Newspaper Page Text
the vindicator
WmTHktiul EJuur and Proprietor
OirEr.NVILLK, FRIDAY. n7*. I. I*7B
r ' " *■ ■ ■■■-—■-- -—l
Y 4t UKVJKfrv*
Eli-uUnn 1* Torsi*/ in N vei.*i*r.
C<4. Harris wi I *|k;ia Orneuvil e on
Haturday, II * 2 >1 < t November.
Keep it before the Pe^p’e.
Tli< llu: <*!<• cli ina * y Hoo. Jkury
It. liti'Ulu Ofrenvl te last J‘*ly w*’ •*'
ported by one if the editor* ul the Colua.-
bu* limes • Persons man, and that M*r
m, according to tba' report, *ld tbai be
i[i'(Kiili!'l etery men m Ibis district, poor
ad nek, ukU* ana buttk A a repreaeo
l*tl* ol ib‘ paoyde.h# wit,ld consider hlu
d. ll unworthy bis uuti II bu failed to do
ilia duly/er all alike
TUe colon crop It l tlr‘fl!g'*i *'l
uotMoally lar*a lb'a year and tk price f
dropping down o alarmtoKly l"* f> ("W*
Eight ieula ta about tba beat lliat can *-
obtained In oor neighboring market*.
P.ii nmo but lira na t m on inty b*
cou greet vabj Wa#b toft ton, Jcflcra-m and
Jock an.
Tb TalbotVvn NUndur 1 J a Person*
pai*ral )t a -orrpood*t! ol lliat
journalMy* liavrlscounty will vote twr
Pi on* hit ll' rt*.
W i bare had u siknr money *me*
IH't until altliin Hi* l>aa l •** month*.
Ilei ry It, lUnl* vot*rl for tli* hill w bring
hack allrtr
the i mint r). ll* abo endeavored to ••*
the hill ribatluiUnr Or-eohanh* foe nail -n
at liank note*. Ihta hilt MM in tba
Hotiaa bv 4Hly hr voter Bwnd Hm
| M k and Irl btw fliiMb Ih* tv >1 **oik lie
*' X 'aUmaly pui*ud during the laat con
*'9*t wy .., . __
Hot iw men aval c *> I t*>
lor the raduc'lou <1 tbclt f<*T- Henry
It. Hard* fo'ad lr I'* bill " kmlim’/iI
hi* salary I*.MO • Hr toror* tor
flier red '0 too l lito .*l>r *• *• ~" ‘
aatarhs nl all the other leading "ftteUl* el
Mu “Venla” in the Nrwnan Herald
•ay* the iultra at Hamit* pwaatilod Mr.
H *lll wlib a handaome bmiq let at the
rloaa ol hia tftor* h but Venle wondor* why
lh ladie* retired Ju*t Intora tha ri**" "*
our a- hires*. Why, my do*r Hr. they IHi
to nrepare Unit aamptuon*Jlnnar ta which
tlMiy Inrllsd a*. Gat oa tha right Me,
Many , and they'd y°" fl-’war*
and din Inga. Try it
Judge R 0. Ferrell ol Troop mys he
cniiuat rota Ipi llartH Wanar lie ha*
lieen Ih cnagreet “lohg enough , H Judge
Farrell ‘.ntfmale* that WadtUftoft, Medl
aon aud Joffaraoa wara oppoaart <o keep
ing a man In congraa longer Urns Col.
lUrria baa baan there, yet atmngelr
enough, Judge FttwHAfelted to aoti..n
w bon nd,wlHre either of tbe three prasi
denu referred to Mid one ward ou tbe aob
|ect Tu* truth to the Judge la m'tfakrn
and cannot find a line I rent there old wor-
Uilee la regard to the keeping In or turn
ing i • memberaV l c ngrew. TVliy. Jdm
W. Rpfe* aaon-ln-Uw nl Jefler'on. wa*
10 yt-eri‘a member ol the Itooae miJ the
old grnUemar.haee complained that the
young man bad bean there hmg nnoujn.
HitanuM iso | page M >• lha Srpple
met t tu Iralu’r code pr< pared by N. 15.
Ha r a ami pub I total tbi* yot read* k
follow* *.
-It shall not be lawful lor any manatar
ol an election, or other pertou, to nceirr
any money lur taiee on the day id elec
tion. egeept the .'Ta* IMlartor.V’d If “ny
Toter an* ll rota who ha* not paid hla tax
ca hi* to' f h*ll bo Illegal, and the corn
inhartontm wh i cooao'ldate tber retura*
of the rlrcthm aliall not count auch Ti.tce
In making out the ret Tit.*'
it Bta. Mciary r.
