Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator 7
p. itv**!!so jpraav fiiiuay,
W Orrtc* public *scan*.
-t*-*. I MvcriMiw,
Hpac* 1 w t 4- ks 3mo I 8 ne> | 1 v*r
1 Inch 100 Ji. 4-50 >(U I IS.OO
S ..CUP. 150 500 #3O ll#oot is HO
3 aches 3UO BUU 10 W 18 00 V"#**#
i 0.4 500 lOt© dtMJo;3AOu *5 00
4 eui 2 00- UUO it 14) 3500 00
Cwi 101 ?ouo 35 001 6> 00 *IOO
OF" A liberal deduction made to Tbo*
advertising by thv mouth of rear.
ciurcrV otrfiJ&ii
ORDINARY A. 1. Htuiou
SHERIFF O. 8. Fton-nce
CLERK t*. c W. H Kl i
1 AM. MMUtttVMß....Cttataais
treasurer a j. Anthony
A ORUEJiU. * - Jolt" M. J*****
L. J. Milti4 A n>u Sibley,
C. J. Itevvu*, J. K- Buch.uan
J. W. Eate*.
Jehu IV . l**lk, W. J. He in .
.Ma-H- nAt**s, Jfii A..|*^jief
A. 11. F. reman, ftec.
Mf> Aloft UCib 1 bluet, Y. M. I uutau
FJ William*. o. w. Willian
AililiM£lis CARD
* ;
if. It. K MTU,
* attorney at law
J\ Uhkmnvii.i b (• A
IT ill | reciter hi Merl"etbr and tie
. Muut n I.lli| I lie tu.fU cilClll'.
attorney at law
i.ukks • ii.i,a, t>*
A. <i K. OY l>f t. l>. tv
*■ tju.a. vil.l.a Ci*
Tu'W-v < *-h AH *"tk *rt*ul*l.
: r -
The White
it in<r4ciiM * w ** r ** , r~ <
repetitive vm tbe <aeth-tfiew to *ll
prieed MMfciMt-
iki. .• xr*
•*<*•* ** *•**_ r**l
c# y| fli || fim KtfWNM NMN Jpf “ov
CUAtt. '
*-s sit Btgr w 7 othsr before trj
is# tbs WHITX.
f*ica art Tens laic fetfafutar
HMM flwtoy IfsKtoi C#.,
K. D. ADA IB GaiwviUK Ga-
Agent tor tbe above I MiW tw Msri
wether cocnty;
Smith'! Worm OU.
Athene, Ga., Dec. A T 877
A ew siCßd rises. I*’ s>7 s ms Aset •
iMsUtut s*** fiar be WS Wstee*
mr MM •! an }•*•• •
warms It t sebaskm*.
w.r mum.
Smith Lyodo a
Por Sato by J. Z. O
With h Clearer V talon, *
I M to night, tlte man I b.vcd
Three little venr* ago ;
i it Id not think to short a time
C Id change a mortal to !'
TH*re were none like him in those dsy*.
8 > urong, so true, |o w ine ;
He a loft?, mart, a Stow,
j And tender, aouliui eye..
! A voice id ; half by w hich
t Til* raveo's win*, would seem
Rut pale Indeed , a lace an** form
To Uatlut a sculptor's dream.
a* when I kicked at him ta Light,
TWw uo tingle tra
Ol the old glory ; oa'y just
A eery onatmoii lace.
No twarb.e brow, no sonl-'.tl srtit ;
W mm l and stank
That mice to my lovc-hauntad eyns
Was so luteuscly O.egk-
know full we!! he not changed
Ho eery much. AH, me I
Bit 1 w< pitnd ia those dear days
And B<*w i*. I 1 sop.
'ft. very dreadtui to be b ind,
Ol course, and yet i -night
I sii.iuid tie happl r l*r it I
Had not irce.vel my Sigh'.
.. . **. A .V’’"' ' / " *
Oac V.ftie th-ughl wilt trouble me -
I only wi.b 1 knew
Whether in- still U blind nr and
Ills eve. ate o*w ii too.
