The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, October 04, 1878, Image 2
TUK VINDICATOR Wji T Kfcviu. Editor ait>.! Proprietor UI E> XV Ll-fc FRIDAY. Otf 4, IH7H |j< n Henry l< iinfitt makes h ejieicb in T.IIh Hon it-day. . Tallol ui/y it raid 111 la all <il>g b f lTairi*, Li* ii claiming Iliitl il ‘•ill site Hanf* a tusj "li ly over (.'a; !. Pcir-iM. Andrew' Jichf n ompi.aihally sai l that Hit "major>ly it to gmrrn” T brims* J. f ft-itun lap ii iv sricr il principle that I tics w liio! Hie majority L fa t eve* to pn vail. The “UVm* ot the Fourth ilialrict, deny tin: iru'Ululi e* <•! the inu lat Id *wu liy Jitter*' n and J ut:k*on. What a vf • jrreeaive age tliia i how little tin: wine men <•! 50 year* eo t tie * compared wil l the "talent” l Hi* riiewnt day. On*. DimlUi made n speech at Cuaticta, Ctia'.taliooclne couniy, hud week and wm c mrdclaiy ril liy l>. 11. Yancey in ri p’y. Tim* tr the (Jo*. ha* tr e'i uiifurtu naie ii fait political oratorical effort* thfaa: summer. Till: Tnihotlon H'andaid eay"f#et lilt man who caused the tmn t' l ol ail dent' * Crallc piluciplo* In till* ill.met be buried iu dee,) In oblivion n* in y r t" chow hi* head again.” Amen, most excellent H'au itarJ, ami w.imu lie l* burind don't torget to Id the people kuow who pi rformed the bmylog. the t*J iflty or the minority. liar. Smith told J dgr Whlltle Ol filial tnhomdiee that he * a good man hut u tutty politic an. J list the aort ot a man that ahotild go to a convention. Oil that *c bad nUnra mer )<r*t like Judge Whittle. The Seaman l|er.W complaint In.Uly that (dll’. II Oil* wna at Ne*nan dining the Merton ol die convention, iitll atraogel) enough loigeta to mention the prnamce ol Uni. Pmi on*, iking lor ttmilh then per - In. lat th eilllnr UUed to lotm the a< qualm tam.n ol Person*, Ita ptoaenl candidate. II IW (orgeiiul (mine people an Major M'lawUa** pUllorm, Cpt. IV baa a platform ami Hon. Henry It. Iltrri* has an u ncaoepllnnablo Record wh rh I* worth forty plalfurnu. Musi* and IVison* tell you what they will do II they nrr elect mj, H irrle point* to what be ba* already done aa aer ur Ity for the future. Whit b Rlanda on I lie In at looting ? 41,). It. J.Moses In a card announcing M.naelf a oaadl lato for Congress *y* Im tldnk be can beat llatrh it Paiaona will only atand aside. He *aya *'H C>l. I’er ■OIK I* aa duinUTMkd not* W> be wai dur. log (lie convention, and l barn no reaaon to doutit It, be will not Ik> in '.tin way <>| an a pen Held and a square con teal .between Dot. ilntro, atnl rnywlt " Doubtle a o<>l. Person* would prefer that M >j >r Mona* should t><H bo in tlio -way ol an “open fi*Ul and a square content" lie- Iwetui himself and Harris. Pcraons may gratify Much and atand aside but be line not yet signified Ida w llllngnoas to do no. tlartslnly there need bo no apprehension id Yellow lever prevailing la Atlanta. No ease over originated in any place occupy tog the altitude of Atlanta. Ho fear lea* is (lie llnlc Oily In till* reaped thai she n ocivcw with open arm* refugee* from the lever stricken districts cverywhoic. Those who Hec ta her lor relogo vid are selx-d with the Icarlul malady nto carefully and tendtrly nuraed liv her (test phyalchuH. Hpcahlngof the candldaey of Major Moaca, the Columbus Time* anya, "It Is idle to try to mmeal the lad that with tmtli Mr. Person* ami Major Muses in Iho contest. Hie rc-electlou ol Mr. IKrr I* will bo almost aurc." The Ti ne* adds that tlio sent linent In Cohlinb ala that Moaca will divide the opposition