The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, April 11, 1879, Image 4

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By J. W. Hutto*;
. <c„ \ * S >
D, j t/j c!t that wanner*, J mob ' I * tha’
the way 1“ bow
X JwiK <y• * r “•* ’* ,,m ,n, b *°
pull * pI"W f
Yon ti'ttn to !e *fnb*rrak*f and , you s, 't - *
you were dazed ,
Lr-tgoyour hat <•'“* answer me. Why
look you o am z- and ?
N'jfll i wrong, **b, nultlu I ‘tore Uod J do
ritetw’ !
’Optin 1 war linkin’ as tiow you'd cu *. an
AwkUf. ' , * <
’(ju<: .le pin* bab not been *-l. <1 hors.-,.
turned Jo w 0 ,
Tc*r* when Unit* ar Kwiut! wrong yon’,
y|o U< bvppetl roon.
1 thought 1 beard a chicken, Jake, behind
Iti# Cabin wall ;
At llrat * lively cackle, and then a dolcfu,
•q tall. *
I uiay have beou ailitaken, but 1 liar illy
think 1 ,
And chicken* never know, un
leM they have
1, e#h—oo, ab I dial *>P chicken .i *k
ah he do'i com gbi
Ml ! (la hah lie hSfdeil him ail' tie
apeckle hen. ,
Al druid* haw* war master, hul (‘at ol
hUefl p him crazy hW her wing* m peck
him In da */' • :
lfdal fifjjien' ain’t gam*. **>. den (Hr o'
ntgjef Ilea.
And no yotl do, ) i nucal. H * n ,J hen
al all,
l know a rootle ,* voice, boj-l *.<!
rviwlcr wpiad.
Yea, ah, a pfliig chid in about and id'* 4 ' to
D way dl roOdtcr run *o’ • M "il an try
he be*' lo fly ‘
Twaa tun to no hla caper*, how lie *tiuv
to get wav 1
Oolly, ho won't g*l < tier and fright until hla
dying day.
That rooster tall In an-I hand*, that
clutched him by the thrciai ;
That stopped hl breath, hi* We l>'rlii>*
tn the mfddlti <>l a note.
•8< UMt ni; IM*. I <*' l“ r R 0, > ‘ ,em f’**
mint half (tr '>M ;
I*|| frfld and sheet* an’ plow <> **”<* 0,1 IM
null blow* de barn.
Hold, Uke, that hat of your*, ~w 11
steeple grows—
How tl> i;Mwn awka ilowu egalu—spre* 1 ’ 1
• out Hku yi’ur r°***
11>* Ih. 1 What'* that Utwoo..
that row n and hrlni 1
A rooster’* head 1 and V<** “*
sure as you caught 'dm.
Tho r**#ter tinned hi* head about and
nave a flop or two.
Then, In a video loud and shri’.l, cries Tack
eafk oack-. a :k-koo-koo I
Much a* to ay I’m puxx'ed, 1 kiniw not
what to do,
JaM gently ralaed *l* boa vet "p. and nut
the prisoner II w.
lie lloWlj acrituhad hie Wooly head, and*
gated upon the around,
Pondering what aietweto make it any
Could be loam).
Hut Bonn hla levarita broken by the quia
lion: Well, air, boat
(hunt that chtekud In your bat your bat
upon jfeur brow T
Clare, boss, ’U* hetry how dea
chickens do:
When da’r Irljhtotffc'W hawk da’lcicep
Into a shoe,
An’ dat young rooster got dar.Joa’ to hide
A euouiug as tho little mouse what dim *
upou de shell;
You dunno how be git dtr, how ho comr
an’ go,
Bttt you kno’ do varmtatV up dr lor <*ntn
ar.d tor sho—
But de way dat rooster dim’ dor. way np
in my hat.
Beats de eharpitt mouse, sah, dat cber
fooled a rat 1
I Wish dat t ®ay di sah ’lore 1 move a
If I don’t belcab he dim’ dar, tip my brteeh
e* its l
_ —• m iw" ’ ""
Mia Muriel took gieat interest In par
lab affaire. Last year the promised to as
sist la decorating the parish church. One
illmntaated teat she thought would look
well over the cancel soreen, and she re
quested her husband to bring It from town
As might have been expected, he forgot
the text, and wired to hia wile hr pariicu
fcr-. To the aurpitaa at ail the telegraph
clerks, this message came over
tba wire*: Unto at a child Is born, nine
teat long by two feet broad.- [English
Jfewapnper. "*
CMMa’t Bee The Point.
