliy <>l till*
•Carroll executive commit toe and attlhor
.txing that I tody to dor far. the tnoana lor sic-
Ucting delegates to tho convention at
Newnnn. Tin resolution adjourning tho
con vent inry flared by HAS Freeman and
published by u lat week, start* nut as
follow* 1 “Resolved ; That lor tho pur
pose 1 1 Riving (ho people o( Carroll coun
ity, which at present has no representn
lion In thii convention, nu opportunity to
So'ret delegate* lu such way aa may ho di
meter) liy ttie Executive Committee o( *nnl
.county." Now, H the last action of the
i oiivenllon wan light, the former Vote de
jnylLß the validity <il the commit ten was
evidently wroug and not all in the into
-csU of the party, conciliation or liarim -
iy, It shows, moreover,thal th* so called
partisans ol Harris were not the disorgan
jtera that some paper* wou'd have llio
public bolieve them to be.
The tlateuient l made tu Rime ol the
1 a| ci* oi the district that Harris wag the
uii only candidate at llieWeat Point nom
inating convcnth n two years ago. The
fact is in the first lalk'l he only lacked
at tut three votes ol receiving two-thlrils ol
all the votes caa'. According to our rec
•nlUctiou, he maintained tbit la all tbo bal
lot* dt’iing the day, about 00 in all. We
•weie prevented from attending the night
t carton tut tearu that Cap'. Peiaona lead
ou a uuml>er oi ballots, hit ina)oril y being
nominal not real a* the whole convention
ktew. There was an idea prevalent linn
as now, that by iutioducing dillerent can-,
•didatea, tbe friends of Harris niiclit l>e
wearied Into a drier lion ol hi* cause and
thus a "lied out U oitc” brought iu who
would win the rsrt. Judges Buchanan
and Crawford, both gor'd men, were then,
nnd are to day, the candidates held in re
serve. Uapt Persona then, we aero as
sured received certain vote*, not that the
delegates c tetri's them, loved Persont bat
were optoted to Harris and employ'd
three methods of weakening Harris and
pavtrg the way tor the rucal of their
“tied out’ - tavoiiter. This, we think, is
the true rtaument cl the matter. Harris
was nominated by a two-thirds vote Urea,
tbs Muscogeedelegation, lead by l£ajat
Motes, first coming t o him. A* aooa as
Muscogee ceme to Harris there was a ruth
ol the other counties to follow suit
—CoMTiH otto we'it ritt
neated. The wib-ti'ute wae tabled by •
vote of 18 to 10 The orfgibtl motif n wae
1 freed to end the chair appointed the com
mlt tee sx loiuoooced lad week,
Thi* cotufiiiUce wax in *c*rtors the ic
maintfer ol the day and until 1 o’clock the
next morn in/ the majority, lieaded by the
chairman, Fte-jutao of Troop, recowmeab*
itg *'• neat iug of the delegate* chosen by
the primary election, while the minority,
toad by Oov. Noith, asked that neither
delettatloß lie Mined, thu* kwving Carrot I
county wholly utircpreaeabxi. On the
adoption ot tin me rc{<ort* began tle
go ut battle of the convention.
Oov. hmitb ofetned In a leugihy apwch
favoring the a< <darl;,g the tepieaeutatiou
ol (yarroli county vacant. lie arm it led
that Ihe cad loi mane meeting in Ca'toll
*5 min t', by projio auth <rlty, Imt co
- that the fil jtlou that after* rd*
r'ltnited vitiated the proceediuga and that
the irregolanth * were uch that neitlrfrr
delegation hail a valid right to mriU. He
•aid there are 2,b00 vote* in Carruil. Ol
thee ‘i/ttJb are democratic vote*. In the
primary election noly 7WJ were polled.
Thl *liow the (teople did wot vote. He
iield Hint toe “Cobti" delegate* werr rfaoe
en hy a lrge vote, Thi* i* proof of the
xenltmoM of the purple of Carroll county
Ii Couilulon the apeak nr (aid the meeting
wan nolay, v.oieui mJ irregular and It*
ilurnghl the whole mtdiet alrould fall to
the ground.
