Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicatoc
VOL. 6
at #sujo per AHMIM-Ui advance
t'S<* Mtlb aiA* Hi Um Court Ho*
SBMiIW, . 6. S. Florence
CLARK SC ....... W. II K ellri
TREASURER 0. J. Anthony
SURVEYOR O. F. Matthews
CORONER JohoK. Jones
R. A. Chußi, Aaron Sibley,
U. J. lINNi, J. K. liueliAU
AH*u 11. Wals ju.
Jake W’.Patk, W. J. Here*
Maxima Reave*, R. A. Parker
A- U. Eieemau, See.
SENATOR 86 ib 1 Haiti id, F. M, Duncan
V J. Wihuuai* 0. W. William*
*JBL. 'L"— 1 V 1 "V 1 ' -—.-i
Attorney at law
lift**.*VlLLA, Da i
Will piactice ta Meriwether and ike *U
• l*u.g cuuauca
—. —•—
I). It. KKlTli,
t n<Efc.m n.i B Oa
TV Ui pi **.Uc, m Met tw Other and the,,
oeuct :e* cort*iiiig Ike Coweta cucur.
attorney at law.
Uunitmii !.*, Oa.
t . ~ , , v ' v . .. w ....
A..U. Vi "YD, if. It. H-
I ) KS.DEN J DtN l'.hT
] (iatßKav Ha aOa
T*ii*t-*#h. AH woik warranted.
T. P. McLIWIILA 111.
den riar,
i I AViNi been actively ingagad So the
.1 J, I'l.nKv of Dei.Ui Auigcry during
t m iaal tea yeata, 1 Pet weripeteot tu do
ail kid* of DvOtai wuik )* tbe very brat
atyla at Uva Ait, aod 1 tom.l tla patron
ga at ta t**, la ol Meiiwotkw evoaty,
aaacnug all who patiooi** uu that lliay
afcaii k* the very beat ntyie ol work, and
far at ilUia money * would ire chargid by
aay coupdei t Dealt*! la the atate. Coi -
■ aatM/uceooe Dy mail t>roo>(Hlv answerer
lilt. L. 11. j itiirD.CL,
i . EPEHS hi* lT<#fek*l M.iice* to
V J J'ubbc-Office wnli irta lather
Dr J. L- <J. 1 eneti. at Ue Dm* buna.
Dll. E. R. ART It ON Y,
. FEKRB Ll* Pi<4u*loaai er.iviie* to
tue at ,*eu# ot urtycril.e and vruuity
If UHica at J . A. U. T errell A U>
111 ug btara
OI L*Uius*, Ueo/gt*.
J J Aft NOW, ami wiii keep *iway* ou
_ll kai ij at Ll* edd aland Last *.e ot
me gable square, a go>>d and
w ill ku.u.l to mCM or
Ccaeiitil.g, 61 Iran ot,
GOLD* Ml OiLYKK Wilder
biem ani key-winders, of the heal make
•p.ssill UolU t(l bUtei Watch Chains
t ' ~y.
of all sizes, makenjarpi prices
©•ld J-en* sad sli kinds of UMi; Goto
SiiTSt A steel A Jtje-OUaMs,
Silver Plate Ware
of Ail kinds a*d styles,
rocket, Tsiiie C'uUery, and liMten
by th# ierj renown *<i maker*, —Joseph
Hodgf i and George Woeter. kolas.
1 ta ftffl re; siring all g'ruti* in my iint
Too that t cilib ns of Meriwether and ad-
Jomiftg c tJtlfts Lave tested my work to
reijoho a ttfcJ from me* m to the ciiarac
tor of ft. “1 WilT, bow ever * arrant sli u.
wsrk, il properly used, a* I Lstc sissy*
re*fertTtifly ask a cciitinuanco of
the palrcnagr I Lave received from my
frleads in Meriwether.
Hl|Kr'siay at U< ism-.
Aid strs jour tUlfl win, X r llTertft TIUi
< 1 IttUJ. lldliw idirf.. t*
Bowel* kx! makes Taethios m; . Csrs Cktlnu
Isfartaen and m Summer CMBptaiow of children;
Hesi* Emptier; and Sore* ; fcowH'iid Prevent*
tiehm atJc* ol Vt us.. No nci ■:m ever r*
ent td racii ealftuMa* *„.■. daL— from it-**
who ttfi'O 3wl*. ' ' ’
11 ftut it Ucra lum a* Gaud,
We may as wfc'd understand aaeli other
aa .a*l, tai l Mr.
ste;ts ! y at bi* dAUjJliUir, You mw give
me your word net again to *et or Sj-cak to
ILiQ* A1 ailhyj.L . .
