Newspaper Page Text
.I —T " ■■■ IM* i- ■ r
- \SLSim
The Oroanaboro H srt*<| Uia in i* j -
iug far lift death at ttt talented editor, J
ff. Lewis. Eaq., Mr Le* * r.“dy
writer and pnjtuWog young attorney.
Our exchange* here ao jpixbied <* Mb
count to th. trouble in the Hl4*)* e*m*
at Emm tbst w*- one scarcely rwignlte any
part of the article a* belonging to what we
wrote. We have I** incorrectly f|Utoed
We have always regarded Bulks* *
black aa be bee lmen painted, but is It wt
Uue that bk moppod the wild land clerk in
bie money grabbing operation* while g'v
amor ? If ao, why could not <w 1 ofapiiu
do the *m fWng during Me adninistr*.
tkm __ __
The proprietor, Hro HWpe, makr. BO
|K*apot m jarek of tbe fact, hut it la bcv .
ardielMM true that tlw Carrollton Tunc* la
**. (A the i*M edited weeklie* In the
State. ' * f
Buelioiui for goremor and four congra**-
men were held In CtaWfonda la*t Wwl/tna
day Tin- dulegatton In I*#* houaa stood 2
thatrxrntM and two radical* aid a demo
cratic ieglstnt.irc Oraat Intert la foil In
Wednowkiy’s election
'rite gallant (Jen. liud *Ud id yellow
fever in Ifew Orleans laat Haturdsy, lii* wife
and one child toddii# prwwded him to tiw
tomb <miy by a few .lay*. He lea*'* 10 '*
It chikhren, the oldnai lating about 12 year*
of ag, hi* wife 11* ring boron twin* four
thru*. A few y ago <*<m. Hood *
<|tiila w**Hhy, hut late flnaaoW rover*-* in
l/mUigii.(gciirillna leave Id* children In
deatllntfl r.irntiuu>t*K* These cnffr^rT
present a strwig apptwi 1® m,un " f
•oiith for whinn (ton. IliiKl (Hitfc
•nil in wli <mr Uifwt nr lost a leg at'd thn
use at onr arni
Col, Krutoi, wfg!m<i If* charge, pofl* and
some time store t<U li we Uliovc,
108 hilW* from frcvllle, oppuall* Atlanta,
by the (luUtahnorhtw river to West 1 'obit ;
(lull with thn ngnepMon of. perhaps,
mlh*. we (|untn from mm nor y, the river I*
navigable for bout*, and thought an appro,
prinllnn of *170.000 would to suiflcb nt to
nikko the stream navigable everywhere to
tween thn nbovit point*. in tin: fm <
of I limw furl* from tin oflklal mnine, of
wtuit servlet- rim a perilous etatgrosskmnl
cruise to ?
A reply to albglal"Titurrprmwnuflfm* l>y
Die Tallxittmi Btandsr.l U crowded out tide
work. We are aorry to touch Bro. Mum
ford whim lie Mens* already m bwHy gH**L
Iml he must not rtitnplaln, a* he brought it
* himself. **#* hi just • Gmdcr
with him M w* ran and ft** 1 Him a Wwatm
or two In wkHlion and subtract km
(Jordon Institute at llarneavlUr opened
laat Koodny with 140 puplla, Ihn largest
number ever Into on the flint day
Three day* have liean consumed In pre-
Uniiiuwtw of the (kikhmilth trial In the
meantime then- are very derided tmikm
t lon* of art let** of Impeachment being pre
feired against ('apt. Neluui, keeper of the
pen Itentiary. ami Mr. Reufjoe, the trewni
rer. Nelms la aahl to liave mail*- a rontrnet
to deiver coevict* at a certain price per
head and then come out even to have charg -
and for deliverlea not really marie c onatnn -
tlre deliveries lie styles him There i* no
law either for the contract, nor for a chance
for i-onetruetlve deliverlea.
ltonfma could not make hla #*oo,ooo
bond readily an be agreed with certain At
lanta banker* that If they would go cm hi*
bond he would let (hast w the *to*'* moo
y, they dividing the preita with them ll*
Oinks he ha* not made carer #5,0b0 by thin
neat lfule openklon.
