Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. ft
trail n-i*ri *-te at ta* Baa,*
ORDINARY.. A. '■ Ui*loo
BBKRIFF C. 8. Florence
CLERK 8. C W. H K 1 <
TAX MtCKIVKR B. S. Clement*
TUKihURKR <J. J Anthony
AUHVEYOK <>, K. Matthew*
CORONER. . John R. Jones
I*. A. CUuoii, A iron Fibley,
C. J. Reeve*. J. R- Bucbvnao
Allen 11. Wsh'Ai.
Jaka W. Ptk, w - J - tu, ‘ *
Ma-iUoo Reeve*. !*• A- Father
A- 11. Fireman, Bcc.
BEf ATOH a-b Dlatiiet, V. M ! uuenn
y. J. William*. C. W • Wtllisn.a
W ill practice In Meriwether and the a t
laming c*iu*lie*.
J\_ <.ItKM.NVII.I.K, U
AH boatuta. entrusted to hie ear" attend
’d to promptly and laiibiutly.
tiHttli.RVli.l k U*
Will practice Hi Mcrtweib.r aud th
reunite* co m|xwine tw 1 *eta client'.
11108- A ATKINMIN,
attorney at taw,
G KXKN V 11.1. K, *•*.
A. G. Ki <>t 1), i(. i’ 8.
J GUkKN Vll.t.K O*
Term* Cash. AH w<‘k warranted-
i ! A VINO iweu actively engaged lu Ui*
1 JL IVeettOe oi Denial Hurgo'/ out hi.
\U )at ten )< •'*. J *'cl I'UiiiaArnt to >
all kinds of J>. uial .w<*lt In the voiy b**l
alyl* ol the Ait, and i tl*'' pa* tow
ui Uk. pen, l ol • Meilei'.*e count),
*Muriug all who putionifce Bit that they
~,*ll I aw U>e wiy b*i *') *> ol •oik, >■.
t#r * little none) a* would tie * Knife* and by
•ny ci uij etent Dr. tnd I*. the *Ute. Coi
rwraiiuieue* by mail protni Hv ai
DIL E. B- I Ki(l KI.L,
y> R.IH Us < ‘ to
V J lit I'ubu* P—DfIMX with till I-* 1
D, J. EG ■ I |>ll. at H* Diun Ktuie.
/ vPFBKB hi? Proft-du f ** tv! <* b>
U.e ctt'M.'t'* oi GiWfuViLe "and iutiy
fJT Offlctil J- G. lenell At tx
Drug Blore
I Hit
Oi L*G range, Georgia.
HAB f OW, and will kteir always on
Übuti *1 bis vli atauu K*i w e ot
the public Kjowe, a go and and
< onai ting, oi part oi,
gar GOLD and fcILN Eif Watches, jfc,
Fletb and K ey-iwt>, oi the best make
bpleadt Gold and bitter Watch Cbsuis
o( *Ji size*, ntaxern and price*
Gold Pee* and all kind* oi holdeta ; Gold
feilitr A Heel Spectacle* A Eye-Giawes,
Silver Plate Ware
ol all kino* sad aijrlea,
racket, TaUe Cutlery, and Razor*
by U*a very renown-xl masers, —Joseph
jingf (sod George Woolen helm*.
lam till tepuirLog all f<oC* in ray lioe
Too ma. > cilinn* oi Merit* ether sod ad
pHf ic ‘ uMie* have leaked nijr woik to
raqsbe • hoi iron. u>e as u> tle cbarac
t| it. .1 sill,bo*eve? warrant all u.
w *rh, it proj eily ?*!, a* I bare always
ict| ectiuny atk a ctm’ H
t6e pelxvn** J bate reoti red from my
trWbdt i >li wether.
Motlaer’a way m II me.