* T.eer Wit'rtVnghf. beautiful eye# were
aufiuod with tears as they looked u,
I'lesdinglv. For a moir.out her liji* Ueui
bied j if on ths jhdut of giviog uturance
to *CB,e b iWer *t>yeai ; hilt Umm wm so
iliie euouT<;i rnent In the bush look (be
rnew.uteed, th and she remamed
Do jou promise f ber lather asked, in
the Impassive lone of a nmu who ha* quite
made up bis oi ind.
I cauuot, doai papa, she answered, gaut
lv, bat Irmly ; 1
Than you leave me but one courae, said
Mr. You uiusl ruusaiu
a prisoner in your iv#, a. id! rttleouou abali
Uiiv* brought you Vo y ur .eases: Com* I
Lucy lore* I back her tea is, and as alw
tpllowed her tatLor, Ibeie was a Umb on
lier lovely tk*e quite ffiggcstiva ol the n& 1
live btte K i refritutiou.
brlug you uveiylbing you
Uted, said M*% VVamwright, when Urey bad
n ached Lucy's apai liuout.
Lucy woal,t have much pnßla:r*d tbr
sci vices l tier own m*M, i’aultne, and
,w* ti A bare renturr* to bfft t as much bad
■die Uieugut it would have Ijeeu utiy' Use ,
lot old the was at'#
ol tb.*e ill Hiditimnl t rt.res to whose
lempcr, soured tu youth t)y the cor tom
piatton cl tbelt ow n ugltuaas, ago has add
uil pet vUbnee*.
Mr. W*lnwiiglit, aller locking \be door
c' hi* daughter, weul down to discharge
Pauilac , feu With that most scheming ol
WadUig-Uialdn in the bouse be feil Hint bit
|dan* were In onsbital J<-o)Nudy.
Pauline took bur rhkmlssal without a
murmur, a aft at once m-V nb*ul pm-klug
tiling., liudlog *u opportunity, ineati
k. of lwloiug, Htnttsierv< t, s long con
leiCMoo w bJi her mislrcrs through the key
hole, aud takiag rbirge 6i a Li er thrust
utHici the door. Hue made old Madge a
ni<n;k uvmioey oti b*r way out, wtnldiig
bet ail (L< kappiurs* OnAaiaksul with her
tiill* of life-.
Mr. YValnw right, lt< r seeing I‘auUue
sod her lielonglnga oil the probiiiMs, isng
tor old Ma<L, and gave b*r tlie key to
lAley 1 * room
Keep the door locked, and sue that no
on .peak, to bei but youcskll, were |ht
IrtstrucUoiis be gnyw to old Madge, win
received wltbabir, which mud plainly,
ilisf obed,cu<.e, oo her part, would tie ct
located not less a plga.UM than a duty.
Rusiucas cuba me out 61 towu W*wiy.
Mr Watawilgbt a<bled. 1 ahull be back
by the ton o’clock evening train. Wait up
lot me and buve a cap o| tea revly
ha aaytng be atarled t the depot, b ay
big Ids bujrrtHOoe ! daughter and old Madge
l. only liimMi-e ot the bouw.
Mark Waiewrlght felt far ftoiu cotfif- rt
able as the itaio rattled oil and bs uufold
•d the ri.orntty [ni[>er to glsnoe over the
ow. W.tii all bis S'.erottess, he loved
Lucy, and her rwont larx; itt/uld kr p crrtii
ttig Ijetwven kL eyre and the lieutn tal col
umn wbk'li li# elways in*<te R a p<dt to
rc#<) Brt. Alter all wMn't Horae* Mali
iaid as good t match as hr was, when,
w.lhotlt a Jrenny be martbd Lucy’s moth
er agailHt the will ot all her lurnily T TtU'.
he had aimed higher lor Mt daughter, |><il
then might not * j£irJ* owu choice have
aenrelhtng l do wi'h mating marriage
bpl>y unhappy f Tlili view (X the rneo
•Uggerad hirv * good <J*L Fut hl!
way *nd then w|jr,i*way lj tolved to
liberal* Bury on reaching home, and try
once more tbe effievy cf pcrKin*lve mcar
An accident to the return train do Uy.l
It aevera! boon, and It wa* j a*t midnight
•wit*"# the ca/rlage which brought Mr.
