Newspaper Page Text
_ ff * '
Wm T Editor and Proprietor
UKEI KVII/.K, ElillM Y, Oc. 25, I*7*
V rconokehh
i v iti /net MM
JBeetUm l*t 1 mUy Ht N >wb*f,
Oni ILuri* will ;>K*k in Greenville o
Saturday, ll c2.,d "1 November.
Cos!. Hb'.*ss always v let to reduce aa-l*.
elite aud text*, lie v> ted lor the bill 'li*'
reduced hi* own vaiaiy 12,600 )>• The
I'e eon* rneii alwas* forget to tell thi* but
the VOleie know I’.
In Ifc7!J Oil. Uittfie toted tor and
ed to | Hsu the A| plopl lilion bill that n
disced the t l the govc I lime in
( 30,000 .0b0 l! 1 The 1 Vivook men Hup
prim tbl* lift b<> o.ue they I Unit I’. wouiil
help Halfiv. Ah. but tin. batde ed t
|,i>jc;i will icu.ewbei il on nlei Urn d*j.
I>ot.lyy Ilaril* ha# tuver voted lor
bill* ieducing bl* val cry and lemiusi/ig Hie
bnriUu* ol taxation lor you know bet tel.
One bid lor v, bldi Col. Ilarriit voted r<.
dueed Hit: execute* <d the gournmei.t
fiJO.OOO, <>00 I'/clly good I t one voli
'1 Mfly ii.lill.n * ol one v. o>ij Periona
im* M ViT told tin |>eo|,,e how lie would
reduce ex|.enn* tidily cent*. VV man
Vi 111 you vole lot ?
IIT Oi the IlHh ol Jure, )H7* Col
I(nri Im voted lot it bjil 'o al.olirti satitmal
bull). TiU' t'.J mill CIIKrtKIIXi :H hi I Ilf If
plan Yet Mme | eoj.le nay Hatch ie nut
In favor of n or* Ofi cnb'cL*. Let no vo
tor be iltcclvfd l>y such ininirp'e tuibi
lint. _
<) tbl ilttl i t.Muy IH7O, Hi ory It lltr
tl lU aide *JMtab *dvmatei| ti n mult
lidffei (menbaik* n Itl.l In nl tinder tor
I ltd pay n'lent ol fl'l oclde, noil o i the HOtli
oi June, IKm, be void to autl onr.' tlin
|iaj imiil oi iumU,ui dunt In Ihunbiib at
juir. In Ilia far# id llime vole* uoi peo
ple endeavor to make p<>< pie believe tiiat
II it 11 1 ai not in MVo*nl Oieeiilmok* Per
hapr tl.iMi niL-uppuiuUd Id ml guide* .it.,
not know any belter.
Wk wore asnmcd Tuesday by Ihe host
ell i/,mi- of Hi'doln limit would cory
Ceiwctn county l>y mi|ority greater than
that given him by |i>l county no uiim
ng' Uinhl ioi Cow ctn.
'I MX New mm lli-ih'U < I the !i! it say* It
him no limit (■> flint with tbn recordml Alt.
llhi iln eliher *■ a congressman or a* u
dciuocttth Well, then, nelghlwir, It I'
•(range you don'i support him >< •
A private Inter Iri in Haiti* cui ty aya
Henry H. Ilarrla will gel IKK) iuu|'.ilty In
that county.
- ♦ ■
Oil. Muk A. II mil in o| Baitow is a can
didate for O’er It o| the Home. On. Legiala
lurc. Wn hope lie will lw *lrctod ** he I*
oue nl the beet qualified men tor the place
to b! fjvm lln the state. From long expe
rience lie will hr- able to gtcaily rxpcuhe
the bualnesa ol the lloure.
How can 11. It. Harris In held responsi
ble (or the Itilurc tu make a nouliVJtlon
wfccu be to and hi* Irlecd* at Ne nan and
Oolumbu* that he wna In their humt*. and
j v. mnmmrn j. w. n. ff>beri*',„"Y,'.
elate I tha' hit name about I remain before
the convention f N>, Hirriv i< u t re
sponsible hut the rnajmlty <>| (he dcle
gatr a repreaotiling | ot the democratic vo
ti ra ol Iheitiftrict koj't H irria* name btdoic
the C -OTiU'IOD, Make a note ol this.
