The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, November 01, 1878, Image 4

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    P JJ3IRY
- - -- ------
O&LY A r HOW Ml.
w Y rk Sun.
~T+ *' -
B n Butler oo Ms platform sfood,
Atid o'er Its plmka bealrnde,
lilt warlike voice ws* Mill l it blood,
Ilia eyes like foib-ft *e glowed.
lie looked upon th* pinaaof Mal i*.
Arul Jfj ra* N hj* biea.l;
Thai shower was hut the rtwimcr rai'i
The (form cornea from. lie w.*m.
Aeroaa the Alleghany langs
He tlifer* bis bwboard eye 5
The angry people waul a change,
Toey H get.U by so
' *i iff. '
Ifla olher eye on B *at<-ti town
Dropped Ilka a Parrott iihtll •
|i*a Beacon at reel (Hall lie thrown d< wn
Ita doyecota tt oteie 1 well,
Tne wester;. braete t.iew soft and mil.l,
Clear was the *>♦#* sky ,
V here is the tern peal, flerc*. ami wild,
Thai 111 lad toy eager eye T
The greenback 1 arly'a wentr-m vote
iVaa, like 111 money, Hr I;
And la It thus our stock lb**) rptol -,
And hava we dropped to Ilia! I
In vain the greenback a Iren sing*,
Hinder and 1 rare are vain ;
The Boalon burr.ird'a flap their wing*,
And wlic-l their b**sk ({min.
li n Butler on hl< platform stand*,
But waak are yoke Mil II nil;
Htorrn algnala flutter In hla l and*,
Ilia a>a< are dull and dlu.
AtS'in DlHTtlllT.
Wa find tama apaclnwita lUeivd lha
Conatliutlon. They *lO quotation* from
■I etH-lin*'lll til* hy T. A . ItuCker, a hil.;lil
yon eg lawyer ol Alton*, In anawrer to
claims mad# hy Spoof's Irlande, base I mi
hi* war reoord;
Touching H.ieer'a smvlc*. he *a) a : The
company hi whK'i Mr. S|*cr altached
himself wa, I sajicel, organ l*<l like Un*
DuogU.wn Hanger* ol l.rwa, that n t 0
State that Contributed n sutler In the per
son of Pete i.a*he l > lit* union "im
Tin* company held a mooli ng aid pawed
the billowing retoltitlona :
llrtoived, 1. That thin corporation l>
known •• the llnogtown Rangers.
Hetolttd, a. That this company do n*v
cr have the city of txcrpl In
chw nl Invasion.
Explaining why Mr. Hpccr Joined U*c
cavalry, he my*: Why, that Is plain-. gen
tlemen. Ihn enemy sometime* o*ught
the Infantry, but they never caught the
He say, that when Rpeer .flrit entered
the camp* lit threw up lit* young mmi
mid *hl j Where are the ynnkocs r Juat
ahow them to me tnd I will kill them—
kill them ovory one. He waeeo email that
ho bml to te lilted up to the brca*t-work*.
He hastily lerauibled bank, reclaiming :
Let me down 1 1 D—n U they hevo
not got gun* Just like we have I
He tell* tlici following etorioe on Hpwr.
Uceayai They say llmt one .night Rpem
came plunging lato cerop, ehoutlng : Hot
up boy* and flv I They’.e hete I Tl •■> -•*
right behind me I An old reli tumed over
In hie lent and irked : !•* ter got hit
bat n T Yea, was the teply. Well tlten
the yen he ain't In a ght. Il always loam
that long ’hue they got I" el .-lit.
Again be say*; I liey say that <>> ce a
Yitikee cavaliymati 'fluabad' Speer neat
Joirtboro. and that he started him at ;lull
run np the raihoad tiark toward* Atlanta
A height train wae i Uhl behind hmt, hut
It never drove him off the tracks Ho heat
It to Atlanta to badly, that the cugmm
never had to blow hie alarm whittle.
