Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
rt auutu RVKBV vaioav,
A r *?.(*> BEK ANNUM IN A'V*,NCf
IL.tra mi Ailv rihiui,
8; :> 1k 4 ■ k-' fßmoj6mo |1 vr
1 inch IDO 25. 4.541 1 6-4-0 118-04
3 inches il 58 500 650 110 0J : 150
8 inches i8 00 840 10(0 15 00 j 2o"-
,co> aOO 10 00 20 00 ! S3 Ott j 35 0
j CO! I 7 (A) ft 441 85 W) :3500 | 6>! 04.'
1 col jIOOO 80 oft 35 001 (JO 00 | $ UK,
tar a i •btrui Ucuuciioft amde to ihobt
•dvertl'ing b<r tii* n:Ortih venr.
‘IRDINaKY A. Hinton
fcHEKIFK O- 8. Florence
CIJKRK 8.4 W. U Kel er
1 AX REC EIVER B 8. OlemmU
TAX CO'.LKtTOR J- U. 4 Kristian
TREASURER G. i Authony
ftl liVBYOU .O. F. Matthews
CORONER.. John R June
Jt. A t'lniua, Avron Mbhy,
(2 J. i.revc*, J fc. BuCbsuan
Allen II Walvn,.
Hi i a l.l) OK KIH CATIo.N
John VT Bulk, W J- Bum*
llißvi#, B. A Butko
A 11. Fr mii, Hi i
M 1- A 14lt .6 i. Dir HO. I M i n< uii
KM liKr KNTAT IVi 8-
f ,1. William*, 4 VV \Vdlisms
i . *
t. u. h Kirn,
/\ OftK.b.xVlt ! It ti*
W.-"-- - imr' ! *1 >' < " *-' > 1 .04 v \.iif
, , i ' , 1.., | .ll 1' tVIAI'U ftW,
I liUb A A I K i.NKA N,
attorney at taw
<.l< t> M Vll.l.? . '' A
A. O Kt <V I). 11. I) K
I , y.s DR NT IM.'M r.hT
} \ (iiirravil.i.K Ga
’l' *< ■ A' *"ll. "irt ; ii In'
The White
- is—
r’TWviPY ’ 1/ f x#*-'"*.. r%.
K-v v | | % t e J*
J 5 K aggfffTOfljßy* .,§
lit Itro4etlos "# WsrW reaowa*#
reputation **• tbs death-Wow to bijh
priced machines.
Tbit It • venr IwyortsM art)*', tt II It t*-
br 9 n **4 w*i|Nft4 tact m*"f •# IM §••
catt4 '•*<*•• atKMitl *'C* in vßprt* M
exit ssw-*-**f* trt Ih®** tfcat *♦•■ f *~
t, <!** !•*•**• keek
if M) ut reMeilt mmt *sl **• lh* ■<*•♦
“the’ white if the peei ofamy uma
ut chime mow upom the i mat.
“it eom HOME T# ■WWr*CTOe IHAW
u net Ext 7 any other before try
ing the WZZI72.
Hits ui Tenu Mali Satii&clsrr
H kite ticking Machine Co*
B. D. AHAIK Om tTiUE,Oi.,
Agont lor ibe stove Ma oil fa. lor Meri
IT I ■— 1 i iT '
fj AH> •b’ PATENT
A d9rk I 1 (> jC-*r<Ti' B!frL*oi'
jI *-) lb wf-H* Bt" b*
n*ua werk c>c con.(>c*t
1 as It, t(L*IJTT ..T* rxia
. L siesta 1-0 -ei ,a *•
wjt’cois 1 su; | ikf, y- ail Eiatlel a;
BoiWert’ designs.
HaylwhfTe y< u
og i t nd pi :ct e. W. F- & Join Parse*
s ;>r<j, tV •ai'elne' Co-,!!!. llt-/©i.
Bkttee cry tr cause lory st 9*r, mi <3 the
wust reliable u m<dr lor the relief of ibtlr
t!it com fort : s I>r. Bull's B;’y Sjrn 4 r . Ou
y S3 oeoltftr ’uk.
Toay talked twsitU the summer see,
Ai.ii watched tkye slowly dying win,
And O.’tbe saW, con.e back to me.
My love, my own, iuy only . ns 1
Bn whi r e be kissed her tear* sway,
Tie i eo -e waters kluted lue shore.
