Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. 6
rUM4UEI> MMt gill DAT,
AT |*.oo I’KU ANNUM, IN Ai>\ AM'f
Offit. ►►utb ol ilxOonrt B _
ORDINAitY A *. Hi. IC*
•UKXIFF ° 8 - Fto***
Cl EKE 8, C W. U K 1 i
TAX KKL KiV EH... K. tv Cements
TKEa tL’KEIi U.J. Aulhonj
AC KVEVOH <>. F. Matlbsw*
r.. A Cfavsa, Aaron Hiblev,
Cl J.lMWta, ’ JE. Buahsuaa
Allen 11 ■ Wavs'**.
board or EDUCATION.
J*h,W.PsA, * J <**••
Madison Ktarr*, ll.ATatket
A. U,Fi *•**,
eUbAiOH Üba District, V. M. DgacfUi
T J. Williams, O W. Williams
LtfcllSl*Ri CARDS
jottN *. TAKE.
Atyokney at law
unsaavith*, Ua
W.!l |rctl> EemtObei and the *>t
etetuf trewsuc-
D It, KEcTil,
, VKaafVret'* bA
w fj‘ ' In Mett.r.lrer and the
„* lu,, . ut at c*>wu cu.^,l'.
H A. A C KlNt-ON,
at law
.V. u I DID, !>■ D. •
I ,jDnDr~vt DtNiuiT
| übaarvii.i a '<*
I (uei a.b. All wuik wan*'lev!.
7. i'. JY.cA.LVi iLk-A A Ai,
I>AN 11VI,
humo/a ’ i,A
I 1 AVISO beW f Uely eiifigeJ lu U"
J 1 1 ..esrev. <r Wrtl Aurge.y oun„
ih last m y'*'*. > trl *‘ 10
all kinds of D.wtal wi th ia the scry *>. st
,i_ v ,e ol U * A,I, aoo I so u,l the
gth Ibv
at! who ( " me U/>
he)l eav ere * ') “ *1 u, "‘
Iti • ItUl* iay • e uJO te
,mj ..vuisr.isl DefcWSl l Lre UU. ti
reapooi e ,<<, ■’.) uAtl pc lai.’-lir e *wcih.
Dll £. 11- il--.. r.1.J.,
: rt K t>4a ri'-i'- *■'• * '
O 1* i’ -Uix " *• • J'* I ’*'
)■ j i-*- f i't>> ( l l l ''^ l -"* _’J -
‘ ’ ' h! )' i' •' i
. y FKivM u*
( ) ~ I .ul <"•*•'* ’* iill >
p.t Mere
•***> **’ ***♦
nn j.ur .llWttk J *< f*' • 1 •*> '>'
i*•**•* *
m. 4 axkM T.tSln* Mf i 1 • 1 , *" lr *
j.i.btum U ku<i**w (tuWpkluLurctlldrM
tM.ptHyfc.Stf v/ . **’** I'rtoaUW
U*> o< *>“’ * *♦“"•* w "
*•' b aUa*iti* xafciaaiMttwi U-aw
*ku ow* ft.
('i] pMplc ot 11 EliH tTHBI
COL'bTY will .eceive • moti cordial wel
C. Gholßon’s
WAKE BlOl; Tori
*bre they M wrixh the.r oeitna on the
beet Ptbbenke wjt.u aad pot ibmr stack
a goo.J subie,
W ell BupT>lied
■9 - ev"’y aco .mmodeticnt tad tell tbeir
Colt and tor '.be light* price.
Any ooe ui i:>( oo ua wbo doe* aot
uu .ill will not be charged aay
tbing- thank# lot peal fsvvn tad ce idt
lag v’iitrs, 1 am yocrt mutt truiy,
c4Sa> LeUrat**, Gt.
SmilA't Worn <M,
Athena, Ga., Dec. 8,1877.
b Mr BigtOM 1 car* mj ton osa duet of
tba Worm UU, sad t,b da/ ba jawed axteea
large rrorma. At tba terns uiu I (art one dcaa la
my Hue girl toor yaan old. tad aba paaaad K
vsnas taaa 4 U iachee long,
w.r. raiuxn.
