Newspaper Page Text
BY * M. T.
A ! *.) I II ANNUM. IN A*l LNt!
£lr omcx s ami rit Fcui-rc qc*ih:
It it* v ,
v , r> . IDU 4 k* ja ml€ m<>j Ive r
neb !• ' '5 f4JH (l Ili fW
2 iud... I“ JW !W i lOOJ 15-0
. actio - : 10W 15 w 25 AQ
, i.i Mm itit
, 7.0 l. to IV TSS 00 ,
let S) tx> |: oo >oo <to'
. \ :• ’..-T., male turtle a
t, .i vi'i '* iv nwh r 'i-Hi.
Religious Notice.
t in folk-wing is tin* Church DitvrtwfV .r
i >r* cin die f.*r 1*74
2twi ari.t 4lt. Sabtoffh in itl<U month
>V* Hev. W. T CAI D\\ FLL.
I*l SalJialh in oa.ll mouth
lili '.atOiatb in t.w ti UKinlh
Pusior . ft.* Pit McMIKKAY
No t iro tot he Public.
Atm Uii>.int. .11 mlvertiscim-nt*
. I 111. osinlv ..I Meriwether will pub
in the Meriwether l'mintV V iailkaliil
< t*.l*liar*
11 i I I old \( 1
_ T \\ P KMI.UI
t 1. rk SupT I .him
J.. I'li. In# a
—r -a 1
Ult; A I, T()l* n , f i .
- — 1 ’ !■ . " 1 'WT
<• H|.l. Y\ 11.1,1 FKIDXY.te-pt I*. I*7
- .... , —-
Mi I In* la gathering lit* isitl**ii at
lit* i 11. "t Ihffe tail.* per da)
lln . l**ti **|h it nr till#! i, t iinsing I la*'
. ■■ i , (<m.|a-n i I|ii,tlv ninl II U Mhjl gait*
. 1 ..i ... 11. nl i iilni.m Itcpotis *1(11
* n |*-.tiiy tin iii 1.l man) i ..uirtnUnjf
tii-i* ibe crop will Is-a steal.till. other*
|| I. Ilia' it in lull, in:; .it wrti
l.*.| ■ 1 I Milam loaomaincr
will tvplv It* i|i. *;Ai*t **l XI t) l J.
C -i # in-it w * ti. oi> ln>* iln fa*i- a* In in*
• I* it a -ft" III# - *
.a* XX* Imit l###-!i r<-#pirit# *1 i* ,! il •- that
i 'lt. I* 'il iniHtt llutl a|>|ilifali*>ii will It
• t- l * I** *#H 111* Kul rml alt- tit llf *. nil' 11 a
I-I* . diseased. I lit | MUM ill lilt t |rt illnl
■•ltd Im lliw X I lU.ll*>> k l*, -lr„.l ~f
M.o I ll!al.a ka- ■..[>) had il Tin
• an * linn w a>* Ita'l't.-.t n*> t*Mi latf t*ir 14#ta
i** in XI i I II I'hiUljT—. in il II .i*tn
till* • n* *r l *1 I im' v* #■* i MHt t.. .null ..f
tl'fii rit alhig in * iffllt iii * ami wlnla*tit-##
II m 'if all ti-!#-1 *. at **. t wi. t.-rn Uai'ili A
lli**' 11'nr ; k* !•■ ini ti. m i (ril ti'l
If * I It# -I lilt ll* kiltllll.** Mh* lliallnr* . Ml# Im
• ■ n’minl iit a* I>> . *•# |m-I |n*n I* * Inn 1.l 'l# i*
. *
i-. Jim .it < i[*ji iln. /vannrifi*
Mam iKii in Ilf i itilinnn . t4l>* *' ni iln
.-*Mirf IffiM. in l iff. mill# *fi t|i<- ni*aniittf *if
llf ml. I.v il..* Hr* .1 11 fllnf Mt 11 <
J|irlrifk- .lr •#( 1 ##•■! #*#nnl) In Minn
Kit* lt4 "f M.fiw.-tl#. r
. Man
‘'Hum'll On In'l li.'ikff nf all "iiirm.'#
•i'in Hi-ir In art* in llimu 'li all linn- in
f Inm>-
Ttie TVwr*l **t TmaWna'if llrm niiltf M
ami. Inatitutf ar* a#lT<#rtHnii( ilirmixli tli
Atlanta f inlitiilit#n (<a a kni< In-r f-a tin
m Hw4 in <mr t.iwn fur in tt y.-ar, inao.
