Newspaper Page Text
Columbus Knq ilrc'-Bun.
li. tut present race tor Cmtrew ve
•rxong'.y deaßed the out iua'.on of J idge
M. J. Crawford of our <J:y- if.-, ho-cvr,
dr olio#! al(ig the mcc ‘-ve i m-üb*
l- iUitn tt>; lal- court niton. M gre..r.
Mill thought h W'li.d actef.' the übmina*
tl >u il it tendered him by the eonvci -
tt .n. In the iiKCing at the court housed"
appoint delegate*, Ho vote pLiuiy meaut
>o a*irucu<] hut with tin: ui -
.’eratanding that Crawford wm first choice
and Harris second. We had hoped that
the cnMdtAu.Uion of the convent ion would
b<: diflc'enb Ol It* neth n we do art
mi an to apeak. We do not think theie
1... been a nomination by the Ceoveaiiw,
ot that ei<hot (and the candidate* I* the DOtn
n. ol the |*r(Jr, Two gemlamep are
miming -Lion- lie try H- HtrrU anl Otj •
tain Henry Per*o3. Poodle r eom.iel.-
ed to tak* ki te* to elect a candidate, and
we prolewt to tie ueutr-i in nothing. We
ui and that ot the gent:omen
,on in til fluid M' Harrl* i the choice
ol the district, and it la one that we •>
prove, though lie wee not our tiit ehotce.
ll‘i baa now been in Oongre.a si* year*.
He la a gentleman, bone it, uptight and
diligent end ever at hie poet, laboring lain,
lully lor the good i I Ids diatrici, Hide arJid
country. On ei*ry important <|U<mini, hi
can point to hU vote* as Ida r< cord, end
never yet baa ho lx eu am >iht the alt enlei a
when au laetic ol moment wiva nt slake
lie haa make lew *p< *•< lie*, but ’hey have
lieon aarmly commended in Ihe hlglnal
l ariura. He I* the third member named
on the most Important committee In the
Mouse, and Ida speech on the tiitd! bill
won Uie highest commendation. 110 w a
jjenlleistau of far tnoro than oiillnary Intel*
lignite, and Jiosseaac* the esteem and con
fidence of Coiigreasmeii t. an egtirine do
*(ioc. Ilia return will ald to Ida useful
m:i* and . ffieiem y. He lisa exp rrlence,
ntilllly,character and Handing an 1 la plain
ly aa mallei* now stun I t to lay trim of the
West Point Pir*4.
Without n particle <>l oonficiuUM psrti
sunshlp, wo this week hoist Him nuiu of
lion. 11. 11. Harris lor tl'Migree* Irom thl*
■dlfilrlr.t. The action, or rathrr, tho ii'iii
actlon, ol two successive meeting* l tint
convention chosen to natna llio camllilaln
for whom wn shnfeld ns food Peny-emt*,
vote, loot remitted ua to <nr pinrsonnl
hoW, itld without limitation we Indleato
that choice. We atlMttwl not Mr. Harris
lo<* becsmm to tho beginning ot the cain
oatgn we advocated tin* claims ol n por
nonal Ir'end and a *Oll o( Troop. Mr,
Harris’ democracy Is utissas'lablo hi*
record that ol a conscientious, faithlul
representative. Ill* speech on tho tarlft,
at the last sossi-ei, was pronounced by
c impel* nt judges one of the best ever
mado In Ctmsfss* on that ride of Uioques
tion. 110 ti a prottiinetil, laborious tnem
tberoftlio moat Important committee ol
■llia House—that of Way* and Minna evl
■donclng tho high oalenm In which ho I*
hull! by the Speaker. Hl* opponents In
this canvass boar wHue** to Ills skill lii
dubnle. It la, moreover, evident Ural the
019)01 tty of the totbta of the 4th District
proler Mr. Harna to all others, and tln ro is
no aott ol doubt about til* triumphant rc
cloci Inn.
While wc canm t consent to put nway a
tried and proved public totvant lor oue
who baa not boon levied In a place ol offi
cial Irnsl, wo have no (piarrol to make
with those who think differently.—Capt
Perons la uoexci-pliouable politically on
Jy because bo U without a record ; while
Mr. Harris possesses the greater merit be
lug approved iltcf pawing through the
ordeal ol a prolong! and a rviee.
' Carrollton Time*.
iongrcHlonnl Ctmietl.
