Newspaper Page Text
• U hen in on vot'd, and when
tVji f howti officii iuof-i to
< oofl’ict tllO Tttflfail." ot' ' po
lil.ieal government.-,no -oidi--) -
< - iin inUTl’cic, I ijiH limit Mu
Tl< -i r . 11; fmi ; :n te \>‘■' ■'
cal pa 1t \ 1 'id *i f•• i \ pa - -
[U 3! 1,1 VI! I Had. ot
"An armed foi<<‘ in tie
lie tgilhoi hood <>! ill*' poll ■ ;
aliiH/f.t. ot' lid* - *’ii-ily ;i nu me
to tli* \ oteia nd no ini di 1 1 : -
cnee with their freedom amt
[(Jeo. \V .VM/'iiaiiy, Had Snc.
of War.
“(!ivil lilx-rt y la, ■tund
mg jinny for t in- puipnei: ol
civil police have never yet
wtood together, and never can
Htand togethei
( The late W. I'. Skw.vko, <tiicc
Ibid. Sec. of State,
lam well aware l hat any ,
i utei fenuice liy tlio ofle • i'-, or'
troop* of the I oiled , 'late
With the organization ot a
State Legislature or any ot it
proceeding!!, or with any civil
depart incut of the go v<- ruin '•lit,
in repugnant to our idea ol
government. 1 can conceive
of no cane, not, including re
hellion or inrairi ed ion, wlei <■
Milch interference hy authority
of the general government
ought to he permitted or can
he justified.
[ riIKHIUKST < I HAN'T’ ; -Special
M esHllgc.
II 44114* I lll4> Ml'l>l<44-r,
Some people, ignorant Of
what good editiug i , imagine
the getting up ol selected mat
ter to he the eaaieHl, work m
the world to do, whereas it is
the nicest work done on a pa
per. If they see t!*• editor
with scissors in his hand they
are sure to say : “Kh ! that s
they way you get up original
matter, eh?” accompany their
new and witty quest-ion with
au idiotic wink or smile. The
facts lire, that the interest, tln>
variety, ami the usefulness of
u paper ilejsnnl in no small de
gree upon its selected matter,
and few men are capable <>l
the position who would not
themselves lie aide to write
many of the articles they se
li*et. A sensible editor desires
considerable selected matter,
because he knows that one
mind cannot make as good a
paper as live or six.
S'Trri ot Orin>rj.
I owe my success in lilo to
one fact. At tlie ago of 27 I
commenced and continued for
years the practice of daily
reading and speaking upon the
contents of some historical or
scientific book. These ofl
hand or scientific efforts were
made sometimes in a cornfield,
at others in the forest, and not
unfrequently in some distant
barn, with the ox and horse
for my auditors. It is to this
early practice in the great art
of arts that I am indebted for
the primary and leading im
pulse that stimulated me for
ward, and shaped and mould
ed my entire subsequent desti
ny. Improve then, young gen
tlemen, the superior advan
tages you flow enjoy. Let no
day pass without exercising
the power of speech. There
is no power like oratory. Cae
sar controlled men by exciting
their fears, Cicero by captivat
ing theil* ailei tjons and sway
ing tied! pa--ion- >y l lc- influ
ence of on*- tie and the an
th ,r
!,ji;*}4f to this da V [ill Hi *
< 'I .17
1 < ui , I hat tsa - ; tji.i- ,i ; i-
I; , ’I; ff < ilj / i f .. i 1 *i i 1 l‘ • 4 • ■> l • - 1 ' ’ ■
*ll • I !i g ’ 1 / ! 1 -;o ■1 oI 'h< '
dell v el *•' 1 : -i 1 o'o man
in t h*‘ .''-na* <• hi -i h .; -M--
a o<l i hat it’ v, a- -.vim t lhe cow.-
ti v had :t right !, r ,■ ‘ l < 1 -
111 111 (h <■ ea li no ! ' 'l'll f' I •<* i
I Ititf Apefs-fj, foi it v■ - it -' If
the ,-llhli mation of eriticisiii.
It. cun'iiol. la-ana! ."Ai and. heart <*
it war. it self the ttbh -• alia
his. It. mgge-tod lUltlliilg he
yoijd it -<-{f lcciuire it *■ haii v
led the hilhje'l . 11l point Iff
fact !hirev, a- f*ul ow flung
to lc 'Tone a) 1 1 r that ; • "'h
and t hat ;v a tot ah* a yo.l - .