The mleoilly headel by T. M Willir
Wen the fi si 11 move the adoption ol the
| rule at Colnnibu*. For proof fee both
the Colombo* paper* or that date. Had
the majority ru !e been adopted Governor
Fmiili and ihe minority Intruded at t me
to withdraw from the convention. For
proof ol this remember the open adtnis
aloa ol thia fact by Mr. Martin, cue of the
minority delegate*, said admission being
publicly n ade at the recent dtßeusal nr at
OicenvUlc and Rrcky Mount. Please •©-
nsember theae facta aud tell them to your
The B.’uoia PuriU Mid Home (peaks Its
mind in to the pending cougicssiou
ftl conic t as billows :
A correspondent of the Ncwuan Herald
ray*—That Henry Persons is the right
man in the right place.’’ A large crowd
think the same way. He is si home, in
the right place, and they expect to keep
bitn to me.
There's much noise in the fourth,
Way up in the North ;
In Carroll and Douglas*, sir—
That Person-men’s votes,
Are like old Carter’s oats ;
In due time Harris’!! be there.
You’ll bet.
It- Is thought by those beat posted, old'
citixen. farmers, that Hon. 11. R. Ilairis
willcnrry Oonvcta county, by about 500
majority. ns *
Who Is the fndepscdenl m ti e 4th - the
man earned by the majority ol the Obli
gates or the mad who announced hlmse'f ?
Use Person* tenderly,
l’ut hint away,
He to fashioned tooslendi-rly
For winning the dgy.
What will the VroDicato* *r of the
utee iag ia*! ba'.urdry, I wonder, m the
aoxiou* aoiiJorjuy ol the friend* of Captai
Perlu.fif. Welt, “the little paper® ature
aaid tw wiek* ago begged the friend* o'
Hie Cvptain to turn out in their Jail
Strength and give their candidate ali tbe
ei couiavi no nt je-a*ibio. 'I be aame rtuin
I,ci cabed lor a grand rally ol tb* laittdai
few, aid yet, w t ithatandiog tbeae *p
pi ai> to the J'euooi t* they were L/tiiid in
tbe ini notify again prat o* they appealed
at Cciluuibu* and y*uw. Tui* ia U.
de il tiate no vie tint. Of icteliigrnt geotU
o,i'o who closely scatme.f the crowd an
jianccrd through, Pa midst. It u majority ol
I tic colored people favored l'acwiu, WUliO
fcotere dmpu'it, tfci maj mty w*a count vo
oal am by tbu large wbita ir.uj'Uitv jo
livut ol liariie,
Tbe meeting *i organ zal by cvilin*
Judge Wari er to tli'i malr and G J
Mitin to the p.oiti mol n.c t.ry. Judge
Warner in a tmrt addri atated that b*
atiould sujipori Cap'. I'vitonc lor congrva*;
that be llieugfil dll' maj nfy in !h* ycnt
convention b ill ! beve given way J that
n.i-.Jorltie* th'totd yie !d t< r tbc take ol ba. -
mony ; that Ifaeria wav riwfonaible lor the
failure Ui n ake n no*'ili ation , that the 1
rule In one nl lf,e nt,.b!:thid rivulat! nl of
the party ; that Opt. Per*.if,a i a far
liter ' and a alfariger In 'ur inkJvt and tba'
be bad never fi<i l.h i i tin- (’tilled
ulal. alfi c.' i and otrlai ed tlNui- BUM
gjMtt diatrihate ovat tu dtatrtet \
Capt. IVißona *l I tbai fludiog Le c ail u
not ren I • • t vole in .tie Cjrsvifnlloi) hj'
bad Ivnib r'd ihr in .J .rlty .It.a i\-,iue ol
Unit, < i.iw f r*i, Wav er Pajl,*o|MiiM(
mid oHiiira, but tbe tnej ulty rej-utvll tba m
is 1 f and cut I nolydy titit llcrit*. Kctd Me
li y mledcio lirot ll,a imuorlty. 1 II i
| rl bad iuliodiii.e | rto bill nor in id ; an y
! 11 111 (he llilet eel lit the linnet* , ft,at
llm 1 1* Waa i liii'ltll >a' pri .f l > liic c e lull
Hun la lad uoi'.i no ep' eb on hading
ipi aiiona, maihi no a; I*, cb .. i t),c cle. t .i*i
i.tsvtjilw lon bid in Im -tbi I* -Hi r , <IU'
t|< no 'lbit U!|-ntati' na w ra in* is by
a| eel hi .on I*.dltiV (I nlpdi*. ft dieul
ul Hart la' I ni.l lii ilily Unit llduabl pone
luahty in that leapeet n i virtue. Thought urem My and bad no fault te
fled w ith than'. H I all ought to do a
he dd, manage I tie la *y>o a If or Ic byd
iirv< 1 tnadl! kit swii h e pi ai |.<u on tho I
11 it lx li! qiictlUui noil, ellri the <'invention
ac'JoUflii'il. r nld I r v. .it m Ivvii nt nmf
ti ci titiiai ka, flic ri'i-cal <d tin 1 nvtinnal
liauk luw a, thi* I'.iinn.'r nf , old nd aflver,
nn further im iciar nl lint Ixmili-d ilaht an I
ihr payment nl tin- bud* in cu’iemn H
lirnctalmrd that he w nn ly<?r, tr• v r
•toiliol any profession, was a fanner and
llioriiofl'ly Identified with the (arming In
terest*. He thought there woru 40) inu
In Meriwether county that would maka aa
good a cerigrettaman a* om. iiaina. mau
In, n, (h,l. iI arris* speech ol May, 1470 to
show t> at Harris was not right on the fl
imncld question *n<l salt Hcrrla claimed
that cheap transportation would prove a
panacea fir a'l oor ilia.
