Newspaper Page Text
Tld vim. Kiwor arid Proprietor
r "
Ur Wliluklh
„ VA i. •*< T. C.,
; I fcb 7iu, IbiS,
ifr, *W ‘Or
Tii*' *i lit *.!'< ■'i.'
bis/.ing b’iil •rtlt" li tf*? I''By *1 "
itii<#j ! t M < day Hi'ii l >• k**
n|l Wild,, i*'• Wig! Hi* **tll was Ii *
ft VP ii >u I*l '* '*Vi'f|4 lull ft '’l
men's ifHla t) lli'M Inf'Ui; New Vo >
Chi.(nr) il J>. On* y ,r ,r h a . i>< I
it ,y* n 111 l<: li I 111 I * 'll. *
n-iiie ol Oonali-g’* 111'" i loin l"'‘ l ‘*i.
in ('ii* *=iiii ) Uusiofii M I >• N *
VmK fvH *1 * i*‘'>r. lif Hi*' aid i' l vol *
|. .*ll* l',l: finll'e ,>1 ’ Pie, * \tnr.K <‘
fir'ii nil' u* f (!**■ f **•>}*• *iw Bfl! 'liiHO •
A < vhi • (in li>e new mumpi"" l* w *’ f “
taut in M, Hno‘ >Mi e mi, E"* k i
Mem |n ..i ~i .i s.O <*!.. r < vent !*'<
I ii. ; ,g uuf >*l li>* Itvo-ifN*l t* =*Win
lu I* i'e’r ml • *ii'>i>l* imu • !■*
fii;i in imi in* '<; *i'i* i'i '’i* •ti 'U ■> *'
r* niin fl him iii ii *ml i>i In :*i‘f, mi u '
ini mill' * fii=>*> •>* i'll- !■' y ii'iiii.ii i***' Lir
I 111 i* li iSIt Ii ' i 111 =1 . 1 In nil .. >■ H'■ VO"
<r| 11 . ' i • •fi I- r ’l'* - I r*H* t 1 il *‘‘l
V i=i fcm f|iiii I* ii d"a >nt in i 1
111, 111 iM-y . * 11*1 f:.>l, !•* tjll"l 1.1
|l=Vf m ’III* pH !'■ '-''fl'' l| I- Wfl >i*
II it* |,oJo * ■ii ol > 'i'f* ‘ii *■
I ill it fv i ►iiM fl ‘1 11 m y •<* I rifi'ft
til i |.'l, m*. . 1.1 ,1 'r li'i. Wlt ji *
r,n t ■ riit tii.wl v l-r lli
ti!u mJ* li oi Itf ’ liU . ii ;
l, tt* i < M l i<*l - I •' “ * f >' r * I•V* "
mi ill i"I I llllt ••■■•■> ! Illl'l ll' ‘ I ■'
I|., | ||,l|l,| 1,1.* HVI ■: I.' 11l til 11 ll'
I" ding Mll'l I'll.* 'I f> i IImII W till fc-,11 Jl, >"'
"Uttl'fr t I’l pifpll'*! "fit. =-l tl'in ! t i'ltl'Ml
In lilii'l lii" In ' ; i.l n 'll * '*i'll* I** "i * *
pi 'i riiiilftl A mi It ir >v *.i .*r 1 ' I dil
i liiii tii*.* I’l'H" h ' "it **t i * i'i*i * I'M 'ii
tlir rllcti.'iii i*l *i pH * , "'i f , *' ■ ’ '
II liiivl .1 lli'i =II'I Bli I 111 |‘ I 'K “ t’
MO.IIIII lll'* I'll'*' I"' I 111 ill* P'lli'l* M' , ** 'll I
r, i I 111 I li . ■ '.I III,’: p" j i'll ' I'i l"'t* " f ''
W Ill'l 1111 l I*'. *l:' 'll Ip 'I*.VII II f l ' ■
ri-ii <••*.. I' *Plr< i >i ,Y‘ *•) in •"
iif i'iiiii ri’ji'li'i iini 11 hi v i ''l*' I''t i"i
pil'unli'iify iiin ii, li * i i' In’ w#v i ll* l
*,l iili Ii i.iiik uimp! J im <1 iPn y \ lmn
|l. lili'lUlll I "H 1 lI" ill'l Hu' in 'pi * '
