The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, May 30, 1879, Image 3
THE VINDICATOR. -*?RUY FRIDAY. Bf,WH T. REVILE. A r *9.o© l*Kk ANSI M. IN A >\ ANTE ry OFFICK NORTH f-inß Pt7LiC SQCAHK Kiui. Advi • 1 k 4 k' 3m ino |lv■ er i’mcn .100 '2 5. 45a * ti-dO Ml 200 a ncbtk :ro 500 o -u) |io©Jiisio 3 Bi'Uer i 2 0!) 80© 10 0© 15 (to 35 n i c*d i5 00 10 CO j3O tA) 25 0t . o*. 01 * ~j 7uO l VlO {3* i U 35 00 O'ihi c-l j lOW Woop". ©J;im*i jit>7 fjjT !ib *ru Oe i utle (■> 1i .s o*erti*inc ot th* n.on'h or w it Re ig Lou i Notice. The billow lag ithe Church Direct.dt ■ t Or ecu vide to; 1>79: METIIOLHh F 2.1 m.d 4 1 it ontMiuii. .t. imti laonlli. pn. : He*. W T. CALDWELL baptist Ist Sabbath in earh rufsitti. Panor Rev. .1 11. CLONE PRESBYTERIAN 4u. MtliOulL iu each month. |‘Mor He* Hr- McMUIUIAY Koru i: to niK i* mj.m . A Re- Mi .let*, nit lofal advert iMsment.. • ot.he county .0 Meriwether, wilt In- [nit. |i . tiu MkbiwwthkmCoin r* \ im i v'ATitu. AJ. IIIN lON, a (), dimity. O. 8. 11 i lEV >, hUnll ',V. 11. KELLI li. Jan. 4'lt. 1 Ht:l Clerk Snp'f Court. j LOCAL TOPICS Ott '.t-.N V U.LK. KMl'Al. May 1W tn.y J.nlgt? K i n* anollin lot ■ I t lit #;> <• -I i>yi u i >il w Inch <" .►l "hi ff> nl,t t i.r it. < . 1 10. Id i r I vt 1 1 * 1 * ilikh Htr flit mil c |>itn hi i. li If) mi ,m,, *.t ' If) ► in* l J 1 l! l, i I j tin If j>i It ’ I. | Int lli H lilt li* t i *l' li 1 I 1 ” I* tit I* I * < Mi. M ii t l•< if t>i •'•>-'*n|S m. .1 ~wi ■■■in ti i* i * *i Mr ill;!! 1 ii hi ttfiii "I 11 n> A Mli amt., i in 11, (J il Uv. b , mi In < 111* -ii vniii ini 11 * l-'ts'd ,y Kih i .1 M. t!, it. iK-ru I. Jl M 1 •<*l t . mu! t .ii x, ir >. lln • ait t i !)•< ■A I hum In i'll .|| ilita HI t.ii I r killiti|j Hint* Una **iin i ii ' 4 ■ L) ft, i| n |it t 4/H .1 In i it-1 i tttll'l it In 11 1 i ill* l .Ii- "•< 1* * >1 fc"" **-* -ill • ttnllli ij *lll nl ‘ • ' l' ■’ 11 • I ll'Hlinn II 11, n It'l in' lin II nil'll *i ; l.ifinri |mj il * mi .Jcpp lin in" -< !•• ;tutl t\ r V r,,|ay lit- l■mi. tln * pro' n#*r it t itllit lii o 11 • -v A 4 > >!*) Ur I * n, .t )* n m teuh*fftj p ovnb. i\'U, Ui*M i v t*>* n<i i fit y ii h**e j Ml# .* it cv ♦.-‘•tn b. itug ii,# ij ring tM L* K on!, I j I'll u'iwhl i. i' t• t |J (, ' I* #l I \ 1 , , /• I U **•;,*'. 1* *i.c fimi M -fy ml I < ► Uj* If) Jl) i* lo l*X Ml f<i* I '* I ) tjtj lin\ *• ot re l* lift- -i ’•) > i * !M i li Mr V lit* lXt\J • '*) h i Ii •*'’* lift t o . |M* T-> t< Ah;*' -nr i ■*• '>■■■. ■! iiii: ' t'• bunnug l ii) J | r*'rvf; h yjh*l m n )'mm, , l> jj , vi#* l* ;i. wt r*j Ui h *V* n t\f it C n*% )>} J < i||t )f; \<jw ’> * htu J> i i >l u h h<>ut‘ •-i*ill ol lU —— TANARUS“ *— AtU f uli m vfcf* t:Uglil i!i cll* r J Im* U 111*’ Mii it H?M(trtl n *■ our Vi b ii) <t> i:!. J-m i*<#yn • t a nu t 40 *.ft , t our lorl ro m<)vl 11* .> ‘i 1 th** C'iri D“ < x-.; i u May he evrr trenl ii 'd*J4 ki jijly. W| don't dll )k Mlflee, In I could Ml) thing I'-tript u* to do ra it umiH t* a t ..