Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
*‘< h>.l*HKk) KVKKY Mil'll',
BY vm T. REVIIiT s
"iouth si-'ttf of the B.*
Cour7i r o rricERS
ORDINARY* A. !. 11l ton
SHERIFF .i.O. S. Florence
CLERK 8. C . ..W H Kei er
TAX CO r .LECToIt j. O. Chrirtta
SURVEYOR <). F. Matthews
CORONER .John It. Junes
It. A. Cbunn, A iron biblcv,
C. J. Kcevcs, J. E. Bachs nan
Alien 11. WaU'ji .
board of EDUCATION.
John W. Psrk, W. J. Berne
Medium lfecvii, H. A. Earner
A. 11. Freeman, See.
SENATOR i>6 h District, F. M Duncan
F. J. Williams, C. 'S . Wllltol
Will practice iu Meriwether and llie*d
•iaing coualkst.
Attorney at law
All business entrusted to bis i*re attend
*0 to promptly anl Untrpdly,
D. it. K KITH,
Uhkknviu it G*
IT ill praelicu In ii n. i ili i and Uii
omul n onuii't iit l•,< ( ,i*< l* ePeuii.
tiHKKN V ILKK, <>* *“—*
A. <j I iOV D, 11. U h.
i jJIdiDKN I iii.N l ,r*T
Tf * t *,!>. AU win ku an anted.
X. P. MeUWHEA l’H,
DEN I laT,
USN<J]A . . . (JA
JI A VINO Ise.'i imgu.e ! In Jin
1 Ib.t itev <il Dental fiargmy durruy
tba last irn )*!#, J led • i.n | flint In i<
all kitidi ml lNiiial w< ik In tK* my in*'
• lyls cl It * Art, im, i solicit lln patron
gat Iha |NUt>U ul Mtletli*! oouoty,
assuring ad wbo p.ltonllv rue that ,li*t
•Sait Lai# the itiy Loti ati of uik, an*
tai a* Mile minify ** uuul'l 0* ikaig*d Uj
tof ttcnpalir I Dentist it 1 1 1 state. Cor
leapenUeue* try mail promr'ly ai.Bwerc
Ml fc, I'. 'IKIiKKLL,
> . KKK (8 hi* l'l.!<*.|.iin.i service* to
V ) l*t i’utjl l< OP'* Will li; InHICI
hi J. E. O. leiiell. n ; ti,' Dtog Mute.
OFKKI'.H lit 1 < m i*i >• tu
lie ciii/Atti* mi Unwuv.l.e tt.ii *1 iit>-
igp Oflk# *t J. b. -luml A <•
IM* Fler#
1 HE
j i; JJSW > I.Ki end FANCY IjluM
of Ls'nssge, Georgia.
I J Ai* MIW, and will kep iway* ,n
J J n.d*i l.u ui. sUe East *1 e mi
It* p' t ic *',Uiie, ft j ll Kid
wai-L tK.HK.TKU Ml* K or
amun,, and farcy clod.
Conti,ting, of pert oi,
tar GOLD end BULAKH Watches, jfc
Stem cd Kej-wit>crr*, *>l the bent make
Bpleodi Gold and Hl*w Watch Cl>itt*
of til uui, maker* and prices
Gold I'etift and all kind* of boldei*; Gold
Pllver A rteel (spectacle* A K)e-Ola****,
Silver Plate Were
ol ail kit.ot and style*,
rvckel, 'I aWe Cutlery, and Kaz. r.
by tb *ery ten own'd maker*, —Joseph
Kodff a and George WoeUsnbolmC
l am tlli re; airing all goods in my line
Tuo mat v ci’JZ'ns of Meriwether nod ad
joining c t i tle* Late tctlcd my woik Ki
reqbist a word lram me as Vo the charac
ter el it. I twill; however warrant alt ri.
wsrk, d,pioeilj need, aa 1 lave alway*
done.ftoo leapectiuliy art h oi
tbe p*ir ce* 1 Lave rec< ived fr. m my
bleed* m Meriwether.