The TTii.l* unit Kumiiure ol
u Bolii tnii.t.’* I,Hi-, *
No Auuriean JoumaUit is lieltnr known
ilia.. Samuel L. Clemens (“Maik Twatn'ft
lli career u |rioe I will, * s'rong lonini
lie vein that , aside the genuine hls
ui..r >.l lit. works, lend* (<i tlirm au add?
lo'.'ft! interest. Tim li ..ton Times Ims’lii.
dulged in a jeis. ual irliiiniis en e oi Mark,
wliH.ii u> giieu’bt low ;
Hsti.uil L-tug home Clemcoa, in net
k. s-vn Hs''M.%rk Twain" io
Uonroecounty, ;Mo„ in 18.15. 111. | ar.
ent. soon al'or * aid. lettiovud t Si Loui*.
Clemons mi. u ieiiMl the Mlwisaippi iiv>
rr L'* mi wbtru a y< mm man, pr*' louriy,
In,w ver, p .sting §.*" tune to a piloting
offlee, wlirn- in- o*;uired the ari ui selling
type and TcriliUliii;'.
Id- was brat timid n lit )“u ill slope
tn Hit TeiltnrUl JbuUsiprise, Virginia City,
Nev., in 188 1, aa a cOllcepoudt-ul limn L>
um raids diat let, wbr be was mi l g, un ■
■ lec.lbe tignstmc "Josh.’’ .'I In liuinnr
a>l bn ktuis tickled ibe Waabm-itm ad
made the Knierjn ti toughl alb/, <I•
ally M its rolumi.i an enlivened ty rli
( lea from “Dsn dc (j I te," Captain , limit
I* day lid min t*. Wauling an
•pHsal,” Ibf proprietors ol Uic paper In
tti ugtit that lU<: Eameialda J#h uil fc b
lilt Hie t til. Tin*) Mint ,l'r him, and in
name. He attired m dilapidated an
iuil nve man garments, had a fnedmii nl
in aimer, and, to a greater degree limn *>
eq in tl), tbit property diawl In III*
•psweb, almb, In enji- filial intercourse tie
letta I nu, nr a| |e e l to do in, l<>r wine
of bit Olattur live irtdtvi luallty. lie took
readily |o fep-utmg tbu vai/lng |,.rtui>*s
o' the inutiig ortmiiOol'y, and s<r ogriiei -
ed Uie nfll UI torct at lit* Knt<! prl e.
With lllx-ial reinonctalfon Inr Ilia wmk,
his per-ona! appearance gradually Unprov
ed. ll* store clothes wrre ol better tut,
and lie a ceoled bis eouvetsation Uea wiib
itaroialug itissstofteJ with Ms newt iU
plum*. Jmli, tie assumed Instead ol Ural
M rk Twain,” winch lie retains at Hie
present day. and ly which be Is known
ibe world over. The name is r:rnltii*o*m
ol bit old pilot life no (lie M'eoe lppi, and
simply Is noe oi the leadsman's cr* when
sound'ng as V> the depth ol wate-. II bis
lead show* it he shouts lor toe | I m'* guic
snee‘ws 1t twain', or In ordinary speech,
the lead indicates a depth i two fain
Daring l.i* *erv. e with tbe Kntt-i prise,
and afterward with the o*ll in hen Fra *•
cm:<l, M r Cleir.<M to said to base proved
himaeli tmN to psir*<i*l exertion In co
vert mg new*. Back m the leetlni'iuy ol
,rop. letf *ol llsoae (.apcra. He preferred
to draw upo hi* imagination, and k bia
reader* to lake the flower* ot lane/ rather
than the leoh* of toe*. He bad a aurprw
ing lacuit/ for adapt* ton, and could re
ramp a alary a* to airnoal deceive to* au
thor. Hi* ‘Jumping Irog,* p jl> ili<:d in
IM7, to an ioataaoe- Mr. Bam HcaV/ugb,
formerly of tbe Btocrtton I .dependent and
tbe Sacramento Union, bad prtrkroaly
put ttory in print, and no attention
waa attracted te it. Clement treated it in
bia own peeutier way, and aet the whole
edit laogtiM,**er> tbe men who told it
to him at Angel’* Camp or Murpbey’*.