M>. Fiminun ol Troup, In rp!y aaid
that Oov Hmitb ha* mbfjUoUr t the ute
mnny. Tire Cobb rerotntloii* were out ol
order,a fmllol Iwlrrg taken while 'hey were
fail. They wete put,not by the chaiimen,
hut hy Cobb hfeaaeii, and numerou* wit
nc*e* teallflixl, a run rig tliein the *er telary,
that Cobb'a prweedlng* were regarded a
a farce. Thai Cobb called upon all the
anil Harri* men t.ol to vote ou Rid**’* rca
olutlona and that Cobli ealled to 111* fob
l iwcra to n ave tlie room after he hart dr
elated tin: reaolotiona, put by Idinaelf, r n
ned, Tipe traolti'i ,4 of Hera, wete legal
ly carried, the axocutivo comm .'lea legally
and iigolarly apfednted anil a primary
election legally. r< gularly and rpihtly held
and deirgatoa lima legally clitrwn. The e
delegate* ti; reaei ted the only I'rguniifil
democracy ol Carroll and the trrganleed
democracy of that Cotltlly waa entitled to
rep eaentatlon through thorn Cat roll*
right tn refiroaeiiiatiun la aa e ear aa that
of any county in the dlatrict. tluv. Hmllh
admit* the regularity of tho nail n| the mu.
me ling ami -.worn evidence ahnwa the
other firoceedlng* hr lx! regular. How
then can fit**o men bo denie Ia lmlttkrn to
M at* ?
Gov Smith has said Ihero wore 'J.MKi
vole* In Carroll ceunly Mr. Freeman
•'.low ed Ire tn rtrliJUd copies ol the record*
in tlio Bwcrrtsry ol atale’s otttce that In
187 U, with a lull vote, troth the prssidsn
tial and cnngressioniil election* occulting
on the same day. th'.rn were only 17IMI
democratic vole* , 7bß votes were cast tot
the primary e'cctdl delegate*. In 1870.
when .lodge It ichanan and Col.lf. If liar
rls wne opposing candidate* betore the
I tlniary election*, the vote aloud, Harris
750,Buchanan 350. Thl* wa a largo vote,
Judge Moehanaa being popular In Carroll.
The vote receive*! hy Col. Ilnrri* In 1878,
wliou he had no opposition compare* most
liV' rably n I'.h that ol 1870, when the les.
ttniOuy shows the estiva** to liavn lieeo a
most thorough and exciting one. It will
not do to say that the vote at the tato pri
mary election was a small one as the fore
going tacts proven lielore the committee
show? o strongly the contrary. Why. the
i till :a! return* above referred to, show the
vote ol Muscogee in 1870 to have been
1778, the same a* the vote of Carroll, yet
Uoy. Smith holds hi* seat in this t.ody hy
a vote ol 114 to 107, only a majoiily ol 7
out of a vote of 800 j these Carroll del.-
gates come with a majority of 750 and a
title, according to ’he governor's logic,
tlireo times stronger than Ills, and yet he
telusrs them admisaion. [Tremendous
and prolonged cheering,
Mr. Freeman’* speech w* the speech ol
the convention, clear, logical rod over
Mr. Butt replied in a speech ol some
length, discussing rather tho merits of Col.
Hants '.ban the question before the body,
ar.d at the close of his nJdmra called the
previous question*, thus cutting off the ma
Jority of the committee with only one
Mr. Rev ill moved to table the minority
report. Before tho vole was taken Gov
Smith wished an investigation Into lbs vt-.
tidily ol the proxies claimed- *Tl.e chair
ruled the proposition out of order at that
time. Gov. 8m Ith saying that there were
quite a number ol proxies reported pres
ent and that lx wished no chesting,
was responded Ur by Mr. lUvill that care
would be takeu that u> cheating wss done
by any one. The chair ruinonnced the
question to be oo tabling the minority re
port, but previous to calling the roll Mr.
L. F. Garrard, ot Muscogee, asked shy
the counties were called as they were, say
ing that they were neither alphabetically
nor geographic lly arranged. The aecrc
tary had been u(ag the order aa employ
ed by Mr. Her ill, aecrstary ol the execo
tivu committee, which was in leaded to he
geographical, aud waaaatoliowa : Marion,
< that tahouchee, Talbot, Muauoaee, Harris,
Troup, Meriwether, Coweta, Campbell,
Heard and Douglas.
