Newspaper Page Text
WiTt Rem Editor and Proprietor
OPEKKyiLLE KIUIMY. April 11. 18->
-[•[!, mwiV'imt electt>m* m tie N'*rib
D 1 VV ml cwei Monday did not ie<ult geo
, tally hi ibe advantage .4 tbe dcmo
Tim Jury "I Fulton k m>i <*<>-
C ,U* ijl Women* H**Jf l’*' l I*K
Iftuuti Mile *M in iiclDK'n! laat,week aipon**
in leumtea currying concealed weap
Aj we go lo pfeaa no new * of the ap|>oin!
Bw ni i,i orniiitii(<-< in tlm Houmi ha* Imcri
received low W*Mflg‘ *.
Antic. J <** *h It charged * ‘ l ** the
murder <.l Lfealenatil Mclntyre n, Oiin.< >
county to Fetowwy. VtPI, w* r>H*A
|Mt week hi the mnwnlatiia *>( North Geor
gia *n t cofnmhh dF, fall tu A'la* 'a. M<
IsTyrs a**bot while approaching -*
hoow of J me* with Ktund o* *<f)dtT l
night to wake a real* pi Hitch dhilttnr*.
AtnUfc **<lrmlh tww, the oitor to
commend being iiirico iofl -W of the *ol~
illeri Wounded. Though diligent anarch
„** made tor J *#• hy the United Huu*
piar.ltal* and troupe be managed to clod*
bia wool I be captor* >•>' over two year*.
on the *d 111 Apn! Ihe United MUlr
Circuit C-mri l<>r Smith Carolina met
Otiarlceton. At *l*'* term 1,1 ll *c < "" 1
o! till' lot ctt'/- |, n (1 the *!■' “te he
triad for alleged vloletem* ol Um IccJeral
election la* 4 * *t the cowgreaaonal c ncHni
iaatlall- Mackey, Urn deb aied radical
candidate lo' <oigr<‘“*. piopnara to apply
the United Staten U*t oath t“ all lrot*.
wliitdi render* It impowlbic I'T a ingle
wl It® Inin to im placi-d nn the. Jury. Thi*
| uni ot a*"l harmony I
Mew lia up-hire Has b' >" lucmbrr In
MM Uulled fitaMa iwu*k>, the trw < w
til her mnalorv having expired on the 4 '■
ollut March, wh le her b-K'sl">'" " IHI
gjyctf fci ttrrt mnr ilnee wot aaaembte un |
111 Jour. th gOfrrnor boiling that he
hnd ih ri-bt to hll it ' 1 vacacy by api**b’t
.uenl.eent Oha-lc* H. Ihrfl l- e, •
itnlr until the meeting ol the hgida'urr
T(** da’noraUi hnid that the :<.nnltuiw...
•nd precedent* hrbhJ the seating > I H"
appoint**. bll the republican* a**ort
Hint he hi •titliS*** to lb*
W. B. btritb, metnher ol congrre' ,
from Ihr tod district. passed through At
Unto (Ml Monday on hit way '> hi*
•t Albwy, share be cipecte |<> remain >
week In arranging hie bualncss. Un *'►
ved 10 * OotwMMMhw repot ter that In
thought oongree* would not ent- r “I 1 ""
general bush"** nd lht adjournment
w.hl be bed a* eooo * 'he appropriation
hilts were disposed of.
Leel Fruity Mm lento Khaabeth Bona
pxricciltd at B-ltlmor* at the e. Ire need
ngC el ninety*fttr The career of this lady
)md lifen ueuelly ryenllul and
On Ohrlatma* ere, IWW. Mis* l*Mkre.
then 18 jeat* old, wee united in marriage
to Jerome B- naparta. the joungo-t broth
er of the great Napoleon, then First Cos,
eul, Jerome wn then e liculenent in the
French nary. About 18 months niter
marriage the young couple tended m
Hpein, Napoleon lorbMdlng the yotmg
wile to net loot u, on French territory,
itapotoon declered the marriage void and
forced hie brother to marry a European
princes*. The Aral w lie gara birth to a
•in whoa* legitimacy wee aokunwh dged
by Napoleon the Third. Madame Bona
parte throughout ber long die cherished
the hope ol seeing her descendant* on the
throne ol France, ee by blood they wete
entitled to be the helre of the greet Nona
parte. She leave* fro grandsons who
beer the Bonaparte name end lo whom
she bequeath* her estate va'ued *t 11,000,-
The democrat* panned the army bill in
the Hones last baturdey with a clause lot
* bidding the nee of soldier* at the poll* on
federal election day*. The debate on the
bill was animated lor a week, the leading
men on each aide participating therein.