1,1, 1.1,,, I 111 |P"I K'l Ilirllllll* Clllll'l' *
111 UI I i.i-’i "1 • ||'l II I I 1 > 'll* *1 •>*!*••'
cli llr lii'i;'HlM' il vvn* p i*V' ii liml I.ii liiul
liilnul mil w iili ' nil K" v*"ill'll in I'tv*
lln iii pi miiii i'm itliui' *i in i*' *' iilfC ii* mu it
i* e In Ibr Ovi'Ml llP'y l ■ I l" mi iii*’ I*l
I'lWll II
l'hl',l* 111 l< mi' r ill '! I" ll"W "i* 1 ip III*
T"li *|i:l if il Ifii'l *1 *\ m >* I ' li*' Ii pilt'l’C llin'
Inin* Him '•* ii i"<‘ "Itl- iii* I will rinpi'iil
iu ih* ip i"ViV 44 lit i' '**' n'fi li I"!
Hi.* tt ii*i *ie iii i'i i'iHv | "p, ii ;'" H"'
• Ii) "I tip) p nl Ii pmv*' limi '**' ii iv i'il
I fill II | Kill "Vi! I ill'll , il 11*11*1 l"! V'l Ill'll
Him Ii .1 tj* li iMi' i A nil! It 1" •I'
vUle iiftli'ul pill *ii i’{" l*>r i l "' *Uit *f '
curing * 111 o, (h row'll ,lu li M'no rum
inon,tiiii"liM< Hint ilin*irli/.i "3. It in
nn fipim Hrciei lit"* itut ,1 >ii i Hlinmtui,
Iml Salili u li, In* | ul <>l being nt I'iiu eli
W Ill'l 0 mi' Il Hi IIII' IB Him 111 ■ In’, Hi 1 111 l"D
limn hot el lo In i li" .'i'n ivli "I il"iilii 11
senators Wliose te'iim io>mi In iv|>i' i',: 11
older Iti ass.lie Ini' n Min' n v iln lor II i >
on M on! ijr would 1- mi o the gofeinor lii
ol a #ri ilmy or it un,<ii n abroa I ol #l7,
ftuo I >l. r annum, Sr in ctosiy, It is It
lleyul tint i: hold bnuny second vol
* 'I
enough to tlri ■it Conking. Hie'O 1111
many Urn c i .u.uleiß ol yn r pu, or wlm
will B\V, HI Mu/ mini Uu'SU linn, .S'lH'ly
th s tilings are not t tie, and tii s is mill
one ol tlio n in.ili i tin ui o| ,tic |iy. |
Ii taply we only nay, wi’ Mi (ulme
tleVi’U'pmcn'B and it li •> men am r<‘t
provided 'or Oy 100 K'luil'iia ■at i in. Oill
ciel nolroua 'a a pove'inl e i tint} nl m -
I Option and no man should go tunn'iuke i
wlm ti cs Ids ' tit e or tiie knowletce an
ii fluiUCO ll I) n;* to oeu e per-onal i n.|.
or olitiiln fl '.ai ciol sneer ss. Tito eonree t
lll'itt in i fllee 'io il ! he closely ntnorv I ,
mul i( any i tfidtil, hill or low, state oi
ntitionul, by vt *no of I i-o fice pit's mon
ey Into lii* pocket mt'shlt) ol Ms lejil lev i,
i t suu'ej iuttlienci save by the prone'
di> Jiiirye ol It s ilnlit'* such a one w mak
i> g ii'e ci aud'S" of tiw position anil should
Ik 1 ta ppteii to step dowu and out at the
e oiie-t i ppoTtatrlty.
