Newspaper Page Text
Vmitl.lSllKO HVKK.V tklOiX,
AT *3.dn I’RR ANN >'M IN A‘V ‘.NO |
Itutik ••( Atlvtril'inii,
'- see l wk 4 k* Id moi m> i 1 tr
1 j„ c i 25v ! t.,** ‘ I I-’'HI
2 pc us, lsu s<K> UM' jIO 01!lAv4)
2 m ite- 21W f'H , idtrt* f.\W) |25 *t
t . , ", 00 lO'O 20 00 25 01 |Ai IW
c „ ;h) It i O 4) it) SHW i6 ! 0 i
c ii io oo so mi ;t> oo o> oo , 4101.
(Tg~ ,\ 1i1m... iittiiictf n made to
ll< rt- IHK liif HMtlll “f 'Cat.
Reiigiout Notice
Th- |..llowiog istlit- Church Direct) ay u
ti.eermdv tor tbit*.
4lt ai-d to, lil tst'll mOilUi.
|'4tuf Uc. tv. T CALDWELL
lrt Sabbath in fecit mold Si.
l*uH)t Rev. J. H. CLINK
4iu Sabbath tn each month.
Castor flci Mi. MiMtiKIIAY
IVOTU’Ii to THK Vi tfi-M
Aflat this dale. a|t legal advertise" cut*
or die county ut Mcliwcilier, will be pul>
ktifitin tUc’ MfcKiwmtKK CmthTY
ciTutt. A. J. HINTON,
O. dinar V
(t Kilt HIM K, Hltnil
W 11. htl.l.tll.
Jen 4 It, ltj'iA? Olftk Stio’i CiHill.
1 - ff" 11 "!■ ’
OH i- NS t 1,1,K. FrtlOAY. April U '*’•
t tso phaope lit mi n urn; no mi y
lilroile and old cualonwi* in Meriwether
liet 1 Bin 1 ow col. wlcd w lilt itir popuhtra
lOv Goods tl ns.- • I Chamber lain, lh*yn
it,l, A (!”■ A tanta.G*. . I will I* hai py
I ■ ms- ttif m * Ilf 11 lliev visH the city, and I
VI It; It, glad 10 lrnih I hem with sample*
t- 1 .,1 tts j* r mail at Kl.y Time.
March Tt’i. DW
V II pAiiu tg* , K*<j ,• I li e tl t
tnri 1 lit <k* 1h- fr,jl' n> lit- 1 *i.*lb<rli#oS
is 1.441 1 y !l ( 4 c#< 1 <\m|. *
J c|g < J li( .* Hin k* nil M |>* l>
4i* inv t* **i *ii wl ly Mi** I*!*’ If*Hit#.
iii 1 i it j | di
It li t >*) ► III* \ * rt* "•
N*v< ful .*.K 4 .14.U(A1 !• lictkxr* *i4**r
iit I!.U iMttl' . jr* ■
]{i fOKT* IHMU ’lit? I**ll It jr mix It tml
IMM (it t '.i *t tliirtliCl, >li dNi<ifi Itoni
I tn If liml
I,tv I. >1 1 ... T M el*. |iiwgb *1 (Itf
Hclftth Mill (ii.covtlt* lt.* lUfd
Hititw'k Mil,' i" A|,ih "■ if; %SL fjy
M . ]\*K orII.-Ml M . tieti at ixn*,‘
n-nr H iftt*' MI. , ijlfj l I tfeUMitny
in- rt.iux.
Dr. N t Ctiiljiitell nl <;iilytn!t*i
H,ifi't|r li-i jive. *t * bn •< fl
laeolte* •• very leaf tliioki tu liuil < r j> to
tit* tk int'y U nnntt.
“PI >xli while lHHril*
A tiO yea melt tier* own t* 4tl an 1 to
, 1J |A) Aye ami a jyln* *1 y* <*
, eainjk# tatJwUj* ViJ, 11 fcane
o*m eteeord pb omIA W. If r< *' &•
tU*l, cell on ti tt. who l 'aaß'.o*
for tU< *Jcnt *, ki ba pat* up, ond *
00* from him. By ell to-sen* go to
|M laghtng.
