Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Cwinty Vindicator
puBi.rtusn xtKitv Friday,
Hair* AslvertHteMt,
1 wk 4*Jur amolt mo j lrs
1 inch 100 *SC 4.50 >4-00 |l*oß
a ncbts !58 300 850 110 00 115 U
S uiAw !8 UO 000 lOOC, 15 00 I *6OO
t M 1508 HIU>
* col 700 15 t ]iSsU>'3s 00 16)00
col jIOOO3OOO J 35 00100 00 j SIOO
car a liberal MtiaeiiaßßMtto to
sdwrririn* by the KWb or year.
cou if fif oFfiOfirts
SsHKiUFF O. Si. Flemmca
CLERK Si. C W. H Kefter
TAX COLLECTOR .....J.O.Ohrtatlßu
■aLUYEYOH O, F. Matthew*
CO HUMaM. * Joliu K# J o "*
L.J. MUmr, a iron Sibley,
C. J. l*w-b, , J. E Buchanan
J. W E**a.
BO ARP or education.
John VV l’ark, W.J. llaro**
MaJkou Unvn, B. A. I‘arker
A. B. jf ireman, See-
LN ATOR 3bili Dias Oct, F. M. Duncan
r J. William*, C. W. Will lair.*
I), li. KISITH,
W li! prarttoe In Meriwether aud tin
as aM using tl <• <kwat* eircui'
(fjfS&A. From, 1). I>. H.,
I > k.HIDhN I Dl-NT.HT •
Terms ( Mb. All work warranted.
Work* Cbri-Uana, Lancaster Cos., l’.
OAra: ?!) a lkaver M , York, Pv.
<>ull' U’ liw proved Colton Win
run ten *rc respectfully invited hi ex
amine toi* Gin ix-tote bti; mg. I wll krep
sample Gin, with Kwli . OumdegjguafUL
OijlTOS FltJfr'W (4lor eMag with a
rmw > alwaya <n band lor exhibition
We cnaraitce to* w*l ptrfeel vitufat
(ton to Purchaser*, in vvery particular
The pikx> will In reduce I next annoo
!rom HUH to fk.9o permw to the Gin*.
awiyH M to fU.'O m 0 # Fnlan -I r<
i*r all to the acoaij>eiytng certificates mf
well known (Motor* who on *i*ng Gh
ieH’a rtn. a* to the eft re prteet obtained
jr rot b n (inrcd era them.
h A BfCEK* Ag>l
G igiO. Os-. Match 10*16?#.
Gximx, Oa-, March 1,187 k
■Wf. tha unJmign'."!. are idling the Gui
lt!’. Improved Light Draft Cotton Gin
7h* Gin it of Roperfor 'Workmaoibip
For iMt ginning, *af<ty In monte* Mid
11, bt draft, tfo <*o the mm? work,; *e
Uiink It has n ayvai; but the moot Im
portant (ratJr• to the Attachment for peß
log and Improving the sample. Tbo hr**
cotton to Improved by It to a* to bring
Irtm i to t neot, and stained nod dry cot
trrtS. i *• 1 coat per pound more hi tbo
Griffit market than on other Ginn.
Onrm. Gs., My 17, W7B.
To J- A BERKS, Agent for tbo GuTlrtt
Go KsnV* C*N t G riffle, GaJ
At yeur frqaaat, we, ptootero Md teb
erj Id cotton. give to the public our oplo
loa cl your Gut. W take ploaanre Ip mv
fogte IHn need of eew Gins, bt ft to
ponr a weH-*tabltbed fact that cotton 1
girned on them Gins bring a Hioais
I p.icx to oer market than any other, and
the gist are growing In public favor. Cot
toe rlnned n* them aold last aeaaan a
from *r e-juattm 1 of a eeof to one cent per
po ad above u.e maiket price. Mr. Got
. leu’s Attachment lor improving the tem
ple of cotton, we ere satisfied, ta wbat be
claims lor it. The Gin appear* to bare
reached perfection ia Gin Machinery.