Uut no mallei wkut tlie means employ
ed, Cos. klirft was si 'natty v tnquiv c
Ti e wtitei went round Hi the rebate cliam
btt the morning aher the C jin to res it
Loid Uiseoc was m, and to rolioe how he
bore up under his erosion-' defeat. He
Uokcu mote smiilnir than is liis custom
and. was exceedingly aflable, but we
thought his aniib ! lity all assumed, and
that inwsrvl y he wss chafing over the sue
cess ol J 'liu Sheam*’'. Among the detn
ociats who heped to give Cot k'iog ,
black eye, we noticed the names ot both
tlie Georgia senators. It is thought by i
many thru. htlul democ’ats that Conkl nj,s
deleatwill embitter liis trends in New
York against the lolinwers ot Hayes, and
that their distent! ns oill ant ihe deinr
ciats m cairying that state tor prc.kleni
next year. Another direct remit ot he
vie ory is to put J'hn Si c-man pr-mi
ncntly torwmd as the radical candidate
lor the pnsidenry, ae it w as Sherman w ho
made tlie fig't lor Hayes and by his good
management and baigains the op.xieiton
was routed. As secretary of Ihe Treasu y
be wields great influence with the money
power ol lie country and this power is
certain to be ft It in the next election-
Tie Investigation of the Cipher tele
gram* now doing oa m BUw York !iini
c esriji tbt H niili Weed, * lik-iid ol T -
*le*i, n* tj-at u> ft-iutb Carolina a *ly or
wo alter the pre*i Mf=st'*l elect! *n In Ni
veinl>er, 1V76, mll'l tb*f be soon bee*me
*><ivl’)ffl ihat the mate ha*! gone lor T'S
ieo, hat that the Itwaiwiag Bmrd *te
nai int'l t* Colt it it fur 11 ij*.-*. Wee*l
/iettjr wV'O <ft,t* ivenwj tt.*t *ae ffirtai n
hu I**o J< W:' w Hi tig l*.>ia t in !a *r
r Tiklet ll t itf w' **: [mil lie owse tltt'e
1 "ii f I‘i.if) i A" lii ; iii He ' .le :
. fojily tmel >r ilia i• n •-* >a "J
• eititr tii" 11 i till il te iiiiel t- * of,
•-/•* * I Pi |,:iy their >rif e i = it iei t i oh'a*u
* (Hu /; iiiH"l leegia'Uei '" uea'lh/
icj hel 1 ibt' - in N * Y-k 1> t.*
-■ a /. Til '• Ip *rl ig "1 the tf *i I: to -
il r the *cii .mg Homey, ** e ling "I. j
v.m| I no’ Imv lln- olftoe 11 it. ha*l Pi le:
'eel 1,1 A 'he H- '"<! wen- Iff tali; Viui
o e.i lePim t I.* hoy the n in- le; Uuin'i
ifisM* <u? H ’ImI V'rj n |tjf iiif. t
I . *‘M - y *•-!' |*AI I
. ru . nt ,{**> IhJ ill ‘ Ht ! it i.olj j
htry w rti i> tU l ™;;4, o 'l** I>l
Jim il *‘*i t vtn *tl# y jl.♦ !
