The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, December 06, 1878, Image 2
i’HK VINDICATOR Wm T lUrtl* ftliu* and Proprtetor UUKLVVILftM, PUIDA Y. Dec f, 1818. CoogiatoMtoaitrted Inat Monday. Mr. Wm T llev ill he* tempo* *r|l> re bed Ironi the editoltel ol lb* Meriwether Vouttealor. end hi* "“'h er win **eu >•< c**""" 1 ‘-l i* 1 *P*' r < *° ' * bU at*oc. — Gp&* Neat ‘•Chhii," yt’l* |MBg °* *** i\H*t bigb’u lb# Mu. K**ih i* ha wile end not hU meld*.’. /art lell “<*•■ leold eeouh u* he her bu*b*nT n. <h-r. whtn he U-e’i, *od you'd catcu * leal ol drank* 1 ligbto ug *< hijt * harrcl ■ I‘h—ugrtpl- Met lob# kino* *• 1 “rd • ler,*Wkp**Hg l * l*dy *h"‘ ‘ hlrt J' y*en (bet >nM.*ay tl**t b (the jr /ungei) bed beeu * umUai to bh, Jo her etwpllcb %y Intending It e* * t*n|.llm*ot. Bveo e* we ihougbl ■ ur l.t>.*r of the Orlflln fit no tu ell loooeeote, weald honor ur Uy cel>l tig ur IS * mother ol the VtaDtoAT- B. ABd BOW** the Pktnmjrmpk to leelßn- H* tbet to n ant to e*T w* • growing old. ID I oo yon brother ChrUtepher to diepell ee pleeeeet eo lllontou. Otoi Wwi.litei.toit lyTtlor. 4 Vt AttHIWMT tB, D. C, Jtor., gOtu, I*7B. u VtnAttaivr ! Tu* M C’e •* coming la rather ktnwlg *• congree* coi.rme* next Muedey end ftun.tey l *“•/ IntertenUig bellie now end the day *ff **>*uibllog el U*it lug>i t h dy. ** r .'*• H ‘ “* Belt ot Georgia, mtumf I**l B '*'•** 1,1,1 * f * (lopping at the BaUouah **•*'• B pbrnt *btl lllouot h** b*Bi her* <:V*r*l figyk *nd at# *te> nt lb* Nrttouel. Gt>- o*ok, who cem* on l*t w**h, I* n* H* Xbbrtt. lh*t* tofU.* d*!*r'toe **•'. pmbap*. b* In to-night. Tltot port too ol th* Ueorgit ftategaiwn now b*r* toob t*g remarkably w *ll end torn *bl* to nt dargo nay *aotßl ol hrl work. Mr. Hie pk*o k locking tteHai th*n b* did on* **r ago. T*-d*jr b* rode ap to tl.* II u aad b*a b*cn b wjr all day on imp* r tool ■Mttora ol lagkiiattoo. Co'. Blounl f.* ba*n busily *ng*g*d on lb* approptUtlaag aad hi* c-itun.llir* will w rtmly l premni ball * da*it ol lb* moot Imi or *rt appro priation bill*a*t wttk. w ,;l ** read on Tuawlay nod Wrdneedey. U 11 mcmlwu would worn Ibto way much lia poriant Irgli allon wt tild h* hid Iwlrot Clirlttvei. Col. Qarru go*i to w*rk btrd work—on Tue*dy. TU* knowing •m* think that bk* commlUoe, Way* aad Maana, will a<H dbluth lh* land tb* *| - pieaobltM Mtaloi). Tb* dmK:i die party ere by no mcen* a uniton ib* keubi ol tbl* aboiolnaliou of d**olUn. It I* amtiilii* to notice lb* wnctr’aluiy ol many member* in regard to llielr abid ing place* ou l heir #r*t arrlral. They •top nut *Ub* :*odlug h.dela. atoy a day or two, tlitn try ob**(wr hoarding hour** and at lit* *nd ol a week locato at the ebeapmt quarter* fiat • congremman will condo*renc to cc< apy. Th*a* rei *.led change* *t* partlctilarly trying to the pa tience ol the Poet Office clerk* who** bue- Ino** It U <) l* ready at all hour* nl the day to gl**,without a moment’* herlteltoo. The t reel** tre*t and nno ber ol o?*ry Bar mho*. Tow rarer* ha* Idea of the nuro br of application* boarding house kwp ki Mod to CoD|tHin*ii to cill and *x amine foom* to root “elthe.