Id oar last wo nwotod U> W| ovr
nexlleUer wi perwau but owing > oatur
•mu ev-nt* the lei'er we bioaglit la orow vi
ed nn( tnrttt our n*tt Im e. A< M relate.
t a eidl oka !• IH week i Mourn Vernoe
the borne <H Washington. it will l.*ee mAL
lag by the delay nf publication.
lue t; ninty MfWHnRKMMr* have par
ch Med • large irOh Mto whl.L ii lo be
friacod in the • ffke et (he Ordio ry. Ia
ba r*p-wM<ry ere le be kopt the frtewty
record*an as to secure Ureas again* dan
ger from Ore and other eeanaltl-v. T*bM lr
a precaution in Ibe light direction JOul
•ometbieg oar landtag ritlae-ia bare (Wir
ed especially siuoe the loa* of • -me ol ocr
important county b oka a lew yean
J. E. Sfrcirua* ba* been appointed a
Messenger is the House Pot 'till e at
Wanfatagh n Cky in place of W. T. Her
Tbe-dwei ig (A <>e<rge L •** j >/. color- |
ed, caoghf afire **• the loof last Friday,
bot the Harms were extinguished wit bom
•eriO'j* damage Uur big deyrl jtm on
hand promptly, and the way be fought
the flame* led the *fetUtor* to believe he
wm accoatoo-ed to a hot p ace.
H * r * ou bought my ot that cheap
tbr*d Jace the Oypstm are ceiling to
cheaply M the low, whispered interrogato
ry one Greco ride Indy eeke the --H-tt a*
soqwab time Oteer.
W. H. Kiuum wm ' ttmm
protnlnw a better barrest Umn ha te* ££
ed in 20 year*. A* Rill* u
moat indoetnoua termer* .°” f
pan one ol the Vißßwax iT we ’^o
We have just rweiv
•and i new .lob Press, several
touts of new t>*pe anti a lot of
first class material and are ;ire
pared to execute all work
promptly and satisfactorily.
Those wishing visiting cards,
blanks, circulars, handbills &c..
' ran have their orders filled at.
our offieo in as good style and
I upon as reasonable terms as
the same work is executed
elsewhere. Tin IS.
We ocknoßlaigc nil iavilali nt tioiu our
Ordinary to make one "f * tl-liiog
putty to the Flat Sit at* ti -iiy an l fRU l
oir inability to atv-|it. Next time mi
ti ea * xatliei then tackle we h!l be
glad t 1 Itave ajt tfe i > the |,Utur. • Sue
-o*4 t>i the. 11 lv-.lvy
The many Irietul* ot Mr--. J*. : . k in aur
; midst wt J lead with regrei the aiecout t we
-copy ebewhere rffpectfug Iter injorie*
1 rum tlie late accident in New York M"*.
PrCk li* the *t ni|iat' ie- ol ciur.C, mjitu'l
ft> and iltc sincere ishea ol all our |>eop!e
| tbit .-he may speedily tecur front lift inju*
I lies.
“SlttAYi 11 • it Stoik.n,' hamlea in by a
couple ol lovely maidens, not being ac
companied Ity the cash lathd Ut secote an
insertion. Wctiu.-l the missing frund
n|H>ti staing tins noth' will report a Unsf
- t a'tpiartci * and |>ay for litis card, Hi
* tin it'e*ent I tic name-* ol llic v< ung ladioi
liesitmis -if Biting and nptnai mg tin li
u,i*.niy frirmi w ill be ijfirntahed
1 all! It in () 1 eet,v ile tin M onlay
April 23 and, to icccite the Pax 1! .'turns lor
I Silt.
li. S CLKMBNrs,
all at. 1 If.
