Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
, . ->o ■ ,*. * •I'* I * li-Wlij - ■ -—w M-■ _ ■ -.r=" L-‘ ....vj— ——— .
VOL. 6
AT tlflt TBH iSSI’M.IN WW"
v>om H4M2th fttA* af Uia Coart
ORDINARY... A - ’• H ' nton
btIERIFF 1 ‘ s -
CUSRK B.C ....'V II Kfld
TAX UECnVEU....... P K Olenretita
TAX OOLLEt'TOR J. O. Christie
SURVEYOR <>. P- Matthew*
CORONER J oh, ‘ R J<,ne4
р, -. Atron Sibley,
с. J. iu*m. r K ~,ou,“ “
Allui H.
John W. Talk, W.J. H*p*
Medium H>erw, R- A - *‘* rklf
A. H. F eeman, Sec.
FhNATOR S6T> l)i*:lci. K. M ! uncau
¥ J. WUHsms, C. W. Wit! *n.s
i _
Attorney at uw
<iatLKKVTtt.t, O*
kUll,jyrerjlee In Meriwether sod tip ad
•iutbg fwUille*-
A 11. Fiat..MAN
Attorney at law
AU bus'xt*. euyuste i to hi* rare Vdcud
st iii prsnnptly sod tsiildoKy.
- ( HttKNVn.l K ( <*
Will practice in MciUeth i * ! *u
rMUI.o cm|i<Hii'iY il>- CowU i itcui'.
1110s. A. A I KiNfON,
GltXk* V 11.1. K , <•*
A . U 11.0 VI), II D ■
ut.nrt.vinr lit
t*l . .Ml W'dh w*ll*ulV.
T. P. M-ifiIWREA TH,
U HA'OJA • • u -i
NAVIK‘I Imeo'iK '"V • I lln 1
I'r.sti*. >l DeoUl Swigtiy tUiimti
the !•( ito yen*, I bib uotj ete* t to i"
■II ktfedv lbtitai •ikß* D* ' r, X b*t
style it the Art, od l solicit tl' pat"*-
g#l the pe<>, b nl Meii*lhe> count),
■ M'tl 1 i*g ail wbo pair "UtXC Hi* II >1 tli*)
tUli U* tl <- W!) I <*' ►') '••• ol r.u.k, Hin.
I*r • little u.oi* j ** ould be theigtd 1 )
, cvoi| eto.t Dull*! !*• t* • *let<. Oor
n*poudetM by until pfOWp'IV ar,#W tret..
DJL K. )• I ftitttKLL,
/ KPH'-iB Ids Prof*ehisl serve** to
V J tke Fu'dic —(Thus with i< itt-t
\n J K 0. "ItiMfll. ’ the Itg Hioit-.
I ill K It * hit IJON V,
/ iFFF.FtH lii I'lob-uhi * wnl * in
V J u* citiwm* 'ii Gr* vd * *“-'*•*•*>
Ilf Office at J. t. u. 'I tried A IV
IlfUf Hnf
IT " '
e, /I JL\' fcLHV jml KAM Y HtOIIK
i I LaGisnge, Geigi*.
f ] A8 f OW, and will keep < 0
J hfebO at ids ol i stsuu Kbit w. ol
U> pi Uk qu*re, b go (i bid
( omitting, oi tbft ut,
GOLD sud hILSKiI Ws'cb**, .it.
blfm bftO Key-wire t-rt,ol the best tuske
Bpibudi Gold and hiivwr Wiicii Chain*
oi bli s'ms, maxer* mu prices
Go!i Pso* snd sli kinds of boideit , Gold
ttlljrsr A steel .*|pectbcl A Eye-Glasses,
fi jLID-i-ILtiiH 'IABLfc W AKE
Silver Plate Ware
ol all kiocs bud styles,
Pocket, 1 able Cutlery, and Raz rs
by Ui very rcaown-d makers,—Joseph
Hodge s sod George Wostenboln,*.
lam till repairing all goods id toy nut
Too mi f cili* ds t-l Meriwetker and ad
joining c until* tare tested iuj wuik to
require a <s ro irom me as lo lit* charac
ter ol it. Ia iii, bos ever * arrant all n.
work, il projerljr used, as 1 bare always
dnee,and reapectiuliy sink a ol
the peLr wt* 1 base received Iroei xuj
trleads in Meriwether.