* with or with* not Hoard,” W* had,at th# City ’> Office Ik's morning, * c* r d lor each irem br from three diflrreul boarding house*. There ere #OO mrmby* ol the House, *o there war' 900 letters from lha a, S woo’d be teadlofda and landladies There are no maoi’Lcinrieg csGbllshmrn's ol any cbaractr rln Wsehlngtoo. ao that it* 1V 000 sou's mutt roa’n'ain Hie on the profit* realized hem “taking boarder'.'* Nw, tbe ethic* ol there people are that a oon - greaaman r.a be made lo pay ® ,,r tber anyone. and beace tbe mat eagerncei to capture one el the?* yentry. Wbrn I am booored with a tea'. In the Nation** Hall. I aha!l oom% to my preaent quarters aad engage board betar* l let be known that lam one ol tbe netion’e lawgivers. Oh, were I only a congreesm n I con Id tell many thlo t that our members never tbitk ot There la much imrroYerreot going on bare that will atdl turthar beautlly and atloin tbe city and when all our eolona gtt piopatly nettled down It ie p op<wed to •lee year rubscrlbere deacrtptiooa of many ot the woodeitel tbmga to be men In thie great capital. Great not mHa population, but it* Imposing building, tMiHcMI aeenuea acd grand, extended parka and aquaree. The rada here are threatening to take tba ballot Irom tba negro because be eoter nU orer the Booth tor tbe democrat*. Let toot reader* sake a note ot tbia, ae a bill wilt be Introduced on this line Monday or Tuesday neit by Page a radical horn L*ls- tom lk. ... A* tbe alorj riler Mjfi to thto tottor, To be oonliaoed. W. T. R. Tbo committee torlif***oc tboeaodoel o! Ge?en>or CetonlU ca<lof*tof bo traded theNoilbeatoer* ~ ha* aoi repO'Ud, bo* tbe mtpntaetoa to that obi"g wroe* t*m bo trooo4 to Ue Execatlr*. He oertaioly be4 r^deotbo^ ■t to Mietatß tbe eoaoreeaieot te k** piper. Aodttlke<piayeerUii that bo no oooaeoUon WRb at kuowlodfO oi tbe Mpby toe. limnrrii am* • - ft ie Mtimeisd that tb* Oedartown m*-- chaoto afeippc i S3<OOG- worth ol cotton tart Monday. It tten*t>(ee* that the mule that bottod with Wrnie Urmptoo .’b* dry wa* •imply doing the o>et act iu Hr *’ new fto-ill.erti policy.—lt*e.^d. Ticket n untm M drew tb* fl * jdano ■rfll drt the Mr. n Krtr. Mr* / -h-u HonUnC .*( A.lUnr. T*ur-., war lb* lock* holder. Th* ■ tdl'.rry t the Orinnett coun y ir*uoi 24 tneirUc* Vb brliaii toeo<. H.ruuh..Ly going to get up Uwi *y. Madiroo bar f'rt/ rrirri lagebl* yrning Ir dl*a, and an Altrnla yaong nmtt eaya * i g<d*y to cut t down to it t kfi'.r him. We bojw k wtlL--Phoo*- graph, j i idge Brewer ray* tl at rr b*4nt to tb* ror'riiiio.'l .l line i dull rt p'er'-nt he wilt i rorngt a t a ehiooin. Yum g man think ol IhU in ducement,—• liec.rd. Tiw propH ol the Wh.U I'lal.,* Circuit mm angiowg to bar* Her. W. ' P L *e jy r*h.n lto Ibam try the n*i year. M'. L’* ability nih*pali-ti la noque. i hrood.—reco.tmro Herald. O i Monday *ato, Iba l*b ot M.ream bar, Mr. J. W. Dlchana. < f mir eon ily. I*t IvimUm ■ Iwlea <•! **•<! an*l tbf** <d l*l cot ton, J.I/jO burliei* ootum **-jdA**eral bldr cod am* Impor'ant larm UMjia by A e. The Mrdlaon Home J *ofr *1 nominatea i, H. Krtlll tor Ou?ern>r. M . Klbri-tge, lb* m-called, ol Atlanta. h*a thorough y *apto*4 by ttoorge T O awlord. It la now annonne*!, on the rut mrlly'ot an **rniln< .1 pby*h iru, * tbr! tt I* U* lbr twlute rti lit o’etoch in th* morning Tbia appltea truly to en. Vt Iyer, ill# raid, itoihr at non rod •tail ibe Are a> her*tolore. The llartiltton ("arrlr root.l. ) J-.tirnel mukn lit* rauaitik remnh. tb >t I<n Mr id.