Newspaper Page Text
f OETfcY.
* ! '
a t in n<; iiitnmi or
C.MiLH i>.
Tlit luv-ei u ill ilium Ijy (a-*ur li
Wee fill,-five j<afj able Cki.R, *.e .. <
mlii ,
The dutu ol tin- li i‘Attn li-V ■■■-b-U U K* • -
I !l,
Ti i II .1 <■hi * Aim* I) ! •'•<).
Amili **i grainl U.l, HH'J 1 Lat iluU: 1 !-
Tbc-bakl o i ban y. h t< u .bd uxly
Ti.cri llur-K a a ki bd. and ti e No-rii-in
it Eng
And A it i .ill lilt Cm !(U1 lur dU- than;
cva ■ tiling ;
Jimg J.itiii it ml th" l,m *.i al Del art
Fn| t , gi ril, 'll in' el I" 'l''' Hhl'Miim* I*‘ ,
Aij ilitio II ay it C)i'l>, in tai-IJii ami
H iutl bed,oil UIC Sii.C. ill and Jti'-e,
tin; gmob.
Thru Hemv Ui'; H"V" tli tin; k’nfr la
| •
4MV ,
A. il'i"i't In lila liru i6 fob eyn e-ph'y
ft try ;
Thr long am< <1 H-.-:*- t, ll'i' .a 1 mi * I l *'
Tin- i.ntill- li t . i I-', tin- |i-'|il' bavi
[t- nu" I
r, ■/.iin Ui, .‘•i-i, a .itii-i- i ui', i---1 1
A, i ||ila uln i ’ln-' < mi !•'•* ' 2
I vt" J
Turn Clin lia w'l'i ttat lnl Wii-J-kU.iU.i-.
lir ii- l ",
Willi III' beitd .ttkan 1 a 1 I Hi I II l"i‘> .
in a,
(ji.ntci ii,: bln will' lit l’iV li'i 't
I- C 'III,
11 ia egg i*in ecm ili ni ig I"f 3 all '* 'I
ami lit ntlt.
'i In ( * llilin UW* Mb 1' limn ■I, *'i h 1
h l) "il<",
Jsy I , liltl Wi : I ill ai.lyj, 'I II II In • In
Aml In-, ilm Hole In ml Hint I ’ •I. ■i *r ■
|>n a, ,v *in IIIV 111 II -I Inn, in *i '■
ti ' . ' '
In Hx an mu l*|y ti >kl gd at ••
Hr n -i n'i l i " - v ■
Amll hf V, lew tin* mi nml, I'uni 'Hi
km rrt” .
Ami lk'Mi-.i i l'- , nil, *y l>m "i'l'i an
al at i I
Ami tlid, ii-vnl.iii-m iii I i-iiunte ni ilia
I i.ilß
t'fHIM *an t* 11ii I hi: V **■ ' iA- * n ei Ii y
i-l 'l-l J
Knitt Jn-I I-!, bo waa ■'.mill, .ill' mil'll l *
bin b t• imj ;
I'r'i n,n- Wljyimviit I' nn lola/ra monan-li
T.ii'ii W "liani mm Mny lb* r ilmtliii'*
t'l.itiu: lln-ii pbil'"* thlprn *l|:bly ninr
'J'lir-i Amm nin ri-i il I” 'b ,! T’ oim, ' ' *
Hu' the years < I bcr t'.ln' V i* iP l" 1 ' I'd
Ami then coiiniH lb" '.".irg" , iiinl.Hii: -ml
ami Tk'iU,
Aml Il vii' vna'a a i b lb" lull i -na, <’l * b b
vi'U linvf lit." 'I.
