Newspaper Page Text
1 OB in Y
by •* rix a. Have
Laud ol the Sunnj South,
Foul tat thy breath,
ttweepleg fl* victim*
Onward lo uea'h.
Holding high carnival,
li one on Ibu hraeze,
1; n< in# like pied-run,
Death and ditto om-
U< and help the people.
Bowed in their g'ief !
O, In; Thoo merciful ;
tmo them relief.
All they can boi* lor
Comes Irom on high ;
Angels, O pity therrV-
Hue how they die I
UtavCo 1 be rrmrcltul
Er* nil are lost I
OodJ.bow they've suffered 1
O sen t ttiem a Iroet.J
Dying, O bus,them,
And out oi Thf mouth
H|m* iU to them pity loom,
(hid holp tl Houth.
—— -—,.•* • —■
Hamilton Journal
'Hi* Fourth eongri-vri./na! district i* te
have ti race, *0 te apeak. there lift*
hven no tiomlnstlon.ainl tha field U te !
l„r ivi ry aspirant to try his tr‘K'li- It
Inn'tufa not who ixiry run there cau he no
charge ol InAependenltsm. 'I here ere at
jyirnt lint two aspirant* In the fluid
ffT.h*: fl-nry it lie ft re, ol Mefiwcjter, end
Capt. Henry .Pera-ms l T* l"t t-ounty
Itntli ere good democrat", troth ere men oi
ehliity end either will represent the dU
trlct with credit. There ere no tsuoc* t
iluke, hence It I* * matter of (u remia! pro
lurence a* to whom the people w! ! l up*
port. We recognise in Clapi. Persons u
young men Ol elerlinp ahlllty end Integri
ty and consider hi in worthy ol any truet
the fioop!i* may lee! olypofttid to place hi
him, yet wo oturnol give hhn our support
In preleri'oci! hi lion. Henry It Hatr a,
whom we Couehler hi* equal lo any, an I
auperlor In other reap*'l". Wo helh v<
that Mr. Harris will receive the endorae
mcut ol a large majority of the voter* ol
Una dlatriet nnd what hitluonce wo may
endeavor to exert will he need tn thl* di
rection. We see no reason why he ahouid
not he n-olictr d.n* there ha* never been
a stronger Hurt made to deleal a man,an I
wo l*r, not a alngle bhatgo has been
brought against him. Ill* record to day
1* a* clear at crystal.
From tUo Carrollton I hues.
A good deal ol our spire Id occupied in
bis usue, with ilio utMi cut <•! tl Ootiimll
too representing the msjo tty, In too Into
Nowran contention, to llio voters of the
Fourth congressional district Wo hr*
s|H<ii k lor Ibis addrtsi Irtmt our readers, s
curolul perusal. There is one patl ol II on
peclslly, lliat we would cad attention to,
suit that Is the patt which gives the rec
ord ol the Hod. Henry H. Hariis on the II
naocial* quest) jti.—The money question
seems to be the absorbing one now before
the country, and the Hon. llrnry Persona,
tho opponent ol Mi. Hurls, in order to
catch the popular breiao, has publtrhed
bis plalf< rm upon this question, and align
eti diiiiscn witn sun ij tjot.i-it....
popular sentiment upon it. Mr. P’s. plat
lorm Is a good one ami is in sixorj with
the Democracy ol tho 8 ruth and Veat, a n
the money question. It is algo iu accord,
as will lie seen, with Mr. llarilg’ record
upon this measure. Krerylliing advoca
ted by Mr. Persons, has been voted lor by
Mr. Harris, and it does hok a little like
Mr. Persons is trying lo steal Mr. Harris'
thunder iu Ibis eanvsss. Thatiuthis the
record of Mr. Harris u[ion tills, ss well ns
upon ail other q estious aflucting our lu
toieats, is iu |<erlect accord with tlmse ol
hla coi giilucnla. The lion. W. U. Butt oi
Marlon,ooc of the stsowthsat opponent* ol
Mr. Harris Ja the congitsdo ml conven
tion, admitted ia a speech iu Newnaa.that
he would cot change a single rote that
Mr. Harris ever made iu Congress. He is
a tiled and true representative ol ths peo
ple, aud why turn him out to try another
man, whose only virtue is tlmt he has no
Uni r.
