Newspaper Page Text
rnh vINPHJAion,
\V#T ItvViU, K t"r **"<l ('*)*'"U i
(ilih.y N VIJ.LK.IfHIDAV. j 1-v )H, H*,9
Tut kM<ur U *9rfy>f tl.c 'i t*.
K* (i tvetw* AnVi., <: O.M, i*
Jit. (Utcro-A*; u,;r'fcy. i>> 18<£f
A Foul Charge.
■j(Jtit-ii* ’*w f. i’..t "I tl.f A<’> tt •
i, f > | i , ' * 1 u 11l ftH
|„ It**- -j>: ••!.:.= >• ' t'l’ •! I’’- -■ '?*
Milfli >•*■! •'-'* rndlVjjgUlJ. i* h
Tif ii ( ili'ti -'livf !*'< *
tins lo vI trilx: fcre l-isin j tl*ir upp*'"
tlicfi I r. 11-wr linn If* h’* -■*' <
*‘J},„.|| l | H viH, ot tl.< \ I l-KAI H
| mi a >ijf,-. by tie ep it tun li-ti It-**
t s'liig (v-CMiKtt t-u-au Hot ui • UU I
iif, tin*’ Ji<- ha* * ii-i* r***t m v-w n* t t*>
inl i.ny tut# tv It * (J fit** kfu in til if *1 1
h i,. J V*,,.* *ie i>a 14 L# Be r *>l b <
||||t; l r ttll'tfei If, "1 ll Mir Ifi* ll'l !•*' •) in
\yutiiuitgi* n I m enough if*'‘in 1 ! *
u little Iwletgl* 1
I/* *t any 'H y '•*• *l.O *l*l if ‘lf : Vf'l b>
t'l,; i,b'*V:Putt Ilinif.’ #1 bMI • " /
til'll ll.i r<; nfi- te* r* *rl *'<" <>* * *•*'
will Tf, lor ev**y W'liil In *&• **•**>*
,j,toe fio M H'el t' lii fi f*Miia'"il I"
tli*) iat grruiT Hn
’J tise* Mil' In'll,
Tie M‘ i,mill 1 Vi 4 < '"f if* ilia'
it kAit I It'*yf li. ’ J: t *tli<(* ft i *.*t ir< -t
limn ll'tiii*' f l,ii if nar'May l>‘ >'<■■ •' '
|i l(i l you lilt) if in tK 111 y littl* li* It* li*
‘V I'll Ulf I t If" ' In* !l I ' 'll' If ' i" 11
yraia, previous •'* 'ln* V"i ' I ' l-i'-'i
HI- 1 alt li.
Well, ye*, f tiavf (Mtfti n Kf*'*l I'-fcl <4
Iritil * hit ■ <it at 1>• if ppi'itifi I* if I i' l
‘ i*.c* i (fir*final' 11 ii 1 1*” iv<ti 4m It'll lb
|>!f t'l t) i if, I' I II 'lill It In: ll *' ' i
pujAffrt* "M 'I. Itnni i n*'l ft| nil Hi
wbtnky In lilt: tllvli if t lti*l It'Mii '•* *' 1
tn.cui*: In*‘l'b al, y< i,‘‘f l> If t v i, 'l'-
ti iilm n tin hi nl In' il ni I'-' n'| ii>
*.f cl* it’Uci *ll nl r!■ tl, in ' t-"i iM*
thru if 'Hitt' n 'fWfttH'f ' |>* l i )•'
Jiitnit. Ci'ii.e iltiw n it'll In tub a In I> t
In Inl |iiillt;, In tin wl’li n
Hull lly spcali n;', wi il " ti“l Dial
Hi Mill'* I'ailtitin ti'.iry I'iin'iti' mI !