Aa cue your cMMwttb Dr. MvMt's TsatSAa*
fTssMiiiM ftmdm*). TtdUu JtepnlsM*
auks TeeU,is*>fj ; Cm (Mna
gaS BrapMvo aad tom ; toawrraa aad firrsa
OrWarWa of Worm*. Ko m4<rn>* eicr re
petted rack eathscijattc ctaeModatioa Zmsa those
heoareawd It.
re* pic Will talk.
You may net through the world, but will
be very slow,
it you listen l*> nil that is sx da* you go ;
Y.ui'l! be worried, and fretted, and kept io
a ale w.
For meddlesome toague* will have tom -
tiling to do,
F"t people will talk.
It quUt and inodesi, you'll have it presum
That your bumble position is cnly assum
ed ,
You’re a w.dl in sheep’s clothing, or else
you’re a fool ;
But dou't tie exciied, kwp perhagly eooi.
For pen; e w ill talk.
U generous and noble, they’!! Tent on the 11
•plceti, 'v\
Y’ou'l! hear some loud hints that you’rv
sc Ifish and meae ,
It uptight, honest snd fair ms the day.
They’ll cal! you a rogue in a sly, sneaking
For people will talk.
An lif you elmw the teaat lad dues* o!
(It a slight In •Uuali m Vo. lake youi owi,
They Will call you an u.atait, cot ceiled
slid Tain \
Itut keep straight ahea 1, don't stop to ex
F. r people will talk.
It thi.udhari youi dress, or old iMHhlout and
>out hat,
Home one will Mnuly lake notice o! ,
And hlutfalliet sirvmg that ) oil can’t p )
your way ;
Hut don't get i gclted whatever they say
Fou |>cip>e will talk.
II you dreas lu the lashlou, don't think to
For they ciilh i then Ie a diUerenl aha,.";
You’io ahead ol youi means, or your 1 ul
oi'a unpaid ;
But mind your own business, there'r
DaUgltl lo Ire made,
For people w ill Ulk,
Now the best way to do U to do an you
Ker yo if tu o I, H you have one, wt 1 lie at
eat ;
Ol course you will meet with all aorta ol
Itet don’t thvelt te atop them, tt ain’t wu)
For |Xto|)lti w ill la'k.
ri*i< r.
Arirliras ol |||> Klajorliy of the
I .ule Convcnil si.
'lu lU Vu'trt of Ihi tIK Vonijrmlorial IH>-
I net :
WI cq the Cc-nvenii o to nominate a
tarcltdate lor the Korty-sfgth Congrats
ff /in the Fourth Coiigtoasiuunl Hiatrict
fir t iinembled iu Goiutubus It wag com
|MK'd ol delegate*, some ol whom were
elected hy direct action of the people In
ptlmarv e irctlouv-other* by couit-hotisc
■iioetiug*, to tome ol which It had been n--
turrxJ to remit tlie Miiijrct to tuch dlrtct
action itl tin ii(.<i!e. A prrtion o| the
dc tga’ca were tailed uninatructod, whilat
ii any of ua were really and unmid kably
Intruded aa to the choice ol our to: att a
etU- The very first atep toward* organl-
Zitico developed the eihttence ol an ob
atructire spirit oo the part oI tonte ol oi
oolleaguee. Tbit spirit continued to lie
Bjkulhsted Uirough the variooa aeationa
we held there, so that,alter repeated bal
loting*, reaching 870 in number, aid
through variooa eff <rta to harmonize, lo
eluding a proposition (*ubin:lled by Mr.
Whittle, ot ChaUahoochee, aa a ooiupm
tnl'e, which waa not accepted) to remit
the whole matter to the UetaocraU ol the
d’ftrict, that they might (elect a candidate
lu primary eiectlopk in ewch county or the
dlt'lct,i*e ultimately lelt onatmued to
w!J mm, ao at to give delegatee an oppor
tuuily lor /urtbei cooteteote With their
constituents, and also to iuruiah the im
portant coonty ot Carroll with an opportu
nity to be repteaenUid iu our delibera
When we agaia assembled at New nan,
we bad renewed iDatruciiooa Irom our peo
ple, bonitnending our lorbearaoce at C--
lumbuaaad approving our court* ; and
delegates met with u* from Carroll etnpba
a,zing the majority, we lelt we represented
tbe Democratic tolars of the district, with
a peculiarly large and decisive expreaaisn
rtirect lrom the ballot bos oi that eocnty.