Knr rr .** tmfl Pn**i*. That
our Bapietenlallw. Hue. H- R- U*nK baa
boeo to efltoe “ton* enough," *■** **-
leg lets qaa lifted to diieht a thn duller ol
coitgr. esman, aidi uw tod noUtod man
w ithout political record or la* Waive ex
parhtca tbould be tent to cengrees.
That rotation to (See ia the rrd.r ol
the dejr acd the oldest man may hipe (or
hi! ti me to cooks round II he Hvee kwg
e.iough. AU will gel in U• are patient
an 1 the “lamp bold* out to boro "
qpr Kbit rr nr ai the Psorim,
Thai H>• Henry R II mil voted (or the
bill to relieve the Eagle & PJmeU Manu
tecl Bring Company ol Colundrus (\ Oeor
gta borne ißatitutlon) ol ae opprvealve and
unjuet tax imposed by the Internal Reve
nue Department. the bill lor reliel paealnf
congrcre by an ataaoal uuanliaooe role.
Up Knr n but as the Peer;*,
*rt.|t noe. Henry !'. Karrii voted to re
lieve Judge James Juba**! el Cotumbov,
a rtp*m* . ol liability dm a detaaltiaj
dark who wee not appointed by Johneon;
tba biU tor hta wiH being approved and
endorsed by eeariy all the good efttoeas ol
C'dumber and pas-leg eongreei withool
appoito i.
Igy- r rr nr •* twn Pi rte,
That et-Unvernor J. M. Bin fib , the repre
sentative man ol the minority party, at the
contortion in Colombo* geld the! he
amt and *oU u> nominate any otbe* mania
Meriwether iw aniyjbtrfor* be wculj rot*
lor Henry It Harris.
tIT Karr rr mat rat. Pa rt*.
That lit o*jr It Harrla voted lor appr | rii
•loot to obstruction* to the free
navigation of the Cba ahooei.*e Dear
wi.ii li n m<>*ai enabled <ur peo| le to get
lowi r It rights liy cornpttHfofl wi'h ti e ex
orbitant railroad charges.
fair Ka' r ir ni rjlue thb Pa ri.E
That llerrry P iiia, Eat}., of Taib- t
c i t r.ty, Oio4(_la, an sapirant for and ngreet
hsial hf>< ..-r* sn*i raiidrdat* lor f.i<XlO **b
ary, <!leaf .prove* ol the loregoing vote* 4,1
Oul. Kan la and ray< Ini would have voted tl.r-ae bill*. KHo * Citlzana, let.
hiin atay at ioMtie and look alter bli farm
rinre b w (votetilly not the matt to wed
P, Coi gfCai.-
(t,io oiuu lf;ald. j
ilia Kuvrla Aaaavaer V hoar tlnir*
Kr ni (/it a hu* Tiotf J
Karl- in tola • an****. If ’ * dittaatlon In
iTfiM-ntiili*, ibiigia *y o.a!e agaioai
Ih ary it.ll irtto, ah'lag *hai w the loon
datlon ol the ot poalti ,n m the part it thoae
who owe alyteatel him, t,ut who rota
aay be It the aro'ig tarn IjH u* eraa
Ine into rme ol then , and lb>f,a*er t
plain that be lepicrenla ail, tie'., pvi.
white aid Mack.
In that dlactwal a In rrply to a ebarg* that
he brut introduced a bill o tt liera J uige
J tmrra J. bnaon and other icpuhllcenaj |o
a (’natron Hotiae affair, Mr ll irria aai I
that he dl I Introduce *ai n a hill, and tba
H •aa wi iful cntly llr that no one in e:
ibet ilou>e *oted glu*t’lt. Tbt l’iM*W
t roniplly fignrd H f)n, rata an llt -
mit.lketia eiike voted Mlh Ih' •'•ld then
that ho repreaented every matt in I'iia Jlte
tr and, poor and rk.ll, While anil 111 ' , aa
a lepreaentatlvr ol the (et-rple, bri would
tuinahier bliumll unvroriby til* tru4 il b<*
|atied tI do Ilk du'y for ail aiik It it the
h<.'set ul I'm J/Nim ilcan’O'.veittn aot that
otcry man • btiuid bw iep aacote I, M
Mania raid no u.a *a. ft' n preaentv
who would let l ar'y ur iitfroiol u-utl*• a
• j- ■ '-p "
otllweigh the pul.i cgt il
Hit baa voirxl to redo'* U*r ■ n every
thlig. Th< ft Mi polltlf V< ngieaalotta!
earner i.a to tiiirodim aid i toriducethe
imlail a ol all i (Ihif*. Ur tjgiaeamrm and
Pn*t letd. Iteing a man lor tba people he
fell (hat he could ar:t In no other y, arwl
they will again tmdorre him
He aania more greeclaa ka. HUvpnech
reported I t Ibr •*Tine" July 3il HTH.aaja
I am oppOMii to the National Hank Hy*-
l*tn. The lieit grcetdiat k candidate In
(irtofgla. He votetl lof the ■ '.ver bill anil
every j'ngt* • f (be duller ol our daddiee
add* Pi lire prala* Ih* thinking peop’n give
Mr llairi*. In lavur ol lid* whole penpi*.
