Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwetnei c.ocmty t
VOL. *5
031c# Sob th Bid# oi iud fli>'***
ORDINARY A. I. 11l ion
SHERIFF O. 8. F'orctue
CLERK 8 (' W. 11 Ki ei
TAX COLLECTOR .....J. O. Christum
SURVEYOR O. P. Matthew*
CORONER .... John R. Junes I
R. A. Oman, Avvoa Bibley,
C. J. Koevea, J. E Ri.eUui,
Alleu H. W afe-m.
Joint W Pork, \V. J. e
M*4i*oi Kceves, H. A. I*kw
A. 11. Freeman, Sec.
SENATOR LSih liiiuid, F. M, i uucau
F. J. Williams, C. tV . W ilhatrf
v 1 ■ 1
i., .
Guxfc.NVU.Mt, C*
Will practice lu Meriwether aiu) the a 1
juititiig cou utes.
J \_ (■ IUCKNVIU.It, O
All btts'uts* r .‘ru.itf ! I > Uis > an: tte 1
ed In promptly an ! Utttiliilly.
11 It KEITH,
J\ (iHUKM tl.l K liA
Will (■raciioe in Mettwellor am! tin
t ounl t a ft* oi-*. 1 ! ('.nvt la I'i'euii.
IMOg a. a i Kt.v~* It;
1 I.MIIU.H, liA
A, U 1.0) IJ, l) D„ tt.
] t UltaitNVlM.K Da
Tools tL- All woik warranted.
II AVINO been acllvrly emgngad hi H*-
1. IWtic- • I Dental ftuigery ituriug
IS* lest u.ti y<ar, 1 Iwl chut to •'
•II kind* <J D*uud wrk in the •> hot
style ol the Ait, and I solicit the patum
gs ol the pexpte ol Aletlwelbei County ,
■Mining ail who (ishi'iii// me that the:
(hall* the reiy la.l C) eol wink, tux.
|i m litlie money i would In- < hatful hy
(oy compel**, tDm lt*t h tLe (tale. Cot
leapwtdcuo tiy mail loom, tly answer*..
DU. K. 1). t EiU.Ei.L,
/ FTKuBi-i* l i>leaaion4 miic* t.i
V ) u,<; |*uD*>* • wtbus whii li<* uom
J t J. B. G. 'l until. m Un D<u* hl-.K
bit. K. 1C AN I DON V.
/ FFEKH Dte l'i<d\*lnt a! wiviest"
V tb* :tt/an-s olGn ovd and vt nut) ■
IH Office at J . L. O limil A <->
I>ri<e Mw
1 lib
ei.D JfTWELUY .ml FANCY Aloft*
Of I<aUipgc, Georgia.
Jl AN : OW, nu<J 10 ii! k't-p always < H
1 hat dat Ms oft J ilia j i’a si t ol
le l bliiic 'iUare, •go <J and
wtix ski E.*rKU stock or
C tins! ding, ol fait 01,
tM' GOLD sod eiJ.NKit Wstcb, Jt
ftuii sou Kc)-*'io'ici*,ol tbe best make
b|>iu<ii Gold nijti hilfer Waicb Cbsin*
of ail t.zet, u. titer, and prices
Gold l’eos and all kinds of boldets ; Go.d
feihu A s'eti Spectacles A Kje-Mssaes,
Silver Plate Ware
ol all fcinos atl styles,
I’vcktt, Table Cutlery, and Han n
by lb* rtry reoown • and makers, —Joseph
Uodgeis and George Worteo*olu.s.