Prepared by Dr. £’d fcmitb Lyndon
Athene. Georgia. For Bale by J. X. G
EDItOJI'H (Cll'RTKllir.
Raw the Ora*4 tmvrmimr l|mte
Love Md Mhsrrlesi—A Fniiuy
Shory, j jtC,S
Washington Ppat.
TV* story ol Edumo's oourtttaip, while li
took* thetroaaet* tinge of ..nuance, itlu
irates the man's De'uKr *W ; !?<*!? t lb.
heart ot chi: (t* with the smallest poasibY
amount ot ciictnnlocultop. When lie was
expel inieuting, some years ago, with tie
Liuic juKCiUi.ut tahgiapg owe* ho )•.-
lected a contrivance lor producing perfora
tions in p q*er by tneaas of a key-board.
Amonf Mm tMl^
ployed to manipulate t h etc machine., with
a vlfw to testis* tholr caiiacicy (or apred,
waa a rather demure young person, who
attended to her (Turk an 4 naVur reisod bet
eyes to tbe iiuiipieut geulu*. Clue day
KdtotMi altmd ob*ervlug her at ilia drove
down one key alter another with Ler
plump fingers, until growing uervoui un
tDr lit* prolonged stare, she dropped ber
Oai, Js Mly tn ber lap and lookel un help*
leeaty into hi* lace. A genial amlVa, *cu‘h
aa lrretereul parayraphista have referred
to a* Uie "Edieot. grin, 1 * srarepwad Edi*
a.,a 'a lace, and be ptt-aenily biqulaod retb
r.fri.'ztztlty r-'-- .
\C nat do you tbluk of rue, little gtrl ?
Do you like ire f
Why, Mr. BktUou, y>u frtgbCnn rue. 1
—that ia—l—
—be in any hurry about telling mk.
it docan't maUer in mb, tuilees yell would
iike to marry me.
j 1 lie young woman wah disposed to laugh
but Edison went on :
oh, 1 meat:l U. Don't lie tun mail,
though. Tbtok It over ; talk to ynm
uioiber aL'ui ii, an I let mn know ai aoon
aa oouveiiient— l uenday, ay. How wllli
i ueaday tub you. ieal I uvaiiay, IjVtieau T
Kdiauw’a chop waa at Newark in Um.-r
day A air l Mi* night a lilend ol lit*,employ,
cd the man, oilb-< ol it,e VS Union
l eicgiapb Cottsisiny, in New York.rmniu
ii g home hy Rie lit train, aw a light in
K: toon’a private laboiatory, snp dim bud
tbe dingy stairs to find 1,l friend iu ouc of
hls clisraricf isib stupors, hall awake md
had d-reuig'i’ver a ime lidib ate preiht in
ein tiical si'ierce wblcli tas t, f|| „g blip.
Hello, Twrn ! riled the \tolior cheeiily,
wiiat *e you doing bci# tbi. late 1 Aren’t
you going home f
\l hgt nine i* It T Inq'dr* I Ivlitou, s’ee|>-
I’y Tabling tu* eye*, and atretching like a
Mon ffudflcnly aio reed.
Midiilgbt, ay cuougli. Come along.
Je tfcal so f rctiiri,' and F..M On,ln a dreamy
ori of way lly (itsage, I mu' go borne
then. I wire mani and U-d*y.
Muriiagc wa* an old alor, w’lh b qi *-
by* bad tyerm wedded to electrical boM/ler
f.r years, liut, in spile ot hm accun g lu
d n. reuic cm the mosj eventful d,y ol his
be u ■akvs a go' -1 bur.hand, and tha ile-
UJUI6 iiu.g WOIhWW f fb< tt/foittting ia#*
L-rtno sii.iliug.y r,.ire boo wU‘ uoslMsiaa si
hL-.ilo i'k, cob piom ly look# ei foss tl
u,, s*u* is lire oh tun?/* itac. and where
her t.ushuud Slid Works oil lire | lobwa,*
lu*. made him a truant on ids wedding
and ,y. A swam of citildreu jiluck Jior hows
to ai.ere (bait mother’ll smile, aud toy Is
wah tu c imb isl>' ,tb< b latmai's top, aud
c.uss hi* ban witb as great a reiwli at it
lie were r.el Ihc tuatest geni tt ot hls
tUh*. ,
That U*i of the Uult**.
