Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
. -a .... sE__ - .■■mur'.i***:
AT #'MtO I’KH ANNUM. IN A'*\ tN<’K
fy orncx north ?idk ihu u'C evicaitfc
Ilaxk AitnuMtiti,
Si ac*? 1 k 4•k*lUmo I6mo j tier
i tiicii 100 ?$. MJW >a.ui 11 aoo
S ii< life 150 500 jti .'HI |lO oJll3iO
3 iu-U.- ,3 00 BUUj lq .*, 15 00 123 go
jo! '3 00 10l*|#H 4 2$Oaf-<>o>
,co ?V 0 • i*• <4*4*l l<k‘ S3 ; 6 >OO
c•; jlo 00 "ifftrOj •: WB|#i’oo ‘ j 10v
far libera: dedncitoa ma le lo tins
Wurtifimi 0* tl- uoulh or <mi.
OHDINaRY ..A *. Hitiuru
BUEIUFV O. 8. FVoretet
CLKKK 8 VV. II Kelei
TAX NEC KIVKii B. 8. Clement,
TAX COLLKt’TOH, . ,*.A>. t'-hrcstiafi
THE v sITtKH. ti. J Anu..mi
aITIYEYOU O. F. Matthews
COHONKK .... .... John It. June
Oiic-NTV COM vUbaiOXKttA
I„ J. Milhiu, A iron Sibley,
I', J- Uwitii, J E. UucUitilti
J W Ete*. fl
John W l**?k, W J lUm .
iia lull Hicm, li. A. I'm Mr
A I!, K 11 mao, Ber.
ri Al (| li i6<li ! iriiut, F. M. I unenu
KJ. \\Vi Inti', (' W. \\ illimi *
I*, it. h i iiii,
1 IOH.NK3 AT I. \W
J\ UitKftNVttiK 0*
Wilt pisolti' in Mm 'Hliir and Ho
olilil M roll* | K *UUf 11*1 (rY V 4 V 144 l MJD .
' - ■ ' 1 ~4- *
I l! 18 A A I lv INMIN,
< hINKN v 11,1.* , t• A.
\ a i'i.ovd, i>. i>. h.,
I \ ina i in vim. tv O A
Ter in < ash. All wmk warranted.
' ’"OMI.TW cur fl Pf ’
M "lie Chit UmVi l*a
t 'flh e 28 1- Beaver Hi , Yov k, Fr.
And better tiuu*w
„ -n ■n 4 rr T 7 C
Oa* ter; onelßl} • f till* Poda •>.#,
our rrijk equal* Pear ol
Ibrlxnt diking Pow.lej, hv ; d{[
Twenty Timet it* del.
. package lor valuable in
lormstT< 6.0
ll iLe t*e*[-<>'infui m too large and dr-e
not prpdoce food ieauiitu
qsc kss a.'V rwnl.
GEOKLIA, i Ordi -arya < >Ac.
Met iwttber County, f J#u.7tU , i®;p
WLm Dr. J. IHi. Ttm-t! n Admin
istrator .<b i-n nan, turn leUamanla an
*, of U,e estate of M-i B.ian Hendu
decaaeed, represent* to the court ib, t j,
baa hilly admreMered toe Mate C | aato
deceased aod ap; lies lor letter. of
on frjob bia truet afor.naid.
Tbi* i* therefore to cite and idmooU
all concerned to die their objectl-ma, u any
they hare, on or before the first Mood y
in May next, fo aho* cause ahy ±
miniatrstor, aa m. rancid. timid ant be
Oires under ®> head and ..ffl iaj e |^ lia .
* A. J. HIXTOIf.
O. M. C.
Tiif LUtlt qiiHkrriM
. ■“?. $m
*’l *i uld wear,’ 1 a.itl a little Quaker®*,
A nitaen ribbon <>( feme ;
lv trmiM look j ii,t like g dueling g#®.
On my gown ot sober hue.
tVe are n>t ot tlie wot and nty Hutli; R must imt take delight
Ou what iliee kulfw: the i, :d
The gml) oj ci !> rs biigl.L
But Jodi Sw*frow'ii * the small thtliig
lie fhi eatlh and ,kv ;
Sacei tiwers lie HMkW of every lint -
lie t>oa ua T l a optjui by.