TI." K i uc!i ib> Ibi n Cii-imla ynivliKO ri
Dcleali'ri In riT"iiU"ii (H v ami ni"",
Tbr tyiant, Ki"K t.-i)',", "> a •Mn.l
In KVeii'.ern bumli"*l ami irtmly t
Aiuem-un riilJwlH i.pi I.iM' tbny ari- In"
Fii m lMti b m I'lpaal'iti "ml ti * 01 ®n
ti a ;
Tbe Mven-yvau' * ' <n ’al and
In (tvaiiivrn liOitil'Pil a--il "i. h.> on"-
Nan Mann, tm|>cior in cijibu-cu )d
laur, t
Ua ntada mrnjr t< rnioevl- —la Mill* f< "!>
in ; utoie ;
But Bouai ail* In*** in (•igb ten and Hi
Ami Watciloo wltliciß bi* lauicla so
2 Risen,
la i|tbtccu and tbiity Ibe "Bill ol :t
Grows out oi dibale aid a lVrliatneiH
Vi* toria n- vi ins i' Ib'ttjf an ! acvm
As Et ghtl and a Ini: en, v.ilU U.e kb vf
leg of Hc-ivcu.
A Subscriber know how this
difleiM Ik ni oi! er eoap. The herd soaps
trade 10 lls country ate aiaiost exclusive
ly Iron) uiual lots I til he south ul Eu*
r ,,p.. here the olive giows a -, uu .auiiy,
the poorer kinds t I ohvc oil are u-eol !• >
*pmakirg. Oommo.i strips arc soda and
animal tat, Ca- tic soap is soda and vege
table oil. In ma.hi C’as ile soap, gtcat
care is taken to avoid an excos oi a k tli
(the aodti), only Just rough being u.e and to
arwtia’.ite U e oi’- On mis account the
aoup is much milder, ami may be used on
wouud and oilier am fares whcie common
toap would ii i'.a>e and give ’>a.n. Toe
moltlvd appcaianee <d ( soap is vine
to a soial! quantity ot will ,on of cotq eras
(sulphate ot iron! which is stirred-into it
belote it hardens ; this leaves a tilui-h ox
ide of in n in the soap wli ch, when exp**
Ct] to th, am, becomes chanced to the red
oxide. White Castile scap ia also s< id
which islhe same as the otter, without the
coloiUig. Thoueh called Castil-. it is by
no means exclusively madk in Spain, '.he
largest abate coming troru the South ot
Frai.ce, nnd indeed it is genetal'y known,
in Eu:oi e as Ma : series soap.- Auie icat.
Agricul'.uiist c r February i.
A ttlMd okl tor Wim i Him
Aiv uyt Ilh4mmu",
Balttpun fc.ny Saturday.
f'raa'y Kvtx t-lviiiy *f {iraiw. lint
luff I fA, <i> ntt* l'Wf tt.6 it !o it'll dai ft-
I# >i ; ; f IMS 4>i|l—l<H|W sUH M ** tt*
un.i,**.. </l l.iHf I- l v tl-iiR J.l*yt l*ai‘ I
i f* ami *' -Ij-V is <'n'i} t '<> |"*rti!i*. is, a
li" world won. 1(1 it -—*B-1 )r*t lt,i-:e U
cOinCh / 'o be -a and fc-ln/ut Un; m iii" q* .1-
-TTVTi.I uglr w n tu. T ii*f*: i*i iiltcii m-/ *
l-bara. iu a,u u.vly li'lle 11. an ii
l.a l ad< //:n lull, 1} cttljr Uv I :*, !<•
Ira v; In-ell on Hi': ■* nil all Ibe ti'il* *■
;.-m ji i.inl in l.t rir j-oint rf! c'tv"
Tin:.'- ~av in-rn ii.r-i ,hi I'l: w-.n
i I.Oi, if bl .t a lion ibiiiff t<- fiy tnl an Ofily
Woman i.a- no (ilstf." In til* conony of
naiijir. lb.l 'l-r .cord* of ' ■ word
• eii II lebjgibly W.iU'IJ, i' woo'd las loiiltd
lint Uf !y won i:n l.ave l/roti 111* l.ri- iM-*
tin; l,ri, IIM I c of 111* ill:,'.'*. It ir tin
Ig .rllMi ol taut/lo fl'-t tli n ii O loob’r
llrli ii, ol 'I my Cii - f.a ra, liny, Cl urn
nl rv 01-. and iiUn-m da ol otbr. *. wbfci nv i
Mury (nn t-bioufbl i al#u*j ■ IJrugty and
Bnyiil n buvi- vctlVed Iraud In l. inJ * •
downwa. 1 sbirtc to ilrutti, and a hi-n*vr
t!.C jr : if fun women be i* mur
t i d,i o| .■ in tiiinf; da’i ini. II be r r
l. I. ive . ifri-i.iii nl in. itjtfy l:rf aortiao il
>v nl.I l.i- In Inl In If.! l-n-Br, y.dlv, d'.vi
lion, .11. I My f- Is'- •• , -I! dn ill" : toy
al,ii in*'" r|iil|<l*k ’li , h rli.. (.orill i.n.