Hnch i a brief synopsis ol the speech ol
the minority candidate, (a t. I'ersonr I* a
Quant, graceful speaker end hU trlen I*
maul rested their appioval ot hi* aenllmenw
by frequent burst* of ajqdause. The ad
drea* was delivered In the oj an air and
the orator hoarse from much speaking but
he acquitted hlmaclf handsomely. He
a poke annul one hour aud a ha I.
A. I) Fieeman,ol New nan, lo 'owed In
a two hours l|Tcch claiming that 'he peo
ple ought 1 1 support Persons. Tliat Har
ris lias i nco said he desired no colored
- tisrrra hAvef would
take a postil .n until be first fo tid which
was the popular side. That it is not true
that Haute bat voted for more money.
I>id not think Marti* would be elected
Claimed that lie was inatrunun al In nom
inating ll,rrii st Novna iin 1874 and at
t\ e..t Point in 1870. Said he made ab ->
g*tn to vote for Persons at West Coin in
1870 with the uu Icrstainli ig that the
Iritmda ot Pe-aous should afterwards vole
lor Ju l#c Uuehan ui. Col. Harris w>a In
a Hlono's throw of the convention at New
nau and could have made a nomination,
I hat he meditated treaaou to the party
when be said he wuul 1 abide the nomlua
tl nif fair. That Carroll county had a
second choice bit her dtlegates never prt
s-nted lii* name. He then at leugtb re
viewed the set ion bl the conve diona,
claiming that the majority wer* Sigur^sul
sera and that Whittle’a mdluli "to re
mand the quesliou back to the' peopli
through primary elections waa not oflered
iu good faith. He held that the majority
of the delegation Iront Meriwether viola
ted the spirit of the county resolution*.
MaJ. Path followed iu a allott speech ar
guing that Harris had been sent to con
gress three time* by the party and from a
small man bad grown to be so great that
he had become dedant. Raid it waa some
time said he **had made” Harris. If thii
lie true be was ashamed of the work.
Spoke of the w&r record nt Harris aid
thought he cat a rijicnlons figure. It be
ing late he thought no sensible m in should
attempt to make a speech. Had never
made but one political speed) 'lad onr Hi
de piper had made him oat a tool ia its re
poll ol that address.
At the close of Major Park’s speech lend
erica arose for RevitU That go Jem an be
gan by laying that (be | rate waa not unt-
| versa'l y adopted by the party and that
Judge W. r. Wright was nominated tor
congress in 1870 by the majority rale as
waa Gov. Smith the first time be wan n
That this | rale waa fi-at proposed at
Colambnr bra minority man, T. X. WQ
its. This atatement being dilated by
Measw. A. D Tummam a#4 Q. X MmUj,
RwSllnauJ fjrota tea CoiawtaU PK""
proving [Ld truth of tit and ad
dad Hut tb* •Jtrt'W ily bttM by tp*v
idoaUb iuteaded to itbdtaw torn tbc core
veotton Lai tb* Majority role bees adop
ts#. Is prot ot tbit fXWtftiog I# fdarred
Pr thi adiiiiaaioß viQ.J. Martte Sa kbi>
viL* and at tbe rfit*twain* •* Bocky
Mount bat weeks Judge War*bfTbßi.<
dra-majortty aboubl have yielded b*t Jef
ltnaoJaulJ'-i^kwm, two I>B
crata, a.ia
-a add that micofltiee bad right*, but
diene ilgbl* to be respected in cat be rea
* triable. Wa* tt rcMOthaUe b> **k iU
najorpy to give wi? *b* tb* taioorHy
could 6ud no ob cettoe to llama except
that be bad Uen I* cungtet* t*-.j *ough.