vote with Person* while the Irlend* of llarrla will stand sol idly by that Rcntlcmau. t\ Ths Newnan UcralJ, Instead ol Idling dceertcd it* ft rst love, P. F Smith, I*q., and wcutorer to Capl Pei sons, dr •ires to know wliy the Meriwether dclega tioa permitted the convention at Newt au to bieak up without a nomination. Why, that iipeotion is easily answered ; the mi nority desired, contrary to all democratic ideas and usage, to control the insjoiity and affirmed that they would do anything else than .respect the advice ol Jackson and Jefferson. Why did you say you tliraw 001. overboard, brother t Answer next week. The Talbotton Standard eay* "the mi torlty p§ojioa*d to meet the majority on taa'f way grounds ; they even went lortber , they proposed to vote for any man the majotity ml girt name oti<U ot Mr. Harris." Yea, Bro. Standard, you did propose to meet on half-way ground with a ven geance. You went into the convention with the rallying cry o! angtxxljf to boat Harri* and then proposed, aa a compro rai*, to volo lor any man outsuU of llariir. Honor bright, brother, dou’t you kn** there was do ccmpiomiac oo your r fcrt to your k> called half way grouml propoai tioo ! Don** 7 OQ know lt w *' lbe old ,lo ' ry of-Head* I win, tails you lose." !l you cast we it to that light the people do. In the language of A. D. Freeman, Esq., it is too thin. Try again. There l a probalility of a war between R .vtiaaad England in AdgUanulaa in Cc-lial &. ;• “Ought af to.'* A triend ear* that l<e heard a leading member ol the opposition tu Co’. Hunt in * Oraonyilte give it a* hi* undid -opinion ia*< Tuesday night that Ken*rether corn:- ty would go tr idarita but “that it ought 1 not. t#j” 'i in* U bui ano <■' l ion of the cry that nMI heard at Coiuinh a ami Newoan. There the mayordy decayed, in la or ol Hanit hot tha minority said taej ought rod la and *o prevented a nomination. A rn jolity ot the conmii.-a represented irj the cor.vaclinn declared Hard- to f>e the choi a ot the people hut u,<: miooritf aafcl the |ieo ine ought /#il to iie |.,r Harris, and a agh' to det#:at the will id the n.*Jß:lty. Hat il ©on e iu tii.i pasa that the uduority shall >ay to Uie maj oily yon o<ojkt nU to have ysftir pn-.lerence and by a mine arbitrary a. Motion deprive the people of their right to decile whom they shall have to repre mill t>,er„ ? Khali one man or a net ol men any to the \nf pie, *-it la evident that a ina -IJ' flty of you prefer Harris hut you ought tiol to and you ahnll not have him f Are those who assume to kr;o w liert what tV |c pje hould do, to lie obeyed, the deliberate couviction* of the majority l • he set aatdu at the l ash oat ot aeil constitute.] guardian* id puhltc reutlmcfit f Boob ha* n>t been the lice ot action pa ratted iu a republican geverorwrut heretofore ; auch. is not ih Conran da.nocrau have followed in thr pnat. N'uie riccd look hr anew d< finrtoi u now. . l>r.C. W. Hui'tii of Orantyffie **a In town !at Monday and author /.#•■( u* to an nod nee that ho U not and wid nut is* a to' didale tor congreaa In this district. We have eevetai tone* heard it inliui'eii that )>r Hmltti would he i candidate but an assured hy tint gentli-rnan btmaelf that he will not lie In the mi i The Newruti Ih iaid y that hic Is almost solid tor Paraon*. W ital a sight ol [iiMiple must have filed In Jhat cutiaty .lint the Nr *n .n c’oi venlWoi Numlieis ol people Irolil Ihe country SMirnl the w/lter that a in 0 nlty <>l the voters, ol (joweta tevoretl llnliis and ere sure to rote lot him It diey It vet unfl Noyemhi r We are sorry they ate dent ns the inn) oily Sir Harris in Die district will lit rrducid thereby, tlavn tlsey ttid yellow in Coweta t Wr. Kei’vrV f.ctter. 