Newspaper Page Text
Tilß VIN'iHC A ) OH.
.... n' ", . m ■■ —■■■■■■—" ■*" -
ORKF.NVIJ.Li:. FRIDAY, fit* 12. 1*7!)
Thr Atlanta Mull weeklyrDiapatch < > i be
liinl for 42,00 per annum At l* <<h* of the
< irt*uj***t and bn* pajxra pubfiahed in the
Mate ami we heartily ewmnw'txl it ** w.xthy
the palrooagr of rxir n-iuU-n
The ln|>e-u tiii-nt trial of fV4 < .obl/uuU.
{< 40WI) pmrwtfiui! ui't the lawyer* tr>
making long and learned •,*•• lx* Nothing
further bit >*fi t*erd riwjx-.'ting the rn
„„x.d impeachment of 'few** Renfro. awl
N.-lnw A frill Im* Urn lnr<slurd to dc
. lure the office* .if Treasurer and ke-*J*r of
the I’euitentlary we ant, ml 'U> charge*
again* tlx** ndloti may lx i/xnpr'*uis< <1
111 * bin nay
In tlx full ...ngrtaw *>• bud Roiiiu il.lo
PitlkM, l/ifi fi/o UMiilduO mkl Trinidad
llinmm JV-hew r .if*|* r • '*< Vrtl '
1 imunw, He i4h*r have Iwu relegated l*
privalr life Brent ano ) a German andoue
of tin' ttx*t burnui rix-n *0 <lu "go, who It
nty lx* rejxeixmlid 111 rougrt r* i'> h"
ami llougro an* rijnmnud*
The Atlanta < mutUiKlon of Htiixlay xt/to
that tlx* amount off .ulrifxttlorn **ut tiiat
office for tlx* IxuiHlt fo*n ll.rrl a <x
j.haixd children baa reached >1 '4# Gen
Tootulm liaixlrd in *K <oxl aald lx* wmtbf
i>y a like auxitinl annually a* lout/ * In
jived Oov llrown nailrll.ut* .1 flWt
Rofliuahto IV lu'o win * w ,11 e|r ted liru
tenant goveflXx of California fry a majority
of a igle ,xl returned to tin
emigre** by > aw* niujmtlv am! after Iw-tng
thrown out In thr deux* rat* u|xm tin
ground that hi wa* 1 Mealed bv wieitvofr*
waa triumphantly eler-trd to e.>gr.w Ur
week Ilf U xitr. of In* elect,.„, tin*
■To the . organization 'if tin- It l 1 i ■' it tin
nira f>( < ' tii|rri > ial Mtnih I (mi
.|nl| received jtiK' Hu reijulMti 111 n 1 1 >< t .1
e<Mi •In w * tire tun •In tiim *■ “( ’ I nl
ifi.fiiln 'M tinrcprcwnli'l til Mini thin Hud
Hie ritra Munliiti iml Ihi ii • iilhd by ll.imh
eongrewa wiittttl iM'l have naaenihiid until
Ihr I*|i|nin< hlng Ilm udw r ill will’ll event.
< allfornla la-log |irnM ut willi fmir nutli 1
mrndiera, Hu derm'rat* might haw found
It Inipoaaibh' t”nrgnnl/e tin- ll’io**’ Tliuw.
tin- extra wuniiiii after it!!, tlwmyli nut *<i in
lixuled wmt a 'III ided ml vis I* jir in tin •1*
mm riwy.
Liltf Mln-titiuy.
On llir llilnl nf v*f min i ( itlif.nmi Im lil
sn rlll'tlmi f’M governor, slid'' I.nil If * * ’ll
KTi'twini'ii nii’l uti'inli’i.v "f Hi* legislature
Pull return* liave nut yrl l -,, ii rt < •!v‘l l"ti
enough I* known In allow Hull Hun jiulili
cm in Imvr curried tin ■ wtntc, electing 'ln
governor nml nil four of Ibe imijti* *> n’ li
Tlti nwnill is ihi'hledlv unfavorable ilcni
ocratlc prt>|w'i l>t
Mi hi. In) mi cli i lion wm Ih lil in
Maine for governor nml memliern nf the leg
lalature which reunited in ncn ni|h ■ deb
fur the rlciimcracy. The CfHltrwt lm* In in
one of flic ftcrctwt ever know n in flint t * it*
ntnl nil clawH 't mnl condition* nf people have
liccu thoroughly Hit Mini'll \V lilln n demo
cnrtlc victory wim mit ■x■ Oil ill Mnmr
wtlll wuch large rc|iuhllcnn ■■ ii'i* were not
lm iked for.