Baltimore Ban.
* Haw™* ”
Senator Hffl, of Georgia, yesterday,
white In the aeutte chamber at Waahiug
loo, wcelrad dispatch 1 rom Chicago m
loUow*: Chicago has been carried lor
the rebel *>f 1 “
Bend u ten rebel brigadiers at once. Mr.
QiU saot the diapa'eh to Senator BWoe,
who read it, but did eet we anytblog to It
to laugh at.
"'A n ■ : ■ ■ = r
Men, Mornm on il* ■ Wureler ©I
*■nitt> *
It alioaitr (N. Y ) Union.
Men. H. W Hi com, one of the to*
dl-lh.giihi.fc'l bilged > >n, CiOfrt, a-'J
grand divian n c iri oanders <•! 'lie *ai, re.
coutly ileiiveie.l a lecture in II o kiyu on
even's • i in* grea' itn,..'*, doling the
<•*ol .which lie expr-aed tit op ni n
alwaykb-dd by -be L'uion t.. =*t- Mr-. S r
r*lt w* ui'ir :n, jp'ori..* . lie sat 1 :
i tin going to to you non w rd
about f.l.e ■-zei.'jtio'i ol Ml?, bor-itl at tnfc
ci as of the a', tor I thick t-.u/ic g"C
ire-jim cai. in- 4 tfnni the e’oiy ol
h:r r uiai't •!* o■ i. J b<- i v any people
•‘taU*l * w; g ore ought t# he c iuti -u< I
•pal et p*4i:i:ip M.jhi' t ■ v li !■; , < i. t.V
<lcnc<; given • a line of i, gi, Ix< ito in-nt.
I C'lUh) aland hen. •• ng'il un i r< S. • • t
you lllty iuei ieiitl that would hiv to
cautlun everybody ngwinet inking vt ■
Bjjalrut ollit I* w lieiHhs people are in t
elate o( < * nieut. 'Pn< re never
an* a day, Un-io never was an tcnir, WaaZ l
did not haiiev*; lhai Mr*. Hurratt was an
innocent woman there iin ini* had
fApplkUw | Hlie the keerier rd a
hoaldln lio,; tn Washing lon. Hhe
t>,ai(!d it ■ tii and hell tloz< n
other icliel syrii. a lilZeri, *r,d site ha Ia
wm, John 11. Miriatt. Wi.k* H, ih wa
ol tiooiiog M Lloi oih, s ■ this
p ioi woman was bfouth* hi tilal Ih IOC
ijc< lion with Wilkes li oth, ad througli
Uie crcltrtnco*. of the liwrs her >• k was
tjiought to ih* i.n.i . t,te ..drpe.Vtry *
young gill elghtoen ur iiincteeri yat t "I
age, on the rri, rnlog ol he r sccolion 4 ut
io the I'nni lent’* io on and Uvgi -o *i
a lew words l . him in tie a!< til li r neith
er, and a Unit'd dldei He a'of (rum our
own Htsln, slim terl at door tender, <*
l' u I veil her, say mg . No, no, you (a not
go ill. Worse ihau that, meunr (run
lliht. tlie pool girl Hi or lour years i
Uu wards maw ind u e erk Io the Treasmy
I )r,>< nt,..en' ’( , 01, irgl ID I ■
kg li .*t him. 111.1 lieeausn Itds ■ leik ha I
n nriied the dau dih rol Mr S irratl io
was disrliargid. lot us t*rg oi "O’
ar l.ievniniiU, but at (he inc l|um hi
learn to look our laulti and iir .rs la.i'y
and MptaiTty Tn tin I (" and uekuowh'dgM
lh> in as ho it we Ini v- ( i (an t •
I lie miirih r"I Mu. Hoi.all was tin'
ni> si erne) ti 1 rtrwvdly 'id ' ver totuihlt
isel In any cmnz‘ and country. li-U u*
t!wu sud cuggci itvo lad that *n w!"