Since a latluro to uotnlnal.’, and we arc
Iclt free to act In the matter, wo shall tup
port Mr. Harris rinco ho !v a ia:idldate,*nd
do alt we cen, In a lair and legitimate way
ito aeewre his election.
First, bccauso ho has been nominated by
Carroll county by an overwhelming ma
jority as tbolr choice for confess. Asa
good Democrat we are always willing to
Abide by tho action of the majority.
Second, because he la the choice ol the
majority ol the cougicetional convention.
AnJ a handsome majority at that too,
though we do not believe the convention
expressed lalrly Mr. Hants' strength, aa
the election In November will show. *
Third, because we believe that Mr. Har
ris is the choice of the Democratic party of
this district for congrtss*. We kuow that
>ha moat ot tho so-called leaders ol thepar
ty an against him, but we believe fully
i wc-lhirds of .tho rauk and file ol the par
ty are lor him. And aa Bill Arp says a
vote fat a rote no matter where you drap
fourth—and lastly, because Mr. Hums
3itt node on efficient and laiibfblcongrees
■oua,'ud ha la to-day trotter fitted to ip
*nseat us oe account o< hit experience Urea
Vie lim ever been. That he is efficient aad
.-•hie bis standing and influence at Wajh
irgtan prove. Bis standing is auch there he haa been placed upon the moat un
|OtUut committee oiooogreaa. That com
mittee k composed ol the wisest men at
> egress, nearly every OM bfeflfig A Dfc
tm-osi repetahop. That Mr. Harrk k iaitb
iui ie the performance ot hie dutiea, a yir
*<w net Ue often loand in coegieiamen.we
■ppeei for proof to all thoee, no matter
%bit Lex lr ieisds or opponents, who hare
. ever bad any boiue*< with h.ta as tUe.r
! BepreactP alive-
Fairborn Star,
I The N*-woan convention having failed
t> make a nomination for Coofneee, It in
left wiih the people to pay th< ir money
a,..f Lake tb-.dr choice. Il h bar iiy -
,gi y tor mto eay that oUf voice—a. it b
been ior *m months part-—il attf 1 i lor Hhj.
Henry IL IDrriv, and we aball give wbC
infio-rijce we lia.e to secure his re-elecuovi
to the position he has a; honorabiy and
la! htully filial- f/o
't hat Mr. Ifer/ia is tue ytoiee of Out to
ter* ol th Fourth OmtrfasioHftl IHurU',
no tin; r judiccd will deny. Over
H-ven hundred balloting', in which be
tteadd) received two and ooe-tbtrd vo'es
over a msjoiily ol the whole number of
votes, *p. •a* ie language etrooger than
we cao command that he IH the choice ot
the people ; and if the majority r do had
ben adopted at Colufohaa, as it should
have lejcn, a non.toatlmi would have been
mail o . the fir.t day, thl* disgraceful di
ruptioo in the par y would have been
•folded and the people wopid have had
tbeir cb< Ice.
H.t no argument of this matter is at a! ;
neceaaiy. The mi. rwtiy i the rst> vei.J
tlon req.onsible tor thi* trre
pmaide actflsm to tue ranks of the Demo*
orntlc jwirty, and-tbi-jr know tt bough
they make no and en*ei.-*i eK
t ft to shift the festa.ndbi'lty to Hie ahoui
d. rsof the mi.j wily. Let u* a~e wl '
kind of a predicament the feet* lo the caw.
will leu ye this pairl-dtc mlneri'y; M .