The convention retnsed to table tla mi
nority report and adopted the same by 1?|
to 16*, the vote being by counties, yeas,
Campbell, 2 ; Coweta, 4 ; Douglas, 1 ;
Marion, 2 ; Meriwether,) ; Muscogee, 4 ;
: Talbot 4. The nags were, CUatuhoodiee,
2 i DougHi, i j Heard, 2 ; Harri*, 4 ; M er.
iwether, 34 ; Trotip, 4.
'I hu* foe delegate* trim Carroll ware
ei eluded-
On motion ol Mr. Bevlll the temporary
officer* were made parmauast.
Tire cr nvenlioa nut (her adjo'im'aeot
at o’clock when fl. A- %■ Freeman
moved :h adoption of the two-tklfrlt rule
in making ane in mat ion Unaaimouaiy
adopted. Dr. Mathla, thloklrg
the convent! jo akaald go Into the butl
oe*a of fiUtloru making, r.flVieJ a aerie*
of iMroittti-rß*; Mr. Maeatord of 'I *ltx*t
pi opo**-d b) a raaolatioo U, bind all tke
caodidato to tupf ort the nowioee, aod
Fu ernan ol Troup fr'.pored an amend
ment that we noniMta'e no tnaa who araa
not voted for on the firat baiM The
hn.endrueut provoked dietuaaion Iron,
Maar*. W. A. I.rUia, H. A. B. Frtamao
an ) Mayor Wilkina, the Unu-r moving to
table the amendment.
The motion Ur table vu lot’ Judge
Matthew* and Oov. tmfob continued the
dlarnaaton, toe latter claiming that Mr.
Freeman’* reaoluuoo waa a gag *“d would
be a meana of Ixrbaylag our cr.oatitoamt*.
H lap laying hla manly prnportkma ha aaid
that be could atarnl a proton,-ed aaaakro a*
long aa any on* anVeould bel l on until
Mr. Hcvill aaid wltag th Gov. heaved hi*
Immense Urtin More the e-vw'M and
b-jaated of hu armrdepol* and power* 0/
endurance, be would vrlfliagly mem the
gentlemen and go bio* let. better.
The Gov. re*flooded that Kevlll’a high
living at Wachlngtoa waa caicuiated V
loo.l- t him ah ut.
Mr Kevlll aehl It waa tru* that he had
enjoyed Ua plcaaure ot driving a mail
wagon around VlfaaltlflgUm the |e*t row
moiillM. but that t)U manner ul living •**
by no in. ana to tßv yewra alky In
lha fcl<i'tive rnanaloO at AliartU with a
targe aalary and lauding on the lat of the
land. Ha aakl that the rwtdutioa i lar
Iron* being a gag waa lato' dwl to ramav*
the gag Iron* the moo the ol artala •petd
tna* individual* *od bring out ail lha Urn *
a* and plate them on the trar k In the U
ginning .l the race. He tho tgbl aoeh a
pan would aimpUfy matter* and tgpeddt:
a nuoilnati'm. .
T . M Wllltt held that the rra. tut tor.
would be productive ol 4ir, end, I peee
ad, ho and hi* (rim la would i.amluaie re
ar y prominent man In lltei di-trid
Go motion ol Cnpt. W. A IJltla of Ma
engm tlru reaolmhmv and *in-odinm.t war*
pottponed Indefinitely, and tboa emlwl the
attempt at platp rm making
M l. Snack telortl'* mutton to proceed to
balloting waa agteed l,
Juat here the regular urde. of buelnaa#
v.i atiifwmded to a.tuw W O. Tuggir,
Eup, t have read a i*wr 1* regard to
atiiitr railroad ticket*. Bo !f come to p*aa
that although not placed h* ootoiit*tio,
Col. Tuggle waa the Itreieltbe eandMatee
t o get Ufota the conventlfw and tivva bta
name HT.true.l on the iawrHi*r*'* mlnira*.
Cap!. Henry I'srvrm*, P. F. Bmitb, K*q s Hsfiln wars placed In
nomination. The flrst ballot stood, liar
*l* 18, Partem* 10, B<nßk 0 ; nect***ry to a
choice *2|. Till* V"tv rematuis) unchang
ed until the Ufltb ballot when an Sffjnur.i
ment was hs<t until 8 at night,
On rea*emtding Mr. Ballard moved to
vote by iiailot ; tahl*d mi morion * I Mr
Williams of Moscigon. Th# hsllotings rt
mainn*l unchanged until the ltlOUi ballot
when Judge Matthew* m ved to adjnurn
to oa. m. Lost. At end of liOtfi ballot
Mr. lla* of Muse igeej moved to- sdjoorn .
