The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, July 18, 1879, Image 3
THE VINDICATOR POKMaaSD KVRKY FRIHAV, BY WM. T. REVILE, A r y Hi FEU AN~NMT3I.iI! A.DY *-N <’ E Lb < rvu't x i.tii ;ii>k fcuuc wjraitK It iu a < A <l v riKhur, S . Iwk,4-ks 13 mo 1 8 *<>) lx-m r ; ■... i 1 t*s '■ - 5 |4Art *O.l-0 iIS 00 . m:,is ! -.0 i5 00 i6 60 j100)i 15 oO , s,,n i! m*o 15 0u i IH* 1| 10 I0 j Jit Ikl' 05 (hi )5 o ’ ; ti ;ikii• j 35 f 0 35 00 iOHU i * c ; u) w id-eo 13500 iOJ 00 , }UKJ ) 1 • (£f*. \ >i *. .iv iuc! *vi maie i-it'H* • j:-.* £ *\ i■;♦ i **n'b *r %r t. Religious Notice. 1i . u.t i-the * hitrch Wntlwtj ol iUeK-.uyf.iv Un MEitUlDlsr . i -uiui. -i. * .**m ir - 'id ti. 1 , 1., i„ x, W 1 - 1. AU'WEi I ; Vi TtsT 5-'. Si.hb.xth iu cm ii 1 lux. J M. I LINE l'r i>u 5 1 Kill AN •! hall. iii mil Hu-i.tli. |> 'lev Hr. McM L Hi’A \ itil.u T O nlll I’l !HJ* ■ \ i I, . ~•, a.i xliili<i-u euL . i-|, t ~ i iii .1 Mcnxxi, w< 1 * l' 1.l l .l l . . . , VIuIXX r , im- it *.*■■'i .V i\ \ tAI i A .1 HINTON, . , O din an o r | |i |.l : O, Sl. 11M '.V . 'it TvE 1,1 HU i ni. 4 h L-. . i .Hi >irfx’T Court lUiAI, topics ■ ■ . . - . .-.--- -- xli in xMi.LE, i- ltliv v .1 is *H-;y . ‘ 1, X. 1 Yhm 1-1 .- I lit u| li XX i Ou. i li-- - -'PH. -n I. j, , L 1 :I- PI !l fli 3l.p‘ i-1 ii 11 I > ,X i. .- . j -* l"X : 11. . l.i; , iiMM li I l*l*l * ~ • . *,-;-■ i it c him h c xil> - ; . , . ■ t -i.i l -in A Haul -i . . t I r.X :• i- tl!."> I ’ *'••!) - . I ,(,v i, ~ •. t. .i! t.:<d ••nrtt.t! 1 .. * J =m- •,ii * lit ivirHiii**', ■’ 'h ■ ' ( . . 5 .. : V *u,-t ■- *;i ■ •* - ' ‘ if*'.. j. ; '■• - v'. n‘. mM m ! < vw. i itt tell It li* M iti lira’ll. < i|W V** i N % ' ‘ :i ’ li. it;: • l‘a ii ,\ Mi y • to. i ■ jr >.-* -. .1 1 .•#.*. U < to ! V il,t ) t t. i*i h .j joi 1m l" <|( s I‘t.tla tii H !i j., VS*' * 1 ( , a .1 i..t, I* i *,• t. I ii lUt jail) it * c,,j \, J & ii.. Min \i ty •H, m -i * ' t-t ■. ,u u, f \. i Moth, **► hi t , V J 4.. y t.M . II R*l U I on '* t n•. • r *4 t i i i o li tHo J *A. V ii •. j ♦ ji . { i- • thr>t >h \'r i; rid Non < o ill. Ith JHy h oa.i t u u * i !•{,.; Ui<: <l on* Mi‘ • H :< 4-h, u4.* • r *1 living *oi lit* I * f Tth;r J i ’it I well, fill*] Ii O < . ( li- t* ) M t > lH|< ,o| Htufli/ u; 4 nt-,; • > ' K'TviM' . *hit.*| 4 !**!•* ■- 1 1 i. i* .1,5 li IP j ji* 1.11-. i.- • >• ' y " 1 ].,, ; • ,- t ,f- t , , ,'t * M 1(1 tj .~M i Z i,, > i.i ; ■ ~< i •n in., .ii ix, .i: i-i It. . f i : * t ti*(j ii (. 1111 -i a*. > -iij xj'ix lii 1 : Oi iiiOy v 9 I lt ,i> ,-i Fij,s, hr i Fit '* t i, it ti;k , 1 ti, x 1 ii' I I <n m- 1 i* all 1 ; I I, I- .-ill ,*' • Ii al > ‘Oi C ,1. I - , i I- '-, i ' -!, * : I I u* \> La- •I l V I. U • I‘ 3 K •*•II t > it, II , J, i, I. 11 X I, •> M. '•Oli. (lily ! • ,ii** ai-i; . (.li tuu ,i li< h->: in } ' I iIV*I *l< ' * ' t,♦*O* ii *l' t Vi tt s 11 ,♦! l#.1 # . * < i . I j i ••E-Mi f<*, *n VA+.V'- Mll:i . I. ’r t • t;\ i* fll * fit it lLa C u - lj . In, M A ! f >1 i.p a'- <i *1 mil at <> hi t < 11 'll .l t i .t. ***r'y H*l \\ ■ ■--Uj (yurt i 4 alter ?n • i••<-'* n* i, vi 3;,ea * 11-; *•* #*jv ,t i<s yt* -I i‘. a rii - 1 i u.iLr/, a I ur >u- ior )'u J it j i„ i- ii * , c ■ !.