\nnaif llir 4.| friftfl* t iufl tin
j*U aaiir* .rf mmirifr ai tin- ( amp Urnunl
w I'riirnta XV Ihf farinni* H#aith
wMat. rn •*<i‘*n plarrtfr IViirma %r< up
in <ur miilal ami t>fii< mill ln-ar-1-frw. If
maa In .aim limit luat if mir irirl#. am
ill m* Intflj ami iiitTlijr> r.l a w ln-n ln
ftrm kiini Itn-m.
rjonint *r*7E A. ' lli*aT. —A Jo'l* My- i
rnn Kill* a* mtnrijin? from ( amp Xlff<inr
lam rm'.laiili .-ofiitTit# It* ha#l tin- niiafnnum
to mmt willi a wri*ia m. fU iit Jimt aa iw
(fnt in aiiclit of lnmn- Drarv-ndinx (hf l>ni|(
liill lifynnl tin- town lirarn h on thf TH|n
Utn mmi. Mr. Sam. B. LndleU>-r. wte
waa driving tbr rarriagr in wkirb Mr. KHia.
and hia two daugbP-ra ww riding, finding
tte mde lnrliord to ran down tin- bill at#
bold tbr animal bark In ita
aUfnipte to run tbr unif ran nbbwjw and ,
rot omHf tbe mad into the gnliy on the]
•iilr/ira 1 highway, firm the vrhirk *
< rnrtanwd and tb* *-ntjrn party ChroVru vh>- .
iradjrlntkrgDai TV kbit fortiraatr-j
ly lighted on hi* fed and managpd Urn
• tnak the mole. Mt**► am] ArriiiJJ
.-•rrfcped with'ait injorr.tmt Mr. Bib bad j
bi* *boul.hT di!<mated ami wvcreiy brutard.
Mr. K. O Miti earned Mr. EK* bom>
win-re Dr. Terrell aorv-weded in .juwhly re-,
pirn ins the dudorated Joint, and Monday j
Mr. Kilt* <a> aide to ait np. Hi* family
think* he will be able to gef 'art in a few
day* and hope no permanent injury will re
mit fr<au the aotkfcat-
Quite a n-.untier of carriage* were gang
ih/arn the UU at tV time of the arcident
tail fortunately none of (be team* took
fright. Mad a general stampede occurred
h i r • irthiU miglit b*ve W-n dia*>ni.
Atteutkuk in callvi to The skiv.-rtwetu. it
of the OokunlnM Female Coiloge. Altlfugt
in its infancy thi* insutuikn. enjoy* :u tw
tn*ire puimnage, ita cwrae of ud> bidng
equal to that of any other female eollejje lu
the aouth. A lilieral evjwn.iitore of iikin*‘y
: ha* priK um! an eiteritiiye and vari.-d apfai
. ratu*. white the her costly puiu.% ami
Stand ortpun affonl vtnsurpasar.l faciliti.w in
jtV muaietd department TYw profile in
music is one of tbr llm teaeb. ni ami om>-
j ivwra in the Failed Stale* ami hi* solar)
greater than that of any other iustnirtor in
the South. Parent* nhouM esamim- the
claims of Coiuiutiu* Female Coflcge 1m K.iv
•ending tln ir children i4a>-wbere
Applicant* f.e sch>4arships a! the N. .rru .i
Si-isuM wltl powul Ihi-msclxc* at llu "Hi.-,
of A. M. Freeman. Ciaurty *rb*>*l o. niius
*•*( Turaiey. the Iftih **f S-j>t*ii- <
J tier. I‘rof, thT ha* forward.-.! Mr Fre.
i ii,an |irinti-d < tatnination quiftHai* un.i
each applicant will t*> requinal to write ..til
the answers to these ipirstionn without i#
MiMtamr- fr**n> any quarur. TV qu. mil.mi*.
and answers will then lie wahai up and sent
Prof. Orr at Atlanta, win will submit the
f(s-r* to a committee which, wiili.ail
know in*.’ even the names of the applicants,
wit! -U*4 the lS|<a|*-rs that have I lie coat
eat mtniU-r.d isimat answ**rs, ami authors
of these im|sr*. wtil receive tin appoint
, l'andi*inl will be examined in *|a‘Uinic.
. r> siting [M-nimu iskip. gramaiai and iinaly
j sis p*# *yi apii\. ( letuents of chemislrv.