With action* not word* I" Ju-tlfy Uil* aaw -
rlillon, with • trreord iboalng b* bat tree*
the k • Oi high la**., with a gracnhack aud
diver plailurm marie by it tea awl declara
tion*, It l dim. all to nee where tber* la *o
errror In the. courie of Hoi. !I*ury R
Marti*. Howcnin
Thr ( hnngr Im Mrard,
Tuero I* a gTeat lu*a being made over
ibe change In iliard in Urf ot Mr.Par
son*. We taka groat pieeeure In *aymg
that there I* nothing *1 It. We hare met
•everal ul Ilia bart cltl**n of HutrJ on tnty
who hare been reported a* “turned orar/
anU on making inquiry into Ihf milUir,f
Invariably get bur a reply,"lt lan great
mistake; 1 am a Harrl* mao, and tape* o
die Thu report n pat out for an
i fleet. Tba P.m-orita* ar* ao nosl-io* to
dvto .t Harris that onto* a man la "red
hut” lor him.thay imagine ha baa changed,
Tu* iblog will do to tall tboa a who don't
k, ow any tatter. Wa would Ilka to ree
one man who has changed, W e want t
aaa Uow be looks.
soup mu UAUHia
ChatUliooche I* almod *olld lor llarH*,
an 1 will on the day ol the election give
hlui a routing majority- He ie nndonbied
’.y tbe choWe ol the on N reem
tier sth they hdiul mytug to. A gentle
man, whoae veracity w* hare no reason to
doubt, *ayn there t* not more than lorty
mm In the entire county, who wMI row
tor Mr. Persons.
Tha abora we dip to* tba Columbua
Mi qtalrer and Sun. A correcpondeot o'
tba mwa paper writing how* Ch*tt ihoo
chcc county My* the county will give Har
ris a large majority *d dUg •**•‘l’* 0 ’
pla are flaed I* their epttesMmMefb* pol
itician* and determined to how H at the
ballot joi, and 1 don’t tblok a Henry
Clar,Daniel Wabater ar Ale* Stephana
could change the n. If yo* could bear
them Ul*, men who bare oarer taken any
part in election* anl politic*, you would
be aurprlaad, aa tha a*ymg in, -how they
bare got their head* art* ngnbmt politi
cians ; and they regard tbU ooUte** a* be
ing tba people against politicians.’'
Let’s see. Hams went Into the Colum
bus convention with eighteen retea (nr-U
--ttod to twrety-two, ts it afterward ap
peared! wbil* Persons had TKNI And yet
tha Harris party are tha wore* disorgani
sera the world ever ptmloced t—[Fairborn
Tha thin neat, and certainly tha moat
riJknlons charge arvr tramped up against
a man l* that O Nooal Harris areas to array
one class of cKiunna against another. Hie
■— c har re that ha is too aa sloes to be
returned to congress, **• “*P IK ' to
tha (Strty; that ha woalJ aserUica the pari
ty lor a east In C-ngranyet tbara la a ner
tahx dvr of rotors that ha doaret want. II
Mr.H rri# wan an Mb* U plaoa of an tosri
ltgeot naan, there would be a It tile ageure
lor such n argument.—fPirburn Star.
“lx rmmi Fart* Imki,*
It wae Mr- P.raoo* and hla friend and
cr>mtoner Me) w Hama, ami wet Mr. Hei
ne who dragged the Pag}* and P. ami*
Mi la and the internal r*v*wae waiter into
On* eaovaer. It waa Copy** and two
Pertos* organ*, Ibe TIoMW and the Talbot
too licgiate-, whkh **id tfatr bill m
right. 1; waeC*p>airi Panoaeand HJ*
Mum wljo Mid it wa* wrong. It 1* the
Time* that M) * • e do not believe be eat
ihu" It wn*U. W.Mr4rt|T. V, Ctwe
.bew, F M. Murwao, I . W. Pik*. J. M.
11, at a aid b N. Iforaett, wbe tnvie aa
i affidavit that Mr. t'.e,oe did aey tbk. It
e tree lb I* hill ut rHI f, in which .*ur iv
pie were largely latrneud, did mat fane
up before hhn. It it e'ao Ua* tlwi Mr.