1 am GDI rej airing ail good* in my lint
7no many citiz* ns ol MeriitetbiT and ad
joining touLllei have U*!cd inyf wmli to
rofdirt a sird from me as to uie cbsrt
ter ol it. 1 will, bowerer snail all u.
work,it propeiJy uee-!, ar I bavt always
done,and teapecl.uby aik a tonuscai.ce ol
the patn natt< I bate recuvtd from r/i)
it >ends in MerfweUiCT.
jflwlbei’* *iy at U‘ me.
g ana ears I<XU tbM ttk Dr. Mtflact't Ttstoma
(TtttLtog fowdewj. lectk.oa tefebJaiw
Dowds and makes TeeUdogje, rj ; Cars* dolma-
I plasmas andtts gmmiwCatdatntosreaiMiso;
D rafts Enpuos and Bores ; Kcmorea tad Pi-erects
tkaftn&atiro ol Worms. Mo medicine eisr re
ce.iedruci. entno*iaatic lon-owndaiMiaDoiutaore
be bati s**<i M.
Mint of It itllltkt'h
Mark Twain tells the loilow mg story,
related by a lellow passenger, who, ha .tei
eJ about Ids tiiuidttv, sai lhe had loaded
an old Queen abuc mqpket for his lather
once, whereupon he gave the loin wing :
You aee, i..0 old man was trying to
tract, no to sli rot biackbi.di and beasts
that lore up the young corn an I such
things, so I could be of so ne use about the
the harm, bet a use l wasn’t big etn ugh to
do much. My gin was a shgh-h rrel
shot-gun, and li e old man carried a Q le
An >e musket that w igtu vl aim, m e a
report like a theude -chip and kicked like
m.ih. The usd man w i ted me to eho t
the old musket s mt-umts, but 1 w.s
afrit,'. One day, though, 1 got her down
and took hi i to the hired man, an i ask and
Uim to load her up, .In cause it was out in
the bold. lll. am said :
Do you see those marks on the stock—
ah X and a V, on each Side ot the Q ecu’s
€na t Weil that vueWtis teu oalis and
dive slug* -that's her load.
Rut how much powder f
Oh, says he, it dr n’t matter—| ut lu Ibr e
or lour haudsjul.
■ t* 1 loaded her up in that way, an I it
was an aw tul charge— 1 had se so enough
to know that--#iid l started out. 1 level
ed'ou a my blackbirds, but eyci)
>inn I went to pull tiii-gii 1 shut my ey
and w inker!. 1 nasatruid ot hoi kirk.
Toward suudowu I letched her up to th<
hou-e. an 1 there was the old mail w ailing
ou the faircll.
Her o out h uutiug, have yr f
Yea, sir. sa) s I.
What di! you kill.
Hid .'t kill' anything, sir didn’t shoot
hei oil, was aliai I'she'd kick 1 knew
ttlau’e.l wo’Lfbr n .lull'.
tinuiie that gun | theolJtnnn said, as
And h<! took aim ul a anppliug on the
■otlu i side ol the road, and 1 began to Jioj
llm k mil of dougi'l, uioi tbt; next momvi I
i In aid all Culthqtukt’, and >g\v (lit: tj mu
Anne wbblbrg cud oyer end in the an slid
tlie old in .n ;.|iluulug ar.iuml o.i ouo heel
•' bh one leg up and bo,h hand* ou Ills Jaw,
111 1 bulk < ft.roll Mqiliilg tiling in
t * air like lilt leas a bid Slot u). ']'..o
'.id H al,'. ahouhl'T \ us s< t bark tb n
miles, hie Jr .v turned blaeli ami blue, and
tie a .a*, tail up I.i a aei k. Gtiolera or
ijoUiiuy i I.m ini sent-, uie.tbq way 1 wus
m aiCd that day
! lit to lowing selection is Irom E ! ilm
, BurtUl’n U..on just pobltjnul ;