were clually (cjioiilhl lur Hill ' * > oi , >
ol that (Wliseiit Wodtn ~ hare h It Inn tm
• rim liaiid (ll tiie tlrca' AV' i g'T. Hti
too if tiny i I War, who was piilmi
ill" wmstiil llie ii linli o, coiiuiiitte I u
-id* ih a 111 oi n iiiulre, altli ugli Hi" I'* l
was sought to he concealed. I'rcsion
liiog, Uni H.Uutor ltm Mi v Vu t aMm
iupu sed Allot* Hnnall at III" I’n i -i
door. In Hl. manner eti'ted Ills ova tile
liy delllu'iately )u iiping Iroiu a In oai
into the North liver aL New Votk an
droWHtUg hlina* 11. Andrew John on Vic,
signed the distil war at land despoUf i,l y
an*) ended the writ.d Aii'<i c. r/mt that
hsil t-rrii granted hy die co in, w i. stru ..
en suddenly with death rtp tn hi* rnnni
lo III* Senate alter h" liad left the I’ ,
lioticy. Judge Advocate ll >!t, who m •
dueled the prosecution, long ago i -i
peated Ifnui puhUts i >, m*tl nh ! .u
dend (>r alive nob -dy knows n I not* . i
j cares. And John A. Hingliatn, win* v
Ifttwt UEolty was driven ?rotn OongfiMS
! ding race in ole ol the (hr it M l'dle '
l.f tbt-tskers, R, and sougtil rcpigo in .lip* ,
w lit to, wc I o’icve, lie row t
lltlvl.lll lilt I*,
lbe bmk id lint il ow tree, burnt l<
ashes: app iud t> the pnrts, will remove al
corns nr excrescences on any patt ol tin
The juice of cetvy. mixed with It mj
of rose* and barlei - vater, may t-e uf and a
a gargle by those who ,ulkr itli, n c
and ulcer* m the throat and mouth.
Alum W very ii jurivrs to the teeth.
Ohlornto of potash tuts no action at al! up
on tho teeth. Alcohol does not ailed
them, neither does cologne. Tobacco and >e
hot afl et the structure ol the teeth, but
colore thim brown.
To cure a felon, take out a petition ot
the inside of a lemon, and thrust the fii
gsr into It. Or, take the skin ot tho inside
ol a fresh egg, bind it on with the moist
ure ol the white ot the egg neat to the flu
gcr, and It Will ‘draw the small globule
that causes the sore, to the suitate. As it
dries, make new applicate ns.
B rax water will Instantly r.owve ah
soils aud stains from the hands and heal
all scratch** aud chates. To make it, put
some crude boiax Into a large bottle, unit
till in water. When the bortx is dissolved,
add more to the water, until al last the wa
ter c*u Hbeorb no more, and a residuum
remains at the bottom ot the boitle. To
the water in which the hands are to be
washed, alter gardening, pour trorn this
bottle enough to make it very sott. It is
very cleansing amt very healthy. By its
use the hand* ill be kept iu excellent
condition, smooth, soil aud white.
Senator Sharon, <>! Nevada, It ie staled,
oat ol bia tear years’ roemliership iu the
Senate hat not attended ita mee i >gs
more tbau sixty and ijs—skipt ia; more
than two long sessions altogether. Still he
ha.-drawn hit pay, bia mileage, his sta
tionery, etc., and his net profits of the ol
ftec arc estimated at nearly $30,900.
It was in Kansas —which is not &
Southern State—tint a negro wag lynched
aud his body burned by a mad mob. Kan
sas is a steady, stalwart State. Shall we
not hear lroiu the Republican ur;aa> ?
I<> r.OilU 1 A I O li®Ziy Otfi 1
M y< toozlj'. f Muiilri* JUS
Wt.-r*u Ai'en li. }Valso;, z A-'u.i is
•isvcf, with wrii annexed, u theV.'.ste l
Jtio '*V, H'dding, deceased, repre e ■* to
the coon hat hi has fuily admin s'e-od
?h e 4 a> t < -aid deceased, a .4 sjyp! e to*
U ii.-ra • f f> emission f;Oi 'lr.-t a 4
i “ucti adin rii tr tor.
T'd* therefore to cite and sdir.rn.ish
>-d . file th I
, v ti.'-v uiv') ','i or hetor* the (5 v ' 'I n
fiiyio J , next, t'.i *!nw can ' why ►. .