Wainwrigt.t from 11. depot entered the
•tract of til* reefdtnee, A glare of light ai
tratiad bit attention. He looked to a*-
ccrt*io tii can*c; but then tja driver
str pped, calling out
We can go n further, *lr ; there’* a fire
In the neil bloek.
In the nett Mock t exclaimed Mr TYafn
wrlgbf, and flhigfng spen the door h*
rrprsng from the carriage
The Brit <* Jet tbit met his sight was
bis owo hotrMs in flamer.
He rushed madly lorwsrd, but • cordon
of police, stalk Bed to keep the street clear
pushed him track.
It is my hods* ! he cfi<-4 wPdly—there
were two ysraens ia ft ; here they boon
rescued f
An old wooes wssesrrled otrt half tuf
localed wbes tks kne was flrtt discovered,
ld one of the iden. She was found In •
rooti on the first floor, but it was then Im
post hts owing to the program of th<
flamee, to *esreb the upper epertment*.
Ob, God, my dao/Wfer ! rhrieke-f Mr.
WskiwrigUt, daurmy through the litre cl
guards. Mot for the ttr g arms ot the
fire-Leo who restrained him he wen Id have
plunged recklessly into the flam**, already
barking Irotn toe doorway. Happily be
tank into nnconeciout&eas aad was, horns
When Mr. Waio wright, who ksd been
carried 10 a ntighboripg house, icc,veteo
Irusi Lis swoon, a face was heading oti
Lira. It was Ll* daughter's so radiant awti
tirsnf : h’. that Jar a cuotteu:, Le behoved
they had met ia a better world; bat just
behind her stood Horace Mat Usui, aad
thatbrougLlLiai back to caith.
lip if 3id you escape, Lucy,' asked Mr,
Wainwrlght, faintly.
Hu saved ms, auswared Lacy. Climb-,
tog up by a ladder, he got through a hack
window, broke open my door aud carried
me d*Wu aateiy. But you must lorgive as
dcar'pspa. Tfe wsnf ri t hi <(f aad gat swr
rifd. *
Mr. Wain wright hesilstc,', a moat cut
then,placing a baud <iu each ot the heade
bent before him, ealj f
R;cs you my chihtrcu 1
1 rvas some lima befoM. lbciy Ll him
blow that it was several hours before the j
ire broke out that Horace TUdlaod, hay
t|ig tec, lyed Lucy's letter Horn the hands
d l . Pauliue, came and carried ofl an 1 mat-
bis sweetheart without the slightest
idea that he xvS thereby eavlng her lile-
Rut Then ft# saved it nnue the lees ; tot
old Madge had (alien asleep befots lb*
At* was discovered, and Uio aud Deny
must have both periehed if lloraoe Mait
land hadn’t slolim away the one, and tlie
firtmoa found the other. It was in Ibis
light Mr. Waiuwrjght viewed It, and *0
didn't tftke bank bis Meet tog.
Very lew ponons have beovv tu public
and active -Wf* any great length, of time
with, ut rsalU ng eoute ot J.he petty aniioy
aucce to which limit t>aßion espos.a
thetn. Hornetlmes thetr Vrwvde, act*, or
attpposert view* will he iniareptevented by
!h"t>* who, honest enough- In pnrposo, are
lefl-ient in attentfos of In i>wer to c>tn
jtTrtiwid. Homelime* envy or Intereat, or
blinded partisanship will distort ami ml*-
r*]>reiit. In tbl* way II may rt ms about
that tor the time, a man'* 'rliaracter, jtimi
iion and views tnsy be tn issppreherdrd
even by those who ate not unfriendly to
him. And thus be sutlers Injury. This
aectns to be m sort of Impost to which ev
ery public ttu-n is liable.
Ilow inch things are to flk treated L a
yrav question. H they arc of an ajjgrav*
tod cbaikrder, and Civute from a respond
b!e snuice. si live defense m -y become nec
i *saiy. It may be duly to out’s sell, to
Ms family, an i to ilie public, VO rail the
slenderer to judgment. But if little or no
raepoiisibiUty attaches to the author *M
calumnies or alaitdets.or if no puitlic intcr
r-st Is itab| to etifluf, it is better to let him
gabble sway till die thing curia luell.