Haikcr’s way at ifi ae,
Aa* car* you child with Dr. Moffett'ft T-etbtu*
(TmUttag Jfmdrt#). Ttitiina PcguiaUi
B*wWs aad make* Taevnioi may ; Cara* CVilre*.
ItJXntea aa* th* Banuaer uoaylawu oteLlldrat.
Balt Knycktn and Sores ; Saatcorea cad Prevent*
lb* fonaaih® Cf Wonae. No Biadtcto* ever re
oai red such eatkoeiaatic twm mandarine froa mow
vbo fee** aaad It.
Otic (it Jack Frost,
BV X. B- mi ART N,D. D.
•‘The only em-my that can sjcccrslul'y
grapple with pillow J*cfc Jack Flint-"
—A Newspiper Paragraph.
1 thought thee cruel nice, J s k F. v?t,
VV’.ten I utt you 't anti amail,
Y T ou pinched my ears, ad hit iny tors,
You painted red my check* And no e,
And kept me close a itliiu Use doors,
And thus I deemed thee final ot 1 ei
That could my youth belall.
I thought thee crus!, mice agai",
When up to manhood groan,
! saw thee doilM the earth in white,
VVheri al! that's fair, an t pure, and bright,
Was withered try thy deadly blight.
When In one *h >ft luckless night;
Where'er thy breath had bl mu.
You nipped my bmls, and spoiled tuy
And filled me with dismay,
An enjAny I called you then,
A too to garde,., field and glen ;
A eilTae sent to the sons of men,
At.d never to return again,
1 bade thee husk away.
Bat now, Jack Frost, 1 dud at last,
Thou W ist ruy dearest friend ;
tlt.e has ot)mu iu V> take thy place,
Without thy beauty or thy grace,
With po souous breath and satlr m fc ,
lletd on desltucllou to our race,
And sorrows without end 1
Our land ties tuontulng at his feet,
And ’ueath his ghastly tread ;
Our Isiisst (lowers have met decay,
Our brtghtcnt gents have 1 si thetr lay,
1 lie young, the beautiful, the cay, *
Aic vanished from our slglil a *v.
And nunUncd with the timid I
Come bs- k, Jack Frost, again cornu back.
Thrice We coins to vacb bentt,
Btretell lorllt lliy white and tnuwii wsmi,'
Rid sutleiiuy lie st diy commnnd,
Give Iteslth and quiet to the bund,
Cornu wiiat tut sceptre Irvtn lit* hsodj
And hid the Ghoul di'i at).
Whole cities wad l i ucad’y stroke,'"
Trade Inu la Ixiuaib hi* rod,
Ualsti tl our ivi y interest lies,
real*, tdttei leai J, s H ike our eyes ;
it ,r litnuiu* heist w Hi g. uns ami fi;;lt',
Ooinn, then, limn huk< I of the stile*
Tli' U me: soiiy nr ol ilod I
I’liou co st I’bvaieiaii Irota a)>ovi' t
Who cam'at to save tli# 10l ;
tjuine in this hour id <ll mat rived ;
Com*, and to iii*rcy iutcrCFdr' ;
C >me, stay lit* I iague’s insalUle grted—
God iend i lie whi'B lioat-lro*l I
/// VO/ 0 1
Mi. Olio*,. I Virginia, and Jud. ' Duval
<il M It) Wild, liltmil'll* 01 l'*>ll**rio during
VVitsli iogtu’* utd I jj >ti Mtt tit tort. board, and tit
U|<| litiuftu of A Mif. Gibbon, v. I daugh
ter* Will well 1,11 tu year*, and t<lll*l kn
it le lor luikatlv) urn*. When Jfli-'son l>c
■ *rtn- President, I>> vl tu Coinj'ttdilrr
,1 Ihi Tit-amry, am! Oik* a Senator*
M> -ding 1 1 e tiny 10 \V. alii glno, lliey It II
<) i halting IVtr oi l little*, Hint tbs Heim
it>r s ke<t tiif Comptroller If lt knew wln*i
he 1 It**"tin* ot “tit*! cackling old meld,
Jinny Gibbon ” tide i Mr* Duval, sir,
wa Ilie one* i'< te Irt ply. (> >■* did not
attempt to mend otarici*. att a cotfnm Mr.