We also had intormalioo, preriouvly
known to ua, confirmed, that the Demo
crata oi the coot tie* represented by doia
gate* opposed to our action, did not l
aelra diMpprove of that action and ;*ce
ier.ed the candidste we rea-mißeud. One
ol the moat counties sent a pe*i
ir pi her delegation algae<l by a larger
number ot Democrat* than that which vot
ed tor the appointment ot the delegate*,
reapeetfully “and earnestly notffyHg ttmtn
that, a large majority of Ute people of th*
county Acahed the return oi Boa. Hewry
R. Him to tbe Fort) -sixth
coodruling lb* deciaraUcn made by oca of
tbe delegate*, oo tbe floor of tbe Ooevee,
poo at Columbus, in open aeaai'in, to that
eilect. The expreisloa of the delegate *** v
that “an overwhelming tnajoiity desired
I.U return.” Assisted by the dektgMe*
fiom Carroll, we renewed fair patient ef
forts to harmonise. These eflofta were
rvncstly and respectfully exteuded
throtv;h the pruceediois, until we reached
(U tfreu huadredth ballot. We then of
lee4 a committee *l coulercnw*. Failin, ]
io Ibol, aa in all ol our previous ell nts,
ilmre was noth teg left tor us to do at tins
late period ol time, but, either for the m
jui itj to \ Mud to the will of the minority,
or l.e the Convention to remand track t
ibe voter* ol thr District, the elec ion ol a
Rep • rotative at the ball<tt b x, with the
rccosameodatkvs ol the gentloma* ea a
candidate who he choice ol a Urge ma
] •rit|r ol the voters.
Ml. Jefferson was one ot the great fotus
lera of the system t tree Democratic irov
efumeat la this loutlnent. Uis favorite
docuiae me "Use amtorltv shell rule.’’
Tuetvl we, satUhod u we aro, th it a large
auijority of the vo'ers of this District pre
ftr Henry R. Harris as the candidate for
Googles* ,ive levl that our actiou In the
premia’s, i* in accordance wth this time
liOnuicd Jetlursoniiiu doctrine. Many ol
tlic people loci, altei lltc repeated decleru
tioni of the,r choice, dining the c liras*,
that all this struggle through which we
Imvc passed has hocn an Imuo between
Ihub nuJ the rolHlci U'. TL!• opinion,
now so widespread lu the Divide!, will he
conDtmed at the hsbol b< x in N*)vetnbcr,
and the soouer the people triumph and and
- that tin y It tve b >th the will ard
the to control their own a(-
talre, the beltt rit wIU be lor llie cotin
We are fortunate In our selection, that
the man wo r*|iecllulyy iec *mnd comes
up b< another great rule of Mr. J iKrson,
ii that ho l “honest and lailhlul amt
cajiahlc." A tiriel reb-reuco tv the public
r<i-u 1 establishes buyoi.J succnsalul coi -
iradicti >u, that he is lu lull accord with
the important pru clpte* u ate uuitod to
advance ; and that he is tegarded, troth iu
Congress and out ot it, as a nr It worth \
ol confidence and out .son, and l a gent r
man ol abl'iity aud mfluanoe. Ill# posi
tion lu the committee ol ways a id means,
„I,J hi* a.e echos aud action hi thu II lU*
ot Itepioaenutivct, ad the .ItU leucv and
puneluallty with which ti* has looked al
ter every lu'eißSt ol In* coualUuouts, both
public and private, whether tliolr nvpm.ts
have tveen conveyed t* him by coifrepuu
dunoe or In |>erson, ontltlo hint lo kur lr
r,<iiiidertioii as lie is t ow receiving at l. e
Imii 'v of Id* constituent*.