And, sadly whispering -romi-i to ny,|
Hi ’ll ci-tu* no wore f lie'll com* do
uiote ]
\loi e be.-ide the autumn sea
Sue watched the -o nbre death ot day,
Aud ‘O,’ s Ik- said, remember ok*,
Aud lo\e me, ilarhug, tar away >
A Ontd wind swept the wsleiy gloom
And, daikly whi*(-eriug o .bashuie.
Sighed out the secret ot his doom—
lie’ll < • -me to morel he’ll coma no
uio.e !
In i oace Incline the wr inter teat
A while grave glimmer* la the iniiots,
Aud waves art tie*h and cloud* aie tree,
Ad still winds pij>e a tareluss nine.
4>t • *lie| tln mtli ihe fia.k blue sate,
Aud .me up on the loi ety siio.u,
Bui J- mm ti. ! ve Ityn.d thegiure,
Tuey | atl no tuoie 1 they part no
Uia.e 1
Juhn If'infer
A BtltiSl FOItURA-H’.
, RhthlllON IN
Wrt*ti Special lu Cu.iiunatl Kntj ii.
' I *
M ‘ t < JA'|l f‘lt” , H<’i '!< <1 ifOtt) W It*
t A A<* i Al I/V TANARUS() 1.4 14* It llij'it, 1 < Ollt
.- im I tii iit I V'H’lt'fy: lit* visa *ct<uui!
Ml llt t tit •• <H Ilil :k/ ro'kff*, jilmiJlUMU‘)
.ijjiux-.u.iiA v, vy*u lyn** irml
r lil ii r Itt VMu t.ikt n t# WiiUr 'i Holt )
Hiiti intit*tlut t vi lu u Lrgt* galhtHliig, which
ha<t a*-.“vi*tbit: cut of CuKHty It* mi o\
iho }m>Mmii m! wliml all liO liiMS a i;ti lus
tiau lh beoaior
n int.
Khtor <?lnpp,o| lb* NvUonil Ittpuhh
< !i nrvi fl Hlly imlOtlucnl Cnij i
iwf, ami l ik <K* tt- it-n It * alyly ion i !i
< i .idl mi* the sfA‘>ta til lei.yr t f I lit* i{< , lltj
It* n pa; t v i It*’HO, h*r ►'okf horn
it - halt tuy ol U ? h<>iH, hut hia*
iistd ik) | *• l -t* a* #-I|;lli f*.t itiirt ll<* tht ij
• *-1 i >i Mu paflor* *1 11 it* I will, am! !<
MM holt M4t*lV4**t 4jU|l4* ti PVnl| H. |l
s<fUi* 5 . \x lit .in; it * hioi. ii t* Hi ll tU<
i #i 4 <!h v l liiUa h'lxitfieH Car |H lilt r wii
not mo tiiiirli a dll an •*> w|i I* o <!<> him
m la: honor, it ih •< < msmeii <>! hiM Hin
v ! aff rth’ l Mmf of (Hant’w t>hl Ijieitiit
■ I*4* i pi** Liitjity lu in), ti'HU* thin huirah
HII-VHIPI.I in i)j> i * 111 ■; 4*t < i .of tin* IhcUd'M
a iK>ti(ili4li<>n I'll** • > ju*• •M*a i)i ihi* dr
iit Vi m' ii m mid lohttxe lxi*n |mll by
Bht*|-ii**i l and a Irtv #tbAM yho
I t [v* ;Ui I iri ii |ifa jm’iny and H
a > y th'f, '*U lial h 1! Ih) *v\ bu /\„
mill pr um y it ' a gilt'll •’•
, u (;j4 ! In ln* Ixi'vl lobby
lit jiiiii)< 4 | . "til - nnt)/’ lh hr* in c*n*
•*f arii;i; td!t and t■•*, mhi on rn%uy bp
|i sAri: • \ v* nM' f ah!i that n >1 a ai.
I*i* ripc •<n r *1 ;n \VIn iuio *• <r^ rt km n
ij r 'H id H>#* f>lo4 it vt itii Lin
<imh A m is lio e, On* and iti iiialia'io
f to► y the |eat f llll 4l ns? to a* m**
>*Ady , iul wht lbt i (Jaij‘ Oiei or ('rant
AV4 titf’dtii p. la tb* I.eio ‘if (he o* i aflion,
Hi it w f loot the hi U can alone IH’ To
*o. I birthif ’Mite man on lior ehvk,' ia n inoti ,i,*nt I r< Hifj|( ' > giv* (Jhan
tl!r a • tnnr %
vtithtM H nalorial Com(BiwNt). It will
tar ( .i| w k n jeht’a t ftt v i | \m ru4&r#*
if <1 hai." o, # lstti#peree<l v.ju,
uo c c'l ifitiij{ nV>ui the < dty of a
41 rung koveiti ent, etc. C* g ; n will ed**o
be bmiidf tHOely M#ated , and <A e ►!!
