Newspaper Page Text
LHtki Midi Fatberwclght,
Mincing blouj;,
Haughty no<i arrogant,
Train a yard l< ng ;
Too proud lo notice
Hh**;> windows nr war**.
Rude •ml urilio'j- ik*".
Putting on ir* !
V -in g Mr. N >laxly,
Ll.lug q tile I•<,
B .ading of (xdi/f**.
Hank In tb* i***! I
Noising aid* I Urdu *
A lew silken tubs,
l.e tuing on relative*,
rutting oti alia I
Utile Mi*" weight
Meets Mr. N ,
"Angto l |Wtl **>•*<'’
“BweeU-at frl i*n"-
Higgle •'<•! bkdi g‘ ,
L*ve unaware* :
Each to the other oho
1’ .t*lng on mi* I
Yoang Mr. Nobody
i*e* Uiv mail ;
Bine blushing m itJrrfly,
lit; lialf alrai 1-
Now we’vn two Nobo lies
Dovm go i . I'iiirt
Spending till! h ri' ymoon.
Putting on atf'
fine year liaa past away,
MaaUa aft; thrown cl' t
Him a virago proves,
He lint a clown I
Btranguie, Hoi Notunllca
Pa** on tliij stair* ;
Void li the pedigree,
Ootte arc the alt* +
i ~Nnw Y rU Hia'.
Ancrstwri- l New VoiU
Of the Into ex-Judge
George (}. Harnard
from his seat as Judge of t In-
New York Supreme Court in
thin anecdote in told :
At times lie was jocose on
the bench and lyion Ihcntri
cal. To young lawyers lie
was especially kind. Many a
time fie corrected their papers
with his own hand, lie never
failed to go to their rescue
when they wore badgered by
old and experienced attorneys.
He was fond of diamonds, dogs
guns, and cards,
his face was seen in well
known club houses, and his
profanity was proverbial. At
times his excess made him ir
ritable on the bench ; but no
cno regretted such actions
moro than himself. Once in
his chambers, a young lawyer
since then elected to congress
from that city, then a young
man, just arrived m the city,
laid some papers before him.
Ho glanced at them and toss
ed them back to the young
Your honor, what is the
matter with those papers 0
asked the young lawyer.
They are not properly drawn
up, said the judge.
What is wrong with them ?
the young lawyer inquired.
If you don’t know ; I can’t
tell, the judge responded. If
I had ♦ tyro in my office who
Could ’t draw up better papers
than those, I’d kick him out
to the sidewalk. The words
were heard by a crowded
courtroom. Much mortified,
the lawyer took his leave.
A week afterward he was
sitting in the same courtroom,
and the judge said : Mr. ,
will you step to the bench for
a moment if you please ? The
lawyer did so and the specta
tors wondered what was com
ing. Last Monday, began the
judge, you laid some papers
before me which I erroneously
pronounced incorrect. I am
ashamed of it, and as I gross
ly insulted you in open court:
I want to tender you an apol
ogy in open court. I beg your
'faking a heuau*.
Never gave you a history of
my ceiiHUs taking J believe:
Well, 1 took .Jim Walker’s
place while he was at Chicago
and 1 had some tough eusto
ers, f tell you,, f came along
one day to a cabin some four
or five miles from any neigh
bors ; in answer t<; my knock
an old woman about forty
come to the door.
How d’ye do? W alk iu„;,
folks all gone ; take a cheer ;
were you waulin' to see my
old man ?
No, madam, said I, after ac
cepting her invitation,* 1 arn
laking the census.
The who ? said she.
The census of the people,
O. i-ot ; well, you won't
find much iii (he people about
here, the feyei n ager's. shook
it all out on ’em.
1 proeeCfbel to explain.
Dear mu/., I thought you
might, be a magnetism man or
a frenologer,
1 proceeded to get, le t hus
band's name and age, al to I lt<‘
elukfren , but v,belt Ia k* and
her it <.'*•, ,he • :i lll <■ down mi me
Hat ; I moot lied it, over, how
ever and let go. Rising, I
Mtiid :
Is t heie any one el m your
family {
There's aunt cally, hut you
don’t want her name, do ymi?
