Newspaper Page Text
- Y
7 *
tired itormiiu.
A little elbow leeue upon yonr knee
l our tired knee that
A child'e deer eye* ere U> oklng ItrTiug
,jr .
From on % UitUili of IftßgtaJ
Perhap* you do not heed the velvet
touch _ ‘ \ i ,
1)1 warm, ruo'at flugtra budding youii *o
1m do not pnae the bleaami# ortr
You almost ere 100 t .red to prey to
But It ie bIMMdMW I Ayer ego
I did net eee a* I ifr Pwday-’
We ete to dull and* th/n/V*. e‘ud too
Tfr catoA ftbu ttiuelilue Ufl H #ip
away. *
And oowt*#*dW eofpeeeial etreoge to
(MQ ■ |
That wLilli I Woie-tiie b#*y of mother-*
I did not kiss more oft end tenderly
The Itltlo child that broughf uiS f <dy
gi*Oi. ** ' ’ ' ‘
Ad If, aotne cl,;lit, when you all down to
You tutu# ih elbow on your tired
kM_ mwnom* mom
Till* (eetleee curly heed from >fl your
Tula i taping tongue lUel clutter# eou
ttenily; -
Jl from your own the dimpled heoda had
And ne’er wobiu tf#*tf la your jmltT;
jf the white Icet Into the gr.yo ha# tip'*
ped —
1 could not blame you lor jour heart
n< he then.
1 wonder that aome moUiCA*W ttfl,
At their preck#* larWfc# olafW* t"
their gown ;
Or that the lootprluU, when the dart r
Are etor black enough to make 'h-m
frown. , A
U I could 11 ml ntlrtlo muddy boot.
Or cap, or Jvcknt, on my chamber
II or—
If l could k'M a tuey, rtftloef lout,
Aud bear It patter In my bout* once
mure. ,• ff f I
If I cmM mend a broken ckrt td-tfay.'
Townormw make a Wto to teach the
sky, l i t i
Tier* if no wnmaa b* could
y tic
BUo waa more bllsflully content than
1 1
But all I tko dainty pillows mt rey
I* never rumpled by i liinii*a bend I
M> kinging bitUlii’K koiu l*ik
flown— '’ |
The little lioy 1 used to Haa Is—dee I.
m r
111 ILF HI Mi.
Charlie wit spending the Winter with
bU married sister. Kvtry <>no thought
bint e good boy. Indued, be blumell wst
quite sure he con’d dj nothing wrong.
One day. a* he we* passing the pantry, lie
saw e box ol retains ; they wero the lar
gest be bad seen. lie stepped In slyly sod
took hunch alpy UuiuJ, end M‘n
away, Icellng fe% Inter, I rift y<St think
ing, It ie ouly a little thing. This ho did
day alter day, till there was quite a hole in
the lx>x of t a,elite ; atlll, no one seemed to
notice H- I ne day a visitor told the lo!
lowing story at the dinner-table :
Walking through a line pail*,, iso
Indore, he had see i a Urge sydaiftore Ir *e
A wood-woutt about tbroo Inches long
wus furclng its way under the bark of the
punk. Ah I *atd Ute gentlemen Wh"
wax with him, in time that worm will kill
the tree.
A bald thing to believe, said bis It lend.
|ly abil hy i spited ttic eth
er. i t
Soon tbe worm waa found to havo got
tin quite a diaUttce under tbe bark. The
next UuiWKf ttarilsgi*s,drvi'nW oil )•/-
lier than dCuelf fWWnhtng sHotis sfiem
ed the metier. When the next tiuUmfcr
esme-Just two yeers from tb§ time tbe
worm begen bis work—the tree was dead.
The hole made by the worm could be seen
iu tbs vary bearl ot the trunk. You wero
right, aaid the gentleman. The tree waa
ruined by tbet worm only three inches
long, li e warm could do such barm,
wbal may uot wbat peraons call little sine
do to a man or woman, a boy or girl.