CL mb Agent ip IhmCokbrated ECLIPSE
PORTABLE ENGINE, manufactured by
Frick A Co* tor the counties of Bott
Payette and btoytoa.
J. A- LEEK?.
a rcr. 29 3m
Dare to say -No" when you're tempted to
Pause for a moment, my brave boy, and
Thmk of ih* wrecks upou hit’s ocean tow
For answeriug “Yes" without counting
the cost ; •
Think oi tlm mother who bore you hi
paiu !
Think of lire tears that will tall like the
rain ;
Think •! her hear. and how cruel the
M iW ;
Phmk ol her love and at once answer
“No "
i'bink of the hope* that a.e dtowned in
the bowl;
Think of the danger to body er.d soul ;
Tblek of sad Ilvas ouce tt pur# a* the
mow j
Loek at them now and at ouce answer
Thii'k ol a manhood with rem-aimed
birath ,
I liink how the glass leads to sorrow and
death ;
I hillk of the h/WSS.V l 'a*i,' Cs*pv X.
with woe.
Might have beeu lieaven had the answer
been "No."
Think ot the lone graves both unwept and
Hiding fond hopes that were laii a* your
own ;
Think of proud forma now lor ovet laid
That kid! here had they learned
to aay “N i.“
1 hink <>t tiie demen that links lu the
Driving to ruin both body and soul ;
‘I hink of ail this as (lie’s journey you go,
And wheu you're assailed by the tempter,
•ay “No I"
ristb Usui Pnserved a linin’*
In the show window* ol one ol tint lend
log Jeweler* ol Vbuua U exposed to vkw
a brooch, magnificently studded tilth gem a,
m the middle ol vtfeae ehtbofatc chasing
U utcki*cd the id'll Gugular ol .i.tulrea
lour common old lx-ijt u | vortoded pint.
I bi brooch la the |>ro;>crty ol the Cou di
ms Lavetstolky. The |dn hate a hlalory,
ol course. B.vrn yema ago Count AIIh.iI
I,.v*tkfky aa* arrest<-d at Waiaaw |..i
all alleged In*)lt to the H nalitn Govern*
nu t, J ut: muU author ol llm luainl, which
consisted o( some careleaa word* spoken ai
social gathering, w* hi* wlh . 110 ae
ospurd the ariuasiion, however, and taraa
anot to prlM.i,. Io one ol the lightlcaa dun
geon* It. Which the Cm it an fund n| c<.
fining bit I'oliah subject* the uiiloituuale
martyr lor lua wile’* looac longue ai-nl
i* )car*. He had only one am ut>* merit.
Alter he had Iwra searched and thrown
into a cell be had found In Ida col lour
inn* Tiiiae be (lulind ojataud throw on
•be II or j then in the darkueaa he hunted
lor them, 'luring louud them, larhap*
alter hour* and ev . n day a he ai a tiered
'hern again. Amin the game u enl on
lor ala weary year*, lint lor them. In*
write* in Ida incmoii*, t would have goi a
toad. They provided me with a j urpoae.
ho long a* I had them to hunt lor 1 had
toTiii-thlng to do. When flic decree lor
my liberation and exits waa btought to me
the jailor louud me on my k eea bunting
lor one w Inch hud t-kcaped me lor two
dayr. They saved my wile'v husband
Iroin lunacy. My wile, therefore, eould
not desire a proale- ornament.
nanbd Idle -
We commend to ihi x* wlm mediUb
eroding the ttobicon ’> r "Ingle b’> .*< ilne,*
*ri-l tiaveling on tile’* J utney togelhcr,
tbf very tx-sutiiul atnl app<wiU: advke ol
Prcderick* Bremer. is a world ol
Window and good sense iu what she aays,
Llau n J • '
Deceive not one another in small thing!
oor In grea*. One little aingh ie !.**, xm
tore now, disturbed a whole married life.