(fert,ailily, ma'am, I replied,
and hroeeeded to lake it itl
Then there’s old .1 err.v, but
he’s eenamost gin out tbit fall.
I don’t tliink tbe poor fellei II
last to aitotlter pring.
.lerry what i his Mit her
mime f
We never call him nothing
How old is lie ?
W hy, let me see ; fifteen,
twenty, twenty-six -lie must
be hard on to tliirty !
An bid man at thirty ?
Old man ! Who's talking
about old man ? I’se telling
you about- an <dd boss.
Perhaps 1 didn't pick up my
hat—perhaps 1 didn’t take a
very hasty leave—well, per
haps not.
Dog* !inl A lie* p.
Tltr qtiesiion ol a "dog law” lor the pro.
teclkiD o,' alieep ia Ih-loic the L'i>ilnturt‘
oi OeorgU, anil the result ill doubtlea*
tie some legislation on tbe subject. No
one will dispute the general proposition
that the sheep raising industry in Geor
gia is nti important aud growing one, nod
that it ought to be protected, as lar as Just
laws tan piotect it, against binjiance or
drpredatb n by dogs or nugressive
auitnuls. Hot we uiut view tins subject
in tbe light ol common stnsc, not through
the delusive glvsei sol sentiment merely.
We state these propositions with couth
deuce that they will be found to be cor
rect :
1. That the people ol UtorgU w ill not
consent to be deprived by law of too right
to keep dogs, or, wUst is (no same thing,
he prevented ironi doing so by exorbiUut
2. That they will not consent that one
mail's harmless dogs shall be destroyed, or
bis right to tcep such dogs denied him,be
cause another man’s dogs kill sheep.
The amendment to the bill exempting
one dog ior each family from taxation waa
aa eminently proper one. W e are only
sorpiiscd that it did not receive a unani
mous vote. There is scarcely s family, in
the cocmtry at least, that does not tecl the
want of a dog as a watch at night. This {
relation between man and dog has subsist
ed too long to be abruptly terminated by
a legislative act. Legislators might ks
well say that the women shall net keep
cals as a protection to their pantries and
smokehouses, because cats occasionally
kill poultry. Probably not one cat
In a hundred kit la poultry, and certainly
not one dog in a hundred kills sheep. But
there ere a tew exceptions to this rule, and
common justice dictates that the true aim
of legislation should be at the exceptions.
People who can afiord the extravagance
of keeping more than one dog can also pay
a (mall tax lor the privilege, and it would
secu to be nothing more tbau just that
tfaey -uld pay such a tax— not sib op
ptesalve or prohibitory one, but cae only
large enough to make ibein more caret:!
in the selection ot their *!■ g*, and to yit,d
a iitile revsnue lo ifae Bute. We belie**
that more revenue woo and be derived from
• lex ot Vi ceou tbxu one of 50, beta’s
ptOpie would cot to often evade tbe pay
ment of the leeser us, *od would not !x
to apl lo legard it a* u j or viud eti* ;-
ly imjsoed.
As tor dog*, ihatjkUl *!>*;.;),wby not oil
ik a them sud mike their liable I
Why exb ruiinate two-:hird of tbe dogs
,m*j bts Vtjy tax lb'- l> i tin elx t*us aft *
nf the race * ill stuep'r There are good .
dog* a/.<J b*d d<>g. and tire penf hut eel m
t/unibnxnt of tbe go'xi (or tbe act* ot tee
by'. i not in ucceidaf,*.*- with out idea* l‘
ydstie. or our jii ib'ijber <>( uw. Lei In* |
sue | * tiling dogi lx. tab wilti
10 tiieif >*u demerit i, 1 ills Ca j tx: a- *
by making li tbe d-ny and tbe ueewla ailt
'mh n and rga • b*P
tioue, a* *cil as lo make rejxaraiioß to ti e
sliin l- os her, and aotl.oi /. ig any one
tn kill Itiedog* il Hi.; o-i,r< iUi>. . li
tbovgnl irest. cond' lui all hi ol tbe • tl n
lug tkOioe by a Mtigbt be ;,i
tided for. M >oea cau ne fused Siy abl.u
to B|rarat tbe g'-od Ir. ti* tbe ixJ d'->i
and n.ake ll.e iall' i ‘,u-j S' II I toi lb n
rt..o' n* , |a*t as " ail!/ ia * UUtr
rtm-r Ur'dix.l iln;. ix.o,. l i li.e c*- *1 I—
man lx.Ui/a.