*iatln, It IwliaT.w the Car met* ol Hr lit tie petting In a larger grrin otop than urual, nnd II ihe low i rice of cotton rl.rll lure* ihe Hoolltora i.o| I* to folly tnrerli gata the ri, t dlency of dlrerriAod farmlog, wa cm. lull r;ar 111 ar bh riug m <IH gui*e. At a meeting Of llie roWgtogrlton ol the Cent ■ el Pr**b|-Wl*n Ch irrb of Allrnlt, on Wr'tu <lay rtraiilng, l!e Dr l.ltrUh wa* pretent, and In k law remarha ien<hw derod hi* rnilgntliiin. Ilia action war to dt-cad by th* oourr* <1 IU i) ymel, to •**- laiublg til* ap|>al ol Mr. llhrek, In Hie wall knows dancing caars ll* r*ld A church once mart romped and peif* tly orgmlwnJ I* i owr i't* Wed. Onoa lie bad bo|i*d Ibe breach nhgbt b* loded nntler hi* tain laity .hot U* had hte* C\ a.Hmia 01. amt tie*priced ol • terult. I* the lac* ol Hi* eai o*t rml*Uiic* ol Irieodr, he bad drierßiiiiail to mlgc. U, thl* Mite* he btlkvtd tb* |wace and unity ol the < lnj ioh royld lie tierl |U>>m<ii**l. lie ha I no partijr auihiiio.. to gr .lily. Th* g.-frlmt laeor th* emild *itond to him would he ratend a warm and cordial hull I to all who had willul Wt tro.n Ilia comrauuton ol the church. Tim Allant* C matiiuitoa ray* : Tu* bil low log latter appoat* in tb* CoOHtituiion, •nd lr • p!cndid aud •pmilao.-oua tribute In Umrgia’i *poUe*a Ooveroo'. It ia aign *d by ofer a buodrvd ol the ft' rt citiscu* of Albany. Albany, Oa> Noeembri 81, 1878. To Hi* Kxtelleaey, ‘ Allied H. Cos quitt. Governor ot Ucnrgia, Atlanta : Dear Bii :—Eery Georgian and true pa triot ought at ell tlinea, to feel tntereeted in maintaining the unblemished character ot lb* chlel executive ol our Stale tr ee alai d> r and mloepicsenutlon. Tour r celieucy baaing been Identified w ith tine lec’Kin ol Georgia by long residence, and endeared to our people by a Hie In our mtdat of consistent | teiy. unquestioned lo trjl ilj, and taithlul discharge of every pri va'.c aid puhlic duly, it b, therelore, ot a e conceive, our duty, aa well as our aorU ot leafjtt) urter our stroi.g condemnation ol tbe recent attempt to injure your char acter and to express our unshaken cot fi deuce in tbe purity ol yon imldlr w>d |ri aate lile. U would seem (hat ao exalted position, uua|H>ttd ebarecter or past pv'riolte aer alcs can exempt a man from detraction ; lor. If ao, then Ihe occasion that has glren rise tw this letter would neter bare occur red. With undtaitalsbed trewt la your faith* lulneaa and abtlKy as our Goaermr, and with great Love and respect tor you per sonalty. The Washington correep ndsut of the Philadelphia T ime* say* t The Army, of course, ir fw Grant to a man. It Is Uirly represented by General B'irrman, between whom and Grant there is an Inexpitcvbte attachment. Sherman has said ever I cite G rent's last term ex pired thqf tbe omintry would have use for him yet in the ProsiJeutiai chair, and h* has alwaya expressed the belief that tbe Republican* would nominate him la 1880 and ‘bat be would he elected. He bat said wlthhi two day* that tbe country wt rapidly aettling down to Use belief that Grant waa the only araa who could bring aafety and coafideace. General Sherman doea net represent ar- m T natimeot. Tbo army to not "for O'ant tea man.