Newspaper Page Text
Pine e W Mi ke M u
6 i
- glancing over tha list of *ucc*>dul
buiinf* men, the Itr-jet portion oI them
will be found to have received Ibeir e* f !y
training lor lllawo k on tin f-i'trj. Oir
leading proieaeb B*l men gtrtetally were
trained in common school* oi ’he country,
and t her* learned habit* of mdoelry and
frugality, which la the gfo-iuj wor a, o!
their euccso-
Country boys— farmer's to.) a that labor ou
the lartn during the summer, go to seto>o!
five days in the week in Hi* winter, and
work at tonne on Haturltya, thin* tbvlr
lot bard oh in comparison with that ol
their city cousin*. Hut did ttiey know It,
these lesson* of labor g ve them an uppr>.
eialiim of education tlrat city t> -J* never
poiaaea . The cottotry hoy delight* in go
tug to acbool, wfciiet the city chap* hate
U>e uKHtotoagr of the sebool-rooin al tbi*
aacomiN for the fact that a 1 .rge maj'vrily
of the susceaslut toon In the various walkt
| life speut their early boyhorxl on the
U /y*jd*t verging hto matiboed >n the
city feel ‘.hut they have more rifprirmenU
than tbo*e m Miecwwlry ar*d therelore
more, and siiifuire babil* of im
providence dUmetrieally opp>r*ed to am
ijstn, When once bred In the hone it re
quire* but a few genet at lorn to spoil the
stock, arid new importation* l ave to Ire
m*de from the country Indore bti*m<-* or
profeaaional life can regait. it, atrei.gth
Bud ties* men tn tbo *t./ forget to w hat
they owe their sucres-, and in their rfeahe
to Indulge tlielr boy*, give tliat which u
-ervatc* insUud ol atieiigthen*. Tim hoy
may b**ttilled wMh atieh advantage*, but
it lake* elf-deiilal ami a rsprlukJlug ol
hardships to make the man.
Let not the win* of lairiier i,tlien I re, de
plore their lot or look with v totfol eye* on
the Ih.iglti&ry advantage* <>f their city
Boutrin* whilai tblr own chance* ol suo
era* at* nany prr cent higher than tho-.i
of city boy*.
Nor i* it necessary to (iiiccca* tliat farm
er'a ion* thoiihl follow lhu vocation* id
liielr lather*, ti they have litton! f>r trade
or piofenrioiial lilo, let them embrace that
w hit b rtilt* the Inclination, and never feel
Hint because they work bard and exercise
Mill-denial In day they at* never to line
above the total of clodhopper*
Much trial* vie In tmlh hot advantage*
of n more nnbatanila! order, and will make
hUiling men of thoae who make llm moat
ol iimm.
Yet iho Ignaranco remain*. The law*
ytr must surely know that all Jutt**t>rii
deice ar.iing ch Mixed nation* loiitid* H
•ell Upoolli* element* of law it* given In
tin* I'oi k. And the |ollticlnn may a* well
admit, though ho may not consider or
cate, tliat Uni pelioni and piinclpto of all
good government to loom! lu tlm liti>l :
many who would scandal rani at Igwranoe
of the battle* ol Hntitmf* and Vmenm,
know and cmd nothing for |tbo balllee ol
ilethhoron and Mcglddo.— h'l* M if
Jucobun. D. D.