bn, |1). Ti : li' "ily I" e;di- ; It, ■■ Util
ily i li, iiorr.i- it.'. J'it.l dm Ii w ad* |-
i-iiUii < (.lfi(, ,, iiid 1* *-v j*■ | ■
> " f t-l ■ *
ile in* i' .1 " !>, n'.l lo I, • ! . .toil,,
bill I'll ! it” I nrr, r | Inr 'be If hi*' ', > Ini'
i in*h rii ■ mind lhi in-,- h! t iln- in*- iy ii
In ** i idbb- .In: (ir i,l* hi ..(1 11 *"l * :<n.i
ni I- , ii • !u. V • O'-I air b-!< mil, w • if. r i-
In MIR* law! '*ll,l i filldof' Piefly i* *-
ly dm ," i t in 'id in; dill, a .
rii, n* ,ii 1 .*;.f*rwi J-*I K i in t "
(ilkl rr* iii ti-ntll " niff ill, e id
i.ruoii oi i"ifn*iy v/oiiit -ii'i" i* o, *■
.iiun't an -* ."-*l," **, a 'i"
t.we,-. nl -. if, I Min -T bll t" 'li *, Ml H.iit
win niv t mill iti-r ti tn l " 'it I-u
wot <1 i mild lur im,in i’.ii y altmil U> in*
ll* |.| j.fv o( la inly if •>i bi Riva n|i I
It, 11 ii,"*’ . In. ri .I-y Iv 1 . - ti: 'i -f 1
, m m"I lnl vt .ill iln InVi- I, I ii" oim i ih
!ia lit in lo vl,*"
111 < t I! on: till, i 11 I*l ,ltl I .
KveiV ii hr lead linil ll *r wl h llir
cucai tHu "• 1 nl In 11 ay I ■. imgltA.
in •olum id lb" mot , ■ 1-. vti and no -.'li y
i glitlnil '*•. i a*" traiiiWni wbb two • ■
dm -Inna id Ibnl II" ". Ill* wrbl.i i m •
’■ n v.\y amialit ni" iiv nil r i*r* and i '
ria, and n.i ill - im'diisln I* yin wil ,
on" annlber in *ll n |■■ o nn .in- 11 v| "
nl bin oil ■ M II irt’a loin I * | dl il '
in.*, nr lie la unit tidily well nib. f.
Ina | indn'-ti |)o. T. in ii** w wM'-ly ,< ■.
lar w itin i* a |.lini' by | .<n n mill, an
,!,i vraia .;n li*.wii.b' lat t.,n i-i <v "
I’iioifli <* IU w n i . . .
M-iu wit" ' h" n-.'tt H|- il." <: ."ill -ool'h: alnb
in a •tnitll nrwai.a-1-r i■ (ft" In I -i.nn.-il
Cos niy, Ga'iltnn't, liirniß |.."V • -nwiv
fa il’d n* fli’ik, m-ii-oi ti'iu’b"i i>-.d R -I"
mill*'. Thrmiith Unoo vii iosi uile• In
I aaml h-i ni*i icy, <•-• * li" .> I n
01l of n I nnt * ill" v.*d, niolbn wb" ll*..