Hud'h w.nt into lb* ci nvti t on reprtn IP
td t.y lie* M,au •./.<-< hof the s! eng'hol
ihe tfapt. I'irsoi a by a till to over
ou'-lourth ; and Ot!. It-iriU e nutc-mb y
over one halt,or largely mitre than a run
Jurliy of the whole. And yet this lar aco
l ,g. clear eighted/fjpw dhtU inle ul y h.v<-
the hardihood to charge tld* unmlatakw
ble majoriiy with trying 10 disrupt the par
ty t tjeotlemeti, it I*. tat < ntempHb'y
thin ; ion l.reatl. of f.iiein and
common ar-uae will dlawdye it Info mlat
Wo have fallen on strange times, Indeed,
when majurltlm are uep 'pul r. an I Io not
represent the will of tho pe nd* •“do .’t ymi
think a if i
It la very bumiliailng ’and much to t*
regretted llist a nomination w** w it p tb<
led, but Hid msj .rliv do not, chi <>t l*H
lUsl they aro to ldam iir the rraui*. It l
well known that a cn ..btnvton w i
ranged <o.r'y in the caiifasa t J dtcat Mi
Hiir;l* at every list in). V
lt was disgracefully Inangtir tied lu this
couoty (where a fair eipreniou of Ihe vo
i,.is would give him an overwhelming out
j .rity.) It was attempted In Carroll with a
miserable failure, and h* urinate I In New
nan, where, on the plea ol harmony ami
c itnpro'.uiae, this lacltnßS combination, led
by that redoubtable and double Jointed pa*
trlot. ex-Ooy. Jim Smith, thrust to vm
every wan ol any prominence In the dl
irlot In order to defeat Mr. Harris, who, 1
was plain to be seen, was the choice ol Hu
people. 11 tho miuorl y were so wotu’er
lully anxious (or harmony, whv In ihe
name of rearon, didn’t they harmonise o
Mr. list lls, and thus ninioably settle tin
difficulty T Can they answer f Tho m*
jarity I* charged with going into tho co
veutlou in the Interest l s wax, white tv
1 ry move made and every wool spoken by
tho mi ority in thoc 'tiveaHon cnuoltMlvc
ly proved that tiikv wire there In opposi
tion to u mat’. Which horn ol the di etn
na |ihudvng’T T Aeyhotly but liarri*'
was the war cry clear through ; the Inter
est anJ Integrity ol the party did noi a|>-
pear to tic a consideration of even seconda
ry Importance.
l.atlrwnge Reporter. *
•stick to ilie Truth.
A communication iu the ffewnnn Her
ald, say sol Henry It. Hauls t
"It was Col. Abraham’s money and the
influents of hi* LaUranee Hank that gave
him tho Troup county delegation.’’
This la not trne. Tho campaign in
Troup for the delegation, was as laiily
c; Dducted aa political campaigns ever are,
and the coutilj went lor Harris, In a pri
mary elce.t'e’,l, by a yote ol 673 to 886. We
opposed Uarils iu thl* Cttßilutign \ bot we
want to see the truth told.
"Co'. Abraham's money and the influ
ence ol Ms LsGrange flank" can’t carry
Troup county. Col. Abrsbam was absent
molt of the time ; what time he was hole,
be worked for Harris aa a Irlend would
na'urally wotk for a Iricnd , but Hie influ
ence of the bank was not used tor Harris
and Uit had been, It could not have car
ried the county. Harris got the Troup
delegation just simply because the people
wanted him to have it by a large majority;
only tbi# and nothing more.
That Awful Pheaegniplt.
Mrr.Caimen need no longer sit up un
it) midnight for a late husband-lhat is
late coming home. She eatt now ejwrak
her lecture Iu tba diaphragm of Use phot
ograph, attach one end of a cord to Use
crank and the other end o the knob ol
her chamber door,and retire to her downy
couch. Aith the sweet and comlorirog a*-
surence of u‘™ b “ f
„ . . . irood- Carmeen will
it will do then.
. , , ,t la.m. as usual, ana
I TOme, “~ k ‘ a ‘ iD * .uir. but no sooner
k “til om door, than that
tQd te|l bim in
awfh pbooogpsphwill np , he thiukl of
hia wile’b own roles, what , , n .iih j,-
” ■■ i *n wlUb UIC
auch conduct aa thk, winding l bed you
ttera command: now come to - uke a
old fool and dou*t ait then blink iiu . rior .
sk* owi I And all the lime Uua p. \aj
maace la ia progress. Mrs. Caimeen u h
he re feline in aweet dreams in wk
aprinK bonnete and the latest lovely thine
ia polouiaes predominate. )
llflib EDITION,
Ototainicg a complete Start of all the town*
In ihe Untied Bute*, toe Terrfturiea and
the D ,ti.)irirtn of Canuds, fcgflfig • pormh.-
tioa greater titan 5,0 0 according to the
last census, together with tue uamta of the
ctwo, ape-ra haring the largest loesi eifeu
lath.n in each ol the piece* turned. A mi,
a c-tiogue of newspaper* which are r e
mhwM to adveVtl-crs as gtring gr f ’-
et v.lue in profurtlou charged.