A amall canae has olten great conaeqocnc
as. Fold nut tbe arms together ayjj tit idle,
bsxfone K the devil'* coghtoo. Do not
run much bum home. <)nt’ own health
i* ef worth more tbsti gold.
Many a tnajiiage, my friend*, begin*
like the rosy morning, and then fails away
like a anow-trrea h. And why, my friends?
Because tbe married pair neglect to be aa
Well pleating to each other af’er marriage
at before. Eoacavor alwaya my cbi.dreu
to please one ahoiher ; but at the same
time keep God in your thought*. Lavish
.not ail your love on vo-daj,Jor remember
that marriage ha* it* to-rnoirow, too,
Spare, a* sac would t*y, fae'. lor toe win
Consider, my daughters, what the ward
wife expresses. The roariied woman i*
her husband's domestic faith, and in her
band be most be able to confide hougp and
family ;be able to eotrust to her, the key
af his heart, aa well as the key of bis din
lag-room. His honor sad bit home Me
under bet keeping, his wdl-betog is in her
band. Think of this.
veu, mi, he faithful fcnebamfa
and good lather* of families. Act so that
yonr wirm rtall eet-e r , on and love jr n.
: wai
Advice to (lie Mnrvird Folk*.
So much has been written for the public
eye op the subject jI unhappy marriages,
that 1 won.lor sometimes why such happy
peopU as some old maids and bachsloi*
seem to b<’, should, a’.tcr years of bleaoed
urti, take upou themseivsr thy vow*
w hich are sure to bring them such wretch
ditvss. 1 have given some thought to the
causes which burn to make mauled life in
so ntany ca-cs a waaie desut, and I am
going to write them down.
With G aiidmothtr, I think that the
root of the evil lies in the Lome training, i
l have St A> unhappy frillies, the
trouble was caused by the reHUhoese ol
the man of the house, yet the boys of that
ill-lreatod mother will be wslud upon and
lotted by her until In a short time (with
the example belore them) they will coma
to aspect nothing but • ibeurvlenci t their '
Will. Thli domineering spirit will contin
ue uutU, when married, they will expect
the same thing tram the wife* who, ret'
hu|w, has been brought ap i> a (Emily 1
where all base.equal nghts, and will ro>
bet until dive re courts ars appealed to.
Wheu 1 see a family where the boys are
made to regard son* one’s wishes ha rides
ffet-fpyJW’MidH't'irfnrifvnAo / 'i tfft foun
dation lor a happy family, (t It escapes the
other .'la that Satan always has lo reserve.
There are so selfish gills, whose
mothers have brought them up to believe
that marriage la the end and aim 01 life
who many Just such noble boys as 1 have
descritied. They do not mistrust but that
all girls (rave hern taught as their slaters
h ivv. A pretty lace Wl is him. and lie be
c men a willing slave until to (ate to sayc
himself from a life of wretcneancs*.
Then there are ltufo girls who marry
Ifum a happy liotna, believing there Is
nofldllg but. sunshine In life, whose lives
liaVo teen so guarded that they know not
of the evils that are abroad, who, when
coming face 10 face wph ilia trial* filial
tin so two JKKreul dispositions have to
oootsnd wlih, their tourag* falls them,
and, after a lew years, they become liypo
chondrla invtlf'T, or ewe ntsho tlutnilelvo.
be'leve they do not marry the right man,
und finally Amt him In someone who will
lead them In’.o a deeper abyss ot miser,
than they evot dreamed of.
Oh, il these (words could lie shouted
through Ihe laud : Never riyirry for w ealth
or I fit a home ; but let love alone he your
guide. Alter matrlage, do not expect too
much ol each otlp r. Remember lltal each
have th|r special trials In hom(ijjujkM.aM4
l hoi’S ad l"tr/*lif lessen theth j
for osch other. Husbands, do uol expect
your wive* lo always look aa tliey uaed to
when they only aaw you oupn a week.