Thea knw#U m ignurnuci* .4 44* ,
The fl iwer* gtow, my Hath ;
Vt'a may not. like Unite acevi Ml till - gft,
Back realtor! iag’ftlld truth ;
Wa, -\st> who liuvt frrttia at and tu*ila and
ha n da
To guklo ua iu c ur drii \
Fid i. |• <4' ft • a tight .* i>i 4 2 ■,' V,l it lid.
A gOvll Ikt K U I I J.i
Aan ilc i 1 .iu* i i|;t* !.. v. f .iiiL %
Mm) be, fc.aid t < . ikt-i rt,
t• Ut i 111 u- J 'he fl wiJ fr list
it i v *
♦ • 4+ ...
t ill- H Mil (111 I lit* <lllft I f-T ft
i Ik* C v4 t I Cos ne but k wsy> ill
l I?. !i. IS S tlil.u gt i< tiial of 1’ un
f 4
j.i ,i . Is? Hrjumcni lot ii f*cnt hi:u nL
J, H' k ts.4* 'ill’ll il Ihl I CK,I !4Hi
>ho ,!d 11 lo ajijK p irtt.itfl. IjilL Illtl 111
'V UN 00l h IVk--i It if !; v Dll’ I I Lo'jyrwl
.tj'fabie'l liln .lo uii i iy . cfi ul :||i’
•u jUOjlf mu Ml.- s. Jl4 lo IlliH a lint V 4 Ih.iJ#
ol (tuvixittl- nf k III* t'lkU 'i I). lf| t lit
hs a i nnj roj ii i*■'<* o* jm>k i/rtUlioiyli t)i
i* ati'hof / Iby lln roMvllluli'Ui !u VWi
* L j• .x * lltrcvt ou and lu* n i h.m', f
<‘i Ii ,VI !l* Mil l liltxti t irtt ~( | .Vi
II) J /V t I Vk u llOl'C 111 M.t h \k ,y If, Ik,
I 'lil) < J l t lV C mill olk |. l|e ] \V I • t)f£
tlml Unit' U;il be U i ' 11 . td V , 141. ‘ I ill* j'C otli
111*T l VkoUitl u* 11 * '-)) Oht* il l.i> A >4J>
I ‘mit ihni tin !<’, bti iiim . < < || (
Uu<udi.V'i U) put Ml llityta hi 4 j *.. <| *
tiun *kh*i ln|HU*lnu' .l (l u
men[ u til In- i4j , lK'ubi
'f liltik ul I III*.
Du Oil* gM-nl p!Mrl< nl f 11 .t)i th iJ on Ip
iu iie diiv< * ovci T.ij.f ov*! oi’Hui fi ii Id
no iniijtl by every youii# *i. nu, thnl li*
uhouhl not i%rv u button lor ! !• likM mill
litid.UP, IUI k boil )<1 <lo \\ list Oil; I l to !)<’
dofei*. lit ihtl** *t| un.v di ItJiiJiM- I 1)4
\pM4H> ti lirif* tv f If rV, :mv . t {*
-i in mijvi (cut‘. |t un tl b< r< 1 4inl- ft
t'foun iM I over b loMi it U
rin lby Iniiiit, but U ! boMr of thy !U
t *in* ! Happy is be alio h** b’uint uol M
*** t< ¥ imf b j }i*u*ni t, not In fcliiinU l oin
* iiat u Uut logo <m doing tv }
thing that lie know* IO tie go. xt MfJ.) hillU
in*i 1 1, til, lii qtn i dur**, ur dot ieif. II w
ain it* uUftiil cuMbie a tl invigorate lilt
I lt II lit* this | U'H 'i l<j Into ilic Vn )
(.fain • ( lil* ill I fill *.1.0 itfi ni|iju>ly ait up
ill it, Inv>niu h! * vlrlvin not alter what
would t> f i*t>*i!e*t, In I m lint would lx
tx**t. Iri lxi f.ii I* tlx iff) i nx-nce of nil
that it pool and great in ii!<! ; unc
Dfit oiti) no, hut in the true mad to iia|/|)i*
ness. 'llii, duublicaa, is |ml our tt v.*u
nii Hiia whtn !l. ray* that lie lliat kuili !i* |
home and Incibtio lor Hi* **ke snail re
wire an hundred Md lu llitt hie.