Inii ilk iii M frp N#n lOMU 4 nn J'WV -
n imnl ul tti'l ffi lH# f
i 11. • lent, at# lifU *>tjl i to i.r 1
MiH *v r"* Who %vl Anvi
tuft* n*y v it* !: <-■* f tfffi IS** W hi '
I ) fi* \ f llm ' tf> I i'n i i P<* \o: t*t Kt
1 li* |{ tun ij vfft.i** #*** it fi/ T • •t" * j mi
jf'n*iO • f > fM<y V 4ti * f 4* 1 *U **
f:f , | / it upon **tfly fjy IJji I ti ** li'**
it ul flity u#*, to * ily ‘
H'ffiiM.nli>M l‘* '!- i >f< •i * • *‘.'i. K>t '
M -tIM • IffM* M liit • f#< *■ *■ V* J * tlf I fl t *llO O 1
111 ( *A tl ill* jJtf 4 t?l *5 J '• tl't*
r .1,
id u ft.rrru r liftrf * *ltM Hi Ii )>ru
urn c- n| i ; tail#} * U** v>V M-t-tf
Mii r * ***• f Itff S i< , IftjM' I i’,r llm*
u'O.fflUi *uf i Hi"ll ** **, M •'•**', <ff ?* *’
ft t)i* 1 T|*t. *f Vpfi iiifi r, PW, 1V ♦**
Ait••lf m't '*y, v .V*' '!* <“ f - H i-He J 1
i ■}*!'v -‘-li *lt f .nm mlli***f l‘.ti ♦ fill *l 1“ t
*he *"'y *'if Me uro. ci."*■.! *i" * * *'*
'Mll.i't 111 -h * w -*- tih mi l*y tfu iiiiv ',I
* ill / U'lll* fi . Ill' 111 I-l 'll' I * ' ‘ *p '"I
dl* !' I"‘ !Hi lll'* *""p* all''*' I *:"*:
ill'ui run .*'ll !*< "11l 11 ll l*lu I*l, Oi c
,if• * n•> Ib "ii l,"t -' '">• Ii wli'p- O n
Hi.ii Ii r h bl, wiltu*i * I hi Ifni *i ,!
In ■lf HllllPl* Itl"litn4l i* A . T ' p ll' 'ill
I, ,i lu ye uiif ii, III"* ((l' !< 1 -""I I' "i*m
! i 1,. ,1 (ig in ini ah to m iii'l I"" n i",' fr 11
* t,Ud lii I ’lull "li ul 'iii'l ! r-1* ii 111 t Pf
riv* n P !* < vn • vrnu n tnvr day n "
vV"fn i" * I iif" Hi*t • 1 * iiai >r If "i
M u.n i, ll vB lih rrvi't rn i ntly ik
,,)•> (iiiinlly "ii Ihi -' iic ' n< ilnpiClai! b,
Pit' | alfili r, ad vU'eil l,i the In nn ti ns il .vni n n*r u t ri'pirarulll'i n "f III'
-I Hill *ve .1 ll WHB 111 - ' li'h'l l" p'lflmV,
r (nil le * ( -|i-ni It"* In I'" accor led III' I
riV i'' ' "I ftltfleiai g ihkt li i j■ '
tire in VV" cli 'I # "li ervi r rte uj■!"-< •> lo -
ll! t pi K'l', 1111*1 Vh" 'l* 1 I' Hit':'!' !K’l**
in Hie hi ■> mg " .hi imi f'Htli'"|ly t"’*r Mip'
liy U'C -ki ill'll 1 *>ml,* b <i| ll**- Bill '
I 1.l I'lll'l'l "I (J.'*' Hhi* I|b hn le . "
in eveiitln'ly i * 11 •• 1 1 • ue If nun
I) mi I b ~n I l,i in v<" ; lev din ; y" '"i :
iwyeiß iithl p 'diit'lwn "I II ni ! hut.
e.ii * nso, <i and air itige'y nmn Ii l ! .i
I" liHvr Ik on unit* i lot •!• bind "I ll"
young ’a<lv whu Hltetid lm in" the
vllci'f \l.n ilium El ictil un i ti'ivi ' "i
tlte VYliiip ]lmre. Kid* D nil I I* i>-
i\i"e ii.i'inbvi i nl the l.i i|i " '^,l
f""ii uiv" Bin'll ' si' liicmta; Bull \ .*
i* Cl I'll I" Hint I'lllf' * I "*t llpl'f* I ' ie*d
ft-*ce Hi the hi i e i iipihil, mh< Id bui'ig.
.v:' Iwiieve, H. rc'.tiy o, rhe vlt" Hid
i) ul I' ** Judge cl Hi" H I'm tl l.