jt waa not tiu ib*t Karri* waa reipi'^' l '
oie tor 0* MXIMtWb Hr* triedd*. cow.-
po**tl of each good taJ aanattde Mien a*
ItoberUoo, Muftian. Dni*vi-fld*li. A- J
I'bill Ip* and C. W. WIIfIMM *w*fcl *<A
.giau t* the w4bdraw*l *1 Karri*
• good 1 canon aod n > good rtaeo* * ev
vr given ibetu. M>. ltevili >%id wynU'*
primary naolutioo **• • (bred Id g ,< *t
i thb and *u opprued ts
try Judge Porter I tram, Out. Wft add
1. M Willfaf, nil Perw/tu . Why. if
it -Wua riot ofle ed in gorad la'tb did tbe ml*
hOflty rot V'lU lot 4 and tbu* prof* tbe
truth cd their aaattitoa Utaf It ***
!to deceive f If the miaor Hj favored
remanding the qieatkm bv k. to tbu peo
ple, why <)id they *elt until th v*d*
wa* liei.'.g takan on adjo-wuinait U^tofa
they mad* any mention ol uc • a Unug f
If ib uii iority lavore I orgaaix-tion why
fid they yotis nriidly againet the at Poiot
neut of an im utivv coir tnitt at New*
oan T M' lleviil M owed If m t.s ra-urd
11, *a ou ib< fti aortal i(tiii.ti iu iiant* and
i'loaoov df hid diflr etc pi that Haiti*
bait *lr**d)f vot#]'la lav/ ei mrythlng
Paraon* viguaetl he w oiLd d|oeat tt
cljutid, ahowlitg that altar bat)
made a gmrt record P<i*./na ** * .<fenv
11 lug V appro|iti*lr U aa Jaw pUuk >o.
t ltaw puts l * wvr* j rvd tao* *fd a‘
the apo-atar w frerjoeolly and
utta* mwdlacaiy ieMKfupvad he Ui*
lotmiuyitioua to good aif.s agf- Aa hr
c iW'd the welkin rang *hh Uunau a M
II .rue.
M c*tv P. W. Marti* and <> I. P*v>
lullowil Itivill review tug hi* h aid
nco.-il and uiaklag eknpiwut and pointed
cjwrihr*. 1 key wtfa warmly applaud**!
by thetr Irlend* but toiled w# Mrtk t >
make any convert# (*t C*(i*to Pviwo*
Thu* pn*a I the day, tbi* tirtng fire
( lur Putanri* and üßiy in,* b>i If *1
ila mi it yd hi* Iriend* umi.ri that tin- Uttar
* Dried nothing in the lorn nt aharogtl). I>
any vote* were i;h tagwl Iltrrla u evi
m itly th ft .nor. ,
The •(•cakiug unwed e’ a l.te lee r, and
thu cmwd quickly beo’te op without any
. ... t. > ‘
misouhy k.v, MAJonnr
Cot. Fieemur. f Coweta eotiniy, b h*
ajieecb laat Tuesday. In d-tending the ac
tion ot tlie minority In the ouegemtonal
Convention, avid that they barf JStr. nv'-
ly right, and luey would act In t* ain
way. H they had It ft) do over, leror 'ln*
to Mr. F. the majorify had no rlgH tv try
m oonlrol the matter! Tula was ill w-mj?
mil lb* majorily were respooatWlf r the
dlametuheruieul of the Democrat i party.
Tut tact ol the batin'** la, to k k at it
through Mr. Freeman’s eye-glaaw . I ) this
this democratic c wintry Of on'*, he mv
Jorlty have no rights at all—it iytke mi
nority that ta to ru'e.
