The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 12, 1879, Image 4
POETHY. •- - - y— . To a Little (till. .JL*. Little girt, with dainty f(*H, lilitkw ly flying down the *tr<-t, The tough*-*! heart you would Ilegible. With your pretty fue*- and winning mui In I,illlf yirl. you are '■'*'■• for With ( lin k* nnl flowing hAir V „.,r. ~r> bright, your heart in yo*v Aml w*r<l arc wmM- #i *i y -if l'n,/n< I,ittie girl I tyV<- you w*ll, How mitt hmy u-rv 'a■ n< rt* Hut If tin 'tuth iiiUM In- i niifi wil I tori' 1 '"ii /town up m*u i In-lit. I'm \\ filer* to tlirt i'n- ♦. tv nil: upon png'H of ,1 mntfW *\tr ( 'row lilt your t it KliU ■*•!> 'l"* jj>’ nr * On mi<- ride only I*l your line* I** 1 *-en I Pith ntbcs hlti it mi namin' 1 < ‘ vi-hwit (tr'fu forrHt ym, rurrM.i U that > '•* wu * AndH y*mr ink R* M:u k you! F‘>r upon kv of n muil !y RUm* ({Hriiyii n uiiml of fit' *ia if 'I '< <mi It 1 !'" I’liwMi/Ur rurrfully , for on U*U W-or< Notlting ll**' |?riwfi<<<l vrii'f mon 1 LKT Ijrt IIAVK A O|IA.N(|L. Tliere rumi' t affiut in I b<- reign Of THf'li ffl Ivbt*fY V' T- 1 Hh Jiorlnn < to the Oil'll. They may he hone I, Inil, lln-y are c,ov•!'<•'l nil ovt'i Willi *'nii dill. Tin' dtptl ! ne 111 1 ha • been overlonketl, •me and o| law hav la • n deteidetl. 'I In- governor, in* matter if lie lie a ffitiltt in tie world’* iteeejilam <•, mu I hi held re.MjniUHtlile to a ili’fTt'i’i' for the men that are uil'bt him. If a aerrotary of ih at fault, if it M>en Uiiy ofl he troamir yis at fault f"i Ihou and*, whom mint we Maine Ih not I lie governor reapon a hie t<> an extent ? It every de jiiirtmont of thedtutv > • i dten and corrupt, to whom mu i the people look fiVp re'li'i'*-* lift? he not a duty to perform a* well a* other* '( Alif*t lie In tiUpmely otijiia hel<, hit tin citizen* pay to a eh-ih fti ft rtepai tmenl to obtain their riflhtjl U't the whole stale he covered with scandnl and _>el the governor not share in it lltifi thje/jP>iH fltntff of (loth gia, the empire stale of tin south, reached that point that none are responsible and a public oflieor can gain money for himsiMf by putting it in certain hanks that his deposi tor* may name that they may get the benefit of it l Money is collected from the state, gathered to Atlanta, and then the treasurer of the state and his securities pocket the inter est for the benefit of bis own resources and that of an indi vidual section nml of course, gain from the whole state that certain banks and officeholder? tnay be benefit ted. That i the business. Nothing wrong about that. All the securities say so. Of course it is nil right The state owes the treasurer and his securities a living. They only demand a legitimate use of tlu>. money. Of course there's nothing wrong in that. The state ha.