* • nit t'J tiit lu/ Jm. j t ,11 * 11* .* a, curt y:i a ~ati.c ait- I i? . vll • >< *i A <. >j ilui *•<!. ! ad 4* •< J ,i>• a.mj, i.e iia *at tv Hit* !.a*.e.i i.l ran- FISK (ou::. — Ji. A. iiiiaaii, oi i; < VI. I.i e > ii.tti ini in: liik a j-l-i.*: >i tJ/f ’ ,i j -i M !• ■i- lu li iCTe eve,. ta ~ o-iii. re run Ini, ayui, it. ilc La, al5 attt: li'.lj tiiat 3l u,k‘ 45 ou.luL l - tlte acit. II oy of U.. J ,oe’ |o, lis taa L-til U.ii itl e Lea and lr>w . As <>. i> IU jd st -H'lilk a? sLt bi-:uii* as' --alurJajr v.t luct utr tii'J I:, E. i V*. Cenmu, <ce oi lire firti ti.*.;,-:, iLe touaij. E 4 iirt VrJemaii r iti.e *. AE.r witutr. lat* i J .oiji couul)* it 1 ~~7, a- t i.iifc O'* IL.J Oa, cieik ou tat | Ini oi aa : n<*i .: J>. t*’ Miiti are ucixv fituiif j. lie i;r> - a' -t ti first e:tc- ' 1 ;i-n tcr Lt J ia 31erixt::,*:r, 162*5. ar.U xoti tor tiie i, (.rider vtii.iu ILfc toaUty u orgafi iecL Tke I itcl.ou vxaa Sell! i. a U/t; hxnite fci iOxJ aualti oi tLe .rUi tciitre iz nir an oid field Ic.i-tg to 31. t. 51. J. KtoJer. For 30 ji 43 jc-ar* Hr> Varo luan Las mad in at tac War* Spn: g, baviug versed most iflLieriU/ Lt- Lie tLc war a, magivira'.e ol U.e (ecvad dtatriu. Asa Bieciiauia Le Hoad ay Utc b 1 atl. VarutOiHiiM • *;oiJ* et auuni bjr (be old. *•* ww IM coj;J U* r.iilaiaed lia* ‘(Harter. Hogausvillo Ahead ! Ts.e fl,t eotlo.i x>i the crop at lsl'J riis j ■ ,id ii II igauaviile ou toe 13:h. birncmg c i cents. Uxx r, bouj;lit iu by J Im W Hardaway and bought by W. S. Trimble. The sale Las created quite a sensation iu tiie town. Dull tiKAxoc..—'Tbe nirtchauu if tiie | S- I, Uui Sjiriuga, Uu>ugh havi ig x bul l<*xx j . itxtismera, ate rej*rwt:ti diw ’oerng q ule , tmsj tins ear oi weather iu ft ;tuln,' <-rt t lie One <>! them, in cnim quence ■xi n Imk oi Lair . p m his crauii.ui, h-xi an unusual ex'ei.l ol exposed s irtic", and liaxing u.uijlej .I ilx t> tHj’i'Ttn, d* xxi liiq: lor a l.i'il to i't siuiy his Minri-I is in he n'li | i ii. ii , n uiida! i ibtf x l t. *.c 1 < !-• 'i.n tiur. When a!> kale Uatutj luus (pi t c*s as-a.ill hiai 111-.! |>-ai mans n -guisb is lepofUsl a- btarueaduic, his : >•* live px.lilruess tot idd in { tbe pultwi: on ol liL hr axel xx lieu xvai li c >ni oi 'X e I- Uijj a x' i.p! Iller. Mr. ilt'Uiy cl. ( i*ik. ol Un- tin it in j tfilt, had b f i hhl I bit I hxst M lldi-X Hi* ft:>t a.uct ihi Ithlli I Max*. 11 s > p Ii and coin Ugunily i.i j i'd The rain ex tended duxx i. 'as 14i a J -i' ii 11 at cK't li pilit hoe. --♦•■aiw-.-#-- LiJUIIU .U- . .fch.itaek A. tV.tll liliUi, H tisticuied 0 ;U- iof tbe I.tlllqlxiin < pli i .died i-.p 1' i n_x ol xoiysUi'-i '1 the ho ,s aluf a" > i • •*■ H xx a- h- l ,e p.iu i .1 tile, I cult; c pupittw, li lin oi* t‘ mi I- tx* x• a I ii. e. Mr. lii e l iiv'iiibs, oi x* •I Un i iil pt nud List i*./.ilis i I He x'Ouilx, dli and lit It. li ii i l,t e ,ll the i.l! I. U . n li'XV iin p Igo H 'l lS’ and Id.ollttlls VC, he XX is hi) it lx || ..