A New Y< rk letter ssya ; "The goi|i
*t the cWl* diri bo*y with lh recent hut
rled visit of Senator Haywd.ol Delawaie,
to tine city. The talk Is that l\ *u n
errand ot no little political ftnportßOcd.aml
Hitt It heJ to do with a ‘private and c m
fldential’ conlerercc at a Filth avenue es
tabllabiQeiit' with reference to the m*t
National Democratic Convention. The
leading men at the conlereucc (so ths sto
ry gore) were politician* ot tlic Tammany
atripe, and now that Senat >r Thurman, ol
Ohio, ia out ol the question, it Is assumed
that they were manoeuvring to' lall back
upen the Senator from Delawaie. The
latter, it ia furlhet iatiinated, was tree'y
interrogated ato what tie would do lor
certain New York politician* it he receiv
ed the Democratic nomination, but what
Ure reepo .aea wre tbe gossips, w ith nil
their luqoisilivcnree, have failed I > discov
er, Agwearetotd, however, that the
meeting waa a very cord ul oue, tiro pn.-
sumption ia that ihere was a lull uude:
(laudiug on both aidca. The aigwlficant
circito.aiautc utkj he added, that cotiltAry
Xo hi* usual cust'm while iu New Yotk,
the Senator Uom Deleware, Iroas some
reason or other, omitted to make a rail at
Gramcrcy Park.”
j i* *■’"
When an opposition proposes that ti e
people afcouid change their Caugieaamau,
some tauit should be found with the record
of the preaeat member, cr a superior man
offered. Ds* this been done la our D.f
trlcl T Danis’ Congressional record has
not been attacked, nor can it be. His op
ponent has adopted tl> financial platfoim
that Dart is voted lor. la Captaio Parse rs'
superior ia intellect. Imnwty or expet icna .
The uiajoilty ot the people think not.-
Ctfutft&u* Enqnirtr .
'lll'f itOUiTACim
1 . j. •'•'Tjry.s:
| Til' Ugh French rdAfor* in get ew*l wear
mo tutted .*'-*, rnarioe* are not permitted to
do ao, on, i/j grouo-t lhai ta t air wouk)
caiwfono*- on them, and probably create
ulcer*. In tbe laid lit **** alt clashes **
’ Fraoee W 0: flitm, liie'udimfj .<* elei •. y,
and do* 0 to the hegluuing ,of tie fii
French revolution t e upper ranks ol
priests were iu loined w ih well i*'/ui) •!
and powdered hair on It.e iipj*r up. In
17914 the t\in y wet •< Holden to wix aid
palm tut! 1 motafockea, an J only grtn+~
| o.tra weie ailO *e tto wear them, This
j leg 11 1 at foe own toned Urdfl iSUi, wl.e 1 t o
• cavalry, dragoons eacepte i, we e perniit-
J ted to let them grow . In ltjJi t,e privi
•e.e wmsso tiled t> tut lel.ulljr, u;l/.
i.eer* Mil vcl'.lgeore, and to alt 1 .til e.a ol
foil'.wi service. in Jfe-'iH MaiatiaJ fo mlt
then Min later of War,-rendered Uiou/.t*'li.
ea <nhgahiry ojeu all Mihiier* wi.o cou and
'rafie u.eui, Chi Im * wtmg
r.iousl tchea (mine.di ifoi* ah r the tail ol
Napoleon J and in 18IJ0 ihey hi 'nine gtn
era I in Fiance and have i<* remained to.