HU yoK sfu Ouogriti. abow that Uu hr
fu|)y in flferord wi ll ua upon qm-Mlona <4
tluttucu and icvtuiur*, UOW taking shape Iu
advance l*r tbe Presidential c iutesl ol
1880, a* eXpicMK'd iu tlm view* cutotlulu
ed by Bcnaior Thurm n.ol Ohio, aid illt
er leading Uiluds In the H ulb, N rib alld
Wo-t. Wo prevent a brlcHsyuo.mU ol bia
vutot on the ctiirc icy Issue : On the Did
>| November, 1877, ha total lor the teponl
ol the act for the cont a< ti nol tho cui
rfincy, koovru as tb “llcaumptlnu Act."
<),. the 28th ol February, 1878, he voted
lor the act to romouotlzn tbo Mar: lard sil
ver dollar, aud restore It* 'eg*l ch <ra< ten .
t)n the 22 I of A jit I, 1878, he voted for the
>jtll to supply a couveuler.t currency with
Vhlch the minor butiuera tran*vßlon* oi
the people may bed •.. l ula was known
4* the bid to atjtlio le tbe bane ol Irac
gonsl currency, and should It become a
Ipw would practically Increase tho vol
ume ol the eurtency |4<),00 <,tKX). Oa the
jtti o| April, 1878, he voted fir tbe act
fuspending tbe further retireraeut ul legal
I'-nde’ notea aid pi ylding tor the mau
kuoe ol Ixiuda In lliotr Head, llv thta bill
fop r. may lie redeemed or be tecelved Into
Jhe treaaury under any Dw troui at;y
source whatever, aud ahull belou'f to the
(Jutted Btatea.they shall not be retired and
Aancelled or dittruyed, but they shall be
ft-lasticd aud paid out again, an 1 kept iu
anculailon, except lu case ol mutilated
antes, which at,all be destroyed, and oth'
*r notea oi like deuomi lUSiou lie Isaued In
(hell ate ad.
Ob Jane 25Kb, 1878, be voted for the
(dll to aatliorlxe the payment ol custom
dues is legal louder note? at oar. On the
|bth ot June, 1878. be voted lor tbe bill to
fetlre tbe circulating notes ohthe national
banka, and lor other puri-ose* usually
known aa tbe act to rejasal tbe natloual
bank law. Tblv bill provides for 'he aub-
Siliuilou in circulail<>n ol tbe legal tenders
pf the United Bts'cs lor the nail uu
This reference lo biv votJi, together
with his speeches in Congress, demon
strates that Henry It Harris is in lavor o;
tbe repeal of the act known as tbe “Kt
suonptioo Ad ”
Tlvmt be I* Iu lavor ol tbe permanent re
tirexueut of Natioosl Bank notes Irooa cir
culation, and the suiwtiiutioo ol legal ten
der Treasury note* of the United Butts*
there lor.
That he la lo lavor ol making Treasury
aotea oi the United mate* receivable tor all
does oi equal laoder with coin.
That he favors tbe unrestricted coinage
of silver, as a money metal, the same as
That be lavor* 'be payment ot all bond*
sod dees of tbe Federal Gov foment, lo
accordance with Ike original coolraet be
tween tbe parties thereto, which as t)
bonds and other each obligations of coarse
iodadac tbe currency, stipulated in tbe aev
aatborxiog their Issuance, and
tbits 6 ot'.tiMhflwted as the medium ol pay
in' n\
Further IS m tbit, Ida speeches in C >t
grets, sod v*rles, not no ess oy t
onume atu hem sb v that he i ..>;> >su I t*
any turtberfecretse ol the 'jou.lsd debt ot
iUp United B'-ale, and purchase of coin for
resmnpttawiwpohM, tut on Hie ennttery
lavor* the gradual, t radical extinction >
me pub ic #l, rlgl-1 ecuiomy, the red un
it <n of expenditure* lu all branches of tin
public scrvlse in every p,*-ihlo wny vn
to the last hunt com wtihle with ittlci.-n
adinluntWlm ; Involving the duct case ot
salaries th#tsUtttn,{ off of all upefuumera
rica ia everj department, ami the re)teal ol
the luturnfflßeVenuo lyatem, gnd that he
fav >rs a tarßf lor revenue only.