Clemen* toft Merada in 1044, and ent .to
baa Frenctoco, where be wrote letter* for
tbegJßaterpri**, played a* reporter on tbe
Caft. eontribuied to tbe Kra, tbe Californi
an, mod ranow* other paper*.
A food bread loiJleineo* waa tbe late
Jamea Anthony, ol tbe Mncramento Union'
When be iatimated that he weald lib* to
gn U> tbe baadetcb Uland*. Mr. Anthony
li]rai*brfy~r with tbe meant, u consid
er *i*#u ot wbicb a certain Jpamber of tot
ter* were in be written to tbe Cnioe oa
tbe aociai, comhcerrial and !litic*l condi
tion ol tbe Hawaiian group. It waa a lor
lunate trip lor the vagrant HsLernino |
While betore ha did nothing bw* prowl*
a smile, and wss.cotibldemd, by thoie who
read Idm but did not know him personsl
ly. to be an tmHodiim i t ol Laughter hold
ing hi. sides, he had the good sente to
know that here was occa.ion where the
laugh diu not come tr. He ncc-rdlugly
wrote a sciic. ol polid and readable arti
cles on the islaii. a that atVaitad the alto. -
don Ol the ux rcaut’d* worM. Tnoy weie
eagerly rra.l in Uie Uulou, and discusrcil
in the ban Frsnciseo Chatubor and Oom
Fate laroted him In another way also.
The celebrated clip|wr ship Hornet, Cap
lain Mitchell, belonging to Messra. Urin-
Minturu Jt Bn., ol New York, wa burned
•t tbe f'wcllki lino during M'.
C.emeua visit to Honolulu, and a Is .at
toad ul those aritved, alter lorty-two day.
ol perilous voyaging, at one oi tbs outly
ing lslai.Ua, all but dead irom ilat vation.
Mi. CUtiMMM interviewed Utawe n.laarsbta
•urvlvois, aud through bhu the first now.
ol the terrible mhilorluge reacbedfibe own
eru Midjtbu loublic. Hu altumaid publish
oil a graphic account ol the boat voyage,
gathered trom Captain.YUtChell liim.rll In
Hariwi's Magaaina.
Once more Clement was back in > uco
w ithout any regular butinuas. A. wiiter|ln
the Call ol that city say.: Ho had prs
purud n lcctuia n lliwaii aud evus laki. g
couunel .. to delivering it. Sopio advisou
that it be read to public, and soma ouiao,.
Hi, WV rtic*iViet ?tie night*he asked om
tvdticv ou the .übjuct. It was rsluing
heavily, lie came into the • clad 111
a lldu black coat buttoned up to the eh in,
wet, and (ecltng very di*“‘*l. .'|klg a
man. ol uianuMiipt lion, the rain, lit
threw it ou thu desk aud said ;
“ , 1 wish you would i>-ad that and
tell me II it will do lor a lvci >ro,"
A lecture I *
Vos , It is about tlit islands. |l'e been
to Un*.nan, sad Tv been to Halt, and
the other fellows, and they aaid, Idou'l
yiUdnit, Miuk, U’ii hurl your iiloisty
Wo imd glanced ovi some of the pa*
get hi the (Mtia'ibmo, sail found a well-cout
tiiKtid piece ol work. Oleiueoe stood
with Ids back to tlm fire, In a cloud iri va.
por silting Inwu ills drying clothes,,watch
mg us luteiilty.
Mark, said we, looking u;>, which do
you wmni inosi, at present, inouej or rtrpu*
tail nr T
Mm ey, by——. We aro sorry to sy be
confirm' ! bis words by au oath. He could
be prolanO ou occualous.
Then hire the Academy Ol Music >n
I’ine almat and deitrar the UcMsie. You
w 111 cro-sd.lhe house.