Tns Col li t-HAl' I'he cold weaihit
last Friday amt Sattndai aicum|iH
icd iiy In avy float* and tiar.l tree* hi and
lie duiliagi ic lilting thel ell mil In I !,c
,vrd*ns, < n hntiSa and c, -rnfb ld. i* vc yj
Heavy. A lit j iiity <>l our btond* aay
ihat :he ;>each crop is cim lelely I'rstn.j
ed and apple*, pears am! phim* large!) t ul
.ft Corn ■ll gray land* I* setionsly dan.*
aged ; ell red <ni* is till Io tin ground at and
with ivami eslti4r may come out Hu'
tew tariin ra have yet decided io plow up
and plant H eir c-rn oxer, piefeiring bi
w alt and we it It will not come 01'.
I u KkjtypaM * have ti 11, but bn one dol
tar the valtior wttl icll die fortuiie 01 love
sick swains or 1 n-ttj mstde s ai correctly
a* any 0) (try <4 *een thaiivm shufll l a
car lor exarnu ad a palm. During hb
last two week’a stay la Waahlngtou the
writer learmaf k- understand and lead
th- Ogh'V • congressman, and having
acq*Mi<i thtoeec it and iliflonlt art, knows
it* o**l tßL’Ciwdudl answer the easy rpme
iMinsid die Merlwytbir yMiug
Met ten* noils"• Hken at r
hi Homk The editm havhu hoed an
|*e ced'd In til*' little offl e he liehl ill
IV shlngt.H.,u at home m s*y, r and with
thta mtwher e—ulWhe (umonsl control ol
llie Vl* I'HAT K. T<| say lhal h lee's
-ialeJat M bi* "id libn and and | a.Irons who
lass a*, kindly stood ly the I a,r and
give,. Mis Kevill each cod I*l . n-mirage
men' in net maosgemmil doling die edk
tui> aW-ocr, w..JJ U bat smt.dy a sdug
rhe trulli. aVitli terllaa jDa-HRiee than ev
er belore lor gutdag p a good p*l>e, we
are <lU*mined A arieke K more d'aervfng
a liberal patronage than ever befbrr, wsUb
ua see if the promise Is aaeA (ally redeemed
i'AUrM r*JU —1 U* H-Wil ol O mety
(]uniKMl<'Mn. in aecoid*'ce with Ihr
*oggestl'>nr of lb lasf Gr.n'l Jury. h*v*
purchased ftrm for tb* aocom
,nodetmo oftha po*w. Tl 1r.451 oooeUts
.>1 11) i icre* m the no lkus pArlln of the
town district • rtj Suing the pienUitou of
Judge Cl. Itrrvc*. TV board pal ‘
140 g (nr ib* fKin, which Mw< II SrrpruVe !
uKlliMilwilMtM erf orlgl al Oh -
bet. JV Ml b >ar 'lk VIM laud, *n
* blend adv* *i* peh*Bed ’ ,er J f c **—•
■/ in* Him it to I*|<*■*< u* elfcl Uli)l
--ilen*i taking* au that all Ike County poor
cao be e- mloftebty taken care ■<! ami a)
laaa oat tl*c un<i< r tba preweal a) aeu
Tu* B >aid deckled to let the charge ol
overlooking the teem and tat in* care erf
hr t-Tttiy fr- *- io cal taller. Tit*
exact rift** krf did aut iWdi lt auppote
notice Hill be given ttroogn **er crfumu.-
Wkkiwktrbii to Tai-bot—A frieod
Irooi tba Chalybeate Spring* neighbor
hood inlorrna 0* tint a coioied Meji we<h*-r
tro(b< r iar fi-bhath weot orer t *e moun
tain to Talbot. Going into another coun
ty it m natural tii at the table narrfoi
*bo<ul*'-imitate Ute "poor white Iraab” red
Carry hir pwb-1* along Thi* be d*d
Crowing the m-ni'iiairi wi'ho il danger, be
arrived al the taint) of an acquaintance rod
kinamao. la the coarervation that k>\-
tow<d a dh; u'e a ntie concerning the
ecratchmg op of nme corn by a mi* bte* -
on* brood ol chicken*. The quarrel wax
ing hot onr Meriwettior brave whipped unt
one of bit "warpiae” and ripened fire upon
bit male dtepntaot. In the excitement o?