Cbarlie felt the blood rush to bis lace,
lie waa sure every one must know about
tbe ranine, and that tbe story was loldpo*
purpose. He (’.ld not dare to look un
from hie piste. Alter dinner Utof-attSrhit
into tbe psrlor ; bet as uo one took spec
ial notice ol him, Charlie confuted he
must here baett mlitakciW neTjogan
tolcelno,evisl?Mf*- f !W. > hl otHl
knew alfSoovitit. The next time he waa
tempted lo take trout e basket whet was'
net hK be rcmejj^i—iY l * • <ioit4
did lo the tree. Tbet ia just whet sin is
doing to m^’ soul, be thought. He drew
deck in Wewwy ea tmtw* pomA
aible. Nor could be teat until be bed told
bis sislWhe**>awt<*. went
with e lowly, penitent heart to his heaven
ly Fetbefr > *UcW<l>kti 1,0 be Ibr
giTen , end that toy be sake of the M
Jeeue CbMVlSNrTplm might be | ®t with
,, w i
[JU / V* v.
u* it . in eW.
Bpringueld Republican. /
DijtbeiiaU a dltcase which spring*
I in *n IJ*pi* real fu:>..u* on O', rot
lof the moacooe surface* of the sysitem,
mure generally pi the Bimat, k may be
•f read by CbMgrt ofw teTMour auriac*-*
of a dlaeaae with thoae of a healthy per
aun, as In kiaetag, end If Vr a ft as Red de
gree C|iidetnic. From the local part* alt ac
ted ft f reads to the whole body, affecting
the muscular and neryoua *yt*a, ritto
lin the l> wl ei tiubkiil Inals, aai
producing f aralytie. A* soon aa th# bac
tft>uw W ft*ii#i m tab le patches
Oil rtie'throftTlt fftodT/f no more lc; elected
than a bleeding gafeb or a broken afm 4 *nd
t*cijp‘Jt abftOft m Httit Oft irK a tatal ter
mination of on* Incident at ol the other.
it ba* bran toai.d l/y aapejnfceot, In and out of lias h'jrnap iy*iej? Uia!
this bacbiidtoW khkbl’hy vew-rai drugs.
Urn aatcat ant! m-ust certain of which i
i.hlorlue water, dliu’e 1 with the ad lilto .
of Jtorjijppe JpJo'tf ,llit* tb* volume of
ri Is bkrftiteM,’ even when
• wallowid, and la pretty certain to arrc i
the dlaeaae* The great cydoj m 11* of Z‘
< mceseti t.e the practice ol medicine g'v
the hlalu • t plata.lo Lkl< uj* pt treat
To keep tlm patient wril hocioed and
warm, with addltioiial'flannel clothing II
neccflary, arid to leap the )eiem |
non rlabu l ami the boatla are niattfr* of
titirsing ofieii neglected ; but with care In
the?, rtnu-a ia an 1 ear.y fpplii.aUou.iif jj.t
ri rnnliea above aggcted, tbeie la no n’d
ol llm diacage prone jlng pi a fata! termi
nal Ha ,oi to *li*! dibmlaut.g Uliusm.
and pali.lnl eau'erl/uilona which go to
f ill' ipi Its later atigej, A* to the origin
if d'| thffla, the weight ol Imtimony i
that It b< long* to the daw ol Oith difea?**,
haif. |t| l|ifr tklrt N#AouOC* ifWfbt clear.