IV wm ha* gieiuh. Wly VoluutMrel to
My il it bad been b- torn hi* k* abould
have voted agalnat it W* ag g,.., ,
In 1H73 the ItevMue ate*l
•hameleaaly it9(>o**d a tax oa M.t* corapre
ny. la IWIf the In * a*j Depart
ment Pled to m ks a lurtkgr opiuMtioa.
Mr. Uarrie reel ted ihta aagtmum- I*
11W thu waiter may be agaia aprucg hy
the Internal iteveoa* UepMkgeut. Who
can tua*i* tbet: Lroaitia* }
It I* thee* lact* that have deferaiimd the
iV) vtuckirold mn of the K.gif m 4 Phaaix
Mil!*, the 100 depot In |h fk|h “•<
I'beots • .rt#** Week, and J§ tfNh am
nloya* l that company to aaa thaw untied
eftoru to repel the gratuitoo* kMu l Mr
Pcrarme ha* given them, U tea lute fur !
j nice and crrovktency, and a t*M'c b> are
our leeiiio treated latriy that eopij-if ev
loc!cheni who lynal that pMion %.king
Ihl* emnpany to Uwie that rounty, p. vote
I t M irtlr. I it the wantoa nefci*>*r>ea*
ol mm b epceebee mad* try Mr. l’r*o>*
th.l Ita* *lv'n our people diet run la bw
eoaijwtr-wey to All any offi,.*, it M there
tact* that keep U.le ualtar kora bring dead
a* tba con Pet bri new ibe K.iglha brruaae
of Vark end f, meaner, J. t tba aggr.Va
tog way these o.i, one it* of Mr, Han.
b V dragao-t in an' ce po*r/uefe Avar UrM
make* It really tbv bv*i Uitng Iw.Mte hu
Itie.r-—[Coi, r.mj
Ilv iif*vh*jl<;ord*r ft *. Unary It
limb, the Orwobvhrre' eamtihde h> the
F <ur'b dW' te to repeal the r *iti
I or vet , hr voree hr tl (fiver and
re.tor* 1 • l*l trailer cbar*r.i*r , hi vut**
Pi leaui fiarthina) curronry | > the emouat
at 140*, be votes I a the eel to*
pending Hi* lu ihir r*<irtmeal of legal
terr.ii r rtola* , be VotM to tb# Wtl to en
I bur isa the pay meat of ewetw doev i* I*
gal leader note* *1 tar ; be v-ddl lur tin
act P> rv|w*t toe satmael bank Jgw , kb
record la Utm* fee* put# atm M}*f*ly on
Ibe greenback pla'l em
It would b* welt to Md I la* Hick to
Uoiifttwa, sad w* Wvr* la Ida ditrtrt w<
would give him a hearty ami aaruial mi
pact, arrt caring what be might rati blur
evil poiktical'y, bar taking bt* vale*, eup
prvrt hint apno Id* iserH* and at*Wry. lie
is a mao *1 darkled ability, amrltervbl)
above tb* average man.
thk msrmn is rum ooosrr.
pnnento vl Cm. Ilsrri* do not Ornlre U.e
vlectinn ot CNpt. lVaooa. They will dr
tbalr utmost to carry thi* oouetf, Muaco
s, tor tu* aimpl* reason they want an
endorsement th*lr attl *u, and to secure
this end tba> will ttral.i every aerr* b\ac
r.mipiish their pnrpos*. Tuay koonr watl
(apt. i’areons was never tlie abate* cl
Mmaogp* county. Tba contwWtog •
Hr* tu to beat Ifsrrl*. Oa (ha day ot
tha e'atth n tof delegate* tkh fwpat as
preaaad Ilia upialua that the into mead
Col. Hart la aa second do le* of Maacogae
county. H* I* uow the flret, sad hi* alc
th)* I* a* aaaurwl a* that th win grill r#
<m tba innriow — [Culamboj X
II you am not pr *, and t■ a nQy you
own, doc *1 b'tgat t * vote tof
H-mry H. Harris a> and Ui* rivar, nl *g*l a*
iaturnal revenue op.-raashm*—Udau i’S
Henry K, Hsrrls aided by his re*a and
inlluenee to redore tha espan## ol the
government thirty mlllten* ot dolh:s dm log
tue year coding Jon* 1877, ssfed kh bach
to congre** end let him em.tlnae the coo.l
y i j
Dcttkr amd —ltan.—Pnatim le llere
contmne to throng upon na aoataiaing
words of cheer and ihnwlag Mat CM.
Harris I* gaining rotas all orar tot dldrict
The sgrlcuJtnrai clansts sen afcaert ananl
monsto W* Jam, and
with a few exceptions, are atelvfhf to defeat
Got. Harrla men thaa the* ar* to abet
Capt Pvrsona. CoL Harris’ aiacrian Mae
rarea, and tba qaeribw new is Wtoply oaa.