- grunt cup fnt e <*l the •*<•*,! n' t: I! e kei.i bjf Judge D.Vid Elite. Wi ti-v.- tried it at our h<m*. and even the el*ti e <ry If it. Boy !•'IK Ollier, tod t * happy. Mr. E<l will boy n->t*e but the an t b*-ti hit ccgtorten are ala ay* pteaned. A*. Baudtown one darkey charged with murderoo* aaaauit ordered to he < ori. mitted to jail lor trial beWe our Bj j rior Court to August. Tlie a*au ting party wa* George Morelatrl, the mAeier Bui. SIOOD. Me*i. A J tbieleoD at and J M Andrew* become anretie* tor tlie appear ance of George, that keeping bin out ol }ati asd faring toe ounaty Uie **;* ute ol feeding him h r three m"nth*. Mr. G. L. Butnwiara of the firm of cum mer* A Murphey w* io Grernvihe laid Weduewdry. Mr. Bummers t* huh ting a handsome Pi stum tor Mr*. M. J. He idr. We recommend the firm to the patronage Of et cfy >le iaeiticr mao tor stmio* it* members to ha hooeat and r-iish.e, sni will cordially ld Jerwritc tor them in ai, isMaacri. We acknowledge the reception of card* of invitation to the marriage ol M . O orge Shaefer ana Mas Berth* Peck, the ma riage to lake place law Wed octet ay at So FtuUlpa’ church, Atlanta. Mias Bertha i the brilliant and’itheJ daugltei of Prof. Wm, Haory Pec , and Is weil and aort tr jiah.y known by man of unr read- Wak our fair friend all tke hp pictia her beauty, talent and rate acootu p’iahmtsu rtch'y RierT. 1 lie Board . I Ommui sl .nore will h ive *u inter. t ng a.k.n next Mo dt *. they L*'e ce i'iisl lit Let in .* ?t overhauling o! the i:t.'uat' cl wl.*<hl duun'llng cimn'y ffijerr. 11 u. U.L. I*. avy has been re lume.! us cn intei in i>ihli ni the county. \\ e wiO endeavor to pres nt * concise re port ot tin- ll.iArn** >*. U .TiJ I'd s liit jiwi i ece'tiM tm tu permr i>i < I sugar. \V-k >t tt. be ; ,s extra article lor we haw tided V. 1; i. ! 1,01 e ■ > vnur c- i at ; it., 1 I m-uoii e ug*r,'iTis A T Stewart i?t-s m preparing her cii. i... *t . its ami twct-uu g her • aji *ea. N . aristocrat evtr caste*! a picef,'* a*erin sugar. Buy some *nd try il. It is su icipattd ilia) lire euiintira ol Pike *u i Merim thet w ill b old a brittle hi i s ' Kind Hivei at Kuiylit's iotii ivii'ri. lies ..j inir cnunty inert,; Nub. >ln- nd their attention wdl be called t<. t! e iiii’.lcr. H.tnesviiie, who <■ Ira ie will ! be.largely ang nttiUd by the iitViion of the pro >sed brt Ige, U reported ns m*uil!es'- Lig a w t ling ea to i I liberally In*aids * cur'ug the •ucee.-e -.t the enlcm; ise Who Can Likai it ?—Sii. pl.rn K. Wll livnx, nl the Middle Ninth district, iu a o e untie laiin raised last y,*t 5020 i>ourid* (it lint i-.til 'ii, or 12 laics avetaging 4l'.’j pounds each, a an 050 bushel*. I null. Tar greatn I *-r i ii-n ol ln la; in tv an sedge land ant eonsiileicil tl.e |iV > e In the l oliliuu ! n ly. The *H- no. ci.iauo lined ill the | pi*, e, Mi, Williams uevei having tisod tint one one 4 aek . I e.imiitercu It-i Ul./aia Any <mt il mhllng the ahntt it.ilenn-i.t no hate tl verill. Ihr eadlu.: o t II A lh. ask, a 111 Igll'.l.'l til M ‘. Will X 'll s \\ i.en a .e...ail b*iy we l.tai.l it weird siory ni a gimet that was i<t|>oiiu] to u.aile between 111 ill., .g nil (Id t J.l i H e A a iI. <Hi 1 lit* lit. ,nl ~il 111' 11 n nr . .11.. * f i0 is m \ nlei Inn . it .. Itt in giy .tlt \V nil .iu F. tihfi, mj , w lii wa a t . k ..