I'olietvilli* unwisely did. Tlili urdiappy
Mundeter ruetnblod the Irish gentleman
who complained that be eootd wol o|;tt
' le rnwith without puttitty hi# toot in it,
n*p[i* ttlng to t/h*.'*rv<‘ t<> it (eilorr poeet at
DllOl uTeti Cattle that the lady who .'tt a’
1* riy'jt *t ditioer wa* the aglit woman
he harl ever lreheld, the pertiMn addre*nd
*pte*wd In* fcyitl tie etlOUld litink
lit# wile i;l look Ini'. 1 have made 1 m.*-
take, aeild the horrified Tuhcrvllle ; I
n eaot il>e la Ay who eatoo nty left. ‘Veil,
tr, she la my elater, wa* the to
tbe well-tolei/tiMLMtJ fib, Winging from the
deeper ale connolaM-ur of la aufy Ibe Irai.k
avowal : It can’t be btlj cd. air, then ; for
i( what you eay be true, 1 can lea# I never
aaw tuck an u*ly (ami y >n tbe course ol
my llle I
Year* ago *i, r a lfock T<;and was and
amali village, and iu pu *p!e had lot* of
fou all to theii'twlves, one of oar aofjer,
dignified cit-Z'jn* put hi* own head under
ote end of the y<*ke and a Mule buil't *n
i tbe other, to teach the animal how to
do useful work. When be found tbe bull
was running away with him down e dirt
r< ad towards a crowd around tbe country
aiore on i'linoi* street, b measured *-
ueu (cut at a Jump, kept up with tbe bull,
and yoiled at tbe top ot hie voice Here
we come, dare our koi houls I Head n,
w.metiody. When ha'ted and the yoke
was being idtea fretn hi* nfftk, he yelled :
Unyoke tbe bull 1 Never mind me, IU
Bo long a woman ha* only two arias
#•11 never look graceful when vbe tries to
. arry % book in one hand, her trail ie an
otber, and blow bur Due* si tbe a*cue time,
To mother w hose cbildrr n are weeping.
—Bw<tt and balmy *sep v-cured lor tbe
dtile one*, and cough* and colds rapidly
ban .bed by the use ol Dr BuH’jt Lough
By rap. Puts twtnty-Cve cent*
As the lays grow the impression is in
creased that lion Henry R. Hants is gain
ng strength. He i< not only popular with
the merchants of the city, but Ihe (aimers.
We have never heard Mr. Harris deliver
a qceeh. We do n>t know w hat etnas hi
may he r ru keo iu forensic debate. We
can, however, appreciate hi* ads and hi
votes for the pa*t si* years, and Im re i
tr I one that we and > not curdledy approve
v'enko know he ha# made two ot ih<
bet *|at>< he- ever spoken in the national
n.utbC of Ue| rntenlatives An agent of
tLe IYxsb Pai itlc Hailroadf was in Collin -
bos several week* during the last session
i 0, ogress. He was furnished with let
ti rs from Mr. Stephens and Donator La
mar. lb seemed most earnestly to desire
the Ci -operation of membera ol Congres*,
and ciscia!ly that of Mr. Harris. Hu de
sired to obtain his Influence, as lie yvas
ouc ol tire most mfiuculiai < f the whole
llourw, because ot hi* probity, earnestness
and high sense of honor. He desired to
obtain an expression of the District in te-
Sard to the subject. We questioned him
closely regarding the objects ot his road
and why I e bad particularly Bought this
Section. We discovered tils aim was to
•ecure fitch a suiitmeiit a* would liilluanct
our C, ngrcssinsn, and that Mr. Harrl* had
invarlv’ily refused to vote tor ary bill
w Inch did not secure a terminus on tlie
eastern bank ol the Misaiaaippi liver, on or
asmer us po.->ibb to the thirty-second
parallel ot latitude, aid that ho would