• We regard the caaea of Netine ami Hen
fro an being much wont e than that of Guld
■tilth and hope the same course may be
pursued toward* than* that was taken In
regard to Goldeniith I*l there he no fa
vor* shown to any one.
Well Myertiwd Voyago.
Sometime laet Jane (Sept Fueniie, M. C.
from this district, announced by letter tint
after release from congmwionri datlw be
would visit the Chattahoochee river, end
from actual observation leers ell about iU
navigation and the otutadee thereto. Im
mediately eftcr wmgres* adjourned * was
rumored that, Hayes would call the body to
gether In September and the friend* of the
rim trembled for fear the Captain would
be prevented from entering upon hi* hold
and adventurouf voyage. To the gratifica
tion <* many the preakleut waned no procla
mation rdconvdurog the weartad honorabjee
and our merilher.'wm showed to perfect the
plane for hie projected trip.
Since hie return BBTO*, two months ego,
wc suppose he baa been diligently engaged
In tnakiiy preparations for m. extended
eruiee, as frequent eßariooe have been
made by the pruts to the expedition. We
Judge from a late tame of the Columbus
Times that everything* now to
the Captain touched at the Wsrm Springs last
week en route ft* West PoinCwherebean
ticinatee hoieting hie flag, and, Columbus
Uke, aeu to wife, kindred and
friends, proceed to launch hi* craft upon the
atomy depths of the swelling Chattahoo
chee. With nought *> guide him but the
basks of the winding stream, no abetter at
night hut the frail roofe of farm
house* that dot the. shares, no I
chance to lead except at lOtiialo of
one or two hour*, this courageous, congee*
Qjifiod two (f) long
dreary week* to brave the perils of a migh
ty stream that now la reputed to average
f~Mn four to six fort in depth t
We may remark that all these trials are
to be endured, lhea<: hsrdsblpe suffered,
Lhasa dangew braved only for the lieuedt “df
tin good people of the 4th umyreteioual dis
trict When tbit fcarte** Captain n*m hi
bis place neat Winter with face krorotod iy
Byjxjsure to Uus fierce Hepteasber wealkeir,
and derail* the peril* enoountered during
Una terrific two week* tail, we Riay espeto
Harry White, the fierce chMtarn of the
Eiskcmiuet** and dyspeptic l/rrtnr Con
ger, the chronic Micbigsa objector,to Hated
with tearful eye* sod beavtag breast* white
more sympathetic men,tier* crowd around
Hie famous sailor and assurt him that tte
(AteUaboocte* shall ha* - an appkoprtstlou
of half a milium if he df-mteu it.
The Tim** add* that Id* oumotneut*
will, we hope, reap a large hii/ves? from
the seeds he >a now sowing
Yes, in Uie laognag* of Edward Everett
when sj-eaking of the voyage of the M’>
flower across the stormy Atlantic, ' 'Me
thiok* l see him now," with huge sack* to
congressional aeerla [>tle,l *r<e,ii Win,s’and
tag u tlw irow of hi* teoat as *te pr<atll>
plows the f'*)itg waters, his farmer's
apron girt about hint, acattering tin; seed
up <ju tlu; teas on of the stnattn widen two to
yield Ills <?** iiio-nui such a ‘'large Uarvial “
Wk regret ilie lumoraiile cAHtr.i under did
rug 'ntrry two or ihr- mail sacks of I'uldie
documents to dump into the aMlow ptec,*
as he journeyed past Uiem. They U*/
might produce a ‘ large harvest *
On r l/iKt wisltea at tend our worthy refwe !
sentstive. May he liuve a Is/fi voyage get
rid of his aupply of seed, survey every ms*
Wld inlet, mark every landing ami reap the
large Intrvirst Ins patriotic, adventurists U
ilcrlaklng deserve*.