fireside il In la ii' nb i lm if t Mini •'(
lilt l>l*| Hltll tt, ll'll'lil' II ff 1 I-" “
Inklttj; itlcl (I'iftidi vn itli tli' < x Conyfi,
mull h i 'ln- h f I- ni tta -,| if viiiu* l t!'i‘
jtHi ’ 11, 1-n ‘lvn, Hif <|>.< t'f'ii In a |"'i
IlniiKtibuy inu we vt I I ni"Ve ( o in tti l
the li *i ltiliu i"I iiy'O I' 1 * 11 bli-K wI tf
ini li ii nil fiblniin and 111 - i *ll>|>:l*{it t'ni'ki )
last lull. KiUi llit Itiliiflf, itiitl II an I" •‘ ‘
lijtntlDM li In II I U , | la) "fl"l'l 1 I 1 If h
Ollf *i(l' *1 | 11 i' -f |*nt 1 *tl 1 It 1' 4 . ""Hi )
n ,u: i ni ynji wlii‘ky, lii aufli lain fled *1
rim It lull In n initii'i i) >4 i-vct U.WWiltltilt
n nli'*n.
A Magiittuiiuotw Apology.
Wr clip tlic hdh-wlng Ik lug and I" 1 " h
ing i xpiauntiun I torn one <>l He iiol-1.-ot
hearted men In the tntc, Hrn Mushi, <d
the Atlanta f'i<| ah h. We t. c| Or and him
Indore but w<i shall love liiui a* a lutl ei
hereafter. Ureal na hr i j , the in' l Bed <hi
man in mil r.bove jikki >g the crui/nl' hn i
arable to an humble ij-tlll dilvei like 0111-
*i li. ileic it what th N'tii nl tli •
lie, rgla prc toy* to u..
'•Brother Kivill, oi the 51 riwithei
Vindicator, threaten* a pnhct cycloU" (-1
wiatti and In V agii at the pipers Hut
persist iu saying ti.a' lie reported that
hogs wuo devouring the young chicken'
on Colonel 11 an i** place. 11 sy* that
the sknui ruitcd ill the rcm.Vi by Hamm
and Conkllug was hut a liu *•• o imputed
with ore whisk he will raise it he is not
let light il tl i paitbulur. \' c don’t
know whether we aided in uiculating the
icport or not, hit " know that K vill i<
physically able to taie the kind ot a storm
he thr< atci *, and wre ihciehne m ike haste
to declare out conviclio .s that he doc* not
know afr g fion ati owl, or a chicken
lrom a lightning burr. It Colonel Hants
has left any chicken*, neilhet the frogs
to: Kcvlll know anyth) g übo .t them."
Col. M'ittin says In the above that he
iloc* not know w hether ho "aided In cir
culating the report or rot.” Ye*, brother,
you aided, lor a* J din W. Curacy was
wont to say, the rcpoit appeared in your
"two pap.r*, bth dolly," an !as we love
a shining mark, we had fully determined
to go tor you, hut y uv n hlc reply has
completely disarmed u>, and, though a
pcrlect Hotspur, we c m but forgive an in
jury an cm;Te apology ie tend* rod,
ltul lest seme carping reader may think
we arc very easily sa'i ti and, you will par
don u*. Cob M rtin, tor Suyirg that one
portion ol your exptanetion did give us
slight, tetnpora-y annoyance. We Im'e
often thought it iiuklnd t r one lobe taunt
ed with Ignorance'tvlicn the boashr was
imklud tc more ailviutagcou* circun
stauces lor'hi* mpeilur knowledge. So
a hen yot made haste to declare* Jvur con
iction that we did not know a frog from
i owl, or a chicken Irom a lightning bug,
e thought we should be forced to rctukc
our imjilicd assertion ol superiority, tc
•lusc, having spent the earlier period ol
cur life amid the huckleberry swauijs
i North Carolina, where trigs, ow’s and
ii<-flu# do so gnu to abound, we deemed
gratuitous pouri O-ity to tl uut your *u
error uilviuwlicuoitr us respecting tbcaj
rds, reptile* au Iwect*. Mvisg in a
.untry where such opportunities were
teste mltd uas >'oU enjoyed, wc cac
dly admit our iulci iari'.jr.
In lakiag leave el Shis taportsnt sul
t, we ask that you us no (
.re. Do *Ma I eoeWent there ;
i'| lie do trouble belwccu at. Frm *ti f
<)o'lbtuflity, t’Jf 11 1* "1 July, lb*
11 arl nl Health .-lit; 4". -a 4
Die ot yei.*t k-Vor i t Ml *l|*lti !t.‘-4
i,.,<4 an a-iiitf > a !U**"K a.I t*
-I- tv* t * Jo-feVe Utc -1 y. TbS lb tit i/-<i
•#4tiaedtbe 41-j*-;i..j report#J a
ttn.ll j null, in t ‘in i it) .