v ole lor no sche me that did not give the
S Ulhern ialii, mis running to the Alluntic
pi is equal advuutapih with those ot Tom
Ri nit, iu the North. This so coiueido*
with tli view cf Georgians as to render !i
iiii| . M-ible |. 1 any 8 millet |) journal U> ail-
ViH ate any Ollier t line or lad to approve
tin "i in I.mi o! Mr. llairi*. W e ail dcalre
a hoiillietn i'at ,fir Uuid'oad, i.ot a- a rec
ti' mi I hut n iiiiii' mil l.igb *, ay. R tie j;i
give Mr. II an I* <1 vote and ai i unlit* our
uw n ri'hdi inne mi uijtiul showing tviib
the urotl bivotrd. Thift ta one of tlio rea
vna why Alt. Ii iiii- ahuuld lie retained
t*oi)gn'ii*iiuiii. tv. know how lie will
V'lu oil tin* important ipteidiuu. All win
a Haul hern I’ncdi liiiit.ia.l, but and it it to
to div Me Ito tlie bridge ku'l'u** tbo M.-
*i*ippi m 81. Loin#, and mum . I iu prail
'd *" ! •>" dial jjtli'iun al points where
8 lUtliern tiuidti I'uri louidi litem, aucli a
I 1111111 t 1 lit is iit till- Vote til .nil I'en.-
Ut-r. Hill'll wan tlll' iitundp iiul ot Mr. tlui
n* nionlli* ago, and sitidi it •* now.
On dm nitlinp lie l proving bliiiiell tbe
l'ui ul it is opponents. They demand I.U
piiitt 1111 m ini nisi' ves, III* spetche* art
time ani to tin- point. liis opponent*
camp.t a'Va i:e a ll . oiy llial Is ap|K'm"l
tiv Hie H mil tint he esn almw a V .to in l
v 1 ol It. 8 nii' 1 of Ids anti.gnnlata attack
IMTMiii. Mr. Hair's almpiy stale* laris
and argninenta. He f making Iriend*
while the oilier# ate ("lining hitler enmi
ties The proHpei I now Is lie w ill he re-
Icrii' dto t! ingress by an uverwliolming
majority. Coh/mhui Sun.
A I’cnaicoU coriespomlent ol the luler-
O.'wan aks :
“Wliat I. the or'gln o| the lllmriy cap
wliicli we oc mi (In'head* upou lliu did
cum'.* and the new dollar f
To which that jaurua! a-iswere *
"It wa* h eualoiu with Uie old Unman*
ihat when a abivn wsh mannoillted, a
small, red cloth nap, called a jrileui. was
placed upon hi* bead,and aa soon as Dili
was done he was proclaimed to be a fre
-')• When Bitnrnia biok the capital
120 b 1 he p aend u|,on tb point of Id* aptwr
a tsp to indicate that tbe slave* that join
ed loin should be tiff . Manu* employod
tbe tame sit n to tudncff tbe aiavea to. re*
volt a*ainl Hyltn, and when Lunar was
murdered tbe ooiiipliaUira inarched iu a
body wttli a cap on a apear as an emblem
of liberty. Tbe goddess of Liberty In tbe
Aveutinu Mount was rejifuientod as hold*
ng a cap in bur ham). . in France, (be
J-ico Lina woiu a red rap, but ih Englsnd,
a blue eup with a white border U 'be )•*
bol Ol liberty. The Amor lean cap >1 lib
erty It bin*, with a White border Upon
which i* placed thirteen *tara.
The Ui* will glow dim, the sua will
pale bl* glory, but truth* will be ever
young. Integrity, uprightness, bmeity,
lore, goodness, tbeae aie ail irii|>*ri*hable.
No grave can ever entomb these imtsortal
principle#. They have been lo prison, but
they havs been fretr than be lore ; these
who enshrined UiC-ui in tbu-lr lieerU have
been homed at tbe stake, bat out <4 their
ashes other witnesses bate arisen. No
sea can drowa, no atorrn r an wreck, no
abys* can awal'ow up tb* everia-tlog
truth. You Csu'nut kilt goodnes* anJ in
tegrity and rigbieouaneae ; '.he way that i*
con-is tent with these must be a way ever
la*ti g.