Ani . tin y'* Htihiil l" p’lli' l The Me
tem wur lane hi, Mii: Id g I g i" tb*
hi my and J) ugl is l*i t’oug e- . Bliietd*
WHSiitvavH in ilie tlilckiißi nl the
Miking I’,l'i.y nt Ilie < n n n'i nitnilli, was
di"t itliui li flic bin :< mi! ran o le *ih-
WnhUirst PoU yi n* "i'. Dinide) m-
In il*r .S' ho, to wuicli exalteil ■ sVatioii
lit**M* me s<*<) eliureii. The s*nile rv
Inse l li 'ti n*'a* i "im up* n the piound
did tV liml nut been a nmi I’lk *1 ei '/."i
quite ns long as tin’ <o'islituti*in riq itrid
I'll •3* v ui *r 'l* ll.H'tl ’o i point ts siir
eei -or UQ'il the legislat lie met, vliich
ho lyTa-aiu eh clod Shields Sf 1,1.1 ' r , wiio
iu tha mea uimo, lm! serv* il Hi the time
i q iiied ns h na'uralic'.l cii Z "i, find thus
he became a United S a tea senator
A ai’t hr and S o "lien A Dnuc is.s I alge I
aether. L ttviur Ehouis S iel s a i,-
deed to the wilds ol Minnesota Irian
vliich stile lie is iciq liv'd to the United
S ales e. mle again. Duiing tba late cit-.
.1 war ho was in high command In the un
jiMi army snd ajtd i managed to get shot
.Vie.” vhe wat be ranted in Missouri aid
was elected t o <i.e House <1 Heptesed*
irerasa democrat but the radicals by
Ban Butter Kept the general b in takiig
Ids seat in c-mgras by declaring Ills con-
IKditor entltlsi to t' e plaee. Nw, lor he
■ tii and lime and from the third state he
comes *9 senator, finding none of his for
or associates mcnjlaw ol lhat b- dy. ll ls
e i’iy fritti s, Dou lass and Lincoln, h. va
.■sunt preceded him to the tomb, whie
Mary Todd, stierwarda Mr*. Lincoln,
whose trenchant newspaper arucies ro
goaded Shield* fUiity flee j tars ago and
t>d to a chab’Pgo Iron him to *Vbe Lincoln
s a poor demented widow. In thinking
ol ti e in my yictssilucea in the ite of
shield*, the w ell km we lines ol the jne'
teadi } occur lo us ;
“All lie w< rk"s a stage*
And all the meu and women merely play
ers ;
They ihi ir exts, and their eti tran
ces ;
And one man in his time plays roao?
As the democrats a nounce a detenniu
atkm !o mali nusdlol chaag* h the ar
my orariia Cot, whieh lbe
ate rcmaunir, tbia eesutoo may d*a itboal
the paesage ol the utceumrf apfao riati* n
hiiia. Tills would r* n ler ao eura rei*i*u
me fit able and he a <Uma**Y l*cb* !
,-ai , tii* ili-ißocrat*, f=ethai= to the grew!
edec*i/<n neat year. ifMitf|cai a *
callfc) il w> i n*A he cottvueed heioie hi*,
ih m-h it i* romirel that oy* !*a
ihrea ened .* ilie *'*proprlatkMi bill* ait
fi mhe.i n, eaiitu .ftea (tier dor
log the h U * *t¥ 1 J .iv.
VVe had a * *=w' t">*m )ter -*, ( * *
i - l*v i* foatiHV ae4 blight a* a 0 fl
',*y of ear y rim n *.
I ■ r.v h<* Ihree mn: *tfll 1 too
p * rc-ot .0-1 IJ.
W. T. fl.
■■l 11. I. ■■a.i ■■——.■■■ 11. ■■aae——a—rHaaaaMOWWM——waw 1 ■■■ •
Sheriff’s Sale.