001. F. may kn >w more abmit, ft than
- -•-• r . „gbe den -
ocratic (Hilly, blit ire believe w*#d sthde
to Jetbr on. Here far whaf 4f4n n ,aye
it is a * acrid | rinciplc that the L. ol me
msjority in a|, oases 1* to prevartl A^i,,
*i'*olute acquiescenco 1 1 the eiVcf m t
m*J .rily u the rital piiix iple id rjf>. n c.'
Andre.v J icKs ,n, we lielieve rmog
niaed as a deuiacral In his day iliigh wc
don't k dow whether Mr. F. wrm’4 ie os
ut/.e him as one or uo*. Here O and
Hi kory says bou. It ; • That fi , t
,p-icip!es of our gWtfaaag syitcai, is,
the majority I* to goverr .
Among Demecrsts, Joflorson ml J*ck
•ou used to be couriered g-naf sk'hority,
but we suppose they are repudiated aa old
Ingles, by the talent of the Fourth district’
It la thus the world moves.
—UirrplltoK J bare.
a coxrasr forvmd by tub
" VCTfflk** x f r. -
The warfare ol the “outs*’ agattef • the
“iu** in thi* district continue* The op
ponents of Ooi. Hu rto no longer wk fn
dl vidua a concerning hia opinion ing
the majority or minority reports. They
have gotten to that pass in which they
auk a candidate be btiouga to,
instead of wuicb pafj. It ia ratheiraingu
lar that the lending opposition to C->L
Uarri* tn the convention and •'"m have
come from lawyers. A farmer on the
Muscogee delegation persisted in voting
tor Harris. The people have weighed the
pro* and em> ia the baianc-,and the sup
porters of Capt. Perrons bare been found
w miiag. The comptaiot against Harri>
as they a Hog on was that he had, dona
note ing ; that he am not a B&ry tJiay
or W. L. Yauoey. In his place they Sronid
hays tha people to substitute a gentleman
With no legislative experience whatever,
sad who says bod he bam tat tbagreea.
would bare voted against the valued in
terests of Muecogee county. Mot a single
fault can be bond in, the political record
uf Ooi. Harem, not a ftaw in his moral
character. They sav he has “bom then”
by me who hat more training—by one
who has had the advantages at in ealarg
ed acquaintance wkb public nta aod
flaeawurer. They a imply prevent a taaa ol
goyd edneatioa end sddroM, who baa aar
er laid claim vo any power* ol wrakivy*
who baa Leas * merchant aad termer, bat
neve* a wcaaa* of Lite aupervor daea ia ci
ther. What good can th* oppooeou of
Mr. Barrl* Lope to effect by the change,
ware auch a Udcg poadtdc J None ea-vhly
exrxept to get Col ilarri# cot, aad that
they cacaot Ja. Inaiawd of Co*. Karri*
making war os Ctaaaev acd trying to make
deatroctiwo, the whole Cghl ua* b*es the
array of the awyer* sgatin') IW. Ilarria
The <M toe i rvletarod are align’d
aggioat bia, ttoi gk he ha* arouse vtnsg
adreta'ea amc eg who occupy the
big heat grade*. Th* rtaet iaaue camix be
raiaed again* t ('oi Hatiw wHhoot He be
tag repeiici*. Hi* 14 }on cot* know im ia
jusUie. The hiea 14 sot *o much u> pad
Caplalh P-raoß* la • Csionet l.'aiiht <*
The voteit e lot* wet* tactic* ud iu'e-d
having a vsice L is* Mllrt. T- entire
eowiSc • i the tote Cesu vest ami by U ori
ail<y ** m 4 rack aa W> Ooecliiate hut
r*p#i iUn etths wa* saver ij Uiat
form by which tit et,. ire oi Muac***
eoid have Vie-o oistaauUkL bat dal itaUj
tae *v. r. if ike h atcf cu dbe ktt to
the In mcr*, c crvhat-te, maet su-oa and
laboring wen, tlieir wr-vU tud he the leant
ott*Mu. bsr *X'itereat cor a i.arM. opt
'ior. Co’oacJ Karr a *o Yf t>t eketed
I . a di**en tog * i.e A* it I*. *pu*
at cganloa* to the vn ay, be ess set be
defeated. Majority and iaiwity tapuTU
are ol 00 avail. Which will make th
aat Congreavroafi, Cobroai !lart or Cap
tala Penuk. U iba crety quetah*. tan
there ha a douto t .at Coiooe. Hxrria u hot
the man t— < l I'ny
Cohwad t'fter*. cm word Ui p*' eat
Hot). Ilasiy It. Karri* m tba coas lo a
reiv yof tnste* ti* eemgree* Ita haa
legifeaeatad V<u tong ar- J laiUttUiiy. Kv
ry vota ba baaaet Ui eoogxa* ha trees
a.Uia f outlet oi h-a p of man, aad *x>q
•rqe ally Vr, y< vi laterae*. ThH ia talk
enough , vote t t licit#. ~Piurtmr .%*
llwM ILia', Use iceaVer l the Wo king
ir.eeb fatty la Meaact uavtta ha* i-wl
alt ui f*o VtAJ Imactvd In th* H dJleae*
im I* a. llc* IIKSO a>d It ha* jrl* 'd him In
alvhietMi* |iid.SOA Oniv twauty Uf*
iwr cant a I'm
7 UK UU KS A /7T>. 1. AHO f A S t> M Y
Of at* phyacian* in ti:eua.!a, kv* . *h*e
the lever leukr out, fret tWo rantalij, I* '
It*v and Ur <i*g. <>l th* liuan P;..ia
taut c!ctgyi o *b<> (ae*d th ephletnlr all
tld'iugt*. ton uii ra uilra*. tie Her Mr.