1 ain’t afraid >4 a barrel at whiskey,
shouted an old topvr,ieterruptiog • speaker
at a temperance meeting. I guess not, re
torted tb* speak't J .rising from yoer
appearance, I think a hair cl ol whtaksy
woald ran as sown at you got within reach
ol iL
As spirituous liquors will injure men, so
opium or morphia will Harmiuiiy sfluct
the baby- Dr. Bui.’s Baby JS,rup is (he
remedy for tbe baby. It is ire* Bom
opium. Fnce it> wnU.
There ro two striking points ol reeam
Mance between tba two great pobliAhiug
lioosee—ArplCauVaml Harpers’. In each
■•ase tha f rre wui) of tour broth
er*, *od m each tha husiuess was LCj l an
irely In the fwmliy. The Harper* Bern
vdrniltfd any no hut a Harper, and the
Yppletons never ■duditut say one Pul mi
Applet© . All thr original Harper broth
*ri are u>w gotta j but the same nanus rc
ualii, and tha ttHMpan o| the may
oc said, rtill Htrawsheir sons, wlto carry
oil, tU bU * lac*# till it their lathers did.
Three ol Ilia Appleton brothers still live,
ami one ol Ihe.'.tlwee (Wut. H. Appleton,
now absent in ifiiprope), has a son In the
firm. George Appleton hat lett three a p
end n* dtmbt tlmse will be admitted to the
firm la vttta ttto|, But though tho t*..
great publishing Jirma resembled each oth
er iu material, tb*te was scarce!} any to
aamblaneo ')**•£%‘ Ibat polnb Tb two
Pimillcs were ’ totally unlike. The liar,
pers had a taste for personal publicity, and
each ot tho brothel a were kcown in some
special way outside ui the firm.
The Appletohs, ou tits other hand, never
coveted notoriety in any forte. They
Were essentially men ol business, and the
firm was the family. Individuality wtu
not desired by any ol thu members, uorei,
oiuraged in any ol Uiwre.upU yoea What
ever was done lit the firm .vas done by 1).
Appleton &0~ William 11. Appleton is'
the only member who has made him set I
known outside ol the huiduese. His name
baa oiteu been used at public Meetings, p u i
hu has souiettuiea appeared among 'speak
ers, though never a sjc ker himelt.
The tour brothel* w*ie married. Wil
li tut 11 , John A. and Daniel L- lived oul
u! town, Georg* B resljej out ol town in
Kuumui!, but scaicnly ever mtkfed a day at
the olUue. lie lived m the city at ull ulbei
rimcH, so thst he should be u*a; thu store,
lie had been a utciubm of (ho firm about
eighteen yeals, and previous to cull riiig it
he csiriod ou a publishing house on id*
own account iu Fhiiadalphia lot a numlici
ol years. - CornupomLn™ Buffalo Conner.
General Garfield* idea of n go <d news
gaper n* given In an address before the
Ohio editor*: "The first and moat Int
portaul duty f tbo JouoialUt is to furnish
'•hcjtsws, hut not every ncourrrnoc i*
worthy ol (Its iikibi . 1 know Umt the
aellnr ol new*, Us* other ii ercbiuiU, iitnat
try to lurntsb the war** ahtclr his custo
nor* want , hu) ii ha wishes to be un <-d
--(bu rrjeord'ft eoeh r yents us will Diotruc t
tho <ouiiuuidly, proynko thought, uml
w tikett the li'ttcr anplrstions ol lorn. it
Is one ol the in tl I opelul signs of our
journal lain 111,l tho vv))( ,. () i|#V)
achieved the non! pm irianent sucess are
lh*c that lode suhli.ln ,| a reputation
lot trust v oft loia.s nin I accuracy In tlieir
slali mcntl ol Set. I can name a few pu
pent that am skim by umn <>( b„|/, ~o llli.
eal partißSsa iSyon acc-nuiH „j u lO xr<l|( ,
variity and ;uiacy of (Heir now*, j Ven
tate tbu sane on that il a ruenrd could |,,
kepi ol tbfta< joriiuria of .> |.apm wd.icb
*re most sou by reader*, H would
ho imiud ilia the ttl* r*pliic dupatcl.U'-
ilid Iho itiiu it nclfthbo lioud new a am
read by Iwie# jte numlier who read tbe
editorial eo.rf enta. 1! I'tll tbu intelli
gence rod cu j*e whieb is now expernled
upon tbe edit ia'page were applied to
tbu cartful ot fttVai i .u of cm rent event*,
il would add yum uaely b tliu value o!
ue wreiipe.*."