* A caaraaa <i (be aeatimeat woalJ prore Uib: General Sherman want* Grant beeauae he beltotcs ta tbe Pratoatoa ryitem. HU attachment to Grant to not Inexplicable. They both belle** to got anting the cooatry by anas aud camp*.— Qnrrn Jmm*l Ibe Iwne of Mr. jiirr*. It wa* road ya*tord*y fo* both Inm of Ongrem. Th* loicsoadowiag *1 k* con worn by te e ;rroat get* w th* Idm tb t H wa* to be a rad hot paper, M a* poV lit bed, hia ry lame, commooptoc* aad t utinea* d*cumet- # girt It Im io’l. Tbanka >r iotaxa*d lot a bouatoo Vtop, He ai * tuantioo to th* y*Mow term ravage* *ad -rb* u omrity ot aalttwnl •**- itrry n jp^gtioo*. Tb* ponton i*tollog to the Sheath la aot teegtby. ll* rlladcr to ; amandmeeu, jitUw ate.ul th* liberty cl auffiage, aad tb j> at tc* there h* beer * inter too* <1 the#* I .w* In tb* ’a * aiecU m, mpecUlly in rswolb Carolina aad !>*,!** ■, *n<l Ware* tb* . ( eiion ol CoagictatoMi •><- to* fra..da wph th* Boor*. U* I* ■ l th* <*jfnion th* (ecttoo* ar* mnr* peaee ui and are being < rrwn tocoiher. The rur*org girm tb* poWte debt on Nor I i.l**' a-b is I'm Trtrwry, *t|2 • QMMAi) tft which abowß a do>***** ~1 23,150,81,73 J the foot fiscal y**r. ad vir<* M change in th* ft uncial onaet meet*, and ia gratifiod l tbo l*rp taking* ol the our |or cent hood*. Mr ftotl lh* pmeut law* n.ootd be gi*on toll trial. Tu* flatting award la* ha*n pftH, tb* I tcraattowal n.ot*ry error*'.it o pr . o': 4 crcalleat >*MiW. Aanoat r***oo* </f tb ye* t bn* b** s3u7,TT9ft7ft, 79. **- peornr fZt4 SBJ,3vfi,ftO - ro'plor! fMTTtKI Ml, W lf tat I* oa with Amo, <ona powort a it plaaaaut. il boa wwwatbsog ta my nb**t Mnicw an* tb* ImrOrw. wttor* to* oooc*n iralmo ot iroui* iwenaind moot* irob*. rtonlb Au< *r torn Mnimbun*, Cb na. Jrpan and tba eg) odittoa ate'Ot to iear* lor A bi rr. Por ton y** th* t*4 ag* of gul war |St,7fM,IPld. and ol *tlf*r flM.lttfift. *nd and ul the latior, only ar* to i in uirtton. Tl n •ii****gr rotor* to lb* tatornrUonai |hml*l tuovnnlrtn end th* n*carthy el changing *um* CUMUin toot to enrt**- pond. Tli* Ie lltn* ar* mWlinner! aad Ua 1 bl.a tb* lot* rw mil War l)rpn Unan't hire don* w. JL fl# wants i ’ongrr** to plno a fund In th* P'urktenl’t band* tor rod !** buir k Mii K* In tedtan mrilarr, ftcburt'r timbai ia -p.Aea oi and *dcothßi t* t***t. •■1 In ib* ti<ul ryle. Kwrooragcmenl ol agrh oitwr* U highly Imporlrnt. horn* teghlaih-n regarding th* DtoirMl ol o*lum hi* i* i*c'wnmißd*it. Tbia to M>* tom amt *u hat anew •>( a d-onment Utah cover* ptriity ol *p* *. Ofl lh* wto>to th* m***ag* rnnvryr lh* ldß 11 *t Mf. Hay** to |w*uy wall mii-A*d with him**if ,ti Crhiaet an-1 th* (itarttoo. and n. -thing part mu lar ataoot which to grumtiln *ac*a*ily **o*pt th* Ibroth.