. Alstber't way at Hi sn<-.
AjU ears year fUM vtlb Dr. Moffett's Teethtn
(TslSing Per* Oat). Tort hi is BegwJstes lb
Bgwsis aad Bakes Twthiag •*7 ; Can* Cbotrss
ißbstaa aad tkt Sumer Coaptitb ofcklUmi
Baals Emjmos aad Soros ; Bsootcs sad P/vrcats
lbsfcrmstw*! o Venn*. Vo medcloe errr re
ertred rack ottwitnl' ■nnsimdsit® from 'boss
w h r ft*'* nse.t iU ■
WulUetl By the Wir*.
WrubUiCtoa U H llte St.
Lout* <jtob*-I>tKUo<.r.i'
t\ ht (lot tin JoueJ togttbr S*t no
mu jut ttraiulw. Ttii. *i it rtmted over
lbe trligrt, U wire* tUU moniiu, Rom tin*
place, to tvel Dh dcitiuatioti two hour*
UU-r *t t;e*if*i< IhWB, 0> loir 10, 8,600 imk*
aty, Cttiied the fU"I aovel orrisc '*u
letcrtl, ( tiling uulil Jerlh t>Ukll tuul Mr.
VShwlcr (.’. Kliis, l Ootgelinvn, b> Misl
Liu* Sellers, st thiktovvu. The hivtoty ol
tkie Uhi>c* P oo*slt it, at leiat; J to your
eortesptMtdent by a titeavl of t. <s p*iue, i>
*s 1110 s ; Tit i*o jc .rs *go, Wi.eelcr El
lis, * v.mug, po.iT atol hsrd working me*
t hank', kit VVisliingtou tr the t> vYesl to
--**w i.U i.itivut*?. leaving h*ttmd a lovely
*txl lopciy uiai.leu U> u"un us.,. m ..
son a luime time, when nia liijknce* vvnul.l
a.ltuli ol luataage. Tne time had come
thl* we* W, but tut account of hgvincta cu
gagetimi.U, the j ming man loonj ho could
not make ib trip East. A friend arriving
‘here jevloiday Iron the Wait, *hs com
mioaktiud to Inkc the y. Utlg ■• Ulan to
Qtorgt town, wtteiu the ceremony would
bu ikmfoimed, This arraujcmrat', tUougb
eutlpelv lu a ci rdaime ytiih the yyong i
dy’a a the, did not Milt her moU(ei, all.
a* atreiHiOtuly ohjcuotl Ut l)il <il the
Uin g heinx dona route other t It*o
must In* adopted or Ihe wfTa‘ jr intat.ioua.’-
Iht- gul had waited hup hlioady, aud
nothing hul,! istat.Ct to stand In
the way. At tlie niggo tU nl l Rev. Gao.
lUj •euUn . l.e I. U-eraph st its .ad >1 into
si ivbe. 'nd* eahiied the (do lady* oti'
jieiign*. ami U e jon.rfi (■< i r. cd Hie
ceremony. No card*. The on'y *i*eta
l„is am* r. It lend er two. From the Um>
el the dial stgi tih the young man n
-s.sfitd t!A *. Umu *'l do" sm a. met ling
<,vt-i lo'u hours. The bihie *tsited l !aj
!ni li nin' uint . btli' ! nt(l In 111 Or We l
tt i'h the bus; wishes ol many fi in
A t'.il'H A/.t A.
I’ fil nun alio is scrupulously pulilu
U ! ir; ii llul in | Übl'O but habitua l
s*W-s *>.• and vulgar lan-nave l*u his
~w u wife and daughter l no g<'tillum*i •
Hi is only an imi*>U . I In* young get.'
tie dial ,a bo i'lli hi* I air It'd | ill* sweet
odors on lot handks-i him. slid bows with
Ii o tiling in ej{* o' C lo Ml.* Ai u le I h
3* r l, tiiii* no I lo i ia ly fii* 11 Is, mill yom
tmnie to *inr ut M* mol her and treat liet
a llli l oilliat Jlm I'Utt* ►> is fa idncbljae k
ini list In ol it t i i tiwuiHii.
lie ,nine good ii.anhlii und gent i
tin*,lt, y on til l>e fc ln at limni A* a ruh
tin; mm wlioa'e ibett.< at iiotid am t!n*
n**t men at bom*.* VVlien u man ojnns bis
liout gate only to oit Id* Wilt'* nulling
fan st tin/ ('.oof, radiant oti | lea-nre,-,no
heat tin* *lioUt It o n the *•* '' clilldtcn.