J'lll rr i 1.0 |H'l 1 Of love *o haul to get
and ke pn> a kind voire. A kind hand t
deaf and dumb, it n,y te roupl) in tleilr
and blood, yet do the w. ik of a . ll beait,
aid'd" it vtitli n I nit touch. Bel there i*
o • Iblug that low ro mueli needs a* a
aeet vo|< e to tell a hat it mean: nodi'eh;
sod It is hard to gill at.d keep It Ip the
right tone. One mut rla't iu y. uth and
iji on tle watch night and day, at work
lid pi y, lo get *1 il keep n voice llul
uliall speak tit nil till"* 1 lie thought* ol a
i, io.l lie nt, )if t his I* the lime wb'ii a
*bnl p V in: is oi. at apt to if got. You ol
t-n b>a’r boy* and girls *ay wed* t play
with a quick , sharp volee, na it it v.e' tlx
.1)11 p• fa whip. When one ol them gcla
v< s..| y a will hr m a vhie iliilXoumd* a*
it il were ma/b U| la an r. a whine and
a bark. Hueb *v. iee open speaks worse
than the I rait 1 ' la, ft show* moil til
w|l hi the lone !tii. lu the wool*. Il is
no. o'len lu it. hib that one gets a v 1 e or
a lone that > sharp, and slick* to Mm
through Hie. ey 1 Mil* up 111 will aud grin), I*ll* like a drop o( gall on |t,c swo't
joy* o! home, hueti a* tbe*r> get a sharp
voire ! r ! .mo ese, and keep their best
voice l‘ir thow- Mx-y meet ehojwbere, just
a* llxy would rvt teeir be*t pies, cake*,
and sweet total* lor gueati, and all then
*our lo<kl for th< ir own tx/ard. I would
•ay to all boys and girls, ‘Use your guest
voh >s at b-tne. Match it by day * a
pearl ol g eat pi Ice, lor it will lie more lo
you in days to come than the heat pear
hid in the sen. A kind voice is a joy like
a lark's song to a hearth and home. It ut
a light that fing* hi well as shiner. Train
it In sweet mns now and it will keep f>i
tone through !i!e.’
'1 bit counti y, rtunrked a traveller in
Northwestern low*. sctl'e* op very rapi -
!y. Y-;ir, replied the native, nervously
watching the movement* of a crnstnhlc
looging alone the other aide ol Hie field,
country settle* up a darn eight faster th >n
people do. And l<elore traveler could
oak him to explain, be was making a udle
a uaiuu'e across the trackless prairie with
the constable a Ira) se ond.
T it; fiiends ot Hou. Henry K. Harris iu
the Fourth district stick to him with a te
uaci'y rarely seen, while lis opponent"
seem rqually de’ermined. The riorn ins
line convention, now in session at New*
han, have takea seven hundred ballot*
near - , ail of which be received 21| vote*,
'wily lacking 1 Ur secure his nomination.
As will be seen by our ajmcial Iron there,
however, it is likely that Ur-day’s session
Will deeid* his faU . Whether nominated
or not he ha* made a good representative
and a gallint fight.—. Sat. JVetes.
■ 1
Hth rah lor General took, our nominee
says the South Georgian, and, i— d he be
who would *ugge*t the name ol ac iade
pe: dent in the old Thin
Fiits tha New York World.}
The Ut miiiKrenrrii of t'liptulM
Bn*eiu the Asatataitl Doer*
Washington, September 8-—Congress
will medi s,am ou the It ot Doremb-r.