| .n i S.r * i...i t' in t fc..inr‘tt here aitoip IMS i 13 *ll 11* • week tt . kotell II i V.< in i■ 4 ty. and pn; 11 ,p au• tt to and up n. do On ..tin. hut the gli tsl Inta eitlii.i l iililit . il* no .-i ni, r nj i. i.ig Ih < anHi id l,i. nn pint t'lii' . 1 ■ g-n i* ini, h a.- 1 < ni i Ini and • , > 1, m t * t: in *r and ■. 7 in* spir mail ilea' . }.*i* I** dial urb the ii 1 1, nti l A N 1 i.ri 1 > l .r ii on t.j .1 •><l ii iUi. •**) i‘ l r*'j 1/ ili HIM 1 t : ,i nr ill tlir ‘ < tlUi ;|< t H-i tl |* Ili < iliMll \ iLlt) ln‘ Il* J Itl * m ;,>! M lltl.iy H l|i | H vr ilirl t*l not ill ir i ; .| I nr l .11 iiif /rtitiriiau c itui'oio I tlir j*r y ~.1 K li iiih urn.', I' l n ill .f C Aiithui)), Knmk. I) - M IfU' ,t . |i. Ulil’tt l) t \S ( 1{ il JJI )!', ii I) ,l M < I{'! 1 • a#>* 11 1 Jr VS i 1 KiinlSry, ‘..1 N h 11, t [] Mr irii* ‘t .ii. 1.. M <mit uj J li | y 111. A 11. (•.. a . tr* til* .1 M r ■ |t K Vl< i,*u Jt li ..i, i I \ A t t* )t ant \Sx2ni_N Mi an r- Liai Nxtur !n> • nt 1J ■ Iw li vkfitih l.roKr (lie *? ! * li# • imiU ova innoHj-iutf In tln> Ml* r 1) l.r■ \•. a ' . \ lit-* 'I Ip l IIMM -A tv * < tj| IJ) •! Il l .Ml Mm- i Mill !< lii^l) t I'M) Mil* If him: 11 1 i*’i r Mm l> ' ' I •> H <J 11 i' l a ** 1* 11 * m ■ 'un h <*( Mmcc l v. '• Cm 1 1 MiC fii 1..1 , A f.iMiiv. 1 '"I I J*A‘ K ! • • I 1. • V /ill l I'HVI • il< >llll 11 ;■ i 1 r * l,• In r t il |il,o ~ s -H ! y ar • 1* 1 j m- I Unit vf vtfM !' M < jI•I kI I in~f V 4 In If xllff w.H j) |*|^* I• f tia' *■ )• If) v r 1 • il) Ia >* r > 1 M 1 Araiff** ry ll)|l w* >f<j . hliit* < !• *| Mm- if, el in O *ol Mir n - .li m m_j #> lit •* 1 # in irrrjvr un in .fy in i Viflli i‘ll irliaol K it|ri* # l ii* r nIU, i<|| ' M k Knonte ll.fu' t ‘>r• *ll *n (iM*H|imii # AlSie Vd’ornt au*J M •.' - VV f ’. |{ itiiii* >n nno AAHirmori, nj)j l i■ '! f<*r Mi** (mr|x M In ajnlv H MiftMi \ *<¥H i\ v tli rV|to *1 f # in (i <•* !)- !v 1 i:r "fi H.;turliev li* In M.i hu:*'l h r* ; ‘i'l) I) Ji> fO r.fjfai j/,*' h ( atUlity io<>| <yoriY*tiun.* S ifi lny hf’i*ol hu- I< r .*!?• d* ))•* *( eve rv Mrriominv 1 ion* an )#n*r*J t-. rr -oi't to M* ►* rtnry <>f lliif *•• DiiMM llirii |o t f/fMr'J dr<*•*'' t - l f K*r wjMi Mm* m ii. u l l n tiirir tirp #cho'MP. T )* CO->|)ernMon < t nil IS rj*ectli!ly a (J *ra#*ntly nolirjlcij. May f7*b t l>-79. W. I. CALUWEI.L C. M. LKIiJiE FTKU. CUm’o hre. Wortht or ,H*r; mo—Gui prom nan. who |>etil a idgnl ait Is in* young agricu t- O'tti friend, It. O. Hill, rei cully, r acne bar k full of praise* of Mr. liid'a lucoen* an r farmer. Tan yeti* ago. J n]ge Ifirain Warner, lire grnint.fattiei < t M . Hill g-ve bi'h a tract of land containing rbo'Jl 200 i <:•< ci iefly in Hie woods and without any