Lo t. At the close ol the tilth hai'ot. On
motion of G. J. Martin o< Meriwether the
the convention adjourned.
Convention met, Aug. S3 and, wlien Col.
Talia:err of Mnscogee said . “I desire U
explain my position, fam a strong Har
ris man hot situated as f am. I l aves poor
way ol showing It. 1 have acted and vot
ed wfih the Muvcogec dviegati n to pie
verve harmony ; I can do Id no oager in
Justice to myself. I believe the 4'ta dl.
trict and the county of Muscogee are in la
vor *d Col. Han is and I inleod to ewet ray
vote for him. for In falling to do so 1 leel
that 1 do Col Harris more harm than any
of his friends do him good.” This brief,
pithy speech was loudly applauded
The next ballot atoo and Harris 1?*, Smith
8, Persons ?| The vote lemained uu
changed lo the 1751 h ballet which stood
Harris 184. Person* l*f. Smith 8. No
material change nntil the 196(h ballot, it
being, Harri* 18*, Persons 7|. Smith 8.
Adjourned to 8 o’clock.
On icassembllng it was evident that a
new line ot battle bad been termed by the
minetlU and a concent rat ion oi forces ef
fected. Mr. O. J. Mania thought anew
man should be introduced though he had
no name to propose ; he wished the other
side to suggest a mao. Mr. Butt suggested
the name of Col. E. M. Butt ol Marion.
Gev. Smith asked time for consultation.
Granted. After the recess. Mr. Ballard
proposed a committee ol compromise
which was advocated by Judge Ingram,ot
Moacogee, and opposed by Judge Math
ews and P. W. Martin of Meriwetbur, the
latter gentleman moving to table it,
which wae carried by a vote of 87 sod 1-8
to • and 5-8.
The 218th ballot was Harris 18*. Smith
8, Butt bf. Cot Ball's bum was with
Col. T M. Willis proposed the name o!
J odge Obadiah Warner. Mr. Rev ill said
the asms of J udge Warner was net pro
posed by hie trtends or with the object to
secern hie nnniiMtion. Judge Warner in
oae ol the purest men he ever knew, but
the intmducGwn of hit aao* wae eiaaply a
Trcjan Hsrse and only intended to draw
strength trom the majority. Whan being
’led to execution Madame Kohud, seeing a
statue ol the go idem oi Liberty, ozclaim
ad, “Oh, Liberty, what triu<* are emnmtt
tad in thy na jw ” go he would matud
tbc aoarastioe that under the rpcckma
pbraae* rd lahuctw, bnrinocy and concilia
tion were concealed the mott cunningly
derived plana to defeat to* will oi the ma
jority ol the people ot title district.
Mr Batt asked Mr. Revii! it the miojwl
iy would go aolidiy tor Warner would the
majority join 'hem ?
Mr- Kevill reiponitd by aaking Mr. Butt
if the minority would not corue to the
of the conveuitoc having the majority,
thereby loilowtug the £ir, dtinocralic rule
.1 allow tug the utj ray to determine the
q 1 e-tlou
P. W. Martin aotajunung that Judge
Warner would no' accept the nomination
tl tendered hnu, Mr. vVtili* withdrew bit
At the end ol He 2dth iwltoi Mi. ll
liaOM ol HtriVMlitr proposed an *djou r u
cent in oida that U-e aec.eUrjr might
have tea*. Mr. Coriathui. who snake* or.c
ol it<e hel a*cretai to- any ouofcou a ever
had. an i lie tv** hot nor would evei b.