Wives do not ex poet the same uttmdioi.
that you ri'C'lved before marriage. The
old tin tioie, Item and forbear, and I’ut
yontM’ll ;• Ills place, Are anfih exc'Hunt
one* to guide one iu the battle nf marr.'oil
tile ; remember that “to err I* hnmtt'
and (hat there are tint few thing* tin l it Is
woith while to •emeiiibrragalafi the oJh
er, and that it i* Ihu email bug innbig
Unit make Ihe trouble. 1 do licliovc llml
the flnt year ol martled life ia the moat
unhappy, na a usual thing, because ouch
think their way the beat, aoU- dlilik* Ui
give up. i>>uie yonog mairled folk* begin
to tell olhetf ol their Iroubiua, nod arc
♦ympatuiael wilh. and made to tbtok they
are much wore* Uig" l h*y eally are ; ihla
makea it ao niuch Warder lor them, aa It
inakoa the breach *o much wider. Let
them keep their home life aacrnd to them
ae'.vea, an J they will avoid one ol Ihe moat
dangeroua an are*. Htill I *oppo*e the
young will continue to marry and diaag/ae.
and divoroe,and acandgl lollow, while the
happy hornet will coutlao* to be the ex
ception, and egood adrie remain belaw
par- r
A Denver Horse Iwup.
N. y. Wosld.
An honest miner eat In a contemplative
mood before the door fa lalbea la one oi
the thoroughfares oi Denver. He bed tak
en engai 'j li'ri several times, and now
(.act a wtsilul look at latcmafa toward on
prospeoted regions In the foothills, whei e
Jig hoped to strike a tellurium lfead, now
list ‘tlie placer diygioa’ were played oob
Hfowly dow* the street came a Solitary
"horseman, ill mounted, pofaf oiadr/ fa ea
gerly equipped, and mapped In iradi of the
ater. m a
SI ranger, said be, 1 want to *eH yer a
horse. s t
B'.ranger, was liae reply, I don’t went
him. y .'J i t * ■*
Btraoger, rejoined the wayfarer,yer ree
ly moat buy him. Ton never nee n better
horse lor the price. - * *
Whet is ’.be price, stranger ? aaked the
contempfatire map.
A hundred and fifty dollar*, and dirt
cheap *1 that,
The enquirer meditated afew moments
and then blandly remarked. Sir agger, JM,
,r-'J*fßr. •* r#w
The equestrian dismounted, saying with
eagerness, bt:anger. I won’t allow $145 to
stand between yon and me and * bade.
The hone to yoon I
. hi iwj m x.
lira Wffiia, an aged lady of Cumberland
coping, dipt} recently and letl $1 900 lo the
e-fitor of the Glesgow (Ky.) Timea-in tokt
en of the comfort the has tottod fa real
ing bfa PT'*’-
Carry tSMtppMECAutssrl Wesponv
** ' JpLivilla Eagle.
Mb.dtwMipdtodeld, a young farmer ot
Wfrßp coqjßJP*.'*d early one morning
test wsatUßH hfa Lome to viat thia city
He go<>3 time and at an
early bor#kd VKobad the ratoerbs of fly-
lalsdtaly along, un
-1 üb. and fll bare or any thought qf com
ing cmMSSO hsd with him. doebttesa
for prataeMpß, small pisto! ; but no op
vortuatty bad bo n pieseoteii for using it,
apd.kflPtlflldnr UiapMul parhaps than
.-tnylhnrg Jg*e, I,* took it turn,
bis potipF and bjaked awry
at tht Bmt as he rode along,
He however, that another
niartWii _^aifar. behind
him j oi if ha did, ha did aot notice agy.