Mt.Cr It-kan, the &ii*ccvel mlnUte- Tne
Itev. Ms. o,i. MtU rtuit, a* a Writ ou
leave ti re.-i-pi-ra'a hla li*iih<s health, an#
[ (mi l not ret urn It . kt '. 11*v VI li i. II *5-
Hat, wa* aha* kbamf. ll* *# wtHcvti U>
had oi. II Ueo ’#<) thi* not. an I dmd at
hi* ( o<t nl duty. Th* Vt-’e-ablc Pi abyt
rtoe mlniMee, the Her Mr. M t’am Wi,
Uhoiwl am 'iig Urn ick until he, <es, wa*
•trirki n Jown and dtoJ. T’a Ha- Mr
McCracken wa* onramiitlnj In hi* •'
aa, *• well t ■ th* ah k, the dying and Vti*
dew!, a* hi the humee living who need
ad hia and CotMO'kt ton. He a*
one of the NvtntH and one oi the Howard*
and at one time ac'el a* P atma*ler aa
•rluT ivn Toeaurer. Orettadt firnh
(earcy's I. ivons In kbsnhaeg
1 haee lissom are complete rn evely par
iicc’ar, and by their al I any one ,l moder
ate aMliry, may to a tew rn- c'ha, without
ttie addJtonst and of i ewe her, a quire a
knowledge ol tins deelu! ami bewt.t-ful art.
They Itave 'wee written out in
Lone Hartd and mulshed by mail lo sle
deots at from ten to twenty dollars. I
now |ir ipo*e H have the upr uted. an I aa
tbt labor ot pwdnetio*. is reni >v*J, 1 ell.
set) tin in at only two dollars tor the tali
c ure*. Ai’td’ostion sbeuld be made at
•> ce, as the lesson* are about to be pot u>
prees and only a limited number will be
printed. They will be ready lor delivering
to subscriber* to thirty days, neatly print
ed an 1 illustrated with beaatiiul engrav
ing*, and bound in fine cloth. The book
ha* been set up in (ype and the engraver is
fi .ishiog up the plates Act promptly If
y >u wish to take advantage of the oppor
tu .Ay to add to y u attain me it la this
grew teat accomplishment at the age. Ad
„ cue VT. U OBSDUKV, Ohlslal lU*4,lm,
Plli.t Circuit, Oriffla. Oft. 2t
Mrs* J% S. Williams,
Fashionable Vililnoit
Hill Street, (uex t door to Browsers’ Book
Store), Uriflin, Georgia, has Jast opaned
the largest stock of
Millinery Fancy Good*
and Notions
ever brought to Oriffln, to which your at
tention is respectfully invited. Please cal’,
and examine goods and prices, and satisfy
yCornell that they are Ut handsomest sad
cheapest that ean be focad in the city.
Oct-flh to- MRS. J. 8- WILLIAMS.
LaGkakos, Ga-JJOUi, April 1878.
Da. T. 8. BvsitHM The Sofcrar's Bala Dr.
Hart prescribed for my Uvtls slatsc Wb was mt-
site. Two sraWrartsas esmte tee. Tm. Se.
c.l. sous.