Alao, the liatigioua and Agiicu'turai J .ur
ns.*, very compete list*, aid many tabi<s
ot rales, showing the ot ot 4fr l**g o
raiieu* oew*pap*.r*, and much trier hif- r
xi. at in n which a tt<gt-,ner tn advert ii'<
wou'd do well to posaee*. Address OK
P. it .WELL St CO., Newspaper Alvw
tisiag Bureau, 10 Bprcce 81.,B 1 ., N Y
Cbetriu Tobacco
Atfft* 4*4 htyhmtmrimi U Cm ti—rfli
A * *t*t**o *aOHM m 4 Atdtof md <#****
Oa4n/ auMafo. rirtm g*4 t*M 7U WWHM
m4a Aa W* Mh mt*
*. it i*. \-r,t ? A,U AM JM ■
** •urf life* ; sy A 4*-siaant. £w*w &a
ter cl Jad-hM 4 CVs r
PIANO Heautdel Bq, <Jr*l IHano#, ]
t rl-w;01,000.ouly t*7s. Maanitloeni Vtr
i tgiat Phswea, price o*oo. only 175, Pi
ao‘U.7 oeiewa, U-\ 7+ US, New Sty
)'lignite |4A <tsgaa if sto,.>. $57-M.
Organ 10 stops, piiee |3W. Obly
VflO Elegant sf>7o Iflrr'.f Tip Organs
|dy Otu*. Bcanuiui Pa/iof Os. so, pno
.iltt d,.lan, only til iP.i.a/s. Fit ! * Es
:|,sed, ftftb dollar iaward. ‘Traps
fir lh* Unwary' and about Cost
rd|*li'a ami Organs, assn ItUL)C. Plants
wldress liaoiel F. fhany , WashtfaV a. N
CseyAltAYtr A/m.ta can our b.i
Of iha Firuaide Visit r, Tarn • ad AWnm I* O VttJEKMY
AtM'wta Maine
\tJKS Id Wai.iel ! M -la;* as I Dip! .mas
K wtiiOl.VtA N*H | - j [aUar.le.!,
new Pictontl Bibltw.
t,OOO I narration*. Addrtm Or new on
r.itUrs A J. HoI.MANA (JO, IfdO Arch
rtl, Pl.UailidpbU.
i \ Uuivwmi litrda (,*.! ct b au'u -/
aj V/ wnh name lo . t -tr. i *Jm iC ~, Mats.
To A4fefllpr*#
Hcnd I r <>ur Heinct Uiat ..I fsial N wa
t>aftcrs. Bent Iran on appi.eatktfi. Ad
irrs OBO.C.HoWELL A CO , 10 .-tpnue
HI. fi. Y,
OEOUOIA- t Ordinary'* Offl *
>l*tiaether Coonty j orvaovllia (l.
Whwrnas D .fid Oglvtfie, S M. C. It b
ertson t.n‘l James F- Kvaeum.s >i
the Last Will an l Teatamenl of Philemon
Ogletmt dccraaed, xprtun' b the Own
that they liave lu'lv adminlstsrfd ihe es
tate nf said ilv*al, and apply lor letter
of diniiiaal >n from their truat as such Ka
This I* therefore to c U and admonLh
all concerned, to IP# their .drfetdiwn* If ary
they have, on of la-tore thr first M mdav in
Dvccmlier IB.S, to abow cause ahy add
Executor* sliou <1 n >t receive ietu>r* of Dis
•u Is from their said truat.
Uivcn under my baud an I cfTt dal algna*
trc. Thi* Hcpt. A I 187S.
O. M. 0.
OKOIiGIA, MeriwHlirr County.
Hv virtue ol an order Irom the Honora
ble court of Ordlnsry, in and* lor sal I
county, 1 will sell to the highest bidder bc
tore the court bouse door, in the town el
Greenville between ibe legal hours ol sale,
on Hie first Tuesday In October next lb
following described lands belonging f>> tb
S-tate ol Johnson Freeman, Uncewd to
wit : Lot Ni* IS4- containing 3024 acres
and J-i'oing lands ol It- H. Fricnren, Bla
lock and Turner ; also, lot No. 354 join
log lands ol It. U. Freeman, idler, Rob
ertson and Findley, and known as the
Home place of said deceased ; Both oi the
above lots of land lying and being In the
Bth district ot said county and containing
la all 4024 acre*. Terms Cash.