The vlanderur, in liylbg lb destroy the
lopuUliou ot auother, will often Hod that
he bus been gnawing a tile, and that the
i-niy tlloel produced is the blautlug of bis
o*u teeth- On litv part ol tbu nsaknek.
tbl* cure may Kujutie eomu palieiM S,
jotce grace—bat in tha and it is uo doubt
the Iwtter Way to gwt abtny.
A repuUllun that has beet! huilt up by
ywos el -lea-ty and put.cut toil, mum he
i>!j p std to ; oescas suute powuf cl toi
aiice to osaeuit. When il was told I'lnto
Litlct (oft&iu individuals had uttered slatt
,!o * affa'nst ktm .he replied. I ahsll lake
care to lire*o that nobody will bilicve
ibfin. This tt flublo scntimeel; sud
t: ough altered i* u li'-sihen, it la worthy
of a placs among lbe utaxluie of t/brleiian
'I ben, 100, Id raatatalning this js*itiou.
a BU.U preserve bteOWn aeit reaftecl. A
li*ison ol some property ts [weeing along
tbs street, when a wMflal ruahos up to Me
held*, snapping and bulking furiously. Il
L annoying ; but whut scull lie do 1 Hbell
be i>ick up e boulder or club, and com
mence a pitched battle wttu the whiffet;
or tiha.l Us walk quietly along, ae<) lot it
l/ark away till it gets out of breath t In
the [oncer case be may succeed In IrigM
teutog it,n,aiming it, or even dashing out
ilebtaire. Rnttbc nuwt brilliant victory
adiit-ved in tbl* way will b*rdly coatpeo
sitt lor the Joe* oi sell ra*|a>ct lor being en
gaged in such a ridiculous war.
(Jn the wlyt'e, then, It nrvy Iw deamed
under ail ordinary circumstance*, pa
in-o By to pursue ike path of doty, and lot
r< i/utailnu vmdica.e itaell from *ll petty
W/iAMjyO FUN y llL-
Hall's Jootsal of UcallL.
Pet it on st once. Winter or imnmor,
nothing hotter can bs wore beat to the
skin than a loose red flannel shirt; boose,’
t>t It bs too at to more on the skin, thus
causing Uti’.a tios which draws the blood
to shs surface aad keeps it there ; and,
when that is tte case no one caa take a
cold; *fel,’ lor white flannel fills op, tnaU
togetL ar'kc‘4 become* tight, stifl, heavy
and impervious ; ‘woolen,’ the product of
a sis ep and not ef a gentleman of oolor,
not of cotton wool, beeswse that merely
absorb* the (ooirture from the surface,'
while as'i flsnncl conveys it irom the
• kin and deposits if tn drops on the out
aideo! the shirt, from which the ordinary
cotton shirt absorbs it, aad, by Its nearer
exposure to the exterior is soon dried
without ii jury to the body. Haring these
properties, red woolen flannel It worn by
sailers even In tLt m idtummer of the ltot
test countries. Wear a thicneg material
in summer.
* V | J J<^nr
In a r,orrery t herein all it life and laugh
instead of crying and fruiting, there it sure
Vi be hr. null’s Heby byrup. Pike
>H cea'i* a Lottie,
Il happened tbl other day on the
Ihigh Valley The train haJ Just
tell Easton, and Jhe conductor waa just
jfoing on hW flnttYoflnd, wheu ho observ
bd a srnail white dog with a bushy trail aud
i.lacti ayce siltlug Cosily on the a at hosido
* young lady, sofeaudaome ihat It mad*
Itia heart roll ovef like a one-aided pump
kin. But duly WM duty, and he remarked j
iu It is tuoal deprecatory manner :
* I'm Very aorty, (aadaut, but il’s agsinar
die rules to have dog ala the passenger
Ob, my I ie that *o f and eba turned up
beer lovely brewortyes at him beaecchin*-
ly. Whaft to tfW|*rl(| wflll dof I can’t
throw him assay* Mo k u proaenl Loui
rtty auou t - >
By n* meaue, %i*(. We’ll Just put him
In tb* baggage <tif aud he’ll be Just u*
liatHiy aa a tublujitt tsprlag.
vVUatt put m/cloa Uttla whita dog in
a nasty,‘a tad;, uagtraga car f
I’ut awful sorry, miss, 1 do atsure you,
but the ruic* ol Ihte Cos tu poor an a* inflex
ible as the law* ot the Modes and t boat
other tallows you ksow. Ha shall have
my uvo icat to lu* ou, and the br akamsu
shall give him grub aud traiat every lime
bo opens hi* mouth.