Tits nrxt te-s*OB will be a slioit one, tor
the Forty-lHih Congress art! expire ou the
4ih ot Ma ch, 1810. The general Int; res
. n teems to be that an extra session will
iecaiSd imimdKtrß. lithe. Appmpria
” m lulls are not all pas ed by the 4th of
Ma rti the PiSMticul will be c >mpc)icd to
ca ! an extra session, but probably nolh
i .g'mt a-1 dluro to puss the money bills
wid ruduce him to do so. Du the 4th ot
March Uie Deui.raU wiU hare a majority
in the Senate.—An extra executive s'.aaio'i
o! the Senate may bo called wit bout icon
v lilug Uio lluuae ol licpteseutative*. 11
tuah a seaaiun iahetd the 8->ndc wlii br
icorg mixed. New ’oltlews aid clerks,
p t-ii■nablvj'Mhe .Denvicratic Iklth, will
be ehoseu to (111 the j>Ositi.ius now he Id by
There.w ill be a greater number of jfßce
st'ekers than usual In Washington uext
winter. In addition to ttio crowd utter
plxres tn the House there will be a small
,i my in search ..f Implnymetit to the H u
tc. There sre about one hun (red and
thirty employees ot the Senile, Including
pages, committee el rks, A‘. Oltbisuum
bet It is said that only thtee persons who
have served the Republican party will be
rtia tied. The lort mate ones who are
thought to he L.dispel)slide to the Hcuale
sre Avistant l)oorkee|a>r Isaac H. sett,
Acting Assistant I) nnkeeper James 1
t’lirlstif and Autzi .Smith, Superintoudeiil
ol the Document-Ru.ini. Smith it is suid
will mi rctsinud because he is the must ca
pable < 111 an ever in chaigr) ot the S ‘iiatti
documents. Cnridie Is a universal slave. *
it*; wd.U Hemociatie s* well as rviciblicaii
Sonnlor*. It is not thought possible that
any one would have the temerity to sug
gist II ositt’o removal. To remove from
tha Vice Hiesideul's iiilc the erect lorm,
snow white hair and Iwaid ol Bussell
would almost be an a< tol ancrUoge. I’m
tics have coine an I gone, hut H.iasuti
seems likely to rrmain lomvoi. Il.aring
that lie intended writing a hook a Woild
cot lespondviit called up >u thu old gautle
man lo leaiti the truth of tha minor,
I have thought of it, aintllngly asaonted
(’aplain Bassett, win n asked it he Inlcn
dot compiling a history ol the Beimtc. i
will have been here lorty eight years next
June. 1 would like to s rve two years
Inger, just !o make an evsn term Ol halt
* century, and then 1 would have a bolter
title lm my book, If 1 wrote one. The
Reininiscedocs of It til a (! nitury sounds
bcticr than thu Kxpoiienc. sol Forty-eight
Year*. I was appointed a-page lu llie don
ate lu 18.11 throu;li the Influence ol Dan
iel Wcbstc:. I’revlows to tkat time there
was only one psge tu the Huiate, and he
II voted hinoelt too exclusively to the side
ol the chamber o which Mr. Benton sat.
Me vVebatar thought that lie want' and a
page, 100, and he insisted on my uppoln
1* Il true, M'. Uisielt, Hiked tho eorrea
p indent, that the wat* and desk* wtiieli
weie once occupied by Web-ler, Gl iy,
Calhoun, Beutot) C rr and the Mennti: gen
eiafiy el half a century ago, Air now la
na< in tlx ti. n ,lo f
I’eileetly true, was the reply. 1 know
Ihe senators who "C'Upy the seats arid the
de*k ol the statesmen you luvu na njd. i
am the only peMon, I b' liuve, wh i know*
the history of me luruiUerc il the ell lOrh r
f have Certain inark* on the d'Otk* and
seat* which Clay, Calhoun, Webster, Ben
tun, Cos* and a dt in other prominent
Hen atom ol theii tirae ocu|JaJ,by which l
.no Identity them. It cost tuc a gicatplna.
of trouble to keep the chairs aud (leaks to
getlier during the aeavioo*. Tne sweaper*
move the chaiis about Often 1 have
found WcbsUa's chair be lore (jlsyV desk,
and the chair of (vniie rn in her from a
Hlate reeeutly admitted Into the Union, fjt
lore Cslhouu's dek. You see every lime a
state is a'lmiUed two now chaiis and desks
hi a male tor the new Heuator*. Frequent
ly I am asked by Senator* to point out U>
them tha seats oi Webster aud Clay, but 1
always refute. H the luat ry of the seat*
became known euros'; ->eekera would cut
and deface them. Just about this time tbc
nest* were moved Irom the old chamber,
wbe e the Hupreme Court now ia, to the
new one, irnuie one cut a few splinters
from Webster's choir, but l hod it repaired
and changed the poeilion ol it, and it has
not tioen married since. It is not poetib e
lor me to be mhUketi about their ideaty in
the future, loan ironaaiel keep a,list
ol the seats and desks 1 have nsuoed with
theusineaof the aeoabus who occupy
them at present. Ho ne of them are very
able men 1 assure ytu. Others aie not so
Is tbt scat and desk occupied by Jeff Da
vi* now in the b'juste f
Ye*, sod it ho* a history, too, said Mr.