Oat field and Hobeeon deltrered ttaa ableet
■p< ccbee on the republican tide? they were
ably answered by McMahon.Hurd, Chal.ti-
Tuckir, the latter cloetng the debate w Hit
n logical and eloquent efeech. Hurd's el
telt was pronounced the fe-t on the dem
ocratic side In tie general features, Black
burn's the most eloquent and Tucker’s the
' flues' on 'be merits ol the question. Proc
tor Koott meda lb# best Judicial argument
All wa not quiet along the Potomac
feat week'during the animated debate on
IK army Ml, some ol the c n* Healing
those ol our congramional contest last tall.
Sncb manifestations an not creditable to
~ the vrintJom and dtgnlty that arc usually
'■■ppaaefi to ebanotertefe our great nation
Conger ol Michigan I* the chronic ob
jector ar and stereotyped statesman who b
eternally riateg to a point ol otder or beg
gteUpmmWoa toarit a queatioc. He la
as ng|j M a bard faced Yankee can w ell
hi ,n illl|H i——l lng~ ad bordered liter and Iron
bleeomc dyepcpMa Uar* a hideous frown
upon bis face eten when he tries to look
moat pleasant. Aa Geo- Chalmers ol
Mississippi fin Mb ad Ma afteccfa last Tacs-
g ty by say4n* ba democratic party is
IdwCd etaodteg wbata oor ancestors stood
in IT?*, Conger cam* down the middle
a nUo the Republican sHk and sale bt
soi tl lice to aaF it,C gentleman from H- - j
Wiaippr wby he went < lar back h) the
Ucnory ot mi eentry Be firt a revelation,
ibat he waa prr/tid'ipf fh: had anti that
the cry o! revutu'iori ha] no terror* for the,
Democratic party ,acd now wouldn't be tali
the House candidly whether or not theie
bad not ixe* a rebellion recently that did
teirorixe a jood many ot i i* tii*n I*
(,’bulriier< came to liii hit aiih atpri u’
•ml a good many Deuior rtls set nod to
hold tbeir br all. led the borne,
won and Uiake ,iu oujr isrlfi reply ; tml in
illd ml. He got bn k l Conger preily
khirply, linos'll a 111! e cccriely. ll
said that ni toiy toil l tp>w m ancienl
tun** hlnga ha I tin Ir } lei* dre *cd in
tool*' cm pa an,l j ngfinp b!U to am'in
iMreoutla Tip; Kepiibi.cui a it*; 1.. thb
1 Jinj-e haa tie je ter, but h<< ill I not w- a'
Ibe lo 4' cap atdieii* allUiCgli they
tnighi 3t him at 11. And then, aUnr • n pi
atiint'l i an-*, he added , He dreams in a
aval ow lad.
(> nger aiway* a die** &•**. Ihee *
a roar <d lang’ ler mi tbe Deinocra'lc aid*.
il a atm in ol hand clapping and rstoer
thg lliat would hive appeared wild a
- line ol our lenaler-Hia (moticat i/ather
iuira. tjuiet ren'ore ), Congat W ; I "*i*
id the gi iillcnian tr im Ml*al**lppi a | iTtn
queatio i, whmh be nilghl have unaaeru i
in a ginllemaii y inannei, but Holeul id
doing I bat he omp* i|** n iii nan. l^a
■mil uiakea lac. a ai me
IPiund alier round ol *p|n u**; went u ■
(rom.tiic reptihlicao* on Ibe !1 *i f a’ld Hi*
guitar let. Again aid again the app. <n<
wi* rio.ewad every linic<i-iiifi*f* aormpl
ed to reply and no t gn rd w,. paid •" **''
vi.y. f ill • ia, | Ir. *; ol H.e 11* air man.
