Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicatot
wpaueuau bvicar wubat,
IM Swath al4 f Uh Corrt
oouwxv urnc£as
SHERIFF US. Flore tiff
VUKItK S. C W. 1J K*i *'
TAX. RECEIVER to. S. Clement.
TAX COLLECTOR J. o. Chttotl*
TREApCimt G.J. Ani oay
SURVEYOR Jf, F. Msitbe**
CORONER Jobu H. Jou#a
R A. CAusa, AtrWbWMey,
t'. )■ Keens, J E- Buchsunu
Alien H. WVm.
BOARD of education.
JebuW.Pwk. W J. U*tr *
Kevtf*) II- A* IVtH
A. IL Fitmn, Sec.
RBNATOH Bti;k DtofHot, K M Duncan
TJ. WiliiMMt, O. W William*
■J XII !.' Pll 1 -!. - "-'W
Attorney at i aw
OBhltM*ll.l-B. O*
Will prsetb* I* Meriwether and “* •'*
• iking eouitte#
Attorney at law, 0*
AH buk'eees entruetod Ui hn *•** \U#s'd
•g \e promptly aud iithluU>.
Uiiiuviu u*
yyUi proctiee In Meiiwethei Ami tbs
twuetve* OM*|i<i*iii| the CnkfU circuit*
Out** sii.lms Gx.
A ~uT Ft OYO. \i. It. s.
uMaiTfl.iJ ca
Tot*.. ( tli. All wmk *rrMrd.
t. p. MdLWttw Shu
DEN 11.-ST,
HSrofA -••--*•*••• (iA
HA VINO Inc *ctlv.-ty In tU
IVaciMS, ef DenuU Aofgery dorms
lb* last en year*, • <*'fi[-eflit to
•ii kinds "f IMital w-,ik in Hi*’ vmy best
*iylt fclthe Art, *ml I a'bicit tbs- Pl"m
-g* At las people I Mrnivi lnm * runty,
•••urlug all wbo patronize me tost they
bell have ti t- >") feat style ul work, and
f*r k little money • would he'.barg' and by
•ay eumj et. I l DuktD* Ik tk *WUt. Dlf
reepoodee'* by mull t romi Mv gnawer**-.
DIC & li I KUIiBI.J.,
z iKPEIth hi* Profeeatongi sarvee* u<
V ) ik J J otou Otiiue wjlh Ids lariie'
Dr J. K. ij. fend:. *t the Dug Hlofe
Lilt L It d.a I lION Y,
/ FFERH hit Pi< l<o*l"iel aclvi eto
lee U K it* ol Cieeuftl'e od virinhy
ur ♦)'.# ,t J. il. t Ten pH <1 Co'
Ilruj' blefe
1 MB
9. it ;EVt KLRY md FANCY HI Oilk
i A LtOispgf, Georgia.
f T AH rOW, and wi’ 1 keep always on
XJ hard at fib v!<l stwou Last o# ol
tto pwbife square, g'MXI r and
wau. mci vntJt erviu or
( oosJ-.llbc, of part ot,
Pf OOl.Dend HU.YIFR Watches,
htetn and Ke;-*)r.:, ol the lieat u.ake
Bp lewd i Gold sod ri.ver Watch Chain*
of all ekea, ■■SMS and prices
Gold Pen* and alt htod# of holders ; Gold
fblver A pteel Ppwcfsclee A Eye-C lasses,
Silver Plat* Ware
el sll kino* and style#,
rocket. Table Cutlery, and Hnnors
Vy th* very reoow"d ambers, —Joseph
Hair *wd George Woabawboi u. l
1 am rili repairing ell foods in my Use
Tao mat tcitia* ns ol Meriwether eul ae
(etaieg c units bare tested my work U
require a word from me aa to the charac
ter of it. I will, however warrant all n
wart, il f.Mj erly used, w ] tare always
a one, and tea; ectudy aak a continuance of
the j.alrcn£* I bare received from my
triaaOa id Meriwether.
■aiker'i *y m Bear,
Aa4 aara jeer ctila with Dr. Mrßttfa T.attsa
(TasSA-ng.' i n6r> Ttphhti It
Bowel* aid makes Tes/htag e r ! C**a* CMn*
lalantwm and lb* Sumner Umpluntoodchhateß;
leal* Xrwvdoß ud Scree ; **■ aad T*awata
ilbaettai of Wcncj Jfo aadbtW ever re
!■■■ kill fli a thma
wVj aa*wead!.