1 a-.flli a'.t 'ho*r!d mu receive Lett're
jl> -t- i-'i io tom fcu fratt u* i si.n
frator afor- *■:,),t.
f; ven ooder mv hand and <fH > y a
'ere. T i: and and -lay o’ M'wcli 1 - TM.
* \ J. JUNTO
0 M <
1 ‘A. !'. *I A i Ofdbiary'z 1 f*:
: MenW- i.i C uu'y j Apo! ; , i~-'J
Where** U* * A ll U .war; has b*<o
a judged lit' Stic arid committed I • 'he
iinanr; As., torn "f Mid rtat*. ad H :
.aariny that rail lunatic In* rights and i‘
tentH that to) life the atleatioo -.1 *'J ■*<
lian, srtd wliri'-a- Mr-, fc. K H owet } a;,
~le for t <• ftoardisntliS.r of s* l i i', ti
I'OIS ;# to cue acd aim c*. a •
. u.cerrsed to It or ijheir of‘Je*;(tona '• II any
;hty havey oti or hf'>r the first Mon ay
it May ixtel, *w cause any :• '<•
*h uld not UtS to laid a; p ' • . i
MjVeu under mv haul sod n® *. y if
oat ire.
1 .*.• ee. ..<M yyiyj.
Sheriff’s Sale.
(iKOUffl A —M*riw*thr Uounty.
\ t rif.L V- s .Id hold re the (. old, !i cv<
W 1 or i fh- lown of <h< >■ '• M/u.
w. t',- r t hiofi'y, Ms., t- weno it <- ieg.
h"iir rd it g on *tie s't I readsv m
May, !*J. the Ird'OSWi t*" <V t *U
Tl.o west I,alt ol lot of land No ID in '!
| .* IjKn district ..| .Aid ...unity, r rit*i'
in. ioi J .• o r ni'.'i if leas. d*< n's-d •
i f.vry. and |.| aI > rts.n intlei f*i f*• ot rn<>rt
ga.e b*.ring ta(emi the 3Aih d*y ol M .M
1H77 tjCTb-d rn a> in• .|io.-My <t W A
M m land m silii'ty a mortgage ft ta tmo
Miuiwetner *t ,per, .r i an ioi,v r id J
W lloytl. iravs'e: to . v. IV . A M- mn •
I’mprflv pop.led and .kis *,l Wl utgk ■ 0
Ik. T- 'll* 111 t 4l cSM't,™*ll t tiolio) ok the
k din i tk. | ,il* A' n, Hr ,t - I.
(■ . Kt.Ottk.Ni K,
H. M t
r j |,o oi |\ if) linary'k < ffi e
VI. i w ihr t ■ uat*. j Mvrclt till, I‘oU
' *
Aiuo tii). Tt r iran * a .l <nuitwiVea
tor id tin teal "t Johnson An man ’V'd
, a 11. |-r. -. Ill* Id til* • unit that tie It* i
(i,j y *ln f and. red the satatn t-l *ai I '* n il*
• d.a and ip, die* Id letters "| i.isici* i-hi Iron,
h tin t *s nfoiesni t.
‘1 tot is therefore to tide and ado "dab j
,| , coil oi fit" tin lr tl.|f * " 5 (It •">>
ip, .vt) ior h'to c ll,e fit*i. 'I n*) J
in line iet, to *1" w atic "I" raid *>’• j
,„i ,1 .t .0,1 4 Storesald, b"U! ! uot he di*- ’
•gliogcd. -
(live t utitlttt my h>. and an l ‘ Ilk i ■ g'
A.J. lIINI N, j
0 M U. !
,S ,1/////.*- WORM n,L
Atiikns, (U . v m 1. I*7B.
MU .Mj rloltl. Av year* o il. h t •ymptom* ' o
,rm I trio,! c*tom*l unit th worm Melt. In *
t„,l Mit#d to eip*l * worm*. Seela* Mr Ba.u*
orpir.-ato. I got a Worm OU. amt the let
,l . Jnroo.h forty worm* aut the *•>" I '' ut *
wrre | o*-'1 1 did not •'■'uni thvm.