Tl** liver l*t -he -,u( in M-n*|ti.w on li.-
1i h <*l An;'u't -* ’ y nt. i"I “.*' n* o'tt
iHlft Hud'ntiJ rt a*l lit II ii emit, r tifit iU
'avaynt wire in'.Hi a -I bi .rtr■ i.4 :•'
I. .ter hi!, l-f‘[ "i t 1 i.‘- t nni ■- - lm/
si -1 dr* >.. 1 try tif -*t >' ■*• I *
ken wftii fir-v-i.t i" : t 11“. ■ 1 ljl
I *;, i tens I; ill lit t , it-
Hu a f <•*■ n| I* v< r nt v.y <•!.'" I" n*
1 - i )f- ...... i ... t
Ta-.aiion No 1
Mi .
Hell <r- ! I te**
{.fi .lull ‘rt . ' t, ■ •' 4 ' /.
’.l att, in t:.' -■, . a.a i | * - li. Ji'i i
~'tinn ti |.ri£i |t 4in II ;/ At' I
I ..I tlimt: >ii lln ' ‘III jlt If tan I
< U (' ll I ttibf II "1 ti it a li' t-V*.l ll.t <l
f trey n.ay In-, *ti(!i*< r in lit*; J*n ■* <*.
t|, e-itliit r, tiifi.|itfni!ei fltn-i.ti ii
Til afiilrl li J.ilV |'< j■ i’ • ni ii
Kim* ft!) 11' I't; 1' ' IV. l! r, * ' b* ’ll J 1 ; -’*
Ini (lie btifilUiH "I lii* ;;' V. i. in i.S
llj'lll 1 f'itl, tlif) la - -
■ i ■ . 1
ii.i-pt, ( a'i'-utf —t ii- a; i'.; i •* 1 1 '
I Ihmli t•Il m*i bi" •i "1 1., i iw') !
,1), I , , .it I*, i.i; ■< ' t --i ’ ;
i h iim in I/.* 4nt t. Jin, 1 "i . : i
lIIVI l ( Main Will i tl>. ll'-. >* ll A |
limit x< ii i) "l |-f tty i;i < * ) * t • ii’ Ji.dtlj i"ii.r*l < 4 iti-4 !>■ I-- - li -in
t.l llfi l*-I_l , l*l|t Il'.Vl f lit,li ft t’.l! I !i?.l
A .111 l!,n i u‘li t y.iiinj. ii "I ! 1. -ne i,
hti ala I ) ll.■ l.i.r.n" 4 ‘4. ini', t I ,f*u ..
Hit; tn nnt i t *' en' '•), b 1 nt ,
i,;. *i| i,i lii. i it* ' I' I. i ' I” ■ '
,* iirt ia t l.t* * Vi, re 4* a 4n t e 1 " i-i ■
tin; (. i, i .ii j fi.i t'iii i.l, !f'.)i •■■•'‘l ~f.4 i
("HU a sil l i 'idtit f°lni i4 n I-* "It *l 'l,*
llnil'ii kt, It! ‘,;i Hit, li', l1 * J a.• 1 <v
Ii i* at .fit* 1 .1 ii f li. ' 11 ' I •a- i■ r
Tiir glum gilt jiatiill |• -;, *'< •'
llit fla(‘ Oi l ' " V, H ' •'* ' ■"" 1
It at nl (*ii.| faet. tlt* ' 1 41 M*4*i ,
,rr i ii'i't* . ll* i-ii' It r *i, ili \\ liUe .