Five j esn to wait l JO4I So Ui
My iticocsnt.b.ut-eyad taaldi,
Ko- Ur ys-sr* may last * lUc-fiiae,
While your youthful roeea Lit I
While your eye* ire rod with weeping.
A ail Witching the treweberoa* *e* ;
Till you in*r tbe soeg ot the Jon* one,
•U etftr cents bek to me.'
Rive yciifc while oUen
AtwitUnotag tbt <tMiee nt ytHKbt • 1
Aml tbe ot i *S|l'cib*ilAthia you Am tW*t
D breaking hi* low*, toinoth I
’ l .h%a aaiv lot my l' e. y *!•' UK, ,
W bo ha. tailed lar over tbe sea,
Five yens, or ten, or twenty,'
Siii tbe blue-eye-1 luaii to me.
b,i ebe wf.te her loyer letter*,
1 Or tended her garden Sower*,
Or wteh#d the rtwßet* tWoWk*
On the beetrins; idtrt for hour* ;
Wiit e she turned ber suitor*, plitluj,
Away from the door,
And waited, patiently waned,
Qnt leifg, toug year, or uto <•
a * * *
*’Tla wry w*ry w*ltiog,’
bald the blui-eyml nuid lo me.
At the glanced ml her !*t new u!tor,
And thee at the rtwtleee s* ,
A* she ylamed at tbe ro** lu ing
I* her yaidon tab and blight ,
Twice eooie, !*u* gone, siuoe be Lit her,
T* o y4H* b*ioftbkt Might.
Ab I kite mart led her last new suitor
IDlore the winter *i‘ l ;
Ami (hny wrote to he* aliecnl 'over
<) i the (lay t‘i*i *lie wed
Mi * I.* would not attller,
TH*l the slunk would so"" lieoVr.*
And tlu aosw ll six n ifctoißicd her,
lit i Hat! eutrriml a pear tefiin f
Ass Uld Hits tas lorv laitlri r End,
I.i i "* glnc<' at the latter Kven
lie hss hi* d> . When find Uial b<
lit not uouiy, utid that he h petting On
in )' ', they K'aduk'iy hlri’p him.’ li'
(<*r* to h uslitj to parties, am) be"glil)
'os alias lute'up their noses when be sup
I th sto tor tin it lavor.
He may not lose carts- st the same time
that the tilcin ol youth la tubbed tioto
lilui , Imi when h< teg Ins to Older lip i
ihe region ill the lets md \ s-sjoh lent 111
(latteiert rvp uway. flu s<-(s youupt
■ ivnsiit>>|i li hi heels, and Isa to make
ne m lot in mi. The old ties that mad l
lilt-dear snap. < ne by oi c, and lions* I iiu
to :nke tluir plaec Not he mg engaged in
any Hoik l uicltth iva he la* lo fly to Ills
< iuh,ku ei'inpiuiionrliip, and be has and ffl
enlty lit slkcoverhig that frleuda a*,' tn b<-
e' e* tl sis- el*i tiot car* a atiaw ahmn
hltn- l’i'.ph- Ice! tin the It iu tome K -
s|*els * *<>< laJ ihdure olid they list I*'-
ther that it is hi* -wi fault 'tiny limyH
at him Iru-uee he i vain nnd selfiah, at-J
cootluura tss I,ant e' after adu hatso ;
the) hs-lsl lib Httl h>Rileaip lo ru)leu e ,
the) IIM Ill'll si en It auue tlis-rn, and I* -
take uhu Wiiei. It anil* die" . I'#rlia|-t
tl eie I* no mau rnoie hoph-*aly stone la
the wolld than tin: galls'll old (rncueto l
who list < ui ins-si the pleasuic# ol )outh
end turned hlty.— | Home Journal
F#wn To nnk>' R|.