- a depository. It has an iron safe. She can secure very cheaply to guard that treasure, j The state should have a egre for its offi cer*. Not being ablq to give the bond like men, they 'offci advantages Yon go on my hondand ifi fix r a you a per centage. I’ll make th * state pay. Let a new role be estab lished. If a public officer can not live on his salary let us have one who will. Honesty is a forced quality If a rreas 1 fund, n- pi m-lh hond'iucdnudi-r the i,-" they will get h.rer- * on ; aid deposit* lx- Is no* hoi<->t. fie is entitled to hi? salary-| only ti l* ;u and nothing j If In- '’ iwfmt gi’-" bond v. ifimot such'priil"g' Id him -' *• jf fir ha, no mote i ight to, h- rijppoi! < and by tin ‘ ! ‘ ' iJ * any uuc <'h<-, le tus and. maud ( I hat no publii offi'-ei -ha., < ‘ < ■ ive notJiitig more rhnu his Ktlary ' alls I'll. Ihe -'.'te ( an caii' for li'U' own money. | < 'ol. Knq .V Kllli. .-'npri-me t 'oui t I ten.- om- - v — I he Atlanta Ihspatch will pub 1, 1 1 icgulally I Ik- decisions of I Ik- Supreme 1 '"nri In older ! (o get tin fill. I' poi t nil .(•ii|ilion should he snt in at once. f*M< • 00 a V'-al, . f/roU Vej U \ h ohol r • l Mr I,',i>< li "1 -Hurt- "O-i r< ’■ in (!,< 'piii'K -lx:' I' 1 'a- 1 < l| 11J * ill*" *I ‘ *tM 4it ‘j, f Iff- 1 -t{ f 1 K't l< ill \\|i .'lli 1 XU* kf <*■ 'i. •' ' 1 il if tt ll'lVi f 14!IM’ L ft* I * •■ > • t(* r* jHirt if h Li * 'i‘ ’ ilu m mtiiy. He a r iiirw <1 'Mtl '' ' 1 Ir'HKlll. Ix lli v, '"I , 1 'lx , lx- li'wlvi ll Ik till' >'•"•> 1 " 1 llx ilniKKl* 1 f”' 1 K ''' Ii .i I ■.• 1,,' ll I '.'ll,l'M II n"• ij'liMi "! ‘ ■ .. ii Miii ri it n ' '*>•' ' ■ , , I'.'l j.M.0x.l • i’ll tlx r >!■ "ll r- •' I’ | r |,| y WIT! pill’, 111 I '■""•I 11 ■ 1 'X 'j ' 111 l\\ :?:*! * kli'lK 'll" '' "* '*' " ' j,, I II! xr. IX 111 k 1 * • ' a ' ’ nil I miipiiflii.’ll (In It f'-'JA' I' 1 ’ ' i ■ ‘ ‘ : i ciiutw ltir"iiKt> Ui’ a f * ” i,tH Al I' t'K'li tin V '/iiUhtl th' ' "'I •!>* mxi mt* t-tar j, ■! ? -•< i li, u ,1. ■fl • I nil. Vi ll" lxipi 'I 1,1 r llx i lllilift] ,tl 111*' lap ' f ll" if ' 1,1 i itvlttf nml **l mm 1 1 im ; * <‘jlnt |t >i o i-r • '* ..fillmM ll Wdt tVlffU ttU ti ll wfitf li {lt it Hu (-it:, ul4 1 f I ita *ft ' In iin if* tudn-r, tin) •' ! 1*• I r Lc ' ’ fuallv lignin.*! ill*fil'd **"t Vtf • ’ ! WHlll.l llll’.v laix tl 111 Ox- l*’*t ll -I*'*’* ’• ( (ililatll IHi’ w* iir*wl llitmf". I *x ) -tut it'd ur< l<> In 1 nun!** ti" tin dnitik • I fmvo nntiiin / lull t v li* it * ri ’ : v ♦’ you. ' mill ii ipbwti'r In Uvwy* i wh*> Hn*l (Xim lixti’t a Wi'* fr l r diiit llx' Ittwyor. artiflly, l?f> tf> mV fisrk, tie "* Ill*' f*** I'lt.oi 1 y..ii (lrilnk’ii ‘ml lit*’ v"iy Imtihlh ■if 111.' drill (five yon li li'"* .ii * Tlx V lcwvi’ oft wliiti liny li.ivx ipu ndiril tlx Sr tliiroi I‘ml'lv Vo*. >r nv rciKi'. Hilt win rf ili*l flic t'lo l ' vi r o>inr .< n o Ntrntiic of wlanky t” Cimtoiner : “Whilt ilid yi"i Uiixk t Hi” tiisix>p's wnnou, Mr. Wlgs' v r Ifninin t . r : “Well, really, sir, then "xc * i-.m n sillin’ in front <>’ me ns 'ml his sir pnrtol that rrookeil tlist I cmtlilnT '”' r 1 wont” J* Notice to Debtors and Credi tors. All [HTS..IIS in I. l.lnl to till' *r>tatv of i.