Dare to be honest, good and sincere
Dare to be upright, and you never need
Dare to be brave in the cause ot the right;
Dare with the eneiny ever to fight.
Dare to be loving and patient each day ;
Dare speak the truth w’ atover yrrn say.
Dare to be gentle, and orderly too ;
Dare shun the evil; whatever you do.
Dare to be cheerful forgiving and mild.
Dare shun the people whom sin has defil
Dare to speak kindly, and ever be tree ;
Dare to do right and you’ll fiud your wKy
Hen may talk, and men may go, but
Harris la daily gaining votes. The people
are rapidly perceiving the only real ques
tion la which will be the bee* Congress
man—the tried and faithful Representa
tive, or his competitor without the least
particle ol experience ? When Col- Harris
ia returned to Congress, as he Is certain to
be, he will, without doubt, be placed as
chairman of oue of the moat Important
committees. New men are p'aced at the
lower end of the least .recognised,—Cbt
A louring PruMim
Od. Time*.]
A repeal A the Resumpltef.' Art Isefors
the day act for its going into operation ia
npt ps/ssitde. H-ocreU-ry Bbi-rmau will,
therefore, put this perta aof hi* financial
policy into practical operation—, in
deed, a fioaec al crath occurs shortly m
Orest Hntaio, and gold he d/ai .ed from
thm country to that—an event whicL
seems ty no iguao* improbablej*t at tors
tuna of heavy failure*over there, Hucb ar.
event might ootup. I the tier rotary lo delay
his experiment. Hut, Ivaving it out of tb
reckoning, the resumption of specie pay
ments in this
country wi!l \* attempted, aud then comes
the imporiant problem, will everybody, re
lying upon the solvency of the Govern
meat and tha vnlu-'s ' I ite p*;#r prooiraes,
rnaiu or circulste tin.lf greenbacks, ju-t a
they now do, or shlUmietws run upon
’ the Treasury, with the object of eshsust
t g p* rjsecie resource* and creating an .1 ti
er great disparity between gold and h*
rmUliuidlng Nslioual Uank no lea f Or will
the Hanks themselves retain and retire tb<
greenbacks from circulation si a suo.tlujb
lor gold with whljh to hold themselves in
rendinesa tor thedr resumption T We are at
the upln lon that in one of these way* tle
gtrenback currency will lie withdrawn
from circulation, without any correspond
ing Increase ol money, unless Congress
should Speed dy make provision fit sup
plying the deficiency. 'lbis will lie con
tractu non a buggy seek than vr Um
“hard money’' men hare attempted t > *C
<,oio[4lsh directly Its i fleet on lumas**
and Industry W will not now attempt to
We know that Ihe law and •*•* not require
the redemption of National Hank notea at
tbs same lime lint llm banker* wi>i
know that unless lin y also resume their
Ia per will tall below par, and their eystcin
will rapidly hise lavof. It w thcnlore to
theh internet, to resume too t as the
Treasury and * *, and llm bank* ril the N el -
are already prepared f-f i'. This |if<p*ra
lion has already prod need conlracthm, ami
must continue to produce it. Every con
which we Cfto give ly the sub
Jee! point! to the slrfing pVoliafcllity that
resittiii thin wdi only be reached hy ton
trartvm, and Hint we have yet to pass
througti uup'lier slay l*y wld it tbo uion
led classrs will gtow richer at the ft*prose
ol the iori r.
In our Judgment, It will bo tfulllesa h r
the Dct'U'crals In (dotigrena to ftpvnd fur
tiier ' llort to prevent the ogecutlon of the
lit sumption Art. lid they may poaslltly
do. lunch lu alleviate the hardships-that
w ill attend it by legislation which will slip
|dy grtcilhiclft ft* fast • tlir-y *ie reiirtd
UiUler the pi epsilon ot the existing law
A Novel (hilarity.
On* "I the m*t luterctlag fncWeftts "f
Wednesday In New York wa the nolle.