Prepared by T.&BradflHd, inGnnge
Ga. For sale by J. E. G Terrell & Cos.
October 23rd, 197%.
Oar evil*— *0 kmg oufllUt,
tb wbu SM* eyamrv le yww, owe wow ue ar
copied. Our jmrehawa* lur thi* tetaoe
have twwo *1 much larger than uaual, we
have been kept truey aiaca tn kddi* rtf taat
mouth, of 1*4, 1 tig, peeking on ah* vo* and 1
Übma and tu drawer* aad in making aalee.
a aery 6 i*g w* haven't had time to write
en advritin.iii.cui W* dssetnhsd its
L< (toptwatiee, nou opmUia ol law yc',
and thw too ttr aui ahow an tacicaae of
falty B'ty fwr cent over aet txtober Out
* <jt:M 1* ia re enmpS-tw fo evciy doparl
meat than aver trvkea and much barge?
W* k*v the txefuavv* bale m thm (dare
nl Dm
>uas of IhxAs an 1 xh<wa, tba aoi fasten
yif OU with screw* frng tw, gu* dr,see,
P'A*V <cr„leg, atao have ear
usual si Phlldst| uta msdti of
I oor grails, mads lo *u- order.
Ol id- 4 hin r sod beta we hsve * larger
vesjrttnervv Ui*n ever helort sal si dec, Ud
Ip lower prk*a
am km.
CAM IMK. t n,
KKitttKT-t ad
•W* -"••• o-i e> wn o-l Wh'tr- *o.i
coiere'l tioelwry in t tmo.t
in Oi’foiivillt*,
i Have colored bwe (,olhf I t rbf'dren and
Afirer* which will last ad wlel-r wHi... .<
Wr kp t |nnd mvutmeot n OHO.
Oor rule of rigidly one price to svetj
tealy, evrry on* Ving in our opinion ent
tied to the W*f print 1* gaining ns trier,.'*
aed easterner, rapidly. A rAsid ran hoy
trom ne J ist a* cheap at the ter/ best
I'ldge rd good*.
W> jo not pr-dees to he “Cheap John’’
bat keep baoeet goo-la, mag* a lair m pr*-
sentalioc of them and expect to make oor
living iot of our basmees.
Havi-g a large experience In our lire of
b wicesa aod amp'e irirvni f>r 'he Tolume
of trade at- do, w tently seae. t that
tor sane qualities ol srticle*.
! Wlftow gtod* cheerfully.
: K. N. ELLIS.
Kutmos soncs.
Ordered by tbe Board ef Cnavw iMioaera
that as mecvioc be held on lit Touoday at
November next, lor a tn ember of tba
board ol rjamir*#inner* ol Roads and Rev
enue* to fill the vacancy isccaaswmd by tb*
resigaatioo at tbe fi so. A H. Watson-
A. SI BLEY’, Cbo,
W. H. KELLE's pro tmr.
Ordered by the B >grd lual the tax iev
usd, be dnrtrtouted aa billow* : J for ooon
ty oi<st. J Ju'y fund and | Im genera! aad
•pedal purpose*. A S.hiey, Ch’r,
W. it. Keller, Flo twm.
OEOUGIA— j (irdii.ary'* Ofitoe,
Mt-rj* cUsei C012&I}. J Ud 7vh, UJTB.
Alley B K djert* ha* applied lor hi
etnfAks* ot perawaaity, and 1 will pwa* up
00 the iame at 10 o’clock a in. 00 the #O,
day ol O.tobei Wi at tn, otH.’.a.
O M.C*
aUAtt.K/ o ALta
UriL .tsewsid tmlore Ui* court fcouew
Uoor lo tfaa Uiwa id Uiuwavilia,
Menwcihwr County ***► within the iagal
hour* ot tale on the tLivl 1 ueailay Ui No
veuttier , ItfT®. the Joilok i.ig property, to
at’ : the B irth ha tot lo' ol land NV ?.
1. tbu ufrfier SUi Kvatnci ot Mcnwelhwi
cou ty, oocilali iug Kto acres,] viutog Joha
M'Crary on the u<>rlh and Mr*. J ha
liors on the cart ; levied on a* th* pruf
vrly ol It. C. McCrary |o vattaly a oiurv
gag- a J.'y.'-utWthf i#< icu Sipi rlor Couit
in Uvoi <sl J (!• King vg H. (' M'Ciary.