not tin* min i"l bl ti.lß Ill'll i* Ibe vii. I
Hue.i "ifiic i i.m aa Im obi i "and w tin..,
In Ibe I i-n wdionla Imin lns milerml Ii
treilt. 11l tli" s un-übiu li"" , ’ii| < ' I |!b e
who e l>c olioii.n-d bio knnyr'nlsr* - I ’be
art ( roaerva ivr, I p tv,is .wiy >. r In midi
Inmaetf RP.ii’iail'- ua. ,ui. iNo *:iluU>i-l
it< ft Uio mubifariona elm net in of Id* r
tli r, be bet urns rn cxop.t
Ills fi.rl litnry|•>.U he * to red in
to hy lit* (in. hiyfi, who dii.ii'g * ,-iX;
werks at>* nre, torn elled Iftite. nv r
his will to w,.te the edit i^bf 1
|ti(, se iug oi' hUmthh *i,V
out copy, etunoo. iig ml ieldig up .in
iyoe at o. e am) the sum" ;imc. G owing
<iu v o.iiis itliitl situ itui, lie 'vi nt t
Haiti, arcisco and on mm it wo k as a con
posinit in the <>(tj<o ol Gi Go! eu Bra
Wliile eniplov<xl|ikfrc lie commenced cou
liiUing voluuiaitiy to the to until* of' toe
Err The ediU.t whs so we’i pieased wi I
lliite'B jii<>duc'i"Us Hint lie vised him
to abandon the types and devote himself
exclusively lo li e pen. Tliis eounst. w o
fnltewnd with what uteres# die
r fading world know* tnough lew art
aware Iba-i ‘IT mhen Chinee if a jui ter.
and was actually loicerl to essay audio.-
ship against hi* inclination.
Loodou Wo; Id.
One ol the tno*t eminent pianists *’.u
liOudon Imviug siß mucn iroro di<-
irrepre-fibHl cor.vevf.itian of U rawing mom
audiente*, devi-ed the oloer day a ui car*
oi gvin* a lesson te the town. He a.
ranted with lilt vin.rn, his vmlincedo fund
■be ieat, that the mnatc Biiouid Jcouie to a
suddeh stop in the louie t pa.-sago of the
piece at a given signal irom him. It was
doi.. Too bawling aril shouting voices
were led in ihe lainkli >g of an eye, high
aud dry, as it were, upon a shore o! silince,
Jo\ ous, elonr aud distiuct almve them a.l
aose It voice I. ’ , the forcraest seals, the
voics of a hfcdv —bat no, otlores shad not
drag her name i.\>m m*! Aud these
words were singing upon lire staU.eU a.r ;
'•We always fry ou-s in U : and.!
\Je . n time, tor proven tiou is better than
ou:e. All Coughs aud Colds an 1 such si
tae.i us oi the throat aud lung* as lead to
consumption are cared by I>H Baal *
Coagb Sytup. Price ‘do ecu's.
IlipolaiM if Viuikna IT-|de in
War uurl tu feytib ta
LiOßiJoo Buudard.
Tfe yonager atuoeg ua ca*tw>t itm-m
--l*v-r tbt keen war in ayiiipaiUy ailh 'wbnai
tbfc En : *.b ot IfeUußfi a ilueawci fj.r be m
u; a* fn te umtD iioad by tu b-itt.i ef"
Ui'i-in.ari aguiod til lid led ol o lake a
tnd odd < I ("wiioo. leSKKit* i, finia e
ai.UfJy biCuiaul.-iedA, Even
* it>> |fo t-y 10-atl y w Alt . N Hlbe
-s * we i; UuluCMabk to ti.a c <•! a
Hal n tiioif .tvol mg i &-i i tvl t i-n iw . b't feel |>iou4 ot near • i
01,1)1 wdb lull inu.iirpa .rddc 1 : die. y
igi ai*l by Ibeir eoruilea—v. tiiek, or.
ni y !•* ' fl'-ldy, i/iartiluiii.J a t-.a’"'-
► ■■l I. * no id ( . ace baa ever lu trio **;, ns. ui U' w*d
I,op Man 0.-e held Ur six Bio.i .a, wi.b
y r ,' 00 inm g lnM luOl/Xr n tn. t >* ; ,U r
line ol eartl. wmaa ibb y mile* U leng.u :
w ... in. tie*! but tH ,000 cot at
do ** ;. ii eat In Hit of to on Ue mil-y
and of" *UI * llg * l >iy and I'd "
I- e. i. g '-.I ni on u ! da*, *i re derrd
lad but D.bCG iiry'H,*(y a*.* sb<ee. If r.