1. In const luring the reason* given hr Judge t; J Itorves lir opposing the re elect lo i nl Col. llarrla otir I fiends may rt call the lad. tint wo published a card from Judge tteevea three or lour )ira a/o In regard U> the proper man t > lie voted for by the people. Then, lie was oppoa leg the nominee ol hla party, the monies lion Icing made under ths 1 Wo-third* rule, now, he Is dlagiuntlod because no nomlnv tiiin was made, the iniiiorl y being reap’Wi the lailurs. Is not our !■ elleut friend Inr.i.Mllsleat in liis |s>aitk>ii wow ami that hi it year* ago f 2 Judge Ibevi * says had M>. iiariis 1 iou iinmini.led by tbs convutriton Hi' would hve voted lor him. Yet tbs Judge supports Mr Prisons who was not noml tinted by lb* convcnth Another incon sistency. D Judge II taya be know* that Mr llarrl* ml loved a republican P, M. at C! Itunhus rif a 118.000 band and one at Wc<l Point of a fltl.iiOW bond With all ilua re Specie to the Judge we are coinpcHed to sav that our Irioml known no such thing, a* Mr, Harris never did what is asteried Kgitmlno the Uncord. 4. Our Irlend aay* ho is trot str-td or ashaniod to express his objections publicly Well can’t all the Persons men say the same ? We hope nothing I*bring said p i vately by any opponent ol Llarris th-it the speaker would he a I raid or ashamed hi ut ter publicly. ft. ITo say* he docs not thin'r any uuprej diced democrat in the county will diflsr with him. We’l, Judge, we can only say that there are a large auinl>er id prejudiced democrats in old Meriwether. 0 Hays iho Judye, the Meriwether reao lutlons w. re viol tied by the majority, and he holds that they assert that “we wilt *tip port him (Harris) if nominated" Thee*' resolutions are before u* as e write and we find no such language or idea as the Judge qnotM. They and say that tlio dem ocracy ol Meriwether taka ptea uro In pre senting the Hon. H. It. If trri* lor rc-nomi natioiv. They do say il he ws* ever wor thy ol support, with honesty unimpaired, ahilitiea ti;>ettl ai.d eXiterience enlar*-d he ie more deserving of it now. They do ■ay every change 1< not reterm,and change f u mire change sake is not dmtntbU, and il we are not bettered well enough should be let alone. They do aay Cob Harris Is our Jtnt choice *nd after grackmdy au thorlciog the delegates to dmoum the claims ol Others they say w* *efl eortiially rupport tu tmr Hantfard bearer wherntoever the eon mention, after deliberation thall <Uei<U firm mod credit to file dutriet tnd umfulnet* to the country. Now Judge, read these reso lutions carctully,particularly ’ that portion n Italica.and see if you arc not violating t ieir letter and spirit when you oppose Harris. Remember that the Newuan convention alter “discussing’’ the claims ot the other candidates and after deliberation, recom mended Col. Harris a* a candidate for con gress, and endorsed him as a itateeman of enlarged views, ri;e experience and unswerving integrity. A man, who hav ing pioved tailhtul to the past, can beasle ly trusted in the iulure. Is not this decid ing that Harris “gives moat promise ol credit to the district and useful new to the country.’ If you stand by tbe Meriweth er reeoluiious. Judge, you and your friends must support Harri?. Will you violate these oft quoted resolution*. We hope uoi. 7- Jud*e Keevcs says he has no tears ol M• Hum* being elected hy the tScoMtra t ic party. Y, and a large pcitioa of the friends gf,jf'■ Ileevee have at hope* of de f atiog h through the agency of the democratic [-arty. it- < *ur fri>.ud think* no other dsy^ocrat id the disirict would have aualAcH the party as Mr. Harris did. llvaUj. Jsdge, | which seen.* the mud reasonable, tkpt the utaj #rity should go to Un: mhiotity of that the mbiority should a tciiricy their pantoo ai dial ike to a man ami go to the s> J -city I Hemeuiber, that next Ui Oiawtird, Minis was the emdee of Mu*c*<gee couaty, and biu-t Person* the choice of JksrUia and f cimo’.ier, ad aak yourself the sjtte itoo who ought to have yielded. W ith a flourish the Judge asks, Oh , de mocracy where art lin-n t Well, Judge (he majority ol the party seemed v> be fr H irna at Newuan and OduinUl*. Wait until the Mi ol Novemljer and D aaocracy wtd lie hear t from. A.TTKN TIO IST JFARMURS. The food jaropic of MKItIWKrUEIt COUNTY will recaiea a moat oeedml jsei o ini. in LA (JitANOK at W. 0. C hoi eon’s WAHK HOUKK, Ktaiila.Bftd Hck Yard win re they can wef rb their eollnn OB hi best Kalrt/ank* ecates anJ put their stork m a good stable, Bu|mlied. with every acoimoiodittion* *ttd sett ibtir Cott. u lor the hlg>i*t* price Any one cvlll g on me who doe* no' hr) this *.iue will ooi Ik eliargai any tiling. ’A itb thanks for past favors and •elicit ing o*U#rs, i am your* ns<at truly, w c; cii iijioaL i dtt'ri f,'ir*rtge. ti* (JKOIttHA ~ i Ordinaly Ofß# Mm wether C'Utity f *W lt, IK7h 4>it the ttrst nc ti lay Iu Novemhe* oet I will apply *o tha honorable nnri <4 M itlnary in and io* Si Id county felt *)*ri h soil lot <d land No 5KSft, >m tha Ikb dlM.ict ol said county. tiM.gif-S t th* r tg(*r at Km inau it McdihrltdOtt. MAKY K MffCLBNItON, Adotri Wll! Ik li ti m l i the iowcat Wd'ler on tin: second HtturUy In Oetehar, th# * h tt H I rtsmoon, the Bridge acrosa WhUo Oak tVenk, known a* tha B4 iga thn bridge b' tie built acoVi||”g (y the •pecifli alioti* ol the pM tirldgn with the inception ot lb#: !) orliig which is ki li’ 3 Inc.lica thick. (’. J Heerat, ML J 111 Hum. Ja-nra rtpivcjr, Her it. 13th 4* OmhmltWrn. TO RENT. Tha Ultd K irlnj Mitt with WKi mors* wilt tie lesst for a 'arm f rear* I’ay incut to be made t nqiair* ot> MiH. J. i„ Mt’hTi \N, At, Warm Bprmg*. (Ii ANNUAL FAIR AND RACES or Til K NORTH'JEG'IOIA Shock and Fait A.**oci*liuu, Wild, RE Tlßfil) IN i , i Atlanta, Georgia. October 31, 23, 2 1, 34, 3% and W, W 7. $14,500 84,500 Ufiere I In Itacing Purse* ! $13.00 in Military Prise* ! Over *> military com panics outside of the B' ate already decided to come. THE.FABTKBT IIOUSKB In the country are coming. AN UI'EN AIR CONCERT Every day by one pi the finest brstebaads in the United States. Amusements Of All Kinds MAY BE EXPECTED. MINSTREL PERFORMANCES! CIRCUS I MENAGERIE! MULE RACBB 1 FOOT RACES I WEIEELBARROW RACES I SACK RACES! V ELOCIPEDE RACES 1 ilia Excellency Samcxl J. Tildes has been invited to be present. efrlllE MYSTIC BROTHERHOOD of Atlanta, will appear upon the strata!, 4>ct 25th, in more grandeur than aver be to re. * UTScuJ for Premium List 1 Of-Don’t fail to comal B-W. WRKNJS, Soc’y, W. B. COX. Atlauta. Ua- President. 3120.