[/, Vrvm UemvcrU,)
In 1858, Myra Kellogg, eldest daughter
the Into f'lmo m Kellogg, and sister ot
Mark H. Kellogg, who foil beside (liner
id Custer, on the little Big Horn, was mar
ried In this city to Mr. Truman J Hnfford,
Who bad roprusciitcd Ureono county m
our Legislature In 1868, and who, In the
year above nam'd, had removed to the
premising vlllaeo of La Otot-se. The
neJt spring, however, the young couple
moved down Into lowa and settled on a
larra, and several years since went into
Dakota. Ik wu nil honest hardworking
men, but ntvet succeeded lu accumulating
much ol this world's rlcWea. Four years
since, just after the evening meal had I wen
cateu, a'dlrty, rugged loot-sore tramp call
ed at her honee ami begytd lor some'lilng
te eat. saying he was on I D way to Cali
tomla, hut had (hard luck, having been
taken sick alter starting. Mr. Htnfloid
made him welcome, and his wile cooked
supper lor the stranger. They allowed
the tramp to retushi over right, aud he
was entertained tor a whole week mull he
recuperated his health, When, bidding
them good-bye, he started on for C liforu
ia. Two months sgo the stranger, who,
doling bis four yeais' absrencc In Cali
fornia, had struck it rich, came hack to
Dakota, and, In dtrguiso, again spent the
night under Mr. fcJsffcrd's roof. The tramp
was pettlcnler lo inquire tbo drcutcstan
cm ot Mr. Beflord. and ;wa* told by biin
that he had plenty ot hard work to do,}
but very little money. The next- morning
the tramp departed without making him-
Mtt known, and the converaatfw and in
icdei.t had been torgotton, when Mr. and
Mr*. Stafford received through the post-ol
foe a sealed package, which contained the
deed of one of the finest farms in their
neighborhood, havitg a good house, baru,
stock, horses, wagons, agricultural imple
ment*, and everything complete. The
deed was sccomt'anied by an explanatory
letter fn m the giver, staling that he wish
ed thim to accept the deed of laini which
he had purchased, especially for those
who divided wiifa him when in need, end
treated him kiudty when foot-sore and
As the perfection ot entirety depends up
on the perfection of no one can
hope for robuet health of the entire system
if the blood should become in the least im
pure. Its standard of purity is best maia
tained by Bull’s Blood Mixture.
No impurities ol the blood, n > matter
how long in the system, can resist the
healing Influences of Dr. Bull’s Blood Mix
A *fl(f Flab btorv.
We c/e msklrtg a voyage Pom tb*
Were Indie* to New York, wbee the #l.l p broke out among the crewi r>,* at
the sailors, among the find victim*, wa*
acccmpanied by hi* an, a lad of (oertosn
year*, who wet almngly attached to
hi* father, arid remaiotd with him day ftnd
night, and never could be persuaded u.
leave hi* *i>:ic father for a moujen'.
A large shark wa* *tea every day fel
low iog the ve**el, evidently for the puf
poae of devouring any one who abouid die
and be commuted hr the deep?*
Ait*/ lingering t lew day* the sailor
idcd. A* wa* the custom at **a, he wa*
►evod up In a blanket, *nd lor the pur
i oee of *lr.kmg him an eld grin ! 'tlone and
a car pen ter’ * were pat Is With hint
The Very impressive aervktfc ol ike Bpiec/r
--pai Church wa* the* r*ad, awl tire body
•ommltted to the deep.
Ihe poor boy; *bo bad watched the
proceeding/ closely, plunged in after brf
father, au enorinou* tbrk swallow
ed 'hern both. The secimd day after llii*
dreadltl scene, a# the shark continued hr
follow the vessel-for there were other*
sick In the *hlp--on# of the tailor* pro
poned a tin y had a (harp hook on board,
to mtkii an cflurt Ui take him.
They fuvteneri the book to a large i ope
it ml baited it with a piece of pork, threw It
Into the Miu, and the shark instantly *al
lowed It. Having thu# braked him, by
meucs of a wi'idlaw Utey ImtUen hoi. or.
toia rd. Alter he wa dead they prepare t
to open him, when one of the sailors,
Ktoopi.ig down lor toe pur t omi, unttimUy
pan ed, and, alter listening lew roomer,U
declare I moat notomnly ho heard a low,
gutiural aouml which appeared to proceed
(rout the shark. The aaiior*, alter enjoy
log a brary Isagb *t hi* e*per.*, pro
ceded to listen for tbemielvee, when they
wete cosipaltod to < ..lit that they to. r J. a
similar sound. Tto-y thcr. protf ded to
open the shark, when the mystery ws* ex
It appears th- olor wa, r.t deal, but
lu a tram:*) ; and, hi* non, on miking till*
discovery, when ln*ld the shark, ha<l by
niesoe o! bln Indie, ripped r.|aio llu hint
ket. Having tliun lllrerabd hi* lather,tin y
both wet t to work ad righted up the old
grind-alone. The boy was turning, the
fall,or a■* holding on lo the old *hlp car
penter’* ttx, sharpening it lor the pttrpe>e
i,| cutting their way out their Jonah-like
prison , which occasioned the nolae hear I
hy the Bailor. Ai It was the hottest trasoti
of the yiar, and very little air stirring
where they weie at work, they acre liolh
swi aling ucmeiidously.