A - unnr
M ills.
\lt >I \ { • k'd*
15.)05t, M:\3S and WKUTIM.
a i l
oi-'Cli I-,, ta me >\ i ■t , a t '• 1 ■
V Mir- JAM hi. vi in. i'< r
IC -*1 *-1 i-i lin le i** in -i -a,i '-it "t
l ’ 1 " 1
111,1 U(UI A I 0,1 ,nm >' ' >lti
Mti >i i lhnr ' V-tilll { Vl ,*I*I -i n I ' 1
\VI,. ri A ' i: i'. 'V - \
I ■ HluF, ll ll lll -l ll* ’ll I, ,1 iI-r i I ill I
.1 ill li W. K-'*l‘Uuic, **' ei -' 't, i' i•' ‘ 1
I 111 i mil l Mi ll l.i liu i ! ut I "'' ■ i '
lltr (••anil i I -ii I i|i -' n i -I; :v Ir,- *
1,. iiiti* i-l 11 mni -tun In
mu ll u lmliu t' an.
TlU* in Uii li-loi' I-I ila 1 1
H 1 t'n' I'l't lil'-l I 1 111'’ 111 il |- - 1 1- 11
in v ll'i’V li e' ) 1 i;i in tn I r tin li ’ "
SUV in il'inl in Xl l- 1 ill -iv run- 1- m In' • i ;
,111.11 mil slioniil i-nl r• -i i-v• • Ii l‘i- ii
I >ia Mm fhi l nin liU lrn-1 i R nm ■*
li!111r nliir' -iil't.
Uivi n mull i inv li i'ii I 111 i a
uik l inn -lilt iliiy nl Mii ! -
a .1 . I : : N l *i N
o ,\l.i .
UK' IA | O i■ 11 v - 1 111 ■
■Mcriw llui (Vnnlv ( Mm'i Hh, ! v >r' l
\VI„ reD U I’ tl . i \i m ■
(M (*! till ( ‘ I Jo'.' . I'm- 111 |l (
I:l .1 I, 1i■1•! i’ -f 111 * I* > ! ll' * 1 i I tl-
UlJljr HilltiiliiK r cd Il l c-l ill "I ' 111 . I '•
ul,iml i'p.'lic" l'i Irl'irs (i. i-j i-m trim
-Hi is li Hot IK lll|l ll I.
I tils ii* thrur ic t'> rili ini ulm iis
it I concerned to flit- tin ir oliji'i 'i > s (ii im
iliev liHvi )'i, nr li* let ilh' liisi M i i>
In mile i ex’, n> sin w iau < wli Mud v .
mini c ainr n* al rei I, should r.i l In i.-
Given under my In.' il ami < from aif,i i
A. J. HIM N,
O M r,
GEORGIA H)i lonry’t dt! e.
MerioeheiC inly.} \pi , Til , 1870
Where..s Win. 1 Alman ns Ad nmistrr.-
lor rif ktiiu non, ol the eatute ol Muses A
- itemised, re| rise its to the couit ilmi
Ilf li is hilly administered the estate ol said
dec used, ami am lies for l*etu is ol Dorn is
sion horn said t. n l :
Tins is tlieielore lo cite *i and adraot isli
all uoncetned to file their objection* (il any
they hav )iu ,ny . Mice, on or before tb
first Monday in July nest, to sho* cause
why said applicant should not receive Lit
ters ot utetnission from liis trust as alori-
Given under my hand and official aig.
nai lire.
A. j. 11 ix rox,
• O. M C.
GEORGIA > Oidinary’s Office
Alci i ether Omm y, ) April ‘.Sui, ISTU.
ro *ll w hom it iua\ concern
Where** C. O. Phillip* ot Slid Stste n<l
county at'plles t>r* ot Admlbisirs
tion ou the estate of the Hon. Wm. A. J.
Phillips, lete of said county, di'cessed ;
Terse a’e Ihe-eloie t> cite and dmorin
all and singular the kindred and creditor®
of said deceased to show cause at my of
fice, on or before the first Monday in June
m xt. why letters ol administration '.should
not iss'ie to said applicant
Often under my hand and official sona
ta re.
O. M.C.
a -V Af> V ' l!TI-**EMH5 Is.