Til# reverw” in California mill Mnuic will
eicfl nff unfavorable inline mo ii|m|i the
domnorallc campaign in Ohio. II Ohio
ami New York go for the republican* thin
fall, ami the nut look in anything hill cliiwi
ing Jual now, the radicals will nlnmat n r
fninty elect a prenhk'nt in I mho
Ileniocrath' Haccmloicy in tin- llnuac nf
Kcpreacutatii e* in now of imtsl unccrlain
tenure; the next llnuac with only a alight
gain will lie republican In view of (hear
alarming filet* it in high time Ihc demo
cratic leaik'Tw alt’ml* 1 erase their peramwl
wtrife, lay antic their iwouliar ootirai*
rewiwtlng tbe flnn'ii ini issin •* nml untie fnr
the overthrow of tlw common eneai) l T n
lim the bawl and ahrewdmt ataleamen an
pushed to the front the demorratie twnner*
are (k<onie(l to trail in the < 1 tint
1,130 VlJlKlit* W!H> AKK MV
la mr Imu<‘of tbr 15th of August w .
published tlir follow-jug pungent little item
From the receiver'* digest of Tullhh we
learn that a fearful mortality ha* afflicted \
our alatcr county since the cougrcasiofial
election last November. We have not a
copy of the return* before u* Uit our rcc
olfaction la that Harris received about rah*
vote* in the county, Person* hail some
thing tike 141X1 majority over hi* opponent
making hi* poll IWO vote*. The wtr of
Harris ami Peraon* would run up to 2400
and yet the return* six or eight month* af
terword* give the white poll* in the county
at 718, black* 943, making total aggregate
of 1879, When 1 , oh where, are Ihe tiiiesing
eight hundred : A*k of Taylor and Schley,
3. Oaoeva, the precinct nearest the dis
trict of Cfan. Phil Took, who hail no opposi
tion, gave Persona 300 majority; will some
friend turn to the tax digest for this year
and note the number of poll* in this pre
The next week we added the follow ing
on the same liar
If 3,400 ballots wen- cast in Talbot coun
ty laat year ami there are only 1,600 polla
this year, the remaining 800 usual voter*
must be men who an- ovei (X) years of age.
Dors any sane man claim Hint numlier ? If
so, speak out
On the 98lh of August, two week* after
the publication of our first article, the Tai
! braum Stand*/.! mutilate* and oiinrepre
| wot* tike ptewr, and after rhaegiug our Fie
; t'Hti ain I R o*lw ami rooiiy iuxtrmtiiy; It*
j printer whin; fir.-t. ij/liij>; t/. tjta'X** our run
language to Iraki 7*91 .afill.-* willed to !)42
| iwx te f‘M up a t'Xai of 1,170 wlx*lis#*>
luxl U piaini) wnl correctly primed ! <770
1 atxl ha*. ifij; out all of that sugsrative par*
I graph nuirk.*d 2 tin irat. gcntlmian pro
■ eciela P. rail .<* ixu‘l HUM/ aixi [rut •up tin
follow u.g auni4fiir exm/ liefema
\* of :<!tj,a’n* forrr eux* tin*
lire , lx 1 full MX.' In tlx t'**< pUne
ffamx r<efv.'ii only 44'. *. x.- i I ill..