(.•Krift'ifA -Mef’w Vh-fCmSIV
Wi (,f, ><< a-*!*! Iwlore fhe C >orf, Ilf, itc
0 m Ii l* IoW of <lnftlle Merv
*• i <t O.uii'y, (i a., •*(** U.e og
h< uli I*l **• na the flrvt Tue*l*y i"
Mlf Jff79 ,I! * vofilh half / fhe Aat
' f*ll<l "f !* t, N<* 21, ft fhe I t U'
i i.iulgi ally, oat ••<> * Hie Uhl dim ■ '
M* fine r >!> (,ly , if Ui g Vl
• < i*. , iii'.f • r <n *1 kon*
..I H- pl i o *!.' ifl'iri Wil Ua (>* ■* " j
mid' S , ‘e’. ii-'t oI • ilie frt',f*e'y -f
hem l i.lllfii. I * fi'aly afl la l* *"* ii i
ni-flu'r upofl <i O i|il, In lavaf *=f M *.
I IP-ii Pr, . WttlhHß <*‘ttaa, *4 ill .ii.
Ii *i‘ aoi 1 If It yti")d>,ty ;
ol*= ,1 hy -W ilt'ii'ii I. Oil!, "iia ol the !)•
lenitu I*. TmU'l IfoUfl* Th'* f> * .4', i
si ai* * i’ uif *i * iu )') '* *"I ”, i
uin "I Iftii'l [ N bl I t .fl*.l k:.*> )
k' "w" a 'lily ; Iff ti t tfs K
t lew ii " ■ i p sUo, ni e ue** nt Urn! f* g U.
if v. t' I* ll,* !*;; !.d lag* Ihetti'fl, fre ITPfly *
pnfiled I jr I’lO’Pt'i* thrsih, bit n w In lb*
l*o m i-'n and f. A K*t4> |"alr rt *<llo
pi j,f uy l*,( aip'l !r. Hi*- mi lMe 9 h lira
.1 M.-ri'VP }"•' e**'*p <y t"i I* if "1 a. Hie
j.i'h 11 1 y '.I f’lil" fj*r*h fcv *a'i*f f a 0
ill Pmii Jo Me*’ potlfi 1711 dls'Tfl. O. V
11 lV"f "I I. J Mlui | i|P'iy [*• "ilsd
0.1 l.y fft, tint I*;,a I in lift* I Lf)
n, 1 11,1! 1 < 111 ii Jtn 11 liy A I * "1 pi
E C.
o -k: oUlxck,
ii 0 tii,\ il' ** ,i,e, acu ly.
By vinn<- rf •" inil*i fc hi thp ('""if i •
o dll, ai > ii and ii*r *Bid vy.Ui.ty, wi i I*
nii!on the fi st Tla (Uy In M reh tipyi
lip Wei, liip h’.'ft! h"'"H "f ftilip, '.|d ,M, III*
'•"lilt ||""lP ihior I ■ Olpe ,V'l|p -Bid l"U
ly, light) l ull of "' 1, iniifft "r if*. 'ti
"I I lie 111,1 Ih ,'ft*t pit t~f I"* N It, ill 111
' DLtiii t"I *i!d po'in'y. ip ng' g
ti e p ' ftll- "I I * .V id it ft" , and" , l*e H I I
" pP! I< 1 t titled, mill l>r Hip tar,, ti' "I
I" 11 s '"'* i if* Hi* * tu i<l t siiiln r . Jim
2; li 18.11
JOnN Id'-. E
A*bi > vv ti V* lit " CP.> 0
OK> < IA, 1 .) !i iry-v h *,
kli ltwptUei t *in'V. ( and T' IhIU
Whprcss D I JC. 0. Tarrell - Ad nio-
ISTI. r il- h nit run •, dl *1 ’til "a Ir ~nn
u. rl, "I t elst 4 c ef VI rs. "ml, It, • J,,
ih tt ftsi-A, it prrvpn s to llip t* uit '| '
list lull >- ,",1111111- pip, the r-latrt *,[ ."