'pa|i 1* m niiig,’ it t< ►.- I" o u role to ie*id
mousy to that man. 110 is liotuet and wilt
rep<y it he i'*n.
Il htiuked I. If' 1 IliiMill,
Mr. Kai ties' Mnreiieti.o it, of Weal,
is in t a very rij,< rii need sjior, bnl
Its set a trn|', all tbe same, lot lo* o'
Mil, I otiK t animal that sin d*< minting
Ids hen, 'I nc lit*! m ill g ttiCti
a* utirilng iitxmt in the <ii
Mr. Min lieirntit i*>l <lo*n <>n M bis knee.
ai d looked in. 'll lo ka !ik' a rslihi',' In
enl 1 , and be ojie etl the trap. ‘Hit il
dig sc’t an sli exactly like ore,’ he added
•atllv, mid almn I•) vent to tin- hires.
Mr Marcheinont ina l<* him stand in the
iiACk yard while she Mo; i:i her no <■ ttj
w i'h blue . lay and undre sed him vt iHt
the <'< n,o i. *Ka. li lieatl know g —il
own bi'lcrnfta tieet," Mr Marclifmo t raid
when In. tailor wondered what be wan'.ci
ano ber tab'll'lit aJie.dy fir.
The ial recipe we kuow, il you want l*
t>e mlwralne is lo lit 'n k about yon tail),
bow much you have hist, bow rnucii y u
base not made, aod lbs pmir jirosje'et lo)
tlic lutnre. A brave man with a soul in
lorn, geU out of aucb |d dul ruU. and
Isngba at ri,-acou!agemeul, rolls up bis
sie<res, wbifiUs rod sings,
iNtt oi Jilsr* This carlb was nos intended
tor s iatadiac, slid s man who rites airove
bsk disevur agcu.etdaami keeps bis rasn
bO<x), will Ijl/ i*p ttrr a tronger and bitter
lor bit adreisiUea. Many a t ob!e r.bip has
been saved by throwing overboard its
roost valuable cargo, and many a ma t i
better and more butnsce alter be baa lost
Is .fir IlMi rta n ill* orgusilucr t
Eayuiw bun listiis went into
the isle Coavcntion sriih sotlj-two votes
1 believe, and Mr. I'eraoei witb only six,
and bmdh wilb tbt same number of f'er-
na- Harris lacking two votes ol liaviug
twk-e as tuacy vo'ea as both of them a,,
gerber. It 1 tore that >lur -gee’s lout
votes were against committing the county
to Hairis, but were never meant by the
people to be cast to* Keraous, and if the
coßteat bd len belwen Jlanii and Per
rons, Harris would bare carried at least
lou'-fifthe of the ciunty. Notts it hat and mg
tbeoe facts Guv. Emitb and numerous
smaller try stigmatize Mr. Harris as a dW-
zer because be, with his twenty-two
votes. wouldL’i go over to Perrons, with
bis fix votri ior the Bike of harmony.
Can sbeu reissuing as this bare i: fi Jtncc
with ten .b:e peojdo
One el thwM a*mavrd, sharp aud sarcastic
Inwyaraol tbt ohms win* take tkmaafcal
jiy auJ uu*iteakahle pride In tstittiog a
svilntW* lut* a lahyrioth ol drftt willies, had
occsaanm some tnue ago to cuws-**uiiii
a gent lewtaw of to ut lull* proiinuano*.
Tne sharp lawyet ui*nagtt, allw muglt
skildiil mackutcrl tg, to *o tsmluue the
witnaaa that the only answer he c<rulJ ob
tain b> his quoatioo* **, I icm’t recollect.
Wben the lawyer Una answer
returned to him * ecore ot so el times, Uia
patience gave out. Tod me, Mr. J., be ex
jlai.liid with bitreg ai*m, do you ever
it member sn) thing ?
I can, was the iwrpt^ae.