, e.xml) ajxl 1 #(X IVruofw. rt*i, it-tj | np',
I nikui>r a t.4a! <rf ' ".*) v.x.* in tin*
county VH I(.*1*111 know:' a!! atr/u 1 .1
ami .av. that the t.Hiil jx.ll .if ttn: oiliitJ
ar 2 40*1 Ix.l j¥Xix*txxly l nnxtak.n <x
tin <■ He] lint ac< ..r.ltnjf l. tlx* jr.-nti*-
. mail * own Hjrn.-x tain 1.7*10 fnan 2 (tat
:unl 'l** -it leave tin . l/til lutlidfnl Unit lw
l.laimx to hetniwlny Oil, lt*vill, Ux*t art
,1 /ai .Irt.-jv.*r ajwl K<-vlll<*r in Mx, ilim
t.kni/lxt of tnio.*|X'**,*x nlatlrti. Tin- fa. 1 la.
j TallxX e.ailrtv Par at U*xi 2,dOU <H. r<
thir rrmntv te naturally very Imalthy. ami
tin* Uxi/evity of .an . iti// n i r**m*rkl.!e
Tlxfe are nuiula ra .4 rix-n in tlux e.aiuly
win. are (.net HO yearn of age ; a nil the <l>*
wtjitin* It/ 'UI well know* that they are n<4
..ainteif in tin* numlxa* of fxillx rII-4 of
I jx.llx <t the tnv hook* <onl that I* wltere
In* sfi*tx tin I,7it) .‘nptlxw aurh .x 1 are
' lx*tw*. <n 21 anil Won the fltxt tut* of \|irit
ami ixx in r all >4 tin tn, hx . erylxaly
i km.** tlnr. > always kiialrul. in every
j.taint V who 'l"rt< I jrlve in Un it tax enfx. i
ally in a lary. anil a e.aiuly ,i*
ITaltxX (na alar.l of tin 9tlh
lire. >
! \ to our miarefwaenl .itlone w> i,i|.|
Unit '. ** n.1.1e.l to ill/ mak,. l.flTO Vfiitn
' lot.! (Mil *it 1,. iff II in* will vav I. * 1.. I( • I
. tian/. ,tu 11/lire* mt. ntloimlly ,e.*t t aun-a
mM |l,| :lj. || numlal . . orf * < ill w. ill .11
I I fit* I. j j . v j.! iiiat ahi
11. |ilofa.. to Ink. *~i o-vii flj'.na-,
: an,l witti a rtotn lull -oii a I hal I .7*l
I |OO I.H 11.,1 I. aw 'XXI \li it Ink.* oie
li/uo a, 1,971), h iii '' UK) am! . mir i< i ;li
l*.t lln IP sjlat. r, .lion . . . I .n* v.f* a if
iln r< jil nuinlx i Re .i,it. ,I tint w Junl
n . ..1)1, of i|n .1 etlon return* .l urn .
ft.mi in. in.xv mill aime.l it i| t . aj.|xot
I mat. fl/ur. * ally . t.u1.l not tin *il i ’elnf,!
man bar.** pul.llhe.| lliii litll. fn. i *
It w • lll.t l.i.v. tin,wn w feo wII* fi ihit j? to
in like n mirr* jui. utaCiou
I Re f.xlxitr lo i.xh.lg. in re. . uinu.itlixt
I .4 mu Angry ... 1/1.1m.i lx ing oi.l enoui;h to
| know. i, gootl . hum in * .Im mo an. h .|.*
toy. nml |xr.elilug elntrlv Hint our very
jx.lit.■ ,nul in . .ti' ,1 >nlveixrv '* .irtlel.
i not xlregllx iiol tiv hi* uuf .rtunal. refer
nn.* t.itli. 'lirty xlougl, of unat. jir.*a nl a
lion " \\ l,*n w.* *lx4 o,n Ih.w ,! ,4 venturi*
vve Imil no l.|r> t|,nl mir frletnl l.elimi!
tin Intxli, nr thnt the "loft at rnn.lmii will
w.nit.t tin.l *n*ll a weak plaei* lirtWWn tlx'
joint* nf al artimr 11/xl w. ilreaniol w .