building* or • ttier improvement*. W’lfbin the pan year |le yang man hn built a li*n iso nt mi iMon ol stfciai rsjrna, aU neatly plaMeiel and painted, with an airy tiaM niouin*! tetwen t tin, the buildiDg *<e:ng *f• B with elegant porlic it i 1 trooi and rear. Aflo vcr yard alfii the front pr-*eo ing a beauiilul and lively ian'- *epe. A eel coortnxttd and cmnmodiou* barn pro'e Is Id* *t-jck, while a j romisiog youu* orchard howa that the yoing mn ha- do aact'fi.ed the useful to tie 'aeau i !ul. Hi* farm eridtucea carelal overt'gbl and everything cmnbioc* to proye tha 1 Bi z it ao<>o to rank a one ol our myai succea-lui and model f inner*. Oaiy one thing is lacking on the farm our friend it a bachelor. However, as t* u rumored that Ida young lady fiend , have tieec invited to i spect the piemiae*, there i‘ ho|>e in that direction. ilappy will lie the lair mtstie s called tn pn-*ite ovei the pleas*• tiu*| b >i ne o i t friixei i* a | Cneily Tl' ling op. ♦ • W* Crops. Kom t viry quarter ol toe epunty c me he most gralllying re|mts ol the excel lence ol the wheat ctop ami tlm yield in thisconnly Not lor many years has ttie prospect lor an abundant crop ol wheat ien so Bo.od, J. Ik J icks ut says lie has the best w heat emp lie lias etfer raicd. Ed 1* att rep in., bis t> heat as lino. Aden It. \V.*ts ,n the prospect is iivt-l eiic.iora.'lug In his icuhlx rlnt.i l. U 1) l' e think' the tt best tr .p. rerj good. i in>e statements arc hut a tSUie ct t!,e favorable net nun's r. Cei**d by us ng e t bur the w lirai stxtn !.* be hnvwiod. I liu.liy 'trade r has injured n*l and oil ) oi licit h■do n la .ds me they doing w ell. i Coin is needing rain but n -arly all gre i that it is In king weld In one or hvo h oalii e* complaint'are arc made id pi. r -l mis and mall Mik>. | Cult .ii ia tn catvard Inivthe *lllll.l* uni. tersally go >d, <'arrlti|(<' E it'i.n jr, liamesville sl'inil l lx* proit | n| ihe in 111- juf idoly 1.1 M'.ssia. S nr*liters A .Voiphci. V lew n ccs s sir ec 1 lit c creeled extensive buildings t" ae* i.ii m and ie the trade 1 luy 111.. | lit 111. y could b i'll up in 1111K111. aiui irpsl. ill; eairisges. Ini.glee an.t "a nils amid ung i>lnck-oiiih w*nk. Tey have, tt II !i ill lisa. Iliac* six limwllu, been I'niiipe'le !10 dntib'u iUo c ipacity *d their .Imps Itt tt ml ..nd to e.i el linil Kits twice tin si/. . ip ally 1 .leildtd. Tltey require tbti-e painters to keep up tvitli their eii'li.m work f' eil in'ermise woni I lie .a g e ij credit to any i iiy and it dl betn and doubt bring it a I* t atd in a 1 rge slm e* i | aljotlage anil line cn eras i nunr y mal inc, Htieh nu n diierve in •uci **lai and will tdtviys c.nun,and siu c<s One *eCet . I tin ir aeccisa i- Mini diet lid vert '* In all the pnpeis Hi .1 re 11 h t-:c |ii o| In in a*! atouiui llarmsvilte (Mol.loi* .AdVerdae*. A S|i. fiiil Oilci’ t> (In- Itruilei ol (ilia S*.ijci. $7 I’ur G3 ('cut s. Ilie Aim 1.. nn Diamond Dietlo a t , * iibiining ltd IMJ tt .dd-, orllmpr i|ib *. •nfiiinneud mu and ih lln itiius ae* rdn.p in ilir best Huglialj mil Aiinrna I,’xi * g iiplins, k ills) aleil Willi ,earl) 2)0 * gl'avings , sa'isll. a the want* <d tin si'lml * 1 ami a* tin same time ia jid .tl.n' a plain lean ed person needs. Ii is deeid. *1 y 1 lie best dl< llonai t ter prinm I. }M 1 lily bod I 1 •Lit U aril gill It)" plea - and bands in*. heut bee to a y II ll* 1 ll] tills pap* 1 11;" II If. eipt ..I (J ! ids., t■i si at linil |mmiln e iiiul pa lung _rx; uo* •■. I nix goal nil lis go.*l I**r thirty da)’ on t, an 1 *• inti)" Mileiy I 1 t e ptup*' "Il tlodtn liul Iwo iliclloiiiti lea w i.l be yen: 1.1 I*’ aildios. 'i'llim lip ■ni * Ollier lent Hi id ml' 1 1 culir iity 1a e. i.t p. m) 1101 Mam, a A filreaa i nee N dm,oil 110-ik t nil)].any , Ifoekland, \| . ► M*) :to i’ Cia. A’. J mu n| h tottit’-, m 11 i mm.ti ll i tllor | I lull'll 1 Mm* I’lill v|r jli 1 n,ir > .iit k Ili ti, nlli r myr, s Mi'HM | the i|l J *ct ii 11 till) ,Im lit)tl * Mint • *ii iylln rr Mmhim ttof fti ’"•'* l av* ifilv <1 1:1 the -tn'r |rm„ Mu i' mil, Sf-At 1 •’ in" I.* ui ii I 111 #• f*u r r j*n'i I’* X; ho wui li tv t<> I>* i*Uj)|i )iff*‘l. riM (i lici li*<l, w lio in n■ ’-'ml r#*j#* 11#ii* < Hti nr. I hx ujm, fii tii, H'lmilft Mi ll tlir uc- on i) r .Vr* l, n t . fr llim ■ii j-*M.< UtHrt it mil fr-’j'iir* nil illiay • I *!> nt I 1 la* Ii liu ily. 11l- in K toxin can't y*tn<i'J tli.n tlrniii ii t cir | oc!<••!, hji I Hi Jmliii f(ivtai t lie r n t t# mi'lf rn <1 Mint, *!'!• hr the x <!j* n* th* murk **l i. l * hand atnj a ifft-nl h cueing. Ic *otj!rl inilcr m toe f!nr;k hie* In.•* go oft to MHIH' olhe r n'c. HeiifkC'i Vnucc untij'ily #tiiijtiic l ti|i the I( i Ji'ti logic lor i nytmln a 1 the p hr. Imj Klrctlvti* Mm I in- lire, j| we h v. to humoui.'l Mmj i "JJ a it It hny one! 1. The* ihn.l l><: *'.<:> 1 1 r.g to Mate n*in f ile 1 nv to ov* r in c tiio rivil nuMi #ritM*H by fine to have. our way. They *lj*l| lie pur f II it UkftJ h 1 |)<tvetit>ort and • ?ry criminal o miii c:i<t* a l.i ii.aiißge ami give tlieoi pu rl! . I he> rhll l>e c* ducted wllb 'UI til#* 4(#| eatt’Oi of einicflC', tl nHlllery bwe to # trt.ue luU evtly iiaihH b x ; ami 'they -hail l**- 'an, if w*j b-ive to ar cal e*<rt i Hi 4i, -ll mylo vtc the l>eni*>< rntic* *W "f. Liiiefx Ar un ijw- the army al the poj •to cuot in (he next lbeicfent, we wj j niMn.tx n ih r. delcna* and the roentry. Local A iiasineay LoUce Gei'l* Low rpjarter Sboee—yuf. itceived ami lot sale by If. N ELLIS M ay 28 Still Heatioa irtera !! The Urgetl, as Zionttl and the tktapttl lint ol Boots and Huokm can alutagt U. found —where? at , FRANK BANNING 8. Mar 28 2 jjo IS A je'ACr !! 1: doe* away with RUBBING, 8 Vk.i Bf>.’ P and readers the clothe* SNOW Wbif. HURDTj MAGICAL MIXTURE, tor bale by PRANK BANNING. May J i: Grain (’radles and Scythe Blades for sale by R. N. KU.IS, May 21 at. BACOJM. pm a i.l oi.kaii sunns aid tin NES?tE HAMS. at It. N. 81-LIS’. Apr Mil Wool Wanted. Washed or ul* tv ashed, but free hum Iturrf. Price* liven in a lew days. If. N. ELLIS April 24, ISdl. ILiTHiV, ! An #•;,’.