On you carry your memory hack tl,
i w enty year* atm tell me a atugie Inil uc®
i bat happened then t , * t
Yea, l thiulr t can, rsi*isv she wliutrss.
a ho had gained bbfcit) contiWUns
Ah ! esciainto.t she ' lasvyv-a. ‘wt.foMy
iiihbii'g'lila hands In orthodox >gal laeh*
inm Now that Is con-oling. Wh it H r'bi*
lua' snots vt ; ln<'k yon re vrcmtH rl l welfs ’
Wi 11, sir, 1 u iue.nbei that twenty years
'i 1 . W iie i you acre a.t niued to this bar,
jour lather Cams to lire to borrow thirty
do'i trs to buy you a unit that you might
make pn* utahlc appearance at emu
intuitim'-iit, aud 1 hast a distmet rtfcoll e
lon joyr latly t never paid tliat lhlt)
dollars hug k to Uiw
Unntii' Wu chauged hands at Ill's pMni
o! the proceediugs, aud the lawyer dlmtlt
in) the wiluesa without more ado.
■ "•*' TtiTk m&i'tUM ■ l&Sm
"■ ri S4ti ; t 1" w
IVhai A'hlatul wmit 1 have heea hut fit
Mrs. Clay the good l.ord only knows, tor
In r husband vtss a’l! t* capllal ol the na
tion mm' ilivn h ifl lns tlitir. Wfn atlend
i .1 lo > veiytlilng, including Bve sontf. vvl.o,
icr-ordlug to tlrelr old tencHei, * Amo*.
Kimball, wi re not the meektst rtl the
loinb* that u ar.ib.ih'd at Ashlaud. Rbe
in* ay; r '' 'he far"), w itli its foist an I live
stock, her huUH'irold aflatr*, a large fam
ily of clilidr.ii snd not a lew negro ser
vapid, so well us to asaitt largely In k*■**j
lug up If' thsy‘ fortune, which was • li
sts sly sol] did lo heavy rlrkins. She
~lien pulled the finest "I l.'-r ve.cabbot
vs■ la let . wii ball It, ami kJUt them with
butler, milk and fiull, ••gularly to the
murk, tto be aolti Hhe b Pep said, ‘My
el:il.treu laugh ol in* “lor such
1 1 1 1 st j.; v, In t they ti*v> r|e* tto the money
I get |or them.' Her Irmtltuenl ol her
• lave* will he ladled irour In t custom <d
lewni.l.llg then at Iho lira ■ ol the .week
In piu;i n liis.i to tlieir industry aid gn>d
conduct. Hl'linUy evening ut Ashland,
with the Maikii'.*,’ wait vyiiimynt'ius v*itli
M's Clay's busltW'S* table c V'red with
littl p.l< uf sHvi'i money. The wile oi
ti c 'gn id iiiimnolicr' <r< and ii thing Ini
fi i al mid tsshh'iiablf society,and ii w*
Imlui,ul , undi-r tlm chcuiiDtgii'cs, IL*t
de: did hot.
C M.U'OHNIA'H ll'd.t lAN I.AWYKh.
Kr m the *Rn J Aletcliry.
The hill guttling w onißti the right t,
fra< t:c* law in this Htste was I'saand lies.
t’,e . lo*e of the laid s. sslirti *'• the lfgi* ii
'hfi', at.d so near did It Como to Icing
efowed ay m tlie governor's capacious
li.wke'l*, Dial hi* ofili isl algnalurc wss not
alts'-io and thereto until within two ml tin *
ol midnight of the h.*l d.y i I the sea hut.
A lihnrlgli many frjmila ol riu; no ,'iic in
and mil of Mr leg flalur* labor'd Wstn.'-t
--ly f'r the bill, ll* fmas'g si,A tsiarci ill)
ita final kf'pr >val by the govruor, wete
no doubl largely due to the persona' ci
tnrte ol Mr-. < 'nrs H. Koite, a daily law
•icdet.t ef this city, ut that time well ad
vanc'd In her readings, and who had cbo
*sb tlie law at a ru'-ans of boßorable live*
Hbood. With the pautage of Hie lull *h<-
entered upon her rcadloga with lenewwd
Ke-w male studtnta liave been able t'’
almw like proficiency lu so short a period,
especially when the tact is taken Into cor,-
sideraiion that M r. Foil* has s family of
five tmali children to care lor, sod lor the
most ol the lime baa done h r home
work Uiist*'sled, amt orsa'icnslly ben
boon obliged tn take the Ic-ctuis field a* a
means ol piecing oot her me*gar inc me.