(lovernor Drown apjs-anvl te-f<(- Its- j* r,
Itcntlary Investlgatiiig conunittsw, arai is
fore ticing Interrogated asked,** a mattei of
t'liJUbeDvnf., bis own stenogtaphh write
slenild !*• alU< A<l to lake down lie- 'cs’l
rniaiy that, the governor might revise it
This (iainawl Was rofuswl, He oosnmt'te.
unaninseisly dn-ldmg lliat tlv goverrve had
no such right, and tlial he inua' t- otandn
ed M (tjo r witnesses Mr (bwrard of
Mustvigee, was the prim i[wl otijectrg
Tlie editorial corr<**|tiitenl of the Ogh
Ugjrp Ki'Nd say*
fteunral tlarlrrdi, of Atlanta, will he
candidate for Uovernor, ami will itailghw*
make * strong racn. lie. apoki In the kind
cst terma of (air onunly anti inquired after
iviauy of his old frienda,
WI I,L to #dW before the court
house donr In the town of
• Ireenvilbi Merlwetber to ,<l
during the legal hour* of aale, <m the t!r*t
Tueaday In October, 18717, the following
property to-wit t one undlvl.led, one fifth
Interest In a certain tract id land lying anti
Mug In Un laittorvllUi dlatrlct of Men
wether nownty, the entire tract of laud con
taining 400 acres more or lean, kmrwn and
distinguished "* the place whereon Mr*
Duncan now reekku, said oue, uodlriileri
1-6 interest in said tract of land levied on as
the properly of Thoa, T Duncan, Pi satis
fy nfi fn from Mori wether Huperior Court
In favor of John M. dialling*, v*. Thoa. T.
Duncan ; property pointed out by Plain
tiffs Attorney aod tenant notified as the
law directs. bf.
A Urit,
At the same time and place will to sold
87 seres of land, more or less . lb* same lw
ing part of lot of land No. ‘JOfl, situated,
lying ami being in the lilt District of Mali
wether county ami known and distinguish
ed M the litchnrd Itonner place , levied on
as the property of Richard Bourn r, deeens
ed, P> satisfy a fl fa from Justice court of
mid UHI District, In said county, in favor of
Cunningham A Bro., v*. Richard Bonner ,
levy mark' ami returned to m* by T <1
<4411, L. C bf
Al Ihc satin time and place will Is: sold
3034 acre* at land, mors or less. No not
known, sMimted, lying and being iu tie* Btb
district eg Meriwether county ami kmrwn
and distinguished m Die jiiact* ami kit
wherwai the defendant, Jolm 8. Blalock re
sided t the (into of his death, and whereon
the residence of John 8. Blalock, deceased,
W toeatod ; levied no M Iba property of
John B. flMock. dsommd. to satisfy a fl fa
from Meriwether Superior Court in favor of
W. 11. Hartnett, ve. J.*n a Blalock ;
property pointed out by Plaintiff* Attorney ,
tenant notified in term* of the law. ah
At the same time and place will be bub!
aU that tract or parcel of land situated, ty
. ingand being in the town of Greenville in
! said county of Meriwether, containing one
and one half acres, more or iwa,and bound
'ed as follow* : on the North by street or
rood running from Greenville to Griffin, on
, the East by premises of David Kite, oa the
South by premises of Myron Ellis anil on
| the West by the public square, with all the
. buildings thereon ; all levin! on aa the
| property of John A. Robinson and Walter
|C. Robifwon (under the torn name of Rob
inaon & 8r0.,} to satisfy a mortgage f) fa
from Meriwether Superior Court in favor of
Moon, Marsh St Cos., ve. John A. Robinson
and Writer C. Robinson ; property pointed
aid in arid mortgage fl fa. September 4th,
O. 8. FT-OHENCE. -
8. M. a
Notice to Debtors and Credi
All persons indebted to the estate of Ep
sny Brown, deceased, are hereby notified to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing demamte agrimt said tutpte will pre
sent them in term* of the law. This Sept.