< H4KF) IT.
An ojdhb (it rx-ti who l-a l scratx and *
few liu. divi dollar* togtiiiti slsr’t'l i the
taloon iwilti*,and a man whom lie knew *
ami Old not pariunuhiriv admire Hsii'.4 ia
(lie vame hosipias at lire- tau.e time a lew
d<x)i shove. There w ** aomathio/ •( s
ing op, an-! '.he old man a* com-taoTiyTT;*"
■i waiel. mate that theollie! did or.t gel,
ahead ol him, lie had yu l seu/im u-iwn
to the bt'iel thU he was a long way*!
ahead, when in earn? a cuv.t mer w tio
said :
Ah I yoell have u> hang up your fl inn
now. The man above ; n waaju t 'jnv -
fftg rns bfr MsV-. lie has over iwenty
names in It since morn iug, ami lour min
have Jit g- >di In tli r* after ten-cool
I-b dot some fa c ’ esclaitried the ‘>ld
ojao, thor xig if a nus -tio a ra<ui?nt.
Ye*, an J I’ll lx.-t he’ll have I'M charged!
to cirtomers b-.1-> e nigh'.
Uod I shall more a* kmy ! Viratt till- 1
run mit der nvttxry tor a slste, und ds >
y/u stand oa dor corner un * gil xli <*e Vn*
a rue w|uk* tu (cm**- in. I don’t let not
mao get ahead ot me )i I hat to pny ien 1
•cb a'es I
N igbt closed in on the old mm top > !
the heap.
A northern usiruter was iutro. need to a
uo.ore l inmwar, ar j h qnred alter his
work ; I piaaeh, tab, on C*h Gordon's
pan-ati' D. Mow many coio/sA peopio
hove you the.a t WoU, *au. Lout a hun
dred aim seventy-gve. And how asacyr
have you lu the church ? Dat peuda, ash,
altogether on de ti ne o>i de year. In je
’Tfvai time-, dey’* all mtmir-. In d--,
backsliding times det’s n l ytfy methbe s
but Uacle Billy and old Aunt Ki r*.
nil.. iiii ii uvar:.
4' ■
Holland i> a beautiful rountry, lull l
green fliitls, ve itlt cattle and sheep giuafoi!
m the pasture ; but there are lew trftr
u- <1 no 1 i slo be seen. Ttie ground ia'#'
flat and low that two or tbiee times the
'.a !,* lushed iu over pints id it and di
ln ie.i ' tsrwns. In el e of lbM
floods, about two hundred yea’s ago, uiOi.
ti ait twenty u oufa. and | e..| le ware drown
ed. In Mine ot the town* that wen
flooded not a creat.nt ol any kind wa
le (\ alive.
A large pan ol the water that lam-.t iu
at the time ot,that flood still remains. It
is Uu wn ns Ihe and in oue pait u!
it tbeic is a llfle gie n island—a pait ol
au old dike or cam—wbicb is vailed U e
tiMkr dykt, or ebitd- litre, A tf It Rofllr
ur.:;-.-: in way :
Tm waters tuslted in over one of tbr
little Fihaliii.l vibtges, and no one bail
in,)' ’ undue. 1 i one ol U.e houses there
lava .In i,> in Tig cradb —an ttiu
lat lie l t and ci an e, niinle tight and strong ol
e< o.i stout w,.,t l, lit ihe side of the cri -
h lav the o .l, at, baby's Irietid, pmbi.-
4,:v pl.t i nit it, r.’int.iitnld)' us pos
title. In mol lie waters u itb u h.trlul
•r. at. 1 lie eat, in her Iri lit, jumped
i lo ll,e i ■. ii . oil tlie hatiy, who slept
t ii,- h,. '■ i* :i■ moil -,s n i ily as ever,
In (a, p.i o e,;. \_ui doi tin Ir hear.