H pillowed our advice and that id two
m thru* other newspaper men who
tUougllt the ihiuu aa we did, delivered the
lecture Iris first uppeiranco belorc the
public hi that capacity— and realis'd, II
our nrimmy servea. sine or f1.40U.
Hi itiwsalcd ii at I*.ail Mali, but nut with
the aame suwvs . AltcrtTards he lot lumi
lu the Intelior ol Ni ia la, taking a t new -.
paper Irieud w ilh him as agnnt and buai
tress mac. When he, relumed w aased
him what luck he had. 110 answorsd on
ami mu slgmlicsriPy a> the same lime .
01., pretty lab ; we would have done
much belief ..only—(moulioi.trig hia Iriend’s
name made a aligut mistake.
1 low waa that ?
He mistook our trip lor a spree.
A great iid this lecture was sug
eee'cd in a work written by n Mctliodls'
missionary formerly in the ialvndi. The
raphic descrlptbro of the volcano ol Mau
ri a in eruption belongs to llie mission
ary enlirely
Thg taming ikrirrti n Mr Clement' Me
waa.made In when be went to the
Imly tend with the eteurslo.iisls on the
*tennbi|<i<i'iaker City • 11* had been in
New York.but a shori time, acting ** cor
reaiHiodent for the Alta, when tbe oppor
tunity occurred Ui uiaks ths trio, proved
eventually to ire a most lorluuate one lor
our IP he iitau. Tbe propnetors nl tbs At
la hard been paying to mocb |ier teller, in
wbicb Mr. Clemens retved up New York
In a serk-comic way. w ten they wre as
Pruisl ed to rr-eclve ao urgent r< quest to
adrame to enable him Pr go abroad
wilb the “lnooceiiU"—the consideration
ior tdria to be correspondence Irwin ail
points ol interest *•!'“*, !!• worte five
or six letters to tbe New V'ork Tribune
daring tire tame voyage. A'.ier a Ihtle
heaitatioc, naiars! under the clrcumdir c
ea, M'. Clemens' request wss grtnted, and
be joined ibe escorsronisls. To the moral
people who ma>le np this
(larty, his presence wss undealrable, for he
csnlsrd bis mining maooers with him an-d
•iioke the Washoe vernscuiar. It ha(-
peotd that among the passengers, there
was an old gentleman trom Klnrlra, New
York, named Laogdon, who waa accom
panted by bis son, s mere boy, and daugh
ter. Tills boy conceived s great fileiid
tbip lor Mi. Clement. He Introduced his
(rfend *o bls stater, Miss Olivis L. Lang
dim, and we may add, to his late. The
old gentleman (ought rather shy ol tire
Weaboe Bohemian's society; bat tbe
yooag lsdy looked on him kindly, and the
light of her eyes purified bi Hie. It wss
sfcase of love at first sight, so far as Mr.
UUhmm waa concerned, and tbe h fleeoce
of Ibe taatisg was beattclal He begun to
be cleasly, to a moral ansa, abandoned
cards and gambling, and drisk, and gave
op >oAsi*il mltgkma opinions of fair fel
low ps—engine, lie wanted to find grace
with tbe la<)y of AH tova and wttb bar ta
lker. Before the aeygg* waa over be ask-
ed Mr. LMlgdOD lor Olivia j aud Lho rctuf
*l ha rWwIM ChilMAkot did no 4 dldwapK
en him, p 8 Mtn.dy told \\vj soptsa hal fh
dij|nant UtA that he would Walt: blit
he tut iWtahncd to marry his daughter.