Among lawytrrt, loiweMr,cnafoiw ha* •,-
Joined ahaving, and Judge*, on tl n appe .r
a <e ol a m nataehvil jilender le/ore them,
hat* <"<metiM.e rouw-d to hear fair* nclt<*
he made blmteif ueccnt. All the employ
ae ol ihe hank nt frame arc *MII riijUir
m) to liner and cuatom enj in* !iai Itijr,
iifKin weiu-ra hi aa'oo ia and ie*i*uranta
and on, me i tervanla. I'ri'tt* ii Fit mi,
colon lea, almoner* and mi afonailta an- an
I'l'.i ptlon to the gem ml rule ot Un ctumh, |
they rtiual not only allow the hair to gr w
On IhC ftp, but Oh the l util* | if,
Ah |!||*pottl tl < liniUM l* e,
Money la a g-vd thing. *ai • awtiiy h
tb'*ae hard tlmea, trtit there 11 aoirt' ti.i ig,
a Ibm -fin I t M in, oi*i'l,#h.. V ,‘A ‘Si*
efl it u'ter the 1 noli on e nl 4 pipe n and
hono aide* ll!e, Tlrifil ehoutd lot a man
llrtl aim to pie*"f eat any ro-t. In lime*
ul coinmaii tal dhtiea*, wnne M ine n'<
ployed nnil found wanting, o’li'ia cam' -
lorlli e* Iri- I liy Ore. Here and lb re one
emit** out t the I irnn* e, |r in m o| 4
until than ' th-r A ■.> I the wneck ol hi*
lot tune lie *lnni| creel nolde apt • Irnen
i/I I:mi manhood. IVc h**e in raalonafly
whiiMacd un caample >i couia*' I 1 *'i< h !
a 1:1 lal*, 1 I 11. mill Ini Ic| i 111 1>. t, 'pb ■ V‘ and
nil Ii nnr, /.el it be the aim n| I eiy bin)* mini, above *>l tiiltigii c!ac, to keep
hi* purity unaUifjetl. 'I Id* 1* llit- t*t po
union, thi* I*the capital uli i.h can nev
er lie l iken limit him , thia i* Ih” h h ii
her ill nee whl hlm can icavij to hla *b 1
I ll'll W. Kiyea, ol llenvir, ina'le lia
wile the legal owner < f all hla-properly, m
that it mlglit l>a nut nl the mo 1 nl Id*
creditor*. Tim wtlu aupnial' J fi. in him
alter a tpietret, end ictuted t • a>i-render
dollar to him. He cn'ninl'ted *u ! . I Ic.
kritrcry’* ■*• *m* i Miortli imt
'I Iteae lc**oti are complete tn eve- v pi'
llcu'ar, and tiy tliclr’al I any m e nl inn let
ate ability, may In a tew tnontln, without
the additional aid ol a tmclier, a quire
know ledge ol till* uaelu! and hi aut lul art.
They have l.i retolme Veil written out in
I,o!.0 llawP and Itirai/died by Util) to M
dents nl from leu to twi'tity dollars. 1
row jrropove t*i have the n tirinted, an 1 at
the fobnr of product I > ia removed, 1 a ill
aell limit at ody two d'dlar* for the lull
courac. App!'i-atkn should be made at
once, as the lewm * are about to t*e pul
prti-ii and only a limited number will lie
piinted. They ivi‘l V leiidy lor delivering
to siducilbeis In ddrty day*, neatly print
ed an 1 illuttraled wit Ii beauliul uigrav
iiiga, anil bound iu Hue cl dll. Ihe book
ha* been rtt up in type and the engraver♦*
tbii-l i g tip th<H 1 1 dve Act promptly It
y.m wish t" take advantage ol Hie oppor
iu nty to aid to y\ ur* this
greatest accomplith iicu'. ol ti/e ru. Ad-
Jicas W. 11 SK VIU'KY, Ollkt*’ lF poitcr,
Klii t Circuit, (liifflu. Ha. .? *•
Mrs. J. g.. Vifilliair.s*
Fashionable Millinei,
Hill Sticot, (next loir to Brawoera* Book
Store). Griffin, Georgia, has Just opened
the laigcel slock of
Millinery Fancy Goods
and Notions
ever brought lo G. iffin, to w hich your at
tcutiou is respectfully iuviled. Plosse
tnd examine goods a - .d price*, and satisfy
yor.rscll that they arc the bnndomest and
cheapctt that can be found in the city.
0ct.25 fjyn. MKB. J. 8. WILLIAMS.
StCilwether County. J Or '.’nary’s Office.
It f ppearing to the Couit that Mrv. Mar
garet C. Burton is an Imbecile, and that
said Imbecile lis* rights and intere-it that
require tbe attention ot a Guardian, and
whereas no person applies tor the Guar
dianship ol said Imbecile.