ty’lni inen ai'ite ,Itli evident > lurrm i.l
and on I . | . '
mti; the genii in 10 Hoin Michigan, or
compete In a nda **•• " any mi nkey
f ugld i viml ii.■■
lh<n hdio id v.i-lie.'on* cheer* Irmn
•to demm ranc hl< The ea-haige ol
wll .track 'he witle. a* being t - loan.*
lor American cm giwumen to u*e, n i in
tell Hie iro Ii an thought tba Muhliac
,Jrr i allirr had the adV ullage of our w-ulh
am general who a* Hie hit t'. indulge
,iei*)>lmlllio, III"' gli U mOM he <v.i
l.*eil that (‘onge.'a VM |necnee a
n'mid iß.’ I l' VuC Hi)Ol.
At the elo-e td II I ileliitn liM Kii.lay
( r I,ad a lid l'h H)' .in Itamtall
Conge [uui.l.le lin rUing in pulnl* ol
urdef, nud it ' ' hair ill •< led him lake
Id* *e,il
Mr. Conger *nld I • 'fiml I iki hi*
I lie Chali llnn 1 i 111 ('iiei i llm m i
geunl d-aiini lu nn Inn e the urdi"
M’. Cougar- 1 m#< In a point id oiubi,
and tha chaii thieatai* ui alili tlm m
granl-al -ai ma.
Th * 'ed I*’a icne of C'oln*inti and
nhlldlat’ dim rder.
Liter Mr. Aiken ol Huth Carolina
■aid .
He wanted In *ny mimcthi g on tt.i
qiieillnn. He had applied tu the Chnlt
man |or rrongnllion eveiy dav I i i"o
week*, and C mid ii"t g< l it- Inml* It de
[hile at 3 o’clock to-innrinw would apply
the gag law in him.
The •penl er *ug filed that the gei th
man withdraw hi* obtectl n,and lht IT" 1
bly be could M-rtire five minute* t< - uoriow
by an arMßge.nimt with Hie clinlrmnn ~l
the Commilti e nl the wnuln.
Mr. Aiken-I in not know. 1 have twer
here long enough t" know not to Inut
rnngretaman Imther II an I< an *ee Idin.
[Orenl Igtußb'er ]
A great many , "•,>!f if" will nj to *n
more than M-. Aikm and would not tmr
some nongiC'imen a* !* r a* they ,c uld
htow an eiephan*.
Ulra, Will In hi Hcitry Pock.
N*w York Star.
Mia yvtlhain Henry Pick, one ol the
sullireia by the accident on the New York
Elevated railioad it 4Jd *"eet * *>'• l C,M '
fined to her bed s' the woman's hospital,
suffering Itoro her injurha. At tlie time
nt the accldei t it was supposed that Mr-.
Peck had only received slight brui-es on
her body and bead, but a more thorough
cxamli ath n ha* revea ed internal injuries
ol a grave nature, Pom which It ii feared
she msy never recover. Her hair, which
was dark, with no of gray, before tie
accident, has since turned partly white
tt any ycais a coutribut'-r to the columns
ot the New Yolk Ledger. Mr. Peck ex
presses himself in very outspokeu terms as
to the care leas, css ot the elevated road.
He says that unions tie company makes
lull reparation for the lojurles bis w Ife hs
received, he willectct suit against h and
contest it to the bitter end. Much annoy
ance has been caused hlmnelt and family
by the rumor that his wile had been re
moved tea chaii'y hospital, Mrs. Peck
having received no le s than a down iet
t -is from varions Iriends and acquaiutanc
w, which, in several instances, contained
money. As Mr Peck is in sffhient circum
stance- these gills were returned. Since
the accident she has been subjected to fre
quent annoyances by the importunities of
lawyers to gain an audience with her.