Mr. Jrlhrton Dark haa -milted tli !■/
hie wh, tr<! when he <lk* tk. tasniJ)
came will become estlrxl. JUt i4t***un,
Jcflerscn Daria, Jr., *)• di< and near Mem
phis the other day of yellow law, had
e< arae r paiM>S lit* twenty-first birthday,
*od, though, Lie did n<>t inherit the Intel,
(actual ability of bin father,he wm a yotmg
oan of considerable promise*. JEarly In
Ui* ecimner, and before the leret Woke
>wi, young J-Jeieon Dsrls wml North
with hi* fbter and her husband, The lat
ter returned lor .purpose, knd wa
stricken down wilt tbe lever. When bla
wife iriatd el K the Instated upon going to
him, kod young Jeff aceumpanled hit ftr
ter. Before the buebend w* corir* lea
oent Lie wife waa attacked. Young Darla
nunad hie abler through her lllnes.aod In
-a tew day* aba became ibe nnrae and he
the patient. Four day* later ho died. In
IbM, while Mr. Daria waa president ol th
utntederacr, be rat or ad to bie rrslderc
uoa day Irnco a abort rtast to the Capitol,
murid bring in oue ol tbe ball*, the dead
body of kit eeoond eon, whom be bad leli
an Sour or to belor < tke picture of health.
The eh lid waa MM ffre yeas of age, and
daring tbe absence of the letul’y Ikll Irom
a rear balcony to a paved yard beneath
and created ki akoil. He Heed but a
abort wbHe This boy, Jonepfe, u tbe
asuet intelligent el tbt family, and a ■,-
tial tarortie wHb tbe great tuefi who In
iboaa day* fasryaented bW tatber’i houae.
Ha waa a hr gbt boy, and tbe whole chy
of Hictimwuf swanted hi* death. Willie,
tbe yonngeat ton ol Jefleraon Daria, waa
bora In Richmond during tba and
dsd when but three or faor years ol age.
There are now left bat Iso children, both
git (a. Tbe oldest Maggie, waa savriad
about two year* ago, aod k waa while
eating tor her that young Jell set hia ter
rible destroyer. Mbs Wiania tba other
and au<hter, It etill at tchooL
- id
W Wtaew Ay hey ot the Savannah HI, t%
etch no); Tb*i Lmi iotenatiuf auljact f t
[attyaatqg, ai think ab >ut It oceaaio i,
vile, and on inch a topic it ia good to tk*
ckanga tbottsliU . < tuil r thg.jv* f’ v
iktj. The human taco, urnNt kwewfct
divbled into two greet nataral
iioyan lgM. We are all very Tand 6f
flri. YlyLMa ia we ra InikMßpUg
knk lintbii aa it may, vaa*e inkenaitily .
. traded tp girli—tbojgii I bave eeeu
Time wiled ITS* a’.glit of a calico dre* would
dMf n teodiat bov,coming down the
a utile *gt qay trying )o a*oid M.
Qirla tnav h c ataifle l lu eaveral ilifferanj i
NUMkI Kirot loto young and oldy* Ou|
doea not like a girl too young, or too old.
Sixteen *veta to be tbe average awaet era
in a gCr.’i ’die. Fur tbi* renaoa yoirtig on#*
always represent titaiaa.lvev a* J j|M|t.
Leo, and Urn old ooei take four or flv*
year* to roibly Qjjjfr aa tbelr
ytara feaaaae alter U,e aga f?r*Wenty, (p
an lavarar ratio their chmvHa lot getting
marricil deeroese. Old maid* ahould ba
aympaihlr.ed with, raiber than Joked, on
aceonot ol their age and infU mltiOa. Afte r
tbay loaa all hope* ol wed,led blian, they
torn their attention to the good of human,
by, and try te lie, happy by tadb and good
works a* a piour fi married happiness.