*-ot how great will 5* his
asebm foqsinrßaa
The jxHfitaaoe early of a move In* coo
cede that Harris will beatPaseK* 500 to
tbit coenly, bat as the day edtiacea JElar
rtf maj >rity la iradea’ly dtonakbed. end
bet art bed time It gets dewn to acloee
La tue remrasbat that when we whb
to weaken the Inflated ol onr emrion we
abmflu eeofl on to casgai earned me*.
II we went to command the saepaot ot the
pnnptool to eeuatry kt ns scull men ot
used capacity and *p||k wssth. ■
It yon still ciisg to tflpe Wfatapld idea ol
ne sppsapstotiea, veda tetCaptela Psreusja
and help fee north. If yen errct a ebare
the toennot this Qaoenmmd, din lor
Herrifc—On >■ hee lafstm flan.
The wotet tier# to Ue world h the mnn
who to ever and an an eontoshed by n hot
temper. Be dm add# toe wmi el yean
ta e minute whea aeder Mi earn! ameter.
or do whet years ellegust caelsrt ru*e.
The Camditoo Ttwaa baa tba**:
la the preaent enmpaiga la h diatrlet
thee* *taM t<r be a dinpoMtioo aeooag
aosM of the mmD fry poiiti ciaa* ia their
utr sugar* to imdolgc ia vituperatioa awd
abaac ol Uoo. H. Hifrla How thee* foes,
who claim to monopolize the taler t of the
dirtrietj cenwra’y ehow very
Irtt • wtedoo) hy eock •e> urve. It th '-y
a are as wise a* 'bey would have or be irve
they wi old here errve enoegb to *ee tba
Pile i* ro< trie • ay tn "take Vote*.
While tl* ilorrw nee arc a; per to liy ta
king fbioge a%fj ia Ink Coag'taMotwl dis
trlcr, the oppuafHoe are very active, aai eg
every rxertkra poearble, epeciei!y ia in eir
eflurt to tuetrvl the nagrv vote, la Cowr
ie county tb Pe wmt atco ore thuroogfcijr
organized, with c wcuMUee* in every dis
trict, Ike ah 4* being under control of a
central committee, at Ncwoea. Tin* net.
uaJ uumruiPswe, aoeordiag to the F.iibaro
Htar, are eaodiog out e/jyrrd dram wen to
work aesong thaw race. Wn lie in Doug lee#
cotta*y the Sra ul the week ,w* aleo teem
ed that co*l teia'iie ci wte are betng made
in that c*uuty by the Psra.uiea to Tut*
the oe. r. er.
It wae M.J r M.m kw u*i • Captare
fV.,t I lake to* fissile Ilbat be ba*
PM* uwreiy bold leg Urn outpuat* ootil
dint use M yst untried might be ready to
bias, the field, •> re eooabie b*>pc oTaac
Captain Parson* w vtl.l h i iing lbo*>
ootpaf. Mr. Marne be* lb* inaer can.)'
*ad all .be ttroega Id*.
0 .be fi.ei M> > ityrw sf* “Ur a rtt
I will apply Uoaiiiiie C ui*. ©.
II disiary re aod Un vent d-uaty lof lav*
to veil pbrtv of #1 U*d Hue- 70 Sa * 71
a ll.< lifter iltvHi I ul mtd emuty, bcioag
tug V' Use aaiate Ai*a.
VS it A I. MAN. Adai r
Ih tmnu ae*s.
Ottotrtt 4, mi
Mr Leant .
rrurcof'imo an long euAfte-t
>ke wA*U ww p*arw to pew, ia r*..w ue •<
upaj liar jmrebaaea bw tbw ire'*
bav* 'it-eo • much larger tbse uaual. we
u*V# besu Its pt busy slut a ItutlUl trl '•*'
mt>Uk, npawtng, packing no tt.e vet and
labia* and in draavlrs and ia miking ssie*.
* sary ftwsp, ere >.*W"'t bad turn to write
au adVerU-nmrnt ' W* .louUtsd ur aatws
fur fiajitemlwtr, nn< ttmoUiv el laat year,
and Uil* mn Ih will Min* aa locitavc ol
/ally flhy par eeot ovar laat Octotwr Our
sruc* t* m n compl't* to every Aeyaute
mwt than rrvev tk*r* and moeb large-.
W* bav* tb* ftcluelT* sal* w thr* plat e
■H tli*
mass ol Book* and Bhore, the *<*l fastei.
*d no with wrrew* turned %, not driven, j
rerry par /ft-lf wrarrwntoif, i*o bare nr |
osnal rtock e Pblladalphla mad* *liore ot j
goer grad*, ma te to ear orrier.