— Any. ‘ va. kinaca- Amnb aa TirWf wm a Tteirft Twvwa. Tbs*f>rrer d*t KUit CtU, Stirling la one J It* srh-les lo the eomaaents )made by some of the Republican organs upon the*o ol UtaetaJ Great lor the P csideeey by the *olid Ninth, says t A rumor whispers tbs caadl daiure of General Crept. BbnaH it bar pen, It It m I Improbable ’hat it would e* cure a portion of the tolored eoia. Bet, adtmliing that there !a a eolld Jfottb. K Is doubtll whether It mm'd soU tly sepport the Ueneral h*r tbe Pesldeoey. It wooM tie * ry difficult t>r Urn Republic™ party to uniie upoo Ibis nominalkoo it* ou st prominent tenders n*it lie ng Qr .nt men There is, especullv, one ol tble number, b > is probably the ureagtst, but ceiuin ly the moat influea'.lsl, who ha* erected a banitr between him sell sad the predecet #'>r to Mr. Ilayee. It is Mr. t'. exlwg, U is be who said that Ml nei Ora t lied ved that he costa depend mi llie su-p-nt ot tbe Ftrlers! ermy, be world nvt he*llso to in-ure by l.vrce ot aim* the race is ot tbe Republican conspiracy la tbe In tali - tmn id M .II r)*. It wa Mr. C. kin: who ad situ Tbaoba to tbe en t t-iI commiwio >, It ha br-e i atta a'l by such mems i hat when they th> y become kno*a they will condemn Mr. Graath admiaHtratfex. After all this I woo’d be ebsurd t>i suppose that M*. Cook ling end hl< trletids would su,<p >ri Gea. Grant for a third term; lor M .(Jonk- Ung is not a tr fi •*. It Is not merely the opposition of Mr. Coakllng aad his trbnds that Geo. Urani’a candid sc r w oald receive. When tba Gee eral tell for Europe, his pubic Me aee considered euded, and out ol •naaidee.itton bte lormer set vices aad respect hr tbe American nstae, by a soil ol implicit coo seat, a proto tud silenc; waa oba tveu as to his political e<reer, aad a 1 vtteriag veil was tliMwa ova his etgbt yesre* a mini • tratiou ol coitap'.iea aad deapoilsm, h> which be seriously coeapcomlead tbe boa* or *ad prospeiby <1 the couauy. But lb* Tory n oment when tbe leaders of tbU ex eerable admini*trlioo shall attempt t. b lug him back agsm hit pnmiuenoe, tbe re me >a bra nee ut his pael career will be revived, aad a cry will lie rawed *o detea* their audscio.ia and shstaaful schema. Tbe Talb *ta Register :Am uodsaslly large area ot both wheal aad oate ie belay seeded down ibm fall. We ae*e as rwlorai ia the old methods that more aUeati.w I* be ag paid la putting tba graui aader. Tba groend L being cats felly prepared, ia mm fe*e eu’jeoi’ed; cotton wed aad ot! • the teed grain bee ia evmy ieaiaacs bma carelalty selected, bo wdbeach prepara tloaN aad a greatly enlarged acreage, we map expect plealMal bWFOTM aaotber yett* LONULEY 4 ROBINSON. irrMEbßiiiz PJUnno Mn*Lß,~| AMD MAAUPACTUKMRB OF DOOBB, BASH AMD 8C15D6.A 4 D ALL KLNDH OFMCILDtMH MATLKIALS. Bivwg onwyptotod o.r lerUmaa Ur aaaolactaruig Doors, Saftb ftp A Blinds, W h** a;*i* r*.!aerd our pneea to a poiat that wil! doty all tompeftti n, an J rw we aak th* palmoage it ikr yMr. W Uav* aywred to upwN in th* porch*** <* impvored Moctonery. aud bata 4Sn yrris ned ibat no %.**, N rth ot tto-nh, ahnt &r wb gu>d- ie irw one, ol tb# aaus* uuu iiy, < heoytor thru we We ai( have aw>band • la>g rtorii o aertcru wad* While Cim Cmtfcto, whidt Vfsit nrl at 00. W* are atoo U* only agoot* tor Use Which ttic |Hi-iiiUt4 Ui U U*# tn ia iu# ttiirtft. E/T dtmd Um ptiem HU mmbj k c*afO. LONG LEY mad ROBIVSOV Pac*. ar-0-m*r lUtlor aad Oiitnor rV A1 ftaAVTA, tiA oaiAMxn h —IS Lmjd *uek O HOW ill OW MKTUUiJI'M i.T tttOU- UiA. Iu th* Alban* Dwtrtei M- * H. W. Big ham. Pr a* to ug Bld* (Oporta to tb* k'lrt* UrWfUlnatonMMiti '* eight boa died ao.lMnew to Ua* cbnich*. In bat f**~ U cl 'torlwg lb* p**t €*>l*(fMW* year ; It** W. r. Cooh tl lh* Auseta Dl.liid, given ta • S*rrO ta<-r*aor ol n mb*rrt:ip ; K v T. f Pair** ol lb* Aagu*u Pi liter re* la* rtf Mf wJ.lll.'i.i in tb* cu.rt r ; IU /. W. mi.