1 e'■ aw w . lorn iii iii H lonml thlftft
|a n 1, in eves. But the little’ cM
.II : >n ou the nigiy sen lo that
I aI U , ~ 1e 11 ing s ilely its |uu i OIS hilt
AI en inomiio'i iii.c t'icio wis l othillp
t hi ,■ Ml l e \ ilia .'es nod y I cell mead
ows. A 1 i. water. Iliimli ,1s i I pto
pie we e m,i t I ..inis try i v to save h
nine) iws 1., pessilitt' , amt <m tips ln|h
'ot it iii i-land that 1 have spoUeu nl
v al , o ),! I Mil . tin.) I omul f \\ liy ,1 lint
. to,e . id e o! le, will; the b.di) ash ep in,it
i ■ : e o iatior i I .it lo i tei l, n I .*h
,m ls urn!.
\V l ile i lm ll' Ile vo) ngi ii attic It. n
and t. w o :ii tin y Is l>. pu l no . tie could
IMI- 1 iu!, in uu i<ry ol (hem, this loth
is .lid w s mi led kihdet dike I lie cl. ill!
Ii tl 1 i g< s liy liullte to lilts
dIV) , Mi ti.;,Mtoiy is lold to tbollSlllldN nl
Ii In- peoj l. all ovvi Holland ns it remark'
it.U 111-lion 1 oMiod’s pmvi eoee.
v M.Ceeiy, ul KeutueUy goftft
Ul . I tl.e 11, lie Under ll pel lei | lII.iWCI
ol ii, i . , .e ol hl.v evi euliii ilio*. Hui ar.
Id ) diMusii: Hum, lor iheiv vvus never ft
in, M- urn.a! e, ill re I /.y or more ell!i
--sj ii ll! uid hiio ii lily lienr he. Hr
i ways .oi. a -v allo w all < oal. Fume
is) in hr i,,- worn .tm* lame cuat foi ,i
-tneii ye ns. The guimeit wns ceiiainly
i' ll.di i mo.,di looking to wnrr. lit ti e ay
sei ti n ll'' ii ways luvil his builds hi ills
pockets, los I .eg sunk y hair down the
Ij o k ol his look, mud a bend bald 0., top.
II 1 is found 'ul not my. Etiriinl.y
■lu wing tobacco, tie rivulets IheiefM
i oiir.w and limn the coincn ol hb i.iouth. A
bin: Ip lor, he hosfvli and nl a eli' .ip hotel in
tji." rgelovvii, and always wadied two ad
lloiu I lie i lip,tul, lw o Indes und a hell cv*
ei 1 trip ll' olid! loft Hid that his mile*
sgi; ns >, Uu iiihi i ot Oifigieas paid uli l,ift
ift pi list svhii l i ii A,ml >' Ins Is one ol
tl ii igldeM In ads thel ever was bald, and
lx Ih uni; I ili ahlel inen linn ever eat in
tin* H rial) if lie lih.J not lx en a Itileinal*
y I /v. lie could make live limes lie good
a speech as trail Hie ufal-irs Ii Hie Hiuate:
lie wa* a ma*ter ol wit. lie never en i
any th ug lu t'ie tsemly xoept or) rare oo
■ i r * o'-, tint Alien l.e dl l there were lion#
(pt iieieiied to hilt), lie wa a drone and
a*ug *.r 1., It I* generally lx Keyed Ural
1.0 would hive been re-elected to the Hrjn*
ate again ha ! In not lx < n to lav.y to coir*
duct lit* canvas . Me seldom |xike to
anyone In (n< the war a ram not*, and
hia presence arid abort wit mliiea wl*l lx*
rniaaed in tlie Bennie. [dor. Hav. New*.
Ii l only >1 .g h*rnn r.) used to or (‘Cure
too.l ty hut.ling oilier anin.a v, hut they
• ' •' l> inn* an I Gtcikv in
war; ao that the . hraae, dog* >i war ' j
i.......i . wei •* ft -oratrye. I w,r en,.
j i |oj ed them i" l,i* army, and so dxf some
ol the wild trihe* which the
I tight. \\ hen Marin*, the Human Ghih
al, defeated the Cunht i. the dog* and the
women ilrfcde-l tlielr baggage so savagely
that he war lorct'l to fight another battle
in order h. get posne-corr of it. The dog*
tl>tie employed wile very savage *id n t
only ptm-ued the fugilvVol defeated ar
mice, hill w. ie lent alt< r (I<a< ;te:->.