Ot clo* h'ng and hats we h*e a I argsr !
xaaortment thn ever belore aa 1 at dmnJyd
*) lowsr price*
DitKßo WOO lift,
FL.t NNKI.ri,
Tbe l*rg*l and haal tt'ck ol whiK end
is.lored l.ueicr j to bn touad
in Greenville,
Hava Colored hwe (*olld Icr children and
Mine* which will toil *U winter without
We keep n good aaacutmant ot 01*0-
Oar rule of rir’Jiy ooe price to every
body. every o.*! bciag ia our opiakm aoti
t'eu •the h. rmt prie* n gaining o* Iriaoda
aad caatomere rapidly. A eA4d cm boy
Uon ua J ist ta cheap a* tha vary beat
judge oi good'.
|j*v ,
We At M pmhaa to b* "Cheap Jobo"
but keep haaaal good*, make a fair rep**-
aMWIioa of them aud expect to make our
Hr tog i ut of ocr boricem.
Haring a Urge expartaoce ia our Hue n<
buaiaoM aod hmpta means Ibr jhe volume
of trada we do, w* coofldenUy amert that
ur same qaalttrea ol artlcUs.
li. N. ELLIS.
Bherig" Bale.
WlisL be anid beiore ibe C -art. Boa**
door la ibe lowa ol Gr*r nviile Mari
wether County, Oa., between the legal
boon ol Mie oa the first Tuesday ia Dt
cetnber, lfftt, the tot to wing property, to
wit: all tbaf tract or parcel of fend where
on W A. J- Pti lip* now itwide*, c nvi-f
--tng ti iota of land Ho*. IS4. t3l atd ITS
ouctakiug io the sggregat: COT acres rnurr
or ’eve ri said lead; lying su 1 iking us
•be lltb dia of origin lty Trt.op bow Me,-
ia ether county. Levted <>e ee ibe projer
tyofW-A.J Phillip* to ratisty three 15
(he tionr Troop c uuty Scptri <r Crurt!
two ol e*d fl iat In favor of Pitts. O-d:-
nary, tor the ** of Lyman C. Dtv aod
Ajmie It. Drvis v. William K Ol ntov
ar-d L) oian C. llaviv pritKipsi* and W,
M Bojd of Troup county and W. A J.
Pbiilipv and oilier' security ; aod one to
favor of L. Pius for the use of it , vs. W
Y.. Giant m, W M Boyd and W. A. J.
Pi.blip* of Meriwether c> unity and otbers-
I roperty pot ted out by W, 0. B Mart n
Sheriff ol Troop Cuanry. T<= au: Botifi and
in term* .l the :■.
Si a. -suit un.e sag piece W! be sold ail
Ural beet of lend si wared if lug aai beisg
in Ur* Ird dWrici of original y Ti*up now
Meriwether tousty, know* and and *)io
gkwbed a* ibe place abifivn Ai n Bicb
ardw e t. rme.lj resided, cooshking of iot*
of Utid Ne. IMf, 120 and 131 and ooniai -
log i* ah 433 acres mwe or Its*. Levied
oe at th* prjpfr!y < I Nosaw T Ison
(n vsti**) a fl !a !rm Meriwether S.]*rtot
r oum iw tan iol teseder F Mi I.torltUn
v. b T and A C Kklitrdeno. Property
peiotei out by paialifiV A’t) , soil teria*.!
notified as h* law fifi <tv
A t the nor time and j .act a l‘i u s ltd si
that 'ra tol lad l/lwe u ! W:og in Hit
wpiwr 8 k dtstlkt ol Me iestbrt m .i.t j
kooww as i*t No 31 • U ,u* the wtxlfvi
td halftd sad kt. At*r tie uidtridrd
ball of lot at Jam} No. y, anus s tur
Kllgort M, ctmtileiug XXflli W ts mors or ]
ten the wits !Vsvdstf o J j*"'",hain
by M Hawk aed 0 W Malcrwb. En. j
Be Levied oa at’Hts property <4 J-,o M j
Ingrabaiß to eathrl* e A Is Inm Men aior]
r b*(jrrpu r; u rt iu le**u of Da..**) tteith
v* VV ily J Howard, principal, aod J ht
M I gisl.ani wrem!• y Pro, my pointed
nut by plalwtlfi’s A tty , aod tenant not ft* !
m taunt of the Law
A Lb I
At Uir same Mmw sad piece will be sold
lot of land K. !47 containing 2dßf lervr
move ot lee* siluaiad lying sad being I
the 3rd ikaUtcr of wngtnafiy Troup wow
MwriweVltor oounty and hnowo a* tb*
place a b*r*oa tke wf. n lawt W. J Don
lep now r*ektwe. Lev lad no as Ibr pt>gwv.
ry of W J Dontap to eatrwfy e fi fa f ora
Meriwether tteru-riur Cos art in lavot of
JlnAfi ' A I!n, *. W. J. Mun ap*
l*v iwrty pr.mtad t> it, and vsne and u4ift3.