*•-. ! ■
■ . <- a- • -i- I .. *-t -<i ii*>
r t\. . f
IK r - • :> l'-jl *
.1 li • Ii U < < i .-l-'K * l li
-i .li * l*ra,-, W 4',
•s .
11. 1 - . I l.i< <f rt ;-i
s !Ohv V! iH; *<MI4 ft
\ ft f KWITHB
. \ 'it Th -i-ra'i. Thu.-
111-. - J’. ■ . Ij !4 V*- i anj cm <i >
ii 'I I; it .- -. r.y,!j, it Ira*
J'i !, • ' *.••!- •*. .1, ' ! j I
•#ij it- , F iii- M- - * T* - ife
li), I, i ; . 1 ).,* 1 - I ' i.
M (,'-! * 4 Vi* I. - i■ iv I.- *'" ll F- ■
■.. . 5 -■>- i.
n it- -i i ' ' UK
vv 11 :t, - -*-! , . ! r*. f!,<i.-
’ -I
' "• ** n> i 1 *
's’- % ' V t *i * •f 4 , M4l
'M I t I V .Ii llf i- ,
I' <i ■ i HI. i V -■ i )A-4e
- • J, j.
, .- V . I- I In 5
!l I! fl < * rein! i i*use.
i . I ; i o .
C c ’
Dost and Cheap'; t. Hotel
~ ~~N
an M i I-.- #• ... tin i.
Ihcaklast and ‘ U|p r House
fur pi!s<*,ii rrs,
S , i V 11 , -. ii i • vi- t>l i 1 -
.t, !I' h-. •- - , • I. I, y t'-i-"' i:- -
ii i
jl-, ~. in, rnoi'ii* l-i ■ a
if I- ■ :]’ -< -vi'iri
r It -iv -Im a iv tr n
M** i. . . ' HI '■
Umlii !> i ii v m ' *t.R . la ,
‘ ire.
Mri lcn, Cutn. I\ /
'J- * IjK (,
I P s w^gpNF^Sc , aßEji£sEiim - r fin * .
"Ctilldrsn's Blow Pedals,”!
Adjusted orremovedinstantly.
Invented and Exclusively
used by this Company,
The most popular
Organs of the day!
c “The Wilcox &. White
Oi f.:iu Instructor’* is tbo
in the market!
s>ml Rr li' ‘strak-J Cutaiugi*.
Is a mernth iy. WV- pa* sscr*p Book oi Um orcaun of
the World s Iterator*. Single eopy. or
ver. An Oil i’hromo (14x lucuee*; of *TMnt<
V aUey price. |S: “ BUckßbrc|L r ’ •$ UP hook, in
bmdti<: “Otristitn Owdey's Stattk* *'
book, in paper fhodinjr. ond awamptecopf of “Wood -
Hootrh, Id Maica*!**’ I —*! I poet-paidkfor only SP ornir
in money, or n MbNil po*tag* atanpa. Area*
wanted M t** liberal terms, but noth iff ft free
Aslrat 5sFwJ, Tribuac Baitttnfc Sfw YackCit*
L J ianoS, Olirai u-s
Jl (a'U.ND
Introduction Sale
O'- r. Ti’l.f'V o
f/:p3rb Instrii go ts
_ rf* * -
r - * is • Mo.- *
r .nr: -<• r> vf
Man v fuelui tii h' Rs+w
}l' ■ •
t' • , i . * >
x * - ' i ; i ‘
(* | iilld III!' >diM ‘ •* ** 1
j, r , , ] t ; j;* 1 C; 1 •r .
$* j; ' -4* l hy <* ■ • ...her*''
i* iiu, run IS.
It " I < ■ •'■
< !-
• ■ I) . . • • ••• ' I 11-.
t. . r."
. • a . I - . Ia
i- '• , ft- ■ ? V t '
i-Mot .; I'i • • -VI
-I>. F < !
f ) t 1 'f*. t 4 '*
A JArAfS' '
c - * , di r (*. -. i a
V \ a.! - f >\ A '
-*' **4 t. and ) f • .' -f. i • ' ' ' -'ll =
{ •*'*■ ‘> " ' f
Mason & Famliu Cr ans
. '
( I r W-’, t,h,-t '
via. 'lit 1 h rk, [*i'', I’
..I r 1 ;• 1 p* •> P: Of •- a <
■ V : I ’! ■:- p. V r ■
set vp. Af low in-.’ .’;|i m To .