Tnia U therefore t > cite and admonish all
concerned to ftie their objections if any
ttey have on or belore the first Monday ia
November next, to show cause, why let
ters ol Guardianship should not issue to
the Clerk oi the Superior Court of Mid
coouty, or some other Ot and proper per
eor. Oct. Ist ISTS.
O. M. C.
mmtmmm i linirim*—■ miir ■.
I’liTuv ttkd oitt;iv*f,
iA' Far lory Ft icee. Oread Jledutti u to
! < in.-, out px sent Hcit of ftOQ JN* wed'
! HvC'.iid ln*tru;ner!t*cd first.a.9e m*
km*, t'rilv wa' and at pr,ev* that
1 ivly < iiijn (Tt ,n, lor eiih or ntdallirfm;
l •!/' Watted f<>> WaUT* ’ 3 tp; for J}-
O yvi and Finrtrat. 1 liotWrelrvl Cw
I , ue, Maimd. HOHACB WA 'EItS li
vON'3. Mno foci aver* /l).l Ifo.ierv. 40
I .a* 1 {(I - N. y. A'wJ Oenerai Agfo.
tor hliOislSl/L/iOi ty|i**tcrd
UiikSSkfl Toto
Ar* it -i t* \m *M < XI.MMHU \- *m far
jlca *t* i y •, vi'liis* m,.H <*4 tk W
wU‘ *f 9V*4&->ii*g 4>Tie* taw* lAHMW
**Vs 'M***! JtM M, hi.-. #W / 1, Foaflv
** *# MM 4***#-t Ac* fc
•/b */JHbjf !•*, -i t.y *J! %t-A V. ft*,
Um Mr C A A tx*.„ M/, A. •
PIANO |!chuillwl Breed I'ibM*
I timJtUW. only |k7V MaenMh ' t IV
light Fi*nrv, pti/e only 175. Ft
*un*. 7 u*t*V':,
Orgas* |.15. flrg*U(, 0 t#f)*, |*>7 Vr
(ji.ii-au Organ If *hp, ffic* |ah-r, only j
01:5. I. eg*/.i |j?3 Jlifo r T Org* *
rdy sm. Ih auUfol Faffor Oat*h.
ii4h ‘totlarc, eiy trl dollar*, rew 1* K*
|a,aeit, 6V) ifolUtf >e*a'd. 14-3*d '!/
lur tlm Unwary' e-d :•** *ei>vr abo .t i./dt
ol Furfoa and <'rgaa*,a>t fttf.V l'l***c
addr-wt Ihinci V thatty, W*4iti,d< , •*’
l HAY t.' Aa-"* eartv*-** n* to
O I ihr K.firjl! Veil I, I :
II iUJ F on Add-.** F. O Si vK /V
A u **' -Heine.
To tdvfilf'iFrfl.
Octi i' Rowrtl &CVII
eI'.LK .T Id ror
I.rr/tl V* w*p ip r.
M to r peiw>,a >upt>** Iki* Uitu be .
p.o 1- ft ,<r-ip, I vlmel n#*p p- •*
Ihe tn. l ii ipdt.! i/tl/eiene Tl.' **♦?/
l/giierii’n exac'iy what the p*pi
Wbun It/i name ol * t'p”f to ptbded It.
I*. i F,r< tyro h ii every in**tr*e Hi*
I!.*: pn; r m the ptacW, Wt/V i fi'ojtis! *.
tbipdaii It i lb* hniy p*(Wtr hi u*g pier
VVimii pi 1 ,l*.l In ton,*u Inter* it 1* n
l! ef Ihe lolls* l „ 4 pap* . bit i*
mindly vc*y n'el nna, m*twitti!t*ii ling,
fhe ir*l (r>< the ) opulwtion nt eve y
town ad tne 'ifeida'i 'it <1 every paper
I* , not n co- prrntfvr lot F I* ro t *
( lie tl* foutf. ,Vt the Pan nl the l i'n
login* ior *wi ti Mu to tba lnp<ni*t tovn*
wliiOh am notcoveie/1 hy tin tUt ie * 1
inirat.ll It I* an HONK T Idfl the
mbn i.h'itgid I r advert *J g are bai ly
uiie flttli thu pubiiaKets' •eheiliiU'. 1 c
pike lor m 11 lot ii lour we k* In the e ltr>
Id i* \oiil. Thu legulnl rate* it H < p
pi 1* (Or the V*m •!.■* a /In) kh fit
lIF/.i'd. I lie list iru ’.udur tjeertpa;. r,
nl Which i biate ir-oe/l D.ilff Wild •‘*?