aen* "trlkinif x* vuln.'rj.Mi* a "j"t w. *hnuM
hnve I,*.| la for. w.auulliig .an g.l
fvmthr r Mumfnr.l an wv. r.Tv.Tnr tin wo[,n
I 9. know ..( him ia hi* terrible ■< n
liiljnn nf Hlmpk A.l.lillnn It hgur. * wnn'i
lie rnir .Htanilnnl frien'l limkra lln ill alia r ,1
n r.wpi . llul ilixinn. e from the real riauile
Hitt mir . lever fri. nl any* TnlUit oiuuty
luv* at letiat 2,Witl voter. Now* 1 1171) frmn
. MtMt leave* 1.1.k101il turn in Talbot over
I '2* yearn old taking In the CHU ulnllnn tin
j mx* .*r two hiuxlrral gv'tith'nien who fxil In
I give in their to*a. Tlx* vdltnr aiklxtieutgbt
fullv tlmt "Tiillx.t ix tmlurallv verv lu nlthy
and tile Intigevilv nf Ityittrenxrt'nmrknhle
1 That ,|o wllle il "
Ntnghbnr. mu ll indetlnite and g, nernl
ennehixinna, jf admitted, ran extabliab any
|xilnt. Art sipmrely with ti* ; rpxte nur
artiele enrr.a-tlv and a*k jring friendx to gi t
tip tin X \xkw of the fltlO. 70n or Htg) male*
lit your county over tkl years ..f age. and
i tliep get someone to add them tip rurrvrlly
fix ytai. I'ntil you do till*, (vlivvae exeuw*
the eitixen* of tlx II ait kly emu,tie* In till*
! eiaigrexslonal dlxlrlet from awearing to the
! truth of your remarkable long-lived story
lly all imans give u* the tav poll liat of.
IH71) fix tin* Geneva pnvinet, and tin* rviw I
. niimlwr nf men over flO in that Iwillwirk.
I'nliwg you force nmre of your eitixen* by
1 in their tnxr*, the ni ightxxing eountie*
will justly rensure ymir |>eo(vle fix not bear
ing lln ir due proportion of State taxes.
Better look after these tlelitxjuentii.
Xew Advertisements.
. -V
No one who i* thoroughly regular in the
bowels is half as liable to disease a* he that
is irregular. He may be attacked In" conta
giiai* disease*, and *o may the irregular.but
h<* it not nearly as subject to outside influ
ences. The us.- of
fevatres regularity,and oonsequent imruunfty
from sicknee*.
Sold by ail Druggist*.
j a month and osjSenees gxmran
| | t?ed to Agents, tbit tit froa.
ACo Augusta, Mr.
. re*jt aa.l ex;s S&HI
| | Outfit free. Addres^HHf
\ ,k.-> A Ms; ••
v * - ■ ■’* - - : > -
- Fi! FR!.‘K HAf liri.
WILL he *oM tx-f-n t* court
Inamr <lx in *lx town of
* ilia . Mertwntwr
.luriny tin legal hour* 'if nal*. mi the lira
Tix-atiay m 'M.Jx-r 1*7!) tin*
! |.r. jarty (.. wit *. <me uixlivxleif, one fifth
• it' r< at in a .ertain tr.*<*t <4 lan.f lying tvl
ta-m/ In tin* lajth.riilk ilixtnet <4 Men
wether ..a inly, tlx* rstlw tract i4 La Ini eon
tainmj; 400 w rra more .* ]**w.. kjxm t. amt
.litingui.'ln*.l it* the phtee wlx-r.vxi Mrs
flu.nan now -.i..i o.x* urativ.ik*'!