Uon ul clothing, Hr ,Ii tbe relief o! Booth
ero sufferer*, Irom tho hntwe* of cilia’ns
The prominent dry gnds and eipr*
flims fornlulled tram* tor the conveyance
of the articles. Ahead > I these went tbe
telegraph oiesSenger boy detsUed for the
service, to w arn Ihe inhabitants ol tho ; -
proach ol the tiarti. The people the'
prcpar*d their bundle* and placed them in
the earls a they earn* ulmig, the driver ot
each vehicle lining opp!lc l with * certtfi
ealo signed by the Mayor and other .Hi
cers. The oflorlng* gnasistad of b'y*
clothing, mid rcluthlng ol a’l kinds,o( wo
men ami children, shoes, dresses, lists.
VM. f 111 IlflUtyvtlwHw • |.iwlurs'f
In many respects tho ] mot useful things
toceived were blanket*, sheets and quilt*.
Th cooimittco estimate that the collec
tion* ol the day will amount to six thous
and cubic f*t foci. It will lake soveral
day* to get over the entire city.
1. Regutar members, standbyi, who al
ways may be depended op.
3. SlmKy e.iembere, who act according
to feeling rather than principle.
3- Families whose women are mem bora,
but whose men rarely attend, and care on
ly ter the social and respectable aspect of
thu ciiurcb.
4 Families moral blit not religi > us; reg
ular attendants but not members.
5. New families, occasional attendants,
whom It ie desirable to iateiest and fas
0 Poor families whose willingness is
greater than their ability.
7. Floaters.
Reader, to which class do you belong ?
The oak In the middle of Iks lorest,
wnich is surrounded on every side by trees
that shelter and shade it, runs up tall aud
sickly, put away from it it* protector*, and
the first blast will overtuia • it. But the
same tree, growing iu the open field where
it it continually beat upon by the tempest,
become* fta uvu protect ot.- So the man
who is compelled to rely on his own re
sources lorrn* an tudepenee ot character to
which he could not otherwise have attain
ed- Tbereiore prefer rather to climb up
hill with difficulties than to roll down with
inglorious ease.
Captain Persons, in hit DoogtamviUe
speech stated that had he bees in Congress
he would have voted against the appropri
ation tor oar river. Is this the Cougrem
maa for tha counties bordering on that
stream t The evidence will ha quickly giv
•n if the statement be denied—Cot Enq.
f I A^
A< Factor/ I J rm Great Be£uct< n h>
ulnae out preavut etoek of IkM New and
Scene i-Lacd insirumente of Srat-claM ma
kers, fully warrvircd, and at prices that
'ely e mpetitiou7hif (testa iualuUteccta
tg;U Wanted for Watm’Superior 6e*i
Otgttm and Piano*. lU**u*ted CV&-
guc- Mailed. lIOBACE WATE&= &
BONil, Manufacturer* sod Dealer*,
iiijh-st., N. Y. A*o Geneva. Agt.
tor NHGNINGEB** cceteatfcd Organa.
1 Ctefii Tobacco
*rtm i 4 Pm
t ■ *A*w4. 0 fwi.gk, m 5
'"t** °f mr-d JL*Sr*r**a fu twafi
Vv A a vsir b* ->f tfk rtp Id G'Wl
fawKtW v* iuU' vm t **i* mm itmi *•* Jb~t L
PIANO Beautiful flq, Orsod Plan<*
j ricepf 1,(00. only |979. Mavi 'ficect Up
rlK 111 JTana#, prlea fkOO, Wily 175. F
arioe, 7 Ct ife, 125, 7J UW, New E(y J e
irigana f ifi Organs, & shape, |57J50.
Church Organ Id stops, price $3lO, only
f 115, Kiegant *375 Mirr r Tip Organ*
Vfily SIOO. BautiluJ |*avlor o*4*n, pries
340 dollar*, only *5 dollar*. Krtwta Be
imoed, 600 dollar reward. Beail * t raps
for the Unwary' and newspaper about cost
il ITanna and Organ*, sent FBfcE I'leave
address Denial F. ikatty, WashiagVie, H
C* "y .V DA V tv Agent* canvas* ug tor
| * tie Visitm’, T'-ru < and
OitfitFoe Address I', O. Vl' KEtY
Augusta Maine
*w. " "* -I —>■ i ■!*■■■!. i ia||||| 1
To iMver liter*.