ItWMMd o 1 John Foster, the Engll h
writer, a pee time editor id the Loudon
Exarnln*. that bis loved, tter. were tl.e
IBver | enned. He called
love-letter*, because* they
it tnAtigaiion ol a young
•bed to make his wile,
( his habitual indolence
line his great talent, re
td. addresses till ha had
nsell. He did so, and
a*, proud of him. Mr.
hardly a pa>allell tn this,
sm. inspect*. We tblak
.broad" waa a lab .r ol
ll made him f one at a
wad whlta eR Mm world
was lalkiug apoul him and bis book, ha
cante to Finite, accompanied by an edil©-
ila) bland front Cleveland, and again re
newed his suit to Mm. Lsi.g.lon's hand,
t'hl. limn tbe old gentium m Itstunod with
more complacency. The -/<)ung lady’s
brothei pleaded for Clemens, his Cleve
nnd Irieinl, win) know Mr. Lsngdon vciy
well, also adv>caled 111. claims. lint
more powerful pleader, than either ol
the e was the young lady’s own lienM,
’wad, for oK fStne/j ftie of capac
ity Mr. Clamsua had given, and .I*l ol
rah.rmatlon ol llle. A lamily meeting
was held, aud Ipto its clisrmud cnclo tl.e
expectant bridegroom gladly stopped, ex
changing Bolieniiauism lor respectability,
pourl) lor woaHli. the lonrlinos. ol bach
elorhood tor the society ol marridt lile
He Intended Hint the olmnge sli-mld be
c .niplutu, lor on'some ol the Invelopc.
oulainiog wedding cards, sent to loruier
Irlcnd. tu Caltlosuia nil I Nevada,ho added
to the addreta the ilgniilcanl word.,
0o nl-'iyu.
Whit a ih innividv>tl gains In ropoclu
bllety ad comlorl, lie in the pi> tiir-
aud dramatic liitere.', Mr. Ctam
eus ha. proved a kind snd lailldiil hu.-
band, aud the love that had roil, it li lie it
beginning lisa aloud the lent and hveu Ce
mented by all these yemr. When at
home, Mr. Clemen, reside, in a muguifi
cent ruan.lon at iiartluid. Own., but n
gteat deal ot bis lililu ol InUi year. lot.
been .peuit iu Europa. He ia there at
pit-sent with h i.lttUord clergyman, In
whose society lie greatly delights.
Tire lullowlri;* Jlh a trsnslstiog from a
(ii rinnu paper. The wnlliuent it good,
•itnl wn give h l*ir the lii'U'flt "I our young
Ki'glUb leaders :
Murringes nre uvuully contracted to grat
ify one ol three desires, viz : Love, f utuuc
or position.
The man who marries lor love, takes n
wile; who mail lea tor lurlune, t-lo s n
unstress , who niauies I r porill n hikes
a lady, lie Is loved by his wile ; regard
o l try his unstress ; tolerated try Ids lady,
lie has a wile for liiinsell; a tiualieas Inr
his houseb"ld ; a lady fur the world and
Ills wile wilt lake <:>" "f his lionsehold ;
hli inisliess ol tils hous. ; his lady ol Iris
appearance. II he is sick his whe will
take cars ol him : his mist resit eill visit
him ; Iris lady enquire alter Iris health.
Helakesa walk with Ids wile; a ride
with bis mistress ; gm-sto a patty with
till lady, Hm wife will share iris grief :
his mistress his money ; Ids lady Ills debts.
If he dies, hU wile will weep; his rnii
tress lament; aud hit Isdy wear mourn
-4 .■ " ■" ■
Mr. SurtorU, Mrs. Hooper writes, is
looking eslremeiy well, and Is even pret
tier than she wai as Nellie (Irani. Hhe
Is accompanied by her husband and child,
the latter a most lovely boy, not quits two
years old. lie Is a lair, golden-haired little
creature, with large blue eyes, and Is not
In the least shy or s|Niiled, manifesting a
very natural trot rather ap-Kugilib dero
>ion to (Jen. (Irani. ‘Grandpapa’ It evi
dently an institution. ol great importance
in tbe young gentleman's eyes.