>1- ceased ami a. lies ltrloiters o! du nisi
< n fi *m In ' i afori B.idv
This Is tlipiel'.ia tu elt an! ad nuoisb
nl' ( .nicei-.ntl to ti e the rJ.c i nis, il a<*y
Ih.'y have. ,n or l*el *t* th 1-t Mm l y
in May'iieV, P> ihiis ra •■*< *liv n and Ad
uuni'liabir, h* r,-,u I, -lo*l. n t be
ill*. liarpad.
Given under tnj huud and i IS. ,l ,igi a
0. M. C-
U.E OF VAI.I li.iBLE HEtl.l
i*TA l C.
Will pe sold for C sii to the Ugliest bid- j
der, on the first Tuesday in Much hi xt, !
beiori the Court House and -or, iu lircetm 1
M< liwclbei County O-. • iihin the legs',
hour* of safe the tollowiog described nm>
erty town. The Kn'ire set iment of fa and
iu the (8lb) e’gnth Distrct of Meriwether
Couuty in said state containing one thus
sand a< ios more or less, adjuitii ig land* o>
J ,M. O. liobcitann, Freeman V> ouat '
J. W. Banning and Asa It s er, it bring
the i lace whereon Freman McLendon .at
of ictid county tesidcdai the lime ol his
death and jlm acme lhat was deeded by
im to the LuGiange Lm-mg <& Trust O
ou Uie 17th oi N >e. 1073. as per de and re
corded In CletkS office of Meriwetler
County, Sold un u er and by virtue of a
Power of Attorney, embraced in said
A. D. ABKAfIAM Piesf.
L.Orange like A trust Cos."
I. .Orange Oa Feby 3rd ISTQc
Ail pe aon* having claims against ’the
esiale ol Mis. Dhw* Ileaid Dec’d ate hire
bv notified to present them m lerms ot
the law, anJ all prisons in lebu-d to said
estate, arc hereby notified to nuke im're
did e settlement. 1 his Jinuay the 24th
Jai 3lCt -*
I 8 , \K
AHK .- I'L oi'K.N
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wi*icli can never up.
Wo aro n'wayi ready to
w our Koodi.
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m* fiiiet * r
Having c* aiplefed o- r laculk-a lu maflu acluriug
Doers, >*ash and fili#ds
W ha** avam rw'uoaj o:r prea to a ,-im thal aIMM wmi eUiHn anl
1 *;; "Tw* Tp.'Vr l ? •" • t -*e.*vr ;.I he ■rr -- **! I "i ,r '"* J M-.cliii.ery, ami i
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A .Hf Piu* '* -. Wi* ;h w Hi !' ail -el.
V> eiv B.*>- * i.■ ae ■ 5 i"f U*
Which arc gea ar.leeJ tube ii a l-'esl iu :be uia.-ki-t.
P a,
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\ \ ra hem f.oal ** ** • * •< *• W ttmha , • *y* If tiu
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~,= >(.g wi'i.Lni! *■•* ■ v •
|* H, li V.I, .* g tb*y Bvwh.firry nl*i. il.-ftlpHh. W lull if Well I * U-'eiH
m * ll’ n. la-h !•,,.* Leva* V. . > ' " *'‘*' n 1 ‘ 1
jg ri (t f) ' * 1.1- V 1 O" I*
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‘fl K ?• I t ; r.
t |,r KS
AjjLn lU* r| ** M*Ofi *+ h a * ? -'* * 1 • * f '" • r * 1 ' y
= Wo It K OK GOD •
la every family. • b *l ri I" ! t*e7-' * rif .'• t• h :o ic l raiev N *<ly TWO
rillllES IrOW Klltiiwh fwr I inar ih ** i*i “ . * ! tlioa *• iVn 1*1." c>* ®<ir* *t
fa, la Mir High J , i*ber a*. I• t >a ‘t*. L * ilheNo ! no deneed Jeacriptmu
( the r litter W"f lf *of o *ir nany ’y!' of Bi’.'e ; w ®
V yt hi *o n | " r ..a £ I I'r it IS> Wip if': Cif' ; v. 10 lig *ii‘9l O*r d'l
terer.t tyleao! B:h u, P i a > V 'mi ,ul her |.O >'■ <.'••• -r,,.