Jili ( r, ,l,i, (! I: if. . I ii" <l hi,
iln ji ( i III) | mint i i,l, I" Hi ■■■ *f i ml. j
In llit* I nl Iln b i'll a 1 ii n' t iV>
inf l|t4 | i,n,i4iUit it f Wb ni* m in'irli
iin|‘n't I u| >i I* in sin t’• i |4ni 4> Ai>K <m n
tin: ’atn r *>!*aim. I • m i : Ila '
ra • 4 Irntn h U et n/ j* a|''f *'* u Hr not'
ay id I) "fir ■Hi in’ >l l tn am
eat* , n 1 itllri.ll n !)■ 'i'if V 1,it".M,l Hi" i.
i | Vast hni'iunt *>l t *
ia iit|*i 4 In m nil Mli * Mnl J* | ' iiiu lt
<>nt li"tl*d tut lit’l vie', 'i‘ "" m Un
In adit nl."Jfui'di k."
A ail:, "i t,,41 i.. JiM - u tin' ti •n :■ <1
i‘*i4th!ltl in li e ft* *-t *•■>*;• )"V
in,thing In III* tni.auiy. I h-a i’ i ifi, 'at'
he tracudl am! It It tt 4 ' -I" ,t 4 4
niv, il no at 1 Ing t* io alt-,i*lxj *,
in*. , "tl* lute :ii." Tiny are n livid,
Int* tei’i,| in g,,,.l v 1 U'inilßut any "Hi
arid khtnth! he ini.tlt: to ,ay lur its h> tn
' HI 'll'RS
I * 'l'liijimi ii in ’
II D< It use.
Mn. l iiT u . Tmi ii in t a uV- iihc>
to your pa, ir nor a oit s.< not your county.
siiltTbcint ach c niiglilwr, 1 lni*t you
w ilt car l.n me lor alluding to a recent
un'oiti nidi ocunence on your si |. o' tlio
i ur, 1 rctfcr to the kidlng-•( Mr, It
by Mr. J mica Bui ton.
Hi, hi -my kuo tie Ig ini tl- 1 in 11 aid
the ciriiuiialanccs attend ill; the lii loig i
imu co ti lent But n thougli'. Ins tdo iv t
endangered or he woulu never ti\ve fi and
the a oi. Ihe remark* ot Kick* and
the limit! th it tic would Kill Burp a on
vi.lH, uttered on’y a to v and ivv before, tin eats wine communicated to Bu.
ton ; the iiilolmatiou leciivcd by Baton
that Bilks always carried a pistol and was
limiting lor him ; tiii stopping B rrton on
the public highway when Burti f u lied a
gun iu Ins hand, Kick* being a viohuit,
dangerous man ; tlio advance ol Kicks
upon BffrtiHi an 1 the threats nia to at the
same iHtte to kii! him, coup! U with a mo -
lien as it to draw a pistol, -all these it
ecerui to ms wire si llie tut to ex. ite the
tears ot a reasonable man and induce linn
to act as psoinptly ad in the sow: way
jth it Birtvi did. T.iat Brim w.*
j not’ burning Hicks u a prepared to: the
it (Acuity, semis to be evident Corn the fact
! '.'i it enly one birrs ot his gun was load
' ed, and that w ith very small shot.
That Kicks had a pistol in bis eighty
| hand pant's pocket at the line he was
shol, uo one who heard the teitiaiooy can
doubt. Quite number oi vitucsses, the
be t men in tbe mighborhood, testified
J that soon alter the killing they siw tbe
! body of Kicks, he lying on his back ill Uic
j road, and that tbry saw the impression o>
!to n<thing iu his right hand pant's pocket
of the length and exact shape ol a pistol
| ihe shape of the handle being mai ked and
. These wisnessea were fully satis
| ttid hcic was a pistol in the pocket ol
! Kicks at that time. Tuc lining occurred
j between one and two o’clock m tuc even.
I iiig and the body remained lying ii tbe
' ro*U until ten o’clock at night awaiting the
' coronet's nquest wflich began about ten.