W*d" not 'vp/te; ad iar, but *
aaiil it to Im a just au l ntscnitcnalmg
xie; .md '.ixi-aliu;ii lo*. , ipe ol Ueo.'gia
W 111 applofe, ) *1: 'll liol U' Ui;le U,t
Uyi y v. t.l •{.prove or SnsCatn one j,W! In
mil' lit ' I lul.K , 1,',!, _{*. .'* H.
Nhw AllVfchl ICK-VIl.;I I
If j/w-)ebrnty Jvt buttntM, heoUh t/t nr.
rrntivn !, /An .t/imnt/ii i* /xilss, ii ,* Al l
urn luml 111 V (I ten, <h-n’l frU l‘i temrr, lUr
~n,,nl'i,n '/ ACCIDENT INhU
K N rtf Hitrifttrrl A i‘tl Ti'juhir Ajjtn'
'till iritlf "1,1 II IJI UT n i/r Ill'll:lhhj /Way In
11 Jr w nun nlet, nr u 1 n hei Jenm into to V ttl.y
tbit/* 7 ho cost it to tmuU Ihnl any mm tun.
Jfiir-l it 10 ha tru iU tit nti ('nth jnltit J r
Are,,lent,tl /njitriet yon |.| IS Hr, MX)
W<‘ * ill (**/ A*’ DM * ' . • f; ** |*f t ft, *i.jl
Ati-I *j-• * •, *• *iUf* l#. '• * •i r , *•• •* • • -ir
turn •*i>4 fur (si Dll i* *.*or * M t meat* srA t•> **y,
lf**. A Lli*-** ■"••** 4 *,>l • *!*••*, E b.
mmXi L s'o!. Min ►, lor i,< *i An*a
.y R’ ki ea iu li t Wmlt!
F.x vs" sire o ith! F.' u
L* -T X— * mnlltll HI (1 C*|IXII I . t 'H* l
MP i itie lto g*;i l. O ittu her
HllA rv i (,'o,At!IOST*, StAtHK.
\Zi t~T t~7 "T A l EAR oil rsi><nws t*
M 111 Agrmlti O itfli Fiii> Adtlr**.
p i> VICKE iY, Augusta Maine,
ADVKItmKMBN r-v.,1 4 ii o es h •
s*!it*’d t eek to 350 , "‘ r *t'i ''
-lot 41D. rt*|"d 10.;. (or 1(10 j hit
pamplet. H P ROW ELL *% LN> .N. Y,
NON Is 1..
OEOIIUIA Meriwether County,
r I tliis I* lo give nniicr ol our il.b ntlnn to
I apply 1 1 the Legislature ot live bUie
ol Oeorei i, lor tho passage ot a j cetai hilt
to wit : An act lo a low tbe undersigned
to sell i irlUious liqu *r w pita tlie HuiiU
ot the town ol Woodbury, iu tbe lower
ninth district ol Meriwether county, upon
-Sir paying lo the jppnper authorities, al
l ives and lees f>r license that may be re
quited by law, and repealing all law s in
eoitl et therewith. June 12th, lb*i>
ii. C Jones,
U. J. Josei.
N * monthly. !W*'k f
tbt* \V„rUI l.iUsrxtnr-*. N.neJ*
An Oil Ommm H\ iaeh**> ‘
YN*t," priefv : Flint k *fl >*> ’ '*?
t>tper btn.lmn' "ClirirtiM Orakl<ir *
tv*’k. in anti * wttple onpy of "wwti
Nl.vrwzin —px'^t-peml. f**r ool# 30 c' n*
in or its etamiA Ajr-n*
wsntod. tsuud*. t nMhm* fr*'*
A Idr-'Mt S. 8. Wood. TnbCH* Mrnkbn*. Nnw Yotk v .>
bridge Notice.