3rd. 1879
Adm’r. |
IGEOHGIA— Ordinary’# tXftow
Meriwatber County. ( bept l,Ura|.
Wtema J- W Wocdrout. Executor of
the ostote of < lifioni Woodrouf late f
t/sinty, dwsaaacd, bavin* by his wrtttca pm
tit ton affplusd to sac far ksavw to ucU ail the
real estate of mid detwaaed ■>
'Hite :e tb< refort to cite ad peraoa* 00>
eemed to sis. w 'if <*y they have; eft
my office ob 'S’ Iwforc the fine Measday lt
tjaobcr next, why an ordw to sell said real
encase, should or* be granted said appE
(H ver. under ray band and official
, ifi erKvtil/ 1 -
h, j urs-Tox,
O. M C.
OBOKOIA— 1 Onlioaiy’a Offiee.
Meriwether Cou**y } lst.lfiW.
Wbertaa Miss Mary E. lUalock, Extcw
tn -if Tixuu as Dlaiock, iate of said evamty,
-Urwased, liavtng by her written iwtitfam
to ine for isave to sell all the reel
estate lit said itecnwaed
This Is tlswef'sc v, cite and wlmocuih wtj show range rtf any tlicy laflte)
id my uffic*, on or lsi<a Use fin* Monday
in tie t, why an order to said
real estate should not he granted suld <tjrj>a
(liven under my hand ami official
A J HIXrilM,
0 m a
OVbfWfA f Ordtwery'# OUbm
M'flw(Alter Ormaty.) ihq* IS, IWTk.
Whcreae W If. Eefter, Admintstnshir o
tlie estate r A F.pwy tirown late of odd
rv/nnty, dsrwasod, having l<y bis wrlUon pw
tithm applied to me for leave to sell all the
ueda beioriging to said edale
'I l.i t* lie o f<* to cite all pBMMMI* MU
eeril, in aimw unite if any they have; M
my ofthe. on rw !adore the fin* Monday to
iretoU r iiC*t, why an ' nlsc Irvw .t said raai
(Stan rtesikti m* la* granSed add PVB
I '
natter usjr ha 1 *! ami otto lal
signal u
OEOROIA ' Ordinary* (Jflle*
Mertwvth< r i Vamty ( Kept. Id, 18711.
Wtwo a* W It Keller A.dmirdslnstrir
r-e in. in ■ Wjvm tin eaiaU- of- John I*
Kullcr late sahl nouaty, ipweawd, having
by his written petition app*tod t* tea tor
have to sell all the real rte* of add dm
Till* is therefore to rite all p*t*w* em
ei-rmsl, to slerw cause Of any Uwy have) at
my itfflev, no or ts-for* tt fir*t Monday la
October neat, why an 'wW to sell aid mat
> stale sin mid ma lw granted sld ajipfi
(liven under my hard and >flk M
A J lllNTtiS,
out ,
.. iMt ' . ■ ~ihWsi i<a'uMaf(n;
080 t U I Ordtonry’* llk*.
M* rtwmiier OtoMrty. | J > y’k H, l-W*
W l.eiea* Juebsa Brwa#, ** MtiluMi -
tur at the astats of J. # A. Mrtrg Wf)
d<e.d, rvpreWntt to tba court, I ft-g t>
h** billy Sim al*wr*d U* *Haw of said
ilemmami and applkw (t letter* of diem to
lon km hie uo* a* aM A lmlawti .