} Havin g btusu no l>u*y that past week. 11. N. EJ.LiS. to whom thl column bnloof * ha* not boon able to Write out anew advertise ment. Look for something Vow in oar next itsae. SECOND ANNUAL FAXit OF THE WESTERN GEOJKGIA FAIK ASSOCIATION - . AT LAGRANGE, GA., Fruui Oct’-fbei 1-3 tii to October IStb, lsT*j FOUR DAYS ! LIBERAL MONEY PREMIUM*! An lotariCibg prograunue Eich Day ! T IBEftAL Pie.uiutus fir Ladies' an ! GenUeiuea's -hack Ridiug, with a tire and i j fournaiuttU and l<a>( iaemg. COMMODIOUS AND WELL ARKANOEDFA IR GROUNDS I an excellent half-mile Hack f LIBERAL I'll EMU. Mb IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF litsUuidiy, Matulactuiiuyr, Msrhimry aud Fine Art* Piemiout Li,vis will Ik luruLLcd ou application to the Stcreiaiy, giving ruiea and regulations complete. Military Premiums ! psii *i I* gjvcu w the Best D.tiled Military Q oipauy, uit kw than three ft—fs uk couteatiug H. li. CARY, i’residcut. t H. ahi taker, Son. D. N KPEEit, ties’) hujienutcudsml. tetlLltlFK >ALt> W’ ILi, bes id before the .ou t ho • door in the L*u of OrceatilU., M( wither County (ia. within the legal boors ol sals on U> first 1 utwday Iu No vcinkier, ltfTK, the foUosriug property, to we ; the n rth halt of lot of land No S7. tu the up|>rr Vtb, District ot Meriwether coo* ty, touleiuitig IWJ stria j duing Jobt: MiCiwry on the oorlb and Mrs. J.ibn Horn on the ict ; letted on ** the j#r- Ktiy of H C McCrary to sails/) a BMJSt t;ag C ts to m Kcriwe the* Kupertov Ciutul in 'stw ol J U Kin* vs it C Mi-Urwy. Pro, city deaiguaU'd <sud (Kiinted out Ui said Ui'iCgage 0 ta and tenant In possea stoti no: i find ALBO, At th* sain* litis* and place will Ik *olo Ms of laud ,N -i s ill and fart of lot of laud No. 23, in otigisahy the Sith, tint l*o* Un LuUictvilla Dlatiki ot MertweUwr County, Oittiainiog Ui ail 2<K# acra mote or hat . Vvk<J on a* li*e property off 0 A hitght, to sattafy W S fa* laaotwl from Justice Oiurt tfctl ■( IWstrKi, U. M- la favor ol T J Lambert and Urntv Maitia, Admi t on the istale of Ihornnm Liotrinao. drceai ed, va Isaac (J. Albright and T. J Lam her! Pro(K'ty pidnlcd out *n i levy mat* and irtururd to me by W. O, Me <V ifUatns, L C. AL'O. At H*e aauuc time aod p'aea will be aoht lb rat half Of M lot of (and Ni. 113, In the Hub District of Meriwether Ueunty containing 10t| acre* more ia teat, and knoeu and disLnguldiwJ a* the fdac# wkevwou the Dekwid*', Milton Ha.ak' li/te teaklte ; lev tad oo a* the jt .party Ot MdVm llaynle, to aa<My a fl la tr * Jen thv D ttrt MJb’Jt Dtetrlet. O M , tn favor in James Vsall aitPii va M Hft Ilayi b Property pointed out sod kvy made ad ■•Tamed Vo me by ff f| MrWidtamt IX AIX), Vt the >mr lime wad place Will be •#>!■ one town Imre*.wopp*ewd to Ire ateiU* S yrv •til , lev but on as ih* p'Ojwn'y ol M K Dsfit to >atUfy • ft fa from tioaeta M>r phir vLiort. to favor of T Kilby vt. Ii f %• and M P Davl* Properly pointed out by Plaintiff. *d property f-w.-l in (*i#e .t#>n f M K Davi*. . rOSTroX/tD HttKIUfKH fIU.E. At the same lima and place wiU be ani<! 91 acres of land off ol lot ol land No 4U, . and 10 acre* iff ol lot No 41; all In tbr llth District of Meriwether County .known and diftingoiabad aathe p'are whereon thi Defendant Geo U Jnhnami tormerly i*- dded ; levied on a* the property of Geo.H Jobnaoo to satisfy a ft f from Meriweher Superior Court in lavor of Rebel*. Coa kery A Cos., vs. George II J>hn*on .Oct 2nd 1H79. O. 8. FLORENCE. 8 M.C. GEORGIA I Oidinary'a Otflca. Meriwether County. { Oct. I*l IHTB On the first M'wday in November neat I will apply to the Hoaorabre C -a;*, of Ordinary in and for said county for Wve to ael! parts of Lota of land No*. 