Fuiilllea which would tai , wwndalj* and at
lb. r.u, gesl ion ol nutL dim aie alto 1 *
while others of (lltby surrounding* er
This slinplr shows that our s#ue of
rt’eaillln*. : i.Cr.ff i-d'llv.rtlofl, fo U.At ■ e
tnay dirt rltniriate bc| ween What is ofln
site to Ilif hjsiriii and wlist is offensive to
llic. syltin and what is ollenslve t<> out
lalscly edticalcd taflrs, Ti* farmer’s wif.-,
to Whom the closed and c.aref lly 'lusted
[vnt]#i <)t t’k* IrrtriAr i!#afmla' srrdbb*- 111 o.i
are thd etseVitlsT of neatiusa, may enduo
ths prnilmily of aso it fwamp hr ol ili
kitchen cesspool for years without ts' lng
dl- me. To tuauy a f sretg! and isArrlftu
acliuacocobWeh or Urn eb.l
dren’s ‘llltei’ ol a lew hours’ play will ou
rank In lieluousnvss a Jelecilve t.rain Pit
itm oyiliy r a Wa i t con lueted privy.
I’rcimoNAi, Blc übt this meet the.eye el
the Itidivldunl win created a di.t rbitc>-
US r|oTt ins! fundyy by w I'Olltirilie
lie wnl cOllftft a lavor on tbs
congregalien by incur ing a b iltle ol I)
Bull’s (J. tlgb Hyrup, which wi 1 cure him.
A Mule <J.
A Detroiter celled at a livery stable, yr
terday morning, to c<u-e 9 ng to ukn hit
wile out fur a r idi*, and he net In i' it point
to ask lor a di rile animal. While tt
horse intended I>r hltn w, Ining hitched
up, sho nati-d up ae<ty<ell fi*y Vtm -
ly, mil WiV proprietor TimlmctT :
You needn’t he a bit alraid ol her. Hite'.-
sltoply a little i>ll, to day.
The citizen got into the carriage, waa
whirled around the corner, and nothing
more "us seen of him lor two honrt .
fftelrlflolW limping back and a-ked ;
That horse waa a little oft, wa?u\
she ?
WeN, she kept growing ofter and offer
till I concluded to get ont, and then the
way the got oft altogether wits bad for the
buggy. Go and get the pieces, *hd we’ll
settle up.— Fret iVcw.
iGfXiKtilA- A
C*tioty X Ortcovll.t, lit.
Whciise Uohrg/ \f. Graham, Guardian
*Ol iLu person* end property ol M.C. Gresh
am eed 4- E- jTbeus (formerly th E Gresh
am) minors of said county, ’'f Wg iuiiy
discharged his trust, applies Ur be
ed trom bis guardi*n*btJViA aforesaid, both
ol said wards having attained Ike tge e;
21 yaars.
Therefore kll-'persons cinccrned are
hereby notiheil and required to appear at
my Office, ou or before the first Monday in
January next and show cause, if any they
ham why paid George W. Gresham should
not be dismissed from bis said guardian
Given under my baud and efflria! signa
ture. This Nov. 2>th 1873.
O. M. C.
I iwether c untv.
Bymrbf f M order irocukic Coiau 4t
Ordinary la end for said county wi l be
sold on the first Tuesday In January next,
bet wees -the legal hours ot sale j before the
court housa door to QreenVjlle,. ia t #aid
county, )0t of land No. 229, containing
202 g acres note er W, Ivnsg and being Tfn
the Bth district ot said county belonging to
the esute ot Freeman A McCicodon, law
of said &unty, Igrneawt Bold tor tbe ben
efit of heirs and creditors. Terms oaab.
Tbis m x
Makt E McClkxdos.
AW. .
' - .s3rA
’gppWWA-BMllflßfer tSbftty.
Oi VhlirM fire heßoea
bie court of Ordinary, in acd for said coon
ty, I will sell to t&4 higtot bidder before
tiie court house door in the town of Greee
£in said county, between the legal
* of sale, oa the first Tuesday in fJ **-
next, part# of lot# of Bed numbers 70
lf< s W Wch
of said couuty and containisg 150
rgres more or iee# (and which iand was
ndld by Wm. H. Aiman unier a gilt at the
lip,*: el tbe appraisement of ths crate ct
Metes Aiman, deceased, but whb h*
since beea surren ierel to *id ee ate>
-aid iand beioojdoe to Cvia’-e of a*id
M #m# AJiAac, AesMsWL iSut-f for the bee
c3t of hairs and crcliloru < iflk and deceased.