the n-oment, the ate wna uoakmdy and the
m .rkmarwbip bad, to that the argumebUl
ballet *ped wide of (be intended victim
and lodged m the aide of a beloved aUier
in-law. Inflicting as ugly and danger no*
wound. The coroner bar not )et been
called in bat tbe doctor bat, wbo aaya
there ■* a chance tor a funeral. The cbiv
•irtiuv woman .! o/.tr ba-. male tra* kt, ;
OoKTai.V Is-rtl t/Tie at H,i: nesv Hie U
tannu.s lor tire t! omngiwiasi <t histructiop
impaite Ibyit * lalthf il teachers. We are
pleased iu learn tuat at the celebration on
the 26;h by-fioe a‘ the literary aocietiet ol
tbe inelilutirm t Met if ether Imy is to be
the .orator of th- occasion, Benny Dixon
-ot WooJbn-y is the youtht il and taientod
1 -|ieaker wlio is t > wear the honors of the
ay, N ire ol his filecds vhxubt but ilist tie
oi'l acquit himaeJl hwds.imelj and r, tl ct
credit upon in* county.
1 hnvo just received it niec
lot of Millinery goods, e,insist
ing of Hats, Ron nets, Flowers,
•to., all of which is offered to
the ladies at low prices.
Tskkao l.n'K -A friend living in eight
ot oar rmiietu n says that last week his 1..
dy wished s nne cltange, but sho ve.l a dls*
j osiUoti to onceal ilie use it which it
wi-to b ■ pplicti. The 1 yin j \\ i e obta.ued
tlie casli but tfie 01,8 rvant hn.l>.ind slyly
wat lied l • see the direction it io ik I
seem* tlierc lias hi'cn a ban 1 ol Oyaies
tio it town who have been selling a cheap
tnutAihya tact iskixa*-
Now our fiieud's good wi'e had laiugnt a
ixirg-tin iu li es* rorii and i Url cA <t/i laces
but tin,ling ill .1 they were not all they i,vd
been represented tn Ik',lio wlshno to g<-|
the ihinotroni her lie e lord without It ttin."
him !;;t the scorel ol her groat tmrgai 11.
However 1 he utf ilr liakel oui au-l ii is un
-ln to whis(H-r t hread w ithin a lull -
dred )*r,l. ol a certain dwalliti/.
Nt-ra lIKNK.--*Tle 'rditor wil leav
lown lietorg.ibis week's piper is mu— e
turn to Waaliinglou -an it h not worth
any thiead Paw huyei’s a fule to c nne tn
ur siueturn hromnstick in hand looking
Ipi llie editor lie lias rMimwed tAr ninth*.
Ds at 11 M i>. Syl.ia Mmeiva llaii'ilng,
relict ol Hie late J idgn .1' *<• Il L. Ililtnllty,
died In tJiesiivlll., lasi Wedues Ily morn,
ieg, m od seventy- iue year*.
Mr* Hanning was ta'in In (loiniact'CUt,
but upon her marriage, with Judge Bur
filing removed to tieorgfa, bneotuiug a t.*-i—
I ol (lie. 11 vllle.aliont lXI?
She wa* u meml ei el the I’li'abvleil m
chut .hand I>l forty >eai going in ad
out in our village led all orderly and eon
ahterii ehibuan bln
For • v -ril y, • Mrs. Ba.iulng ha* heun
in leeble Imallli. so that her death was not
mu x|Ma'ie lby her re at v> and Irteiid*.