Inf* nr-orne Ina flow -r and liftde of ini
yfe.t 1... g t,b race, <m vt born 0" re *
t,!e ito"lb** enemy bu* now fail#
(bear*, beriow fl* ‘liv. ion of ty.i.j■--
,by, a* ..uni* ' 0 | n o i lo *<b-e an-
I Irp 'J|, be B.fc lire e*; . üb’. li t '
hr H .and I li-e fVinlb * Un‘
, In. o. ,il nn .. JUf y"U *1 v- '-n-ti e
..* * y* *ll*l and # I*l lb e-'hi oi 1 *me
Hen lode* a; rub I 1 * M v ..ay , e.t*
te -:, yV<- .y. v , .i. a, "i*. m-'t :
.In: tli -..t<s r j yn.iittw; ol I'f
o;-bif y : I lo ti.-'o'’ .;.! * '
i am p, < u nion ounywi .. . i o l" /
bo U> u'l'l I# • i I- I* **ib iln r bl . and
In,nor wi b ilic inline* I * new yb
byt i) #i-ld ao ib and l.ic Tinb *
i, i, hi *-■. ni .lb * m .f, ei .a" *>
II g ani uln iy; inn •• •*<
, inn . .Untie, .!■*. ", Ilj. r ■■ •ut I* 1- " /
*|"l Hbo .11 lo U.l bout tbt. 1 11 y> .. i
Ibe i-.vil wo Tiim ney ■**: am n.. Ih
|j 4 -0114 l-l il" A / ll* .-lUII )1 ..."
‘ A * 1 ’ r * ’
I , - 111 I * ..... !. 'I b •V”
I,mi J Aij ni nl .I’".await
J 4. . ... ,b .t w" o'i'rt -*.i’ n-r Hu •
i i .In ildaa iillr own bll ..nv iJ, 1 1
.t i t i tiibl tu by bin . *:d* to ■" ‘ 1-
u,n, di ~eU -by n yeii-.w bter, 1 *
h<ilmi -Ii iimeg'-t. Mir aid 'i*: ‘nn n*.d
, ~ .id nui ly r'* >'i ’ ii.
' f'cutn Waiitod
r nt ui
A A A 1". >(: .ii |*R. rIT.K'A
x a Illustrated Bible
AA \ AAA iii I• > 11V
Ov- i HO 1)00 ■ o|i * or-lri. -I m'h . f
• On" I P>yti:t(:nl*nll. ri* /IrW '711,1 ".*,.-* j
lie */* Wifi. Thl* milk ciyu'tl"* an lot* j
ifmn account "I tun ureal event* m*ti>r> - |
n| ill til t I*l - lid N’W T**U"n ni. Hi" j
i:vi * ll tin I’di inrijl.*,. J 1-1 O’ ,Kl g* a -A ,
Christ nurl His A ponton
and of the n iiisik title Women an ) ch ;|
ir u rni'i'tioned m H.s Hacted V dums.
F i let ms sod territory. ap-JJ to
Now ieli, C inn.
jv 10 1 Mr Uv.
lirrr I Cos, Gn , M y 1\ R-7
Pi T. H, Uradfleld ; I•* 8 r -I n■•! the Haf
ll.iliu I k light from ft ne <• ms>i
Ude! tor bee > with Imttif.'lst* rcli.f.
„,nt you to pnt me up * quirt fer f*UJ y use.
Hr*, .ctfully JOHH APAM*.
I’ieprtied by T. H. Tli adflrld, LaGr.i.i;.#
t> For rd< bv J. F. (. Ti itell A Cos
.sat nii s.'wun v o i.
„ - .