Will be let out to the lowest bidder on
the tint Saturday in August next at 12 o’-
clock, the repairing of the bridge across
While Oak creek near Waroetviile.
July 7,1879.
Tax Notice,
Oidcrcd by the Board of Commission
tlial the county taxes of Meriwether coun
ty for the year 1879 shall levied as fol
lows : For county purposes fifty cents on
the one hundred dollars, to be divided as
tollows ; one-eighth for Jury Fund ; onc
eighth for Pauper Fund and threc-ljuilhs
tor special purposes.
July the 7lh 1876.
Clerk- Chn.
For good snd sufficient reasons, I here
by give notice that no person in this coun
ty is authorize tod issue Marriage Licenses
and sign my name to tbeaamc, unless they
have written authority ovef my ifficial
signature and the seal of ray court I will
sot recognise any Licence Issued by any
person except he be authorized aa above
specified. -
A. J. Hinton,
oly 1-t 1579 tf. 0. M. C,
i^ianoS, OrtranS
Introluction Sal
Superb Instruinetts
¥f m lb Best Maker
TO UK Mll.f) AT
Matt and fftCturer* '•* Rates
l{ 1 '\n-/ ‘i norim. li ’
'I *ll of ,1 M tU 1 -"I* I,! *
U H ( bar- J ini is ,!*• t Oii,l,"i' id
! i.eif I .S'l -1,. -'- : . ' - ii: - I aid
tb-.r fdt* f*i ,!•.< for I it-.-i 'I , a*. .
iW**i ll-: ’ Oni- In .i j .
! ' ! a- It Uin !■ : * -■>,
I*l | .
fialea ( i.U ,
briiMil fiitro*!lll t loi, su||.
Cbxiitnsru, * I No* 1 a itnii’, r ..I
Id ail a** v* *! IMu'i i-., i* tj.r h*i i,
1; I* toe *,i> )i nl ,ol ih" ,i. ili ,< r . ,i
iD’f.pted !o Ann <■ *
shit i UK nan;>.
HA so-, v o* n*r i , ■
ITAJIO < tit ml * ala . i 1■ , ;
HA NOB I* i<, ten
HA NO S 7*l ** I li o || ( tie it: i
■ 1 I.l' ' o
♦ iw. • J *'
HaNoH O' Oj o>i,.i. nj, i r
Vtstr Ott ,1 lid 1* l'l let f ►XI
|*<7 !l Hill, a, ’Ha *l* me • Walnut Ia
Oiai. I at I >• , I', * . i
7I 1 ! M|,,|xi t f rga' t Walnut ( I*
, an* Cil *1 g..i |*. i" r Id
|kH |,fs |* It' Mf> r f ; * .
I •it i •al i ,>, ,<■ I*. i ,
Allgll*ra|)l ml i, •* * in, o ! . Vf dr c
nan *no tel r ill. • 11" ar,l: ll
and, * ■ {* * I*'|oi t * t * l n.i, Air*
<•"*< no! Mug 11 || .dm l;l lit don’t i f
Don’t lix-it ! e N> nrd r
Mason & Hamlin Cr t ,ans.
Chicknrnjf, Km be, \V*I*;.I. *' Al>
via, M ill.ti- *k, I'aitc .. * ■ v ''■ •
Honlhcrn Orn, **ul K\n it*- Pi m a. •> ;
eluded 1:> tbia a!r. A elmn S * ; N
riscire. All new Inatrementa ol s',-
sty lea,
Scad for !• tr-’di:ctl-.'n f-d> elrc'ilar , v
ing [tieea.ard fob i* ,r mat:
For ♦JO ou a Piano if fln an t rj;r.n, w
will deliver Ire glit !o auy It. t>. I
is’the 8 null.
W ]m|f nano A Offun Pp*]fr.
A-tlemtu Panel
‘ Mills.
\ TLA NT A Geo HO! A.
BOOK, \EHS> aud WRAPPi>?
All Sizes and W eights-
Address JAS. ORMOND, Proprietor.