One represented himsell to be a we'l
kuowo lawyer of high standing In New
Yor. Upon presenting his card he was
admitted, and alter a few words bad
j-assed offered to conduct a suit seainsl
the elevated road asking as hi- share a cer
tain percentage ot the award. Mr-, Peck
at oace discovered the deception, and the
man was unceremoniously bustled from i
the btnHing.
Otorgitt Xw* *
A M*k HatMt, of t^giatbo'y- a,o dy
'MI eleven years sad s'hsM add, w*u mar
rled on tsaoday toat to * gentleman oi
twenty-five,. t V*. ~,v
Kalenaive prepafatioc* age made
!•;: tbe ceif! fvling • Meosofla! day in Al
lah la on the ‘i'i l ‘.i th*f,
Th : [*,'') in trad* is aU lobe reryji ■
iy u Montgomery ioonly
PVgi m Crtene county oaiy biiog ten a doa-n.
<y,i head, i and taaulj-it/ne mar ran
l:.*oea- tuity ai.ita Mid rigid)- ne "■
o/ed v. * ti* ued lat year in Og eih*rr,c
e u.ity.
A* A Pelt. Kui'l.— I-aUraar' ft epofter
The pupil* ul the f*>Urg {'em* '■< Oh
ege look ia t Toe*day * an p{¥o[ rian
time to (day oi i trick cm tkeii H-e her..
I he day beturc lljf-y m*4 j|nug*ii;ei.l*
ah-ut ir.n-puriatim, and *i*it dj
hr, *k i, y ail i*H loan i# w TP o* “'-il
weal out U, P ruiDl Ol'.ye ch rch, w he;-
Ue> a, enltbada-. They h* pht,.B
lime, except that tuir tkactoa d*u -
aged somewhat iry Hie r*l r v*Bi h CUM *
m Iha alle.noThe., Irturivd about
•ui.aet, ’
- Ttai tnlghl*oii o'Mr Y W. MubUjr,
Mw;oa->Ui*ry h*t/e hotil a auba a'. J
Ual lug ho eat and *Ueked il with r<>* *-
ion* t, rcpla/fwuat he Ht by li'*
In O, i;li,o> pc ereir l) a K(o are! UP
* le have Diil *[*)k n W> ear'i other In
l/.e y* year*, though tlicy l. a larg*
iamdy ot ihthlrtu aud atanmnnkate web
ihem |,!i**oliy.
Full.hi grand ) ■/ ha* me 4 • gbty I ,u *
hill*, two I r inU d* r, again*: ham 'll. *t*
ad KilsiiiCui 14.11 a camber are
ag >n it I ai'ea lor car 1 ylag a***.**!' and *<a[
mi* aud aa many im-ra lor atiw.g Ihj "i
mi' uii.
We ropy the hmi I Ih.WM.g puagra,!,.
hum 11.1 Watblngl al ('oat
llii I>. iMot ru lc fl iituriM.
KKKI. *t*KKCH, „
A I ft K I‘i.fc.P t.
A y HtuK HA1.1.01 ,
111 .1.11 JU tltrt.
A ud mu
I ONKh'i ( OI N I .
Mi 1 1.1 k< r 1 iix'ejuteil the 11, in,a i itb
1 laltoroi l‘.t lew W'.f a 111 II ' '••id h
liVofedthe mliiHtium ul powci ml tin
maiHnum ul llla-ity The wlede [•*>>
a. ;1* * a ith 111.., The country ngiHw
a Ilh bulb-
If roll till mil i< i me mrroniw Ui< | oil*
wltr, Kvdeia) • noicr* at my j-U*iir> , *y>
Mr. Hayee, I will v. to all the a]ipu>piia
i.u.i bill* ami *1 yi Ibe wheeia ul ibe .ov
euiieeid. A' least, tbit S* the way Mi
il)e irpii-< ntative* In Cuminm trp.|i
uim. It l*.<t'iit poMilVd'l Ibal a Irau luUai
I'lfthti nt may not t*C | eroiillcd lo lueak
up 111 UiiVilhU cut wdoae cl iel ■ Hi<
It). lie b:l lie nr jed
Ii l.a bci 0 tliargcd !1 ov.r the couu
uy, hy the |i*w|>fl[>* *w a<:d I ami'aicr,
*pvik, r* of llm It' publican p*Mr, 'h*'. 'h*
i-au I'aigii ih cuinculi ul Ilia Demurrer) Ip
ItWwne loilfd at the **pa. and th* <[,
rrnmeiil >n the hildltigT'iom ol Ik-' H* *
let ll* *lO low tlm iwroril -Und*. It
l-Htstlm up me ul llm loldlng-rouin 1,1
the l(e)Hitilicap Houe was #iuß,oHo 1
IH7-’ it w* u’ure than fIOO.DOO In IH 7 I
llm rxpeuM of the loldiu* room ol th*
Denvicralh llooae was f'AV "O I’m.