! yiy. night was proven to have bteti very
da k sud rainy and the have
been taken lrom the body by someone
wiUt'iut any one elee seeing or knowing iL
Sj, it not atraege Le jury loued no pis
tol on the peiK*n of Hick*. They found,
however, au ordinary (>ockcl kuih; and a
botch ol keys which ouoid not hat v
shown the imp'ees*oti iu the poekcl that
waa seen by the whocsee*. That lUu p
p.i umi (Km takin irooi lh pocket oi the
| < SC.J aiu* 4*i fc *f and Ulore the < **• i*
m i t.i hy the j t*y is erStcat t-jia (*.•'-
(**;!. Tl*i* (*■",*' tiU o i* rtfiegtl.*u*3
I he Incl that tie y>r *t tcuUoa rcade cu tl
!*o>(*t t** a* e,,uut I**r the wuntatl* s £ *4
ti.o (iiatoi Jlsci 1 >ta* hiitia it tj ea;:y, *'■
1 'tnwglr it i* tn*'* *oU lif* wife Ctoi-ms the
' a ray "j v,at t.l her i,i/muia*itli <t! the 1.U..
<4 the hll.iflg.
Uteltt ra, h'*w?jj * h&ve Ue a Jen!,
| 1 %
ie . , '*m * t:n .* . . .
Vi. nl *i* .i 45*4. ft j'tfcfe J tiv -
I*. In.,' •(,■! hi,e a ,4 uh : u ,v ■
Ji.. f i. V I ii. . e, t ... *
: I U III) a. li I 1 ■ ■ ! ■)*
t . i.a l * *■*) r *t* ,*. i"J** :i, hit
■ ■ g ~•• i. hi ii ami jpl a -’e ■■
tee.t ihe'.aiil, atying at the *aru tin e ‘ i>
/ "J, I;hi i * 'i, ‘Mr an an. : l
i. til A .t’l a II.J ... ai! t 'if* • a ;• - '
t i. i
... .•*. .. i. .sy ‘il •tf
ta ' ■lal* *: it ii **( the fn-tU* ?.,V v
in iin.danic* K/uu te.J * t .a i, ",
eJr ; a *.t*rt- <t ... and auK rjii.:
tiM ngllmn toe 4< ie v<r.
1i- f,"t t.i, • f.<*n tl.e I* ig uy ■t,
, it, i: I rtn "I, t.i.U-n.f t*
I* li|*i i", ale.ff.l 14.)*' f* ut age, . *
i/f!e *a) hi a *llnf tat ti.e |, iv r Ii
vi i ,it u" * m iviy >;ivg it apa > ,
i v
i * the ftfit the 4i4>e*f ; s ,t 1
i* fit it J or;, e** i:*it t,*// ii." r,,; 6_. i
, I ho vi: H•> ■. i. >■ i *: •( tn '/!*:
:4/ I . * ni .I Jit*', a\
i *ii . lift ear i y *ii in air/ '■'■■■ -■* ■
m 4) i'/* ar-Jf. vie 1.1 /. 1 * -i/
~| li'," f'lll J * i, 11 , ;
nit t a, n a* ,* i ,ii *•< v■ g
I JI /, 14 > ev.,J ■■ t: g! i; li
tlnht: H 4 lit*. o* ! >4 a: * .
!**nt te,tii l.i tl, cny "! t.e > ;*.'**• ti, .1
|,*a ,•’.* I■" In if 0* . * *),it - . .i . ! i*
-i il . 1 t .l - j 4- *v a, 1 * e i.l i M
killing. - .
It 4,*,[ jv at 'ti sir**.that ihe n ,* !
I ill ti i * ! ttn‘ *tin ,k **4 ;, * [ hr, ,*, ■ !
ii i tlVilJ * II line * e iltitf uil*aj - * it !•
( nii e ! a j*l ti ,r . I,r V) * i ( ti , *
I nj.| ll ■! ' tn ,J. | l *'■ " i *
tin ,v, i4i ■la 4[ i ■iV ,' ,i, a i'■ . *
j sin j. • ,i*i*t in 1 ’ I ni- fit i IV-
Hat i 'ldi .l*ic I , ali-.-i: ,I! I
Jiff, ,1 I , ■!* If * .i’ll** * • f ■
I.n I Inr , tie! * . , 111 I •; .V, . , .
a i |i, !it|, I) i ,*g Hi the * ,‘t il, / ii
"ii tile nntgi*t t’e tti" J>rf I*l *•
i mnn.ilm 1 , t . vt, Hie I iten! ’t*, * i,
ih it lin y ah"i l l4 have "*: ti'i t 4 * • I*• '
l,*t |liift"ii 11 llt i, n 4>4 It
ii'i ! liar,; 1 1 liltii (,* *1 ‘
a* •
Georgia New:.