The meotoMtotn aloptel by mu Cntvu i
tion are aa follow*:
"Wiroree\ the delegatei ol the the Cos •
gresaioual Ownvcmioii, now in .esaiou at
iiii* place, ape vt mmy day* lu balloting,
without aecf‘og a noml ration, and there
Plwaring oo toaso able proipcot that they
oaa, under the twu-Tilmta ru'o, upon
a candidate IO rspruseiil the Foiutlt C >n
gm.aloual Dhtlrlet tu the 40 n Go itres* ;
and dcptni.if it unnecessary to impose up
ou (tt i•. l v efthc lab .r of C' Utln i Iron
day lo cli\y the useless at temp, to ctfect a
u< minatlou With the du'egatot of whieh
the U ruvcnti n It now composed, an I be
lieving that It would not subserve 'he b*-t
lutervsU trf fbt’ D-tmcrutu party, th u the
tua) irity rhulJyluld ’.J tho will ol Uiy mi*
uoiity, lhcrWot'o
Ucsolvudy T hat ao ha*:k to the
voters oi said dtsti Lt, the selrctluu of u
It, presentativo t > toe 4dth Coagress, sin h
selection tab* made ut the ballot box in
November ae*'.
He It further tos dvi 1, Tbut we rocoin
iupiul lo tiie VOtei* ol Hie Fourlfi Connie--
>i< uul District as a candidate lor Uuprt
spilt,utlv*, the Ihm. Hi'tiry 11. Harris, a
slaipsuinn l unlrrfeul views, ripe expori
ui.oe and uhsworvl ig iute„rlty. A man,
who itaving proved taltolul In l!io past c ru
lei safely trusted in lire future.
TnU action id ll.c Convention, was tak
en Imiuediatuly, allur the comml'Pei np
poinnsd op'motion ol It. A. H. Freeman < I
Troup had reported they were unable l >
agree. Ifl this action all pmllolpatitd. U, -
on Ihe pekaage ol tbu res<dotioiis, all vutixl
vitbir iu tbu .IU niutlve or rcguitvo
Tinidoie, Iu accordance with vtll rslab
Mabedrulet. applicable to I lie action
ul deliberative b dies ad aru biutid by
this aclioa, tn.dudlug ua well who
voUd iu the negative, as l >oso who voted
hi the altbm alive, lithe larg. t uuudei
ol Votia > <1 declare 1 iu the ucg. livo,
would it s<ii have Imeu cl lulcd, an I with
logical rorfei Inc-s, 'oo, lliul tbu vole was
an o| ilie t dicy and emirs
ol tbu iiiiuoilly, dirough ul the ppvious
proccc llug-r Who Hi n will ij ius tlon tb. t
nil wbo look the chances to mould and
shape these revolution*, iccoimiicn li ic
ua t:.u> do the Him. Muiiry it. Harris, nr.
b ,u.d the!' pantsgu f Wbllst wc and
not claluffur tbu action that It U any mor
dial) e retomoieudulio-i, wo as-ort It is the
hclou of tbe couveutlou, rugulai ly ud .pt
tud, and Impartial min is will lac.igiila.-
ilml those who par'iclputod In t in good
fsltb, ale tbcri by bound.. Will any lair
iniud allow dial a mun may do all In: can
lo lui.u ercb tieocfiu a- any riven proceed
lugs bare iu tic m lor bio,sell oi lih frle.ida,
atxl then aay 1 w ill not au'iudt to out Joint
decUlourwhon, alu r debate with him, bi>
iricnds, y a vote lu which lie takes bis
toll part, overrules lon Judgment und in It
vidual prvUUoclioUs f Theie was no p:<-
IVt Rgalnsi tbis ucdoii ol tbe convention.