A< the vamw lime *ad pterw wRt ’w voVI
•>ae houas and to* 6*'*i on* two screw
morn V toss Said borsa* and 'nt Vbnalwd
Syiag m U>* miktb 3 h diertot of Vlwi
wether c-muly aid a pan of tot N<>. ter
ant near <he noulb wt or net •.< nid )
No. 30. Lwvtrd o m the p**v;-rty •, p T
I. g-e, and HFRattso 111 M R>arh l
setisly lay A tarn from Juerre* Ohm i*js
district, (I. M, oaw rn hue nf l|<awt hi)
Vf P.T.LigoO and ibe -rber i levtvr of Pb
letu* C. Tbr*#|j v*. ft F arwl ff. 11. Bin- k.
Levy male an J rvtarot dtome by W. F
Day, I* C
H. M U
' rEOBUiA— l Otdloary'a OSBca.
Mariwathre County. (
T* ail wham it tuay eoucefn
Whereas Jarir* M B 0 ks of *aid t*‘e
and eouaty applla* lor iexu re of edmmi*-
tratios oi the estate of Mr*. Licy Brook •,
late of **ul county aa Is at-, decaaaad ,
These ar* there for o cit* red admonlah
all aad singular, the kindred and creditor*
l *aid deceased, to show cane*, at a y of
fice, ou or before the flret Moodav in De
cember nest, why letters of adiaioto’ra'i >n
on the **Ule of a*id decease i should on
iasue to Mid appllcaat.
Given under my hand and official dena
ture, this October Mth, IS^&
a. J. HiirroH.
O. M. C
GKORGlA—Meriwether Comity
By vittaa of aa acdsr ol Urn court of
Ordinary, will ha cold ms tbe flrri TneaJny
In Dacambar next, between tha legit
hoars of mSe, at tha casrt boom dear la
Grassrilk in Mid e-mmyASO aorta at land
in tha upper *lh district at Mid onaty,
consisting ot parts of Lria, Mu'*. *77, *79
and ftaetiooal lot *B4. Thom paresis of
load, coos*koto that vainaHa sattVmswt
owned by Dr. Raise ML Waldrop at the
time ol his death, at Kria, narr Flint riv
er in Mid county. Tbara is as excellent
dwelling, hern, gic-hoora aad store house
on the place. Bold, subject to the wid
ow's dower, M the property of Rife 1.
Waldrop, deceased, for the benefit of hairs
and creditors. A'an. tha interest of said
deceased,ia and to the west half of lot Mo.
*7l, is said district, eootainiag 10IJ acres
more ur fees. Terms CASH. Thi* Om.
31st 1878.
W. H. KELLKR, Adm’r.
TH OJIPGCH All 4 * 'Jv i re
more Furniture and give bettor Mtkdao
uoo then any other House in thn State.
They are live bariums man and osurywaf
—na-o ■-
THOMPSON A BHO Xewran ,Gj.w®
tell a goad Bedstead, with rt tlcxs, mod *is
Laiis kn *5 50
GEORGIA 1 Ordirarjr’i Ofßw.
Menwstber County . { Oc*. 3Mb. 1^73.
Alien W JuiliM ba* applied ft r txerrp.
tioo ol Personalty, aod I will pen O poo
the move at 10 t-’c.ock a. O’, on ih lfeh
day of Novemoer 1878, at ay office.
f>- M. a
Miriw, tber Cor.nty. J Ordinary’s Office,
—To ait whom It nmy coocerir
W berewv James M. tin/ k* nf said strife
and e uaty, appl a tor Letters of A !mm
iMratiu-j ur. liu estate r f Mrs. Diana
Heard, iale oi aa id county and state de
c****d ; three ere tbcieiore hi eke and ad
oi.i-h ali aed vmgtrlar, the kindred am!
crediUira id sow der:. sseti, t.i show cause
el a.y office, oa or before lire h.l Mootlty
in Daccarber next, why Letter* uf Admic
iat ration on tbs • use of said dwwaand,
should cot issue to Mid applicant.
01 sen under mv baud amt. ill rial signs,
tore This Oct 2fi b 18>
0 M C
ter* fete,
OfcOhOlA—Meriwcthi,- Cm,.Tty
By virtu* . f *n order Iroui the Hooara
blero rtot ryidioKr,-, j n b, f
County, 1 will sell to tb* liigbest biddwr
belof* ibe Court House dmvr, in tbj UiWti
ol OresuiviSia, i*?t<se*u the Itagai hour* of
mW, on the first Tuesday tn DstwmUr
a*t, w oertaiu bouse and lot in tbe town
w< GtcwuvlUc, ttciongiug to the evtstt ol
Mre Ha ah km-Jer. dtreavwd, and wbero
o • tbt Iter, John 11 Clue now rrtdua,
s id to c miaui uue acre mart o r
and I. kt*’Wu u the Mr*. Harsh B dwr
la v T. rm.t ANM. Oct. Mkk 1878
Aim r ear a laHamtnlu muejo.