Tp:ms cash. Tula Ke*> |Sth 1£79-
Was. K. ALM AN,
Ador. tU U/'Ut >mk-
Mams ether Countj. J Oti mar y's Ofcu -
lo all wbosa ft may concern
Whcrcaa Henry T. Bon> c r of ea!! *ta*c
and usatiftiy applies for Icrn of adminp
t.-sgoon on the estate of fixi. t-*-'l Basse r.-
’tc - I said U4*io {rsttf
Ib< *c ry cl& #ai edm cu
is.’l mit&Uf, l*iiiii'lr*i and
- ol said deceased, to sbw cause, at rny
Oi c, mi i.i uin* the Bret Monday in
January nest, why l ter* of admi. i*tro
!.<di on the ealald *1 •*! dyc-aoed, ghau.-.:
n-4 Us e b< Skid a; { bdsh'.
(j i , ert under tey hand and nfficiai sign*
i*.n., thi* Hot. 9t*L, 167“
O M. C.
(iKOipflA, f Ordinary*' ffl *
Mfli tvaeO.'W O-unty. j Pto*. tJvh.tWld
Vm. T. B*:.rr.ha- *’*■ *ff
tl<#i of pcrnmal'y and srttiug apait and
vsioatfim-of ll )W<Mii:d am] l w igf pae
u;4n tli **ra# at JO dkiOdl. an nn lh<-
4 fe day ,M H-cood-w W7OT si I
. 0 M
liH’MtUiiHr I (!>. v's (Jffi oc
iteiiwvlhi r l.'ounly, f Slov-JiU., lulu
*• Tn All tt lijiy cp#c.ffi :
K'bcreiu Wp. f I'-i/V f tai l tou ty
ap#fi- fur perh t ahyil ictlei* >.l A .m<* .-
ti .1-til UJI 1,.f I|t M=< UafaU A i’at
t rm.TlfieitVd. lata o< sail n.uu'r end
etajs. _
- t > fftk’ tnd rffbou
Uhlaff end llitjfutisr lb. kindred am) <•< .
turf <d said ilrc< i-d, ! y jluyar y d_Sp
it ey l>a c.'al vww •W- •>' wm' t i
l\r*( Monday iti .fanna'y mst, why ;*(!*.
rtf .VjmloiatrUion, stniulJ not UMWssto ea and
ap|4i< aid. j, . .
llivru under my ban ! sad < (2it>!§> a.g-a ’ -
A. J. BIN f ON
O. M. C.
a.*.. I M mt # I—<*■' *wp.s
UE.ftM.V Mrlwcti:i Cnm’y.
(it ’the fir*t to Aat#rjf nr a. !
will afpty te tt.r Pell 11 o! Ordftitry Of nM
c .ni'y, ku Iravc t<> sell the (ito' ra’it* ti
I il'A I f
ioiifiog to tfir rUlft ol k- ha;i nt ’
lalojoi said f VKyaferfttcrvJ, fufwn III)?
Co.i# place, the same lying sn-t be i g In
ih? itli ililiSrt, Ofeaid C unity, acd cm,
Novi loth, ism , ,
Mltf. e. A- MMdSTOJf,
E % *eui ft i.
, .f . jkiip ii"m W
i, J
rrputatlew tent tbe keitb User, te Mgk*
price! Bachisea.