Tlicio Was no rclusal to Join iu it buf nr
ifae cou. ties were called and upon It each
and every delegate voted as U|sm tbu pug
vloua measures ol tbe C invention, luclud
iog the adoption ol the two-. birds r ile.
Are we got all, therefore, aa tr,ucb bound
by it a* wa were by the two-thirds rule to
which W 4 so laitblully adhere I through
out t Both were fiaasod in the same way.
The tw,,-third* rule at a lime when Car
roll was without representation. And tins
action alter Carroll bad her delegates up
on tb) floor, sad with each end every
o>-unty represented. It is Uotr the adop
tion ol Uie resolutions was opposed. The
widest latitude of debate was allowed and
freely b. d'tlgod in ; and tlis word prot at
was svae used by some of tße speaker*.
This only goes to show that tbo right of
protest was not kirgottea, and the fact re
main? that tiioea composing tbe intelligent
mtnorliy, well knowing tbig. right, o e
* bleb they bad previously on several oc
casions threateuod to not pro
pose to avail themselves ol it by entering
any thing oi toe kind lu writing oo the
Journal, I >ut they joined and sought lo suc
ceed in the ieaoe, which wea fairly found
against them. We were repeatedly to) J
by members of the minority that they were
lolly united is lbt> advocacy ol gentietne u
iv hose uamee they preeeated, sod were in
loraed (hat ii we adjournad they would
remain aud agree npou a candidate, tbera
paifra ; but otjha number of ail the hon
orable geet omen for whom they ba>l vot
ed, they latlod to (elect s standard bearer ;
end so 0 wee, that alter tbe adjoarement
meat of tire convention, au* who bad cao
vaaaedgke dietric* and tailed to obtain a
major™, either u, the appointment of del
egate*, ot la either ooe of tbe seveo hun
dred ballots of the oonveotWo. and whose
fryepds, so f#( as they iwohl, bad L- old
ed the agUoe ot the cooveoti. n, announc
ed himaaif a oaodidete lor election.
Ail we have done U baaed on the great
turdsmental ideas of Irec gov. rnincnt, tbsi
the |icople are sovereign ; ttiat the w ill oi
■ho m jority sha’l ooubol, and that eve y
<>ue holding delegated au'hoiity laigtit c
titer to resign his tru-t or do it c wl'l * t
his principal. You who compose th*
groat mass ot the vot rs ol ,he .lisltiet an
our piiocipals. Y >.i ry the taxes, yon
’.ear t' e iHttdent ol the government. uim
no an ’ jour posterity laH the p results ni
the legis’ntaon ot the country. Theitb r.
you have the right to say who shall b*
~ur pu .lie scivant*. .
Respectfully suli uiUeJ,
C. W- Mabty,
11. A, 8. Fieeuian,
O L. Reese,
W.T Uevill,
Q, A. Myhand,
M Bbacl'*!ford,
James VVhiUlc,
CommU'ec ot the nm)orlty.
t,iQranfft , On., Bept. 28
LOSO JOUft'B BA MT ~chuck. ■
Fhlcago Time*.]
I. wouldn't do for sums of the dulaull
ing bank cashiers to II a out In Kaus. *
City, Missouri. Tito eU a police tun cut
iueru known as Lmg J bn. 110 bel tigs
io one ol the olJost sud most respectable
tamllles, but be was a wayward youth,and
gottt'.ay w ith his share ol the cs'ate i
s.ily Sf? To.u, ltb t rattnhudabk
piucli, 1 1 *. I Vti Ihc p. Tec force,st.a g. u
e l up, r.t 4 bat l eer: a! aud lent, el
ate man ever since. As otlen a* lie drew
his pay he went to n certhin bank and dt
-1 otiled w hatever he could save. He con
tinued this Irugal way of livb'g un'il he
had raved about seven hundred dollars.