Baavett. 1 opened the doors of the Hecate
Chamber during the war to admit the
Massachusetts r-gimeot which was mob
bed at BaiUmoie on it* way south. Tne
troop* lodged in the chamber. Tne seat*
and desks bad not been taken out at the
time.—One morning when I cams to the
Capitol I beard a terrible noise in the Ren
ata. I homed through the lobby and
opeuiug a door to the chamber saw about
'twenty soldiers charging bayonets into
Davh dedc., I]pfled t > them to atop and
ask on them'what tlicy meant by donrolUii
ing the t u’nitoin. Tills l tlut ohl traitor
Davis’ sent, one ot them replied, and we
mean to sjuah £.
No, it i* not J cried That sent t>elon.;s
to the U uitel 'S i". Davif only occupied
il The toy* a|w the *nsd ot what l said
Ijnd they a tppi#d jobbing ike d*k with
thilr bayoaeU l had it repahed, nud it is
now occupied hs -
Heie the old gentl etnas stopped short
at U I.D had aim. st mrpott.m Idmsell and,
wltlioii't namii't the occupant ot David
scat, ehangad tip rulject,
Bontop • i giaat talker, said Mr. Baa*,
sett. Foote WS* the only cna who could
out talk Bvtopi Footo had someth tog to
sj> ou every sahjm, and ho * s id it well.
Raw Fa de draw a piatol ou Kenton lu the
Scnete, It was during the Missouri com.
promise debate. Those were exciting
limes i cau l .t) >on Wards had a yfguiti
esnee thenpand'whvn utlutcfl niwnf aswa
thing more lUati md c.~fismdor
ry, ol Deleware, a brother ol me present
.hn.itor from Ihiit Slate, o .ce drew a pis
tol on me in the Senate Chamber. AH.
Saulsbu y made a speech iu which he used
Uiinartiamenta y language, and when ca!’-
la order h(used to keep quiet, Tiic Sct
guint it-Aims run directed to irinovc
him Ironi the cl arnbe'. j W(IS lh( ,
Set gc I'l’ t'-Ainn, and I walked up to him
mid saM, Mr. haulsbury walk cut with tuc
He dtaw a big pistol intin his poc'o l ami
pu ling il against my bicast, laid ; li isiuii
you, t you touch me, I’ll blow n
hole thionj;h you I 1 looked down t ihe
pik.ol and mw that it win not cmkud. lie
Ilimlly laid the w upon down. It was liik
ct away and lie came out ot the cl.n nboi
I look Ultn ;o hi* commit and the
*vtvi uol n small t.pi ol policemen
wee mccuiry to keep him quiet that
night. On Iho Rest day Bcinlor Clark
li td drawu Up aic .olullon moving the ex
pul lon ol . ciihUh iSiilabu*y fur drawing
s wea|Mi in the Hcuetc C’lmmbar. Mr.
H tulaty.ii/ in adu a peisoual explanation,
i ild iio was nut in the habit ol enrtying a
pistol, did not leinumbtr Ills ocnuircnccs
ot the night prtvou* and cxpnised Ins
•or row ol having been pudly ol inch c n
duel. Mr. Clara's re,.>luikm was laid up
on thu tabic, and Mi. MiuUbury seiv
cd out hi* ti r.n.
\V lie iv |*ui tlcliiiigi-il.