w;rA M ..c'!igt ß MS^T" D
:zlfeS3a , SSt“iS
chp Wowe-eiilf tut km kM" ra
an“*yf £r tM*2rss
“thelshiti is the Ptt> or *av sewiw#
• kUSAS .E. . ■. r
IIS ttoiKiumPpi uMNMk,
Xk r zs % Buy toy other befew try
ing tho WHITE,
Mca, aitiftß life feMctorr
R p ADAIEJi GjHuwviiL*, OAy / {
Agent tbe abov* Machiaa log. Atarir
wsthcr county
er 4i rti 9*
Ittrs. X. &
fU . UJ? I* ; *'■ * : ;
j • t-.-vrd - -ir ? 4> # *i ; i
, ,
Fajthkuabk Millineiy
| | , - . * *- ;*
. # ' i . \( ♦
fß'l St eel, (next loo* to Brawcers’ Jkiok
Share), Gr Ski,.Georgia, has jr.*t opsrnmi
Use largest stock of
Millinery Fancy Goods
and Notions
aVJ brought ty (i - ifflo, to UW.h J' tit at
teulios is rr*(ofc;'uliy muted. iv c* :
on-! feXamuj' go-ds and yuu.\ and
that they are the a)
■ oeajevt iba <o Je'f uuj in ;at cHj.
He*r<ctfu Ik
iret MH!*. J WILI.IAM“-
ike Huu For IH7H
■@a *** r-J. V* i-rmVc-i every 4v 4r‘t.g C-c
~or lu fiirpow: *n-l ci to oJ a:-l >-• to*
•*4* ** ia me par i -la a
oa#Sl,w rtaya, ana WUM us'd v a.*o Vila
i.t lab.
[hi te* iaC, ’# aa# snfl eoclbti to ba
n,4F|w*-ui* *r us as**
SkeTsaVO *O4 kia>uMVwe i wj Taw
t Ihv <*• t y*--l WM. *a ImomS 4*esya*,i
H-rnu yfcat)aik w*J/ --.a la,
j * rtc a.-*,j,*;.*, rfee fe.ara#ace~ md O.r 1
#r .r
uysay view *SVtOaU> #<WWtHti
J'u ai siiiu aivnma Im *i *.,!> a •
.eedfbe to*risk , .. n,*.. v.,
’o* &•! t-- WiBiMA-.aii.nb-.-. Stojbt*
S 7 T ; It., , tt . a u tOa .- . f
Hl* •wuwuiai. ol jaay cia sees .*
JOmb >-•* up a* a, fatari at van aa *-•
and k r,< n t aw a,*---** u.*
!■ r**s f*ry w.*. u u
towSsaSMoe 'Mod i*w* ds>#afchoaa. aa# fyr it
0 la ma- >o.a M><* '•** SbOtiml I>U<-
- ■*' I* #-<-• *tM 4a a* Ima via utiwaK
-• and potiCaos* * isaiiMel -•#',UK' -a. ti
:• i' A|-| • B-., *♦ o-.-t sea as
i at* la agioa*a,e. a >V“'* ; ’ -*• * la-.lttu
IU *wl> Iba p*lb*i, ioa aj-.S •'-( Iba Aa*--oa.
wag O.lildU ! J-,< (fcl i*- l'l W La,,t li,-. tA
•li*eU,rii aad !/ n , ,
UKi aa 4 tba *a<iawab*a<Wt oyi mayor ISW*, Sj,
%bt*ba i- aa m* a* aio< r - -
e*‘4 iuim - > *- *<
<>al fa ’.k* ria-- I, Tl.%' rjaaSaa’a .va J- I4v>
sra-vgai. - In |tli (4|aU Va fa aI- Ot
jr lU |>v ,-vaoaa.* ff-rtr"*
i## *•* H** fabfy **rtid Uja k/a.-iy af
lav-gie, !#*, ease vtii|f ofai! ar t*• a>4 !#
j • • Ik fco|ta • 4aafM IS>al katinS aae Waa la -t,
r- of less, ha* Ler JH ht aa* | Vj
Ih fas will In aluoa ue tbs w -a,4
k .r.n.l lyala-I
WTflla five -aa. n* .>/ fKa -al sVtmiM ba -
atanl r VWI lalor* Osa )“>•• s’** •" #aaa e*4
.pr.-fp-aa Ol ttfwir la f CTO amm aai.-a B* a
<|ar4 bialtuj it la p/ioV.4|aa Uw V* an-1 •
u.ea id to ley, ,vhoe>. c<> .c*ii la
>* ill tk* afla.r* ol t lay. (l baa U**U it
siliue aud the ability to all .ril it*
’AH4r thy : pruy ploU. tulieat, and mnat
*.cerate jib JMgencr of whatevrS ie ti*<
wpto u'id to w-.fth a!t*oti<':’. To |i.i
et7(J|tlif r *' b> Log-me U. Mtsdkaautti prosper ty will t< iberfvliy #f Joy.