ph\ si**].igy . i'nitid Stati-s Mistory and rle
i ments of *p-*>lo).n
Xppiu-anl* must la- 17 \ ears of age ami
and ap|M4uted must fentiiin two year* and
teaeii two ri-nrs after leaving school
| Tuition is flee and **<ltl alk'Wist null
, pupil yi art)
Si \• n fcuiait-M smt siv msks will Im- sp
' |M*iulisl fnan ilc**rgia w< Irusl wane Xleri
Wi th* I appln Aiils may Im alnons; the luck)
a- la-t sll who wish iln- (awtlion ulriic
t.c it A faihir. will ilamugr lu* one
)li \Y ioaiow's ww engltu-is in |i*notion
amt his Hlown s liiu with liasU-i and <sai
•tenser is |iri pnrii*'.' lit. Bee* . i iple-tor nwr
ket. ilis pte-M* is on liu same ll.hh
wilb tin gib amt olv > b w f*-el lUsiaut,
aiui is ahsi run tiy steam |M*wer. Kut)
thing te eMiv nii nllt uiisrtgisl iln e<*loii
is w. i-/hed *ai llk ws;.'*a> eiu ti man'* isilloli
i pul In its profsc place, (jiiimsf. pa# lost and
r*4|cd with witii llu' ulrti**si *|m*i-*I, reirulai
ill ami pic# is*n desirnlih Kverything
ISfiM on like I I'M kW'Wk. In* onk r< niaa-asa
I) and no talking i4on on • veepl now ami
then iln' ••old hendien ' wlu|ai- Ills niliul
m'iiHi of iln i! AyniO.. ul uni# liinirv.
The engine 1 Iln biysti-al thing ' out
town has ' <ill J* *) si and luim lami tlsiled
ilispis-list ami'd lit all oilf illixens.
AI lirsl n* *n# bul Iln ns ail dm i(lg ventured
in- it iln Uiili-r ami on# * when wntl*’ valve
was tla*o. n *#| ii utn v|m **ti *lfy If) tip’
crowd "f Sight m* * n*. tin n was a -kl-l , I*l* Ui
boa that o* (U. km mV my ii'yf of
a llir* i llmli darkle* and to uflng on
111 t.M * lit iItVeTS Mllillll Isiv < ti| tint! >*"
I asiou 111. *4d aid liNtng, profeasVtUt irtd
; uiipioli am 111 im#l .IMM* inblisl lu listen at
lb slit lit whistle which li:ip|a-n‘d to he
plm ■#l w ron” > id' up Its a|i)*illlhg, ei mt In
in *ti# *-liiii ks alsriniiiK tin l< minis of oiur
| Kip X ito XX inkle illlsgi I huol ian most
fearli-s-. i iaing iillornso *. wlniw lives we
mpjMiu Wit* 11.M1111.1, mlisml lie.ll tin' ell j
| Situ- |in |nred to ism* an itijuiM-tion ii|hmi j
ui) lawh-ss |ir<s eislings, while tin- sheriff
‘ i*ik his statnl tqsm fin water lank to la- in
, r lebtn-eM to Miippos# an) ri*itiais atteinpts
on tin |S|H of tin- ut up steam Tlii'liin*
isssatA f lenttils *4 oallts Is iny ris-itisl hy the '
• ngiiH #-r lu > liarg* ill* bull s# ri*w. were
turned tie while (niffs of sneiki Is-gan e"
' spin” tfi* lag w lt#s*ls slail'-d lo revolve,
flu Ihtlr "iii-M i 'Hiimi-iwi <1 I" wltirl, lie
twills w* re mt it t" lighten '%tnl (iruTivilh- s
! flr*t st.-atn liinebiii* r\ wa* |ir"'i<aitMii| a
sig ei-s. I#\ ail (rti-sefit th* sanguine on# *
atltssttH-iiig tie nas'lve#. riailv f'*r III* iwivent
**f a railr'sei
Si Mill we teqa- to ' ligiHti* 1* tlm -U'i e*. ful
o|* ration <4 tie fine fl'iiri fg mill Xlr X\ in
slow ihtvnd* emetlng. a* tin# will teffVfMrt
| Ibe Ira'b "f tlx tow n stal serve us a greiit
imi"t nit i>sAt*ton to all in <*ii v k it'll,) .
Warm Springs camp tie-Hing c‘"*-d hurt
T'uwite) tiefnirig wilh'sil) thru- am•*•*<hi*
to Ilf i bun b Tin- |wi-hing from day lo
•la) w 'A unusual eus-lh-rwe and le-ard
with tlx moot nwfHiS/ul rtttenlhai. Tte j
sortie hi of Dr I‘olPt on Saturday e r<--
uuirkablr for its power aiei le-atrty. a r>-n
--th-man remarking tha' le- he) res (eard il
surfMUMHs! at tluit plan- terj"g tie [suit for
ty year*, fb Maygsl. pmddent f Ktter
r) College. wa pn-sent aiel |irea/ lii-d every
day Ur Ue delight and edifhmioo of his
brethren. Mia dtenairaeon .Sunday at It
o'clock waa just two bourn in length tit ihi
orv tlhsight H a minute too long lie to*
tl) a vttfrt range of tbougiit aad In-hl the in
tereat of (lie rad aaaemhiy from beginning
tii end. All found aoox-thing eoniforting
in tbe arrmon and the punt in heart of all
denomination* foilowed the sfieak'-r with
prod* and plpumrf- fir. Havtoss] prrar-h
--fd at 11 Monday afti-r which he
adt'i! be for rev-os'-ring ami
■■adring making live* eotii
Brtalde S#tatl Mr lie- rungrt-galion, w lien
WSPAi were raised, a sum auflWVrrt to make
ail needful repairs
Her. w. F. (i|ea from New nan and
and ITof. Il'iaariW. Key of Cnhimtiua
were prewen* and aided in iwaidiiotiag the
reiigioo* exereter*. Dr. White, lleva XV
M. D. IVnwL XV. T. Caldw'4l, Jaa. June*.
Harwell. June* or Weat Point and perhaps
other minioterv preached and exhorted da
ring tbr |*tgra of the meeiiug.