70 and 71 in tl.e 10th district of said county, belong ing to the estate ot Moses Alm-c. W . R. ALMAN, Adm’r. De boiwt non "GEORGIA- ♦ Meriwether County, f OrJ*nary’s Office. It appearing to the Court that Mr*. Mar garet C. Barton is an Imbecile, and that said Imbecile has right* and interest that require the attention of a Guardian, and whereat do parson appliei tor tba Guar dianahlp of said Imbecile. This is therefore to cite and admonish ail concerned to file their object ions if any they have on or before tbe first Monday in November next, to ahow cause, why -let ten of Guardianship should not issue to tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, or some other fit and proper per son. Oct. Ist 1878. A. J. HINTON. O. M a GEORGIA, \ Ordinary* < See, Meriwether County, f Sep 9#th,lS7& Mrs. Ella W. Keith (wile ot C. has applied for exempliaa ol personalty, out of theproperty ot her aaid hatband,and 1 will pan upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m. oa the Slat day ol October next (1879) at my office A J. BIN TON O. M. C. GREENVILLE MASONIC INSTITUTE Ciiiumroivi its Kail s-jaaiou on Monday the ili h day t! July lor a term ol ion I inoulba, and (MixUiatK IU patron* uualwtli and siU'iiUfu to i • ibtiriMghiKM ot lattruc i<.u and genera.' wwitare ut lit jwijilb. Rates of Tuition: I), |ll ai.d fil'd hr litav etlioiaatc un'Uiln Ni duductino M liwt limn el Of(4 iu cants Hpi uli a: ted atcaoetr (ireeuvdle ofiois imtny aodvauiage* lor a at bind. auuuig otheia, U k society and a boaithy ktca ity, iastruethm m Music, by aoc .mp.isbtsJ uacbra ia* Ik had at the rales of Irutu 3UU in 1 il taw mouth Board In g'*xt lamllKw wt trstu It to Hi |ier ;amitti J II ULiNK, Pri. Mti Astlautu ta’wr Milln. Anmu Uiowmia KOOK, ntl HRAPfIKD rifKk. ALL Signal and Weight* • KKI' fc. 11 BBUAD T. ATLANTA Vdilfi-tJAH OHM ND, Pr.'(irn<rir, lt< in bi Dili las'), as a Aperfintni ot h I f Iti' Organ War IIM It*.Maw* II any man intuit* your common smsa try oflsi mg a first clam 9 Mop Organ lor WsV, ok not him on thi sp**." All aecea i y lor buying such inferior Organa Is for ever done away with. 1< Oaah or 110 on lUy Terin‘ now beya a magnificent Masuii Ha uI in P arkit or Church Organ i>ti F;’ir Hei limit ao<l 71* fkopt !a Kla gan’. N*F B yle Cwas with JU'tmtnatml /viaf*.~Hai>d*onire‘ Style of Caoe aver prudocol H,etial aa Style.—B-ot on trlai.—Guaranteed ter a life time. —Rented until paid tor.— ( ot* states just out-—llc*^rated cat - logu-a free. —Ad)rea LL’DOKN ft BA TEH, asvaiiuaii, Ua , Maoutacturer’a *v no >aie Agei>* lot tu e Booth. imlh t Worm (Ml. Athens, G*., Do c. 8, 1877. A lew night* rtw*. Ig* xnr soa oas torn ol tea Wora UCI, sad seat day ha paased Wltacw Sa.-g* worm. iiikcwuttwlpntHteite aiy Uttle girl low rear* ute. aad aha i>sa*M (ft worau t nmi a U inch** long. W. F. PHI LUTS. Prepared by Dr. E*d Smith Lvadoa Al beats. Georgia. For Bale by J. E. G TERRELL ft CO. BHOEH &HOEH SHOBH Ladies Mime* Gent* and Buys bboca N ENDLEBS VARIETY, AMD AT prices to suit the time* at, ROBIN BOM ft BRO. ' GEORGIA I OrdmarT* Offiete Meriwether County. J July 1M 187S Wuerea* Julius C. Norrie aa A4*tali trator of the estate of Charles C. Harris, deceased, represent* to the court that ha has fully administered the estate of mid deceased and a) -plies for teum of diarala aioo trooi bir trust aa said Admiaiterator • ThD i* therefore to cite and adaeahh aU concerned to file their objcctkma, if aay they hare, os or before the firte Monday tn October next to abow caste why laid Administrator should sot receive letters of ditmirero from his trust as Adtebirtra tor aforeaail- Oiren under my hand and official tegsa ture. Tiit*. July lw,lßlß. A. J. HINTON. O. M.V