I Hit *owe yeotlarr.en nay that Oanyrca*
ha# tli* powrv to make money, aa>l I Wan
Wuk them one question ; I Want you tv
think nb'Hit It It tbft yovi-rnmeat h>. the
power to mike money why ehosld t eol
eet taxM IrOct oa * Why don’t they wake
H and let o atmie t ll Bile government
cao make I Adler or a those dollai
Wil Just that quick (slapping tita hands
together), why do U.ey uiaka ui labor dly
and night mad my laxaa te aapport them ?
ll the government can wake money. kl
them make It and Jot aa atu urns' But, u -
avaa4 at that, liua great go var parent comr*
ap base mu> tbleomiatry with tha bayo
not ami cumpeM yoo to pay taxes. it U
ilka ike ocaen troiitag aroua 1 to burrow a
Utile tali water, or Uw aan *yi* to gpt
ll* inao l a eemik- from auwm poof devil
that kaa worked weeks to make Ural can
dle. So 1 aay to thro, ii lie; aaa 4a fc,
let thaw dt it.—>ifa£ Ing^miL
Money la a goo-1 thing, eepecia])/ In
these hard times, but there is something a
thousand told more rsluable. It ia tfte
character—ike conscieeca ol a pure aod
honorable file. This it aboulj be a tuu’i
first aim to preeerte at any coat, la tune*
oi corumnlia! dittresa, while aomeoipio*-
ed mad faond wantir g, others come forth
aa triad by fire. Here and there one comae
out of the furnace hr m re of a mao than
before. Aoiid the wreck U Lie fortune it
stands erect a coble specimen ol true man
hood. We bars ooamkmaUy witaaased an
exam pie of courage ia such a crisis, of
mental intrepidity,thst deterr49 all hchir.
Lei it be tbe s’m ol erery business mao,
abort all things eke, to kep ha purity
unstained. This is the beat pease won; th,
w tbe capital anieb can newer be taken
!/uu him ; <bia a tbe rich inbrhance
which ha eaa leave to his children.
The Crrm Battle Trlek Swii -
This most glaring yet tuccetuful ot e 4
time baaxmt wp* pet riled in 174A T *
Duke of Montague wagered that, let
man advert!** tbe rnoct uut*o**ibl* Ihi g
in the would find to 1* Meet It
in London to fid * play-Lwins to we tc
and i*y handsomely kw the twitrilrge.
••Surely,’’ said L *r CbeMeiiluld, “if a mi n
should say ue would Jump into * qui ri
bottle, noiiody would believe that." jX
wagtr was made on this basis,and the fal
lowing advertisement Uismt -J in the p ( >dt*
’At tbe new theatre in tbe II ay market,
on Monday neat, the 12th instant, la to fie
Mena persou who perform* the lev* n
emat atwpifvtng Ibtngs toliowutwtl. vkc,
iildMtWißM cenßimai atw
and (heieoD play* tie OiU.L of every |R
stnißient new m u*e,and likewise siugt to
I'trlection. S. He preteula you With*a
common wine bottle, which any one ot the
ipeuati r first examine; the hgum la
piwred iip * leH in tbe middle of the .tag®
mud be (without any equlr* cettouy yiee In
it in tl,e. sight of ail tbe spectators, au
digs io it; during bi* stay in the bottle
euy person uiay beadle it, and at e pl*R>-
Ihat li doe* not etcntd * com won taverb
butifl. Th. ew op |be -legft, gp in the box
es, n.ay come in masked lusbit* {ji agree*
hie to then); and tbe performer, ft d*slred,
will i iiowu litem who they are. B(age,7*.
At the deoiguated lime the theatre w*s
oiamnie<l from pit tome, when the *| -
|M>ii.led hour pa**vd stid the coijumr did
not | ticar a ,h/\r4.t>'* •_'• ;JT i OgF
; eiaon in tlie audience imposed, if tie
lookers-on would pay hall ptbe, to craßl
into a pint bolt <. Fin'elly some uug tbieto
lighted csndtto on the •lAge- Wuru un
mliiute* more the tl.vatru we* nutted, tile
bem lie* convened Into a lalgti bunlire in
(rout ul the Imihiing, and the drop cnitaflt
hoisted on e |-<*Je, (xaa'imablv e* e Imunfr,
to the triumph oi imbim gulUtdlity, *k
utmthei ol |<i|t( wore bieniad (or tq}*
hoax, Uotahly F ait, the actor, who **
one ol the lessee* of tiie theatre, .but til*
row! author wutlhe D >ka*>( Montage,l.