That is if It don’t aonr an them. When
hope is gone they ay they wouldn't It
they could. The nett dltialon b? feme*
uiuoa Is into fat and lean. O I who does
aot lov* tli* tat girl t "Bhe can make u,"
as Bnt Lovmgoei.] pathetically remarks,
"slay old Uirbop Houle blaacll." 1 like to
tee a (at cue, for she Is geneially #mlt:'r
amt awaet. Fa'acae and good nature are
intimately counectad a lib each other. Uui
la.n Kill# an ol to be ellgbU'd. ‘fbey
ei* UlOtn lia l and delioate, they Uan more
towards u lor aufipi rt. A broomstick In
the be,,ds ol a Uau girl U a danparons
weapon , heceiise tattar said h was
ut,boi ot those, loan one*. Uui ia the
hand* ot a tm on* it Is ot no avail fm
want of elbow room. JMeu aliould tek
ihceo (acts Into ut*hjeratkm witen Iraik*
iug aiouud for apoiai*. Wbila wa at*
iamhbi.g ovm tins auhjeci ,t will lie well
in uolifla lb* "Fast tilth" Thi* i* a Won
Uil ha* it* origin in the present oontuiy.
it la used lo Indteai# a glri who la Id Uhj
Ivu Ironl of U* tnetoll of pru;'r*ss~ wto to
ncquatoiWd with aoma of the observanev*
ol laah to liable tile, ahu has i*i gtil all the
slang afloat, who leads young men Into
uitotbM, uu i who gOn* like a two foity
ii vc on a lace Hack* l ast girl* violate
the Oral piincipto* of mo 'ta'.y. Ia acek"
Ing oH U la* tbo'igl.t dull, they become
too iUßtch it* pp<ite. Is avwiiltug.Boll*
diry lull into t'harjblis. They can atdd
•jtrfy iu the vtuy vorieg ol the wbfrl|W>ol ol
. pieaeti'c,* wbieh >* li,eu ruling pauhm in
dite- They anve to sn,us u. I,died, i be
boy* guibat like ft,cm, Hut we cm,dim
i*c<mirr,end them, lor Iboy do not com
mami ur laspect. 1 doubt whether they
have their own eeW (aspect. Tims* are
the iiioibers oi fakhtoa, Ural lyiaut wtto an
i,|.rel*n'gly rulwe us all. it to hy tUeh
euWeavur* Wrdtotort Ui* lurui* which (id
ptv* them, that awoti heihurou* o/inLmie
tinns the < hignoo, (he Orcciaa trend, the
buetle and poll'Uack are pjodoced, (Hal*
got one.) For shame I 'i ho durah nr.lmato>
wotnd blush and bawl lo acknowledge
•trch thing, and yet the “human (uuu dr*
viae" to Uru* dieUrrlud t Leya, fh.a* by tbo
|h Feel (iirl, aad ll ber tipi Time
thiag* cow mwwev.
A touching tc'nr wat wltnawei at tbia
pia>e ou lat Wadueaday while J>ide
Mark* waa apaaking.--ltclwtug to the
war ha aaid : I vet-, hclora me my gallant
bisd. Col. liyrd. J>tumg the lata ur/liat/-
py rabelUou ha waa on one aide, fi hting
tor whet he thought to be rtgbi, I waa on
tbe other flgklli g lr what I thought to lw
right- Tata t*Ua to toy mind ao old man
in Virgiuia, who had two le/ya. Ihe al
der fell march tag har.aatb tba Hiva and
tttiipea, tba yooogei bttiling lor Ilia Loot
Oabae. Altar Ibe war, tbc aid man path
cftd up their bones, brought them home
and laid them tide by tide in uau grave.