It" Ble I*ll pci a,
j r ...
It> the Isnfjiafu *'f tbu Gallatin Erain'*
'iur, wa say ti Out it ever occur to the
minds ol our people that home papers arc
tbetr repaueeittadvea abioad f They am,
whether 1 bey wish them ao or not. They
cannot help It, Buffi.geri look to them as
the ur.eerlug raptca*-ntstiya uf llm people
aumng whoso they aru primed. Il shabby
and mean in appearance and thrift, an uti
farvrable optniou i loumtl atoncu, if the
tevetauw* tlitt m tJ|e locality. Jlow Impor
tant, tb, tu ri< ineui a liberal support,
but thla be don* aod ti e puous.,#i w ahk
o, <M.msa<uad eveijr ateana to improve ki.
p*lr, and make ft prufibable to him, and
u honor lo lit# place at which il H print
ed. Let every nan taka thla correct view
.{the matter, aod have a paper which will
be u tit representative o( the wealth and
pr<p#roue aat-tiod ta which he lives. I
1* h.t representative from home, and It
should I* ble pride to enable it te bo oce
of which he woeld not be nahaucL And
if It is, aim cowHderel, that the hundreds
of thousands of doitem aunt away lor news
papers would all be kept fcl home and
kept In citculation among our people, tbe
ImporUDce ol riataining home papers is
still more Import Mat.
It theuld be set down to toe credit ot
tbe editorial profeaslon that while Hit
Mew York Btata prison at Auburn eou
tatua twenty-seven clergymen, foity-two
.awyers and thirtaan doctors, not a single
•jew*j.aj>er man ot ptonaineacc * races its
lolls. Tbia may be a rctt.ctioo on the ad
miniatraiioQ of jiMliec in New Ycnk, but
we don’t believe Hi
We Lave last bepn thinking bow Ibo
i-usgu came mte tiff world. It was during
Adam and Eve’s mu qnaircl, when on*
word brought oa fMoibcr.
Not many mlhs from SliA3ta City la tlo
gulch oi which the iol o n log m .tog - i
ry i toid : It is pm ly dnup ravine,wit h
rocks show lug all the way up tho aide s.
Gold in paying quai) title* has I ecu louu
•long Cie sir. au, but it seem -d to" d;s
l*ear a few feet from the channel. < n
day, wlii s a gang o! b isy mou \Te c to. -
tti* la thu st toata, stjA '.ger, evident!
reea si mining eme alotin and leai cd ■*
ragged elbows to wat eft, widt prut mill .
ey es, the resul.s < f thair toll. The miner
nearest him t ook out a nugget, ku I
snxie’ty over caste Hie gieonbotn. Saa y,
he naked, • w here cun 1 go W> diggiug t
find it like that f The Uardv miner to. -
ped ha a oik, and giving thu v. ink to *U
the buys, to that the J ,ke slioul.l not tic
! nit, pvinteii upon tin bnXiCtl locks where
no g. id had ever been loom!. *Y\m h
that rough lt okiu’ place f ‘Yea, yea,’
I*aid the new hand. Well, thar it is rich.
Jes ye stake out a claim, an go t > work,an
when wt finisli t,re we'll cmuc no, tiw.