The iwat order prevailed throughout tbr
c air wreVutg nut a dngte dteturbance be
ing report eiT The crowd in attendance
waa tie sight to fie unusually large, many
vWtora from a daatance bring praarat The
weather was itelightlul ami all - svs imsl to
enjoy the good nuvtiii); .
We regrut lr Itwi that Him. Frank J.
Williams is sick at hi* home and fear he
uiftv mg la* able to return to Atlanta this
week Judge Williams obtained a few
days leave of alwciHv last week and was at
l amp Meeting Saturday and Sunday.
Tin wlay he was quite ill and we learn lb.
Terre il was sent for. We trust lu- will Is
able to return to Atlanta soon, for we
swell h.mest ami true n prvsenlwives at the
eapital just n<>w.
—To those kind friends who havg v.4unla
rily iissuml us of their gratilieation at our
anmmmviiw-nt to lake elisrge of a *e!i*et
sr-lns4 in l!ra*uvi!le next year, we return
• air thanks Willi la-tler health than w e
have enjoyed for I went) years and a .l. sire
to (HMVe wnatliv of tin liigti SlHwniunb up
on our atdlity a* a teaeluT. it sliall Is* .sir
i liief aim to meet the high expectation* .4
all w Is* pat roil ire us.
Not ifp.
Alt |kcsimis having friends or r. inti vis
inirhilat the l*n sbyterian t'hun h near llu
residence of the late Ji4iu S. Blalock, are
n*|Ut-*lrd to med at the eeumtery on the
third Saturday, the 20tb of Septouitierm-\t,
for tlie pur|>#we of cleaning up and repair
ing the grave) ard. VI VX\ Pill) Ml-
!> J. Wiwhimii desires to infiinn the pn,
pie *4 Meriwi-tln-r dainty that he w ill re
pine g>Msl t’ANF. lltlTlAiM'i in large
chair* lie ONK IhlKi.Alt , Smaller
airs** for St! cent*. Chairs and turnitiire
vainislnd on nas*mal4e terms I‘alrotmge
mi*l tellil and satisfaction guaranteed
<*V IIV ill* VllK •! s*l. 111 l
North ninl South HitilrnatU ..
Mt. XX 111 lie*lll sll|M-rinli-ndellt of the
N' A S rail Mad, on Frida) from
Atlanta and Chaltamsiga. whither Im- went
l*> pur. lux* iron to complete the rmul n>
Child, i Me found that at Atlanta he
isaild get it at much leu* than In"*>
ga. amt a.sortHngl) emitracUil t*a Till tom
at 4? |m*t Urn. This will ho iilsail seven
miles of the track. It weigh* thirl) |mhiiuls
to the yard, mid alaait f*iri\ s.-<'ii I.hi* Is
re*|tilml to ever) mile XX hen Xlr l(. *ld
left Atlanta it was Is-ing pla. *-*l on tin ears,
ami will doulrtbss arrive in a few tlnys
| ( oltimbtra Times.
A friend from'linrit* tsanrty informs us
that this oeven mile* of ir*t will tiring tin
nsn Ito the ncighlMH'b<ssl of Chipit ) and
tlie llitmilton .hairmtl ismim.-ntlug on thh*
|v4nl *ay “Our friends the imam.
Uni will *.shi Im* In ralh'*tid i-.MUMmitit-*-
timt wi ii It iln .siter w,-ortd. and the .otton
tvrt)p of tte' richest tus lIiMHI of Xleriw.-tlief,
Tnmp amt llturte oniitthw will he turn' and
Ulto till lap of t "himlsiM I.asi season mti
jjvtad etitried l.tkit) lades of -otton, and litis
amount will Im- 'luiulttiitUNl thi* season
A (ao<mi Inv , wtjiit , iil
Thirlteu dollar* fir one ii i lie reili/.'“l
In iil*M.itiling t'H ilie Sailhern Musical
.I'Sirnal Only gI.UU yearly weure* it 41,00
worth of clinic- \.s al and Instriiini'ntul
Slush i- published in cm It moutlily iuiuilmv
a'sl S It)() wtrrtil of I’remiulli Sheet Xli)4
Is pi'-ru-nted ceeli suhsi illhi ♦ lit worih of
Music, till tnkL Ik side* tills there I* given
■ rtM'humlred Jatge* fSIn.-el Musi, slrej of
valuttbb and itmtnicllti- musical rending
Nutl|rr. comprising mush al skH. lie*, li
eitasl*ais. edltoiials, hints eorri s|Miudoriee
And general limsli al Ititelligi iiifrom all
purl * of tie world, (IheNMilhnot exeepUrti*)
hmtd Ten <.lll* and yiHt will rereive a spec
i mi'll < o)iy ' • nnhdnuig #d tltl worth of Mtl
*h ,hy return rntul.* M’MDKN
A BATKS, Niuthrwn Musi. M'ajs., Smmui*
uah. < la.