bomel) y wrote n/ the edit >r of ac- u i
•ry in w* a <r ta-k f.'w he would break
an ox r Tne edit .r nnsae-cd as loiloss ;
It only one ox, n goi.J wry would In: to
lioi-t him by■means 'la long chain at
tach’ >1 to l,;s tan to the top ot a (xde I >rty
feel Hom he ground. Thee heist him hy
a rope iidT*) his herns to c other |x>lt
i hen descend on hia back a five ton pile
diver, and If that and n’t break hint let him
*ts-t a 6’ untry Le -rpaper andtrurt [eople
lori-u xi.ripti .ii*. One or the other will
do it *u-e
--1 r Sinf'pr< eautiuna wdi olteo preveut
|g real mischief); so a deight of the wi lst
parr in* a in r al thrust.
A Bort-n la-vyer badger iug a wi’ne-*,
eai'i : 1 tx-.ieve sir you have served a sen in the B ate Puton. Y>, was the
WucoiK vri ed trj/iy, 1 was in t * btate pr. -
(Ou and 1 had the misfortune to occupy Ipe
name veil lx other had bad-
BUI JUp’if Optniou of riatoU.
I reckon tbrr no- etianco ol roppiag
murder dr Wvwislicd It. thissinenred world
Maybe tb*4 wonldent b ■ qnltu no much ol
it H ahwlifthed, but to niy >}>!ti
ion aw |ohj(*B'men grow up with niibUti.
oltivil pwki9pn ilu'v'.l do some devllmeni
when ueruftliHl C- lues, Il Ciln killed Alnl
wttll a ttipwbcn the L <<d was close by.
w bat eift*j|in we cx|>ect ot bad prop e
w hen nol|My ca rievi pistols, for tbme was
[ none to eifty. Tba g> cerals and cvlouelt
ol the QeWgia mililiu did have some great
big tneftl|biut_a loot and a ball long,
which tb<s' c r ied in holsters hung iu the
pommel ctf the saddle as they trevelled
siv.und lo.'.hv general muslins, end • lew
>uotdtlUg pistol*, wind
they kept s iter hid cut And exhibited once
iu a while to personal (rlende ; but these
little new fashioned repea ei£, And ee!>
c. vker* tbst evcryliodv and the niggers
carry now-.i-,lays; hadn't been invented,
and I wifli limy hadn't as yet—riot that 1
mu a herd of anybody vhimting me with
malice ah ic tlmuthi, Iml they eicss ou so
many acvkleuts that 1 don’t want one iu a
a huiulied yaids id mu or my loins. 1
don’t Ml much sense m the law against
cult) mg them cv.needed, lor yon can’t cull
it co; emlment wl > n you know that a Id
ler hi s gift olio un■ 1< i his cut 1 i'. In
'luitieling with n ii im, u’s a ri as, milile
picaumption that lie’s got one ami licit
he's got one and that j -u’vo got up tber,
ami It don’t make it ) diflercucc wlu tlnr
Its comeftlvil or not, il he didn’t have
one ho etui step In a M re nod get one
mighty quick and he waids to kill yon, or hi*
can g,u a shot- uu !i e Ihey vsed to do hi
old limes. I di-ti’t tli ok tluie me any
mo i imp di is I out |ih li than tl ern
would lie cm, lo il a man is liel
lie I I I 11 killing si 111! hull)’ l e call lillil VVI'II
|*01 s i nuugli 1 lull icii.i n.her lull live men
Ifllo and lii Floy Ii onniy m 25 yi his, uu I hut
One oi t uni wfti'-li l with a pistol. 8i I
and oi’l sec any gi od in law mint) espei lull)
SJV H' IVIS t.l P ftslMe llll’Vi.'C ill! il. I He)
muse . ii) so Mim in ov II.a) i hoi ■ nil hide
one hi his wub h pocket nod ihey'.i hi Icv
, i.. iopali h. , ip.i l.lll is. 1 ttvii loh d■ ne
111 III;, lid' I I’m ,li' rd ol eill. I vlelll
s.y that a man wim does ain't ns tiinvu as
Jil'ii:., ( m vr, hid I heat'd lh niiis Ham
lin ti ! charge tip giuml | dy ol Floyd that
<1 II mi wlm Imd OIH' hid all ul his yersou
hull ft SlKttk of COW'" lillCo lUllldllg
los hnekboiic m big ns nis arm, and w naent
lit lo mo <il‘ >ph|cj|sHUw"ivn nir abrw
tbin , ami he would iip by Haying ‘•tliab
the law .’’