? b ae *[ D’anw)*!!. eiuptitfAiV uteau one tor
t|*EA#e elio reo ive tiiern and dowin tor
lh* Hiient Man. Tie teal Gr*ol rno?e
rr*enl baa in Wa l ingtoo, md loe
fe? r ia to be kept up by uaing votfie <OD
v roe,.i oi'.iy unlii •Mlie oh) man,* in ni
' wn g4itaj tjfnc. ietorffi Ui bet nalive iieath
As l>e Jired, to lie died, nay* tbc Pi.'l*
(Ky) Crtzeo, Hept. fc b lfcOO, with hr* j”n
io lilt nawd. We tre mion; *d by a gcti
’hrnan d’ e<* iiom Booti't, o- ll,e Mi*KKi
!;, Ibtl in mst lrn 1, Colonel IVom.
.•ode Vo s > on 1:< k and tested kinuill wbu
in a blind rmsed V, conceal bim fi<tn th<-
gaiß®. Tbit while atting .hue ,ee ceded,
w >lb bit old 1 n-ty . fU in (point
lowaio tee itfck. the m u/z'v ■esJ'r'g or: i
i-g, LI-. late l>, me b.each of tbe yuo, bit
r ifle cc-caed. lies huge. on lae ti>gc*r, me
e/e Kbut tjbe o uer iook njj me bar.ti
b- o'lgb Uit ai' b't—in ibit porilion, 'witii
* r irggle r me,ion, and, of cnirve, wiib
i.ut | lain, be bi eat bed ciot bie Be an snt.'/
that when be rt P-tiad be*l day Ity m>
(riendt, althoogb et fl and cold, be looked
at if with hie gtm in band, jutt in >bt
act ol filing. It ts Dot aHoaetbtr ceitaii.
if s bi cic bad come iblo of bis gun
wbicb bad been 'be dtalq of tbousandt,
bat it might Lnte iutaititely followed ila
old employer*t mind and dwcharged iteeU.
being aorel, we dare Ibr
tolutioQ to the curious.
How He wim If only
t nut 11l ill H Trap
l liis own Itiylug,
From the Baltimore Every Saturday.)
Arl< inug was lecturing, with hi* pupv
.am* ol Silt l.akc, hi Canada, and as bm
incA* vv u guod tie wis in coriespomtiiigty
Inch spitlai aud his imckcla .were lull ot
The day be fine they were to leave ami th
l >)d W ard Hist a- silks wete so much
■ draper in Biitiali Boares-ims lbu in the
Uuite 1 Stales, he had purchased * laige
piece < t silk tad was gmng to lake it to
Ilia wile as api Bent. Ward was pleased
with the idea, aud in the saute confidence
told Smith that b* bad also pui chased a
piece of melton cloth, aid tioiti coulorcd
with t-acli oil eras la the best way to ac
11etc llie gooiia so as to pass the Custom
Ward suggested to Smith to wrap the
sdk around his body, and Smith iu luru
advised Auomtis to placo Ida cloth within
the lok sof lus puuoia"ia of Salt Lake.
Tuoy each as teed to take tlie other’* ad
vice, and Riuiili leit the mxt mauling t.>
go over to the Stales In advance. The
buiiiUe ol silk wonud atouad him nude
him (eel ijtide uncoil) lor table, es|iciilly
when he cauie lit the custom house and
o inmenced 1-Vcitogaliug about his hag'
I he i llli i.’ii wru* y ; ly |4olll. and passeil
Ids baggage wtihoiit a inuimnr, ami then
up.iid hnu ini" hi* p.ivutu otli. e, t
him n iigar, and Ug,ed him to Lac a
The hel of ihe r mn lieuat. to nmke
Nini li way uiuxuntoi laid**, end he nrotw to
lit* MjaU*d,, Haiti W\A l wv&uttQ
hfTTe h luiS i that wflfi yeii.
No I inuet Im* goi.ig, saitl iho genial
John. I can't auiitl vilting on long, and
tl)4*ii I've a creul deal lo attend to.
Von st t in to b< a very atoudyh kind ol a
him), nahl Ihe nfttcer
Yea. mm id Simtli, hiitl .vc geoing rt*d iuml
the wm mill 1 11 mis the nidi iiicreeting ; i'itt
I illy H.did, but I citiik aUud a b.#l .t)' in.