\V iytie!i! ij 'I nal I . Hj hilt* ia.
" '•! I'h ’ *g " I n4i ’> . . i •
a*. Itavti iv, t n >t. la . > .
mil jMin.l "I C4,.<>, J,n.. ilt'n".
i,t , . !
!• (inn and v .el * lik i ,t * > 1, .
I lie (y e, A v g ( inn I!, ■ I It * ,*■ <
*eh' I ; ..Vi; i it, whi’e tlw t
Iriii -l*. 'tn tht I* i ngl, ~[i ! ha hali i
anu rlt 4 t* li i fah.
\•H il t l> |t Jen; M,,t t •, •
nt I * It m A J mi *:.% 4a, * #;■ , i
iir •mi t nj> iHui etm in |,r,.igr, 'Nw
mi-, i, -m' h !■* I! 4 t tie- |
el hi 4th;ii■ tit itt tutj on ti, <, t<| •
he ttUcmp f I ’ g t *■ eh 14* thir-i i.y j, • i
illg nt! i,at In ■ tip,**teed tn ' *t ’
T ebarm , tt him, htrt In- di in it *h, a
the c, t)‘t'<p'"l,C*‘, all 1 (hii e j 'h he,, r
dowii,. retuatki ty that 11, wa t
•util atnt in “Wi. *ut rati,, x - . t 1 .
tnnj with le I n.ud than vi t, * bttr
or whisky.
Coli.aabtn Ko'inircr: GtJtim' - lm a
great future bgiore rt. K*. eii-t-,- - t tin:
p;it, atlhuugli ilettly tri.ig'it, [ . e, Hn
right direction. Tie a*cr• i: r l v .a tg. t
<d (J iluinbus are such that arc -• >.
by very lew cities i i the south -by nine
in this inm dtate aecti t. I'd ■ n> si' •
tiring and industrial t iU:re-!s >1 our <r >w
ni|{ city, r x ceding Stow in finely those
nf any other southern turn, sr- -te.vhy
‘■drawing. The mercantile busi ,c if
the city is iuu casing, and the pc
i*ro’;y are wore prosperous than
a fe*r years ago. There is an aif of *ui>-
stiutial solidity about our 'n 'itati n- *bat
lories li e resped aud admin in of tTcry
Albany Nuns: The cr p otlook in
South West O.orgit at thii t! - e Ui C iur
\giug—extremely so. T..e drought ha 9
continued nn.v t r miny Jtv* ; ac i corn,
cotton an i ail other crops ari parched
extremely bad. Tire corn nop may uow
be coosidcre! a f.ilure. Many plaotem
are cutting dowtl fields o! it for tong !or
agr. These facts, though dUcouiagin;,
arc mme the less true, an 1 n s feel that il
is our duty to publish them.
The lllsn’.a Phonograph tilks right
out as follows : A few men'iara of the
Ledslatutc spend more tine loa'iag
around certain place? than they do in the
Capitol. Winder i! their constituents seed
:heiu hire to gtrsz'e hetr ? They should
bear la mieU that Atlanta is foil of news
paper reporters, and they hai j ist as soon
tell ou a fellow as not.
.Mr. T. Patrick, of Talbot county, a
poor but honest man, has fallen heir to
e.ghty m liioa dollars. Tam is a good sum
mer item for the press.
Whilst one of the colored candidates
was being baptised at Madison, Sunday,
one ol hb coined friends stole hU shoes.
The Columbus Enquirer A Sun says. A
meeting wat lieM in the ba k room of
some store at Long C me, and they passed
a lengthy set oi resolution. thanking Uoo.
W. U l uggle lor getting them mail facili
ties. We thought members of congicsi
looked after these thing*.
The Aunithiy Condition of
A ►ptxla: t> lit N * V rk i * t-i :
I*.' l.;c public ■
: * . • W**U
, ro'ur * •!. a .. c'*’ nit. -•
: :iuf # tvt\ T;*t UiU e five? U j-..\ ,i3 *■:?*--
: ; , u •; /Ti; leg grotifc i lor m w Tf.t
' i ,>i.s i;ofa ibis poiv-cocc iiiot tr
1 | • .
a-, f,f\ .. a '*'- i. i-i ~ j
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■-i M ai..v ut* 1 • l- */# ;?-*■ -ii •'(.