Then the new hand thanked the uilnet,
and t.. 0 boys ad grinne I at thu apprecia
tion of the Joke, That afternoon time
Waa a solilaiy figure picking away, on the
slope, and every time Lie tuinfts look'd
up they roaie.l with luughtnr. Hut ghoul
ihe nest day tho greenhorn at tick a po'U
et, and look out sMM'thlug like f30,000 In
a lew tniuulrtt. Then, i,tuocitt t.i ilt*i lad
he tie .led all ground, am! tha ked the mi
ner who sent him up there, and t. ok hi*
ntomy amt went down into the valley a.,tl
tx'iight him a larni. 'I hen the uuhappy
miner* aiusc, leaving tlieir old claims and
lotted lbl hill-tide lor day s. R t there
were no mono pockets anywhere, Th
whole thing r<a.:s Just like a traditions!
I airy story, lint then 1 saw the guhlt.
Much moia unlisl o idi'.o things have hu •
pe, cd iii (he mines.
Ilorrllitc Fate ol a DtvOK-sl
M' tnphis Ai'poenl.
Dr. Watson wm ini ofOcleut worker,
troth an physician mil nutan, d'trlng tiie
epidemic ol 187:1, and when the levn
hroke out a few days ago, ho entered the
dll and again, and devoted himself end lilt
talents to thu work of staying (tin ravage*
of tho disease. Finally, ho was mis. e,|,
but It was (bought lie bud 10l lowed the
spread ol Ihe tllieaHfl into itlnn quarters of
tin* city. Huge ml McElioy, u| llm Higiml
Beivice, Who, by the way, Is Working like
aT ojan, ’loiuy all Iu Ids power to relieve
the sick and dlstrerwul, iia|)|inoil tu 1).
'"ld that thorn was *• .fuelking wrong W* ..
IVnhout hesitation he kicked iho d.ior m
wh- n Ira boh*ld a sickening aigltt. Tncn-
lay a corpse on an old mattress mi the
Hoar, no twdstead or other furniture ,*.
c"pt a single clmlr and u Inblo, B"log
personally cqualuted with Dr. M'ats m,
i.u thouglit ho rccognlettd Ills fuatiims, and'
closer uxuiiiinnti. ii /.mil ( j, h|
iiupr<-s*l"ii. Dlllgunt Inquiry b, the nelgli?
iMirhond fuik'd to elicit s„y iuior.nMi,,,, „*
to when .11 why 1.0 cenjeUig // , v l ~,
Ills rnyiteilona death. Tbu coiulitioii of
the corpse and eurniun.ling cirrum.i..
told the story too truly. He had been
nei£< and with a vieUtil attack of the lever,
and duri g th at'etuUnt .lululam he crept
iito llie place where lie may huvo ll.igeted
for tiny*, or It may have been only Inf
houia, Dually dying unattended by
or physician, nol even a friend to smooth
hi* dying pillow-
Oolnncl Willistu uirlturd, the Dome
cralic 1001 into) lor Oongrwt* in Iht
Third Alatiania l)itric, wa* Istrti at, Meriwether county, Georgia,ln
1844, and Is therefor# Ihlity-lour year* ol
age. 11l 1815 hi* lather removed to Oak
JJowcry, Dtiaiiitrcr# ebbuly, A a, ttluTe
(he aulijecl ol thla sketch grew up and re-
I cclved the retlbncnts uf good etlucatlou
In Major Hinton's eiccllcnt acliopl.
Were a mao to throw away a dollar a
minute, ho would bo looked upon aa
madman and hit friends would confine him
as such , but a man who throws away hi*
Ume which Is far m'-* ou gO'U
,„a r atm fists fur a wise mao.
A minister askc-l a llpay fellow lee ning a leuce where ho eipectcd V> go
when hu-dM- If 1 van t gel along any
lietter than I do now, said ho, i aliant go
any whete-
Durfog an examination, a medical stu
dent being asked, When doc* mortificsl
tion ensue f he replied : When you pop
the qiieetion end aru answered 'No.'
II yon really ,l lo be liked, keep your
egotism in tbe back ground. You can
think aa much ot youraell as you tike ; be
just as vein aa you please, but don’t allow
the fact to peep muL
c ....
A school Inspector vlaillog a sch >:
a*ld. How, children, who lovce all men?
Tlie question wa* ha'dly pot before a lil
tle tour year old girl answered, All wo
A Bpanisb proverb says: The
who 00 hia wedding day starts aa a licu
teuant in the laiutly will never get pr .mo
Tbe compositor who made it read, ‘is
tbe midst of Uie we ere in debt,’ wasn’t way.