Dining lliu l.,Ui wur a soil of the lute
Emerald Die, but not l.imself gieen, wan
taken up (lor lie was then down) near Ata
mi-.a Junction, by a (Joutuilcrate scouting
party, but looVeu more im<: a up; man a
volunteer, and on tbai ground w iu teal
it bo r<- yon ? what is your name 1 uml
whine are you Irom f Wine lint litnl que*
tlou* pul to him hy tlx: utii.e.l parly. Fit
itthbad hi* eye* and s> latched 111* heau
and uurwered :
lte ;orra, glutlemeo, tlx ai-i* Ugly qm a
tiuus to answer, uml Intfo u IM he utle t ai
• wttllu any ol cm I'd he all i a,k'.u yet b/
yer icav, Urn veiy s,.mc tiling.
We aic ol Hcotl's army uud bi long lo
vVaablngt'in, sai l llic h a h i.
All light, scfil l’ut, 1 k .towel you were
glut bin iu, lor I'm t|p.l siiiio. Lung life to
<iei rial Hcott f
Aba f replied the scout, now you urc u
pi Boner, nud he eclzcd But hy the shou -
If iw is that—aie v.e not ItienJn ’< n,
qulrcd I’ul.
No, was tho reply. We heh ng to Ovn.
Jlcauri gai da army.
1 tiiu ye told mC a he, my boys Blinking
it might be so f told auoth.'i. Now tell
me Hie liutli and I'll tell ye thu bulb 100
Well WO belong to the stale oi boutb
bo (lo I, promptly replied IV., ami to
all the other Buttes ol thu couiiiiy, 100,
and there lam thinking 1 bout thu whole
ul yer. l>o you thiuk I'd come all tlx
way Ironi old Ireland to l*elo g lo ou
btate, when I had a light to belong to all
of cm.
Fat wav taken lo the camp, but a* noth*
iug could be made to appear against him
he was discharged.
It ts now put slmo-l beyond dispute
that tbe wheat crop fir 1878 i the greatest
one ever growu iu the Unite J titatee. Alter
making all proper deduction tor the partial
latlure ol spring wheat in lowa and Mm
nesot*,Hie crop for this year remains front
eighty lo cim-ty million bushels iu excess
of the crop ol 1877. All present indicatloo*
point to a long term ol very moderate pi 1-
cut for Lneadilutt*. in Alabama the largest
crop of corn made In many years will be
gathered uud the price will be lowest since
the *ar.
The smile with stitch a man puls bis
name dowu lor • book contrail* wonder
iully wi.h the expression winch crests his
countenance whew ibe agsutcalUlo deli\-
er said book sod’datnand PByoiArt for it.
Nothing rlts the patience of a man
uioie than to Le sitting on a sola In a daik
room wuh u predy girl, and be compelled
to l.steu to her b: other givmg the hisluiy
of a tiaoe-ball club.
Judge Kiddoo baa resigned the oflloi ol
Judge ut tbe Fataala Circuit,an) Horn Ar
ibur flood, ai Baodotpb county has been
appointed Judge ot tha circuit is hi*
A Revolntlonlr.lii* Ttirrni.
I have heard the story as applied h < a <•-
Iv, but aa Jenkinaon's lathei in-’aw tell, il
il has more ot point and pith than m the
other carts. Jenkins.m wnsthu malt who
autereu the complaint- lie was n young
merchant, nnd had matried ll.c danghtt'
ol an old merchant, and said daughter *h
inclined lo be headstrong and indc|ieudcid
plainly giving he* liege lord to undcratam
that she should lie her own mistress an
db as she pleased.
Jtfakitisnn regarded this as an outrage,
add iu tbc pleniiludc ot Ids indignation he
betook b Ini sell l bla wite’a laihef, am
there entered complaint, deep and bitur,
against the fair recusant, and, unfartunate
ly Id hla blundering be more Rian half in
timated that the gul bad not beeu brought
up aa she oupht to have been. But the
old man betrayed boTll-teellng towatd hts
BE the vlxeu-aay alio would do ft* abo
had a mind to do *
Yes. air.