The lioiihlii la im', so in ich I'l tie pit
tola, foi ns the Judge am I them tulka wl."
on r) them hahlt lally are Itltuld In use em
hi and Uiv !v*r <l being slml ke. pa down one
o| lliese oil liidimneil llgliti where till!)
knock and iomc mi I Idle It out. Tin
glued tioiihl,' is the human passion, which
no lav* cun tegulale at all limes, aid tin
i,i xi trouble is the whiekey liiul stiuiulalvs
in and ieedft il. Wl al In tl” about It nobody
knows for i v i) thing has been tried ovt i
arid ovt i again to slop it uu I mill its a
power in llm !n .ft does look like the peo
ple wo'e Just oblig dto have it. bow s
mm * 1 think Mat may le; best to rope and all
Hu. laves hi (I It l i ve.ybodv make it who
unit to aid let U tie sol I without u Ji
iji niei. Mankind hic very much like chit
on ii. 'I bey want u thing n heap more
Vrlpii you any they shan’t have it.
JHUi A Hl’.
A Nevada surgeon la lu Irnuhle llirough
try iug to Improve a woman’ll noae. Hire
lord broken It w hen a child, and tin iiid
ha,' had lelt il in a ligldly crooked Condi
lion. Tin: aurge ,n lixigap ed to ntrralytMt -
en it, uad aliein j.led to do ao by In caking
it anew, '] he opera l lon left the none in a
worn*; itiajx; Hour it was btlo’e. The wo
man aura lor ten thousand dollars dama
sk**. -=
J*iit II a Ipitslicll, xava tlie World, lUin ra
the position of Itrg'sialWßita at \*ndilNg
<n. Vlien the IP-pnblicana controlled
the Heuita and the House and Andie t
•/ ill ii*. o/r ahovyid liimieU 1.. 1... .. ,11... 1.... i
*to rH * -".. "".U 1,, 0... (Imrtlllu
lion, tin stalwart-c rib rid and that Congress
wan the KxacutiVe. Now that tlie Demo
crat* control the Senate and the Houae
and Mr Hayes is in the While Houae, tlie
stalwart- contend that the President ia the
Ix:glJ*:ure. \
We have fn qnnuy had occasion to
call tlie attention td nor tea ler* to the ao
|x*rhir i;ertt* ol tlie Savannah Weekly
News. ll'. Katlll, the publisher, ia eti!)
adding to It* attraction- ami enlarging the
sphere of ita usefulness, uolll now, both In
r*rrr merit and as a complete family
newspaper, It aland* in the Itunl rank
with toe txsi weekly publication* In the
Unite j rttatea and ia in truth an honor to
Southern j mrnittsm.
It iscruel lor pare.,la to let their chil
dren Miller with coughs and colds, whicn
in so mat y cases lead t’< conump'l n and
premature d-atii. Otve Dr. Hull's Cou. h
fij rup- Price 25 c<jnt* a tail tie.
Have the courage to *r>eak your mu and
when it Ir necessary that you should do to,
and hold yout tongue srlieo it ii Ixrtler thai
you suoa.d 're silent.
■ ■ ■—s—— ■
If y< u don’t wish to get rugry, never ar
gue with a Uoekhet . li. men her, tit
riullei the razrir, the more you cut yum-j
id!, I
We know some young people who have
a ttrsuge ambition to Im o.mui lered great
reach rs. They do not u n tlm word great In
relcbrnce to wtinl tbey Earn by loading,
but in regard to ibe number ol books ana
pages they read. They aie not careful a
lo the q iipity. UftUally ihi* clast I rend
ers select Dm poorest quail y, becr.u-e lli"v
enn eCt through with it quicker. Indeed,
they will fiumtluiis b nisi ol the rspldi'.i
with which they tend abo k, <w tlp ii.h h
weru an ocoftsiun of honest pride to rea I
whole volume at mi ritting. They for
get that il 'ft not the .mount ot rend dig
which belli flu one, but lire quality and the
manner ill whi h tlift ho Ti ia used. Bv<me
get mure gmid from a page thau otheis
jiann a vo'u ue.