Tbe committee appointed to examir.o ber
consisted ol some of our first lawyers who'
sutijected her to a thorough test of her le
gal knowledge, and who onsnimotmly eer
tiflj.i to her ertire fii"is lor advance
ment. .Mrs Poll tii the first woman ad
mitted to the bar ol ibis B'.ute.
Brute people believe in words, ethers,
old f gie* like ourselves, prefer actions.
Ihe voles of Hod. lleury if. Harris show
that his p'.alloria which he bag announced
is wquateiy with Thurman.
The lawyers, with lew txeejilione, art
tbe opponeels of U.iL IL H. Harris lor
Ccugrees. They want a chance. They
hope to g-t Harris out of the way aod
then they will be able te rotate in turn.
Il is rather singular when a clam V ar
rayed like this agai<si a mao. Instead. of
Coi. Hsrrii opposing this cists, it is a pro
feesion, witti tnsrkqd exceptixßS, eppoaiag
s caodilau. The e'.ars aotagoay! s. itself.
~(ol E(j.
A 9H* Mt • GMUCarutn Drtfft.
Ry many U has bwlta hold as * the iry
Ural Urn Yams dcsWßNrg* one an 'K-#a
Iwd- At IntniWabl, pjiM* ol nsU water have
stool lr a While UvAlrtJU.nlst or tko sur
rounding was'e olaaiud, dlsp; cann< only
to riw. lw U e asms AT othtr localliV. A
*ht*t MnvSlS< to*-tfl the th’ino lakes
diaspiicau'd, wild a natty ul Ltdiau* rt p < -
ted the dbtwftrysd* big ship, left bv th.
rccejlug mvea A sMrty ol Amcricaus *'
once prwßC-ded t,*nd I mud hu
bedded la the samMJre'w rvck of a Urge
vessel. Near ly oiu-third ui tlio forward
parts of lUaefrifi urMrk U piainly ▼>* lw
Tim slump 91 the (gyespiit remains, aim
pouinuj id the iimbf* ui teak are iwrluch
The wreck 4 10C*4440 iuilj> u nth ofjSxu
ll.inaud <> and K#tk Yarn* roa I an.J luir-
V uillca wost ol lira R*ltm*a,s well kuuwu
walerUgf ilawt. The road
ncru** tiw desgtj ma beau, traveled loi
niflh than year*, Th* frialv
o - I tut. i ddatrd. m>k\
er ho ku >wn, am dtaemjefy Ol 1U dr
been a dewtU;wjU lUlulsh Irup uUut aid in
tlfo calcn !attUMi(,fo]Ai)Qa.
~A Montis' jTvSJwaT
The A-.Bumtat lays the early
rt frs f?rtlsl hta. k frost t>n Sal
day mon lug. iNumtifilcks icrvont*cT'iu<
It. to town lioit* ti e tr.iiMirbt nml ii.mnly
made a*urgt>rt| that they had on aid
bandied Ibfn if**. Even perso te In the < tty
assrrtdthat badlirri that lirrtr-hml.
•ekwfotilfhti ottife of the city. "vYltinmi
iding iNdilhrta, It is necessary to e.
dal* tM>*.ltsMveM'tl;hell, Medical Ihrrc
tor l liic llortkrd*, nd Drl). I>. Hautilcis
l’oluth til oj Ut II taitTol Health wsm sh
ut'litre* uut l leturu to the city ui pi. w",
Tim wisdom B their warning was il.gaim
tptl yefctc.dßjr,|n the record ><l foity own
t tt-ea . u thc’jhecla of u black (ro*>i T .
(ip at I'laguiMd Ib.'h Is ol u 111 ot v*.io-
U4Vu cUa'fujflv thru ever known. On*
hUck f y*t gfll) not kill not kill it, not two
It will tak>* 4 week ot to *], Iroaty weather
P thur ttu* ol i|h yellmv fiivui pnit n.
Abstmlcc* must Lend the ujiuonlti u <1
our n tdln>yftith*rHi. s.