A lew albleCttrL
Tbit is the way in which a Louisville
girl disposes of a young man, accoidlng
to tbe Cornier- Journal. She says : Y<ro
have asked me pointedly II I can marry
you, and I have answers') you pointedly
Hist I csn. I can marry s man who makes
love to s different girl every month. I can
marry a man whose mein occuiration seem
to be to join iu gauntlet iu trout of chu ch
ts aud tbtaires, and comment audibly on
the people who are compelled to pass
through it. 1 can many a mao whose on
y mean* of support is an >ged lather. 1
can marry a mao who boaite Hist any girl
csn be won a lib tbe help ol e |g<x>4 tailor
aod an ex pert tongue. lean ina:ry such
s man but I -o-o-t I
Tbe Geuri'U aenalora are on deck. Geo
era! trordon to at the h'ead ot tbe commit
tee on commerce. He to alao a member
ol tbe committee <>o educalb n aud iafe-r
arid oi Ibe civil ear*ice commrilee. Mr,
Hill to chairman ol the caminitiee on the
contingent espeneea ol tbe aenaie, and a
member oi two leading committee* —
* • P
privilege* and e ectioca and loreign roU
tioat- He m also a member of tbe enm
miUee oa nwlntijoaiy claim*.
A Child ftoftcMmitufc Bird* Hi
OklA. , (
From the Forest review.
Wo loaru lom a correspondent that
there rtwi lea in the vicinity o( Hart isburg.
in an oul.ol.the-way place In Hancock
county, about three mile* west of Mount
Blanchard, a very remarkable child, only
five year* old, who aot iu < to have t&c p*"-
or to charm birds at will.
Her mother llrat noticed this ttr.uje {*-
ciuation that ihn child about a
year. ago. The Utile girl was play lag |n
the dooryard among a bevy oi anow'birda;
aud when ah* .poke to thorn they would
Tome and lignl upon her, twittering with
glee. Qn taking them In her hand* agd
strolling them, the birds, Instead ol Ifjftfif
to get away from their fair .oaptitre, •*
ed tobe highly,pleased,ao<J wbeu let|gpfe
would fly away a short and 'stance and Imme
diately return In the child again. Site
took several ol them into the boose to show
her mother, who, thinking she might hurt
them, put them out of doors, hut no sooner
was the door jjiens.! than the buds flew
into the room again and 111 upon the girl's
head and began to chirp.
The birds remained about the premises
all winthr, flying to tbe little girl whent-T
--or the door was The |a,ictus of
the li.tie child Iwca nu a'armod, believing
that this Hlrange power waa an ill ouion,
and that the much dreaded vl.ltor, death,
.! about to their house, lint death
did not come, and doting last Summer the
child hss had numerous pets from the
The child bandit, the bird, so gently
that a humming bird ooce Id her baud
does not lull to return. This winter a bevy
ol birds have kept her company, and she
plays with them lor hours ut a time. Kv
ery morning the birds fly to |hor- window,
aud leave only when tin 1 sun alnkt in the
west. Thu parent* ol this gill are poor,
superstitious people, and have been reti
cent about the mailer until laluly, testing
that somu (.real calamity was about to be
tall them.
Bridge Notice
WILL be lot out ta the I iwest bidder on
the 2nd Baiurday iu March unit, at 13
o'clock tbe bridge si Jones' Mills scrota
Hod Cak creel.iKFek. Brd, 1870
WoiksijCbrldisuA, Lancaster C<., I’s.
Office: 211 H. Basvcr Ht, York, I’s.
Itlotlisn's ssny iu Home,
And cur* your child wllh Dr. BoFilt'i Ttciblo
(Ti ftlhluK |ff*rr). TulMi* I< | i Wilt •in
liownli And.mikfa T’lliliiir e ly i Cone (Tiolmn
Jlifentuirj und th* Hhwiumt <N>mpliil(iUofrtilldrcaj
IDhala Krupiton niM Homn , Kniiiovm tnd IVevinta
the foriiicUou ol Worm*. No uti4ti.iu err r
(J u< )i vuttni*ia*tic. rominrutUUon from I bo*
And better! than anjr
One tesspooslull of Ibis Soda used with
sour milk equals Four ien*p>/aln!l of
tbe best Baking Powder, ssviog
Tweuly Times its dost. See
package lor vstuabla f
11 the teaspoonfut is too large and does
not produce good results at
first, aso less afterwards.