Atickns. la, Fm *?5, PCS,
fin ill rhilit, tr >rnrs o'd, hsj>tro o
worm*. 1 trie.! -dome! and tbr worm Melf. i i*.,
lint failed to dijiel sny worm*. Swing Mr Ban a
ci tiitu-ste, I goi * * a! of Worm t>il. su<! the tl rt
U bough f rty r> run and the *m>nd do#
liteu ,: t*i al l and 11 1 ici i.t It t nv.
r I /I A
fir] : in' h\ F‘i Smith Ljrnd n,
• by J. E. O,Te ret JfeCO.
Smith * HVr-rs OX-
Alliens, On., Hoc. 8. 1877.
ew n.cDO sthoir I Rave my eon one doea o
Worm t il, el and neat day be passed sineon
large wi Hue. At the earns tune Iga one .loae to
aiv l!tt , 'ii; - c. os ifci ] r*.r
worms U ncheslong.
Oe BnH Lyndon
p r Sale hy J. E. O
Mnnulv inrer and wlx lessle dealer la
Pure Apple Cider
—and -
Soic i’ropiirtor si and Mnuuiactuier of
537 to 2t o W Thirtl St, Cincinnati, O
£>—■ a DAY' to Agents canvassing tor
l fhe Fucside Vi-iti'r, Terms sr.d
Outfit Free. Address P. O. VICKE Y
A'icusta Maine.
O F icy Cards. CuroasO. Snow date
r>V ' &c., no ? alike with name, 10 ct
J. Mmkh r &C.. Nassau, N Y.
I / \M XBD CARDS, with name lOcts.
Agtni* ou'.fi. lOita- L- JONES &
QO., Nasaau, N. Y
rpo ADVERTISERS—Send tor our se
_L ioct List ol Local Newapapers. Sen
tree on ap lication. Ad rvsa Geu P- Row
! & Cos, 10 Spiuce St, N. Y.
PiatxoS, OreranS
Introduction Sale
Sc perk buuruaaU
Fichu ‘Ue But Mate*
T<> BE noU> AT
MauAfactaren'ii Ratcn
ry .v 4 4/t 'i'> ■/ -n ?
Pf i 54 •* rr ' l t
U H buy. g.vca be eau-elva-jr -W • - P
Ittii d.arrntiMuUi kll tb* h nib, a.-i *
li, 1 & f•. UI p - e iff j- l" * '* HO
A.v, :' m nil 'ln i . u’ ' t *
;<! iij,", n ft; -e eiiUnva ”■ .'h
b .. ai Fa* i;y W.. * *
ff.tlr: 'fin:
lir mil titr*tea< rl*e *nl".
. ‘ NH .. Ia- :. ** H - 0
tj !u " and I) ,is’l n,l t-. 1
ll it •>e • y-. * " ■ •' J* • a
■r -hi . * ■ I "1.
Si 4 K 11110 HIK I>.
I I,* ’ 1 * 1 * t !*’ I -> ' . r**- I‘4
1-lAN 1 ‘ .wf y 4 Pv ( • U- ; fc r - >
I* \ *ii- th *. ♦” <J J*'
ip A vO t H * .IS it s4rw'k-Af-i t vff
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•1, k, 2 ,*<’ i-i ■ •'} lif , V *
• ■ -*U nttf ' if 5 t- . 'i: * 1 .’t
1 Mil llm i is *0 t' f .
mason a Hamlin Or ans.
A, ’
Pd t&gjf ( ?' i*■
-•■r *iw
(j- |I kM 1 K!’* "H , f♦ ,ii* .'■l tV > *
f; f M.t: ■•' A • * . . " * •
Hum!hern <*n ■ .• K ■ *’• i
cliK’r lii ii --h 1 \ t ♦ * . ‘ ;
n shem v#. A Ti •> . ■ • ■'i. ■ - ■ •
-ty Irrm.
ft. ul i r l i ', -n : ' *r * '
ing jirio ** * • *■“ ‘ '* '*• • •
I MIN)! I'l'A Nl'
Fin |',o Mi n I’- noor f l oan ' ‘icii'i, we
win del M t'l; .id ,’n.d '.O ft j l ■• i”
10 lb" r- lo
AVAN * All, ’A
Wholesale P *" n A Drcftn D-a ,g .