What would be I bought ol on* who
Iwvj.f Bi'ctvfng every thing sot be
foic him without any relen n e hr the
wh losomeness of the bind 7 To eat large
q entities ol even wh dcs tun food woo Id
be very unwise ;to cat all onrm ol foiHt is
agnater tolly sill. borne would call
such a man a glutton cr a goiuiundiacr ;
others would cull him a pig.
Jie select iu your reading, read only
what vv ill no you good, and try to got all
the good out ut il you can, Have au am
liiti nto bes thorough ruuder laU.tu luan
a rapid one.
T.,C cutii n'coin ol Inc la plain, sound
sc live. Wi driven iiiurs suluvtanlial and
Inlving trade with thill than with might
A boy was inked what tuenkuos was.
Ha thought a moment, amt said; Mod •
tic:* (live* sm i, 111 nuswars lo roU{b quei
All int'ii ule loud ol power. The sweep,
with his footy bag, is as giant a lyram.
mi i hi. n.niiiul*, as au Emperor Command
me mi lions
Wi' arc fund ot converting with tbosn
we love ; wh) therefore cannot man, wlm
loves hiiipui Ito well, lemaln a moincni
w itb himsell f
- child ciin sleep soundly while suflr i
lig with iTdic nr Irom Teething. Ituinovo
the i aiisc by using Dr, Bull’s Baby Byru| .
Only 23 cents a bottle.
Money In your purse will credit yon,
wl.doiiidn your head will adorn yon,
- hut b itb m your r.icaaaily will nervft.
viii'li ul lloiisea lira nlwiiye llii|>
py llolili'.
Them are thousands til homoa today in
our sunny Hootniand that would ho ren
deitil happier hy llui presence ol a fine
new I'liiin or uii Oigau’ Wo want to fill
vuet) homes with mslruuionia, and We
mu .11 tu do It 11 we liver long enough.
On: ol the methods by which wo shall
In due lime Ire ieprusenlc.l (by our Inslru
iiiciiU) In every .Southern I) one ot oultun
is Him ugh our (irnnd lnirihlui tloii Hale ol
Piiiios and Organs, whit'll vv inaugurate!
in Nov. last and v lilch D so lar u magnill
iv til siicei i*.
Ten ol Ihe largest ManulaulurcrN In
Amcruu have amhoil/xnl u< to place Iron)
One in ttVtt.lh'iusaii I id ll elr lusli Uiu< nts
lor I Iroductioi) a el advertisement in rep
lewintallvM H'lUihem homos al Agent's
W i.mlcmlc Hates, amt we are now plating
i hem in every M nil hern ri'.atu |nst as Ust
a* steam can carry them. Huch an oppor
tunity (f> secure standard instruments
I lorn sin h celebrated manulaciurers ns
Ohlckerlng, Weber, Knatie, ilallet k Dav
is, Malhnslicit. Dixie, Houlheru Gem, Ma
son A Hamlin and Pelouhet A Pc'l ii nev
or has eceuired before and never will
again unless w e oftor I’. It Is the omy
sale ol the kind ever rsrrted out In the U
H. Header* of this t.ollcC who have not yet
purclmvd lostlumeuls are requested to
write to ut Inr ooi lntroducllon Hilo Cir
cular and S|xscial Of!er< Addre* Lud
dm & Hite*. Pmvsi tub, Ga.
i-V.llHliba h a'rci
Atlanta Oeokoia.
A.LLSiaoR and
oppick,4s BuoAfi rt.. Atlanta
Address JAB UHMdM), Proprietor.
Refer to thit Brute a* a Sp'-r itncn of b* J
KO 17
C&sh Advances Hi4*
OnßafCt BfMW**
Hides, Tnilrr, H ms, llimiM, Roars, Cat*
tie Tails, old Metals, Ac. fjt qsalafttSßSs
& r -, Inqul qo| . .