Geo !P Rowi ll .Ac Cos *
Iw'iW "ca.
M r>f r*roo *(ipp"S* Ibis Hat to !* eom
p.Sd of Cheap, bwr-prked fmw*j*.p : r*
I l>* f*c;< la quite (Rtakfh*. The c*t-
Ugeo a‘*tv-a exar*tly wh*t (h paper* ar*.
Whnti the n*ni<> of a paper t* printed to
Fall Far.*; lyie It tar in } every imiiamai ton
Ihal paper lo the tdaeo. Wt.en prmtwl in
Gapital* it • the only pi#T In the placr-
Wh o pn .t*d In roroao letter* it Vi nI
thrr the b**t um the ouly papar, twit t*
usually a very good-one, iiolwtthsUo ling.
The hat give* ihe jopulation l rvrry
town and tow drool* 1- n and ev> r> paper,
it is oof a >prrativ hat. It ia not a
('ll(4*l’ LIB I At the foot of th< Gala
logtae for each state the important towos
whloh at* n"lcuver*sl by U* dal ft <u
mefated ll ta in UONE.iT U'iT Tln
rate* chaff'd IT advartislng arft bar iy
one filth IU pahihiher*' *ch<d.dr- fi *
pi ic for one loch hnif week* to to* an lire
j.t t* sta3. The regular rslcn of llm pa
per* tnr iti same ipa-ft and fun* *re $3.
IIIU M 5 I tie Hat in.-tud#* 9C *w(.*p..r'.
■ I Which |U<f ar* i*ued Rally and fUfJ
VV kly. They are located in 826 dillcr
cot ; idea and 10 ins, of which S3 arc Mtan
('nf>itt d'JU jdaca* of oyer S.OtJO j>'pu a
ti ti. and 4i4 County rteale. |..M wot or>
appliCHtloß- A f riUraflEO. P HOWE!,I,
I'URK Vll, 108prao* Bt. [PrloUug U
Bq.| N. T.
oKOROtA— Id dlnsfy’s Office
M riw. ther tVrunty j O*. Ctrk, tu7H.
Wlitlani A. Blark has applied f r ex
emption ol t>cr*i>nalty, and settiulf apa t
and valuation of Homestead, and I wi’l
pals upon the same at 10 o'clock a, ra. on
the lit day of Not. next, (ITS) at my
i A. 3. IUNIDN,
Bridge Notice.
Will be let to the lowest bidder on Moo
ds v, the 18th day ol November, 1878, at
the Bridge on Red Oak creek, the Bridge
known as Biorms’ Bridge—to be kept in
good repair for seven years. The con
tractor to give good and suflteient bond
for seven years.
R. A. Cbann,)
A. HiUiey, i
M. Crouch. ) Com.
Oct. Iffth.lß7B.
Will be let to the lowest bidder on Sat
urday the lSib day of November, 1878, at
the bridge across Walnut Creek near D.
S. Muse to he rebuilt ami kept iu good
repair tor seven yenrr. To b* baht 800
feet long, (coaimeucing at tbe, abatment
ou the weat and running east 900 fce*)wiih
good Heart timber, the arches to be 10
inches square and 18 feat apart ; the cap
giils to be 10 inches square with sleeper*
4x13 inches ; Ftearing 8 inches thick and
to be nailed down with 40 penny naHa—
Tbe bridge to be tbe height of the old
arches now standing. The contractor to
give good and sufficient bond.
R. A. Cbunn, )
J. E. Buchanan, V Com.
D. 8. Muse. )
Oct. 16th, 1878.
GEOKUIA I Ordinary’s Office.
Meriwether Uwuaty.) „ Oct. 7lh. 1878.
To all whom it may concern:
Whereas John We Idea of said state and
county applies for letters of Administra
tion on the estate ot Andrew Welden, de
ceased, life of said couoiy and Mate.