I ifrtei.wt in mi.l tract >4 laixl hvie.f >• a
1 tin* pro,*'!*!) ot I h<* T llu.a ari. to -a'i>
*) n f. fro.n Meriw.aln-r ,*.i|x-ri.a < irt
in favor of John M. Stullln/* v fij,,.. T
Ihitx an .alt ley* Plain-
It, • IjtOXIH-V Mini ll lll.Ht iwXith-rt r tin
law Iff-
At tin aa lie tiux oxJ pfaee wit] ia aoiil
n. *l*9*l of iaixt.nnx. .* Ie j tin* an
M./ part .4 I.x of I amt No, -9X. spu.e.i 1
lying aixl Ix-in/ in tin trill I >hmriel of lint
< itx r i.xititv ami km/‘an ami .flatii .* n-i.
nl aa thr Hu liar.) Ikstuu pUn-;) i*vx-<l - •
.i IP fifojnrtv of Itn t r.l IP oinr. >:
! e*l, to aaiixf yaII fa (pan iiwtkre'vxi ft of
ali! 0111 fliatri.r in ankle.<wtv. m fa/.* *4
( linninyii.ui, A liro., va. Kn har i IV tn* i
levy Husk ami l. tium.l t.. *a by I J
i OKI I. < I.f
4? MlllM' *<!>• 4fill |/IM > Ahlii U 4. .j
f atn t- >ti Imiml uptfi <4 U .N** f‘ f*
ltit’fttfi Mimlml h 4>i4i ** *>_' ia 4r
t*f V|* fi iln r i rtu.j v ~ til buoMf.
Mml !il ,*< |‘ | i l*i4 ■ 4ixt
! wfu n*m th v tit f< i.tlrttii J4in -* liUi/r* k r
fulfil l* f I*4' tlm*' fr( III# li rftil I .
♦ I*4 r< ift’**’ <;f ft huit* If
w It >* kvlrd Mi in* l| trl
Ittfift MUkn'fc lo m fi h
fr* > 1 1 Mfri*Uf < Mifi in fnr <A
; II W<ir4/t v# Jtafcti -a Ml#k k
|tn .1 i.'i • I 'ftp* I#. r* If ’ \ | If#l4
. ft' I,Hit fwrfllfttj If! UtiM ‘4 !*<
\ I. >< 1
J At tin "ft Is* I If I |).,a ti \m rlri tf.M* 4 fit IhllM'l ttf la tt| lt |W<<l I'r
UmMi Im .' jtl lt|* rW:I <*< I*l * • h(!lf Ifl
)*i<| Trt||t | flf MlftAlii#f I Iff#
i t#Mi <ntr lutif JM tf n iiMrf*- *#r U• nal iuMttMi
,f if >l tilt Ntrfili I>A 4fr*t of
| f**#ul rtiufUy fr*im liff t fivilk t • tfiHiii, >u
i i* I,t t Ur >4 ti • . i*
, ftfifftli |% j-f ink m (Mi ff ii .iitM ait| fin
1 fin VS il I* v Mh 4 |M#l>Uf M|iiAr> wifi* nil !**
i Mm ft-ff#! all U vitil *t % U
f .f**f*n \ M‘tl**fi'fi 4ml \V 4H-f
i * Koliiiifion / iifwli f th‘ firm mm> <f M*<
| Mifxm V Mrf )t* n MMirr. A/* fi f,*
I fr**i*i VffHw*Mrr < "# r * n \ ivt.-f <*f
M ■ *trf M irli A fo . t<* Jdin \ m
ifi| VV !♦* r < MtiMitaMfi |r*|M flv | *-.t ♦•#i
Mil In •nil! U f*i S|ii<'iUf UN,
♦s y i mhkm y
\ Ms M. '
Atlanta Medical
- College:. '
Tie Twenty-Sec nil Annul t uric n
Leeinria will romtnem e Oet**li*i IV h,
1H(!I, ami ilo*f Maith 4'h, J. 0. Wawtumrelaoil anil.
W. F. We-tmorein I. W. A low-, V 11
rahaterm. Jno. 'I had, Jdinaoi, A W.
Calhoun, .1. 11. Ij 'can, J. T. limb* ; I>tin*
wivtoti)', .1. W . Willlimf.