Tout liiiigly IlcuutUul
\\ , pity the man who ran road the Id!*
low lug aud ni t led his heart glow with
ttbdcl ruiolioi,,
1 Ue best F, k>tn'. lL.nor tl ('wn *ihl
motiir. Time its, scattered tint mowy
flskis u i her biow.phiwkd deep luriow. In
hii h rii>, but I* ho not ii*i suit
beautiful now ? The lip. are thin and
alirunkoli, but those arc the Pp whtoti
kiwurd many nhot tear Worn the cbtlrtMh
ol.ock. and they arc tlie swrciiwt lips in
all the murid. The eye Is dim, yet it glow *
" tlh the ' It radiance ol buly loVC which
can nevei fJi, Ah,yu*, she Is s dear old
niotbei, Tbe lands ol 111* tre nearly rat,
out, but feeble Ss she Is, sbs will go further
and teach down lower lor,you, boy, tbsu
any other one upon earth. You cannot
walk Into atpigqtghi where >b emmot are
you; can never enter a prison about her*
will keep her out; can never mount *
stsdold too bigb lor tier lo reach, that she
may kls* and bless you in evidence of her
<l-athlres tow. When tbe world obeli <(e
--•l kw and torrak* you, when it leave* you
hy the wayside to di< unnoticed, tbe deal
old in- liter will gHtlier yoa ie ber techie
irmi and oat ty you t ome, end toil you of
all your virtue* until you almost torgi-t
that you f soul 11 (Jisllguied hy vices. L>f
bet tenderly and cheer ber declining years
wpli holy devotlo i.
A If Mildred Tears Affo.
O-s* hundred year* ago not a pound cl
e -a), not a Urii of UHim tost tog gee, hod
been burned Ic this country. N iron
stoves wee* used, sod n<j contrivances let
economizing lies* employed until Dt.
Franklin invented the Iron Ireme fireplaces
wfeicb rid I best* bta Ann*. A-U the coot-,
lug sod wAttnuig fee town nod wintry
were (kew by U*e aid ol firs Atodle-I fen th*
brick oven or oe tbe hearth. /PiM hßotei
oi leitotr candle* |o{tSs|efl Mi fnt
toqg nintot nlrbU and aenfietl fifpn *of>-
plied tbe piece ut ntg* .igA The
water used tor Uoivebold parpqgfi* Wto
drawn from deep seeUe, lsr ereahinf
*. No torqr of ptJBP wee need hi
ibkAcwa irf. fiAieAnefet*sn tonfiri, oniß
after tbe presanf eentdry. * l here weem, dn
frietton mstebes in tbo*e early dnye by toe
W of which i fkecouid B*eUy kindled,
and If tbe fire went out upon (be beartti
over night, and the tinder was damp, ao
that tbe *perk* would not astcb, Uie alter
native wat pretented ol wandering through
the enow a n.i'e or ao to borrow ol a neigh
bar. Only one iou lo any bouse waa
warm, unless aoine ol the family wera ilh
lo ail the real the temperature waa at zero
many nights in the winter.
Triers, Idle Trears.
There are tear* among Democratic leader*
lor their fallen comrades. Tildec wlh
wesp over the discomlnre of Tharmas In
Obkr, Bayard will be stricken with griel
o*er the deist of Tildes by Tammany;
Pend let' a will Died a fresh d"Z:u of S-dt
cambrics to abeoib hi* tears over the de
feat ol bayler. ilendncka 'a the bead
man of the elasa to-day, with Wallace aad
Randall tobear from on the 3th ol Novem
ber.— [Phi’adelphia Timas.
aumgF Mi*.
I despite * stingy men. 1 donl eee bow
it M peeeibte tor a men te die -worth fi-V
--(WOWpi |1 W,OOO, in e efijr fell ol
warn. When be muets almost every day
tbe withered baeal <M h*4gary, and tbe
dwMttft| ot bubble. R*w a atm can
*MbMdd ait tMt. eod bttfd n tbe ciutcu
of bit tost.d <w |O,OOUOOO, m
pul Biry cbmpiwhMietot, Ido not see bow
he eab-fidTt, 1 <4touhJ run think he eoukl
da it tny’tiers than to oaid beep a pHe
ol tumber When hundred* tnd thmsaml*
w* dretfhing to the itea. D, you know
1 bate koewo rabw who would thefr
yrlte* wIA their heart* and their honor
but u<.t wtok Uielr f ochet-lMaiks—not with
a dollar* I ice a man kind.