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:1f • -..r i ff.j f S V r l at A t •* ’*
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la. r i ;t li. !. .it i H :*(< • l/i.t eS i
A r yrt .:. n ,g nit ts t, t ,ri
,i; ■ • tlfi > p ej-aiad to sa* *t M
Ii H 4 i. ,v U lv ti, i,a ii ,t •• ‘
l’,ii*t • .1 -4 ht I ,it,:J f 1 ate*. ", * * j
l>: , I;kn U* M ticll, JSTT 1‘ '
u i.i,et a ; ; ,v t tej rim t,iiH 1
•>! *!■•• |*Hf *h i | *-;'r'c.l 11,i.‘ *> ,' • j
V*| rt a 1 have |e,tl t f the.) *eiv. j.u *
tty unpithH i t ('.-e licarnen'.
M,t ,i .1 4 •* ir {-*■ nl r* ts 41 rt
u it,' • ■ '! It t It, h -run \an ' 'u !
e*j>, i I !ei /. n •vltoili'',! in tt,iA r unt, j
* levT tUiiollir 4Kt, Ita t., *;ir•• il •
••. h r i* Int the line f tii. ‘hath,
rtg '*) i, #M‘ H i tained Ihtn igh t*4 a a j
~ In 1 lo ml it ncrcsMtf I I k*. the tmti .
!1 el the h"issttM- 1 ac'. 11a lud it> te>' j
h (•■ hi* |B,OOO, how (Ter, in the N ,rt!
vest 'o ita ti'ii'i i,e c-f'i/ar, (■**• ,
nt p i,I , r *np‘. y by f> • WUi:, agent 11
Vnirta.) tn ! Mr. Robert on r* qn*.',ud I*o |
£•4 it, ,e.t i* deal i IxU to l*c s > Xi-iCii j
*1 the money re J i. il on the intura ce a* j
1 t r. (ft red to pay ofl at! hi* indebted' e-a
This. Mi*. It"'e t, n has j■ t done Bh*
ame to M irlelta last week, clai i.i the
tee 'ol mour iii e, t, okcU up hn cm! -
or*, and paid ,ff m luT the l>t cent tm
>l,l mnu owed here on e-trill. rt hen t its
rood ady had fWi UeJ llquMatlng the
!*hts * f her bus' and, sue had 0.4 y abriu
(350 Ictt out of the sum receive i, wh, qin
'no' she ass not conipt,led by law to pkp
me ce it.
To take home a | :ceC ot heelstejk ia- a
ecu ther; w ilt be a bruit i.i the fatuity.
To see ad >g fly at a farmet’s leg is a
Sign that a mist *itunc is got, g to b.fsU
the caivea.
To see a man. loafing aioon ! barroom
is a sign he’ll 4ri-k —if you ask hull— Ex -
c haiigc.
Blanks, Circulars and
all kinds of Job Work execu
ted at this Office.
Wool Wanted
Washed or unwashed, but free Irotn
P.iccs £ trcii iu a lew days.
April 24. IST9.
Gents Low quarter hhit —just received
tnd lur sale by
May 28
Works: Christiana, La:caster Co-, Pa.
take: 83 S. Better t*t, York,
Wc Call Attention'
'! ’j iiik' <■'. !.A*>!£.'•*
i .Ni, .-h- *..s uua'i" t" or it-r thi
isDriiih'- iVif -"t viL.vlr are
1- , m i ih.lit heietulory, also; to•
*, it isj.i i.i! i.i.'U'. :< J - '■!, ,( - rtlu 'h
■t-j l'i:i! and -jo.n] ietOr
> 4^'
.t • it * ’ !■ '.f* ' f ' •
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la, * C I * • A * /. ‘ia ■ * ) < (AJ
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t. t.. I* f. * j • J w
loi .~, | ,U*
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U* I' •• •
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• - - V r.
' r.t *.-}•; I * j- ■
- < . **■• , >*-r ■ g'..