Tin* well ratahdnhed (.'oilege stbrih
opportunity k>r tiromigh medcai tdnea
It it ill affiliation with, and It* tiikelr
nl ili|ih ma vcognisol bv, tvery hail
■ g meitiral Cutlege in tiw cmiutry.
ilrqniieinei t (or grmluation an Inr'li
Semi I* >r Announcement, giving luli io
A' lai ia, o.'crgja<-*—
Any ITSy
v VKAH, ... f.
ifiIDUU 10 ♦JO aday In yur "an K -
-r—w .'o li* I '. Wnniei
do aa will a* men. Marty make im ie than
the m ient sla'rd above. No one can tail
1 1 make money laal. Any one can do the
wink. You an make front VI) w*. to |2
an host l y devulinr yiKir vVtaing* and
apate time t > lire 'aultnea. Nuthlng like
il lor money making ever • fteml betoic*
lliwmefs pleawnni ami itrkt'y. hum rable’
header, il you want lo know all aim it the
Lct i a irg butiues* hf. re the pt'liiie.aend
yonr aildreM and we will it and yon lull
; articular* xml private terms tree ; warn pie
Worth f o alao tree ; you r. n ihtn make up
| yfiur mmd ko yonrwed. Aihlres GP.OKtiK
[ STINSON A CO., P ntland, M one.
OSOKfilA — I Ordinary’* ( flier
Meriwether Ccunty.j Ju'y39th, 1379
Wlterea* *whua Brook, a* Adminbtra
tor ol the estate of J, S. A. Montgomery
deceased, represent* to the court, that be
has billy a,lra : ni*tered the estate of sakl
.faceted and applies f r letters of dixtii|£?
ton hm his tnfp as *aidvAlrainiy|fcl
tor: w^Mj
This is thereto eto cite gHT admohrO.
a’l concerned, to o%JecHom, in
ainy efflee, if on" or before
thg ! W* M m November next, to
.show emue why said adtninisAu r
pat letten ol d'tsmiMio*’ from
Lgt as administrator stores* iX
htn 1 an 1 ofßal ri s -nt-
A. J. 11 If TON.
HartMl o. m.c.
We Call Attention
I To our larj£f* line of I.UHF>
(.*!\ [ ah'jt‘l llltoie t<) Ol'tler fill'
<jitii>o J'litt atif Rhieh ))<*
‘ lowi-r titan iM-ret)toie, to
t* f’llli .til i < •) Ujfiole.
LAtllUi x, ■ M r*.rfc •!.* * koaa. I *
| *• * Unix !*•*• •••-I'd.
“ high “ * ItX
- tZ evVw'.)- ~ 2~'*>
or Fo turn i.tit* |2.27
1 Lwtir* h t> <.* a’ 2 00
|f y,*n.*. jilt* fll7
!, ultra hi.l p.ae4 (Z Kgitn't) ■ 1 V>
tfT Ka.iaa |.i*. | ti
Loll* • Kill !',t*x<il Tie* t/.e* e*'., 2 2''.
t#- r ‘•ftMi \H Km, f?
U*i*• .* •*• •*
♦* • -r e f / -•fw* J If
Vf r* •f; Ir* ** ■ a.< / r ** *l/ f! 'I *
*a I Nr* Ff ) 2/Hj
** ( lM*t4 r 9Hi
" Hllf! *• - , , . f 75
% A, \t, g |. Mm k! - w. *2 r#
| R lotae fJerl I’ at (HH, .OH a it to
c U
He .niilul tit|>! t>wi,aa Ratpiea at 20, ml
2. tin*.
Haw • law | ire. •nf Do*. t.u>*ii !fc
; * l*h Ir a* .ll*r at li. (tint lltuu tfi
I’hi, r..
l lull lu enl bgwk ALI ALA.H a* )..w *
>:.n tw If tight ,q the •lain,
Al*o, lit) IKMY aid Ham’kerrl.t. t* n
i real v,n tr.
\i*n, •( IIA HR." *IIBA I TV" an) “A A,"
•I, li*.i litiin/ c.,,**i ma-tw,
Eight or Ten iloten l.adiea h*n
* II*BIS ami TIES.
oigeneral mkiictiandihb, i. n .
,md c hr bin and * ill he rep'enUhfd
Fiom Bastcrn Market*.
A lew tuiti each, (' AtfSl MEH LF AC A
and Linen yet hit.
a splendid line e> WXfONADW aod
Gtetml.le, J dy, 18tb, IST9.