Wifkly. They hie located in B*s dill 1
ml :ii< * and to na, *1 which a r I'r
Capita’*. TM pla. es of over S.tlW p 'pub..
ti 11, ami 414 Ibm ty float*. Iv Wnl t n
nptbr ti nt. Ads. real o Kt>. i*. IdYV Ki
y t;t. sni.W FAl'Rlt Ai‘VK iTlS’.Nfl
hUKK\U, lOSj rue* St. ( Fi in ting If no
qtl N Y
t.f\< tIICIA ,Ordlnar>'i Office
Mulwithcr Cdtfftty | Oct. 11th, la? 11
Wif Bam A. Die- k has applied I t <*■
< rot U< n of pt rtonally, aid setting apart
■nl-valuation n| llOßreatead, and I will
pii* u| o:i lln same at 10 o'cTocS a. rn. on
iho Ist day <*f Nov. arxt, O v 7HJ at my
* r - A.4. uiNrov,
O. >l. c.
Illt.tin Netlrr.
Will be lit lo the lowest bidder on M >r
!*, the IBlh day of N vembsr, 1878, at
die Bridge on If* !-#>h e ft, ihollrflcr
kno ■ u as Simon*’ Bridge—to tv* hs pt i ■
good iepair for aoveu veir*. The c.m
iractor to give good and sufficient hood
c K. A. Chur.n )
A. 81’iicy, [
'• M. Crouch. ) Com,
Oct. HKh; 1878.
“**' yollci ,
Will be Ist to the“lowe*l bidder on Sat
urday the lQib day of November, 1878, at
the bridge actoss Walpot Greek near 1).
S. Miner to be rctniißaud kept tn good
repair lot seven yearT To be baitt 9Cf
feet lone, (commcueleg ai iKe‘abutment
on the weal aud running east 300 fect)*ith
good Vt*i ti nber, the archee to tie !0
IP Cites square and J 8 feet apart ; tUo cap
sills lo be 10 inches rquare with sleeper?
4\15 inches ; Fiowring 2 inches thick and
to bo nailed down with 41 penny nails—
The bridge to be the height of lire old
arches urw standing. The ipontraelor to
ve gooJ and sufficient bond.
R. A. ChuDß, 1
J. E. Bnehaesa, > Com.
D. 8. Muse. |
Oct. 16th, 1878.
GEORGIA i Ordinary’s Office.
Meriwether County. > Out. 7th, 1878.
To all whom it may oocoern :
Whereas John Wclden ofsail state and
cunty applies for letters of AJrniufitear
tion on the estate ot Andrew Weldon, de
ceased, lrte of said county ted state.
These are therefore to cite nd admoc
b all and singular tbe kindred and credi
tors oi said deceased, to show cause at my
(office on or belore the first Mooday ia No
vember next, why letters ct Administra
tion on the estate of said deceased should
not issue to s?id applicant.
Given under my band and cfficial signs
,Urt “' * A. J. HINTON,
* O. M. C.
What ha* earth dearer to palace or grove,
Thao music at night-ski) Item lipa that we
; 4 iovy.