1 just think it’* awful moan, to l do ;
aud I know somebody will steal it,so they
will; and the showed a halt notion to rry,
which neatly brake the oundeclot’e heart;
blit ho was Hr in, and sang ont to a brake
titan, who was playing u solo ou tlie
strive :
lime, Audy, tak<> this dug over into the
baggage cat aud Util 'em Ij take juat thu
litat kit.d ot care ot him. .
The young Ldy pouted, but the brake-
Ulan reached ovur’aml picked the canine
uj' as teudeily as Uiough It was a two
week’* old bahyfbut ns be did Ho a strange
ttjueeaiou came over hi* lace, ItStnt Wave
ot eratnp colio, aud h a aid hastily to the
conductor: x
Here, you take him * irinutAilll put
tine poki i away, and he trolled out at the
<ar door, and In-Id on tbit brake wheel,
shaking like a man with ague.-
Tlie conductor no sooner had his hand
on the dog than ho looked around tor a
hole to tall through.
IV i, -b why, this ie a worked deg I
Yea, ate, wild the little miss, dmiuiely ;
didn't you kuow that f
No, I'm most awful aorry to aa) I didn’t
know tlisl ; and lie Lid the worsted d"g
down on th* owner's lap and walked out
ou tlto piuttorm, where ho sided had ati
hour lit llie cold, trying to think of a hymn
tune to suit the worst Bold man on the
Tho Baltimore (JaftolUr argues lhat, a|lr
t!i firil til January, high prices will In
tb* COUW ljucaco of a|reelt: rrMiinpfhm and
Cold Inflation. Ilsaya: Price* will go u,
becainte there will be (200 00 ) UQU of gold
r<W Idle wbltb will be (xaotlQally rrmiu
•'ir.ed by reeumpllon, and tliln f2OO 000.-
000 unit tw uasd. iiot there wilt bu n
burry to gat rid Of It lor fear of I'* depre
ciation. The price*, therefore, wl'l
not be sudden, but gradual and *tea !y, un
tiHbey reach tba point ol erjitillbrlnm with
the enlarged volume ol money. Thin rl<e
re price* wrMald be inevitable aecn it price*
were now at their vormal condition | but
there are rcaaona for believing that they
are unnaturally low, due to the nnprecu
deOted magnitude of (be-crope during the
tba fa*t few years. Not during thirty
year* hat the coat of article* of prime sw
ceaelly IR-au mi low. Flour, baoon, *ng*r,
coflee and clothing are at the minimum,
ami these drag other yal|MM down, Any
change ought to advene* p low, and- H I*
more than probable that Ao huarneea of
ibe next lew mouth* will b*r conducted
rifreu riiwg market*. The i*>or man wili
c*tah it, a* utual, uuliro* hi* mean* of pur
cbaalugad vance with (he ad van c hi price*
A young counUytaan and lie wife (new
ly married) came to the city ycaterUay to
•ao the ogbt* and ’taka in’ the fair; they
had never been ia the city together before,
arid were unacquainted with atreele or lo
calities. Tbp hutband left hi* pretty
yormg wjfc at the dollar stare While ha
want to leave hie mala and cart at a wag
on The w(le became tired pi watt
ing for her absent lord Add ettoOt to Until
Uiu> i but not kt owing io which direction
to fpo (he wandered ofl and aoon wa lost.
When the buabaud returned and found
hi* wife mining ha became frantic and du
dared that her beauty had dazzled aotne
city chap who had decoyed her away. He
♦earthed ail about the city and could not
ee er hear of hi* lost lore. Mccliug per
none be wculd-ask : Have you aeen my
yougg wife ? .lie la a pretty girl and you
can tell her. Finally the htjaband, iq much
trepidation and with feaiful foreboding*,
bis bye* filled with tear*, sought the po
lice-j In a abort time two kind officer*
fouitl the truant wife walking about the
street* liSe a lovt dove aeeking lu mate,
aad the 1/viug couple wte aoon in each
oib<*< soma, vowing never to ‘aeparate
Uonjone another again.’-[Montgomery
, Advfrtlacr.
Be wrac in tune and procure Ut. Bul.'a
Cough Hyrup, which alwaya cure* Cough*
and Cold*, and prevenU conaumption.
i Frige* 20 ceoUr a bottle.