Pew* be. n more' (o innate *
book-t'uke® thati Aicxambr II fS’cphen*,
t w i volumii, has told, It Is *"l i, to Mu; c
mot ol ltil*fNt),Wb t pie*, lie lias nwv
cd a my a! tv <A t'J My -five cut* a v.'Jciuc.
*ud Itsi |riTflf.iqnance (fisdu jd'i.bOO lr' 111
the wotk—ytwre than most professitmalnu
thurs make te flu tr ciftla< litre*. All tn i
...■•I lu’oie liu |ihl by bi parih.'i> tit tin
Atlanta Him, of whl,*b hu wnt bn aiuc
tnnPliwilltica) euiior a well a* <’< -piopfl. -
tot. !1 I* ijot a Dthi to licfi* titoii'-y, I, r
which, looted, except Id far an indepen
dence goes, lie cans nothing. Although
lot many yurt In receipt of'a hand*, me
in pmte irom his law ira tire, an I not
withstanding hi* simple tual. a tt'id halilis,
Id* unlimited bupH ilit) and constant giv
ing lo ali who need, or w-sume to med
help.liavo prevented Ihshkj ti Itlon of any -
thing like a trriu’ie. In lad. t - lay ho !
mu ed os a poir miti, luig'da owing t
tint A,hints Hun. JouruuhS'n I* nlwu) an
expensive experiment, and has Item a c > -
snttier ol btfcmdtc*i cipltal— Nfo Yuik
A Jke I M ti* Lal.
11 w Miauy really ixce!liit Jokes an
I at lot waul of proper appreciation. Hen ,
only a few day a ago, wliei the I i*' ex
cufston went up lo Miuneapo is, a young
man sal up at Hi* i>alt an h.ur
one night alter hi) chum had gone to b< and,
aewiog the legs oi innoocul skejieis Hous
ers together. IJu tewed theih stjoux, urn!
laughed long and silently after he went l"
Imm), as he pictured the scene lu t.,c morn
ing. When the morning dswus.'.be arose
w itli tlis glow ol atdiclpaliou on hu Uct,
a* it laded away be sal dowu upou the
side of tbe aod d*j<;ted eut tfiffn the
bottom of his own easel ally e*ed troum r
kg*, and bis uusnspecting churn
asked what be was doing, bs sighed sod
sai l sadly, ‘'Oh I •oll.iug." And ha west,
i'.y thought bow lull of inouncs* was this
base, deceiving old woo..- ISurUnyton
A Cleboymam'*Ofutt * -Hating bad
an oppoMuo t*at tns excellent J quali
ties ol Hr. Boa’s Gough Syrup, 1 beshate
not to ssy, it is the bet remeJy 1 have ev
er used in my lautily.— lies. Wui. Ci.ap
man, Psaior ii. £. ChurcU, Georgetown.lK
Vo not s'upify your Ifkbjr wl'h Opium
or Morphia mixtures, hut use Or. Bull’s
Baby Byrap which is always sale and re
liable and never disappoint*. 23 •.
Borne of our Bute exchanges are adver
tising a queer old party of tbe nsrae of
Wrigbt MerrfU, jgp(r*txty-flve, an t who
has, as stated by tbe Tbomssvlllo Enter
prß never taken a drink of liqoor.’wor
had a spell ol steknear, uever smoked a
cigar nor took a Chew ef tobacco, ncvei
ate any annual that could climb a t'ec, nor
anything that Jiv*f in water or burrows Fo
the giound, nor anything tliat wa* extked I
by a negro. Wbat a aerry life be mutt have- '
bad ol it and how many good ibings he- j
fia* missed. 1
G irrmciHow Its K ilt snwimr -mi Monday
the it! h day . I July for a term ot t ui
month*?, nfl.f prondtKS (tr fw.trA; a ftnMnmo
aUeiition to tl e Jhoiougline** ol iustruu
u u and gtilural wsParptil its pwplla.
Rates of Tuition:
1% ad |.f tar- n|i>'4 . soholasl.c
jjHjudlm ,No dv.iucp oi lor lost llmo ex
cept iu Cflio* ut pruitaeied licknyaj.