At.d she makes you generally uncom
lortable I
She docs Indeed, sir.
Goodness me ! What ingratitude l And
only last week I gave her that bcautifal s et
ol riibii'3.
I know it, sir.
JctiMi son,l paid fit,COO for those stones
and the setting.
1 Klnnihl any they were cheap at that.
Ho they wore, so they wore, Ami I
thought they would make her so happy
and so good. But l have a plan in my
mind. I aha l ! put up with no more r.
ports ot her She thinks she
will inhctlt a tut piece ol pn periy Iroin
her old slio may tti.d hcrsell
niis ukcn. 1 have given hci the iuhic*,hut
1 will give her nothing mote until 1 knew
that she has mended ; ami il I hear mi
oiher word ol her wlll.tlinss —If I bear
another word—l will scralch brr name
bom my w ill and leave her Imt a lesson on
behavior.. 11 she troubles you any mote,
y..u can tell l.or >hul I Mty ; and be sou
-1 mean Ik It kt tmie r.hc ah uhl allow le r
old father to lest ttt pence.
A month Intel, and tiiu old ineicballt
.iske.l his cbuighlcr lit) w she was llourivli
mg at lx me.
O, gland ly I she ciiod. You won't be
llcv'i how good and kind Jaiir s t . lie
ii ii l ( loss any uiolit nt nil.
Ttio old iiiiui maided with aslf l.rcti, .
His threat had hit I It* cllect.
**■*"•• •>*** ut IIIMtIOII utlfi •/* I'MH
earn It.
Too mud) money is spent wnstelully
and uselessly, ami too little anvud nnd
made productive and nccuinulative.
We liny 100 much that wo do not pay
ctsh down ; too much of what we do not
actually mod.
We buy too much bread that wo ought
to pioiluoe at home.
We uie ton wustelul,know too little b .w
to economise, and have too little disposi
tion to do so.
We uie too speculative, unscrupulous
nud actually dtshohfi't ’ ill our tlluits to
make money.
Too many ol us prefer idleness lo tnJil
ti/, nnd too lew ol us know how to work
and derive pleusulu uud prohl lion our lu
We spend too much tlrao i* learning
whnt is not uaelul ami 100 llttlo hi Infoim
n g outselvo* u|m Um best method ol pro
moting our matulal prosperity.
We know too, much ol politics, spend
100 much time ami money *a polltieini.s
snd know too lit !e about political tcon.
my and the seances of n stable and eco
nomical suecesslnl public pol Ky.
We are lo supciilcial and impatient, ami
.uck tho olesr purposes sad pirds'eut puj
tlcul application ueceMuiy to periuanuiit
sue esc.
We depend too much upon our sharp
ness Slid readiness to lake advantage ol
clrcumsiuiicc* aud uot enough upon earn
est labor.
We talk 100 much and think 100 little.
We upload ourselves over too great n
surlace, end thus fail lo dig deep enough
in otir place lor the nuggets that will sure
ly enrich us. - ktthawje.
Two little Augusta girls Josio E. Piatt
and Hirsh E. Simmons have collected
H-S JJO lor the hemdi.t of the yellow fevei
GEOUUlA—Meriwether County.
Bv Virtue of an order from the ipo in 0
Ordinary of Maid county, will be'-Wd on
the Ist Tueaday iu October next, lajfore
tue court house door io the town of Gioen
vllle, Isetweeu the legal hours of sale, all
tire lands belonging to tha estate of George
W. Wright, isle ul said county, daoasat
eomd'tmg oi W) acre* mure or le,v!x,D/t
No.'ill (except 3 aciee deeded lo the dea
cons ol Fist Ihrck Baptist chatcli) sod hull
ol Lot No. 380 ; both lying io the BHi Dis
trict of ssld county, shout 0 miles north al
Gieenvlfle ou the Fayetteville road lead
rug Irom Green villa to Rocky Mount ; and
lire whole cooat;luting the place known
as the “George Wright place.” Hold loi
the benefit ol tbe heir* ot saM estate.