A gentleman who ha* been connected
with the Virginia prcaa bom the time the
Moftett law went Into eft,rt until last'
March, gives tho to:lowing arguments
against It, ami ahnwa tnat It ls a decided
LitUiTo in tha t>'.d Dominion s
First—lt is a species ot class legislation,
hleli taxes .ne b sncU ot tadilstry and
oue (i<u ot mcrc.haL.dite more ihaii anoth
Second—lt ie an Inoiwratlve law, tor It
is dependent upon the Aonasfy of the deal
er for it* beneficial results, and where one
dealer honestly turns th* creak hundred,
ol others w ill cheat the Btatc.
Third—ll las law which gives a dinKon
ast dealer a great pecuniary advantage
over an honest dealer, and thereby onoour
aec* (Uahontisiy,
Fourth—lt doa not bring Lto tha
Treasury of Ibo State of Virginia a* in k h
money an did the ohl atylo siiecitlc. tax ii
oenoe, lor th* oust of the nsaokiaee, Hi* *X
it* jn todog necoeeary to a collectton of
the revenue under the Moffett system, the
extra lon* required lor raid collection and
numerous other expenses cl law rojise
iji ul u|>oii the enforcement ol the law,'
ekt up any profit that may be dot ivtd by
lye new mde over the old, even it one
hail of the dealers lu the Btato honestly
obry (he law.
The tame writer state* a plain lai L flo
s*y* tf liquor I* to l> taxad aimve other
iitcichandtte to raise revenue, no law ran
lie cdcctnal In accomplishing sneh an end
if Its anlou i-uient depends upon the hnn*
city ol tho dealer*. A heavy ijreciflc tax
is Uie ooly satesnard agahift violation ol
l lie liquo' law. If whisky is such a
> arwi to the Btato. aU-iILU the manulac
ture tad -ale ot it. If it ta to bo taxssl as
a* evil or e luxury, h-t ell other evils aun
luxuries be taxed In proportion, lor equal
taxaiiou is the most Just aud popular law
of evely land.
It Is furlhsr stated that l)r. Moffett '*
the only |rou benefited by the law, end
Hist ft Is genui ally regarded a* a blunder.
Thu conclusion reached is that the Ides
that the tax levied under this ohjectloua
hit-fif not unrnnatituti nsl) laws comes
nqt of the consumer, I* a false one. It
come* out ot die deal er, became he cannot
raise the pnea of his goods on account cl
it, except U) Ilia own detriment Any Hlite
that adopts eur h a foolish law will regret
It Virginia will repeal It st the next sei
10u ol Its Leglslatuiiif— | AugnU Chroni
• - ■ 'i • ■—lXMPWwm**—Me
A Cool (laiidur.ter,
I don’t know whether you would call it
coolness or hrntun Impudence, and |X?r
lugiS It dos’t matter ; but lor wlist your
Fi) m hirian understand* liy noeclialence,
anil in it* inoet pei leei lorm ot develoj
ment, commend u i to I’ete Frost,aforetime
l abnectvd with the I’oitland A Uuckflc.ld
It dlroaJ, In Maine, tml now serving the
B. (V F. tunning out fri>m Boston. It was
yc*ta ago when Frank O J. Binltli had
put the Brookfield branch Into running
order, and had built a atuamur to connect
with Mexico and Ruiuford on Ut Ainlros-
C"ggln. F.OKI was oue of the first conduc
tor) en the load. Uo seemed to think he.
coijld d r lve a-i engine as he bed been in
tho habit of driving on the North Witci
tori Stage coiich. llm flr*t grand operu
tlol wa* to oolUds wißi an engine and ten
dell between Minot and IL-bion, by which
botii engine* were eaaeutls'ly sma*hed.
IL* n<-xt bri liant exploit wav clow to
BookO'di), when he ran plnutp Into a
f:eight train.
Jgr. Hojih thought that would not ans
wer, and he droifred a polife note to Frot
informing him that hi* eervicrw wotil I be
| longr-r requited on the road. Away
po4ed Fete to Fortiaud, Ariding Frank O-
J. i*l the old Jtlm liouie.
tir. Mmith, a*od he, plntuply and ur
hlufUiDgiy, I with to he rein*tateU on your
\f hat I czclalujed the governor. Ful
you back on that road f
Tfie*. *lr.
I}uit you again a* conductor I
Bkactly, air.