mfiii I,ou II not aid t* llm i’.tdge-ban •
* 1
mer lore* ol thl* tact-
OUiiV.t HI Mi ■•'KKT'Ub.h
Nashville lUno**r
Ci tei Hsuison, the msyi i-elect of I’hs
, ago, U a t.a ivi ol Newport, Kentucky,
and it andftou ot PrvsWfei.t " and mm H<*i *
i) llvnlson. At ttic tmginnm? <;t the w u
lie wrote lt tb rto a schoolmate, they
having attended the Ox'ord tnlvervity.
<>bi \ together, who hal eutisted from this
County in the Twentieth- Tennessee regi
iiMt V- 8. A. This letter was foil ol sym
pathy and patriotic sentinieiits. and vx
prcwe-l a determination to enlist in the
cause ol Pie south a* soon as Vis lather
could he reconciled lo it. At that time
Harrison was veiy young, 'this etter wa
given toe writer and plajeil la lis trunk
tor#afe kceptog. At the battle o; Fishing
crick the'letter was captured, resi •"* •
next thing Hairison was atreslet'. But hi
wt(V l ft
appearance in uie sontheni army. Ho i>
uow mayor of the stronghold cf repuolk
anl-ui, but elected as a true aod tried dem
Siuton Cameron is believed lo be old
enough to Jo better. Tlie Puitsdelpbin
Times says the Oliver woman has lost hei
suit against cl-Senator Cameron, a- it Wai
right that she should, and tit us far every
body will be giad. But U.ere would have
been much more reason lor rejoicing had
Hie aged politician been able to shew that
-he had no ba-is h r her scheme ol b,ack
mail. It cannot be aaid that Mr. Came
r-m has come out of the trial with a repu
tation unsullied, and the u'ter disrefutabit
chancier which the woman is shown t<
have trad ocly puts the woise appearanct
upou tils association with her. Those who
keep such company must expect to pay
lot it, and though Mr. Cameron will not
ag .in be called upon to pay In money, it
must be owned that hie folly has brought
on him a heavy penalty.
A young Malay boy, born in <lctar.ica,ol
a full-blooded Malayan lather, anJ a mix
ed l lood-d mother, is the latest importa
tion into Macon. He is described as being
vcv bright, and quite a curiosity.
ph purer ,Hs ■ r
OF. hi I LI) I NT* MaTERIAI .8.
Having cucipletad o ir ler n:4Au!mcturu)jf
Doors, ,Sa3h and Biieds
W, ba*A aaia reduced ou.’ price* 10 a poial that w ill daiy all wuijerUthiu y
o wt aak uf pairooage id tbe public.
We have spared 00 c*peo*e in tbe purchaat ot Improved Mtcbiierv ami hire and
Lena,ned shat no bogie, N ft.', or tSmtU, shall (ur in in our .I*o, it tba aa 11
jiiaiHy, rtjeaue: than we lb*. We also laavn on baud a let ge ,V>ek m wewt -ra uuJ
W uiir Fu>** tio*fla, wh.jh we will *-l at coat,
W e arc atau U* oaly a;e4h hn the
rv.. H:t'T gp • • ■-•'*l . tw-ur-;:.. yv
w *ici r< gurj to t* Ui beat in tb mftrtei.
tw itoi'l tor I*ic IHt and *ampk card*.