'llu Jildlelar) iiimiiiiUi‘ "f the li'iose
lmve ri-)saied favorably and recommend'd
tin paSsagi- 'if till- 1411 "I Mr. Sheffield, #if
Milter, ihadaritig lie- signing of tie- North
i-aati-rn railroad tsMid* as illegal mill and
void Mr. Co*, im"- of lb*' goviTiHir'a d*e
f' lidaiiis iu tlie Xlttrpiiy f: Imsimw*. Hk-ii
i|i-i land be waihi vote f'rt if, anti il is lr*
ib-veil il will [Mias If tlw governor aigus it,
will la* fbnl Is u eoiHhannali'Mi of Ida own
act >
I ommenltng on Ibe above lletu lla- < o
; itmibus Kn<|iiiriT.Huti ") :
-The -Ilarwaaion of lid* i**u< will mrivn
tlx <>ld acandals of how cb-rk in tlie treas
ury depadiment rm-ived *7,001) f'H a fee a*
a lawyer te signalure of tlx-**'
Isaxls. Tie- fact, t*W# that thy treauiTa|.
■nits tlrtrt lie aid i intoreat
mi He sum- a tmm de[>*itijfi in* d-rtitin
lau.ks, dfette^nrvtehai
he efH fete l l *
play. That a jjpvnrnnr of IkJi^^Rrtild
sell Id* lemor, awttiitlon and r-ltanre of pre
fi-rment f*ir a p>**bin of the [Stable stun of
*7.0H0, aorw are au fisiUali as lo admit for
an inatant ; bat this liettef doe* not afford
aay relief fnaa jidgue-nt. for
ty of lie- b-ft *•'
the (Waited the
uvniinatbai Yh* tsiade
is involved in itextrifl(|lfi(jralßßn. Tbr
< W aathm to the bill is strofl*. aad m or*
tbr advocate* No matti-r bow if
viaton for hmoreot taiyrra steaild be made.
They ought not to suffer. Tl tf better that
ti jL.J H iiimptl **l~ --*— dssibl
tear from that which bad the. #onn of
trgaHty. Certainly the nreeaaity for a ehange
of an sdminiatratbm appears stronger a*
developmenta progrra*.
Judge Martin and. t raw lord would make
an excellent Oovomor, and we apjvrehend
tlnu nmk'r hi* adminfarttwlkvii the new con
stitution wiaiid not he docnrnd ho faulty as
tt is by Siam* who mvw tvgard the time* as
tail of joint-- As Govnrnor makers are
somevvliat i>Ut of repute, wv wish it under
*t.ssi that we make m> ixHuination i Ham
ilton J.mnHil.
The situathui in Memphis is us gloomy as
ever. Tliefe is no irmspcet now that th**
fever will tens, its ravugtat until frost, and
own then it will Is* unsafe f.g tin- refugees
to return unless their prvudtea have lain
Can any one of rh.ise who aVe so enthusi
nstiealh supisirting tiov. fol.|uiti for an
<4her tell us how it is Ilia I lie who
was el.i-ted tioverixH on a platform cinhlnz
*nil with the wunts •Tvtrenehment and n
- is alailit the only ofttcer 111 the gov
ernntenl whose salat) lias not Isin reduced
up to dtile, and w li<* has railed forth the
efforts of the legislature to prevent corrup
tion in high plans in |M-rmilting sulwilterns
t<> practice ns attorney* la-fore his eveelleu
ey the (Jovrrnor of timrgia ! [XX tisldnglon
Tooiilbh and Sooosnion.
Ptiil.ifMpliiA times Inirrnrw. J
Tlh iMHivrrHation tlirn took it morr £*wt
tl ami Mi StrphriiM Inrklrntally
nt<*niioiMHl llu- intomrw, writtfn
ls r. for tin* Tlmrs ami rsM*nflv
|Htl>Unlt<*<! : iinul\ waiitnl to iutcrvifw
hihl writ • UK up tor thiw mhiih* 1
tol<l him I <NhiII only allow it it Im* wouhi
wuhmh hi ArtU'h* to nu* U ton* putilh utiou.