1 always tki k h* know* which la tmß>
v & loafed*, Tbtek-uf making yuur wile a
heggarl Tbluk ot bar asking you every
day lor a dollar, or to humbly beg I it fitly
tenia bat did you do with that dt-llai
I gave yua?” 'Think-sdhaving a wit* tbit
U *fnd 1 Ole -'Bl What Mad of cbihfitn do
you expect to have with a beggar ami a
coward lot their mother? (Mi, I tell yon,
if you have but a do'lnr in tbe world, and
you afeno It,spend It like a
kli-fit spegd a av thouah It were a dry leal
a r.d you the owner ot i nbouudvd i-ncats
l lat's the way losptnd It. I would ra
ther tie e bugger end spend uty last -ini:*
like e kiaffthau be a king and spend my
uunjey Blue a beggar, lilt's got to go let
U go. Get tilt Sr si you oau (or yomr
end ludb a* well as you on yt.urtell
’ Wirew yrmnaed to go dborifimr, box * sDc
you Imikedl Ab, yor.y yc wsi bright,ami
your step Was light, and yoa Just put o
tbe very best you could. Du yoa Iw*
that it te tasulionsbiu egotism lu you to
supiKise tbit e wurasn Is going to love you
always, !vdug ea bad u you can. Think
of U 1 Any waiuauaia earth will b true t<>
yoa foraeer wlien you do y.r leva 1 boil
A pretty long lint might bo madn of luuu
who here owe I (heir Biivaucemea' iu life
to s smart Miner st tlm right teumeu .
One af Nyieoa’s vetrrsna, who survtvast
lit* matter many years, was wont to ri -
coant with gresi glee how be h*J urns
phhed up tliv Kmiieroi'* cs ked list at s
review, vrltoo the ialtor, u A not noticing
that he toast pirate, said carelensly,
“Thsnk )OU Ckptath’’ “In whvt r*glnY„i,
till-?’' ii.siatdfy s.ked Ihe re*ly wilted *of
uler, Naps (eon, jieureiving hie mutakf,
answs: ed autl • smile, “la my lioar,ta, ,s)r
I see you In ow how to b- prompt. The
newly niaste offlowi lecetvri htec itnmiisl u
i.vxt morn# g. *
H- iiicalut *iinilar atisodol# It rviatuu
of Meieuel Burtlrofi, who, when rco-ivlu
a dlapatch from the hand* if* Roaslan
tWgentit who had grraily dlstiuguDhed
liin.Mlf on tbe Danube, attempted to cot,
fuse tbe meapenger by a series of whloisie
*l queetloiipj but touud hiui fu-ly equal (j
the iHcaeloo. Hum many fish are there In
the •*•? asked buroioU. All that sie nut
csugLt yet, we* the answer, flow Ist is It
to tbe "toon! ' Two of /oar ExcellencyV
torse Jm* i cbet." "Whet would you do il
you saw yfifTtuen giving way iu haUle.”
“l,si tell thdßJ Hal tbs re was e wagon load
ol whisky Just behind ti,e cucoi)'* In,*.'
Baffled el all (>olol*, the Kuiabul ended
with, “vliri’i the difiereuoe hetweeu you/
Colonel aud aiytfci-i'" My Coluoel ueuni t
mak-i me a Lmlehant, but your Kierllei.-
cy baa only to say tbe word.' "I aay li
now then 'awyewered Uuvoroti, “and aiigb'
god off) er you’ll Us'.’,
lltns-ao of Mfton.
The phenomena! genius whose curies*
end wonderful inrenttoas are tb* astonish
maot of the dsy, Is HI at his residence In
Menlo Park, Mew Amy. Ilfs trouble is
nattfUjgM—k duungpain through a swol
leo tace, the men It ft pkfslstenl iltsisgard
othtafaadlUh tf Oftea baglacts (hod and
dleap, id bla devotion to inventions, and
has disregarded tie anti <-a ties of fricnj* fo
wear Warmer Nothing, now Ujitf the col < -
er wtalb'-r baa begun, f.r flro days an*f
pighto be was deprived of sleep, each warn
iiia sufienngd hot ha la now batter,haring
ait tpUpd wjtti dMtbtiaaa recover. His !<>•,
Jnrt totr, -Fear#lke Jfce Hanford Time*
would lie, ia was sense, a pV&k calami
ty. hk the warks" twa nr three
inventions which prorates to do mote tor
Oka comfort and advancement ol society
than a’l that has been done by Cugrsoe
•nd the book-makers lor kail a can lory
Ami who knows what be mar product it
be live* a doaett years longer 1
- „ rMI
A man cannot afford to be nptoitblul un
der aay circumstances a mao caaoot siorJ
to be rr can at any time a man cauoot af
ford to do lam than bis beat at all times
and anker ah ctoeatneuou-s. Mo matter
wrongfoßy ywa ask pfaced, and no matter
how yon are treated yon cannot,
for y>v own sake, aflord to use any thins
but yonr batter sell, nor to reader wiyibin*
bat yoar belt er rtrvke-; you cannot afloid
to db other than deal uprightly with any
oud; no matter how exigences may rxkl
betweao him aad you. No man eao af
ford to be any thing hat a (roe man, bring
ra his higher aakma aad setose from the
IIWkcM oaoatderrJooi.