thing In ibis appanrance to Indicate that he
was mure than a common ciliacn. Hut
there’# where be i,mada a mistake. The
man behind bftn was a grand juror, and by
the time the two reached town court had
convened. It was hut the work ot a tew’
momenta tor the said cousoi yutai yi Ut
evidence before
the auettst body of which lut was a mem
ber and a presentment was founded there
on instantly, Tills went Immediately to
the court room, Ihe case was d.>ckeivd,Kud
the Hlierifl gartly lad Mr. Saflerfleld with*
m the bar. Tula was the first iuthnstlon
tbe ipuitemau bad of me grave conspiracy
which had bean formed against him. Hu
wa, there loro, not a little astonished when
the Judge, w itli solemn dignify, aoumUtl
the case of The State vs. John Hnlleifluid,
carry lug cuuoealed Weapon*. He wrs al
lowed time to consult a lawyar, but he
soon found that Hie case was dead again*;
him,and bis Innocent amusement was like
ly lo co*l hlui dear. U;wu advice be own
ed up like a hide man, entcied a pica ol
guilty, and received hi* sentence tiom the
court, which was |tii line and cools. lie
paid np and went home a ssddei and wis
er men. The whole affair, from the fliiuu
Of Ihe pLtol to ihe sentencing at tba priso
ner, did not eoioutne ovor tliieo hours.
This shows hotv determined the couils and
people of thu country ate to put down this
PtDilcl-.u* practice of cat tying concealed
A Trick ilt hi ('anil n Detirelor
-.-A young man, attUcflng trom the nmc
t foiJ il.ciilcUln! In Ii nj>t'*o,< litrl i(I a 11CCI )
and unceremoniously knelt before the iif.,-
pnetiH, asking hi* lorglvnnee* lor being tfr
such a r nditioe, Tne gi'nih-miin ibua ad
dif*e l tilkd to put lly him but could Dot,
and dually-referred him,to the clerks. Tt.e
young |Mirlatciit then lurnod to the aenlor
clerk, ami ou hi* knee* jileatlod lo lx- allot,
ollu. lug lo tlgti hi* own warrant,
Finding him peril.tout, Ihe clerk dcclJed
to try and dispel lot morbid doalio tr
dealii by means of a prac’lcal JoTic. Bo a
death warraui, aoiemuly wordol
111 long nud aoDOfous phruetM, win drawn
Up by one of the clerk*, to which the peti
lu>nr affixed tils mime, inmaluiug atilt U)>
un hi* knew. The that clerk then drew *
revolver, aud ordered the victim to clew
tihieyca, which war done. A Are-cracker
(vai mean while alyiy ignited, and placed
frpou the floor at the back of the lellow
Who with pale lace and anxlou* expression
awaited tilt fatal ahoi. Buddeely the crack
er exploded ( .and at the same ioetaot Uie
young rnau overcame all,dualro to ehuflle
nil hi* mortal coll, aud with a bowl and
bound lie wa* outol the *loro, fully per
tuaded Ui*t hi* timg bail uot yet come.
t! off t'anyrew,
Out of the three hundred and aUty-two
members ofth<* present congrefa, two hun
dred and forty-one are lawyers, 'en art ed
itor#, arid eighteen are gentleman of kl -
are. In the Senate there are nlueteen ex-
Confederate eoldkrr and four Union so!-
dkrs. Tn the housef (hate are fllty-elght
Confederate aO'disrs and fllty-one Union
soldier*. OfeotJrm, soys the Washington
eorreapondewand'tbn Baltimore bun, ad
litre arc plenty#! Union soldier* In the
every State a! Ufa Weal nod fa the North,
apJ hu: uredeot them of the most eredita
ble record, the only reason that there are
not more of UifawAl >be Sedate to kwoeaee
the Ifopuolicao fagfafatuces prafargod to
send loud, montbed .palillefaue, who* be
longed to the em-at-hofae clem during
the war. The reason why there are ao
many Confederate officers fa Congress to
Jaecauae there war* so few sfay-efahome
people In the B There to no division
of opinion here.that the Republican fogfah
forts of the North would malts . grat im
provement oo ttas-pMMbtfafataadkifatioii in
the,Senate U they would seed faeteml gal
lDt Union soldfata, aadiao one would rt-
V*ce more at this than the ex-lfoutoder
aka, , ,
The somewhat startling feat of UckUng
atuantuderfb yjp vry neatly accom
pllahed fa Maryland the other eveniag by
a mao’s a lie and a eoupie of yeang ladles.