Gii£u, Ga„
j M §
•'!*'. .2 1.,;. lU ,ka (** the fttmf*- v 4 Meriw.4h.-r tLMy Px th. it (Ha-nJ iwfr, ..-*
during Ihepftwewtvewr lam t4,i* again f.x a .artinamr ~4 van jxv~,:
lam ixrfurtai t , eomiia tu i the FAIT M wi ,h a si f , T i.x M..k ./*
ixuaih k.*ja In rnv tine ami to * 4T.*r tin-,,, at jai***-. that w ill ,iatj4* will,
any market in the state.
1 In.'.* jx*i |rtx ulae ,o. xt, at to rite jnir.l.a-, ,/ Il.MitilNi; \\Ji J*| |v; ~i;ia j;
DK<i\ twloNw MAITT DltyuooDx. IX m.h a n|i ml. o.- ,*? ~, M
• o*iuie.,‘l.v ihe'K.MfMl.Nti ft Itl.M I afwii a>a*r* ~
i.V II: i 1 lb llt Ii *>R . - j*. niiii it, f*l{ 1 1 f> amt C/I Mill
I? '* /nwr;tnl<i .v< ry aifu I, ,-ol*i,lo i, - icj ~ iifiul,*-
1 ja* h tie J , *li j, t * a'.*! . - ta
’ *,• *t mu ikit psi -y**. ’ >* ■■> -i
I '.•*' ' *l.a! v. if. | > jaat- 4 It. 9. , |, tt.l -tA < I ~ I , ~ ;
IN 1111.8 All*'.
It.*t.k. f i.I.NLIiAL MUM UAJilrttilC in <<m toy will • *, : . :
91.1,D I tl*.-. .nr t.f‘jei ,ift.*e.l ~J an i. , ~. . it,,- , e. n. * t
la to V *a.i ,1.1. Hat ! a*. • .**('.,< ul h tf>„. mI- a,-.
R* V - *><).! M. T .J ..... I r „ *, r. *• 'x<
t *rtßn ! “tfrt , ... ... : .
' Vi ll It IHI T,7
•i * ki\ f;
j Afitjft I. |a, *i
The Old Eeliacle Drag Store.
Wd, j. L, G I LRHIiLL .v 1o In
K * ; /.i.'iit.i iv ..ti i,.tt,(i i |'ii■ In.. ..*'
Pure I i Mei ; ■ • Oi
id Dye Sf tjf • ;>
IjT.-' • Th. lint-it ntttl i hea|wi 1,.t of Toih-t Arli i.
."'•U', Pfhh m>, Kxtrmt lltir (In tin Mit -iu,-,
to K* fiHiHil jn fli < *.j|\ j||,
AI.FO, H i.ti Hi Jut of funr v Ftut irnf*ry. All kiinle of Hal;-
Mitjr I*o\mlit-, Ftti' k antl Uaftle Howilcr*
A full xnjijilv of ♦nixar y :tiui Hul.iw r S\ of ovr-t
WearflHeadqfirter for tha Genuine Simmimi Livor
Hop Bittery,
Mrtfett'a Tectkiaa,
and other leading IVojiriptary Medicine*.
All Cheap For Cash* "TSff
l)li. J. B. (;. TKRUKLL & 00..
Greenville, July 18th, 1879. Gin.
The Great Blood Puri
P-rcly vegetable with not a particle of
Mercury cr iodide Potash
Err sate by
Drs. J. E. G. Terrell A Cos.
- rrdac^l, femphlH f-"
IVoiksc Cu;i .in., Lar Cos., Pa.
t fiite: 13 fv Bcate,* rt. Von City
Bridge Xotiec.
The contract fee building a Bri.ige acr'-ae
Flint river, known a* the- Reynolds’ Bridge,
will Is let to the i..west biddtron Saturday
the 18th of September at the bri.ige. Spec
ifications made known on the day
L. J. Milam,)
JamesMf, Estes, Cents.
W. r. Gay )
Aug, 33nd IST* 4S *•