Refer to this issue as a Sfleiicen. of t
Will be let to tbe lowest bidder on Sat
urday the 19tb of July at 10 o’clock a. at
st Chuma’s fetry, the building of a bridge
acpoasi'iiot River at the above mentioned
ferry. Specifications and plan oi bridge
made known on the day of lettotg
out tS; contract- July Bth, I?7T*.
diUjPlr’'■ - •fcytr-*:*.*-* ■ i ~
JH -'ll I iTWf;
n If?
Our new Orgrma, exprcasly desi|raed for Buxtdujr SrhuoU,
I'Kap* 1, etc., Uprevlßg.a ,
Its- sure to M-iui for full descriptive laefore
|- puri littaiuj' any other.
lUustrut.ll ( :tt*l*‘gcii- Beat !>*■<■.
If -• .
“ ' i trper-y . ,
if. i J . *S\ KlMßno,
I’f- A A 7./. JVO' a -w> .s*./>/; *j v
IU :h ly-\1 a< 1< *< ’1 (1 }ii i ltJT}
i' ■' i *;!: !!;;: • < , - : / : I Iat 1 ;,
X% * R;' - * i.i - ",< * • 'yf
.*>! U . i7‘ -
o *■
if. MM-.*:- < • I I I. ,l Ml ItPIIKV
<K inc * t ’ K -I ' ■ ... M ~„r, V *.
Mai '" ; - , ■ < l ’ 1 ■ <r !•!• ■ !■ 'j \ >* * • lit ’I <K *8
y-Nk ( , ; v ; -i. is
H*4 -. *e ' T ■ h* ' l \1 ! fl #* ‘ | -*• |
1 •: | a tnl |s< •M • MAI. / i1( .N Mi'-t f '•!!'--, {!*{<'/. kimU
w ik al *t*f r’< ? f' ’iff
_ _ • • *> ? ■
\N r YP *' ,f ! • ' t f; *■ * ' e ■•t Vrft h i l. !1 i r ! l*f t ft *J g *%r
inh'p it)f tot
WI UM ",r ;f|: ' •: ' *' TANARUS! 4 tl! *i!J |ly
f-{ N'rf! ptft Vn r ufif’ /
Wr *>, r ♦ g t I* ’ 'A fan* £ |
SI; jI \ (Jf /. f I l - ,r • Y r f- ; f
• !“• !h* >m T f =‘ ‘ Tr • • • ' * • J* r ' W f r
111 7 Y-/ il/ /; DOLL Ans
.llcp'in n ; * I s:’, k> d* ■ ’■ 1" * p
A bull- )< !of**w /, <1 ,*' . ft- 111..- -• ' 11, ; ,1. !!' < *i-p ir< and
I : ,C ’i'ijß r ' 15 i.;; M*, a- y o V ! a
riittap ee ran itif p’a y •.- u.
li*- -n Mte i ’ > MF.T J LP’ a* ’ WOODEN I. F. \L CABEB
|r, m -A, ipcc ’•• ' Sf.| ~, f, ■ . tra* vr ] f , .!> - 2 {„ |i,
tine Uwt can be 1 "7b! Mu i, rAt a P debt;, a(• j B irl|
'lob-' ■ t
All we sk it to 'if given nj’ iv It; Paa l.xre •.til-o-Uon n l rionoo,l,
Bf-rn-aTifle, <fa., April l l!b, 197/.
Maj C. W. ShATos. ( Apr. D.D.Pedbv.
} X-'
:' “
i Fire * Proof Ware House
Gr ;ffic Georgia.
Guano, Guano, Guano
"Cl'™ OBkOE
i tl A I E,
The above are tiriotly first dan at o’d prirot ahd'of vnff .rm grade .
We al*o have tbe followrar Acid Pboeehate* lor comporting Wandol \rid Slone
Arid and Chmrterton AcW Thoepliafev at 400 ib* cotton pc* too ' C ’ sto °*
We reapedfally and cordially invite Planters of Meriwether an J adjoininrl counties
to ria.i ioe our Block before buying elsewhere J '* coool,es
No bitter bra ads made than tbe above. Respectfully
„ * I
Slaton <fe Porio n .