(itttic I li U.i ox i..;i.h"lho, 0 In ix h he hull so 1 lig '' -hi >1 \\ a. ai e|i * .p'd t' i : " ■ * i w hiii Mi. tt.ibiit N, Hn v ha s" I ii* I*, i' xoti I .*. to Mj A , l : i . 11l til hip St i . ’ I * i I*l lie iof ill pi I;, i< ! x Slixiu as 1" Io II CJxl ill 11 V ill);, 111 h*'l 1 P " h.’ Vi . | ,11. li ;■goii gt hii iy to h ix! vs. ii tin- •_■'i.i. pi* ol lie Il X . -IV Ol l IX I Ix*. II 1 1 11 X III' ll .1 . iiX i'.nu hi; 111 ii -.x !'. ti HI, ! il I. .; O' pi ll I. , * il p I lo el nod leiiiemti i *0 - eivi 1; ex< m. I I I I ,1- I-I I “lie Inl lei I n ' . . ; ill.' . . Ii I . 11. :. .ii , ll ■ livei y I .'I i* 111 111. I li ill I -i i .xx i w t,, in pi- e. a.i II".x '. 11 iy i 11. , - o-x ll -i; i-,- i lii M.x- h. x aooi )*i ■ j., ol ilo 'A i e Miiphui I S ,II luga, x ill I hi p<• lii IV ni',‘ >uj an.l I' leasnle !Ihei I"j a I, i ely e' in hood ixa go'sl us I 1.l mod tno -iir. li'- I’d'x oialrle beni ns I svi Ii i‘p;.i*'l III! I .rtnrir 1 I 111 I 'ill s in.;' hi lii'- | lei ■ 111 li O'- tool i lit J l< J 'III* ill III* plll-J" ' t ol a iu;.da'il "At x* .(* T ii-mgi ninna ii .inn c -or lx tin* i , | '*(*•( tfi UiiMli i r y i / i/, U fit •t’ 4 |.! Vt i.i. li 'A i* ;il •-{by•hli\ •\s* .\ i t*, UJ* j fil 1 IfV M * iilVf?ftl*f, 'I M p' u li, :n. ! *■ v •-.4 <! ’• " Gift l*. v< r <•../. •- a* ) s i U * ‘til • | of,. •.- \J. .if U.I P 1,1 I ,■ : I V ) { R ‘ ,g t,*|i*, (.1 AC! A((ifl f Mj, illl / Olfly G'j , >i t t ut (J v iii i/i ti t !y | i vi* j•' jit, 1 nl h It< v n,*‘t wl*i m* tlini. Jtv !* f) M a t lit r In; ;•f 11 al|(i a< <1 ' iir | DtU a * inaoy HH h' I• /f lit* j, ) . .'ii (•if * i in,* ;* i i.i ion fi"o, • j tit j.U Mr. .Ii 1,-Mi J./i vlofnt if4* Mi t • / t 'ii t " / . o' to >' n <, h I y, Ii lit xff 4 l**- It H ~.f| if 111 lil u i iii Lo* VifUUJ y I !ur Ht |> u r> t u i t h. vlt Magiu i*f br ' i il a w *?* r iif*. n i ■a' , txi \*. KA’ 1/ .! I ■ i)jf I t ’<)•*. 0.1 ')r-I■ ,| it il Ui! f I *ii jo I (suit', , f v, <•,* in m j>* n il *; ii j< om-r Ei ->py ;Gr//,)( *4 tijt iJ l>;i uui hljuj : iirf**. ■| ! i mi * in tn x xli' itnly i- ir-bi: in i.i vi'iU. A ' •'.mry Ii ■*■ l tuyv tb> ■ w ),•■ ,-avs pi id tire pr< v In r me li e (bald 'c r*' !-■- ,* ot t ’y xb'iW' r, xx Ii i box; '.i li.'lf - dhe me mllering 1 r . .t: in M iron ■' ■ I Ci A c n i, onr ti* w..u!l j ay up m if ix! on pin lied guide n gel u'j- ruoft cluy-a 'iiker. L if- ih fb Two dinky lute r<r> on tbe ■ f-rm U M*. ,M gfu er o! tbe.third and atij. i , nad a q rarrol one day la-t week while •ring at noon anil waiting for tt.c-ii n.ueitoget through with lite r proven der. A truer w.* pitched Up in I tiie b *l - aUfted t ttxe ebrr. field in lodian fie, tiie one in l orn carrying a two guilo , j m - 1 fre-ii water o*l fir* head. Taking a !