It* (lid mo! <*all itirtdn. I don't know wh<*fh
(4 lie Kavc th* matter up or mM. Mill ilhtc
an* tiling In* imalc Mr. Tnoml>* wiv that In*
iK’ver Ooidd tWsVi* said. Hr M|Mskf ulmmi! me
up Um* orrIllllirHi? of MM*(xwion,
while in fi^Ot. wtilh* it Wrt Uim* pn*|mred
In lilm r.-.iH, I Wrt* at work in an'tlM*i draw
hip Op u prWKst I l*n\e wond* n.*d while
n ilie article w hctli* r tirudv *lil ha\e
tiny mtrh ini* t view with 'l'oomlw ll**
inakcM Mr T'oilw wiv, to, that he w i\h
*►j|M*te*d l.i MNoinloii at th* \(T\ time wlietl
he w. luaklttf/ rank w*cea>*i*Mi H|Mrdn*s."
In M|eakittp with a l inai. who *n\w
(hut he In (Niated, I learn tioin him that Mr.
\\ illlam of New York. Mr Yulec.of
Kl*rhla. and *n\UV llier< e\|H* t (*• lease tin*
Macon and IlniiiKW i* k ltatlr*ad . that it i**
tlm intentitm of to latild a Iroiu Mu* *n to ( and a rtunl
trom IlniitMwifk to sotn* |mdlit in i'loridu
Tkmt tluw ifenlk incii will catalilUh n line *f
MtcmiMfM from Mio .funtdro to lhniiMwi*k
ami dial all the rotter lined in !l* Weal wMI
h hrotigh! hy wleaim rw mid dilpin'd *v r
the Mae*n and linmawiek Itnilrond. iln
<i* oi*/irt road, tin NVeatern .Vllmitie road to
tin road* in rennenw* c mid v* if * * tin* Wen
Inn cMlen. I mv% Nti Ytili*e In re, ntid k**
vna \er\ much
tin* ■ >inn .itwi t>#iiitHwtck uxv* tan/- i
Imvi Im*ch told lliM* Mr #\hl**i will he ln*re
in a tew *la\ ** lie Im now *h k hut liojh n
to Im- atile t<> trax* 1 ! wen hi** riv'lrf hand
| man, "llntf Melxtieblln " is ex|H eb-d here
toliHHTow. | give tliese rumors f"l wlihl
tilt*) are wyrtli | Xllntt'a Exeltange
(.'omplcfion uf tt OroHt work.
Aii i |ss II bub' i >[h rUmtso of many lover*
of gissl Im*iki will lie malitfd by tin* tom
j pletloii of die IM w Aeimi edition of (li*m
Imts Cyelojw.ili iol Knglisli Ulerafure, The
itimoum efiH-fil ol tt work of aueli sii|srlor
I'XcelUutov, in (oriii mid style no convenii-iit
and iHKinilny, al prin-s so tumitual waa
more tiitui a Mtrpriar to tin* rradtng piddle,
and many que.itioued the po*MiMlity i4 ils
putekatian,- I'XU'pt at agn at lo** of iihhi
Tim |iubHli*r evWletilly knew tlwir
grmmd. They lmve tail only fulfllleil timir
po.mis#- to the [Hiblle.lml, *v aeeomplisliing
a work ao egtriiortllnary, have tillraetnl ibe
attention of almost iln- entire reading com
mindly tii lln'ii <ubm Hti-rary iTitiTjwiai-*,
and lutve aenirnl for litis work a sale Is--
yolld [irecnkul in the librtory of Issikw-11.
Il i |M'<uHnrlv a work worthy of univer
sal eirtiilatiini. Il I* imt <mly a colh-etiiai
of rare literary inti Teal, hemily. ami merit,
a eonceftlration of tlie ls-sl prisiiMrtiotis of
Knglish ami American iutelhv't, from earli
est to reegnt times, Ihjl j* also, in a large
degree, a key uim! ilrtlttX to all Ollier gissl
Issiks ill the language, euabßng oih* lo mt
aad Judge for are Issrt worth
Ids remMnfc
' N'nr mjfflK'lfrtPg 1* eouii'haed, tbe|sili
iMWnttrtdt tin- nutnlH-r of style* in wh'etl
If ill modi' to ItsHS' whifh have [irovisl tlw- '
most [sijmlar. a* follow* : 4 vola. (mu I
g,JW) pages i, eiotb, *2.(10: 4 vol*.. half m*b I
rtieco, ag.lrtl * 4 vol*., luilf Ktusia, giH top, I
pritrti-d on finer and heavNT |sqx-r. with
wiAytutrglM*. *4.00. Hy mail. |sartage ex
InWbt'k AuMTieait Itis'k Exchange,
A fJbrary of l.'ulvemol kuowtedge, lu 2<)
vol*., newly 20,000 [mge*. liands>*oel)' ,
bound, ami all fur *IO.OO. with *|ss4aj la-1
dueeuaents bmiden Us early sulss riljera, ht i
aniMSinenl by the MBe publisher*. It will j
J* rtbqjlar iu character to the f'yckipeilte of
Ajlplrian <* Johnson, only more extensive.