At the c-iu.btaion ol the 2Sr7.h bail< the
body adpr.lMrd-
At o’clock at tmrht the canvee'mti
tiram-irtii —I and Go* Aoiilh pr .povkd the
a*<nc ot A. H Go* but withdrew U betore
haitoi waw kakam. g, W.
nominaitd and % bailout reMillii g to 18 1 \
lot 11. it limit, 13 5- lot A W. Harm
J ~Jg Matinsa>r n muualaxi M. J Craw
lord. Cf* Li'lte MtU. •* a frwnd o
Ju tge Craw lord, uc oouid not r i his
nan . to be balloted tor, that be dsthwd to
koo- if yon, meaning ib o,aj .nty. want
Crawbad. itece.via/ ao reapouMr be afed
'ha name ot Craw lord waa too dear to be
klckwJ out ot the coacotton but tf the
atapdtey want Crawtrfed ua ta at me: aer
Vice. G v. Haiith saying tb*v would oe
,r Craw herd anyhow. Mayor Wilkin*
withdraw bta name.
ttott. Hunk Uo> Uao-n was n- Uiuiao and
hy GoV,’♦twteb. I'. W. Mat hi
Uia ekattna ol JiMlge ttccteaoa Mr, ti !,.
l'*avy id Mertwvt.Mtr, win* waa j rewlit
and wbt), w undaraUad. acted a* tn ty
tor Mr. U. J Mailta bo aa *t*o pVesaot
addiraami ua r? nvertil o to twi a.I of
Judge il mUanan Ha UtoOght aa thr lot
potty hot voleil 3DO Ititera tor iia rla a
cotnf'rtxbfv man aihtuii be #l*itot. in
reply to the qmatiori, it <b *w not a
mctohei; ol the Mart trther ‘tolegation that
would obey tha spirit ol ton M*n,
reaolutt >oa and f It is MAi.* iel*.* with
Ibam.Coi. Muatlau ra-fxiuitori that nr prie
poend Udo so M'. I'aayy aa mg tl the
, X .mpb: ol the venerable ar. l graytowle.!
Mualfan wuhl out be billowed by otlmr
gentlemen <d the Meriwether dalegwtt m,
Col Mu ltan raapundmi tbat be bid acted
according to InHittc.lkm# to v Iwr llai
r|# 300 tiuMM and be prota*wl to CMtilt •
the gowl work The appiataae that gtent
nil ltd* announcement waa ao deaMohtg
diM w# folia Ito eatob lb* drUt at Col.
Mlndiana farther reply.
The 3 dad halt'd rnaultarl in.lUrrt*, l?J;
Hitchanan, 164 Tina condoned to lit-
Mklh ballot, when the convention adjon n
Saturday the convention met at 3 '.o-h
and after a protest from th* rightful y e fet
ed delegates from Usir •'!_*'*<! s statement
Iroro the bogus on*, Mr Moss o! Troop
ma*le a motion t *d|oumed sod meet at
Carrollton oo th* 4th Wednesday to 8[
lember. thus giving C*rrl'. a ebavee to b
r presenWd.
Mr Whittle of Cnalt*hooc!dw proporo!
a* Oubtlilote the reman ding ol Hi* e>.
tire matter buck t. the |ople and let them
ay who tits congreasioual cvorl iJvte shall
b*. Judge Ingram and Oo’ Smith op
poted the aubstitnte, the latter saying the
convention, il placed under Jury rule, a
randle light, no Are and hut little beer,
would make a nomination.
Mr. Mos* spoke strongly in favor of tin
majority candidate and piaioiy in isgaid
to what he considered the onesided and
unUir ac*s od* ol the speeches of the ma
jority a* reported in ‘.be paper*.
On motion id Gov. Smith the I a.lard
resolution appointing a conferee#* com
mt'tee was taken Irom the table and agreed
to by ayes 90, nays 14-
Alter severe! boars session tbs commit
tee reported at 3 o'clock, Mr. lievill pre
seoting a majority report signed by R. A.
8. Freeman, W. N. Magouirk, W. T. Itev
tll, James Whittle, M- Shack I*lord, T. F.
Brewster, recommending an adj mrument
lo Mewaan to the 4th Tuesday in Septem
ber. and that Carro l county be requested
to M.ect de egataa to meet with the con
vention at that time and place.
The minority report signed by A- D.
Freeman, W. A. Little, B. T. Math!*, Levi
Ballard, J. M. Matthews, ivcommeaded
that the convention proceed to ballot
P. W. Martin, CapL Little and Gcv.
Smith opposed the majority report, the
latter genllemau speaking with vebemen ce
and at coneideraUe length. He said the
tom ait tier bad been sent oat to ,iect a
compromise man an I censured it lor fail
ing to do so. He charged that the failure
was done lor a purpose. Men were here
in the interval ol Harrle who received of
fice through Hum’ influeoce. While he
had eoUuag against Harris be amerted
there were 500 men in the district that
would make aa good a representative.