Tl. rra.t rJ|.| itntcd rnn ilttn ft I pa
il! *l > ibw eeuntry, and tbe ns rwrtolnty of
die future, hunt ard t atcao'i!! **r *'_'ni(t
Atotiife t. the #ve>.t e| the enrn n* yer
rnc dtoeue hoc* of tee pres*, the t’efH'e*
aud as#* ufC ts-tr* * l and the tunTime’.t*
I fl a lea leva ks e*ery M the F
publ i# will have a Ji-cct bearing on t- r
Jetvttal eesr'i a of I*BO--*n even*
wbiihroiitthe reg-if ’^T - ‘With *.hc cus-i
anxious (ntc-rst kj *v ry pafriotk; Amiri
can, w! *tet bit p UlicAl idea* or *1 c
gia ip. To there ektn*u* of mtermt naj
tic a k!o-I (be pr ibab’ttty that the Bom.. -
ciati nisi c ntro) both b-iugpa ol Coegrc .
she tmrsaawg l*ubk*e. the Iraudutout
A tmioitorattoa, aai tka ap-ead •!
atiun|jt'ientnfr ee*rj-wh*fei of •
afitv.(renev oftraud In kit)TbfSl To pre
sent yi kb accuracy ami cicartTsws thj t*
:iWi,jtuation hr each .t iu vftryln# phafca,
ard i* krowllng to fa wedf
k .nvfn metWo-ia, flto prtuelp.’r* that ahnuld
guul# us through the labyncth, wdl be an
ua, oruui pait of .Iho 3wi'* vv.n for
j f L- $
\V# haw the mean* ( making Tio* Bon.
IS i (I diticiv’, a RtArary and a gererai
mute entert .Ittlng god mqre
ueetuf than ever be fere , acd we mean to
item ireely. m m m
Oul rales qf su.>*cripliop remain Us
c!inL*. I’jr.the Biily San, a fiu page
siieet gt OBlanaa, the price
by md', postpaid, is 55 crisis A wtootb, edr
|650 i year ; or, includtnr the Sandty
eight paga aheot of hiiy-Sx cet
umnajthc price m 65 cents a month, or
#7.70 i year, i*oetage rfil-
Tuc S ipday edition of The 3m is aleo
turnaled separately at #l-20 a year, pnat-
ige pnl-1.
The price ol fhe Wdefely Sun, e g'at pa
ge*, columns, is |l a,year, rmetage
tmnlw jF r ciubaaf leu. avp ilcg #lO we
4i kco dau extra copy “free. Addreaa
I. W. A.Na.lwAN'o.
, f . jta* ffniitnai
LXi *ll-6 <7
Llear.t CcC&k if\y S', 1873
tin. TANARUS S. Brvlfiold , Dear Sir—l need the Snf
•rer’e B4lnj 1 boapht ftem yoa rwoS;,Mttit
Mote :<* bee etinga w:th laauedwte Riiet I!
lut yoa to pat me Bpi quart tv* family nee.
■eapaettnll}. ADAVS.