Ihougb fraction of their <>*rt.
| |hber mcent pubiicatt'rM of thi* teaus
terir. Hollins’ Ancieut History , *2.25 : Jo
aephtw' cianptete works, *2.00. and riudth s I
Bilile Dictionary, *I.OO, all in large type 1
and Itandwanriy bound Alai), of Juven
iles, in large type, they bare fawned And*
aa Night* and KoMaoon Crttaoe. be Vi rts
each : Bunyan'a Pilgrim-' Prtgma and
Traveto ofjßaroo Maachauaeti, 50 cents
<weh, aad mrte oaf Ballads for Young
rolk*, by E. T. A Urn. 1 00.
A large nutplier >A otter standard l*K*a
jnriit tx 4htt xi Wtheir ilnl tw eaon.
Their tittnplric revised eattUogtn*. with
full |varticulars, will !• sent frviMWrt*qUijj.
; Addrvsa. Aimriiwu lksik Kirtteßtflt, Ml,
Ibs knian St.. -New Turk
Brother IbviH, *f the MeriarMlUP Ttmtli
<ntor. pcfijge* t.. hweb tbs- few ng idit.s
how I"JP’ in aililltion to editing a flrst
elass wii\ty paper. f- Coi. Time*.
Cd'Xlr. 1.. J. Mender has just revived a
line lot of splendid new gissts wlii. lt te
pro)Mixes lo sell on moat reivs.Hial4e terms
Sv lii* cant this week and then go and
atv how |io|iii l) and gracefully XX illie Ter
o-ll can display tin's.' uirv giaslts. , Every,
hotly can Imy alike fr.itn Mr. 1 tender, none
ehcajs-r than another.
t all on him and say yol oiur on a.'nnini
• 4 this mitiiv and ni onr urgent request and
Xlr.. Mender will give ns another adviTltse
The amount of Slate Treasurer Mrnfns 's
lantd is <200,000. Ills four prinri|val seen
rities who stand for <120,000, are Messrs
XX ilson,, Totnmev and Hoyt, amt
all are or have lain I sink office rs or large
Bps kholders in the Atlanta banks in whi. h
Mr Hrufrix* kepi Ids deposits. The lianks
in whh'li these de|M*4ls have lavn made
have paid Mr. Menfns* over $5,000 a* hi*
portion of the profits realized from hand
ling the slate's money. la-t the legislature
remain in session nr stop imit farming iatt
of tl e public r< venues.
Mr*. John.l Mnssey of . tlaiita, Mrs.
Xiallorv of SeniHti, Xtr. XX . II Muntli).
Mrs. Ilnrnartl and 'tin. (la) of Tati range
an* visiting friends in (Iret-nville
l.atest news from Maine represent the
demo* rats as claiming tin* result of Mon
da)'* flection a* doubtful and expresaillg
lto|s*s Hint tlie republiemiM have failed to
eleet their governor and a majorilv of mem
la-rs of the legislature. X\‘i-still Incline to
lire opinion that I lie rails have swept the
I lie *np!i*iler neral lihh iHMtieti fltcaii
mml iimfrurfkaiM tn fax t*t!l(ef4rw <t (lie
Hlufe. I'liree (cttlliw *>i one |er cent, will Im
ami e*lli‘ele(| ii| m >n (lie auuHinf *>f
tlm xalm **f taxable pr**|M tlv In aikliflnn
an e\ln amount *t one liulf *fone |MTf‘ent,
will Im i (||ref(*(|. making filter and one half
null* for all purfioHea.
Imvi*hlßation lim* f|ev< lnp(*d (lie fact that
Stall S< |ioy| C'ontllllwinner (fir liax a aalofy
ol ffl.nlNl lie of K lit >xx eve r
;im (lie State ajUfctif *f the I*(-nImhIv fluid
Kvcrx Miin Mis'Oxxn Musician.
“XX hat's the gisid of im- Inlying a I’inint
ot an titgiin Ii mil even play a Jew sharp*
llu*' I love inusii mil) well. I wish to
giMslness S'lineb'Mb wad'll m ent nud Inslru
mi ni ilmt I eonld play." F" say ihoiisands
"I gi tiiilm mnsii lovers, and iff last a nut
*!< al genius lias given I ltd ll tin ir heart’s ue
sirs Tlds m-w mnsii til woinlet. Tit* <>lt
'inim 11 k. is no t"t or Immbug, luff tin
most it irvcilotis Instrument of fbi
.'ge It pin) * Hymn Tunes. (Jiindrilles,
j Operntle Selecti* his, or l'"|Hll:it Sungs willi
perfect tieeurtn ) A rlnldsstn pla) it llhm
full sweet (ore . durable ; not liable In get
; "ill of order ; weighs only 12 Hot. Price,
i willi (I Tune*, <lO ; extra Intuw 25 els cm It.'