These are therefore to cite sad
th all andyiagwtar the kindred aad credi
jtora of sail! deceased, to show cause at my
office on or before the first Monday In No
vember next, why letters of Administra
tion on the estate of said deceased should
not issue to said applicant.
Giveo under my hand aad official signs
***' A J. HINTON,
* O.M.CL
(Viat ha* earth dearer in palace or grove, music at night-fail from tape that we
Then gather the Buie one* around the
Piaau or Organ after the toll* of the day
rt over, and enjoy a real home concert
1! you have no home, get one right swsy,
nr. if you haven't any ebudusn, borrow
•note, and i/ you ave without s
Buy one hirin ttn t
" jBSm
IvSRBMHim' -
Murio House
It* vane ah, G&
Ita* Great Wboieeaf* Tovno and <yrg* fJ
. Depot of the South.
Have m the jasl let. y ars puichvsed is
•umsto Irtiei u* and every ow can uak
fy te their •* per lord/ T* suit ptrcl,**
era **actiy i* our r/!ty and delight W
can Pi it, w* w!,l di it, and w ire doing
It ()*:•;> Every lasertiurvnt
(toM'i ,9u r for us.
And now to BuninebS.
F> Xa.l Tra-l*. 187*, *r<: ie.>y with
ift* targßj* *e.f B.ueai ii ol foelruiricnlt
*>r Itaj.lxyvl temth, which w shell *e'i
di<WH Vi p*ilrllr* na lb* .No Mo
C ruiU#i/.oia I*.an at Manofar t.'
FrAoy flats* t-rt (>a*h and on (...t
T*. tn*. N<< ihigu* mat a man!* oid at
soy price. Evrty loat-uri.oiitv wo ;,
tear* ft* tnaktrrs name and baa itti
nix lean guaranUc. ito tald totlfo
tins'* *t Lowml Itatev tn' Amcih;* i wh*l
w* guaraMUr. On ibi* r<<ck *i*o i * o
Ctidkltg* all Cort*; Wttion. The mao Who
extra wlrHs'l at hu t '<ro yrt.
7 Octave. $135. V 8* p, $65
74 ItvuVe, 111. 112 H IS.
■flurisiw ! thr tievt ant 1 In (tin U (ft., at
*uh prute. Natl teg like them ever U
tats < firm). FtiWtly whoteia'-tat** N<>
rr loidon t> !)•'• vt Tvachrf*. H, i1
only f• ri ji N'/. ii* 1 >n i k rediL
Pianoa from Old Makers.
Ulik kcting, |37t [ Knat> .k (’ i. $370
Maibu hek, 38 jIV AGO., T.ta
H*iu * Hn, 35(1 j tt-iutbcr* Gem, D57
Bete l Ir' in ah ve list aud an l you will
hV ft Piano g a>i for * 5i etiiro ol bar:!
u Trueectn >my tic. in i-urclia** ol a/
ANo 1 In.trnment. Tiie teat arc al
ways the cheapest, as weii n* moat *Uf
'actor y.
Organs from Old Makers
Mavn A II unite, 10 Steps, SK)O
reloubel ds Priten.9 Stops, $75
In Slegant New Style Laser. Fitly
Styles fr om S4O te 000. These mag&ifl
ccat Instruuicuts coat a little ro> ru than
many others, but will wsar twice <uk long,
and are far better. IlftM iated Catalogue*
See these Easy Terms.
PIANOS,— fif'cen dollar* Mbu'b.y, un
til paid for ; or 2-*> dollars Cx-di, aud ial
anee In one year.
OHGANa.—7 dollars and 20t015Q ia:-
terly, h>r Ten Quarter* . or, 3 to 10 dollar a
Monthly, until paid ter ; or, oac-half Cash
Down and balance in one year.
FIFTEEN Days Trial ii desired, we
pey freight both waya il Instrument doe*
sot suit. Purchasers ran no rial.
BEWAEE ol B-igut Pianos and Organs.