This Is thnrrto *to eft* mid admonbl
n Conner n#. to #kl Utolr o%|s*tk>a*, Is
stay uflJoe, U toty they havth on or hefoo
he flr*t M >nday m Mew—iher nslt, Pi
show ranee why eald aimtointratue hnal>)
not recelv ■ tottoti of dim*,lesion horn hi
mat ** administrator store** to.
fltven nudwr my haa l aod of# i<M
nre, *
A. J. niKTON.
O M .C. ,
GEORGIA— \ itohuanr’* Offfoe,
Meriwether Cou**y,i Sept-, IM-, 187#
I will mil public outcry Is Qiitwriße,
' between the legal huur* of aaie on the fhw
Tuesday la October ant, the Interest of
Thomas T. Dwocaa Is tte Real Ertate of
Thomas N. Ikwcaa deceased, the tame twa
suiting of ooa-#ftti hrteswt la the Laml vt
said estate being feat lamlireil ecres situate,
and lying in the LutbervHke dMrict on the
road leading from GreewttHe to Btewna*
one and a half mUea from Lutherville eoM
to satisfy a mortgage rlahn Twros cmfi—
This 3m) (hyr at Beplember 1873.
ssisic-w.} asm.
To aH asham li amjr aanam : Whwaa
Wm. APWlrOfatidMato #R w*9M
Coweta, appfiea ter Mttma of Admintotoa-
Mon on the eatafla at Juawa H. Ouiay, h|R
of Meriwether enmity, #taawl Thaas
are therefoaa to rite and adenmiah all and
singular the khsdred aa* caadßon of aakt
deceased, to Aa* earn gt Wf dfce, oa W
before the flret Monday ka October nest,
why letters of AihuiuidhHm on Die mtoto
of said deceased shoold nea toaie to aH
Given iwder my hand aud efktri signa
A. J. Murroß,
O.M. O
hi rtAA TO *OO 4 YEAR, or p
do ss well aa men. Many make more Mu
the am rent stated shove. No one caa fail
Vi make money fast. A*y ana can da A*
work. You can make bum taste, to $
an Her by tail tag J** *•■
spare time to the batimon. Nothing Itah
BvnhMMptaaaautsad strictly hsawahtr
Header, If yen wml to knww ail abot Ida.
beet paying buatoem beJar* tha
o* your address awri ws wM aaad you *B
natlkietett wrl f 1 “ —— *— ?
worth p ata hue; >eu m ttanraakenp
your mind ter yuunaU. Addraw GBORGB
RTINAON * CO .Portland. Maine.
We Call Attention
To our large tiiw; of LAidEh
HXE r liOe iitadt- to order tin*
Spring. Prken of which are
lower than heretofore, also, to
our line of heavier hoe which
ii full a t l co ttpleto.
tAbdCBKa -aieHS stews t*M •••* #.
• Ovate atowa .... - - |d(t.
, r ‘* k’gh * * •* -36-
“ " * * vEtea)')-* 2A*j
(fr Fo bmw prto |4.20
fssdte* to rye Oo*( (o*J vEwgie,**') 2 %
Iff; fan > priaifiJS
tetdte* Khl •**•! t/ .stef'tl M
Iff* fidsutf taws # toj
Laima hid Toss(ZWgter'.j • 241
HF~ Forma* pr a. #2 to),
tails* is Ut#w4 •*** stew* ■*#
„ .• •• • • - rX s*ms •] -. ir
Me. r * (I .1., - ij jsos (*•*' rrs-l. |> Jo
** tls I Reap t Tha (p>is owl Itoi
“ O .gre# tlatter Hut
•* Rwfl - - ■ ...... 178
- A, Clf, Ah ah ituskoi - *1
W tots c rdud P,. *i P*i|, JtS ail JU
<• U
Be aidui striped Daisies* |\| ># *i JO.'i..)
‘I in c ! .
Have a tsw | t*rr* uf Drte* lw d* >li
srhigle St it I at UllittT HUnc*u
l- ■** - . PU is
k Idl In suf btorh ALT AUAJI as 1 w a
h tsMight in tht *>••*,
A!*>•, lid 11-MV aid lleefheisSrt* tu
test v<ru-iv,
AU , CHARM -‘tttAlTY- and “AA,’
•ha Mm String corset* n.a
KMit or Tun tb>*en lutdies bsndsotnv
BOMS .*d riErt.
ml e hr ktti and UI he rapcaisbr!