.Vri’idN TION
The 4 ° l ;•* •' of M .Kl 'A K I HER
COUNTY Will iei t ee a aost cordial we -
wiae iu LAUItANUBftI
Cs Ch&lsou’s
\YAIfE r.OL'SF, Stable aa l F’och la'd
b- r* ilicv can wtifh the r Cotton on the
neO Fai”Minks sc-. aa and put their stuck
a a good stable.
Well Supolied
with tvrrj accominodaticns and aeil theif
Cotton I,ir (he *..y’c-<4
Any oirecaili tg r*n me who does aoi
hal this liu# will tot be charge, any
With thanks for past favors and sei.cit
mg oihirs, 1 (xn youis moat t:u;y,
r-13m Lar.range, Gx
m WL Himrriq ;t mochwot
YYorE?: Cbiiitlana, La: i aster Co-, Pa-
Cji.c: -J 8 Bean r S*., Y'txk Ps.
•? $25,000. FURMTIRE- 25 s OOO.
Tb * in cietise Bfc-ck ol ITiniiore, ccnkjt'.icg cl
sdvr oAKtfS
JIATTRES, [i tie
.■ tides ever; 1 € -■ - ! be. t 'u s
He olive a . * ch fOn -Un- * ru.U lNctura Uau.c* and u-4c !: u tU order, any
.Jh h - _
B <i i. .-ii i-I.V i-i,
iiOUgCfi'l S I A NDS.
Km if ’of i*i >i.i. '.*\ s'i‘l i A\}&y
V :Li■ il AND U -i. • i ANi'l.U; 1; l lot I. ( AHM
Jk . \ r k et) Bl j <:*u j i 9 & *rn (•
y \* * N sU Tn KK>.
, , - i\i Wlillti (.*%
mrn. A ■. * - **
r l 11 i A L-'AIiL Tl'e ii M
' r ' V '"'T’S,
Lain .v il I•• Oat
•,V ~ t . M.. -dey •. • ..ho- J w * >'•'!’ f ‘ m*
, „ . 4.J • •. *:i i- '’ > w-.i* -ri * I ,ev •*"•! f| ’ at’-n ot Ibi* jiff
vth'yf* l "N'e-i i. . o
I . ■ ( ■l,.- IV '■••p V> ' ' ,hi . ,'n' -lie '■ --I ■
,| ,„|,lfr. !■!.*■* ' •-.:• • *: •- *,i *'*t'ie 'di-r "■ ie. r, ' ■i> ")
, ... n par* I eat
, (. , .* • , r 4 1 ' | i w npivl in In* |io f, *eioe.
~.4 4 * . ’ ’*V . - . ’. V 1 r. : A *fn H*. r-,*'. ’-•)
, i . - ■ ,i, i . rial a . ■ ra
• t M * I'-' h I. *' I • 0 K, I ■, "10,- r' b
- - I • " 4*
• , .F- F I \ vi' fil \ R r„
, ur W.IL "ATdrDALL. Hac.,
a iy C loo’ ‘.e„ f|! ,
aim ■.< ts t f .)•;>!’* ’
V i line 1 I l • ' • . i ’i" *
■I n ot lUu'S'C .< nt tor*. I ?
'be Am: ian R*> s ' rL* ■v., V* B-*
naa *trte- Now V rk. fv '.re* ! ’be Ii
rjr -t 'ir liter >: .'*• Rnn •b* t u ■•-* •"
ii •! in th time* e|Q."n E e l**.h, will.
v* if all nut*l Rn ” 1 "No i-e ;.<;<•
mnn* from the wii’in gaol each. Ad ii
are iotei ecti f •
•.ure will we’-cn ii" t -i- new "liiJV'D. wit!