Ah I wild tli* ina|M*c*tn, Wlml'a Ihe
IrtMilrle V Anylhiug the uialtcf will* yum
cheat <>i tungM V
<>i l v h f o|)p, lepiuul hudli.
(Ij pi*HiMin ahtail ine Ittoga 1 cxebonie t
'lie t tttcur, i hi u and adwnt iug low tid
li.e t*ulit) • agent Lei me uii
ain.imli.m 10. y>'U, ii ; L may Itu iluugi:-
niii . I*l. n iuuv* your < i.
ll’n n..ti.L>(£ ; nil will s<'ii (>. nway,
i|.|k<|, HiWitirtly |iiayiu lor
■ -111 t tO VM. .tpt .
lit tloji- irivod, you .lioul.l not allow
,and. IK.'II in .ull.-i h, H*l'l ! lit*oflli.Ol
iuu 1 iiiM.'t u|.ou < XHiuiuiuK your t liofci.
))..oli.> i cuu itilevu yu ol ull youi
Tl.e ni|K*clol iuv’.tno, n<) llio cliusom
ft,<■.J UK. nl iiiUn v.o ily liy.ii# lo u cai
huii 111. •oli* hutioii. Dually uchriowlu.lgtd
lUu corn, hucJ oonl.. t-..u l to llic coi#'
.ilk u|>u lii. i^jiuiu.
'll.i! oll)< i r liiukn.i| in ai lily soil *l<*
I kiurw it nil llio wtiiiu. llnra’. r Jt'lcr *
rii.iyod till Ami li U.uiUhl
Hiiittu ii i.o.*( w,i.'cii l.y Mr. Wurd, in
loin.i x tlic m*.,4Ctr .lial Miny|{lei
would ijudc.iviif u (utiiM rjflsn ity ol sin.
d.-M riliiiifc hmil.i' H|i|u-Rrinc, nd cluiiii
mu <m.-liklf <d ill* icwum) loi tl. iiilonnn
lion. hinilU *an li.Ji|,uttil, ol WiVw, l*H
orlr. nillM'd lo r.yi n w itii l O' Ini nriitt
jok >•’, 1. 1 UM Ui ficr suoot Wsr<'
1.., tbe roil l clotli couwjulod lu 111*
nano | a in a.
Tilt in*, w:lor ,iir( iaiod tli |oke and
let hmlUi go >t .mail ()ijl y.
'J nr nek. niornnis Aiti-uiu* Wald a'llir
ed *i tin; tuktoin iiouse w III* III* | .or*tn*
when (be lntiy*iep om iiei ceil fuimoga
tlng liimi, and ImosUkl uiieu hit leina > bin,
have a glimpse el like beautiful plcb
Ward ti j-i' every c;.*ee, lint the üßcial
wf iin|/iriu>iate, and finally hit Wt dun*
(wiled Vo hate hie man unwind one tec
~on oi the pauoiaina bloie the iut|ecl
AiieuiU* a ood by end eaplslned tbe
views until suddenly tbe cloth came U>
light, and as it slowly unwound in front ol
tbc i icemen Ward bu< a an atlftnoe tike
his perto: innnee ajuni tbe stage, and In Hit
ilia srl of tbe exhibitor mid : 1 bis view ia
sligbily I icuihl* *d tIU tacuiy vards ol
mol ou doth. That cam i binuh told you
all al*.,t it. What’s the druiage f
'i be inspector soon settled the question
o! rbaige*. and hn owe At team* louud
bima, if ca ght by Ills own >,Ue.
haxdoldu or moaaoku.
1b tbe Uditoi ol tbe New YorK World :
hn : Heading lately 1a the World tooie
aeicclious Iroin Mr. Beuldin’s Is,ok on
Kaudoldb oy iioanoke, I woa return ed ol
an a need le, • rrecit uiauy year* ago in
Cua iottc couaty which l have never
seen in print. Mr- Kaodulpk bad come
•o Hie inn el Charlotte Court Heusei anu
*as wai'ing for the stage. A* he lay upon
s lounge in the fublic loom, a young nlan
carrying a long whip, wLo bad Joat arriv
ed in hi* own conveyance, entered and be
gan to display his person Ufoie tbe look ' j
ing-glar*. Mr. llando'pb slightly raising
hi, Le-d, pi lileiy atUd.-C-n >ou UIJ me
air, wiwliter thu staue has erriveil t |The
reply vea* abrupt and rude : I know noth.