- vaiih ge if bit kilmxii, lii" r*ar p;Uu"l Jet ti ja fl tr> ck which x- rorn'd ’gnii the bisca pail id tbe fron’ Z ;tj‘ baa-1. Tip parly awa Lied letting lad tee jig and lacing no ixieti'y to tile rexr receire J a b ow in the lace Iron anm’iar wln/./. ig r ek. Hushing u, o i bi< HWllliit, lit caught ti/ upicr up cl the iw;l( siing'-r b*.- ' wten hi* teeth, ami mwlciiii); him with l.O i, he d-livered a tori':. of wed di r•. td *!i Is ii the sh <rt film of the yeli e g <j*key. As eacli h! iw was delivered the *ort rer suu '1 attempt to tive back, •he expand! g ii;>, firmly bei-i by the of tie pommels.* stretching -i 4er the tension iike a piece ot stout Id d siuboef. Sluging oal‘*c&'>agb," jin* ere relax U, ar.d the compressed labfai -*#* releas'd, the thick lipped victim coai , laiuiog that hit antagonist had "ail under bola," whictt compelled him to give iu. <>r informant asya be never witnessed just such a contest before, bet represents it as a cost laughable afl sir. The proximi ty of lips, retemb.itag a piece ol ki-. ecma to have proved a kis* of, lor the pat ties have ht< ii the oe: ol IrieaJa .tuts the singular rencounter. \\ aTßnmelons, —A load of fire melons 'or? bioticht lo town iasi Satin day and .ukly bought and as rapidly de voured. lirii.'g Dome m <re, dearly bciov ed./ Trip lo Warn S. liius, Tbe Snclaon — Johasot, Engine, The Uarnesville Csaciie and oili Farlneraliip, Ficuic at Mr 4?-vrkr, l“. . ig tlali ou tiie Vindicator. %uJ ('rilit'- ai-ai tie’e In " Acci uuilaUcu olTastt , will appear I I xt XX eek. V argn lot ol loema aud oilnit (rood hints arc flooded out tliia week, III" fore, man aaeuiiiig us that the paper is up Some ol the o xv ill ke v.i over until nex> or k. e arc so tv the pa. . i la p > eu.jdl* AvrosL of Riley Rosser. li.’ejr i!nxe , colon and, agxi ml whom a rue ii I xx as timi, Ihi August term ol QUf Su| et >r coiul, IHTB, I-r uasaull xx iih a'-* emit to minder, He i lie: mini, alai r ; lilxx i l he U ilu mln lcd cpcapikl l . o; j .i la.-t A. vi m'.ici and list Ikoo at , gt u ii list l'lidiy i l.h’, in Allan’.a : i, lex t. ip* ix ie, "Her .l lli.t oixllUilioO ' he tul i xx i.g ploiy ol hisc cspc. | It iSi i pivys : li uaxoi I lie s Oxiad Saturday iu Aug iitt U t, i tally a year ago, w lieu l ooiuui*,- ted the crime that 1 ml; .'hitlgnl wild, I x*. a= uui e; m i.iu xv iih 4SVFfed* friVut, aud xv HI * Mao ling t 'gelfmr, my gnu xvi*lit ilt tlCCi..lentailx. File glia was I 'axl ed xx its aula I shot, and a good iluai oi U xv, i.l o t > my i noij'nn iii * ami aud aliou!- !t*i. it oi 1 not Innl hi xi much, as tie it i, xi e l p’l.-ii aflei and hccalilG ab Wei, ab xi r, 1 oi 'xii' bred into fit a khoul i i hx on xanli a haioHing ol the gu. , iii 11l xx. a a pine acxl I'UI. ! till lion -o at lhe tone, and xx ' ill an 111 its to line a , i I I and IIU him live (loliaia lo cfxbp ;he xx ood. I.a un.-i-xleiti! Stamp, as poti'i as he gol xxe i, 'Ool Sut’lHi F"inieucu on real ~e. iI < knexv p, I lee ly j "ti: that tin’ ah-mlton was u Hici'ienl, ■lod Ii aoii.e lime Mitua and to nirvai no \ ho a lxalel me Upon lirieig uigeii y 'i.