Considering the ability ol Harm he had
drawn money enough from tbe treasury.
Three limes wee aa often as a man ot such
capacity skd&Jd he mot to coagresa. He
contended lor lo atiou iu office and aaki
Harris having had office long enough
should stand node. Ha denied Urn right
to adjoura, and if tbe small majority ad
journed it would be done illegally and tbe
minority would remain and nominate a
caadidaie and teat the hsue.
At the concluahiD of hi* speech the U iv
eeeaed cosaidefabljr healed aad took qj.
hi* hat to leave the hall. Mr. Revi;! ob
tai.dag the floor, asked Gov. Bmith, after
Utondering ao long and loudly .not to leave
but stay and hear the other side. The
Gov. replying tbst he knew no reason why
he *hou and be afraid • i th* gudetnan tr>>m
Meriwether and cotmaumg L s way out
Mr Revill replied that
"He who and ram *r,
May tive to fight aeother day,”
aad then proceeded to answer some of the
eloquent geutleuum'a rein at k. The ti '•
said he believed in rouui it bwt h.v theory
an i practice did (tot agree. tiiauii,!e t
worth rno.e Utaa procep'. Sjou alter the
war the Gov war s nt to the legutlature, at
once be began to lay phtns to capture the
speaker'll chair. Hardly wo* tie seated 1
therein before be cast locking eye* 1 ward*
the guto-rnstlorisi vacancy occasioned by
Bubock'i flijgid. ' lie got this, but t once
set his heart on on eakmskm ah 1 secured
tour years more aa governor of the state.
Not thinking of rotation tor hitnaeif, be
to.e bis terto ol office expired he desired
to secure a place la the United stale* sett,
ate lor six year* longer. Failing to obtain
thi* w* bear <d the goveruor practicing r -
tot son tot the first time since Mu*- -g.-v
wjit him to the legifcdut* l! toe govi 1-
'j* were to iuruiah a iiai of to* 5>J in u
ai competent aa Harris doubt lew Ut* own
ensue would be toind tu the list The
convention has a hga. ngbl to adj >urn a;,
b.wtr, i boon, a day, a week or two
wetkv lie dec tea being a diawganxer,
saying he had always voted iur the rego
.at totiitnwi of hat party, even when be
thcugl.s U.e notomatioti one t. .i fit to tw
made. A'heu he thought the candidate
not a g oal democrat be 'nad y n Ido', bta
judgment to toai ol toe inajuihy, voted for
the a* mine* and <adeavorec t. indui*.- hie
It lend v'■ do ikewtar ThU 1 vt* he
si ton at J< raoe: in Um Ly as.tic
yijt'f rally iug cry of “any one to heat Hai
ia,” 'l itur to the maj r.ty an-l -I • Ov ban
s n<.min*tt>n '1 he l v says
thee veto! I -M IV*4H, wi.i.c tbs
'[. rt *t. , ■ a tbst liars is twined 4 o.* kt< r
out o! 7 and a utajofity of 'be f-opulai vote
Tht he held Mi '-ffica t VVsl. tngh/n was
true, stt J u wrsa ludsbnd t the Fovtuia.
lr of 'ha Hoove and the endorsement i t
lha Gvorgta and rgtp.ii tor toe posttioo
The (■ •. Was (bat of d'ivtng a matt w,
oe and car tying F thik Ur owc. to ihs
resun* of member* ot ton I fount, oil an n*v
Ing to Clluib 2 and 4 flight* of ran, Ca
ryiug mat! aa. ka filled with Itoak* and
weighing 130 pound* If auy gan'.aiust,
desired this envy hevth li rouid have it Pn
$lO Major Wllklti* pr <p>ed to take b
piece si the pika named 1/et not having
the cash and Ist lag afterward* to ho ur
the ini*, Hevii! wa toil ,u ftummit>■> ol
bt* mail wogoa and fHki filer frittnui,
ol Troop, dewtod the cbwrga tbat the
J nity war* lr at dwigsnltea fbay,
nrptwrtit Ihe unjutit; ot the iiemooracy > /
the dulriet. Ths oiianrliy.hy tbGr actor,
say that raf'tor than amMaate the tttao th
•' Y d> t r th#y Will div-up! '.hi
pit ly. ll* a bided to tii arijotrrniMr.' ol
the **n*t total ecu* turn ftoot Newaaii t -
Palma to lit 1672 a* a p'sni-dent lor the
pro <J*ed SCti'rO now
Ihe motion to rc commit Sh ttys it 4 , a*
A rOtl‘>n to *dj-iurn to tb sm] W<*‘
n* lay in SrpTuitwr and six. to nii
Tuevd y were U-th !<•#’ A j t<
8 30 *t nigh’
Tue cooveotioa i*aseintiling I' A. f*.