Ing bi"< th* stage ; its non* of m l"U>-
n*,s aometht ig of that soil. Ibo
your pardon, sir said Mr Randolph, rs.-mu
ng liters umbent position, I thougsl yon
w eretht driver.
Wee It -iifely assort that notlili.gespial
Ur. Bttil’S Cough Syrup tor ail cases ol
Sore Throat, Ooughs, Colds, etc. Buce3s
oonl* * hmtle.
I’tghti-iig the PestllciM'i'.
We ars glad to ste announced that tlie
sacral nations ol Europe propose organis
ing a commission which will sent u> grap
ple with Urn dieadeil plague, sturdy its di
aguoeis, ex!>i irnont w.lh various :*medis
and ascertain if anything cau im dono to
alleviateiho ravage* and stay tho prog res*
of this on si dhehii at all human mslatils*.
Ihoas iSj Mta'K ttfKw that errand ol
mercy wHI be herons inneed. Less dan
gerous would It be to lead a torlom ho. e
iu the attempt Iv storm and capture some
nlino* 4 impregnable (unification. In the
one case, the medical e1I>eit coolly faces
iloaih In its moat appalling form, and .
mat us, at it were, days and weeks under
fire ; while the eeldler's struggle is short
and dt'-|Krate, r.nd ho is borne by
iiy the eiii|ieMlu*ily ol Ida emotions an !
the slinoet weird excitement ol the un
W ith him a bri .ht lialn of glory crowns
the goal he gallantly seeks to attain, or it
i u itsiiootl* death the scene. In
the esse of Hie physitiun the danger is
tpiiie as iotmiuent, while the suspense anil
agouy ste drawn out iodi-liidtciy, w'itis ai
most ceilntu tlualli iu tlie end. It that
comitiDtiau sutceitt* in its uoalfl woik,
•ivi u in pail, aud a mu ot them sn.-vires,
no ho, er* Would be'.on gu-ut to bestow
upon him, while the proudest munu iient
a gialdul world could raive mould be
r-rvdted Kt unr/ >• liU etrickeu cempau
In our ia*l Ikmie an mliclc wm publiwli
ed, nhowing Hie fciiilul ol Ibe
liliHim many Vt)*.* in the Kasl, Involy
'be do* ib nl no Im* Ili*u uJ 000,0 00l
liuni.u lieiog*.
T lie follow ng, tsken I'Oin tbo Cinclc
uati (joruvterclkl, w.ll 11 mil .nine I’niicep
. luu 111 til* turnout l*|MH!t ol till* dLl'il* l '
w lilt b I* pl*yniit .ud bavoc wtit* Uni peo
|il ol A.tiwk ilin
The l eoplo lu llio Hi't iuliolcil .cl/
re dyinc, Ui lopoit Huy., like Hie*. S
apidly li*. Ibe dIM-M.e * lead Uml luMy
ten (ir ceil. in Hie newly l.Tm ten dm'uei*
n ivu ,v . iilie.L Mo oua dart*, inmli Hw
I'o.itl, nil ill y 111) uul.'iiled in lit*
► .re .
lu tbe ummeuceinont ol tee dl.<e
I'.eii' n|. eiiiiK ol we.n Ineki and •;< kui
coalo.iiiu id idea., nl'ldl lya* and pain ii
'bu lolut. Thcftc h<* ipiu'l'iy udlowi'd by
incie* ikl lii|>oi and deli rum, by p.lbu
.ill 1 lli'.lui'K ol ibe lit e, and a levlni* ol
inieu*r, binding or i:*n*,iue,ton nnout ll*<
In ail. DaiUiitf palu.a'u in tin; Kiniu*
itlMlpl * Mid oilier pail* ol Ibe body. Ibe
I.yiiiplmlb: bl 'udH uw
i aibouclei aptf'iar. I liv 0)11*110 bocoine*
.'ry *d li.ii <u, bu) Ibe RUuia, leelli un '
•I*/* me coveted with u dmk iur, while llie
•rowel., which a*e at Unit oon.iipiled I*,
eoine lelu i.d i,ud dark, olliu.ive aid
.011.c.line * bloody iliuba.tfe. are Puipn u.
I'be will le u* it* toidiol over ti,e iiiiitfjle”.