< i. . iw xx Im li ol be-‘u shol, ixx a i iiiid lo )11 and locked up. I ;.<• | 11 ..hi 1 t uud to he made <1 nol i rm k, aud the only xxay lo gi l out. xx ns by ■X ay ll He I'.onl . i iliado Up Illy lllilht cut upon tli - . i ijuiiiiy, ami ' t! ht. Itld 'n p.Eft ll ttiiit Iw ar (•(> ,1.1: p| j ll:o and i.l lenill ' t I h 1110 t ii all' ml , '! al 1 wo lid have a heap cl L 0 oi n.ill, log ihi ii ismpl A lew days liei I was put in, h to ill F.omiucc* l*r> iqjbt i hue mi.II h. 110 ) ill alot lucked him up "ho me The uuii't name 1 touu l to hi ihi! Hall, charge I w ill, ah' tit ig ao'nc lot ion. :Iti t y ntt* r wards a nogio by the uiioe • | Ariluii Mille t was cp 'h ii , li • xx as el.uigad xx |ih iirs'-o XV . xx ire |ed aid ‘abler given os Once ■ oh day by the j tier, xxh", upon levying ip, xy -aid say, we!j, good bye, hixys ; Ik i.vve yi'imelve* * I I! - < you a, 1 h ,io . |le wo id lb i (.'I axay an I leay. 11.1 pn min |ci lei lly 1111411 .I'h il tilt uo ne to w.nrh us of pie vent 1 a from it" eiv ,r hi j lii'in aoxom hto Iho oof mdc. lie 4,1, |1 ' i lock im up and atlftweit us to inline "Ur.e!vta-A h' t xxi; could Uuilliy <3 his all one.*. \\ lo iitd 1 his mil s' orlly a'lerjao were ;i 1 m a* and xx c h Id a meet log in on# of ddo* e irneis sod e elded tibtdtk | 'ii II 1 Lance ;r< ui'< and ita* it mid malic* our u r '•!>' <ii‘ 11 . lit w Ini' xxe x el',' silting talLini;. a> ie act ►-no* une i altiftg if in the out -ih*. 'J say, IL I IniVC )ou (rot hii, thing lli'it y "U evil dipp "Ut ol Hie window i.nd I’ sooi'U liiog till' I have g"t.' The vote •1, t Iron, Hie gio 'll I Ii liw . li ill li all ,1 dn .! know the v>i *j but nnaxirid, ‘ I 'x I* ; lit a I nee <|f twine. iicif it Cline*.' Siyingtld* the twine wraa let ill ol t* w ind * to Ihc ground beneath and nm xxu Ii I aowctliiug In log ‘i 'd I > the twill'*. When it Wa* pulled up Wt mi ml (bat it an* a eld cU-el. Tue aigbi and it tr.&di 'ii all lei 1 bappy ; but we did ie t lu*<- rune'll tiin iooklng al i*. We #1 mi' I,>gan work. Alter looking aroOi.d ai: mw that oji <ii yci ace xxaa to break ibe ka me) tiara on tbd rli orx. Wrtii tbe c btel we noon pi./, and out n piece ol v ood irom over tin Aral door, and ami Iry "ding it at.d Hie >1 eel, tlx; find ■lour wa* went hick cm it* binger. A little .treaii air came in a* toon as tbe dmir w opcntid, and tlxia *>■. y ad 'e l tod t*i th* ft irnea and mail u wmk the liarder. J c i ex<r woike-1 o ha* 1 i.i ah mv life * i lid that night. V\ copei cd the fecoad 10. i by fufeiug it from it* hi ige*. and th*. -bird door we opened by breaking a bar ol non that ran arioxi the djorway. -flie louttb door xxeh the bar left <3 alHbr op- n We hnd lo fight with it all night, and did not succeed in opening It until eaily day light on tbe morning following. A* wt had expected, we found no one atchinc us, and iwn wt were out and g’>n<*. Wc bad felt Greeovilie lour miles to our back b. I rt daylight dawned upon tl. We all male our o'cape. 1’ ior old A‘- tbur. 1 thmk that they caught him some time aeo and tin- bun to the cftaic-gan?. Bill II *!! 