Fioni Eastern Market*.
A tow *uji* tech,
mi Lbicn jrt kh-
attpleiiiHJ line at UOT TuNADEH aed
0 ■
July, ISO*. 1899.
4 *• .. - *
Griffin, Ga.,
i o i
UxiAiiuitsg toy thtetos t. te. .4 Manwachct County for tbetr H'lwral ;tairocago
dwuqr ttor rows- ear. lam Iwf.wv you ggaiu for a cntitimmr* at yw fmvmx* pte-
I am prepwrcl uj <mumxs the EAf l. fflfifflffif. wuh a Mtpcnor Mock of g“d
ubu*By kept in my :tn- rdy idfcv theM, tf pnmy turn .wifi cuwprte with
any market in the state.
I hove f(*t*i pstftktoßT a'tei.t I*l (hs psti'haar of, BAtkiUiU AMI TJLi*, OROCE.
Hir 4 I'I.uVIMoN.- NTU'f, * v Idktlte IHMITM AXn MUIKS, mrß as *ll
ortjehas rwrutfwi fy toe FAIIMIKO PTttLtf.' 1 nhali sfwrv mi fun# 1 pkwat you M
r.VEltr I AHTK f I.Alf, ej< saffv hs E> sod fjl AIJTV to
'* I gtukrtoiitct. every article sold, to be as reprMeated.
! mo prepared alar to ’iv ilw rot tin * ”*3 ■‘UteMMlva Bud can aiway* seeur* fog
C ! ei tte high, at in, l*,t pi j #.*-■■ 1 - .v;rv a ÜBBBBAU.V,
1 l would wats (hot we *r* prvfwred to dfcsr y<*i that HEAtot iS -.fat asm* lot inn ossaat
The**** to OEXERAL MTKIKIfI AMDtMK to tr •) will he eager and MOKE
HKJ MCTthoo srvrr t-fnr <dlred, and wv <iui wy in all 'to* * te-ttev* * wUI
te to put Ino-emw t„ g|r* us a l*h and facta trta' at • act
We k***w UmA Itortowih** ks a targ* ami intowwttan *v*mty, r,d fa 1* fa, the iateWM at
1 t rnffin fc> offer vow icb Ueiuu 'rn uts a* wtft eng' tor os v**w( ptenmagr.
yrtt'ft** TMt'l .V
A <2* kfith WO* Bte
The Old Reliable Drug Store.
Keep coneUiitiy on !i*utJ a full line of
Pope Drugs<and Medicines- Paints* Oil
And Dye Stuffs
ESP*' The ft cent and Cheapest Lot of Toilet Arfickn.
Fajv, PERmnsß, Rxtbacts, Hatk On and Ika ffßEs.
To b found in Greenville.
ALSO, a large lot of fancy Stationery All load# of Bak
ing Powders, Stock and Cattle Powders.
A full supply of truMcs and Rubber Byringre of every
Ve are Bealqurten fir tke Geaelae liaawßt User
Hf Biiterr,
end ther leading Proprietary Medicines.
S*“ AllGheap For Cash- *•#
DK. 4. E. G. TKRRELL k CO..
Greenville, July 18th, 1879. 6m.
Wih* CtuUUu, Ukitu O', P*.
Otar at ta B>Bearer At. Tart Ofy
Bridge Notice.
The coaSraot for taddtag a Mdge rnmm
Hint river, knawu m the RijruoMs* Mita
wta he let to tael il HHntata—pir
/ fl 11 LW „ •'
Aug- 2Sod 1879. 4t
■MM ADVtmanfDTß.
Mary f INI permnts
pM heytagiwtatatatail —t
KljZi INm* 1 ,**f
y*ea mh h# WerM.
Ka e •> Got* Free —...
JKTXAsfftss- 1
*'-Siauitfjßt'9ari tax
tern dm man? aJims aa mmdgt et a
rente* —p X Jdree* (te? T. ftawef dlOb.
If Spruce , H- Y.