About Ibe ter mud or Ibl'd ilay 'iyld po'
add t ipm pper upon Ibe uki.i. In lai-tl
intaea--fraVrno.t a e ...lul Ibe pulari grad
u.lly .ink., Ibe ktnlaee boottic.culJ claui
uy, the llloid o. xi t Irom ti e muoeu. m
-, 11 m and there 1* 1 eon.* or delirium
V it. im uwi.'tl'y live 01 *l* ilay* and
may |r*aa away wiil.o it a . rut jle, or in
0"0t d#*oi.. iiibcnal ,<ci
ona tulfcbt vi 't ev.iy count./ in Kmo|--
I, ;loie Ibe •) inptdn.. win; and
in Uiia way endau. er the whole world.
Te plague may be (* er.'
ed by endemic or epidemic iwtl.i
--i in.e*.; it iiiny O ' limn local cauac.,
•bd m*y b<! prop if*) e<) by peculiar coni,
(ku, ,Teiti|rt.altne Hsein. 1/ a yuy
yreal influence over ii. 1 1 tropical cl.
maUM it U know 11, and it tloea not Unix
wnbauiid ibe cold or elbaalea.
its pai.icuiar baiveat lime* m Kuio.;e I
Ule in ibe niminer and In '.be fall,
eefieclally In Beptrml/er. Like Ore Kemi.
of yellow lever, ll baa thus L*r eraiJeo tin
ezsnilna ions ol the cbeailkU *od mfci -
•(opbiii. A* soon •• it ll*re Ibe
copoailion ol (be blood and Ibe totnlhion
ol the ti-tiea, The el* no iraiver**! cuie
■or 11. lo eecaatonal Imianeea l.e*b air
may lie ol benefit. Oteanline*e w general
ly a preventive, and it ia clue tf> Uii* end
*n|*eilor veuulaiion ibal foveigar ra lu tin
loernnt are comparatively enetupt.—Tel
ix Hu-
(he Full ol Vicbshuig.
Ceneal Joe Johnston**'gnuieot
el Ueueial I'embei u,n lor
(Oeneisl Joe K, Johnston iu Phi* Time*.,
The lime to t'rfke tbe euemy, with tb®
(test hop* ol saving Yicl sbu g, wa* when
be was land'hg near B'.ili-sbu'g. To do
Oils 'h any prospect ol success a rapid
coocratiatieu ol a M tbc lorcee tbeuld have
been made and an attack. Under ibis
conviction I telegraphed te General Pent*
heitoo, on May 1, from Tullahoina: ll
Uisht’e army land* on ibis side oi the riv
cr the safely of Mkaiaalnpi dc|nils on
oeaiing lii.n. lint ol.j-a t you should
uni's your whole lores. And agsiu oli
flat 8 it tirwot crosses unite year whole
liest him. fticces will give back
what was iihimloiied to win it.'
Ths-e insrucKlona wore neglected and
time was given to (iraut to gsi , a (toehold
n tlie tsUUv Aed at Fort UUhou and
Raynioiid iletatobraenta ofA>ur loops wore
■Mealed and .Iriveu iiaodr by ovei wlailm
iDg nu tubers ol *he enemy.
On the Hko, when 1 learmvtl that there
were lour divisions ol the enemy al Ulin
ton, distant twenty miles (rout the main
body of Gen. Ucmbertnn’e forces, I gave
him orders to attack them, and noitli m
lihu we cuufd co-nperstu. Tlii* order (ion.
I‘rmberton iti.iobsyod, an 1 so tcportu l U>
tuo iu hu letter ol the I7t t. It iirucred
him to utovu twuu y mile* to tlie east to
CO-ope'JSte with me hi attacking Rooiman.
flfb moved to Iho B.>ul! end m tdo onr c- -
oiKii i-toii and juntiimi iiniKMsihlu, ft
claim* that tills older compelled Dim to
makii the advauu -'leyooil the Rig lllick.
which proved odis>stro D. 8.i10.e 1 had
i cached J not son and buloro theorder \va*
given, Geuera: Bemheitou made Ids first
mlvan-o beyond (null ol) the Uig B ack to
Udwurtls’ L)e|ot; a.ter the receipt ol the
order, iu violaiioujol it, ho made his s-.on
aud last ml -auce trout lit it point to itn
fietil of Baku-.'* creek, lie lurlhur claims
lliatphi* oilier tau ed the suhversi ,u ot
Ins malttmi plana Ido not know wlini
those plan* wete, but aiu stutk-d to tin,l
matured plait- given up tor a U' lVetuuot In
viuiatiou ot my .otters, lejeislod tiy tlie urn-
J o ily ol the council .of wa', dis ip.iu-je.- ;
Sta es) uy l.irndl. Oil tits l'i lF hi
wiote mu that and hi, could co le, t f'.lia
cn-.ugli Edwi.rU’ Depot would Ire tin
hi, lit-field. The bat lie ot U.kut’d oit-sk
was louglit three or lour miles Irom E l
waiils’ Lh pot. Tlie pi os,-uce ol the enemy
was repotted to hint the night befoie.