Above tbeai be erected a eiagle abaft, oa
oae ald of which wta inicribed, Hatred to
ibe memory ol my ehleat eon, wbo fell
flgbtiag lm r tie Btart awl Btr (tea On tbe
opposite aloe wat (ascribed, Bcred to tbe
memory of my youegett eon, wbo fell
Bjbting lor tbe Lott Ceuta. Higher up,
in lbs centre, in bfldd efcarectera, was tbit
Mtgb above tbit wm a ar.ow white banner,
on tbe folde ot which were written by aa
iaririble ha ad, God know* wbo wat
I bat old tobo liter* ended a platform
ieog enough, bread and atrueg enough for
tut whole Ameriaan people, both North
mod ijouth, to eland upon, And upon Uda
platform, la-day, Colonel JBjrd (advancing
toward hunf. foi gettieg tbe pat I, all# a rwe
to |k>e you by Ibe band aa a brother.
C AUyrd ban arose and advanced to meet
him. end tba tww brave to Id tare jaloe*
bead* anti tbe deafeafag appiaateof the
tpaoufera. —[Spent Index.
Protajece kept Umpire cnofl.eoco; aao
Dr. Bull’* Baby Byrup never promised re
lief in the dieeasea of childhood without at
once eflecliog it. Hence the popular reli
ance upon it. Price 29 eta.' a bottle.
A UqiiALK AN- ,
A*Si . MUIKIL p, |
,* tiJ¥ lj'fffwV pot of Rugby, but of li)-
|opg glory on.Laoi Cos j pot,
re: e*H Ittiom the genial Bamuol.
w|m Veil* it on hlmacH;
. boHi| after rJeitoin, Mr. G<*
in Lig *udy LgriHi wnik,"btoi
r * ,har n
gofc|felM ,! , n ß pi*c* if perlebnard
the wilier w*| uot
Saw teoilfinai) in, said Mr. Co* ;
' w.fiw*ojh>s'Ukor|!,ftp|iated a rough Id 4,
iog AWow .-r, clad lu the garb >la wot hi*
inMkan. wim with out waiting lor cereino
uy, rsmaCVed, iMcirngativtly ;
Your name W Co* T
rbiyi tie boner.
. .. <# t }
f. 8 meUmr* i-alletl fiunsst Co* t
That to a vbrtqtut by with li 1 m kiiowu
among my moto lamlliar liiende.
You lottneriy )*ided in Coiumbu*
Ohio I
That hgpplnwie w* once mine.
HtptitoeUeit lliat ilfiliM lu Cmtgreaet
l e]oyed that diatlntulshed honor-and
l may add, at o sc'uvewhat rally a,;*.
After ilwhite tl.ry girrymanlcil that
district so si to lusko it * irnil clstiht l.u
no istspiiiiifC Democrat f
Yu Lave evidently lead tbo pollthal
history Of country to gisrd purpose,
ii,* trhtid.
Then yu moved to New York, where
ihere was a belter allow Tor a Democrat T
Well, my flfkud, yeur pren I It coirost,
! did wove to’New York. Bui y ur con
cluelon Is baldly admissible lu llie form <
a uecessary sequent*. My leasioa lor
moving to N*w York weio hot wholly po
I Ideal.
w wou’l discuss that. A Her unsnccesi
lully dying tn* Htatent large, you snail*
ed younn ll ui iha kfhrvdud dy
0t dta'h rt 4ous ILoogi 10 movn Into
his and tali lot f
’1 moved into lire district tOrm*i!y r*pe
rtreuted by the Don. Jamc* Jtrooks, but
again 1 must disaaiil tri iri ynur conclu*
•i HI. i
,Lot Uit pa**. You ware dueled to
congress hum M>. iliouk's lormer dlrulcf
J was. But bt me Kiuaih, py Irloud,
that my time Just at this moment it Very
much occupied. You* resume ol my dlog
iiphy, faulty a* soure of your ib ducdom
ate iti 18/Jiit <d is deeply lut< reeling to
me, and at a lime ot greater IrceJom Iran
(iresstog rugsgemeuts i would bo glud lu
canvass the suh.ect with you at length, hut
Ju-t iow bring unusually busy lot inn 1
tuilsl request you to stale tbe pie, iso fit Jett
of your vblt, and let uui add that 1 shall
be glad lo verve you.'