Ojr ephn .nl K*ya <d rtn Kdittata ol ihe Bbl i* made v- ,-ep a'.mg. te-ng a
Icta L hra*y cl the 110 TANARUS" tl *. krtd c >ntaiDk n aMi'iua ' he ' >, lanl Hw
le.-Uri.CHt, A "Crypua, Or e "dance,Jin ! l’*eini, rjeai!)
A-d 115 additional featn e. the moaf iraporant o: whin’' are n Bible Diction ry,
iliPjiy nl the* I 'be Bible.Hi*-.*nr nl K i rt"*v* l>e*i"Cj"it •* *a. H'*’ *ry
o| tfaa aattona, C'lht, Hie era, Lihw. Bir a, ISeaala, Ra tikajiaw - I ‘‘
Fruit* and Fi**weie ol fhe ifito.e.loo,oA) Marginal liefereuct* Mur.age
Ceil it) all-, Fainio iteerd, aid I* ,*i'o,ra li inteJ .* Ut*
c e*r, nr fc e lype.un pai'er ■>! tir-'-cu * qialify. Ibe bind ng*
a eml the mjal du'able *n.l *;ir-ctive cuaracla
10 j ij 1* i,.c us.
SmE NO t -|i*MW|Wi dih*.! Poet. t*i t Center Si 1-an.
kiwi W Beige- CT vliiMfl..*! hni.tMWWa* lU* |itn, - - -
; STYLE NO. 3.-M lucoa. Uaa*y rio . Pan i, fs da. ou hie Buiu,
! u>b, *iuj x. -*,<-■*, PmAograpfl .Vjbum, ana viol TW *d litioaai leiii ei.
i hh.iOU uiu trail’Hi- - IS.OO.
I TJbO tai.l*, tt'O ,c.*ai I-.J l c ckul* * u O Wfl *id led*)*
iu u y ibe I4ev. J* no Browu. Fr-ncuM >fcc . Foil tint u.i uuc*
6**. ts, ud E cs, 18UU * ag.e, 3'AhJ itn*f.u<iw,
The ciifcap*s. Lu tic c*t* *►**.- [su.. uani**o Kevit*’, Cia., O. Vo *."=*t
scuu lor nt "ou*[jiisiU-i. llo*-.roei, **a>e* a u, N. C. A 'eitaJe arm- -[ uVa.^t
otriet B *i*l, Ctunniiam O.
ote These Instruct ions;! w e will kwwar J
Bibles on ieoupt ol puce, or we - : send tae $t.A) auo fi'W BiUea C. O. D., witi
*ruiia,e ol eiaiui-ing, U Vs* •t* a twol in advanc*. Toe Oca Doi. it will be a*.*
lr*.ni the price ol Bib*e, am. i.a*ar.ce, W yf ♦••00 codtcted upjn 4e*ivcry-
Bibles can be reiurntd and money will be re u.-iied, il pun case.'* are u**V aatisflwJ.
The ld.oo Bib.e cannot -*e sent C. O. E>. Tue .ail a uouut uast be *eut auto
;bis sly eis ordcied. Give Foh Ni nc, P>st o*fl .o, uoiflty aoa s.vte i aiwo, aesiest
Express OiUce. Tne ucvt way to k.aJ m ney ii by Pist Office Mona, O der or Regu
teicdL ttei. Addieas
AMEI ICAN t AYiILT BIBLE PaUisbHg C, .V. Fitih •*. .
Cijciauwui, O,
JJ Td -We Lave a 101 l line ol sma .e. Bibles, Testa u;uts, nt vsiy low Fiihis,
h.. , # ue ut whicu w lil be sent upon a^-pitcaljou.
CUR f 15.00 BIBLE FOR |o-00,