* f line ol Spring Cmlhi ig ju.-t op.onet) up NICELt nude, WELL FIT LINU, and •t i 1 Ut) •old UIIE \ P —.t Imre at KUANIv MANNING'S Buy Th Kiuic Shirt. \VaWstitU"Slilsliu 2300 linen fir f t,OO. K N. ELI.IS (ihN TS ~ILV I S !! Tlie iiiost eom/kWf isa ntmiut ever nib 1- yil Him Wool, HATS ai 35 cl-* in FIN E I UlilH uf Us.l t'ni’i /I'lu'f Ito-itt /Vi .'* - / verylhiny frr*h and nab'-y -tt 1. <■l *■ * ,1 Fit.ANlt HAN > INrl S Attention Hon .ekeepttrs ! A huge and tnried S'uck of THOOK KHY -GLASS W.VIfK, I,AMI’S and WOOD t .WILLOW W’AIO tvheiel at Kit ANK It A NNINtJ.S CIIKAI’F.Ii 1 HAN K.V EH I’IUMKII I-AW ill Hela. VlcriHlA I AWN'S al IfiJ,.. I. ini* .Ni:. mu at 7j. Hamburg''l timing., Han some and 1 heap w 111 le ? al KH VNK HAaNINi.’S Where to Buy Dry Goods Duvii’l 11. Doiii'luuty, li- r ) | I’i‘iK‘iit i(‘C St r*‘c*t, A t lan til, w :ih 111 tin* wholesale Im.sinuHH for tun yearn, ami amjuiruil mi ux- IMjri'Mie''and knowledge dial, enaldi/H him to Imy lirnt idasH goods at ljoad ijnailers on die i most favorable terms, and since engaging in the retail business lie has run a separate jobbing department, and this gives bun the privilege and ad vantage of buying of li rs t, hanij s, t, her e by enabling him to get, the closest figures any merebant is entitled to and the longest discount allowed to package buyers buying for cash and sidling the same way be sus tains no losses. That be sells for short profits will be evi dent to all who will mill or send for samples and compare the same with the prices and goods obtained elsewhere. We Ix'K nil our readers To favor Mr. Dougherty with their patronage feeling assured they will thank us for direct ing them to a dealer in such bargains as may he obtained at his counters. ; To the ladies of Meriweth jer county we appeal to give I Mr. Dougherty one trial, if it jh only a trial of samples and we guarantee they will be sat isfied at both the quality of his goods and the prices charg ed. Dress Goods, fcjilks, Satins and velvets, Fringes, Huttons, and Trimmings, Laces, Hosiery, Neckwear, Gloves, Shoes, Ta ble linen White Goods. Cor sets, anything and everything in the Dry Goods line sent on application. Mr. Gus Long is with Mr. Dougherty and takes pleasure in answering the calls of his 1 old friends. GKA N .1) KX[ IL B LTIO X. S.PIUHQ aOOJDS, SPRING GOODS ! FRESH. Si Y 1 lb H ii ND’NEW ! I take pleasure in amioiimdng *t my friends, palrops and trade genefilly tlmt 1 now have on KXIUIUITON ihe LiJRCEST and BEST SELECTED STOOK I've < ver olleied. Haying bought fur CASH il.ey ivdl be sold hi /Vine* Vnt dtfy com }*iitton. * I fie Prooi ol ilie I’.iddiug" is come and see l.w yourselves. l.ivitifiitcs general, 110 reseivod xeita. Polite attention shown and no mo my re Unired nnii! Hie Evl.ilmi, n i-, ver and you are anistled tviib GOODS and PRICES PuOGRA MME : S.ptcs,.. ... DRY GOOD® *'" d ■ ■■■;■:• WHITKOOD * ril ••• NOTIuKS 4,h STATION SKY * IIOSIKRT Wh • ...OKNT6 K LA OIKS HATS <UU • .1 OLOTHINO !"