‘ A
Fic-r-*i* T'ornc* !1, )r an ,i Dtlmer *ir’. A TLiN I' V, ti v
liJtaa >• M 1
, , 2i
waartx -r w. - - ar , j
—ur_*j .
It. I). I OLE. A into.
riioiTtii ton * • ,
cm r*tNw:k >■ *t
Ml itUF MUXs ~
FUM.Kf t
sil \ f r 1 y j
NT All knut* of br.hbeg material
\\ r r, wool*! < *l’ ajw.sal aiumipwi Ui *-.r a* arjiaitl* am| p.c f onvwi wrfw W*
\ \ g..acani*. ihctn Wjnai Umya* ! marb ** wajwr. We inaka l ailley I .r. Iran*
"dtli*g [lower by nm .ns <*f i*, ir*s.
A' Iki x|a nt rfpair* * I w.wk ()•'*•* at *b...rt to Star. H* am agent* P.r I ,ala
. I kind* ol nukchumry.
Th* Stand t><] Turn n W'a'er W r q il . p., •e r t„ ary fret c la* *ln| 'and
much flwepcr am) m*ve darab <*.
Wf have ■*, hand lan *pct"v *ipki nr d-mWe teat imggtn raadt by Watertown
•priii* W ag'ai C* ru|sa*y w bh b aall tbeap
I’efll r'*b,nij hi biy mnb n rry ot anr d -*OOIIO *ll wan'd Jo weL le n.-]q*nd
vtb tii b lore pu cb i* n- W*a*l> and e**r-"*p mlt 1
19-37-Irat. 11. D. COL* A UU. Newna-i ftoargia.
Wi I iwv Four M nth-’ trial BaUte'iptl ui Vt
The (caUifiViUe Eagle.
The lire'te-t, apidett, snd rmi-h -feet
democratic Pidiltcai Newspaper
In Oeoreria.
The news of the day, and the news of the i
wicked worht la which we live,
served op hi their moat
ai , K • r-TIV OIXATE 11
Our Editoria'* * -
and t> the point,
Our News Oepirtuaent h complete and
Our sc lections are from the best sources
And the wWe paper la
Rich. Rat© Racy Rad Hot
Address THE KAGLE,
Gainesville, Ga
fedwineA Ham,
E-Jitors and PubHdier-.
Hob. I nomas A. Headrtcka, <f Indian*
.its beea elected to address the library bo
tidies of Emory College *t the commence
ment in July.
GEORGlA—Meriwether Coonty.
By virtue of an order from the Court ol
Ordinary in and lor said coonty, will be
wild betcre the court boose a- -or, in the
town rf Greenville, betwein tbe legal
hours of sale, on tbe first Toe*day In May
next, the lands belonging to the estate of
Mrs. Francis M, Monti deceased, cneai t
mg of 12Ai acres, more or leu, of bit Ka
M, in tbe l*t District of said county, aod
known as tbe Mr?. France.- M. Moiris
place.—TEßM--? CASH. This April 7th.
9 Adm’’.
DALTON ... (it
Bwt and Cheapen Hotel
on the Ketmasaw <u>ute-
BreakUfit aad Sapper l>ne
for FMmigerfl*
Special At ten'ion Given to the Comfort
and Corrvssoienoe of Lady Passengers and
Beadieg and sample rooms for com
mercial traveler*.
Board per 4y f2.09.
Meals... ..... ............,.fifi cfs-
Kaifeoadeev, conuty and stock men, half
j; %.
Highest Honors Alwrsys.
Read advertisement another entamo
i tbe tnumphs ot the Msona A Hamhn
Organ Cos. over all the world, aa they my.
of the aoperiMUy of their organ*. Tbe
record it tsnpaeaUeiled among ms ken of
If yon are sail, fled lo have a poor or
gan, or run the risk of having a poor one,
take any organ that fa ottered you. Bat, ff
you desire k> it men of- having the very
best, insist on having a Mayeon A Hamlin,
aod >k> not he para varied to take any other.
For latc-t reduced prices on easy terms
add mas LoJdeu A Bates, Havaoaah, Ga.
Manage'• Southern Wlr4emle Depot. See
advert fernicr.'.