A. r l v TIOIST
Tic ff-d people ol MERIWETHER
COUNTY will receive a moat cordial wel
come in LA GRANGE at
W. C. Gholson’s
WAREHOUSE, Ma’le'.and Slock Tard
alt re they cot wiirli their cotton on the
Vest Fair) auks scales and put th elr stock
ii n go and st ;,h!".
Well Sup-oliod.
w itb every ace intritHlalicnt and sell, their
Ootti'ii fir the b'j t prior.
Any one cubing on mu who does not
tin 1 this tine will iol be charged any
With thank* fur pa-'t favor* and *i>Uclt
iug ollnr*, 1 a >i ynur* most liuly,
■ ■'lll'll La 1 <range, Ga.
GEORGIA j Ordinary Oifiun
Meilwett cr (J nitty j Oct. Ist, 1878.
On :he Hrsi m u:day in November next
1 will apply to tiie honorable court of Or
■li iarv Ii and lor sdd cunty for ieavo to
sell h t ol Isnil No. 320, In tbu Bth district
"t said county. In longing to tho cslsto Of
Freeman H Mi U!< ndm.
The White
It* Introdaotlon and World-renowned
reputation was the deatb-blew ta high
priced maohinei.
Thla Is a vsrt Imsortsn' atallsr, aa It la a wall.
l” 4 . “"‘•'•puls* fact that many of Ihs so
calls* li. #tels#s machinal whloh are offers* ta
cheep nots-t-aeye ere those the! have bean rs*
possssss* (that l. taken back from euslsmsra
aftsr ess) end rebuilt end gut spun tbe merkel
■I win,
life WMITff | THff Pffffff Off ANY ffCWINN
,* ow UPON ™ E HAkkiT.
r.',LrV , ,Vj H ,hi R 2 , ™* N TH < p k"'l-Y Ni-
MAKE * I '* MOW * ANQ Wffta
ik vw/iMcmim ffiMPLc, rointvt iho
... try
lng the WHITS* -
Prices and Terms Male Satlsfacton
If Affe Hewing Machine Cos.,
It. I). ADAlit Guuei*vii.i.B,GA-,
A gent Ir the above Mac.hluoa lor Murl
wither county.
IST uraories,
Ettidillahci! A. D. 1858.
We lake this method to In for 11 the -
Kena of M. riw cllicr, Talbot ami a.lJoinlng
counfieff, that ur agent*, having C. ftifi
uate of agency, will visit you during the
month* ol July, Au*. end Kept, to eoJlci
your order* lor fruit trees, vine*, An., tor
tbe fell'd' I very of 1878- We rrq ie-t you
to reserve your order* until you can ee
our plate* repn tetit'ng our varielie*, and
got atieh Inloruietlou a* our agent* are pre
pared to glv y*'"- WK GL AUANTEK
WE I'ltOMl'E.
Our senior JOsIIUA I.INULKY he*,
I r tin' 1 Mat fifty yean, eneeged in collect
in*’, | i"vmg atoi udecHng fruit* ; and we
have co* every variety, of su, ertor kinds
In the world, and those beat adapted for
the vo lb and Ha dlScrent leralltle*.
Don’t I"* h mbogged by In-e p-"ldlcrbul
corr.c (n liew’qoiirt'T* for good fiuile.
Those doobtim; the merit* at the Und
ley Nutscti''* can have *uch doubts re
ujov'-d by referring to John H. Williams
ol L .(Ir rvd e, Judge (,'m ningtiam of At •
atria, Editor oi VixM' AT u, J. 11. Parnell
We i i’"i t, and hundreds ol others who.
have listed "Ur fruit* to pet feet **etMhc
tion. Thanking you for peek patrosege
we p.k n tdt ttmiftrce of same,
Very Keejit-cHully,
Live energetic ineu wanted as agents
Utoai commi#*ton give . A tureea
J A. f oi 1 J wll n, (i*
L. LAVri.ENCF N>, .uAB.Oa. j
NO 43.