* :!•*. ttohUMf* Dwrncir •* port* fto9 *drHthjo* ; l>r B ri- g ♦*! *h* fitlfll* Id Met, r- (•( n tb./uran-l eon vrrtowa <wtg ite |*a fr~; ami Kv, Jim W. lUtot ol ib* L ltoang* Ittrtrwt fapoiU ftbh occ.w-l >m to tb* eburrb** in b Dbillet tor th* t</il€ am year }#i (■**' Tba* lfrr. Ilrfl i*|.n* ol tbr Piratdmg ft Im to C- nlr-x* too It •'**!* In M r • tt*. wany of atom i*p n great 1 but giV* Bo figure*, wr 1 mm ib*< Ibe tocrrwu ol H. na*<uheral.lp u tb* Mrtbodtal mu rb 11. b*a toe daring the part year t*w a tbito md tout th-wtand. r Tb* r*>ir* id .'iutOa, th* c-dor <1 C H ol Mla.iraip, i, a. and bl* *U* lr - Itoir Koi.'fMrae t.-wr, **d lb*tr p*i ara- Uonr to b.o** vvping ia W bin*um iala wm'vv. w *t'tng quit* a fi lut in ta*hlaw*hi* i Irrlva ol tba nati .natm< tr 1* - to A Waal'..gloat rrrsfM/i >lnt f th Cbtcagn four <brwi m, a Ttorv te ao*w* wctel aghatioo b* ar wllb rega'd t<> ibe *■*>.*> In wl Kb Mr*. Bruoa will b* r# wired b*ra by th* *ll* Of Wnetongv.,, Hit* kul ft* (OrtOftal a.itoir a t—— ftetocaow. ftw* •* a tebno'teaebrf in Cleveland, t>al her bo - baed baa ai-Actent wealth to gratily aav letie she aisy have ia tba way ol perwmal sde amaat, ami It It whiapered that a waidfvba purebaeal by ber 1# El op* would lie p< is -.1 by any t nor tn llaa. I ie ari of • filial VlMj teue b*f. (bat ail ibs Cabinet la>lies, and tba wives of Cuayfammea, shall make the fi st call agon aHs nalor's eitr, aad the wivaa <*l Uw older Be. atara always aife tbe eppfo xb to a a. •(usiniaoc with tbe wives of new PenakHS. Mrs, Btuce will experieoca an emhatra<emavit Irom tbe ireeiment the wli: receive Irom Mr*. Kva-t*. Mr*. Blwt nan aad tba o*,b-r Cthlnet laiwa, and If a H tya iaieods to m >ke Mr*. Broca it a'ooce bv her eor Hal grvwtinr. It Is raid ihat Ms, Bruce will be levited to atleed Mrs. Hays at tba first President! li raws, - lioo." Tits civil tights bill ku tieaa given e stan-re const rod ins by Judge Alexan<*e Itivee <d tbe U. 8. Di.iriet tor Virginia, that a eolared mao is not tried by his peers unless there are aegroes to tbe Jury box The decision grow out tbe trtel of Harwell sad Lee Reynold*, ottered brothers, tot tbe mar. let ol e white men, Aaron CJthe'- t.. They athed tbe Htate Circe It C >rnt lor a jury ol both whites aad Marks, hot were related Ibis pet It too, as ao peon' could be oil, red that the white jurors were prejudiced or Incompetent. Their prayer that the case he removed to tbe United Spate* Coarts waa atao denied. A Jury of white twice trying the dm if reed la tbe case of ose nvotber, bot! eeatereed the other lo eight sea years la tb* United Sutea Circuit Own, oa the g*ou and that black* were iliega-'ty exc'od ed Horn tbe juiy. Be has raised qei’e a araswtioa tauag tbe lawycra of tba Stale by greeting tbe | ryer, fine, keeaeae tbe prisoaere should base had tba special j try they waated, and were ae* tried by their peers wiik only whites ia (be box, sad furthermore, bocaaoe their pet* few tor a removal lo tbe United Biwaeeeutts ended -tale turisdicltoo, aad nulliAad eabmqaai t proceeding* ia ita ooerta. Tbia revive* tbe wry oetoenioe that eqael righto tar all >euM ignore; pradicaliy deprives tbe eeurts of jurwdicuw i when a ne gro t* oa trial, an lass tbe Jary ie eoespoeed ia whole or to part ot hb owe enter ; aad the doctotoa mast el mast taevttabty be over aied by tbe United K ates S ipreme Court when it paato* op• it, ao M *v doubtedly will era toa -.