Grueoyido oHvra many iiudyjintagiht Ipr
n tv hoot, among nthv , ftoi rucict/ uud s
he* tuy l.x;atiy. Lisiru tl or m Mn i-.,by
acc unp.istieii Paelmr* l an I e tl.c
rjtt.'S ot limit *k to fit.3o pit' n.otitli
IJjtid Ii good buuillcj lli.un to |lO
pi i moiipn
J. u. 01. INK. I’.in.
M-'J tl ,
Allunta Puoor
• M'iii.d. *
An in ra Okohoia.
ALL RlsfM anti W c i K ht
Addics JAS OHM t.NI), Ihoprititor.
IP |u to tills Iseuc as u Speciiiion of Ii
Ml* 1 Oigan M*sr, A 11)0 ll*.allot
If nfiv nmii Ineuljs your c'"imn>>li sens.'
tiy oil i log a (list class tl Htup Organ lor
sUb, pii oi h|. to mi the spoi.” All iibcci
►i y lui buying hir'li tnlerio 0 gun* is lor
** itr dole ssy will, fJ GO I'ssb or |11()
on E*u) T.'l|i* now boys u insgliillci lit
Mason Hi ii 1 n I’.iil it or Ol urdi Organ
wi'h A'-ii/ ,‘itn I'ri'iU ml Ten btojis in Ele
gant New H'jlb Cm wlfli IKumtnaleil
la hell. II indsijmcK* tlyte of Case Cvi.r
protlu e 1 H,,cclal Ol cr In Introduce Mils
new Biyle. H nt on trial.—OuaraulceiW
for a life time, it fit to I until paid for,—,
O'brt .tew Myfestusini I.- I'lisira'. ed (41
or ms lice,— Addtow LLJ’Hi.N A
A'i'LH, i-uvi n Hi, (lii , M hiu.lik limr’*
\V „iil(jitth; Ajptn's lot t Houllt.
,%)'///•* Warm V t.
Aihciis, <Jo , f>. c 8, 1877.
A frw nights slue*, I g*v nij snu oho doss oi
Utn W irhi Oil, slot win* <tr *i" |mml slsii sn
Isfg* wiiiiii*. 41 the ssms It (US I gsvw ono ilcSti to
my Ittlla girl lour ysitrs old, suit *I(S iisssxl SI
worms Irom . 11 melius lung, J-
i’lepaicl hy Dr I'M hmltb l.y ndon
\il|(-n*. Georgia. FnrH*!eby J. K. G
La-lles Mi so* Gents and Hoys hhoos
prices to suit the limes at,
Heard Cv., 0.1., M*y I**, 1878
Pu T.M. ltrrta*i<l ; Hear Hlr -I u*4 tl'c Nuf
uri-rv B*lm I h-rnght tram joti recently, a* an *n
lldol* lor tin* vtlng* with fnima>!lU relief. I
waut r<m to put in* Dp * s gaurt h* f*iuily u**.
Ho|iCtfully. JOHN AI'AMH.
Picpuied hy TANARUS, lirslflehl, haOrt'ift
Us . For tele by J, E. G. ’I t net) A Cos.
GiCOJiGIA - I Oidinary's < fll <.
Meiiwelhc! Coußty. J t,ri cnvillc Gi*.
Wkersa* D*vlJ Oghtrce, J. M. Kb
r-rts'-n and Jsrnee F. Oglclfee Ext-cutois ol
the Lst Will uu 1 Tertarjicnt of I’liHemmi
Ogletree deceased, represi m to tbe 0 nri
the! they have luMy a lniinlstercd tt.e to
la te olsnid deceased, and apply P>r Ictt r
of disiuUsloo Irom their tiust sa each Kx
oca tors.
This it therefore to < -to nml admonish
all concerued, t'< file the r ohjer tlini* II any
ihsy have, on or liofore the first M mday In
DereipUr 1878, t show taiao why said
Kxeeutoi* should not receive letters of D a
mission from tlmir raid trust.
Given under my l.and an 1 (fli- iul slgna
tur>. Tbi* Hcpt. 2 1 1878.
O. M .G.
I aGbakor, GA.,HOth, April 1878.
Da. T. H. BraAfleltt :-Ths Bnlfcrof** ala> Dr.
Mesrd prsKrttwd fur my Ultls slsim who n uf
Wring very utusll ftem "Pot*n Osg" g*es eyssd J
•lief. Two spgUstfUiUt fuiUd her. V-mrs. Ac.