Alter a h rg au ! wi ll spent life *be.,*|eep*
ti |>eaee m our 1 1 tin go clnmiliyai and hy Ilia
• hie nl tin bus and ol her youth, who pie
ce ted liei by a tow yea * to ’lie I null,
Capl. Bit! 11 art net t t* wiling to make a
wsget .A flve tmodrr il dolia’s that La eao
iM'dimprlili died flleull teal of walking 40
iiilios in 4li - ns. entivc da)*, comutem ing
May llm Hist. Ur til l New*
We-w ill w a er all the po-ket change mu
large dev II lias in Ids pant* pocket that II
' aplain Bill is tarnished a bottle ot p> ml old
Meriwether I*, sell and Honey -any J .si
such an arin le a* hu purloined from Mis*
HiAty’s panliy on a certain evening ?8
peats ago —arm him with that old long
nfie with whic'-i lie used ht hii'ict llie little
(j ol llie In I Inal |.oplaia on Wa'-
iiuti reek, and toil In n then \ a big lox-rpnr
cl si the end ol hi* journey, lo< cm walx
ux.ty mde* in I nty nay* mid never feel tlu
luast Ini tried. V* In the Captain c* .lid
walk Io “Ouiil 1 mand" ill a jlfly il y. a
would only give l;ix a place loplant hi* V
lUuuiUrio < putl modus
Jam sari oi/rths )
DiaO In Greenville on FiUay morning
1 1- ftb <rf April, Mt*. Cornelia May K lit,
n ite <>l llolieri N. Kill* and daughter ol
ike late Dr. 1 out* L. and Mrt C. J. irfd
ii tier, g<d tulit) -three year*.
In the death nf Mra. Klda a ante ftlicila
ha la'lec upon the he.rts’ol a • ry **!euu'
er l ircle ol loving Irienda and relative*.
Couktar.t aa a lr>nd, h a dmij,ht'-i, geo
i|e, ob* ’i< nl and i.lnitiative ;aa a aialer
'patlent, loving and aympatlteih: aa a
mol her, lurid, ilafehlui anil devoted ; ><a a
Wl-e ti luota. b ami le<, |**jrlinr
• rj d '• Chris’ian,
unuaeoi ated, devour m-i •litrlmal. i
ißloded—ia very truth, of her It may he
•■atd that la her moral comp mil on the bet
tt i|Ualltlea ul out ualiire wrre a<i beauti
fully b.eoJrd lliat all with one accord hail
ed tar aa an “elect Inly "
Mra. Hlla waa born nett M- Donougb,
Henry taunty. Oa., on the Idili rrf May,
1845. a> and at an early age entered acb >ol id
Atlanta, to a Inch place her parent* hud ie*
nt red. vyiitu abo'it 14 )e-*r* <-t age, the
j-loe-i the Ho pbr-more claw of the La-
Grange Female College, her lather having
rettled in LaGrange tor the purf-oae ol we
curing lot bin daughter* the educational
advantage* ot iha‘. excellent iuatitutioo.
Nn. K. left her Aim* Mat r one ot b; mat
accotn; ii-hed scholars the achooi ever tent
fifth. In the incten' Claaaicr a* will na
the Ligbet Mathematic* he took an unu
•aallr bigh itaod. F **earl *g a gif e.'
mind and itnbining a (oridaew lor jTM>r:h
she cooiinoed her -ludtea alter graduation,
and waa one of b*-M informed ladie* * t out
•late Often has the writer liateoed to her
beautiful :nodil'< a ot the ol Virgil,
tbe <>dea o| Horace, the O ntmentirica of
Cavar and tba Oration* ol Cicero. Far
Mo ic bad a pawionate londoea* an
cultivate*! (be divine art aa aaaiduoaaly a*
time aod opportuoity fierniitted.