Then gather tiie iit'ie out* around the
I P ano or tbrgiaj alter the toil* <4 the day
j.e and *ity a rewi uou.e c.ncert
U }'< u ha re to bo les, git two light away,
'or tf >'>a hasti, l uy ebi-ilrwe, u.iiu*
i fou.r, lied it )>u art w Hoi Bt a
PIANO or OftftAN
Ji/y WC iis* *>* * ilia .1
JMmio Houy©
Hivseenh, <J
Ibe Ci*t Mb' iraiie I’fteo sand t.'rgan
Idepfi ( the 3 i 1
Ifavt in t: r{4t t y *>s | • <.tv i ||
Hint Oils f.n|g 1 t every me t t I
ly l<. I; elf *ip* r nth-, t ..,r 0 • ..,
** tM aelly iv ij.,r *•i ml y end dciight A*
%0> dl S . *• and S-.
tl ■ ; V • , *
in . to 1 * bo ',l.
And now to 13 ufinevf.
F ... Ili 111!’, i I' 111 IO I .-i j
l!*C fcr,rtt n.'t II >l* trio* ' ! Inal' ■mint
i. r -’l*l lain i ,*v ..Ih, * t*X.b w. ■■,*! oe . j
dirt i t*i pan-iiv era ..'tl i..e IS u A 4*o ‘t, N*. i
<' ert‘i.|,*.,.i.*i* l‘n . VI .n I* * .1* r
Fa * *y lUtva I.a * il. a 1 *j. ) •
Ir.rn N-- Itog 11 in (u ■■...' * ■ all
* I*< *. I* , ! ; al *'■*■< t. • • *■ •
Is r< .ti ink' it 11* i.r * I 1.0 * * I*
me Yran gaarantaf, tie .an,. . .*it*
Ito ir 1 * .1 I. '*' it it, 4 * tn V -on 1 ~ * 1
we gt,l o* * *>r> thi* r- kw* mi a<l 1
rtatht>a<’ * i oi, 1, riN <*i. fhe nt.* *.. • j
t%n un-ler*.* 11 u* un*t * r*. yet
7 Meta* t |IM. 'J t * i* , tV*
r*. *>l ,v 1 , It*. Fi 1-.|- .5
(il/tlil I<• s tin le t *0! j 111 lb t *. *1 j
*.’i. . f-r*! • .'1 d' ing tib*. -n* in • -*< I**
t u .Hi 111* : |. tij . i a 1-it •: ,’..1 ;
*< ' . Ito 1 ■it c . i r i m
njtiy I . (.■ it. N.i 111. to aS > *•
Pianos from Old Makers.
Cockering, - frCTb ' K<> vV Ar sf
Matbtvb k, tf h ■ r-i a r<<> .■ 1 tv*
(lain * U-*a., SSO i ft* I*. .i*r. ti< .0, 11:7
b 1 lent It* m ah ve iit **id and j m a ill j
hive a l*nn > g for a ,i cbT.- et 1 r •
ul* T 1 **<* evo> n>. i~ 0, pufrh* Vi.l a
\S' l I -tr. tn-’! *,. loe ITVT a*e a
ways tie chetpe-t, aa wc9 tte Eos*, ent**
hti toiy.
Organs from Old Malo-rs
Va* iu vs Utm’iu, 10 Slogs fllOO
IVlouhe*. & I\Kou,9 Stp;*S I’*” 1
In elegant .Htj Sfy’c Case* F!:iy
3t\le: li 0111 4 .*1 ijG' O. Tl.cac magr.tfl
rtntl *t;UoictiU cod u Title nt re than
many others but svifi wear twice ui long,
and rc Ist let to*. 1 a istrd Catalogue*
(t*v. I
Sec these Easy Terms.
I’IAKOS Sheen duhara Mon'bly, ur,
til pi.ii! lor ; r2* dolus Ca-b, ar.d Fat
al ce in one yea*.
OHUAMew— 7 do!la: and 2) l, 13 H tar
icily, tor Tc
Monthly, Until pai l I r ; or, oac-hwif Cash
L) >w ti so i bal*Ec* in One yi v.
FIFTEEN Days T iai it dc'trcd, we
pay freight t>dh way* ii I.ittrnmect and e*
in t suif. Puicbasers rnn no not.
HEW AES ol B gi.s Piano* and Otgan*.
The Cos 11 utry is fl ,odc I will, theni. 1 1 any
mgr. cflers you a 1,000 dollar Pin > !or
274 dollars or a 260 dorku.O gan for
tcH bina be Met and yon wont ads* the
mark. Outrageous tlecepllocs are prac
ticed now. liny only frmn a reputable,
web-knowa House r*r you will regret It.