306 I'car I Htreet, Nw York.
*V Ni l -Pvbf'i? ITo LLB S
t • i *U J
I hesv Pills will | revfti’t ru) ton dyf
pepsta. Tliqj a| au anriftwlled DlftftW
Fill, nil and spcrhi.l, and adinbajft'y hdapt
hlmi Family McdbAna. Tw*y *a4
by tlie n st ff9-
tr.), and are extensively uresl by Physi
cians In lb: ir practice. Sold by Druggists
generally, bend (it circular, FL R. BECK
WITH, tk’le Miuiuloeturcr, PeKrftburg,
Cheap Brands of el are, a d lor Uurbea
i tit of intelligent smoker**nd J dget, we
will si ml ( ost paid) a sample box of our
Pearl clftHiH to any aildress upon receipt ol
tweut)-flvo centa.
MAN lor each B'ato. HaUry from |75 lo
#IOO per Month and exia nses Holereaces
nquired LA BEBLK MKO CO.,
03 Clark Street. Chicago.
IACt-NtS lU AD 7 Hisl
1 W' will |.y AK'uitea Haiaryaf MS*prmoath
,„.i ..a-....., or .Ti,.-1 jyx' *■*.? £L*
ellr f7 A DAV to Agents canvasaftl*
*3) [ the Fireside Visitor, Ter-nu uad
Outfit Free. Addreue P. 0. VICEBdY
Augusta Maine.
ms month acd expemaa guutta
teed , ly ag eut * OuW trm
Co.AuoasTA, llAtttm.
DVKitTISKMKNToI 4 linee losert-
Cil one weak in 800 Dewspepcrs tor
|lO. Bend 10c. lor 100 PH* pumphict
G. p. HOW KLL Jt CO.. Bprure Bta W- Y ■
UulU'U’a |ni|rV:U Colton din 1
Planters ara reaimcllully Infltod to IX
amine this Olu ItttOM buying. I Will bP
sam,ilc Gin, with Fender, Condenser *n4
001 TON I*. KBfdlapenslug with a
mom,) always nn hand lor eglribilton.
We guarantee the mott perfect Mtieftu
turn ut Purchaser*, lu rr*ry particular
The p-tce wtli he reduce I neil aeaaoa
ir.*m M.OO to 48 00 per * on the Glue,
and $1.20 to fIAK) on the Feeder* 1 r*>-
ii-r alt to the accompanying eertlflcatea of
i well known plantsra who are using Oul*
lull’s Gins, as lo the extra price* obtained
for cotton ginned oo them.
J. A HKKKd, Agent
Grimn, Oil., M*tcb 10,1879.
GutirFiH.GA., March 1, 1879
We. the un tvrslgned, are u*iog the Oul*
letl Improved ldght Draft Cottoa Gin.
TheUln 1* ol ItupMior Workmauiblp
For fact ginning, aafetjr lu running aad
light draft, (to do the *ame wa
think It baa no equal ; but tke moot ha*
portani feature is the Attachment for,open*
ing and Imprevmg the cample. Tbo boat
cotton i* Improved bjr It 10 a* to bring
from 4 to 4 cent, and aUlked and dry ooi*
Irom 4 to 1 cent per pound more ia tka
Urifila market tbaa on other Gin*.
4. T- MAKLkY.
liumi, (Ja* May IT, l 81&
To J. A. UKEKd, Agent for U* UuUtU
Gin Man'l'g C >., at Griffin, Gar
At ycur requeet, we, planter* and deal
ers In cotton, give to the public our opin
ion ol your Gin. We ink* p’.oaanre in say
ing to ell In heed of a*w Glee, the* It It
now a we!l‘<*tablMted I act that cotton
gicned on lb*e Ulna bring a BlMn*
1 Rtcw in oar market than any other, end
the glna are growing In public lavor. Oed
too uioned on them eold let* at
frm ore-quarter ol e cent to one oent p*r
pound above UU market price. Mr. Ohl
leti’i AtUcbiueot lor tuprorlag the sam
ple of cotton, wb are satlHled, I* what ba
claims for It. The Gta appear* to hero
reached perleettog Is Gin Machfoery.
k. C. 80BUJ6L.
T. t. BUOOM&
& MoWU^JAMft.
;i am Agent for the Oeiehcatnd MUPU
PORTABLE ENGINE, manoUctnied hr
Trick A tfo., lor the ooanUaa of Butt
Payette and Clayton.
arcli 2® 3m