In eWemptfay to ffet tome money out of be
vest they tieftled him tfl! he becan e
uucesacifafa. fatoaotofteo that a ana
aimself fato each a elate when b a
wife makes a demonstration on bto pocke ,
aed thEdfae will no doubt serve as a vet -.
moefa needed warning to all wives.—Phi -
a'mpbfa **-'•
Women Voters la K lavas.
Indianapolis lleul-l Letter from Saline
A HoojSav sees in Kansas many new
and unfamiliar sights.'rut none mine In
tqretgrbg thau that of the 1 idles voting.
Tlmy kive’l ep ivieg o otla 7 n all mai
lers pertaining to school*. A* Ur mm uiy ob
servation goes, the ladles here liavo minds
ol their own. They rtrithor vote lor the
’bkmtkomeat man* urn ilia one their hus
bands vote for. unless the caudldate la. iu
thr lr opinion, the proper oau. Their vote*
caunot be bought. They are tidiversallj
on the side ot morality and temperance t
hence the workers b. the temperance c<.use
are warm advockua ol equal suffrage.
Election and >ys pass quietly. If there is any
drinking or flghUng dope. It i* nut at the
polls. Everything la orderly tliera, not
withstanding contrary reports airculated
by an tl-su If racists In the Eastern States.
Clndidates kee|i csriiugcs running for Ihe
accommodation of the lad ice, but a grout
many walk uo and deposit their ballot*.
A* the result, so In% hai boon v. ry aslis
factory, even to the men (ilia hriHe*),lt will
probably be but a short time until equal
or, WteJ- .T*c.4jc
thelt galluniry anil fsltli In Ihu ability cl
the ladle* by appointing thorn to office,
the enrolling clerks ol the Legislature arc
ladlea; also a large proportion ol the boun
ty aupetinU.odents.wlio in evoiy biHtaiicc,
dncbaigu tfivir dntMs manner that
give universal su'd*taelluu. We have tu
tills city among the ladies a physician,- u
printer, and numerous clink*, agents am)
wouicu carry lug on biuim-sa successfully
iu various ways. Oneol them I* • barber,
who supports iiurscll and children o milort
ably. Ladies aru not so plentiful hcio as
iu Indiana, i’uihaps that la the reason
they arc so well respecter) and piotccted
They a u scatca ciou.di to be predous. In
piuot of which we olti-u -ec advertisements
for w Ive*, by some ol the young men who
took Greeluy's advice some lime ago, and
now have hands >me farms and ,bomea ol
Uulr own. I noticed In a paper a tew dat*
since tl.a oiler of a fine horse to the pr rson
who would sasht the advertiser In tecur
ing a good, induntrious wife.
Warblugton L tier In Augusta Evuulng
Immediately after the army bill wa* ilia
posed of yesterday evening, came up a sort
of a lust ((tietlioo in Ilia house whether any
gnneial leglalatlon lor the retie! of the
country ou fluwi rfat, bank biff and curren
cy ipict-iion* should be acted on tliiw *ct
aloii. This qucaljou arose upon a motion
to adj mu over till Tiles ny. Monday is
the only day on which bill* can lie intro
duced In rugiilur order ; and tlie uiotlou to
adjoinn nvui Monday wa* to prevent the
Introduction o' any bill* 10-mvirow. On
ltd* motion the tad teals voted solidly will'
one exception Ur ndj mrn over, and H
dcuiocml* voted with them, making UfO
yea* p|tnl 10'J nan' i thenu 108 Volu
cdiiitsled pi due r/puhliceu only,, a lety
greeubiickeri, with more than two-lhlrdx
of tl,e democratic party ol (be Inrun*.