_A.tla.ntu t'finer
Ati.ahta Übohoia.
BOOK, NltftS aa4 UUAPim
ALL Sire* and Weight*
Address JAN OHMOND, Proprietor
Iteler to this issue as a A|wciincu ol h s
Hie Oig'in VVitr —A MHI lb.allot
II any mau Insults your common sense
by ofilling a first class 9 Ftop Organ for
(15 , bhoot hitu on the spot.’ All neces
si.y for huylug such inferior Organs Is lor
ever done away with. 109 Oadi or 110
on Easy T< rma now buys a tnagniflci nt
Mason llamlm Parlor or Church Organ
with FI/mt Set* h'r*h and Tin Stop* In Kits
gant New Stylo Case vHU lUumnattd
/Unefs.—Llandromcs* Style of Case ever
produced.—Special Offer to introduce this
new Style.—Sent on trial.—Onaranteed
for a life time.—Rented until paid ior.—
Oihct .iew styles just out.—ltnsira'.ed cat
logms free.—Atddrees HIDDEN A
BATES, Savannah, Ga., Mauutacturer's
W ho esale Agents lot the South.
MYi.Fwm Oil,
Athens, Ga., Dec. 8; 1877.
A few night* Kino*. 1 gave my ton on do*e ot
the Worm Oil, and neat day h pawed iito.n
lug. worm*. At th same time I gave one doee to
my little gid tour T®*r* old, and *U pakeod 85
worm* Horn 4 15 inohee long,
w.r. ruiLure.
Prepared by Dr. E’d Smith Lyndon.
Athens, Georgia. For Sale by J. E. G
Ladles Moses Cents and Boy* Shoes
prices to suit the times at,
GEORGIA 1 Ordinary’s Office.
Metiwelter County. | July Ist 1878
Whereas Julius C. Norris as Adminis
trator of the estate of Charles C. Harris,
deceased, represents to the court that he
has fully administered the estate ot raid
deceased and applies for letters ol disrais
sion irora his trust as said Administrator.
1 bis is therefore to cite and admonish
all concerned to file their objections, if any
they have , on or before the first Monday
in October next to show cause why said
Administrator should not receive letters of
dismission from his trust as Administra
tor aforesaid.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture. This, duly Ist,
C mmenc/, it* Kali rsaaiofi on Mo iday
Hi* k h day i-t Jo*y fcir a term ol ioai
r non ti.*, and promises it#*patron* unat.ate-1
attention lo It* thorougbß* ol intruc
th. n and general weft we ol it* pupil*.
Rates of Tnition:
IS, #: and : Inr skit achoiastn
month*. No deduction for kart timv ex
cept in ca*c* oi protracted Mckncs*
Uf*Hivilleofiera mmy hr
a school, among other*, Mow aocwty and a
healthy localhy. liwtractkm tn Music, by
acrp/inpile tied teacher* can U bad at the
rahai of trorn 3 (k> u> I t I pet rnooth
Board lo good famllle* at Ir m • to 10
fret month.
J. 11 CUNK, Prtn
A2 tf
r'rtoe, ItN (KUto.
iitb KUI ruylf,
Contei'dag a umiplet* tfV of all U*e low ft*
In the Hotted H<ata, th# TsflUorkra and
the f> unfnlon of Canada, bgftef * popwMe
ttoo greater UtM 5 AM) etatt tog le the
last ceosMS, together with tM BMW* *f Ik*
newspaper* kaVMg the largest ttnn
latkm in each of the place* gamed. Also,
e oafalogua of *ew*t*s[>ava wlMch Mt ft*
<,r,.friended pi advertiser* %* giving g*k*t.
eel value In proporlleoto pile** Chatgnd.