ts rea r type an ! h ivlv ft” miry I\ ' *li 1
• e been oogi g tor the era .of pL-np
-fiooks w i l>" mere than ati-fl and *:'b fl
wonderfully low pr;. e The entire work
in eight r.e i mnberi-ig ove* -f 3<>i
pace* i* odered delivered ! e ot expmis e
lo tiiow who Klfascdbe duriog jarviarv. i
-r'.ier biuui.ig lor $2 T>, cloth, v, or
hdt airuocoo, giit top, #-4-75 Bpecinrei
page- allowing s'Ste sty e, tv pe an-l paper
■>t the entire work and giving lull par tic ■>-
; 1* ii clodir.g io ioceiaent. to, w i
be sent tee *n request. To those wh<
wi.utd like to eiamir.e it, Tolvcae cne
which it complete in itseil contituiag 41G
r>ages wilt b sen’ t nt vw 1 Ir nvaio-,
price*, la paper 30reel* entb 'en’-s;
half mrncco. gi t top 50 cent*. Pjrcba
-er? bave the v>ti >n of gell cg Ure iHher
v .mines by paying at any time the
remainder oi the regular subsc: ipboa p-ice
The p ihrehera re 1 oniy to subscriber
aiiect instead ■( giving to deaiers and. a
gvnts the nsoal 50 or 60 per cent diaor uni
to tell lor them which account* (or tin rt
mark.b’v low prices. A specimen to me
a cloth binding Ct- he ate at the offi-<
of u.j* paper and l.hrst ;• its e ;© mile
cun add their names to x club, whitu w
s*n 0 be torwar v*.
TlotlieiS (;i) ai H
Abu cur© jour ciulC iU) Ir. Msitt! .
t Ittidj;. ' 7? : 8 } XL
Booths uad n*%k ‘et> *▼ ; Care# CL ir +*■
loUutum aud U sjoaaiucx Cocapuiiau dlciuidreii;
ileal# Eripwoß ©ad don? . Remove# ituvi hf-au
I Uttlaatic ot Womi. Nw tftr rt
jAi 'd li*c£ at.
I-LA ’T-i *NO hP.LD liV V A If. We
a f. t. '.rum M- • Ndw’d I
*. . V• . .f r Oevri- -• S
<t a. n>.- Oil e i- id Y own g
K - 0 '<* H-s .' . w‘
.r * a |T MAUels W] Post
It hm if • i. is age, srnOrar "K
I'.fu'.reiis <d Vi' < -• ' v e'.ies. srs ev
ery h ver if Ffiiii slid F.•-: , or owutr
of Girdfin, sn ;u 1 eociore lUtup Ur a
g‘py- '
Liri^l^r f 3 JSTotice.
W ILL tie let not to the !*c t bi Idt r ->n
the 2xe Ssluidty in next, al 13
o’tUi' k, Ws bridge scross Fist Cr-.-ek, cai.-
©.j liaruio.. hrulg l -
C *cnm-
Vwks Floral (iul lr,
'A beautiful work of 1< Pv e*. One <>d
oied Fo*er P'se. and WO idn'.rations,
a ith Liecrri;.iiu# • ( the best Lowers and
and how to gn* their. Ail
tj: a Sse ceat stamp. Ia Ku e ii*t or Ger
The ITower and Yegetabe OardcD, IT>
rages. Six coi<*m> Piates, and rna y hun
dred Eiursv mis. For Ott ctcH id i aj*-r
■ overs ; SI,OO iu elegant cloth. In Geiunn
r Er.g-.iaL.
Viek's 11 aatratod Monthly Magaxinc
J3 j*sgea, a colored plat* an l msny. fine
r.ogi a nogs. Price $1.2.1 a year; Five cop
,e% for SS.OU. tjpecimen Xua-bor, rent lor
1C con's.'s S.eds a e the host in the w< riJ.
.>l ; ire cent rump for a Floral g ride,
e. .< Lts and P.uea,aod plenty ot
;. i . -a Aid e-s,
JAM .S VICK, [{••chtsier, N. Y
Bridge Soilce,
. id i .cl out to the owest hi 1 ’er f,r
• ,c 1-t s:t iday in Feb nary at 12 oc. ek
. e B 'me across U■ e Greek at A chains
>1..:. Jk.". *ih, lei*.