From this it appeal* that Mr. Diepbupi
lias more than two-thlids ol the democrat*
in the house In Uvor ol ihe Hue ol polity
Indicated in lit* caucus speech, with leg*
limit one thlid "gaunt him. Ol ilia li4 vote*
against legislation al ihi* *ea*Vm on getter
id object* of rell' f five wye trom Gyorgi*,
l -wit: M ’ssi*. liiount, G.iok, II luuuoudu
Nlcholl* aud Hmitli. Thu other luui iuder
pcuduuti, so-called, voted with the over
whelming majority ol the democrat* In the
houe. This I* a notable tact.
A ffucci-aaful Ipt-lllii.
Any ohe who be* roen the tlvslry of the
yon tests uls In e western spelliug-achool
will apprecl tie this Incident Iron) fid ward
Eggleston’s reminiscences ol his eohooj,
days, published In the March HcrlLuei
Ue fays ;
j It was In the old Bethel school-hcmae,
shout the same time that the master, owe
seacflel, called tse spelling else* ol which
my mothpr, then a little girl, wee usually
a the head. The word given out su ‘on
ion.’ I suppose tire scholars at the head
of the class had not recognized the word
by Its spelling, in study log their lessons.
They all misted ft wUlolr, spelling It iu
the rftoet Ingeofously sad Incorrect fash
ion*. Near tfie'loot atoed a boy who bad
nbver been able to climb up toward the
bead. But of the few word* be did know
bbw to apell, one was op 100. When the
word was mimed at the bead cf th* elate
he became greatly excited, iwisting hlrn
aelftnto the moat ludlvrout cr>nturtloai aa
it came nearer and near#' t Lin. At length
the oneJott above the eager boy mimed,
the muter said next, whereupon be exqll;,
inly kwqng hi* hand shore file bead sod
came out'with ’O-o, on, yttn, fag-an
—l’m head, by gosh f and marched to Urn,
bead of tl>e clem, wbifo the mksier hU him
a blow across fbe shoulder* for swearing
An „ .. ■ ... ■
J iho, said Mrs. Smith, wbat smell b
.that t * ’'"
Bit that ether saufl t
But Isn't there anothm I
lust one more ?
Cider, my dear.
Well, she said, if yoa’d only drink
a little brandv now, you would make a
’ good mince pie-
bO 18
A CalaMa iMtaagrur.
Some years ago a young lady who was
golog into a northern county teak a teat
in * stage coach. F.r many miles Ska
rode alone, but there waa enough
to amuse her la tba iCMcry
through which h .pS >0(1,, aqd
in lha plnaslng aiiltelpaUcns Ural occupied
her mind, tthe bad bean aagagej as a
governess to tba grandtldldraa ol eo Karl
and riW waa UasaUlng to his sgah At
raUlday tba eoaeli stoppad at aR feat# at
wtiish din or was (imvldod.aod site alight
ed art) sat down to tbe table. An elderly
man followed and sat dow also. Tba
young lady arose, rang rite belt, and ad
dressing the w.i'ee 11 Id*. *’
Here is ah rutside paasnnger, 1 cannot
' Itne with an op table rasaenger.
The stranger bowed, snyteg, I beg ymtr
(lavdon, tnsdsme, l cau go lata anotb.Y
rouas, and.lmmediately retired. Tbe coach
aoou alterward returned its ouafsa and lU<
passengers ILair piacua. At laogtli the
coach stopped *t tbe gate leading to (ha
audio lo whlah the young lady was going;
blit there was md such prompt attention as
she expected. All eyes seemed turned to
.mw Aotauu ywj®sjseSLrfer .Tss-gMgaetes
to dwnuniit. She beckoned nud waa ne
sweredt .
As soon as wc have attended to his lord
Ship we will come to yon.