N t long ago, when one of the aolld insti
tutions of the Chicago of the West went
down, and the 'trusses' ol the iu-ti tullon*
wore regretting in tears to their pnltilh M*
depositor*, Long John walked up to the
l’rueidcnt and sail lo him: Look hero,
Wnen J was a wild Imy you used lo talk to
me about saving money. You told mo t o
follow your i x tmple, and when I ran
through my part of the us.ttlo you got ini'
mi tliu police You told mo Ur pul
wbut money 1 could 14 tbo bank. I did It
I w'oiked bard us a nigger, and saved ell 1
c uld. Now lamas poor as wbeu j
cotninct red. Ami you base nothing, you
say, to psy me. I want my money.
Tire great bankrupt banker pla.ied Iris
ban Is on Lmg John's shouldtirs, aud
spoke tu him sadly : My boy, tins is s
giu! trlbuldUon. 1 have lost everything,
and 1 can nut—
Long Ji.lin look the hand ol lire hanker
Irntu h’.a slrouhUr and said : I dra'l want
■my cioco'l to leafs from you. ICvo*y cc it
I pul In your hand I woiked lor like a
nigger, and you know I . 1 would rr*)ou i
o dead Ilian lose 11. Now, If you don't
pay me Hi t money I will blow year bruins
out h' te mi the spot. And hr placed a it
vojver ugiiiniit tire hunker’a head.
in ten minute* Long John had his S7OO,
ami the great ponuiles* banker was beg
flmg libit not Ur give It away, lest thu ox
ample might be repeated. It will do to
j try in Goicngo.
Yes, cultivaU 1 thoiougbly. Oo not wab
for rain u> put thu gruu. dlo order. C ul
tlvatu t, Mid keep it in older yotiraell.
Alii i ibe ground I* once broken up by
timely aud continued cultivat'd), It may
be kept in good order lor plants to grow
und make a lair crop, bv keeping tbu soil
loose uiiJ niello*. The air is continually
prutslng u, an thu surlnce ol tbe earth with
a loree ul tiltecii |hiuiiA* to evuy Htuarc
uicl’. it tbu soil is iotMiu air |x:iie
trules n ore rapidly 'ban when bard aod
crusted. No sooucr doe# the *h reach a
point cooler then llscll liiun It condciiecs,
aud wau-i is tbu result. This process u
co'itiuually going ou. Although tbu eon
utsy drink up the smlacc inolsvurc duiir.g
tbu day, It Is repla' ud through the night,
and the growing piaui ceoiing quickly In
the evening, also gattieis a bountiful sup
ply ol dew tor Its support. Let no one
neglect to cultivate bis crops, and tin u
complain that on account ol Ihe dioutb he
has no corn or garden. Allur a crop
shade* tbe ground, the von doe* not dry
up thu moisture so rapidly, yet, U thu
ground I* looee, tbe ptocoes oi cot deuaa
tkra is continually going 00, aud a lair
crop made even a dry Mason. Tbe sun’s
ray* do not rtilect lrom mellow ground
upon the growing plant with ball ti.e
force they do !riu a smooth, hard urls< e
to wilt and dry it up. Thorough cultiva
tion preclude* the possibility ol the growth
ol weeds also, and tb* crop baa all the
benefit ol tbe eltmeuts ol growth io the
It la humorously stated that all the** lal
tm" in tho fourth disitwl la appoced to
Usury it- Harris. And yet all this won
derful “talent” can’t produce a single
charge against bios except that-“lie has
bc u ‘.here long euougb V That’s aIL Bat
dl l you know that the principal portion ol
tbe talent is coniined lo Uia politician*,
who Want lo step Into Harris’ shoe* ?
Fairborn btar.
Gentlemen, it will be demoastruled that
Harris baa split the party ha this diatric t
—Ex-Gov. Dm lib.