(> nrrl by tl Hoard at UVmniUwl liter*
mat an nn llm le lieA.’Mv V*t TUt-Su'ay ia
next, tor an rinbtr id lb*
■ •aril <! * MttitiV-h>ft*r* nt K s-l> avui lie r
tr ue* t. 11l tbs . .its-aeio >ml by th*
resign*!. .n ol the llitu A If Malwiti.
A ftlBLhY, tVo,
V H. t ELI K (, pro umi
t It I k
Ordered by kie H urd tint in- t*t !*.
r!, be di*i(|iit*d a> I /Hows f nr cuen
if vs*. 4 jury ! an J Ir.r gi*trai a4
spt-cini pur; stare A Hdriey > I,’r.
M. II, Pin u*„
a-* r~.jz'.-zz±.u. i
Uf IL . t*. *-d bef.ire fb* a<> *•
ifrett to ih* ban <f Utnaavltto,
Mm*, t. pH My Ga. nhia tb* to*st
hour* ..I nl* on <ha flu I aeotay to Jf .
** m'rr . %e?H, if> Iwitooiug p 1,
W*‘ : <b n ilh ha f ot hi* ol tou t S ', nl.
la the I h lit Uivt ot Mart a*hor
cea ty.coiuiiifug tv) acres,} dvlag J.h*
If V'mtf ./<i tha too tit an ) Mfv J h*
11. fti oa fr • **l . ie> toi "O • Ih# |*r** -
rst) * I It C McCrary t Mitofy a sm-w
*ag’ rt * h m M*f i• tbr* Buppytot
n i ,to <>■ J C Ixißg *#. R. C. M'C-arr.
I'm, Pity >le*ixital*d *n I l oaf M
• vl in rfgasr 5 I* at. \ tenant in iwasre
•< <i aw IftaJ.
A hm,
A t tbe ian e'tra* and plac* will b* adt
t..t* *if land ?('>’. 43 *<id pen of kilU lan-1
No. *3, i mij.toally M.e lJtb, hat >ho
LuMtotvilto DiMibl of Metiafiber Cocaty,
•ptsini ig is all tU> •err* mo * or lem ;
*enl on aa tit* property of I. 0 Albrigh>,
i® *t toy * R fi t MBoa-i tn.m Jtibta
Onirt I*Bl *t DtOr'-ct, G. M. in la*<if of T.
7. Lamnefi and Heart Ma-Un, Adair'*, oa
tie toil* nf Ttmoriw llolmt*, daean -
•and, v* lu*r O. Albright and T. J La*
'*er. Property p< latod oot an l levy *n '•
•ad letumcd to tue by W. ii. McWifliam*.
At 'he *n-r e tima and p ace wHI l<* eofd
the <**x half <1 lot lot of lard N% fi, in
the lOlb Hhuiei ”t Merlwetbai Gaunty.
containing 191 J aoua more or lam, nod
known nod JlsUaguLfaed ** tba piacn
whereon the D.-feodaat. Milton Hay ala
now re* idea ; levied on m tha property of
Milton Uayate, to Mttoiy a I! ta from Jan-
i tee C tin 809th District, G. M., la fetor oi
June* VanHuutea vs. MiHoa Hay dm.
Properly pointed on* and levy mads nrd
returned to m* by W. Q- McWHIUma,
ti C
tiawMMtisatw) atone will be add
om roan ppnerd to be about 9 yn
old ; levied on as the property ot M. V.
Daria to aathty a I fit from Coweta *spe
pinr i>nrt, a Uvor of T. Kirby v. K C.
aed M. P. Devto. Property Pouted oat
by Plaintiff, sad preparty toned to |i)tnm
moo Ol M. T- Davie.
At tbo name urae>nd place will be aoUI
91 arret ol land off ol Hot toad Mo. #,
aud 10 aeree ofl of lot No. 41 ; ell to h*
11th DWrlet of Meriwether OoonSyknown
and dkttegukbed mat We ptoenwbareon the
tided ; levied on a# the profmrty ofOw.H.
J -hneoe to eetWy a • la mm Meriwether
Superior Coart to leeor of Roberta, Com
bevy A Cos, va;Oeerge H. Maaen. Oat
O. M.O.
Cheaper Oian b&rt,
jus? received-
Robin eon Jt Bro-