‘1 have no favor to nek. lam an udmle
.t ot yours. Itlwsys vole fot jou, mid
always destie to do so. I fu ju) ti ls
metn lug merely to enquire if you had *
lected your neat and I*l l let.’
i \ , + t
A. y<<m>gat*r, who fieri not a llttln moth
er wit blit lit*! love lor alioly. \m ln<|U|r
ed o 1 by bit luubl'.lou* fullicr bow be got
On with ula sea*era cn ek imluailon.—ll*
lapUad that be wat oily arked one ')uia
And yoa .awero>l that cirreetly, 1
hope T
Yw, air.
What war It f
It waa, whit ure the jiarkllrU ol lati
tude t
And what did you any f
1 aaid 1 didn’t know.
A somewhat aln.llar at< ry Is told of a
leilow who wa* asked by his load uncle
bow ha flood in hia Class. Up to tho bead
hot one, wsa lb* prompt reply. Tuat la
good, Mid the gratifl'd uncle ; >ou o a
smart hoy ; hare I* a quaiter lor you.-
And now how many aur there m your
daw f
Wailing unlll tbe money wae etfely
stowed eway In biv p'ekcC Jokooy gaily
replied :
Well, uncle, ft ltn’t a largo data- there
It and another Icilow,
Burlington llawkeyc.
Twenty year* ago, at id the f ateeoger
with tbe red ribbon In lift "buttoo bole, 1
knew that man whom you taw get off at
tbe la*t riatiou. He waj a min ol rtre
promiee, a college graduate, a tuau ol bril
liant intellect and ahrewd mercantile abili
ty. Life dawnel before blrn In all, the
glowing color* of fair premier. Ha had
torn# mosey whae he left eolleae. lie i li
veried it In boeiaefMtid,hie koeinew pre
pared. He married a beautiful
wbo bore him three lovely child eu—.
Tinted-looking peaeeogdr', tntl-jg op
the wood-box: AD et one time t
The red ribbon pee*enger, Ho, la blea
nt il .urtallmeaU of earn, -lie eee dreamed
that the poorboote woo id ever be their
borne. Bit la aa evil hour the young mas
yielded to tbe tempter. He began lo drink
beer. He liked It and draaa snore. He
draak and encouraged other* to drink.
Thai waa only fourteen yean ago, aad be
was a pro* per out, wealthy man. Tv-day
gCfiwe i he T
Tm cUrgyman ia (he fmut rest tolemb
ly : A sot w*d a beggar.
ft** ruil ribbon ,nao,-dlsoiwia,kaely 4tb
yi>>; he Is a member ot Oowg:esa and *ts,
a brewMf worth |IH),000.
Hornetlm* it wtli bappun that way.
li Uj,. NSoVvQ.uIuCT-
Never cvug^rniU'.
Never , ifii.t t > another.
Novel ltd! a (Oiiff.i'.nce.
waidV.uly trigtldin aimiLrr,
Newer feave lioAio with unU'ud w,ird*.-
Never neglect to call upm yotjr fronds.
Ncvrf laugh at the ui|*foituu*s ul olU
* , MwgWs a'Vfomire jqu il* da
Nkvcr tend a present, hoping lor one tu
Never apeak much of your own pwlor
Ndvor lail lo be pntciual.;*! t).C U%f
appointed. j _j_ y j nuke youfsefl the hero of
own eiory.
Never pick the le*ih or cleau lire naito
In company.
ltevcr fail te give a lollt* viewer to'a
civil question.
Nover qticalloo a servnnl or ehild al out
raniily itia ters.
Mever pit* ul a gilt saying that It in of
no tree lo yourself.
Never read letters which you may flbd
adOreatrJ to others.
Ni>ver tail, it s gentleman, of being civil
*ml polite to ludies.
NtVer call attend nto the f> atare* or
h riu of any one present.
Never reler to a gift you have mmle or a
favor you have rendered.