Gm. fur site t nr Ji E. 0, freryll Jc _
mmmm LaGranob, U*-ytte* April IKTS.' I
m Dm. T.S.#Bl4a :-Tk* 9 ■ill* Mm 9r.
p*mcnt4 for my liute bo -** mi
tering ’? snfteh from •'Poitou Otk" (>MveOy
l9tfi cclrtd W. V our* . * ‘
. , n jtr ■* aiuM
' *Prep4red by T. S. Bradfleld, LaGrangc
Ga. sale byV. &, O. TXaeS & C.,
,r*g. . taa - ■
• *25,000. msiTutE- "* A is.ok 1
l! / , '
This immense stock of Furidtore, cociistlar <of
•bureaus ' ■
Ward roes
) XI EM float DIN IMG TAiiUtß
* OmOJS and Si LOON TtA BL*
if W MATTRJSSKEft, fkii
Uostdea everythic# ueuai'y kei lln a 7
Wf itl¥tr ft t*2 C-f CiiX’ Ui-y a tti# i Irtkllus-t o±iS tUiitfj! tv Ulster, iip f
__ Fancy foeda-fcicMrff. day ad holiday preaantt.
a*#i rc-aaiac-tly i’Jj hand. Cvr .. tUad, and prompt anawere given to *U
i+r.i * f 27 Iv“w1 v “w m.
a / v
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies,
A< i hNTS n k yon fo try it, nn<l <iCf< r yon ju cil.
Iru|iitcm*nf a. B<nd for Circular it I*rk< sto
ITf W# Fourlk St 9 Oinelanati,
JL. C*. .VffNrrgrr,
4.-, .- t ywo£:-x MS3swa
* 5— 171 3
Ba rsenille fim .
- jj.:;! * r*o f -'T t ''4 y
. ♦ 4**m* I*-* ****** ”**l W'
wn OfD no Mondaj, He;tcniber 3rd, IfM, r’fWr'Jhrf.* #f etrweft, SEcmwtb
teacher* fHefrafned to keep gp the widespread sod deserved rei< JUhon of (his JusOr
celebrated tehr**!- ~ -
Uor3r>D Issi U!t d!e' aapriior 'iKtawwG tc parenta desfrtr’ to ede-ate (heir mu
r and daughter?. ii baa ajl Jb* aodtrn appUaacwMij r-aratne ard Jorcteurt, and a record
nor teaching unparalleled ia the State. lisaw e departmemt ia aomdacted
by P rot. Gsilien berger, who baa no bo per tor and bit (*•* eq ;l '* j B bw p-ofcaaioet.
Bvecarute is ibe moat eetarpriaing etty ms ft- Mac> o. and Wesieia-JUilsoad and
bis juitJv ibe reputation oi tearing Ibt meet .-wife, l.btrai and enlightened suaaaeite
io Ge<rsrU. 1
ru!tin flfAO to f 18.50 per True. Bmrd tlO.OO.'to 15.00 per tec-ntlu
Pur catfto;iK containing fan Informal ofc x)dr-*
i ] * CUdRI.ES E LIMEWT Pkk*t
or' WOODALL, too,
O Barn-eetile; Georgia.
SJLllllh WOIiM (j.L.
Afjre.Ns,*GA_;pEß. 53,1878.
Sot : My chiM, fiee Trim odd, tad rrmpto-t ai
worm*. I trMtaios.eU.ri4 Uk worm brtne.
bet tailed to expel tap worms. Seeiiat Mr., Mat
certificate, I got t rta! of Worm Oil, and the fir-t
dvee becrnch forty rorai act mg atMAd
to jaacj were pateed 1 did not coant them.
S. H. teDAJIS.
Prepared by Fd Sxith Ljodea, Athens
Oecrgi*. For Sale Itf J- E. G. Terrel iO .
C.eeai Cbeeee ar,
* * . ...ijJfctUMV
Woilm r' Ikii aat Frrjt
Dr. Maffcu/* Te-.ihina Powderrl reg
wter the BowcMird main Veetlitag eaty. Tee
beat Came.Cholrea-Infantum an# the liaan
CompUiat* of Children, Ji 'ala traptje— and eere
Bemorea r prernHa the fin mallna ef Warme
o mother >ioc and be i*ou* ft.
Pnr rale ter J. K. G TKWtfBLL CP.
Ladies Hsr.dioaie V a>ka at lowar prt
ca* Han eve: inld betare.,