I’ifpared by I’d Smith Lynthn
r Py .!. F. <). Terrel AO
Will commence Its next anneal session
on Monday the 3rd ot Pebrumy 1879. with
a renewed determination to make every
efiort lor prom otes the interest and ac
vaucemeul ot our pupils. We solicit the
patronage ot oor friend**
Ihstktjcti is w Music
can be had hem teachers equal to* any in
arge cibe*. Boat 4. itt Until**; at
ftorn 13 00 to |lO 00 fer mouth.
e i.u *
Ihr Fi*u Saii ly
ot Greor.viile ofici adoiuanai inducements
Otucsa wlahit g advattages tor their
*ons*>>r daucnteis.
Hates of tuition sls 00. $25 CO, A $32 00
per -cola-tic year. No deduction for lost
time except in case ot ptotracted sickness.
Oae dollar Incidental expecs s.
J. 11. CLINE
JaLlt 2m
I J i:uioS, OraranS
Introduction Sale
Superb Insirunerts
From ih* Beat Matter
Ttt ID, Al
Maauliic.-t uiftit’s Rate*
hfMt'ui t AntuMtaertmmt
‘l tu .ii. k isadiiit Man,if*. Urcr* of the
l. " 1,, v. g u. • ici.,-! r v euntfo' cd
o . .sir ... t;.c f* o|fh a.O-1 * .
10 i l 1 sis u, i >*. lot i'iif'clucthtt an i
.1 iwtiwi.i nt, but; i hwteut;d of their
-c’r' ;i~C, , V. li^l
'll ti/oarii,,ti* at Factory Who’f**.
lik'Cl. I /.Ik
llruini IntrAdarlieN kiilc
O, i.ruo.i (i ,’t W 1 ,l, (ti ll Vt L;
, tit li;.'- aottl Do*, t misa Jilts* c!a*,te
11 ii th* tn y k a| U *.u i evrf y. at
'c : j.te 1 in A .o' r c.i, :,J*
i m: rmci^.
li A n ■ . J !.. • It -. .. i'Z
I‘ I- ttd i,< g*. t-.M gtK Ito
I‘. A Id I' v. o 17 ,
I'dl.'ityi V♦ * r ■ li it-.' vo ~ i t ,rt
i 1 Is;.'*. g,e i‘, , U *)" i* i ■
tr. • ■
ill h* M . v I I ' -i (. ‘ ‘ '■! if
i- 1 * 1 . , i't .* - | 't ~
1- co. I! , . w . . ..
".>> r t i
17! t ■ ■.
v ( •' and f ■ |:t> -
|M 1 '•' v■ • I ,f v r
• ny.-a.o- <’<*•*!,**', I’. *. |A,'..
A' g 'wt - 1 Ini'r , . t yf j
ftryt, , o , t* t (). p Uht i, . Yrul it iva'd.
1, v \. the I’*--- ' fii \ f. %
f. *- ■"I ■ . ,* and i = -Mf j. , Jit ,i ~,'t ~,1
I > ,'t i*c il ,- t., off
Wagon & Hanilii Or. ans
S0 Va= o A ir.mtin
> A fh -orb k-d I'aatnr
tCW'fkr "■ , -
'**' r.-gv.t
I) ,*, w
r* - Hi k-
A tfnitfiltdSST u ■ xo'l’t
Tw' ‘ lr -S'.S fi htop
ys k "■ v " “ 'n-
A -iKl' -w* 1 •*' 41 i' •twe •
“nr*..,-.. - > ti*
h_,ck■ sisy.,K-te : X tie
via, \t if'.ti, • it. Hail,. ~ Hill", i’av
Hreitliefn tier * favorite Plan a ' In
clude-l i t' ; -a■ *■. \ rletn Bwe-p. JSo
reset ve. Al rn wr hixtrn neiila ft I,tct
Hi • ’ f r I ir. *nrfi m ?ale circul r g.v
ing ;r< a a i fnl! infO'matii n.
IM I*ol rrA NT
For fl'l a 1' ti, i r f ♦ nan tlr-an, we
wi ill. ri ' . paid any 1C If. poi t
i . the H Pi).
\\ Uifcjii.e Piano Organ THmiers.
Fox lightness ct draft excels all others
working on the principle ot a priv*. It n> i
duces the dralt SO per cert. Wo hare us
ed it ou a field separator requiring 3 horses
and threshed easily with Three. We used
it also on a4O saw Carver gin, using 2
mi les w inch pulled it with nase* We can
give good rtUren.c* to the above (acta.