Also, the and A*> !'Ullr*l Jour
rials, very complste lists, and many tablet
ol raise, snowing the met ol advePiSlog to
vailoti* new*p*[>*r(,sod roneb o'tosr U|nt
maitort which a teginner In advertising
would do well Pi irrfMfgs. Addrvse OKU.
P. It r WKI.I, A < <., jfawapapar Alvei
tl*ln* Itorcmv, 10 Bfnognfi' N- V
J\ TUHC, Chariotlravthe, Virginia,
Ta unty -eeeosil arselun (p laentk )■ begins
(>i t. l.t. Board, tncludii t washing, fuel
and light* sod tuition ht English, Latin,
Orsk ami French, ,MO per aeash-n. Ms
le, Drawing and Painting S.oally low.
The AUn-tiK.rle is the hast luroteked Insti
tute in me South Nsw Ten-pin Ad tegs,
new Lodi Rooms, tnd tle Nironjest Ohs'
lyhrste sainaisl Water la Vilgit is fur pu
pils Ire*- Full Faculty. An escort fur
nished threw or more pupil* from the same
point line Fur catalogue* aAtkeae,
pr evident
Wra. Butterfield k Cos.,
Shoe Mechlnery, Leather end findings,
'ole leather, Calfskin, Bull, Grain, Morot
o, i silk id end Hbcep-akto*, rrrn-ti Kld
The teat Weil Imtbor, Drill*, itu'ton*,
G .rln<a, Boot Web*, Ac., (Ju utlona sent
on appttcatloii. Hi Warren Si rent, corner
Church Ht„ N Y.
sweet passu nah
Chewigi Tobacco
*,M *vW M UmiMmUl KssssUSW .Sw
*., SMU e'-twtw •“* **■■*• n~l >■*?
ef *•*•••>•■ m 4 >?—(•*■ Tw * t'Hiss
. Meat Ae' M" SreS-wsrt j*
hnltaM * IsIWVt ra4> tw ItwS M l
m ,ary else S*tV *t S.elwr*. Ml *w s**s
Mm. ID if A. Jmbso* S Cos, utw . rsswkua. VM
PIANO Iteantitul Sq, Grind Planoe,
price 1 .(00. only 875. Maruiflcent Up
right I*lancs, price 800, only 175. Pi
anos, 7 octavo, 186,71 186, New Bty’c*.
Organs f>6 Orgser, 9 tloj*. 57 30.
Church Organ 16 stop*, price 890, only
115. Elegant 875 Mirror Tip Organs
only 1(5. Beautiful Parlor Oajtn, price
840 dollar*, only 95 dollars. Fraud# Ei
poaed, nondollar reward. Read • fra,-*
for tha Unwary’ and new apeprr about cost
ol PUm* and Organs, sent FREE. Pleas*
address Daniel F. Beatty, Wsshiagton. N
dTjSTADAYtr Agent* canv'-a u* tor
(J) | the Fireside Visitor, Trm s an
Outflt Free. Address P. O. VICKE tY
Augusta Maine.
The aeason for drying fruit ia cloae at
baud, and I will announce to the people of
MERIWETHER that I wiah to buy in
large quantities. 1 wDI give you the very
Highest Market
pnee in CAh or ttudx for pealed or rough
dried i>eaehee. Briers should take pa to*
and dry their fruit thoroughly before bring
ing It to market if it will bring a much
better price and wHI sell readily. Rcmem
her that black peeled fruit is worth noth
ing. You mast expect good pnce only
for your Prtfice Fruit.
Respectfully, .
Hogaoaville, Ga.
AGE NTS “llkbS
’MONEY piessantly end fast, addre Fih
kv, Habvet A Cos.. Atlanta, Gu.
tVhsl bas earth dearer in palace or gran,
Than msak* at night fall Lrura bps that e
Then gather Use ItUie one* around the
Piano dr Organ alter the toll# of the day
ate over, and enjoy a real borne, concert.