Teims cash. Tbt* bepf. fttb, JB7B.
W. if. KeiLLEK,
My Wool Cards arc now newly clothed
and in flue comlbloo nml I think I can
aloly ay that la n prepared to do good
work. I desire tiwHe. who laror me with
l>* to wash th tr wool at once and
■ring* it iu early so that l may card awd
live It r*a ly whou you want It. DobT
wait till laU when 1 may bo crowded Bad
p)l have time to do thu work promptly
for you. 1 guarantee good rolto who*
good wool U brought in.
1 am als > Carding Cotton and making
alco Roils. Hjtid and get aomo and try
th< m. . . a
Woo’. Carding 10 cu per lb. oB
furnished, or j tbc Wool.
Qwtttm Caiding... 8 cts per Ik. nt
I w ill SOL f .w My
Wool Rolls at 40 cts Its.
Cotton Roll* s' IS cts lb.
My mill Is also In good order nud seldom
over sh rt ol water.
Give mo a trial.
Yours Ac.,
Lutherville, O t.
June 7-il o.
The Whit<T
"—IS —
Ib 1 H
W ■
Its Introduction and World-rtnownßd
reputation was the death-blow to high
priced maoblneo.
Thla Is a vr Impartsnt mstlsr, u It Is * well*
known nnd imdlapuwd Met that many ol tRa ••*
calls') fl'bt clMi mathlnaa •blah era oßarad w
chaap nuw-H days ara tHoas that hast baan ra
potiaaiod (that la. takan back traw BMrtcara
a(tr ustj) and rebuilt and >al tfci aiarkat
bo not Euy any other before try
ing tha WHITE.
Prices ail Terns Kale SatliMrf
if hito Hewing Machine Cos.,
R I). ADAIIDGmsBMVibUc, Ox.,
Agint tor the übovb Machines lor Morl
w ether rout ty.
JMUW ajb&ljEN'
!N ursoriSiK
V '
F.*t<thlisliod A. D. lnft.
Wo luk'i till ' method to iufor n tin -
zens ot M'-riwethor, Talbt and adjoining
couotiea, that our agofJt*, having certifi
cate of agency. will visit you during th*
mouth a"I July, An/. and Hcjit. to aolicficv
your order* for truit tree*, vines, &., for
the tail d' l.very ol 1878. We rrqoe t you
to reserve your or lera until y u can so#
our plate* rcpr< renting our varietica, and
gat such Information a* our agents are pre
pared to g I v‘- you. WE GUARANTEE
Our stnt"rj .RtallUA LTHGLEY has,
I >r thu Juki fifty years, engaged in collect
ing, proving and selecting frulta ; and wa
have now every variety of superior kinds
in the world, and thoac beat adaptdJ lor
the fo tli and Its different localities.
Don't be humbugged by tree peddlers but
conic t" headquarters for good fruit*.
Those doubting Ihe merits of th* Lind -
ley Nursciiaa c*> havo aucU doubts re
moved by referring to John U. Williams
ot Itb' rvil e, J|*D:c Cunniugbam o| At -
an Pi, h iu>r of Vinpi l at <h, J. IL
We-t p.-ifil, and h olid reds ol others wlo.
bav* tested our Iruip. to ixirlect satisfac
liou. Thanking you lor pant patronage
we ifdk ih continualic wibc#
Vtry l{t'i)4‘cUuiiya
Live energetic meu •wauted aa ageohl
liberal commiaiou give Aid tea*
J A. Hlo.u Me AT mitt, Ga
L. L. LAAVi-.EKci, ;*.a*kAo,‘Ga. J
NO 41