A few words of explanation ensued, to
her dismay,she found that Ilia outside pas
senger, with whom she had thought It be
neath her dignity to dine, was not only a
11 blcmau.liut tiie very nobleman in wboau
family she hoped to be n inmate. What
could she do ? How could *he bear the in
let view? rtlie Iclt really 11), and the apolo
gy she vent that evening was more thau
pretense. Tiie venerable peer was a con
siderate man, and one who know tbe way
in which the Scriptures often speak T tbo
going down ol die sun.
We must not allow tbs night to pais
thus, said be 11 the Conn less ; you must
send for her, and we must talk to her ba
tore In d-tlme.
He aisoued with Rho foolish girl ro
|ieoiing bar conduct, insisted on the Im
propriety oi UlO state of mind that It evinc
ed, assured her that nothing could Induce
him to allow bis grßnd<*l.lldre* to bo
taught such nutkiu*, refused to accept any
apology that (lid not not go to tba langth
ot acknowledging (hat the thought was
wrung, anti wheu tbe right Impression Ap
peared to lie produced gave bar fits hand.
History ol a tfcotcb Fios*t
Who say* that tbo day* of romaooo are
aimed, need* to read tbd ((range history
of a ."coillsh ploughmen who baa rcturn
ud til bn liQiith kltor a lung exile.
Twenty ye*r* ago a (armor In Orkney hir
ed. f young man >o do ‘ farm work. The
iJongbrttu loik'had tbe lancy of tb mai
ler'ifighter, and llm result wa* tli*l In *
/uuajri/ bullion, an I In oppirtltloti (o tbe
wlprW.' patriarchal tirujlr, tbe two b
jeamf ulan and wife. The old genjleoun
wa* lurloo*’ and turned bit bmjf determin
edly on bto •00-tn-bw. Tbe young
ploujftman kltoefl lit* Wlte, left Jtaf n her
latbcr’* arm*, and rtlleil lor Auitratla,
whence lie toon ceased to write. W
wile Irccame a myUier,jtnd i9)lueil lo a
ttate ol luctrwruicbeU *b**
fgther began lo repent ol the tipaunent to
whk bb had uhjectftl, buiband.
Kflorts wwe then fpade tp trace the where
Hhoot* ol lit*. )*tjfr by mean* ol advertis
ing in colonial parent olhsrwlw to .no
purpose, U had gone lo America.
Year* payed. The graddson grew up to
manhood, sqd. npUiklnj larm work, bade
adieu h Orkney, tool;, *blp to the
United Stolcfi sHer some knocking
about, found employineotla a mercantl e
house to lillnirt*. In (be ooorse of koH
ntm be Alsofsrsd that (be geoMamn iat
the head ol tbs Arm was a native o* Meol
laud, bailing, indeed; from tle tares dist
rict as himssil. Oconatoael meeUaga lad
to mor* minute lo Ptttig
names of piano*, povsoef. sad *£• ,ik * J®
Um oW ©ooidlrr. t AUif
month* io Um e*tsWl*beeo( fbe yootli
found that be was actually aerrieg as *
cltrk with 00 oU tliao klg own father.
The affect ef thia discovery oe both may
be lell to tbe Itaagtovtom or the e der.
fallm and son are aow lo Bootiand. The
msa wbo**oweM*k*w,bojr bol re
turns rich, has beea wOoootod wito much
emaikuahmskia eeeeiaWe letbeeMriew,
wlio ie mblialean(Uearty, ee well H ky
pbe wHawhwmhwtoAmwa years age to
bqr yontb aud bsautyrhol wke is dgw *
L Every yoeng ••• boy •h“^ ld Urt
out to MC to go* •*¥!£** ’ZP
ll* 6(iA ftod • tosWalls
ttod'HbV keeping ZTT
who do efAbefe H.
In •** aa*ke baa* ny aws
him kM m't****r ***
IM bba show by kto ssaaoooc _
tempt tor theta wbo do -
Koat * Home.
A sour old babtoetor, who
tboagbud aatriitny,sal4 be Manged
hU mind when he '.otind that tba girl
and all ber pcou'.e we opposed to It.