|‘- fwy Brown.'lirtseMed. : ir.- in r.-io mWlHew t make iimni’.lmto pxyuirut. ami tits‘ iitpilemiMxis OTiUnstmini vststr will pi* sent them in terms of the Isw I his sxpi lint. I ST!*. \Y 11 KITXKIt, Adm'r. Bridge Notice. Will Ih- k t out In tlx - lowest Oidticr 1 wi-i nlO n aar wxi Ap. !"• ’ ji l s. ooml Sal unlay in S.#U'HtlM’. he 4. M of n liriilgc across At.mntain frW'k at UiC plantation w* Mrs Metis'h<v. sail! Uri-l.r' to tx SA feet long and of Rood lx art r - Tlx' rontract will l>c let out at the 1 :'iil,£r A. O. follins. ) C, W Key. ( >sr. B. F Aug , Sth. IST9- (IKt tlttilA * OMimuys Oflip I Meriwether (.’ountv. * Sept., Ist., I*.!* To all whom It may cencern : Wlun a- Wm. A. Poe*, of said state and county of Coweta, applies for letters of Administra tion on the estate of James 11. Croley. late of Meriwithy*- oounty, deiuasssl- These are therefore to cite and aitmonish all and singular the kindfeil anti or editors of said 1 ileeeaseit. to show enus* at my offli-e. on or heftjn* Ihe first Montlay i Qctpber next, why letters of Administration on the estate of said deceased should not issue to said 1 applicant i Advert urtvhT rnv ha ad arxi official signa , mre. A J. HINTON. O. M.C k/jßoftUlA > Ordinary's Offiie. vnlnditf CouMjni Hi’jit. Ist, MW. To all * ix/tn it may cnaeen Wlif-nras Andrew K Park, of said state ai.ii o ixi;. .ippl'x-J- for letters vf .\ili£wh | tVati the fem*' of M.hx A. 1. Pari: late i/ -aid county. •I''*;j-<1 These an tl,. r foi.- to iu‘‘ aiel aduxauwh all ami i;-- jr*i -j llx hindo <1 ad er.dttor* of *l' cito do.y < ao>s- at utf <Aftoe, on or before the. Ana MumUf i/i f>eto l:r next whv isu.l leU/o of Ailn.i.:i.-:rae -• -■> . ',f - ’i !.<-. ius-d i'll,Ad i vA iw • to j -aid applicant. (~ . rny I,and and otfk-,.1 >.gna* > . A ■! HlNT**'. O M i ♦ * * M.'MCMA * < Ssiimyy * 1 >'* • *t riv, ;jy.* ( 'Hifjly # '■d-j/f ligJ. 1* * '•* Win f* a • Vt!'b i'Htk if; oft me pi-rsoi and [ r'.jsi!y of A fail * K i I'litl <-f ...d I'aiiity having fully <li tin. triet and said A*ttJ*’ * K Park <% - attain* and lli* ; *M* : ■ f y* **ra ajjj.f' -*" '** (||*l,from !ii> * iosr li n *!.*{> ae ■ f re ►aid tfn-r-f >o r axrr ,‘*l Hf laffl 1 . :. ' :e i . ■! •! Id ** Ill’s ot* <- oil **r hif'S* ij,e 1:i et *n . In i,1,. iJ- .1 . <* -X..w raisnd X t I # - 1,-L. why: 1 f.!. Wild VS. ;a t If..Hi t.l • ■*:,- ■ ii.m stop. • il. XI, . !■ * I. > I. Old 1 5.0 \ 1 It: I'*. N *i M i * < 1< * lit if A *<i j ' e!, Me., -lie f I ,ni ,f' , *f* : ' 1- * '! ~!| w|i/.n it ii,.. V, n. i .John 1 thf.iati of wild IU . ■' I X t <i apjJi* * for U mi* t-f Atj, , . * u '.'