-Qd. fasti. The easiest tor United (bates Senator Irons Florida to flit the place of Caaoeer prom wee to be a lively one. The candi dates are Geo. J. J. Finley, a*-Guv*mor D. B. Walker, Hoa. Wbkisaea Cab, He a. Juba A. Meadstaoa awd Gea. Robert Bal tociu Omani Flatoy, b b mid, bee tba A n.awni IgiwMte. Avery P'euao! *!l* ej lro hnf.fWuurd at Merten* tertinanuay, whou Use M>wlb <* r, ia Cor Winer an it a. Hba. ll*l. dob* W.HHel l, ot lb* IwUrw.l daliict, toad* to* toltew lug r*fr< I: “Church U IU tfpifWool 1*1(1**:% Ml - ltn.i . *odiUoa, ftUO , <.ie*>-(twU*ga rnrhiiy bud u mas t , iar.r, on* church tell and anwihe got .g um ; two paraou* g(* U*ig v l“ . ,/'i lrimodlmgty after tb* report, ISwW.f M.T,(. ,w*aeni*d bin* a fio# g ld waicb livm Ll* many UienCa ta Uiv La'iiang* Jtotict. If-a inapiompiß i) iy b*f>f>y ta t. t t*,,.. too and 4m*iy.-1 Pwooo gtapb It w noted by the (J ffi Newt a* a re raifkabte osierblvfM.* ta tba bwt i) ol llohria, ttiai tor quita a period ol IMS' the iiuiflet el ißira'va U the Lsunaih A >> ah-i <b* | eniteiiliary Lav* tsa*M about tb< *< P hi tto w.i to lteKb it.* ha'c i4 inmaVa tc Ua two ftiamw* timte *v ft‘ on* huadiwd aad Buy t •wo I.UMj-ad, *lt whlto*. th* anevtoloat •od di Largr* tr< ra each I mag about tba •am* tor per- and a f l*a ur Aitoea year* pr*. Iloal.ilbai dal*. Binr* th* mm tb* dwi* ■ I Iwsth lealit*' lows have town thrwwa Of* If 1 th* ot Use . wlovwd r**r jh 4 <b euailwr ot Inmato* bar* ho v*—d to ur.a wd* oi a ibu*a*d in aumb i. White the accrraMMif ar* largely colored, iber. baa b**a • vk hi* tecretw* Mo*g the • bike. Tte treebte Uoughl o by t * tarrlb* ctrii *tr:te Ol f*/ yaarr that l<hd <•**'• *owU. are t h* arwo 11 tb* erwrht ia both ln*flt*ito*. Th* rdteci* uf Ito g'*at riritr. k •{•( **rr, ar* tacdb at*--o' tb* ram* mi tb* mttd wf pbysn *1 m* Te I/gb a’ufv bsa I>*-b ia * s i" thiso wseb*. aod aitkougb a g-aat m ny 'Ml* bve beo* iatovfues,], n>a of very grest totrml to the pul* ir ha** [• ad. Tue C'-raiaPt'e appain'ad to iiirt>gai< i< ha tig-tog af *to N'.'fi.vastcTn rai roa bwds, b still to secret areal -a sol ao>hlng b poailfvefv known ia regard lo rn ectirw. *sVe t' t a lirge naatb r ■>! if esam bavr •won r* .miawi ed tlwir treMra-iov will prov* osvy interssiing rea'ing when fij. elailv fa’ Iratod. Thxt ‘Joe. O ’qr>iU will com* tbroxgb tbe rrocble ontsrqithe.l we have Bt toe s kgbtret dooM, n r her* • • er entertained the least tboag hi that to baa ever bea efher than tbe boner I gen tteatoe, the pore cbrvsltoa and aruight islatetmaa Cartertmßt fa. Full returns from ihe late Ksurer eiec- Uoo show the vote to have been a* follows; For GiveTßor. B*. Jtbn, Rereihilcan, 74.