There w.ts no apparent olistsii le lo previ-ul
his lesmnlng his original csr
tying oni Ins matured plans.
ll i- a new uiilita y pi inciple lliat when
an ofll ur dindioy* a py*liive order id In*
.11 .• 1 un, Unit m<i>xii'inr becomes ruapou.i
ld>- Im any nieii.ui'u Id* aulimdiuatu may
clinmw 111 au'iHoi.l'u lor til'll onlcicd.
11111 bad l.nlllo i<l li ke.' creek not been
loiipbl, (Inn. IVmberl.m'* lieliet tliui
Vlckaliui;; w.ta bin Iraru rendned min In
evilublc. He would aldl lutva
nl mid Ibe i loiu captured. Tue lnr*;ci
fmee In! would lm f.n 1 led Inin Ibe line*
would have added In and Imataned tbo cu
Umr ipbe.. Hi. dika.tftrs we 0 dun nut
merely to lily enlaun'iuK hunae'l .wlp* me
a<tvui.cin f .column* ol a aipasrlor and un*
olree. yo l enemy, but,lo 111 i-vlrlariit i.elei
-111111 ilion to lie lie *ii,;nd lu Vic HJtt g lu-
Hie .and ol inanm viulng lo piuveut a .lu<e,
(,'oiiviuccd ollbe iii*po.llrlll y ol Co'
li'cling * lon e H.dU'leal lo break llie lo
vcM. iii.'ii I ol V>. i.abuiy, .non Id ll bo cuu
, .Ii (ad, appiecia'lug'be JI ITT ully of oxL.
la'.ing ibe g.mimn, and convinced tlml
Viik.bii.g and Pm l Ilmlaon bad loh'
1 n I ol their value by the io|ieeie I i>ay.'i,'i'
,*i min. ,| | yionMiia and iiuiiMpuiU, I oi.lenal
llie evuciaiioii ol bo o place.. Oeneisl
. .on'ou did not ii'(:elve llii* order bdo
.ue invi'..u cot id 1* id Mud#on II at all.
OeuMal I’u nbeilon ant aai.le lli.a order
undo: llie a 'vine ol icoondlol war, au.l
ibougli lie bad ilia Vl'krb i.g H,OOI> fievb
iruopr, not deiiioralnr and by dele .1, decided
M 1 oi n wo. luipuwible lo wllbdraw Hit ar
my lii*ui illir peniilon with .noli morale
and lualeilal a. to be ol (urtinr am vice
to the Co.ili itcracy, but lo bold Vickaburjr
a* lonic **> l*oa.i')le, w.lli the flint bo[H'
tliui tb* O vein. ni:in may ye* be üblo to
axial me m keeping ilil. eijtt'uc ion t<
ibe enemy’. It CO nivignl >0 ol Iho Mi. ia
ippi river. Vick.burg waagr. atly linpoi
! e<l when my inairuo'.yn*fiom I’ullaiionii
bi coucmi'.u e wen* u' clo 'ied. It war
loat wbeu my ordoiaol the Id'll aid bi b
ul Huy were diaobeyed. To tin. look vvat
added Ibe labor, piiva ion* and col Liu
capture til * gatlaut army, when my 01-
deia lor lia evaciiaUur* were act ualde.
leMthody ,Wda
Tb*ie is id c-*unty a zealous, vla
louary religiooial, who swin.lme* decide*
that the good I, rd has es|Hrcialiy eu|oi<ied
him in sl eta/iheu the lakh and steady tbc
sic|e ol the lallrrlirj chrieiiana, and
thre* siofts juat when and wiiere the spirit
moves him* One day iavl i lminer, while
p'oaiug, he decided it wa* his duty l > go
sml talk In a gmal sister tfuiltli, who l,ved
several tude-s 00. Now tbe sprrituai uk*
seuger wa* * widower.and sister Hmilh, a
widow and had a brother living with her
who did not iike such u umeienruoious
and confideotial adviao . Keaching th
residence ol Mi*. sru:lh, h* met her hioUi
r on tire poreh and sddw.asiug him (amii
tally cinfilreJ. Where Is Sister Hinidi f
The Ixrrd.has been leiliog me lor eeverai
mouths to come ami talk to her (and
s. -ngthen her io gitc* and laith, aud J
have coom for that puepuee, a* it can't be
pot ot auy longer.