1 saw a lew weeks ago. He came to Atlanta with me. Ido not know where l> went to, as 1 have not beard ot bim since e parted. About this tme we took our departme an 4 let! Itosser In the calm poeacaefoo el bis cell. He has a good Uce, sod seems to take his troubles with more ease than would be expected nl a man to bis situa tion. A reward ol fifty dollats was offer ed for tire sne.t of Itosser a shotl time alt er tin escape. BaiiMsa Jail.— Elscwbcra we give Hiley Hoasot 's account oi bis eacapir Ifom jail last November. That ho bail o.iLidn help -ivas iiatent bcui the firs’, and the tiruii I Jury at the'approaching lerm oi oui Sui'a’ioi Court should leok tlojaly into the matter and endeavor lo idciyfffy the pait> or parties engagad in the lyF'iim of the prisoue(f. When A llmc'Millen wax arreatexthe is rep uted have ir. f xruiol upon his liberators, un ntioc.ha? by mime thoe oimt active in diced* g bis deiiierauce. Wlicn the jcutleluan xxiio, 111 the absence of the sherill, xv is e lU Uxted xvitli tending jilis pr iaxue.rt renebod 100 j ol the mornijig ot the e-capade,Jie lound tie parent ol otic 't the tugitlvM sitting on tin atops ot the ptmr vy and who 011 he og addicpstd svitli the rvneuk the pri*- <Hiers had Cbcapcd. ler'ixondod xxi h id* amph ad emph i<i, ‘*Y.ii tut.'’ The siuu'* ja ly '.x ■ t'l'tes*ve I walking rm and the lull '!*• fV' iiuig lieloic the eaca, t*. Surely tills is r clue that aiumld be taken ll'llll of jy, The w hite man meiytio >ed s Hull in Uossiir'a aocutii 1 ia HifraiU iu-texl ol Shi 1 ill P.ofmuyo !e!t T.ixsoiy ih u nmg to bring Hi'4er home and look alter il u r ih'i) xyheu. eti m tr. jliearixlutls an* iepoiled ns ii.'u'-.i'b.x* ”;':;* skmt crops in Europe living ci' on as tile i'.iv.M*. Ui> funnels may . \pe, i, tfici. hue, to rendjn: n gxHid price l"i ttw ii su plrM w lic it, xxu'iue.'U xx lea ix Ult altej p.q t,,g it,, n* i'll. 1" the VIM I AT l(.* Romani ir Marriage. L m.ei (his he'i-Mng the Alon i I)i patch to api'ukieg ot the marriage ol M XV . it. li unit))' o'. LiUiHHgc, Kay* : hoc m*uringe at tin lx inb.i'i li * .< on Sunday last, liMJiitio: cd In the l) l-p > tcli , has a i*.matilic liivor. Mi - Hietiardsim, lie In, bad ht co addles id by Mi W illiHin 11 flu,ley, "I i.tiUiim, e, Iy 1 linn but tiie • upiga nenl vet b oxen oil to Mini cause a other. I.V'eily, Mi is ttielmrdsoii iKScame c ;ga'.cd to 11 yomi g-mtleui in ol Mi I'icl! e and >v,n to h.ive bexxn maul *d to lii 11 last t i r tit. '1 ha turns wiiu xvu.N Up, and nil liepHialiona made lor the. wed Hug . Mi Holly got ■x bid of the < mill)' nil in,mid mi :. 11 ml y went to Mallortit ami I eld a l ouMi.'.itl 11 w ith hi' vl-.i io\' • b.c !