*"• . . .<1 SKI'S * LAIIIKB snOBS (We XL la Oils Kxhlbttlon ] h i* CHOCK SKY A GLASS WARS * ,h ...*. IIAKLWAUK A TINWARK "' th WOOh A WILLOW WAKE mh ... I MHUKLLAB A PARASOLS 14111 OKOCfcniKS A Iu ci*b( liislon 1 would add, Th it my Slock la all KHESI I end N LOW. wliieh maKea a Material itifnciue I*l (i(H)DS ru ircll >t PRICES. Tour Pa ruuajt ***** t 0 uu ttly toliCiteA by FI wA N It 7 ]} AN N L NG. Mu ch 21 •, lHitl. (2 ft) SI Ml' I, K A NNO U N(KM KNT. t lm\u nil I.HII'I iuhl will loop lliiouxl. tin; iik*nn mlh I'.udo dt'inaii.J# full I . i.fblNKltVl. MKltrtl\M,lH '„ro ,iMuiK ..I * Dry IJoods, Groceries, Hoots, Hhors, Hats, Umbrof his, and Ready-made Clothing , O^Jjl All ol lii.-u li ivr Ih'cii bmiglil lor CitJih tu I will lio (old low.g Iff All (ioodii iimrloid l fllu ty imri-. ; olmll not nk ono |ric mi 1 itl at auolU ■i. I noil.' no I.' iultir*, Unit, or (Jitlclir# tor Hi# I'utdic un it lew clump arlielo*, but ruoli on • ii Mild on ili omii merit, MY MOTTO IS • ’ 4 "Its |> w, u„t ~|ice II u-c." dpi!rutiiig emin'ly on HASH lam aide lo of fer Ull|'i)l*il' ictj tullgfilllH. I li'inUi amy fni'inli nnd tin* Public I t llirlr 'lbaral ptironatco durio* Ilia abort tour I've bu n if, 'mmiiim, ) ri,,reUully Milieu a coutiniiiinra ol the came. L. .J. IIKN DEI!. Mi W C llobiiiion in nidi un-mnl will be plume Ita ac tnd wait on bin many id ii'!n nix! burner cuMinm*rf, f. M . . r*;.REHDKK. (Jiirnvillr, <1 i,, April IS li, lij.H, J a * iz&ijssvs; SUM M lil !S & MURriIEY Mubuluctmr* an I lh-*lir in ( A Kill AG MH. BUotllKS, WA’JOVi m<] HARNESS nt *ll kind*, E.irvytli Street, BARNKhVILLE, GEORGIA. We I,*v completed nur New Bliop* and w ith a '(n kot tie lU>,t Imj roved l oom and Bert Matfriai. I ought nt ioweit Cnth price* ure piepuicd to do all kind* ol woik at rhcrtent notice. We have aecurt'U tlie teivice* of corp* of tha Urt workmeu in the State ami guar unti e *nl blind ion. We are turning int a I urge Ini >1 cn:r oten tfanvfiuturc, and will keep t lull tu*| |j ol Northern Manufacturer* 1 work. ' We are k>U *gi nit ol lie celebrated Of Sludelrnker Plantation Wagon* ,y*J told b> the old firm lor 10 i ear* and liav'ng a orld wi !e reputation. We aa■ eyi-nli lor the fain on* Teiim vscc Wagon. We im:I! a Pluntalifio Wagon lor FIIIY-1 1VE JDOLLAHS Repairing ol ail kind* *1 !o* pi ice*. A !aij,e lot ol >< w Land Vad* Harm-.* ol be*t m*b ii!.—Old flarnw* repaired Lightning Rod* put up for half liM traveling a-enl* charge. Jf y„n fceed a i’uuip At cau anppiy your w.tnt*. We keep oij band a foil fine ot MBTALLIG and WOODE V BURIAL CASES from the. high**! Vo the loae.t prleea. We can * ipply the trad • arith ig Utt line that can Ire bought in Macon or Altai t<. We keep a full line ot Ladiflfi Bntal U<Le^* All w# Aik \s to lit jgivfcf) dl' i%! uj you ihiii > mtisl icii<M Ao4] n/m fttittl'Mt* COME AND BEE US. SUM MERS Sc MURPHEY. B-.rii'-avn'e, Ga*, April H ii, 18>j.