At a tender age Mr*. Eliia united w ith
tbe Metbodi*t Cburch aod from that Him
o tbe hour of her n ine ev*r j
Houb od th* gonauitM id Her *0 vernio*
In the death oi her tre aved tslhcg and the
Uis* of ao a’:most idol:ind daughter, she suf
lered hitenseljr.a* loving and sensitive soul*
ever sutler, and (or a w him sceiued enm
phtely overvrtie)uied, but Irom these great
Uiali lic C-ifOe to th a purer, betler, ho’lcr
woman. Leading a blamelesa lile ahe di< t '
ssonly fhe rtghtnous die. Majr iHum who I
wltu knew her fiesi, and loved hci mort,
emulate her blight example I
In the highest hi and holiest relations ol
thi. life, those ol \\ tie ami Mother, our de
based sister stood pr.-eniaion', ami the
mysterious Providence that remove I oil
-gtlled, syn pit belie and loving Iricnd from
the home made -> joy tut and hap|iy by tiei
sweet tulueno# and presence,t a time ba>.
a lieu She enj lyed *0 many opportnnittrs j
tor doing go i and letliug imr liglil *lti ic. j
appeared more at a ctuel stroke in in the ’
blow ol a kind Father. But to the Lord
and Mx- ter 'vli in she served aud trus ed
iuip.lcby, the strukcu nnJ iot
row ing fiih ds arc pobuad by exun
ple to look lor combat and eoi,Solatium
Ileal sweetly, gentle .uHer, iu the lan
guage of attollmr good woman,
“You lived as lives the pcncelul dove.
You died as llie righteous die,
-.,,W.i m ijp.iAtfleW.s and <bt*,“ w * r
An angel iu tha sk).”
Said a friend near. J mes’ Mill* la.t
M uidav, “My corn is l)it Io the ground
|li e that <I my neighbor iu a field only
400 yards distant is uniujuicd." .This rc
miiKis ns ol an arced te told conccrniut
two go id old Methodist brethren of the
seen and disbic'. In Itt-Uf on Monday
moining abmit the middle ol April the c
1,11 a heavy I os', tlial hit the young
llie ground and aerbiusly i j trod llie a heat
which was much Urthet advanced than ut
piractil. 'the wheal Uclds of tt e-o two
meu we e separated only "y a croso feme,
the wheal ol one was said to Itave tievn
cullith sninad, whilo that ol the olhi’t
•vas eoiuparsttvcly uniujuttkl- Thu uif
lercn c in the damage done the two ctups
w as ex pint isl by llie gossips el the neigh
borhood iiy the stoty that lale ou Sunday
i-veniriii Hi other A went to Ills fluid aud
prayed earnertlr dial ins w heat should Io
spared, while Biolber B. on Ills side nray
ih >t He cro|is ol 1(1* uiiglibors anil
Iriem a might , rea(,<- Urn tin call ued vislla
l|, 11 <d Jaik Float. Thus it happened
Unit he whop syed lor blowing'! on Idm
sell and wile, Ilia son John aid si's, we
lour and no more, wmit unblessed, while
the man who 100 mm bend hit neighbors
found lavoi iu the sight ol the llieul M- a
ler. We nuniut vouch lot tin: tt Util of llie
stniy but the lesson taught liy it is n (nut
ty as well as instructive mm.
Toe ( H|>eu wlito’li howl utn/Ul ex-ietiel
iu (Jou„reaa only make U certain that their
paity will never agviu be In a majority
ihi re. Republican howlyra alwaya were
w alral I of rebel* that they ure aliaid U)
meet ll.ini Uii li in C* ngtrw. The men
ho tl|<> uieel them iu the llel l are glad
the Union ia o Ihoionghly retlorul that
now llt ay can uteri ihem aa leliow law
maker* In Congrea* - Albany Ar/.u.
Mr Stephen*, if Georgia, an in a up lie
altualiou aa follow#: Ueueral liailluld a
.pcech waa a brilliant rffoii, hm It contalr
erl very little argument. It waa a ,ood
*|ieech lor thoae who like rhclolie rattiei
than n gic. I do not believe that llieie
will be way aerioua co Mo l over Ibeae
.pnationa. Tlieie will he a go-cl deal
ol debate, bul I l<el' Veil will end there,
and it deed alioU'd
■imUh ■ II arm OU.