If you have no kotac, get one rigid away,
or if you haven’t any children, Ik-rrow
i tome, and if you are without a
Buy one forthwith st
Mndo Home
Uavannsb, Oa.
TLe Urea: Whutowle Piano and Organ
Oepftt of tb*- H oth
M*V* ta tbe pat un y ar* puiei,.**l U
st Mini apt* from ea and every ene can u-etl
fy t* thebr aepevvoriiy. T* sen pmcfaa*
ars txeetfy m vet r>ab( y a*>4 delight ttt
ea do it, wa wltl do H. and we sre doing
H dally, Every ImUtuaeat *>.hl sails s
dome uthere for as.
And now to Bwiaww.
Por rail Trad*. Iff*, we are rawly eiib
the largest and flnort Han ol Inattvimeafe
ever disptoyai tomth, wbict, we Shall mil
direct P) pul chaser* <i the No Agent*, No
Co*r daarooer* I*l ea at Meftataciures'a
Pect .ry Ketaa for C*eb and on Kwy
Xetut'. No fkifu* Instrument* sold at
any ft/W. Kvary h.etrumenU w* sell
bear* its makers name and bae a wrtttsu
UK* Year# guarantee. Ite'leMe burtft
torn'* at Lrrwmt Katas tn Americ* I* what
we guarantee <>n thl* rock we sun l aed
(dtailmg* all competi'tom. The man wh-.
can ondem-.l u* too l to>rn vr'
7 < k-lave. AIAS tt
7| OctaVa, HI. 1* lU**pe, "II
Uuaraetee.l the bast sol l 1 ib* U. H-, at
suck iwkes. Nott iog Ilk# tbem aver be
lore tSafed. Ntrtotiy wbobsale rates N*.
reduction Pi Ibsekt'-* nr Teacher* Hotd
only for ra*h. N use to ak credit-
Pianos from Old Makers.
Chickcilug, $370 | Knab* A ( •>. SB7O
Mathmli'k. 29 | Poawi A CO., 1:9
Halm* Brow., 950 I South et (Jwa, 17
belert frr oi above list and and you wdi
have a Pian f > goHl lor a lilwthse ol hard
tw*.. True economy lies In purchase ol a.
A No. 1 loatnimeuL The i*t are al
way* th# cheapest, as well *• roo-il salt*-
lai lory.
Organs from Old Makers
Vtaami A U aiulio, 10 Slop*, SIOO
Pe loti bet A P< Hon, 9 Stop*, |75
In eiega'it New Style Ca*e* Kbit
States from #4O to 00. These maenifl
cent Instrument* co-t a Bute more than
many others, but will wear twice as long,
and re far better Illustrated CaUlopue*
free ' "
See these Easy Terms.
PIANOS.— fifteen Uollars Monthly, uc
til paUl lor ; or 85 dollars Cash, and bal
ance in one year.
ORGANS. —7 dollars and 80 to 15 Q.tar
terly, tor Ten Q tartars , or , 5 to 10 dollars
Monthly, until paid I -r ; or, one-half Cash
Down an I balance in one y ear.
FIFTEEN Days Tital If desired, w*
pay freight t*>th ways it Instrument d*e*
not suit. Purchasers run no risk.
BEWAEE ot Bugi.s Pianos and Organs
The country is fluode l with them. Il any
man oflers yoa s 1,000 duller Pise ) ‘.or
375 dollars, or a 360 dollar .Organ for $65,
tell him t lie* and you Wool alias It*
mark. Outrageous deeeptiocs are prac
ticed now. Buy only from a raputab e,
weh-knowe Hoose ,>r you will regret it
Secure beet Instruments at lowest price*,
ave Mosey, Time, Risk and Freight,
Savannah, Ga.
A few male calves Jersey Grade si $lO to
fIS per head.
Several Lasabr of the French Merino
stock Halt Blood at $5 each. ALSO, some
Shepherd Dogs, Stock , English Drover,
price fAeach.*
Any person desiring to improve their
stock &c., front fine Blood at low figures
can do so by applying to me at I*lber
Piessantly as ' Cast, agent* should ad
deas,. Fikwt, Harvvt ft t.