We guarantee the power to ret nee the
drait 50 per o-nt. either lor field work or
under the gin l ouse. I’artics desiring t
orchase additss
W. 11. PHELPS,
or \Y,J. BA UN Lit,
Greene.ile, Ga.
u 20 3m.
GEORGIA. > Oidinarv’s Office
Me swell er Cos u y, { March 15ii. 1379.
I -i;v Hi-S', y ua- applied tor exempt tea
ot ersonatiy, m ! I wo. ; ass upon the
same at 12 -1 ~M. an the- o h day oi
A pill ni a; Üb7o) at ui> Oilier.
O. M. C.
!• * monrMr. ? Fvrsp'BaXtk of Ihc c retain ol
the War id * I ikMtaxfc OBpr l&c.. or $2 per
r ar. Ati Ut! . Uk-T) actual cf “ \ owTHite
V . ay.” j ‘ f>*oia Sbovr* |t UU^.ia
bindinc: “I'hrist tn Oakley'* " *il
l">k. :3i .ptr btcriiiu:. and & s-Ainp'.s! or *>- of “Wo>l §
Hoasch id Mxpixme"—all post-paid, for calySDerc
in tvnej, or in cn*-cer.t trampes. Ac itt
liK'ntl rwrrm- lmt ratb ifwrtfrsc.
X‘\di-. 4 H. V'’cc*i, T.i':*'axw £ tuniacf,: York Cit>
$25,000. m SIT CEE, 26,000
This ie mecse stock ol Furniture, eonaiatirg ol
dressing cahe suns
SiA'II I BS! S, |kiotl*
Besides ewryibm* u.ueffy ae i in a SF ilNla REDS many
VV * have a lid stock of CV..Wf awl Picture tiatnes aoJ tbk* trame -to order, any
Size. - -
fancy i’aper top boards and ma ris
WALL P vc H Bis,
800 K Bit FLY KB
V -r,
Fancy gt *tl- to. bird! ay and ~ ,!t'*y prrreut*.
'Jk "
‘ ' *-**•) l Crr enroll in.' c. ut*<|, ad piown’t nt.r g ven te all
!< Vf> "
TIIoMfNON linerrtfKitHL
H-rbnd., J7*a:n Nrwna.Oa.
f l !I k FALL TERM
Barneaville Ga
Wlli r.pen r,n Monday. Hepdher 3rd, 18?8. sr-th a fail corps wf eemcef, anneewriet
•eartier* dftermtwed to kep up the wi-leapread aed !ee> rved rep itatioo of Ibis Jeatiy
ceh bruliwt t!ivi|.
Mor ion Inst tote ofte a anra-ftor in-'u'emrnta t> [ emu ifeihlnxeu edneatw
r, d angblrfi. it ha* aii the modern appbam m*A I [ vralii* gnw (erjhnrf, and anemS
n'r ,irrrifnl t>acl.lng >inpa/! ’e !'n Ih- ■•talr. It* mn<nc departn.<nl i roudecied
.' v Pmt. fluttewbergev, w l><> ha* no super k# and hot t-w erjViaN in hM frofe*kw.
Ibarreavihe is the mow enterprising city 'n the Macon and W'eatern Railroad, and
it*s justly the reputation of having the most .worst, hberal and en'igbteß* and commonity
in treorgia.
I union fl IAO to 918 50 per Term. B-ard |lO 00 to 15 GO jier m< nth."
For catalogue cootai; tug full iuforruat > n atdrwas i
otW.H WOOIMLL. F*cr n
8 24 1/ Bar imavilie, Georgia.
Maj C. W. Capt. L. D. Pkdk*
&LA r rnxr & x>ni>x3^
Fire Proof Wre House
! .
Gnffii Ocnsgia.
‘ j;
Cxiiano, Guano, Guano
Wv have in store an 1 for Sale the foliowirg Standard Brands of HIGH ORATE
Fertibiers a’ oid price*, 500 lb cotton per ton-
The above are ttrieOf Jlrtt dam at tii priem abd of vrtfnrm frrvU.
VP# also have the following Add Phosphate* tor composting, Man do Add, Stow#
Acid and Charleston Add Phosphates at 400 iba cotton per ton.
We reaped folly nnd cordially invite Planters of Meriwether and adjoining counties
to examine ocr stock be tore bo ring elsewhere
No better brands made than the above. Respectfully i
p a
Slaton & T?f*don.