■; Iti I lii i.i p u trmiiiia to < In, OXi ith In u, .1 and 11 So 1. day Mi. Ilnnt'ey, a iih l.ilu g h alt wmil lo tin 111 pot to I like Ihe II o't h"k 1 1 IS ill for Atlanta, While xmld tg tor iii :ar, n boy 1 aunt up Uud h hi led him a not \ Tuat dule Hole was the lurnhi/ poet in till li:c. Stic hid lelcuted and agnvd to m*ii*y tiiiß, I ItMiO ■' I lately hired nma 1I < \i.dii . i ! ll 'tr l til*''--, ll' ' liip’.'lly to Ihe I|"0 "I his 1 I' ly luxe *ml xvid'n Iter I -tlou .van in the po pit, < x ("ill ding 4 ti>; pilnelples ol rcl. 'im, ten!, her with ht n nl n lively pico lo the de, ot, reacliing t' i"l i.i lime lo nc el ilo no-', riiej-tlien 1,1 ne lo Atlanta and were mar rl#d that cv’ log In prcaeiicn ot a few ot ids Atlanta irlenxjx. Mauettu younjf man 1* dnmldoinidai! al the sti ingm turn ol ilfairs, and *Tty bownha the loss ol bis bride. Well, hticb lliinvs do fits, |*s 1 aomc tlines, and v. !iu*l ilo newly xxid-hd will reall/.c Uo* lull bIM-mg* ol n n niii -iT o! love. Ikilii bride :oid gnom itai and idgli m sox ii ly 1 ii. lx*“, the one la an in emu d’lie lan I lovely Indy, tbe other na a romldnih nr and wn'tiv y un • nni". Hr iialor xfone*, ot Fn rhlii, iu b n Fourth ol July ador< *ut NL xufii, New Juia y, made the loKowing permuiHl ulmdon, add b.l worthy "I iej ellliou : Tlilily tour yen;* *go it ten par 3d Ipiy, IstliCilpm uu-l 11<■*, nought him! •xbtainid (lUi'loyu cut id m e <d tlm uianii I Minting t: laid nhminl* Iu your t*tatr. lie ir id no reamuees hut hmie t Inter, and at that early tune if lile, vxlxn cldlduti me uaualty li.e ol j e t* ol tender cuic lie .ax com |a:iled ti go loil'i iii tlx: world with Dothiiig b> tiii'ie him hut Id. own immature and youthful j-idgmen'i It' lying upon tlx; kin liiem ami j iv-iee fit thlr iuductiioua ar.d honorable people, m| J with not even an a*q laintanee l i the/dl ile, bis li-lie advmlunr detennined lb wti.ccl In* flrat drop ol a veal In ihc field <>l bou oratile toil arming the good ciliibiH ol New .Jurat!/, s'eufs tolled on, and idler receiving all'the kiudneti au i utteutiou which be l ad a right to expect, lie sough! a■ ew fl..<J ol labor aud Ciiterpi io irt ihe a; ill H iuny 'firutli, an I he *tati'! before you tu-fiy—youf honored gnexl, bidding lx: lilou(i;oiiim , i“iim "t a brnnVir ol tbe United Klaic*. fu wlial oilier laud, or un der wh it other ayatetri, would it be po**i bie lor wuc'i a man, or rathe auc b a boy II n.v; by unaided exerll )U> to the ltiglx *t -al of power ? * The addresH wa* uit!iu*iatii ally reieix ed uud applauded. SPECIAL NOTICE. HCsD 5 * Mr. Editor : Please iuionn those w!io may be in terested in Horse J’owers and want the best, that the Phelps Horse Power will he exhibited in Greenville on the lirsfc Tues day in August. Wo expect to show the Uillerence in draft bt*tween the celebrated Pitts ITiwer and the Phelps' by at taching both to the same Thresher and threshing wheat in some public place in town. July 18th.2t W. il. Piiku-h, W. J. Baknk.. The Old Reliable Drug Store. DR. J. E. G. TERRELL & CO., jvcop constantly on hand a full line of Pure Drugs and