C -inintocci* its Fall ssesluu oo Mnmls.
the vfi h day < I July tor a term ol mui
months, and promises 1U patrons unabated
attention to tee thniuughncM ol iuvtiuo
iLu autl gru era I wellare of iU pupil*.
Rates of Tuition:
15, S2B aed $M lot nine eaholaa'do
months No deduction tor loM Um* **•
Cfw Ie oaaae ot yrouactmJ atekneea
Orecevllto oth-rs many andvsntege* lor
a eclhiol, auio.ig others, fl ie society and a
healthy locality. Insirurtl iii m Music, by
accomplished ti-achors esu I* had at the
rates of Irnm $3. to $3.30 |>rr mouth
Board l.i good (amllie* at fretu fit) to $lO
per month.
J. IL Oi.INK. I’rm.
B*2 tl.
jl ur
•• a • ** -
Arum Um*iA
ALL iiixea aud Weights
Addrees JAS ORMoND, Proprietor.
K-tlci to tills Ueuu s* a Hpei imun of b s
I*-...1 -r • i rs.nniri aiinw
The Bi(.tn V% nr,—A 1W lis.Maoi
II any men Intuits your common sense
hy offering a first class U Ntop Organ lor
*<W, bhrnrt hi -n on tlie spot." All neecs
sl y for baying tticli Inleiloi Organa is lor
ever done S’-vay with. SIOO Chsli or sllO
on Ray Terms now buy* a magi.irte* at
Man,u Its mJin Parlor or Ol urch Organ
wltli St ti H?*U ■ ml 7ri Atop* in Kin
gent New Hlyla C’al with lUun,tna(#l
I'antlt. - H todm>r>"H* -tty la of Cute ever
produced —-B,>ecil Ol tr to introduce this
new Hiyle.-H--nt on trial. Ooaiunleed
lorn life lime.—Rented until paid lor.—
0,1,11 ,i*w sty h-s Just oi t.—lbintittUd <at
logucs free Adore** HIDDEN A
ItAl'Eb, Haver,nali, Da., Mab daclurer’a
M bri-eoale Agon's loi tne Mouth.
XmitH 1 Warm Oil.
Adieus, Ox, Du*. 8, 1877.
A ftw nlghls altisM, 1 kavv wy sou ou* do** ol
Ika vt oru oil, sod next day h* pasa- and aliloeu
Uie* woruia At lb uuua tlmv I *avs an* don t.,
is ) IliUa girl four yar* uld, *n4 aha paassd *7
eorius (row 4 It tocbM lung,
Prepared by Dr. K'd Hmltli l.ymlon
Alhen*. Ges/rgla. For Hale hy J. E. 0
Ladies Ml aes Gents and Roy* bboea
prices to suit tiie limes at,
Heard C*., Us., May Uf, 1878
Da T H Bt*4*rl4 1 Dnrßtr -I asod the iuf
AMe'a Bains 1 hourhtfrain jo rutmiilj, to *B a
U4*ta for be* attugs *!Ui luuuodUOi rtUof. I
WMSI yoa to gat an sy 1 a gasrt f- r biutlyr dm.
Reayartfafly JOHIV AriAMfl.
Fiepered by T. H. Brs-lfl-M, I.aGrsm;*
Os. For *aie by J. K. O. Terrell *C i.
GEORGIA— I Oidlnary's Office.
MvrUetbei Ootisly. J ureenrille Gs.
Whereas David Ogletree, I. M. C. R"'b
tfdOn and James P. Ogletrce Executors ot
tbt Lmt Will rad Testament of Philemon
Ogleuwe deoaaaed, represent to the Court
that they here lo'ly administered the es
tate ot said deceased, and apply lor letter
of dlainlnil'>B from their treat at and* K*
Tbla la therefore to cite and ad moo lab
all concerned, to Bl# their objectlwna If any
they have, on or (refers the first Monday in
December 1878, to allow cause why as Id
Executors tboo'd not receive letters of l)i
mission trom thsir raid trust.