Bl'a* me ; and you have a'rsady irnsvlj
ed dp three engine* for n, betide* ondan
germg many live* I *
Yim air, and tot that very reawm yen
ougkt to pul we back tbvra. 1 have cow
Icaried the trade. You can truat me. It
anybody hti a <iueitiy.ii ab -ut the proprie
ty of Uying to put two cnglnH ahead on
the 4amc back,and in oppu*4e ditcc'lou*,
it ninot kr me, alt. I tried It twice, and 1
knojr—lt—can't—be—done I
l 4 was Po good. Yhs twaia took sonts
thiug la Charley’s hsck psrlor, and Pete
Froit wras rsinstatod. That was mure than
a scire oi years ago. Pete Las been ralj
roa lug ever since, aud has never met
willianother acchluul. Iu lacthe is sc
cou <ud sue of the best conductors run-1
r.ingout IrOtfl Boston.
Meriwether Coonty. f Noy. 6t1i,1878
Mfai. *t. ft*tier has spplfed lor exemp
tion ft porsoDslty and settiog Tlpart aud
valu ktion of Homestead and 1 will pas
upod Uc same at 10 o'clock, a m. on the
4ih */ of December, 1878, t my office.
1 j O- M.C-
Tha runt (x-Mpto of MKltlftWßrMEll
COUNTY will leeoisa a m-cat ouedtai srak-
C. Uio iu LA O ItANU if at
W* O. Gholscm**
WAREniOUdE, SLlla.and Htoch Tar 4
where they can weßh their oottoa M tE*
best Pairbeiika scale* aud pot than a leak
|U a goud.atabla,
Well SupDliod
with every acoomaodatiuni and *U Ikak
Oolton lor tba fugheat price.
Auy one eatllug ou mo.wko does oat
hoi this tiuo will out b* ahargad a*y*
ihiug. . .
With thank* Tor pest AtvofafaxA •!
lag others, I aot your* most truly,
rviSni LaUraoge, Om
lf lit redaction and WoHd-reaCwaed
reputation wae tba diAtb-blaw to bigb<
priced auoblaea.
,J 2! 'h'aaWß.’ffiS'WiS
:ss gga.tgfis.'tt c.’ts'.g
srss sa'jtffs.vffffsa
aWrW,KtW.°.MML , “*
tie coNtiaucnoN ieiwfn, roiinvg MU
D *t“* woKM*MHiMi ufttuaractio. #
Do sot Huy any other boford try\
lM the WHITS.
Prices andTcrms Hade SaMctor?
White Hewing MaeMne Ow
It. U.|Ai>AlH‘aruMtvii,ui, Ua,
Agent for tire above Machine* for V*rV
wr tlwr county.
iVtluiita Fa’jcr
ArukMik Own,
ALL 817 on and VTeltfxU-
Addreu JAH. OliMoNl), Proprietor.
Ibrfer to this i: sue as a Hpocirueti of h •
The Oifg-tii Wisr.—A 100 ll> khwt
If any man Insults your common sense
by ofluiiug a first class V btop Organ for
• ■. ii ’■ lie spot.” All neew>
slty for buying such lufurior Organs It lor
ever done awsy with, sl< Cush or |UB
on Ka*y Terms m.w buys a msgnifiorai
Mason ifa mlm I’arlor nr Obarch t>rgaa
w itli Fjur Hu* wd Fhr Mo),* Tn £le.
gMt New Style Ow with iUurntnat+J
4iylo of Case ever
produced.— Special Of Cr to Introduce this
ucw Htjrlo.—*-nt on trial.—Guararilsed
for a lifu time—lf#nto*l until paid for.—
Oibu acu stjiss just oi t—Unatrated cat £i<e Adt'ieaa LbiiDCN 4k
l*\ f EH, Huv'ftuijiih, Ou., M|iiyl>H;tufty l i
VV ho es*l Agents lor the Houih.
tmUJi * Worm 4 M,
Afbetia, Qa., Dec. g, 1877,
AIW ulslds Wsas, I t*rs tty sue on* doss ol
ll Woos Ufl, sad next day a# passed sfttesa
laras eureu. At tbs him Mbs I gav* owstces is
taj hkle girl four year* oM. sod th, passad It
Worlds from 4 IJ lucii<w long,
Pijpaiod by Ifr KM Bmith Lyndon
AtkAl. tin,nix Kor Bsie by J. E O
T£KJK£LL Jc ttd.
NO 50.