I'itpared by T. 8. B sdflild, LaOrange
Ca. For sale by J E. G.,Terrell & Cos.
k.ONEY plc-.sar.tly and fast, address Fix
i! ABver and( Cos . Atlanta, Gi.
Tne i*oi>d people ol MP.III W KTHKII
COUNTY will twelve a iiumt cordial wei
.: in,. 111 I.A OK ANOK at
W. O. Chilson’s
WAIfK IIOUAK, m* 1 • and Su ck VarJ they can weLli iheir cotton ou tho
best F drl’anks acalrs aid put their st.jck
in a go. and triable, .
Well Hupulied.
wit': every arc 'inmudiktkm* and sell their
thill, n lor the h(ght*t prior. .
Any one cal I .g on mo who does not
hat this t'U" will not ho charged u>-
Wit. tli u.ks f..r past favorsfaud auticlt
ii,g o'h.ta, l.nm your* most truly,
*4B n LaGnsnge, CN.
GEDltaiA -■ J O.dfrnvryOfftix*
-MettA'clhor 0 utily | Oct. lit, 1878.
Oi tfm 'flrgt m huray In November neat
I tv ill apply 'i> ilm honorable court of O"-
Jltutry In and I >r siid county for loave to
gelt lot ol !au I N >. a.', 111 the tf-.t ilir|Cl
ol Hftid county, helm.glng It* the estate f
K:oinl>] S. MrOlen lon.
m.viiy e. moclkndon.
1 - ■ ■ y;*!- Jr FjtKKKHm
mm v'll ■
IU introduction and WoHd-rißowßtd
reputation wns the death-blow to blah
prlced machine*.
Tfcii IS • YS'r wstisreM H Is sptlN
Lnimo Mml undliptiiod <*ct INmI mttty #Ttll4
cal!#d first dflft wmcHlom* Mfhloh art ojsrsd ••
(htop now i’diyi in thotf th*t h**f Mil fi*
eats?'.'* (that li.Uk.n t.ek tram em.t'wsra
slur sis) an* rskullt and gut upas Iks stsrtsl
“iHF'wHne it thi Miiwur ww*
CHlNfcft OP IHt kINOEH, HOWI A r ' WM#
Do not Bur any other befort try
ing the WHITE.
Pita ail Taras late Satisfactory
mute Hewing Machine Cos.,
Ageni for ihe above Ma lth o* lor Merl
w titer eoutiiy.
T< urserie®,
a. j). iw.
We ihK 4 * (lil* iihmhr,A to Inform Hi* citi
zen* ol Mi rlwethcr, Talbot and •('Joining
count lea, that our agent*, having CtiuA
eatc of agency, wHI vftlt J<m during the
month* of July, An/, and Kept. to aolkti
your order* for trntt tree*, vine*, Ae., for
ih<; In!’ <]■ It (try ol I*-78. We rrqwt you
to riM'ive your or !cr* until you cm m*
our plate* rc/ireei'iit ng our var'ietie*, and
git Midi liilonnatlon n* eur agent* are prm
nmed to elve you. WPI til,’a It ANTHR
W h PllOAtirtE.
Our K'limr JOSHUA I.INI,LEY haa,
I r (!'• lut fl(:> JI 1(*. enc-aged in collect
lug, proving ui.U hih cl'u/ fruit* ; and we
Imre new every vatiuly ol kn.eilor kind*
Id t|ie woild, and Uioihi best adapted tor
the to Hi nil it* Oillcrcut loialltle*.
Don’t be li. uitiug/cil !>/ tree p'Jdlcr* but
come to headquarter* for £<>od fruit*.
Tlior* doubling ti e merit* of the Lind*
ley N uttet >ci cau have *ocb doubt* re
moved by iel irin< lo John 11, WHliantf
ot L itbiivil e, Judge Cunningham of At*
act.i Editor ol Visui< atib, J. 11. Parnell
Wo t l'.,i t, end b undred* ol other* who.
have tewed our fruit* to perfect ati*ic>
iwm. Thanking you for f<a*t ptrco*gn
we k a continuboce of tame.
Ycry fte| ectfully.
Live tneigotic meu wanted M agent*
liberal comoiiwdoo given. A hire**
J A. Sloia Newman, Oa