- A, • .if. A,i <* T:.i 1 , 4 ."*
W li.'? Ci t '* i I* i (' J
IW, ii, hi! *i T n* ■** fc*
ifQ%r ? v* ; ..*• -t t ' l-h* v°* i.>.; 4 ' !
n ii#cu vi* <*** ?■ ftt Ui t tj %
1.1 t
V ' * u*. It A J.I A* a
* ,n bo !, iir'it in 1:,, *r*.
A t** ( IKJ lhMi 1. J ll* 'aill,t<i* m
treat * ' t,
' Mo:-'. (IgA I'| ~; Aa;
• i • **v **( fi!' mg t>,i*t . iu* ht/ 1
FLht ft T* 4> 7 (.•! !■, w*<ne
U>rtH to,' 1 ÜBI
01 Or.MORAL M: IU HAv;m>L i* b !
nuch hfvkf n ami a ili r'-p'luiai.ui
AT O/.v L.
Fiotn Evs'cru MirUts-
A few suits rath. I'ASSI.MERE.ALPACa
and Linen yet Ufu
k iqJtndal iinc **' COTfOXADES and
GremU.le, J *ly, 18 I*. IST9-
/ff?'.' tit" Quartsf and the
Doiktr," will take c;U'e oftheiii
jseTves,. But Iturt t'kull tlie
Quarters be saved, a*k-- thj/
thouglrtiui rea*iet .
Wo pejtjy by taking tlu*
Vixixcator from now .titml
t Ini ■‘tin as and paying 75 cents
C-.-H for it ; The regular price
i'.fJ.OO, j
I; is ucreed that the paper
i- HiOfo interesting ai.d- better
edited tiian it ha> been sinee
Cbir t-ileut pa it nr, Nfrs.
lie' iti, d< iivs to increase the
;11 • L;;;t . ■ -•! t ]
-• bb* !al < :lei. ()pei o i to all
- 1 V.tin forrtard, pay tip
j a.'t ;eiebt * •*ttt*-"-rr-. ;tli<l -save
\ o,r (,[ ;;t:T>-r. Tl. - uiiparaJ.
1* i.'d t if good : : the next
.■.v\i ti. .i:. !v * me n tding
fo a id an*-!..vr litiird and name,-;
to • ti larg< h-J of sub jciitg
! 1.,- i .ip* t j- on ji-.iig ground
and <■ ;r bent partner intend
t l *< ■ ’|> it ,'-*).
VV. 'l', Kj ♦ Si Cos.
dun- /.Hit, 1~ i t.i l'i
M' rt leu ('tii ft. I * v . /
| "Children's Blow Pedals,”!
(djustad or remoral Instantly.
Inrß.ited and Ficlusively
! used by this Company,
j iho luobt popular
Organs of the day!
Du, Will**,** ic While
Or Can Ijjhl rnctor” i* tho
in the market!
- I F r f aiming- •
Ptin Is a blotting, lv ktcw*cs di
Whenever the bowels become irregular,
Trrrcil% Self! r Aperient.
't will sare much pair, and danger. N*-
lare sometime* is so ou'ragetf by the bu
den he is made to carry, through the
beedltasnett of her children, tuat she open
'j rebels, aid punishes fesitally. Dml
neglect the proper treatment when lh
iympti'm* fint appear. Resort to the
ud get wall speedily.
I-d .. • !'; t—rwi *. ;o-ll r ’ ir
■ ■ . ■ ■■■
Ff*R*lkTT% T 0 F. G. RICH & C -..Port-
SRN IJ W, M.IIWI. *or teatAg>-
cy Bui .ett ia the W orld.
Race Onli l F.i*
m Ain acd txptß*a guaiau
fg) | 1 trad !• age-t'. Outfit free.
rai* * Maine.
<*j—Trj~7 X YEA** a*d expenses u>
n) i [ < Agents. Outfit Free. Addres*
p. O. MOKE <Y, Auyusta Maine.
Advertisements qt 4 un m
seited 1 *eek in 350 jewaptper*
ior *ifi. Send 10- i-r HJO page
jwmplct. O. P. ROWELL AGO., . Y.