Medicines- Paints- Oil* .And Dye Stuffs ’ lit'* finest and ehenpest lot of Toilet Articles, , So.U's, I’KUFiLMES, I'j.VTIi.Vi'TS, 11 AIK Oil., ANI) BkUSHKX, To he townd in (iriHmville. ALSO, a lapjre lot of fancy Stationery. All kinds of Bak ing l’owders, Stock and Cuttle Powders. A lull supply of Trusses and Kulilhh* Syringes of every deseriptiou. , - C/”'- - ■ -: j . / Wo aro Headquarter (lor th 1 (jenuin 1 Sltmuous Liver Regulator, vkhi;iint:,- ... , #; . Hop Bittnrr, ItKADKI ELI) S KEM \I, UKOLT, \ IMll, Mi ffntt’a Toi'ihtu i, AY Kirn, .1 \ ME 4, 11 VllT EH' x mill other leading Proprietary Medicines. All Cheap For Cash- '®*r DU. 3. 11. (i. TEKUELL & Cl).. (Ireem i-lle, July IStli, 1ST 1 .). Om. SIM Pl.!*: ANNOIINT ROMRNT . 0 :/ t Imvix mi l.ami and ivili kiep through tin: n<;iturf nr tin: I’rlilu liriiianda a full Ilui of Ol NKliyl, ME 111 II \NI.IH I, co.aNniß ol "L Dry (loods, (Ji oeeries, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Umbrel las, and Redy-tnade ( lothing • ;jJ| All ol wlii.m htvu been b 1 ifjlit In (',n/t an l wilt be edxJ vny I.e*. • £4s' AU (i'-i-da nmrlxe Inl n ill mj price. I niinll ml ink one pi ion an I otl al nuotli .I. I m.iku n1 Ix adcia,/yriN, "l Ctlc.licg | r llie. I’lilrl.g ou u loxy i;bonp urtlcla,ij bill ou; in n>hl 01 iln oxv ii un id. MY MOTTO IS " K " 0 “ A'.. xx," i-1,. II unc.' 1 Opeiuii..,; ,n,il ,ly on CASH lam ntdii lo 01 lor tl 111 mf til lod Im Rfiiii- 4 . • I’ll mki Ig my I n-nd, and the Public Im ibclr hborn! |,nnma;t dtirln)? Itie b irt lime It< h,eii in '/usiiHHM, 1 resjicctlully Holicrl a cmitl iiinno-nf Hu; Manic. 1.. j. 1 ,'j:n ihto r. Mi \V O' It ilii Hun im w'ilh tre* And wull be plenc Ito a*;.) auj xvau; on big many inn In and loftHier nlslomcKx. ' ■S ’ “ r-.- —••.tsaa THE WEEKLY SUIT, A Urge Might Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad otuinus, will l-e sent, Post Paid, to any address, nil Jan. I, 1880, FOR 11ALF A DOLLAR. / -V .X'Mn-Hft ’| , ,-; suNJ f Mrxv Vork City. Til lb L’/ILL, 'l’iP; M OF and c? GORDON INSTITUTE,' Baruesvillo Ga t Will open on Monday, Nx*plmf>er Uni, I#?H, arilb a full corn* of rarncai, aneceM'nl leaelicra dcterutuied In keep up Ihc WKicaprtad and UeßciVcd ftp ilatieo ol Utia JuaiU celebrated •chrwl. ' * Oonb-n Inat’tiit* ofteia xupetiur in ’uxcmcntr lopareuU to eoucaie their iw 4 ~ and danghterr. It baa all the modern appliance. .| pxratnw amt furniiiwr, and a rccOitF ‘ tor Moccea-lai leaching unparalla'ed iu lim Hlate. Jta mnkie dx-i>axlieul fa Tnniirwlad by Pud. (Jiilleiibc'get, who baa no aupxuior and but lw equal* fu bit pmfyMion, .’Jan cMvilie ia the unl cuUrpriaiug city on the Macon and Wmera Itailrond. h baa jurtly fbc rcpuiaiion of baying tbe most nor*), Idieral and culighiem and coaimuoiiy in Oeofgia. ' ' . .. * . 'I unkiß lo |IS s<) ,x r Term. Hoard 1 10(0 to fl 6CO (tr nx i.rb. For catalogue containing fuli lulouualioix addi'i* CUAHr-Eb E. I.AMDDI N, Pok-t^ or W. H. VV(>rjl)At.L,FKtv 8-24 ly liar i.i.ii nit, bruigja