Atlanta, Qa.
F IT li 3ST I T U n F !
arjfef i: -
Newnaii, Ga.
lUaStCZE tselow:
Beartuiul suit* pm oil
Ht autitel pah Marble Buae Suit (Oi uo and 40.0 b
fluent Ju! Quarter Marble Bureau Suit* (DS.OOai and (gif (At
Beautiful Walnut Buitsfnu tnarhlt) fSO-00 add |>
Beautiful Puli Marble Bur eat* (Walnut) |20.00, fSAOO aid(3b.Ut>
Cant li tUrtu Chairs— per set (4.00 and upward
Car.e B<xp>tit Ihjckeis-each |S.(AI and upward
fancy WsioutTaUas fitOP *ud upward
Walaet lerisieada |7 00, 8,40, $lO 00 and upward
Spletufkl Spring Beds etvly | pg
eptemlld Woven Wire Mattrese** SIB.OO
W*rdrub a trniu SIO,OO to $30.00
toaKa $t 04, 5 00, tj.U) and $14.00
Extonatoc Tat !• f i io pw foot
CutbUtoa Cpairs- per art $4 00 and upward
fancy Walnut Chafe TahUs only SIOO
Book Bbe;v*s . b T. tint Caees 1,56 each. Three Cl.rou.os for 2$ cm.* \T*l
l'ocfeets, Brackett and corner}, fketurut, and fatare frame* on hand uinde
t# order a’, low jtisas.
tp,* No* a, the tiu. lo 'my fUfMTI lift, *d THOMSON BHOTIfKMM
NtVSfl, Os , the plat’. Ifotvwt U -oie a< and Hspaare itia.:ng.
and Wood Jiuriai cases
Kr { t const**Hy on hssd. Orders M f dboe atlaude-i Pat *• y hour day or nigh
March 14, lfib HoMIMO* BltOTliKKf*.
/\ Pc*.-■ *? to
1 J LI f 7 U K
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies.
AGENTS vr<- kk you to try it. and offer you upecial
Inducement*. Send for Circular A Prioon to
Iff W. Eeiuptk Ht., OlaeUmaU, ••
JL C.<OEß, Jltanmger.
Bcrnaeville, O a.
Will open on Monday, September 3rd, 1978, with a full corps of earnest, socoeesn*
teachers determined to keep ap the wideapread and deatrred repiUtfoo of Uiia Justly
celebrated school.
Gordon last Bute offers superior lnduaem-nts to parents desiring to edueata their aocs
cd daughter*. It has all the modern *ppliam:es>pirattM and furcittre, and a record
nor successful teaching unparalleled in tha State, lu music
bv Prol. Gottenberger, who has no superior and bat t“w cqu->s in hi# profession.
Barccavilie ia the meet enUrprisinf city on the Mscoa mod Westers Railroad, and
has justly the reputation of having the most moral, liberal and enlightened community
in Georgia.
Tuition fIl-50 to f18.50 per Tenc. Board |IO.CO lo 15.99 per month.
For catalogue containing full iniormat r n address
C -1 ARl.fcb E. LAMBDIX, Purr,
or W. E WOODALL, Par.,
8-34-ly Bari.esvillfc, Georgia
A thena,’Ga.. liu ?2,1978.
6a : My efclH. Bee Jeer* o'*, tad ijwiptonii c<
worms. 1 tried calomel and tta vora Medicine.,
tat tailed to expel any worms. Seeing Mr. Bains
certificate, I got a natal Worm Oil, and the Ar*t
doae brcmgh forty worms and tta second dote
eo many were peewit I did net coast them.
Prepared by E'd Suita Lyndon, Athens
Qec rgia. For Sale by J. E. G- Terrel & Cos
ffefber’s not Ferget
Dr. Mcdttt's Teethina Teething Powder*) r*C"'-
lates the Bowels and makes Teething easy. Tw
Ulna Care* Cholrea-Intaitom and tta
Complaint* e* Children. Beals Eruption. and *
Remote* end prevent* tta formatloa o ( Won.
o m other shoo Id ta wttfcoot It.