Athena, Ga., Dee. H, 1M77
A e ll,ant* *lnw, I gave uif run mm /I‘Mr n
Wuna OM, an<l <•• 'l*y a* i*‘**<"t alrUoa
ry wullua. At Uo ram* limi- I gave one iloae to
my lilt* jldn ii ji it •Mi itr. ihi pn .
wonua ft t boa long,
W, K. I*lllbl.U*.
Hmilh Uyiidon
For Hale by J. K. U
A.tianta t'a’jur
Art.* MT* Ukomoia.
ALL Six mi and Weights*
\<Mrent JAS. ORMOND, Prey*ieu.r.
Refer In this laaue aa a imoo of <
0- A H. HeoyMl’a gennme b ie
No*, i A 2 at
Cte(U ’.'spring U~d* !
Ah /ret A and item are being opened np—
Where f at
14 4;
> . ,
f lake pleasure hi annoiim hi; *0 nyy krkei'dt, p ,tr- r* ami trade generally that $
now have on KXtHBiriON ihe
I’ve 1 vrr otlered. Hsu lug bmiglili for CASH they will he Bold at Prittt ISnt <kfy tom
\>eUtwn. 'The Proof ol the Pudding” la con e and see for yi umelV'-*.
I'ivit diors ger.c-al, no roei ved J its. Polite attention shown and no money rw
quireJ until the Exhibition is < ver and yon are saiisflcd with GOODS aMII
Ncyi.e .. - .... ...... , .. .......... • *.......... OR a OOODft
, .. * ■ , , -.5 ’ I 1 1' ■ " ' * ' ' . -I I' - - - , -
" Wat WMITB (iOOW*
•• sot ;t......loTi’irs
•' Ui HTATIONAHY 4k float KB r
•• 'h oijrre a LAMM HATa
•• atli . ChOTItINO
•• -Hi ..cißirrs a LADin hhobh
(IT* XL. In this KxhtblUoa.)
•• P4th • ••a OHOCKRHR
In conclusion I would add, That my Block Is ail
which makes a Muttrnil ihftrtitr* ih HOODS .it t**ll <u PB/VK6. Your /V
tnm a:/ Mont tu nr My niheit*<\ hy
March 21,t, 1810. (3m)
Looal l Business Notioes
An tltganl line of Hprmg (Jlolhlng just
Opened up—
will be sold CHEAP —whore ? at
The mnsl mm/iUtr asanitmeut ever < Her
i and ir.-in Woof. HATS at iW eta to
FINK KUItH nl let* than Itail Itoad lYi
c<t—l‘.vtrylking Jrtth ami ,Wy—where f
Attention Houwkwperi!
A large and railed Bloc, ol CHOCK
at ' FRANK lIA a KINO,a
I’UINTKI) Larvira at Mela.
Victim;* I awnn at ~121 c.
LoKMoN (Innl>< at "Ie
llumhorg TrlinlHf, llanrfaome and cheap
In re ?at
Emit Trees ! Jt Trees
The undeialKue'l ann.iuncea to the citi
arua of M> ri aether that he la now • anraa
ing tbla county In the iuirreal <>l a Oeor la
Nurrery lnrall at Cnvlnging. Thrae trcea
ore ol the tvrg Oust quality and variety, and
are specially arfapU-rf to (JcorgU soU. 1
propoae Iu aell them aa low aa they can he
bought l the U. H. b.ii ialactton guaran
teed Cali on or uddtuaa
41H Gteenvllle, Ga.
OBfyllOlA— i Otdinaiy’aOfß e.
Meriwether County. | Ap'll, 7th. 1H #.