I?n’t that cool r We never be! to beard
l a majority ol honest voter* splitting a
party, and a man who makes such an as
sertion must litanaelfbe “split" in the np
• per alory.— Fatrburn filar.
NO 42,
My Wool Cards arc now newly clothed
and in flue condition and I think 1 can
aloly ay that Ia n prop rre i to do good
work 1 de.ire tliose who lavor Ute with
patronage to wash tlieir wind at once and
hring it in e .rly vo lluti l may card and
have it ready when jon Want it- Don’t
-villi It!! late when 1 may becoWv.ed and
a H have t< no to do tbo work promptly
for you. I guarantee good rolls when
good Wool i- btottyhl iu.
lam al*> Girding Cotton ana miking
nice Rolls Hand and gel s into and try
th* in'.
Woo’ Carding 10 is per lb. oil
furnished, or i the wool.
Cotton Cat ding. ....tJcupor lb. ot
the O.R .
I w ill soli
W.H* It U .1? 40 its lb.
Cotton Roil a 15 ct* lb.
My mill i- nlso in good order and seldom
ever fb t 1 ol water.
(live mu u trial,
Your* & •.,
Lot Itet ville, O .
■I Ji 07:l • o
The White
* -r—
--■ - iim. B
IU Introduction and WorW-rtnowned
reputation wts the death-blow to high
priced machines.
This Is avers Imsertant mstlsr, as It Is aarsll*
knewn tnd unrfis|iutsd Iscl tHst msnj °' 'k* *•"
callvd Rrst ota.s silcWna* whloh *r* tfvrt *e
chttp mns-a-ea** *'• tkoa# that have L *81*" [?!
noitvistd (that is. tsksn ok lrom customer*
sttsr ui) and rwbullt and pul upon th# markat
"iMi’wMiTt II ,TH m MAny nmnu
-SiSwc mErak *
]uo not Euy any other tifor* try
ing tho WHITE.
Prices and Ins lade Satisfactory
White Hewing Machine Cos.,
11. I). ADMIt-GiiKßKViixs, CU.,
Aip-tit lor tbe Hbovu Machines lor Mur I
- tber com ty.
N urrtorie??,
fVlsbfilhfd A. D.1878.
We take this method to lufor n tb : -
zees ol Meriwether, Tv!'ml aud adjoining
ootmliee, tfiat our agents, having culifl
cateof agency, will Visit you during tbe
months of July, Aur. and Hept. to solid
your order* f >r Iruit trees, vlue*, &c., for
tbe fall delivery ol 1878. We rc, sc-t you
to reserve your order* until you can tee
oir plates re/irevuebug ottr varieties, and
g :t rich Inb .rmatlon as our agents are pre
par'd togive yo<>. WK GUAH4NTEF.
Our scoi'T JOBHUA I.IN LEY has,
lor the past fitly years, cnvagol iu collect
ing, t,roving nml fruit* ; aod we
huve now every variety of vu, erior kiudg
Id tbe world, aud those but a aptcJ fttv
tbe fcoulh ami Its dltSercut lot alitie*.
Don’t U- b..iatrogi;a<l by tree peddlers bub
come to li< tti!q'im rs for g<si fruits.
Those d'/ulHing tie sttcrit* of the Lind -
lay Nurseries tau have such doubt* re
mov<-<! by releiilug to John H. Wiliiama
ot Lulbtivil c, Jddge Ononingbam of At -
ante, K-lltor ot YimmcatoA, J. H. PamGl
Wat Point, and handreda of others wto.
have tested our Irui'.s to petted •!'ac
tion. Thankinsr you tor past patr> nags
we ssk a continuance of rarne.
Very Kwiieeilully,
Live eoargotic mea wanted as agent*
liberal oomrneion giveo. A Idrsss
J, A. "'ion’ N'e vnuu, 0*
L. LAWRENCE N**i;aa,Ga..