- 099 , O.rdetß, Democrat, S7 2 8 ; Mi ib ell, Oreer,hacker, 11,067. Tbb iadieaus about tbe average itaOaa of tbe v< te throughout the Mute. Poe petted h toe tiff's Mete. WILL be sold before tbe C ert, (loose door ia tbe towa ot Uiecsvi.l* Meri wether County, Oa., between ttc legal boura to earn na the test Tuesday in ; J aweary MM, tbe toDowing property to wn • aee hundred end owe and ooe-founh acres of land ofl.tbe West side ol lot ot laod No. oae hundred mad sixteen (Ilf), aad ninety owe ted eae-iuurtia (fij) Acre* to! the North aide to lot No, 141, eoataia tog to the aggre, ate lfiSi acres more ot tea* ; all of suit! tomis lying aad being in tbe lteb District to Meriwether eoatoy awd known as the place wbeton Wiley J. Howard tbs Dateadant tarmerty residad. Levied ra as tbe property ot Wily J. Ho* j ard to eatbly a • ts trma Meriwether Su perior Coon to favor af Juba C. Lovett, administrator of Samuel Darden, deceased, ve. Witey J. Howard, J. W Falter tram terse. Property pm e ted out by Tptetel Ft Ally. Teaaat a -tilled ae tbe tow direct*. Dor. 9th, 1878. a P. FLORENCE, a M. C. •rdgu Ret see. Ordered that the Bridge across cun creek kauwa as tbe Morris Bridge he kt out to tbe icuust bidder lo be rebuilt aad kopt to good repair lor acres yoara, oa tbe Irak Saturday la Jtaeary, 1878; tbe eeu tractor to k eg tba Bridge to good repair tor seven yean) and give bawd. Dec. lad MM J . X. Bocbaaaa > R- A. Uhffui. {Com. SPECIAL TELEPSOVIC TO VITOIOATOK Deiohar Sfiri, IftTft Mr Hroiii Our eoiunta m tong no 111 tod ttu *ii*U mm rgmava te pm*, ca* bow lr* oc i *pkJ Our [iorabate* tor thi* ***> n bar* !i*cw - tawch laager Ibra nanai, •• have toe* kept bu y rince irtodte ot teal m<>utb, ofieniog, {lacking on te • ** *•** lab<i aud la drawerr and in making ante*. M mry heap wt haven'l Ltd tun* to writ, an adverti-aineoi. W* doubted m ml** lor bcj iviutirr, raise UMxitbr *1 iart yen*, and iLt* two Wi aIM rhow an inartmt of /•tig fitly | aval o*< tort OUohef Oru aioca jr nsvr* omiph t ta cveiy d*|wrt areul than ever bttoi and uiut b larger Wr bar* lb* tvduaive rate to thk plarw \ - !& . A -■- BAT hTATA SHOE A LEATHER CUM mas* at (di aa f >hss, rhe stoat fust* ail i whli x-raat Unto *, tut driven, #• ry )Nwr/b>7y vsrru hd, also have eur area st-s.* vi I’blUdcli.ti a made ahuaa of bow g'te, utsda lo war writer. IH lUob'ng w! bale we have a larger v* .rl toe n > I Maw aver toinee **rt at ds* 44 lg tower ptto . I,M tIR AND IIAN< IHOMK I.INKd •LA' 'K CAAIIMEUM* AL> \CA imujw>i, WAIE FIKMITH, FLU* NISI H, LIE.h V*. UiMiKA LArMRIU. bRUSKYn ansi JK\N- Ti- hipi I rd heel sl-teb i.| white awl . otaead h<wtery t be hmad in Orewiville, Have c<do*svl b r e frolh'lar child ea and Mrows whicb will last til winter without darnmf We keep a gwJ assnitrsent ot IJRO CEHIEH. HAHHWAKE, CKOCKEHY LAMPS and LAMP PIXfURKB. Our rut* of rigidly owe price to every body, every one Vine in nor opinion eati tied .a tbe Gwest press it gaiwing a* trieods a> and cul*mer* repslly. A child ran boy iro nu j is* a cheap as the very beak I'id.s id goods. We do not proleei >o he “Cheap Jehu” bat keep basest goo Is, rule a tab repto sootaiina of them aad expect to make oar iivir g . ot of our hosier a*. Uavi g a large tx; erieoee to oat line of bueiotwi aad ample means tar the volume to trade we do, we coetdeaMy aetert tba* or east* quaHtm ot artistes. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. * e show geode cheer telly. R. N. ELLIS.