">■ ’ ■ r 1 ' . -, f in.'i! ir s v
, ,0 i s
■i ;l i .i ''■ 1 ii > n<in
I M l’( !! T.\ NT
Km fid on a l' ! • f I ii ot < ri;a'i, at
i'i ter
ii • <
W'holfsale Piano A treaters.
USB 2 ms
\ ■ \ n 3
t*k cs Q
And better than any
One tesspo-mtull "f this Soda used ■aith
sour milk equal* Four tesspoootull ot
the liest Raking Powdee. saving
Treaty Times its dost. See
package lor valuable in
It the teaepooulut is too large and d<xr
not produce food results at
firs'., tut. less aiWrwards.
s^f ' te
♦ Jar. ♦•- w Organ, ciprcuaiy Uoslync*! tor hun*lay h< li*>olai,
t tiapcf., rt* 1 ., is jtrorflt^ll
Fa mire to S4-U4l lor full *l*-..*Tijvtive Catalogu*- before
jam anj **l ll r.
UluKtrutcd < ulalupii** soil !>***.
Tl I \\ I'ALIi I'liilXl
- / Oi
j.- '***l
V ■ .
'■ Bnruesvlllii Gn
1* w 111- I --I I .4 1 I-V-I, 4!lffl'l
, „i„i ;i. * . , i :■ .ft . i> a' ' -i, il an I I bit )-illy
I t. ' .1 I-A'i; < • ' ;I<■ ! -If 1 |4i ;16 •• !"<• il<-U,<rtl ton l
, , * ;|i . < r,f ■ n Inc t'- r util
n if I . • > 4* I R liii**i'. is <'4*l iCUwI
; I , * ■ . - I ’ lift' -r II- I' , I if, tl*' I'l'lfl RSilttl.
• M V ■ it-- Mob >■!. R'i'i
•- 1. Ijf‘.'l ' i.* i. sraiiunllt
(,*. *
- - *! ■ ! *■ I mi l
Kh. Cm ■ ■- 'ml -f . >-*!*.- - -•-
V m, ,V . v;, I,; . Fan r..
I, ‘"',
<• . j tSuri etvlile, Or- iiii*.
ft C v -l r l A.i'X- h. LL Fur***
M..\ 1' ).\ A PEDibN,
I i.OPlili I VIP o Y
Fir© Proof Ware House
t if; > > : a.
C * uan< a, Ci ufuio, CJ uauo
• i'
W n\< -• n f.r S%> the '<>' o*ing Sta xJud IbanU of fIIIGII GRADE
Fertiiiicrr V oil price*, 500 lb ex A ton (>er too.
Ti p *■>• vp are p'riP-'tv Jirrt da-* at old rmse* and of ttnif rm gradt
We !ir> Have the btilowinsr Acid Phoarshatea for c> postiog, Man do Acid, Stone
Arid at, i C • exton A’i I Phosrha'e< at 400 ! rntton fr lon.
W< rpx;- cH div and crd'Hilv invite Planters of Meriwether end Mljoiniog conaliM
t 'sr in, ■ stink bek re buying eLevrhere ,
No bi'ter brasds maJethan the ab<-ve. Respcctfaily
Kin ton & Pede*n.
ATfIKNS. He. V FR. 22. ISTB.
; Sir V rhiM, Arc (.'it, hml rn,ptom o
! v- I tlti 1 nlmij in'! th-- worm VrfldSfl*
! but filled to ft ;>?I *bt worms. <“inq:Mr. Bains
I ‘ a oat of Worm <>ll, and tho ftr*t
S* #,■ forty worn?.* and the second do
man j were passed I did not coant them.
S H. ADA* 3
Prepare 1 by E'd 3 nith Lyndon
e by J. E. G. Terrel &CO.
blanks, Circulars and
all kinds of Job Work execu
ted at this Office.
OE" RGI A—Meriwether Ooonty.
By virtue of an order from tbe Court of
Ordinary in and lor said coanty. wfl be
*ll bet re the court boose door, is tbs
town cf Greenville, between the legs
liners of sale, < n tbe first Toewlay te Msjr
ntt. the lands belonging to the estate of
Mrs. Francis M. Morn deceased, consist
ng of 123$ acres, more or lees, of lot No.
66, in the Ist District of said eoraty, end
known as the Mrs. Frances M. Moms
ace.— TERMS CASH. This April Nfc,
i7. v - -