(■ilitrniilird to give more Hiitisrtirf ton Ilian
any otlier Instrument In tin- world Monty
refunded nfter 5 day* trial If t o sntiafficti>
ry. TlnHi*mls alreiuly sold and not one
retnrnetl. btrul Agents wauled In overt
Suit hern elty mid village. For Tlluafriffed
Ciiliilogins amt full |airtl<ulars addrees
Lttdden A Bales, Sviinmili, tin , Xlnnufin:
j turer’s Nile Hotititern Agimte *l2 4l
!to the public*
I 1 uivi* JiiHt rn*iv<*(i ft complete line of
S(h|)l)' ami Fancy Dry-dooiln,
w Idt lt I offer to the Full and Whiter trade
at tin- low K#*T |>rh-.
Heiin-twlsT my nnrtfirla
tfCy-. “ One Low Prick.
Kleh ami |ssff, learmsl and igimninl, prWfy
ninl ugly, *ll ireatisl alike at tin'
One Prick ITopfe.
K*|Hessing to luy friends.tlianks for their
|Httronage, 1 lag a ismtinuaiMi' "f tin same.
Xlr XV. A. TiTrt-il is with me and will Im
pleaisxl to wall on KvKKYHODV.
Mejit. iltli. IM7 LEWIS J. HEN DEB.
Tte Fall Term of tW* Inatittrti- of siv
WfsliM-islay. Mrfrt. 17th, W 79, with the f<4-
I'.wing eor|i* of (tim-ber* :
ti It titi-nn, A. M., tr<-*i<lb ami pro
f'-saor of Mental Hcb-nce am! Mat ln-n laliea
I4ev. |lowar<l XV. Key, A. )(., Natural
te-irnee ami M<)rd ndlo-oj'hy
IW. J. Harris (’Uapjs 11. A. H , l-ff tn
and Ik-lhwTgrttrt-*.
Miss I.i/ XV. Hock It*, l-ody Principal,
French, History *ml Engliaii Composition
Mils Ht-ssi'* H. Htnitii, Peniuanattip,Math
ematic* ami t'aliirthcnic*.
I’nd. Joseph < amelias, t Irgan, Plano and
Vih’sl Muric.
Mitai Mary #f. TlKHtuu, Pteno.
Mr*. K M< Koy* Art Departnwnt.
MjM Augusta fo titenn. Home Depart
For catalogue or further information, gp
ply tothe President U. IL GKENN, A.M.,
*l2 im
A Carl
Wc take pleasure iu an
nouncing to the public that
\ve lmve now in stock and will
keep constantly on lwmd a
our trnd* demand*, n good
line of
Stai i.k and Fancy Obockru^
Conaitii ig o'
rtYi.t’i*, Moi A-SEJs,
An I irealt iu CANS.
HICK, Toll UN O.
t O.) X, O.YI*S,
Laundry and Toilet
tW A Urg* alack of aaaorttU TEA
CANNED GOODS ol all klmi*.
XVe liava sis*i a well as*nilod atuck
I'iu Ware, XVimmlhi Waif, ami everything
(bat is kept in * firtt riau Family
lltoeery t lore.
XX e will ronllnne to run our SODA
FOL'Ni tb oqtli the summer..
Thanking tlw [ample lor their past |>*t-
I' ttute i.nsoliciting aounlhina ce ol the
We are very res|H*cllully,
.1. 11. DAKKIfI A BHO
Greenville. July, 25th. il n.
For Sale I3y
R. N Ellis,
Him ' T ‘ --w.swaa.wair-
Thu Full lerni of ttchool iu
OnEiiMii.LK Ma.'ONk; Inftitltk
will commencu on Monday,the
4 111, day of Angtittf.
I'otio ia sill r tie the benefit ol th
PUBLIC FUND during the Oral thrna
in' u'ha.
Hate* of Tuition :
fil-J.OO. *25.000 and (15 00 per acholattl
year. One dollar In* (dentate ki g those ol our It tends who hare
U voted ns willi tie Ir pst rot.age, we soltcif
a co tinuoiiee ol 'lie aiiue.aml will endeev*
or M> prove ot ru Ivra wot ;by ni au y |>rotif
• i rot fltlfßi e Bit* < x en* ed a*.
Jut) 23th.
Intending to devote
a year Mpccially to the inxtrue
tion of hia own t-liildren, the
imdt*rxiriied w ill open in Green
ville, fttfout the 15th of Jan
uary, 18H0,
Only a limited mini Iter of pu
pilit will be received, bo that
time may Imj given to look
carefully after our newtijxaper
iutercHt ab well n do full jus
tice to the children entrusted
to our charge.
W. T. Revile.