Washington Hpeoial to the Llalumora
The ltepubllean nisnagaia have 401**-
mined to ial* n bind to runble tbe Itapuh*
Deni) csndtdalas ia ail tbe t'angro slonnl
dtouicta ol tbe HotdU wbaro lit* tregrocs
ate ia a (uapnity til coaiaal Ui* sea s
iiwsidcit to H eir Democratic competitors.
Ihe caudidntss lu otto dlstilci ol North
Cared ins, lUrcn ot HouUt Carolina, aud two
or tbreu In Mississippi, were colored men.
They mid the whits candidate*
In Uta Louth atogsustu'l) pars msdeaUtutsi
ot pecuiilniy losouieci, and tbcrctote, Utta*
Ide to bam tbo.cxi cases of conlcil*. Tbe
plan which Las Uwu toinied 1* lo ralw a
etrealilsrsbl* amount ot moirey hero aud
t lnowgjuoul Hie NotlI 1 , to ha rxpuntied hi
the Inking <>t testimony and thu gntiieiiilg
•I it formation lu ihc dtolruta \vl Ich tbe
Hepublicsn* ussuiiie Ui think they ought
o hnVo i anted, Ibe numb* rcl Wteee dto
tncU Is Irelwieu twenty and tidily, ily
tire i*p* tiilltuin ol money the Itepubliuaus
will bo i nablcd to gtt Just such Ustliuofiy
tu they want,both as to quautily aud qual
ity. ft to not to u.ucb that they aspect
this u uitcr to be ol any avail iu umtaUa
be tote tuo U/uru ol lU'prtMiilativas, Hut it
IsiuUode*! lobe used u vampaigu mato
tial iu lire No. 14 and West, aud, it ia hop
ed, will last tip* to tbe I’lCsidentlttl ejec
Judge Hu rt unit tile Frrat'lur.
BcotUvH’e [V*.) f.’ouiler.
Jud 4 a Aler.'lUvw, wlkii a young man,
law a go >d old prendor ildiug down the
If nilce.lQ/d.d (then a single tradt.) A
boy, with a loog CiO> cut aw tying croak
wuya < n Lit a horse, wa kUo coniing down
'lot same narrow road, some distance In
the rear of the prraclirr. The boy’* horse
ran away, and as lie an appioacnln/; the
pioua dlrli.e, (he latter ipiang liom bis
bora* und an ambled up a prcclplc*.
Whereupon the Judge i*clfcltn<;d : lilew
my lile, Air , you have told me Ust
you were ready, willing and ai.itou* to
Ula, why than Hruggle to hard to get out
nf tbe way ol that borteaud saw 7
Well, Mr. Kiv**, the good man replied,
I aui anxious to die, but do not with to be
sawed to death.
This circumstance remind oa ol th# fol
lowing from ibe Courier-Journal:
If a man is going to (Ire woods to com
mit fuitide, and a boll suddenly give*
chase, the diances ate that he will ruu lor
bis flic. Ol c uraw he will run. H-is go
ing to the woods to commit suicide and
not to be killed by a bull. Betides, do
you suppose t men wants to hare hia laal
moments disturbed by s personal difficulty
that may coat him lilt life 7
JEnduntrd by tbe |*op;e at a tale, relia
ble, harmless and cheap itiaedy. Dr.BuJl’e
(J'.S.h nyrop.
Down lo Miaaltaippi the Republican^
( from Federal cfflesere down, J dneJ the
Greenbacks™, aJ in tbe Beooud dbtikt
the Dew-eratic candidate for Cougrcae
oartowly escaped defeat.
Bridge Nolle#,
Ordered that tbe Bridge aeroat.calh
cieek known ae Ike Herrle Bridge be lei
out to tbe lbwrnt bidder U> be rebuilt and
hr 4 in good repair ler acre* year*, on the
drat Saturday ja January, 182$ ; tbe too
tractor Vo keep tba Bridge to good repair
lor teyen year*, and give bond. Dec. ‘Mto
J. E. Tluchsra:) J
It. A. Cuuoo. j Com. '
lie* Inseo etoardad at lb* Pari* KfhihllUn
ol 187 J to
O. .JN. T. •
Bosi Rlt-contt) fcPOOL COTTON. It It
celebrated for being fitRDNO.ELASTIO,
and at UNIFORM RTRKND JO. It haa
iwf'ii awarded MCDAI/i at'the great Ifi-
Wosflinrta, from fha fliat at Paris, In JfAfl,
to the’UfcTfßnfafat Philadelphia In tsto.