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
By Virtue ol an order ol the v Court 1 1
Ordinary of said county, will be sold on
the tat Tuesday in October next, befote
tho court boose doorgn the towu of Greeu
viiie, between the legal hours of sale, alt
the lands betonglrg to the estate of Harsh
Burtou, late of said county, deceased, con
sisting ot 377 seres more or less, said lands
are situated In the upjjer (hh district, be
tween Wbite Dak creek and Fib't river,
and adjoining landt’ot Wiley and Clifton
Reynolds, and Mrs. Kern peon sod others.
The lands were gives in to the Taxßeceiv
er in 1875, as lou 335,236 and 314. Tb
whole settlement constituting the plac
known aa Isaiah Button's.—Bold for the
benefit of the bwn and editors of arid
estate. Terms cash. This Sept 5th,1878
I aOrangk April 1878.
Da. T. S. Bndgeld :-Th Sufctrfk Dr.
Heard prescribed for my lutle slater whs was sol
faring very ®*h Dross “Poison Oak" gave speedy -
•Uef. Two applications curedd bar. Tour*, Sc .
c. l. sans.
Prepared by T. a Bradfield, LaGrange
Ga- For sale by J. EG. Terrell A Co
agents rasas
MONEY pleasantly and fast, address Ft-
Uaßvgv A Cos , Atlanta, Ga.
What has earth dearer in palace or grove,
Than motif at nigh!-fall from lips that wc
Then gather the itt'ie ones arotmd the
Pane or Organ alter the toil* ol tie day
aie over, and enjoy a real home concert
It you have no home, get one right aw*y,
or if you haven't any children, b< rrow
some, and i) ) u are a Knout a
Bov one turUxaiU. st
jm E ■
Music House
Bdvannsb. Oe,
Ti.e Ureal \Vb-,ise.e l*!tno a..d Organ
Depot ot tinrSout* •
Hsve in t!.e p*t br. ya. puttln
itramect* f.. n. t,s aid every oce can tert.
fy b> ILeir sup. r: i*iy. To and pu/ebac
e# egactly t* our f*dtty and dt-ltglt. W c
Citi Cos it, we will do it, and we sre dotsy
U Every loattome*! w/td a
di-*n ...h* r h.r ns
.And now to Business*
Y >t Fail Trsle, 1-78. *. ax* ie*.Jy .tt.
the largest and flueat line ) lusirun-eut
ever iltt.iayl h- till., at,H.h *• iU 1 a*
dlftcJ. ! puichasere on the So A,;ea<, N<.
Cuteitii tlukril P as. at Mao Pi* | JtrtV
Esctory Kate* l.t (',*l. a■ 1 oo .Fa
le.m- So .s in t u ..n'a ... j a;
any price. Ercry > wr a.:
tjeers .l*unak. ra name and bar a wittlar.
Hia k&tta guarantee. it. *!,!* lostru
mi n'a ff. i*<t Hsti-* Annie* .s a st
we g i*fr.P ■. Ou th < *.k we s‘u Ia and
all compe' iifcm. Ihen.n wI.
can un>lsraeli us Uu t yei.
PIIXOS , OR 1.1.1.S
7 t< lave *UI t Ht.ip*. *M
7* (fetaVe, !tj. i HI Slope 75
Usariilael the Ijshl sol i in Ihe U. ti , at
such prasi. Nnti tng iika them ever t*
hia cltefid. HUkitly wbobswls lata*, kv
reduction u Dcs.eia or Taacher*. fii
only ior cash. No .taw to a K credit.
Piaoos from Old Makers.
OhicWing. *370 i Kosba A (>• *370
Mauiu b-k. 2K* | !*• A f.'O . t:ft
tlain s B-, 850 I ft-mthwa Gem, l 7
hclcci lixm *b rve Hat sod and y- u will
hwvn a Piioo tor a IlmUroe o( I *rd
u True economy lies la pnrebw ol a
A Jw. 1 loMruroent. The re*t a/•- *
way* tuc cheapcrt, ae well ** roost *(>*
Organs from Old Makers
Mann A H onlin, 10 rito.n. $;Ai
Peloubrt A Piltoo, 9 Hlo( , |75
In elegant New Btyle IV Fitty
Style* from f4ot<' 6<X>. Three msgnifi
rent IreUuinenta co-t a lit Hero re than
many others, but will wear twice as tong,
and are far tiettc-. IHaetrated Catalogc‘
See these Easy Terms,
ITANDB. —fth*n didlars Mon'b y, un
ill paid !or ; < r 31 dollars Cadi, aoU ba!-
snee iu one year.