Secure b- vt Instru r.ect* at lowest price*,
ave Money, Time, Kiii* and Friight,
Favannah, Ua.
A few u-*ie calves Jersey Grade at $lO to
sls per head.
Sereral Lambs of the French Merino
stock Dal! Blood at $5 each. AL c O, some
Shepherd Dogs, Stock , English Drover,
price each, t
Any person desiring to iaiprove 7their
stock Ac., trom fine Blood at low figures
can do so by applying to me at Lutaei
viile, Gt.
Pieasartly aa ' fast, egents should ad
ders, Pis' E *. Harvey & C>.
* Atisnta, Gi.
$24,000. FBESm'BE. $25,0*0.
This irrn:os-ee stock y Ft. Sii.uH-, . •
vvafiistan-ds \
JIaKBLE AM) . OyiJTu'. '.VIf LK3
SiU f : OAUi
r 1 X J k \MON 1)1 N 1 N’G TiiLES
1 i:ns t e ads
Tc*kf*.w v.ythir.g iwnally tc Fin s
, *.an r!! da Ui W , t 1 order, any
> **■.
fill \CKFTS,
F■"*** *<,.* for birth ‘a> and I. >h !v .*ciwi.
MKT ALt K* AND M At.Kt Til • •(C 6
~ J.t t ..<*. f i.aud t*i i* j. liiu . * v t hml (.fowijg >.swrt given to all
; t*. • 1 .> 27 lh> ’ Ni wnat. U*.
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies*
AOKNTM we nk yon to try it. anrl ofl< r you t-jo . iul
ITidiimmeiit '4. Sr-nd for < iroiilar <V 1 *rr< < - lo
177 We Fourll* Hi., Cincinnati, O#
gj. C. .V£JII.V#;K, jmmnagtr.
,i. * - carnaratfl
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Bante*will© Ga.
Wi’d open on Monday. September 3rd, IST< with a full corps
leathers determined to keep op the widespread ard -ewnred rep nation of Ibis J o ** 1 "
‘ USf s*£*• offers superior ipducemenU to yrn'ent* dwrlag to
r.d dangbitrs. It has all the modern ap| Un. t,ai-|*rat- sro int *l r-ndn^ l
nor snoccasful teaching unparalltded in the Mate, lb- music defia.tßi “
by Prof. Outtenberger who has no soperior and b . t Mt tqw- ao4
Barr.csvil e is the most enterprising c>ty on toe M .con aud K
has jostiy rhe lepuiation of having the most moral, liberal and enlightened commuarry
10 ruition*fll Wto |lB 50 per Term. Board SIOXO to 15.00 ftr month.
For catalogue coot.inin g full informal .c aidr£* £ I AMpD)v p ßErr^
or W. 11. WOODALL, Br.,
8 84-ly f BarccaviUe, Georgia.
Athkss. Ga„ Feb. 22,1878-
Sta : My child, are je*r o’d, had symptom* oj
rorml I tried calomel and tic worm Mediolee*.
bat tatted to expel any worms. Seeing Mr Bain*
certificate, I got a vial of Worm Chi. aad Ike fir t
dvae broagU forty worm* and tbe second do*e
ao man j were paaaed 1 did not count them.
Prepared by E*d Sr.ith Lyndrn, Athens
Gecrgia. For Sale by J. E. G. Terrel ACo.
tiotlict's Pl*e • * r#f ** t
Dr. Moff-ff. TatWM rrae*ki* ‘M*
lat-i* tti Boast* and make* Teeftcn*
fc;n , car** Cbotrra-lmJactrm *id A* 6 ™*"
Complaints ot CtdMren. Brel* Emptbmr aad prevent. 0* to-. **'.<• Ot WenM
c metier it*aid tewHh •
For sale by J. F. O-TERKELL A CG.
Xj Patent Fluting, Plaiting P® 1 *
■x-h- S’ Irons. Fotealeby