In thi* c'wmtrv' O. it. "Y.
NPoOIi Odrfmif U widely Inotoa In all
seidiortk !cr It* lluperlor ExftelleuCotu Ms
ehttieand Haul Sewing. Their Killy at
Newark, M. and Paisiey,
tbe largret and moat comgtatft ID the
world. Tbe entire proceal of tnaqufagfura
it condumed trruler the most ootnplete and
MMful tupwrvislou, and they claim "lot
their America prddnetloa at least aa equal
merit in (bat produeed itr Malay MHls.
M*rt!i4 gl Purls fur It POOL
they are glad to annonoeo to tha Amarf
ean Public lhat Piey have bean awarded li
nOf,n MEDAii, being tb* highest award
*lvon for fit*-Coni Spool Lotto*.
George A. Clark & Brother,
aer,a AottKTs,
400 Hroadway, Naw Ycrk.
* For Sale Everywhere.'t
* ‘■* —lmmm ,,
'•X'ta.r 1 [HOMES
UAtiiWAlf. I(a Weeteen Aikaoses.
f' ( > Section ol lb* country oflara parties
Intend lug to cliauge their r
advauUKosaa may he ebtaiaed In the
boauiliul Valley of the Arkansas, between
Lillie Hock aud Fm Bmltb. While the
Boulh has suffered terribly Irom ( slcknaev
duilng iba |Mitl Hunimor, Weatorn Arksn
• lo* oercr been more iiealtuy.
sold on ess loti totiue. Vet paniphlels and
further lnlarmallon apply to W. D.
HI,AUK, Laud ComiulswsttSf,Little |{ o ck
Ark. - *
Ckreiii? Tobacco
<|fITJkDAV U AitenUr eaoraaelng lor
<P I the Fircalde visitor, Tsfme aod
Outfit Froo. Address P. O. VICKK.IY
Aueusts Maine.
A" "OKNTS WANTMO -For the best
and laatrat Mlliag i’lctoi bd Duets
and JliUca, I'tiot* reduced Og par oeat.
Ad'lrcas HAT. I’UiJ. UO.,PfjJJ|. J*.
Of Y Miswl Uwrtia,BnowfUke, Datnaak,
V'-r Ac-, b>< i l alike wiib name, 10 cl*.
J. Mltiklcf A (Jo., Nassau, N Y.
A / \Mixi 1 ' x-Ma, with name 10 ct*.
JbvyAgwnts outfit 10 da. L, JUNES
A CO., Na.aau, N. Y,
.A-tlantu i^a^)er
ATtivn O'keasWA.
ALL Rlaea and Weights-
Addreae JAH. OHMOND, Proprietor.
iletrr to Uila laaue aa a Hpecimeo ef k ■
INnnoe und Organ* at Factory
Grand In trod uct lea Bate, eommeudag
Not. 1. 1.000 JUgaiflaonl laetrumente
houi heal makers lo 1m iilanadt tof intro
duction and adoerllteount,in Bomber home*
Agent’* Wholesale* Ua'ee. Elegaal 7 Oct.
PUooa on*y fIW. JUgsMeeut fguat*
Oranda, catalogue petee ft>ood, only gMO
iiaadaow* Irtflep Organ SA7 U By**,
s7l ; Mirror Top 18 HUp* SBO. Choice
inauumeni* at leweat price* evrr known.
• year unttm gmrontm 1$ day* Mat.
Write lot Jnlnxiuetwm Hmk circular. Ad
drew Euddea * Balm’ boatharn Moaio
lieuae, Bavaanah, Oa. The Gnat Whole
sale Piano and Organ Depot of tba South
(. 23 8m UXITJ.)
NO 52.