Pro city designated <*J potntod oat to
••id wtwsgag* fi fa aud tenauf in pmwaa
aio# aoottol
At th* vwn.e time aad place will b* aeid
kit* i land 9io'*. Ad ai.d par. id ml ct-twnd
M 751 tu calaioaiiy cut j its, hut act w tbu'
LuUicrWJ c Utai k-t ot Mu.lwct.iirr County,
o in ali '.dv um ims.i i t jaw ,
levied OU aa the property Ol I O Albright,
in vatiafy V fi ia’a iatuel Irotn
Court lil*t DUtnrt, <i. M ui t*ir a# T.
J. Latahwd a I llr.- Maitts, Adanr'a. ">
the ratals nt 1 borittoa Holawutn, dure**
4, tv leans O. AUsiighl and T. J
*r< l‘is |e-t} 1* iuud out en I Iwy ma is
and ivtiuM to me by W <J, Me William*,
U C.
A l i.e *an e tin.# suit (>ta<w wlff b# eold
lie *4** half<<! l*u lot of isi and Nu. ft, ia
t; r UHb flwtik: - I M) lwilher Csuoiy.
101 i vt'S mot* or leas, and
.r> • n and isUnguirflftd as Ihe place
U*rw- lh* D.teodsat, MtlP*o Ilsyete
•J..W rmid* ; i-vl'd rti the pf< -party of
' ii.y. is. i., tly, fl la Ir-wti Jos
M C C- -OPlh flulr t, (j M.. is lavor ol
i .rij-. V iH ii- U vs M lh-6 Ifaynle
lb -*• r ) , i- l"d oat *•- ) l<r mu l# ftid
let*- t** i tu u-e hy \V U M .*A il,,rs,
f. C.
A f X>.
It l r *s,m l ..1 | la.r will b *ld
tr n*>. L-is (. |Ut U; ate/ui H yra.
•I I , -t "1 c ,< il,o I f M F
I),v|, !- *' ,') a fi (a f-'rra Cuweta Hups
pi a v ur', in ts*-< of T Ktiby vt If C.
•and M F Diri- l*r ;- y p-ii.ud -oil
by Piamitff. *n<) cr-j, ty/eunU ia poaae*-
,*) --IMF I>atM.
iviiroMMpmmurra sira..
At the tame time an.J | lace will be aot<t
91 acre* of and off ot 1-4 of land No. 4ft.
vi-d 10 sere* *fl ot Jot Si 41 ; ail to tbs
I lib District "1 Meri wet her Coup ty.kaowa
*nd d'*'i gal-bed sit piwr where-m the
ftefro ter-t <• o ti J .hnerm formerly rs
• lef . ! V r-l r,u v the property rrfOeo.'!.
J h-w o to t ,fy * fi f* Irom Moriwetber
Mujwrl-M O-un I" favor ..f It -l-orva. COO-
S'- rr *l> ~ va.Oeorge IJ J-baton. Oft*.
J and 1874.
'•I’OltOI V— | O’di isrjr's Oftlss.
Meriwsiusr Our-ty. { Oct. Id 1878.
o.hßr t Moivy "*4;, Noveuber next
I will apply to .the II rsbis C ssrt ot
<) diosry it, sand for us-i county for (save
V' w,. part# ' f frits of land No*. 70 a ad 71
tn tt>e JOtb dm net of said county, belong
ing 1} the estate of.M /** A'man.
W- a ALMAN. Adm’r.
Dt tons* arm.
lUtiwetber County. J Orl'nary's Offloe.
It sppesrinr to the Court that Mrs Mar
garet C. Burton iso Imbecile, arid teat
said Imbecile has rights sod interest that
require the attention of a Guardian, srd
whereas oo person apniei tor the Gear
diansbip ot said imbecile.
Tbi* is therefore to cite and sdmooisfa all
concerned to Ole their objections if aey
u.ev have mi or before the first Monday in
November next, t show cause, why let
ters of Gosr fianab p should not tome to
the Clerk of Um Superior C art of said
county, or some other Ot and proper per
son. Ocv Ist 1879.
O. M. a
GEO t IA, t Ordinary* • fl
toenwetber County. { 8.-p M1h,1878
Mrv. Elia W. Keitb (wile ot C- J. Keith
has applied (nr exemption ol penonalty,
out of tbeproperty of her said hothead,and
1 will pam upon the same at 10 o'clock a.
m. on the 2lsl day of October next (!97§)
at my office.
q. il c.