ORGANS.—7 dollars and 30t0t6t4 iar
lerly, for Ten Qiarters , or, 5 to 10 dollars,
M mthly, undl paid I >r ; t<r, ooc-dalf Cash
Down an 1 t-alsnce iu one yrar,
FIFTEEN Days Trial it desired, wc
pay freight both way* if Instrument doe*
not suit. Purchasers run no risk.
BEWARE l B >grs Pianos and Organ*.
The couat-y is fl-vxle i with them. If any
man oilers yon a 1,000 dollar Plan ) tor
375 dollars, or a 260 dollar Organ fof SBS,
tell him ha lies and you want miss the
mark. Outrageous deceptions are prac
ticed now. Bay only from a reputable,
well-known House rr you Will regret it.
Secure beet Instruments at lowest prices,
are Money, Time, Risk and Freight,
bavannah, GA
A few mallcalves Jersey Grade at #lO to
#ls per head.
Several Lambs ol the French Merino
stuck Ball Blood at #5 each. aL'O, seme
Shepherd Dogs, Stock , English Drover,
price #5 each.,
Any person desiring to improve their
stock Ac„ from fine Blood at low figure*
can do §o by applying to mt at Luther
viile, Gi.
June-7-5 in.
1 Pleasantly aa* fast, agents should ad
f d'ess, Fm v, Hauvit A Cos.
| AUan^Ga.
$25,000. FURNITURE. $25,000.
Thin immense stock of Farniture, consisting of
sideboards !
M.ATTREiHESs, [Hindi.
SPitfNU BEDS, mmy
everything usually at; l in a
We have ale ! stuck ot Chrcn*-.- * wt*Ftctme iivu rs at.L c ake hanua t. urdet, y
Fancy goedr lor birt. ‘ay sud bolt ley jkcscu!*
k> jt • • fiiraiitiy ui. i,and Cofie-pe I .,J,mr n vin-!, m.d ptumpt auswwa given to all
Brpten.twr 27 187S. N. wuan Oa.
Z'... th" Eu;;:t ar.i
ACiENTK wo ask yon U> try it. ;*ntl oil* r you rj> ‘ ial
Indurcrnffilfi. 6‘nd for Tirr-ular A- Vri<<■ to
ITT W. f ourttk fit,* f Clmclnmatig Oa
JL. €. vVIiHI.VA' W. ft, *7tfintifcer.
4 - __ of
GO 11 DON 1 IN S T I T D TE,
Barnesville* Ga.
Will o',wo on Monday, 3rd, 1878, with a hU I erwp, of
teachers determined to keep up the widespread and .eaerved repiution of Urn josi y
“SjSfof Insritnta oflers superior infucemcnU to parents
rd datwhters It has all the modern sppl.sme*,spf arstn* end lorr iinre, ano a reewu
nor soccMafnl unparalleled in the ‘Mare tm
bv ProL Guttenberger, who has no supers and but tew equalsiir. h n r R ' fcO(J
Barrcsvilie is the most enterprising city on ibe Macon ami * estern K •
has joatly the repuUlion of having the most moral, libera! and en lghtened commas y
For catalogue containing fall feformawOT addre*| p L AMBDi!*, Pke.t_
or W. H. WOODALL, r**c.,
. , BarnesvlHe, Georgia,
o 34 iy
is MU lib WORM O/L.
Athe>s,'Ga_. Fcb. £2,1878.
Bca : My eaiM, Sve yeswo'S, had symptom* o*
worms. I tried ealowss! s4 the worm Medtolna*.
bat kiied to expel *ay worms. SeeSagUr. Sola*
certificate. I tot * tva! of Warm 0.1. *ad the r t
ewtmp tortr * “• • eeo * d do -*
- 1 “ 084 -T
Prepared by E’d Smith Lyndon, Atbeos
Georgia. Fh fair by J.E. G. Itm A
notiin’s viui wot F*rf*t
Ir. McSStt s TsWhlaa 'Tsethin* HwS*"> ree°-
later th-Bowel* six! m*he Teething **!• Tee
Dina Cores ChoUea-totatara sod the **■*>
Corap!*iat* ol Chi Siren. Ural* Eroptionr nd ton
Remove* *ud prevent, the format km of W anna
f mettrr lnld te eiifctst H.
f, t sale by J. E. G .TEK.dELL A CO.
U- ALL LISE THUM •McCaos’end's
Peart ri Aing, Plailiag and Pol*
ishio ; Iron*. For sale by