Gitren under tny hand and official signs- 1
lure. This oep*. $d 187$.
O. M. O.
l aObawub Ga.JKKIi, April 1878.
Da T. a. Brw*a*M i-TM Seesrar*s Sslaa Dr.
Heard pasacrttiafl tor mj little at*!a* ark* was asf
fearing assy *ua*h tram "Potwis Oak" ears *p*adr
•lie/ Two apsOcsflosa ctin-ed her. Toora, he.
C. L. fIfMKS.
Prepared by T. S. B'adflrM, LsGrsnga
Us. T w sabs trv J K. G.iTetmfl & Cos.
MONEY pleasantly and (sat, addrsas Pis
■ H a*vsr AOo Atlanta, Oa.
The wvid people of MCfUWBTWU
COUNTY will receive a meet ourdiel wai
c- me In LA (iitANGB at
W- C. C holaoB 1 !
WAKKHOU'tr. '-'U’.buand Btedt Yard
*h -n- tlu-v can wi i.h their cotton oa tbs
test Fair’ units scales and pal their elMr
n s go and *ti.b',
Well Bnp-olieci
wit'.) every see -mmodslloua end tell their
Colton lor ihe hig\ft price.
Any or-e calling on me who done eat
Itji this Hue will not be charged ear
With thanks for peat fsvnr*[ad aoliets
tng o'dt r*. I aia yours 'aost truly,
W. C. O a OLSON.
n4B n Lad raw re, Oa.
Bf Mu ■
Its latrodaetloa sad Werid-raaawaad
reputatloa was the fieatfe-Wtw te feiffe
prleefi awebleeA
this I* a vary Iwpsrtsat laattSf, is It l| J Well*
tnoan an* unplapult* fad that laaay *(_la*,to
iHi*t first eras* Mehtas* M*h *r* **rad to
chtap ow-*-e* *re tSs* that have toea ra
potisiis* (that It. USsn hack lr*w wntfirs
•Mar sts) and rshvllt *MI pet epee the Mftet
''imTWhitb i$ thi p of *hv taiiha
iia ooNfiauciioN ii tiMPLA poiinvt ahb
Lo not But any othr befor* try
ing ths WHITI.
Men ul Tent lift Satbffectory
FAR* Hewing Machine Ct
11. D. ADAlH : OitKNhvtt.ia,Oa,
Agent*lor tb* a >"V Mmliiues lor Mart*
w-ili<-r county.
At the ssinn llinn'snd place will be sold
VI ecru* of laud off ol lot ol land No. 48,
• i-d 10 acre* "(1 ol lot No. 41 ; all ie tbe
1 Hli District of Meriwether County .known
and rilriliigiiitli*-d at tlie place whereon the
IMeudant Own 11. Johneon formerly te
aldcd ; I vied on ss tbe property olUiir.lL
J hneoe lo snllsly a 0 D Irmn Muiiwether
Hu per lor Court In lavor of Robert*, Oee
kery A Cos., vs. Oeorge 11. JohiiwM. Owe
Ordered by (he Board of Commiaeloeera
tliat au election lie held on lt Tuesday in
November next, lor e member of the
oaid ol commissioners ol Road* and Rev
enue* In (111 ihe vacancy occasioned by Ike
resignation of the lion. A. H. Watson*
W. If. KKLI.KR, pro tees
Ordered hy lb# B ,ard tni lb* lax lev
ied, be disiriiui'ed ** toltowe *. i (or eeaa*
ty poor, 4 jury fund and | for general and
apecial purr oe*. A. H.hley, Ck'f,
W. il. Keller, Pro tan*.
AdnalsslMriat •■ lair,
Gf-.OROIA— Meriwether County.
By virtue <4 an order from the Hoaera
ble court of Otdiaarr, in eiid ter said
county, 1 will sell to tbe lug neat bidder
before the Court House door, la thk tows
of Greenville, hetwee* the legal hours of
sale, on (be Brat Tuesday is December
next, a certain house and tot,ln the lews
of OreenvUe, belonging to the aetata of
Mrs. Harsh Render, dereaeeJ, aad wburu
oa tbe Rev. John H. Cline now rusidae. lot coritaiua one acre more or less,
and la known aa the Mu. Sarah Rendar
place Term* CASH. Oct, Slh W7B.
Adm'r. mm- ItHmwmU rtrriT
NO 47