Tim country ia flooded with them, if any
raw oflera you a 1,000 dollar Piano for
375 del term, or a 360 doilar.Orgaa for $65,
tell him he he*and you wont nusa the
mark. Oetrageooa deceptions am prac
ticed now. Bay only from a reputable,
well-known Reuse ar you will regret It.
Secure beat Instrument at lowest prices
•ve M-'vary, Time, Risk aad Freight,
Savannah, Ga.
A. few male calves Jersey Grade st (10 to
fl 5 per bead.
Several Lambs of the French Merino
stock Hall Blood at 95 each. ALSO, some
Shepherd Doga, Stock, English Drover,
price |5 each.;
Any person deairing te improve J their
stock trom fine Blood at low figure*
can do so by applying to me at Luther
vide, G.
June-7-5 tn.
Pleasantly ax* fast, agent* should ad
dress, Fih. ex, Oar vet ft (Jo.
Atlanta, <ja.
$25,00a. FURNITURE. $25,0m
Thi* snuaense gtock of Furniture, consisting cf
Beside* everything u.u*Uy ke; t .a s
We .have a tail atodt of Chrotm/o and Psclure frames and make frame* to order, any
‘■- b ' H
Fancy goad* tor birth-day and holiday prr-Seotr.
fLi t'fw Marir.yfePfta?jd'f'-€**W > 'xjrtc*c< . vi't.-J, '. -a -••*'■ <. g.ven t< ail’
i*t'ter*. ./
TIHdMPSt N, rtf tr >THKH and.
Septeuiiu r 87 rtTk Nuwnan (is
■>• -jwm ~ * • ■ - • s- -**' *~mEO
It C:U; tha Ea:ic:t aid ajway; Satinet
AfrKNTfyvw nk yon <o try it. a<] (-fl r yon j.< rjstL
IrMlncemr'Di*. Bond for fiircular A- I*r;< < -to
If TW. Feurlk Ht* 9 Glmeinjtu U, O*
A C. A'tiMi.YUMMt, .WrtHfc'cr.
' Ti 1Z l IM E TKI i M
Barnesvillo Ga.
Will ojen on Monday, September 3rd, 1878, with a foil corps of earneit. sreee**a
teacher* determined to keep op the widespread and 'eserved reputation of Uii* Just e
celebrate-3 school.
Gordon InrtTute offers superior inducement* to parent* desiring to educate their seas 3
cd daughters It haa all tbe modern appiiamTs,arr*ratus ard furniture, ands record
nor successful teaching unparalleled in the State, its music derailment is conducted
hy Prof. Guttenberger, who has no superior and but lew eqaa-s in hi* profession.
Samosville is the most enUrptising city on tbe Macon and Wercrn Htiir'ad, and
haa justly the reputation of having the most moral, liberal aDd en .igbtcfetd community
in Georgia.
Tuition f 11.50 to $18.50 per Term. Board SIO.OO to 15 CO per month.
For catalogue containing full infonnat on addre**
or W. IL WWDALL, Sue.,
8 - 34 - ly Baruaavuie, Georgia.
fid Ulß9 WORM OIL.
AtwnVOa., Fkb. ?2,1978.
6a : Mr child. Sre ran o'd. had nympSomi Ot
worms. I tried calomel ud the worm MedicSte*.
but tilled te expet set worms. Seeing Mr. Bets*
certiftrate, I got* rial of Worm OU, ud the ant
low broach forty worms end the second doee
eo many were posse* I did net count them.
Prepared by E’d Smith Lyndcn, Athen*
Georgia. For Sale by J. E. G. Terrel &Cos
tioiiic i'* ffiuM net F*rget
Or. MoC.-U’s Teethin* (Teething Powder*) rr*w-
Ute* the Bo weir ard m.tet Taadsng IJ Tee
hina Core* Cholrta-Infsntcm and the Stnrmrr
Complaint* ot Children , Heals Eruption* and sea
RemoTee And j rerecta the formation ot Worms
o mother aken-d he w .s>ct it.
For sale by J. F. G TERKFLL ft CO.
U.tasL LIKE THEM McCaoeland’a
Patent Kit;ting. Plaiting ami Pol
ish! 5 ; Irons. For aale by