Whereaa the last Wifi and Te.lament ol
f)aoif J' tiklria, late of aaid manly deceas
ed, ha* been offered for ProtMta and aatla
factorlly proven and admitted to record ;
aod wbereaa the nominated Kgrcutor re
fuaea to quality, thereby leaving tbe es
tate <*fraid deceased, unrepresented and
tin aatne not being likely to lie represent
ed :
Tbk U therefore l cite and admonish
all concerned, to Hie tbelr objection* (If
any they haw) la my office, on or before
tbe first Monday In May next, why letter.
ol Administration evm Uslamea/o annt>,
abouM net warn and rest in W. H. Keller,
Clerk ul the Hiiperior flour', of said coun
ty, or a**mc uttn r fit and proper per
Giren under my band and official alg
A. .1. HINTON.
o. M.C.
Blankn, Circulars and
all kinds of Job Work execu
ted at this Office.
OK.OIRJIA I Ordtnaryli OS a.
Merlu her Counly. { AptU, JIM, IST9.
Whereaa Win. U Atman aa Admtalalrc.-
tor <ie bonis nun, ol the estate ol Moses Al
- deeiaaed, rqpreseita to tha court that
be Itaa hilly admlnlaterail the estate ol said
ileo-asetl, and an. lies tor Ireth-ra ol Uiinh
aiou from aahl luxt:
This la therefore to cite and admonish
all concerned Ui fflo their otdectlona (If aay
tliey have) In ay ofltoa, oo or betora the
Aral Monda) In July neat, to shoe causa
why said applicant should not reoefva Let
ters ol uUtnlaaloQ from hia trust aa alors
, said.
Given under my hand and olflcUl afg
• O. M.C.
A. 0. AU.K. W yly 1 Rule Nisi to lore
t-H-Kan* {firjssrti
ilor Court, r*i,.
Tel Si, UNO.
ToJ. M. Mlalltnga, dafasdaut la the
above case:
It being represented to tha court by Iba
petition ol plaintiffs la Hm above staled
case that by dee.l of Mortgage, dated May
tat, 1874, J. M. Stallings conveyed to add
plaluiifl*, A. C. A 11. F. Wvly, a certain
tract of land situated In 10th dUtriU of
Meriwether counly, O*., being all of lot of
land No. 4U, which Ilea on south of While
Oak creek, and, alao, that tract of lead In
the Northeast corner ol lut of laud No. 52
in aakl lOth and strict, hounded on north by
laud* trf J i*. U. 11 uJd teuton, to tcnce ran*
nlng south, runnlag along feoca to a car
ta. n post oik tree with top cut of, then
east to land Ike of Wm. Malcom, Ikes
south to corner of lot ol laod Nc. 48. fame
ion taming la all ooe hundred aad sixty*
•bree acvrt,—lo; the purpose ef eecurlng
payment of two protnlsoory notes made
by add J. M. Stnllkgs to aahl A. C. A B.
F. Wyly, each dated May It, 1878, and*
•uo reapet dvi ly on 15 h day of Omobar
1878, and Ist day of November, 1878, sod
earb lor sum nf ne hundred and forty six
sod 88 100 dollar* with Interest o
each from maturity at 11 per cent. |r an
num, and a!-o with tea per ceut. on each
uota lor attorney'* (a* lor collecting aaaaa.
All of which *ama due oa raid a -tea are
now dne and unpaid: Whereupon it la or
dcred by the court that i. M. StaiHogs do
pay Into this court by the 8m day u 4 that
aext term tba i tlacipal, lour r aad laa pe
cent, as attorney* feet and costs duo oa
each of aai-l note*, m show caee, H aay
ba baa, to contrary, or that ia default
thereof loreclnaure be greeted hr A. O. A
11. F. Wyly of raid mortgage, aad the eq
uity of Hedempibm of said J. M. StaJ iaga
be forever barred, and that sat vice of this
'le be perfected 'm said J. M. fallings
•cooidiug u> law.
J. & Cl C C.
I hereby certify that tba *iTTrgnlqj in a
true extract from the M intten nl Mariwmb
ar Hapeikw Cenri. Tbi* April fftk, 17.
Still Kemdaumrtmrn n
The Imrfmi, m ktmmt, and the Atmmk
Km et Boor* and Swans mu ilbm it
fsuni —when- T at
-ViMr zh 2 r no