Well, said the brother, either the gOr,d
Lotd, you, er Hmith has male a mi-,
take. Botnebody i* wrong ; lor alter
/ ■ ° ' v .
dmilh baa gone Irom home te-day to be
grme several days, tue fjord didn't tell : lier
ol it or yon are inesUken ; and, I suppose
sbs don't need your counsel.
Tbe me**eD;er became i fle ided and re
| turaed to In# plow.
Liborisl Proposition;
'•The Southern Planter and Orangs,* of
Atlanta, that Dree and excellent efght
i age agricultural sod family aewspope ,
piupovst, lot 75 cents sod two letter
flam, s tor postage, to l-.rwald to any ad
drc* lha Weekly Pi inter and lor
-dirt t-month*, tnge her a Hit at book enu
tsiniug tho old ami new cmisUiutTonv of
the 8 ste of Oeo'gii, with supplbrnstital
m-liter—.*■! v*lite ta every cilia ui of
Htaic— ad one of Scrib ier’ lug book*
codlfthdng measure,nsnli of all kind* o
ithdier. ca’nutatiott*ol Iniereat and wage#
for any length of lime, at any given price
all Hindu out in |t (net torm. sothat it i#
only necessary to rtifor lo tit* index suit
The last named (took will prove au In
valuable aid to lit. se having any ,kind l
atculaUoua l<> make. Tho otter is ton*
fide, and present* .n excellent opportiv and
tv ol securing a flr-it-clas* paper and two
valuable premiums lor a mere pit
ta- c.
Address (end .sing 75 eont-i and two let
ter |itai>c sta tips.) Frank Gordou, Puld
tslior, Atlanta, G t.
For lightlies* ot .Iralt excels all oilier*
working (mi the ptitmiplu id a priw. ft re--
-luces the dr ill f>) per cent. Wo have es
-0.1 it on a ft- Ii separator retpliiiug ft horses
and threshe I easily wiili l ltree. Ws u-ed
it also on a 40 saw Carvi-r gin, using 3
ucfic' which polled it with ease* W can
•iv# goad referee e* to the above tacts,
W* guarantee the (tonver tk refine# the
<liall 50 per cunt , either lor field work or
under llis gin hour#. Parties desiring to
firehose add t ess
W. H. piuaiM.i
er W. J. lURNEB,
Greenville, On.
n ?!> ftm.
To the Rial by Way nl llie West. Ily
11..1mp Mmviii if 2 00
Rrrora of llie I'.ipuey. Ily llmliup
Marvin.... Id 00
llouk of Sermons. Ily II ,|ip
__ Marvin 3 W
Doctrinal Integrity. Ily Dikbop
M a rln 100
Woik nl (Ibriai. t'y lli.bop M .ivm 00
o Her. W, 0. t.aplva, Uyl
JHhlio’i Af0rv1n.......... E 60
1.1,., and Labor* <1 Hi.bop Marvin.
Ily 111. M’ Anally 1 00
Armind the World. JJy K. If.
MmiJ lx, I). I) 5 00
OUr Clwblrerr. Ily A. <*. Ilnygaod,
I) l> ...X 50
Wi'lylila and WliKt". Ily Dr.
Dnema. ..150
The I'ljtiple’* 4) rrtfuentary. Ily
Aiiio* Ilion ey •• • • II 00'
Ain ol the u*ovo will l*e aent p-*l ,*aiil
on ii'Ci lpt id price.
Llbeia' illHeonnU In agenta.
ddrei* Tit k Any icvrit I'nncmntr
Huu**. <4, I.O<JAN 1). IMMEHON
Agent, Hi. Lout’*, Mo.
I in, T. H. Uradfl.lil : ■ Tb. Hullorm'. italrn I)r
IlMrd prtcxlb<l for my Hill, .laiurwlio wa. *uf
fi rliig vary much from "I'filnn Oak'* gv.
•lief. Two appllca/biu. euiadd br. Tear., A
)'iep*fcd by T. H. H'adflelrE LaOraage
Da. Kor aa'a by J K. 0. IVfell %'j
A. Utah La "Pa )oi*
Mills. .. _
/ ATI.ANTA Gimmta
ALLSisoi antf Weight*-
Address JAH OItMOMJ, Proprietor.
Id ler lo litli issue as a Specimen of h a
&G 9