. iMss*geK*ef**
All pe sons having claims against tbe
ev<ate ol Mis. Dims Heard Dec’d are here
by notified lo present them ta 'erms ol
the taw, and sit prrsons indebted !e said
eetaie, ate hereby edified hr make i a me
dial s settlement. 1 bis January tlie 24tb
1879. JsMEhM- BUOOKS
old lt •
NO !
PianoS; OitrtUiß
Intro lection Bcl#
• .if
Superb Intirtattatt r
ta* u
< bh|
From (he Best Makar
MtaVArufaclnrera 1 *
t'itoetif Announsrnnnt.
Tun of ll,e leading
U. 8., hay,- given us excluiivafy control of
their Inatrumenui iu the Southland au-
Ihorlud ua w place tar latroductioa sad
AdvertUoment, One Tbeuaand af their
l>est liMtrumnnU In reprusentatlve Soulh
urn households at Factory Wholes*!*
Hates. This *l.ll rtlssctlwM |*| (
Ooinmencad Nv.,l. aud will oontlnua aa
til all are told. Don't mlas the chano*.
It Is the only sale ol the kind aver y*t *l]
tempted In America.
ITANOB- 7| OU. flee ItneewosJ*— t*
I’IANOB- Carved lags. (Jstalogu*—lM
I’IAN Price, flu). —IM
I’IANOIJ- 7| Ort. finer Hose wooed Oaiy
d Lega Ustaloguu Prlea,
I'l A NOB -71 Oc. Bq. Gteed, DtipaA
Gsee. Catalogue Prtae,tloo&'
|U7—• bu>| i, Handsoau iTtflUnat Okie
OvgMe. Catalogue Price, |*7o.
Tt-lf Stops, Klegsnt Walnut Otoe Or
gm* OMslogne Priee, fS4O.
B—lß otups, Superb Mlrrer Pop OAue
Orgtns. Catalogue Prloe, |875.
AU guaranteed Inslnimeata Mekert
name on ?scli.' Killeen Days Trial If want
and. wn pay the freight if no sale. A trial
costs not (dbg If Instrument goal gall.
Han't hesitate to order.
Mason & fftntfto „orani
oaly 83
HIKISKY , od 1’
l[C|S4 u "! Crcsns, g (flops
•. SOB. 10 Shops
l* 0 (JUimed
°r Sioo.
Irj cksrtog. Knabe, -tVsbsr.flellet A Os
vit, Mathushek, Haines, Dixie, Pease
Houtlrern Gem and Fsvorlts Pieaos, ell in
cluded in this tale. A clean Sweep- No
reserve. All m w Instruments ol latest
Scad fur L troductloo Sale circular gly
lag prices end lull Inlormstlon.
For flO ou s I’lnno or (4 on tn Orggo, We
will deliver freight peld to any R. H. point
In tbe Booth. ..4i
savannah, oa
Wholesale Plano A Organ Dealer*'
■ •
. .1
For llglitneaa ol draft exoelf all other*
working on tbe principle ot a price. It re*
duce* tbe clrnlt 90 per cant. W* have ne
ed it on a livid separator requiring 8 hones
and threshed a**ily with Three. W* Hand
U alao on a4O aaw Carver fin, neiag 9
mole* wlucb pulled it with *a*e* We can
five g'>d reference* to the above lactaa
W* goaiaoteeThe power to reduce the
draft 40 par cent., either lor Held work or
under tbe gin bouae. i'artiea deniring te
urebaee ad die**
et W. J. BAKMXS,
Greenville, o*.
n 29 flag
OJtOItOIA lOi'dtonrSoS**
Meriwether Coon’/, f March let* 1991.
liaar ITuwey has applied Mr Mawtfrtkto
ol j vraonaliy, and I will pam open |g
aamc at 13 oclock M. an tbe 8k f
Api It next (I87f) at ay Offices
t as*