Friseman i'ff. red * !•* luthm '| urnl g
to the 7rtiHir 1 writ In fVrpfrtnVr and
•<n this M' Itevi 1 tailed tire previous
question. For three boor* discwwtioo t,
•ued *. tna of th* ipeaior* declaring they
were on y sp*king to kill time. The inao, powerles* to mainta n o.*d*r,the
di-cnMion drifted oo until about 1 Itr’O
wl.ftn vote waa taken on so* sitting tbe
cal l for the previous questi r The cal. 1
was sustained which cuts off aU debate,
even appeals irom the ruting nt tire chair
being derided without di#ru*e.n Not
withstanding this, Mr, Butt made • short
speech. Mr. P. W. M trtin preseuted a pr
teat and Mr. L. F. Garrard insisted, i
speech, on pre*eottng a series of res >iu
Alter a while a direct vote wa*
llm msjoritv tilting out Ui coalusvm. and
th* convention a*ij rarued to meet tw New
- on the third Tuesday in Bepteinlwr.
The foregoing is intended to be a correct
account ol the proceedings, the write- r. -
fretting that ha limbed spare tas lovoej*
him to abridge mch that be wished to
present more fully. He seta down nor.gbt
to ma’ice, and briieve* he has ns Mated
nothing. May better con nneis prevail a:
N#w nan and may a nomination be effect
ed t* th* hope ol the writer. He briierr-s a
satisfactory rrwuit will be reached, all d:’
ferencea adjante l ami the party of the dis
trict kept iu unity. 8> mo e it he.
GEORGlA—Meriwether Oruoty.
Bv virtue of an er ter from the coart r f
Ordinary of aaid county, wilt be eotd on
the let Tuesday in October neat before
the court boose door in tbe town of Green
villa, between tbs legal boors of sale, all
tbe lands belonging to tbe estate ol George
W. Wright, late ot mid county, deceased,
consisting ot 300 acres more or leas ,Viz, Lot
No. 251 (except 3 acres deeded to the dea
ooos ot Plat Rock Baptist church) and hall
of Lot No. 230 ; both lying ia the Bth Dis
trict of said county, about 5 miles a irth ol
Greenville on tbe Fayetteville road lead
ing from Greenville to Rocky Mount; and
the whole constituting tbe place known
as the “George Wright place.” Bold for
the benefit of the hetr* ot said eatate.
[Terms cash. This sept. sth, 1878.
ion nit. fall and winter
1 RAUL all u 1 ti>: hay i ate
T Is. eoiea <*l Sum made by them art
(.•ten*) ou to the uppers with hrasv
seiewa, l ‘rued in (nut driven) and bta idol
on tuanle, on u,*,l itot to rtp
T hen work l* confiJe ,Uy rdchtumeuded
u '!{ not only auperlvr In durability tu
ordinaly fugged wuik, but tor more o><ti
tortable lu the wrtaivr, mpeceiUy n Ike /set
of iht kUU one*
rouuvATLEksr one pair on
H.n k:k ti * HAND N<wv.
\VI i a:*" cttoi'i'i* t > have taad* to oui
order ibioa On* cl*a a#**d Mimea lor a
dt e,wn wb kae g'*u *u mneb taltolaettoo
\**i mu )• f*
rvllihg rigllly <•'< ASH ** kw*;. nor
simk, * all tmi-e. fed "1 awraewuMs go<!*
hojK by rvrrffl rtjirrttnl'il * ot 10
:\uh<: va'ne ol wiisl *e ’ Her to mcil a
srge iactraaa ol Iraaior**
<<& HAVE' Hide a very
July lllb isT-i
l L N. I^IaIaIS.