■•> *l* Th*- B I t ' ■■ i. t et&nty tte****''l 1 ri 'll f. f,,f. W'- U r a<l adyj I, ! ■■ft#' i -,**• .la r •Vi . ft. •of A t i-t' ,■ <*ii ! } t i < >4tr tyf *fl *[> tipw*! iH.t t<-m ii. *rii<! j ! i ' v j nt;.v>s, o M* 1. Ll ofit,! \ ( J *4 < *(’ * * M livt f f( * '|t,i > , * ; iJ , t * * .kj \\ h r i ( i t *it **i *4 C. iIT* ‘f 11 ’'• * ft*i|iy <I4 rn**<V!,;hvJi - ’ , I it I /n tn ©•’ f t r U < • • h i >t| ■ h,f, ,f !• i, a- !. !hi •-• tl* r* -ft ,n t i >i< * . m < : 'Tlil'fl f.i J*tkv (*UK* . 4 ii\ tin V I*t* - ■*’ , , ini i'll nr Im f >* llm tifi •* { h loli r ’a'lix t i*lti !** **! r* • ‘ l*< .;r ft'ti! 4|)i<{ .ij>{ s ; rwllt. . -4 1 i * .*.|. * v■, h”'i I <nl *‘id' \ i m\nv O M < j I 1 11*‘( 11 JO | Mr-1 - 'itw \f* riu !fii! < mfiitv * H,pi Win r * iMur} !’ l\m u (ri* UUi'*k, laU- uf add ■ in*'- dewaiiwl. fhivinit l*y lx r written n. ni •. nppHnd to ma fur wt! at 'in r-ai estate of snhl dweaaeit Tills Is Ihereforr f. rile twirl d> h!i ill • rind,toshirm cans. ••* . ■ ' . *ii my office, on or fw.fori'the first '( .nday in Oetuta r next, why a order t,. sell Haiti nal esta*. shouhl not lie graid’ *l said applt emit tiiveii nntfcv my hand aixl offleial j signatunv A J. HINTON, <> V|. (:. (4EUIUUA I tirdiparv's fMli.. M. liivether Cotirfly. t !*opt Is*. 1 SCO ' Whereas W If Ki’lk r. Administmtor .■ the estrtlt of RpSey Ilrown latr of ... 1 j rounty. deieamd, having t.y his written )■ tit ion applied to tin for leave to . . th lands Islonging to said estate. This is tlaTefore to cite all p"- is eon eimeil. to show if any they hiivi” t my .iffici’. on or liefore the first Monday in Octol* r next, why an onler to s 11 said r> il estate should not Ih> grantid said appli -t rant. Olven tinder my hand as 1 offirla! ' signature. Au.l HINTON. i> M. ('. j -- V —“inr"' — GEORGI A > Ordimm s ttffi, e Meriwether t’ountv.f . ‘ &ept. lst.Uf7 : Whrteas W. H ' I nr boms sov upon the estate of John F Puffer late of said county, rlereasiwi having ihv his written petition applied to me for j leave to h’ll all the real.crime of said de ' censed. This is therefore to rite al! ;x>tsons con cerned. to show eausi if an v hey my office, on or K’fore the fi (Vtolmr next, why ar estate should not lie grantid mid appli cant. £ tiiren nniler my hand and official signature. A. J. HINTON, GEORGIA— V Onlinarraif Meriwether t .suidy, riept.. ilk, I will sell at public outcry in GreeoMK twtween the legal hours of sale on Tuesilay in Oclobi'r next, the of Thomas T. Duncan in the Real Rotate Tlxarms N. Duncan deceased- thesooie in sisting of one-fifth intent* in the Land of mill estate being four lnpldred acres situate, and lying in the Euthere on the rood leading from '.-na nNPiiko JSewwui one and a half mite* from Lwtharvflle—oald to satisfy a mortgage claim— Terma, tooh— Thia 2nd day of September Hw. THE BEST REMEDY run DiOT H lie Ttmt Ml Lmi! I t H <,f the V tr* IA ' :u* ’f#Hl y or^Trifl? , f i egg* l '* J 1 1 tlufUi i:• v -krxakk*a **■ " < fisyplr 0 * * : * L w * Xfcry 4* ix-i/i CHErmY *•’ th ,i . i ■ Hw. , -i ICCTORAL. -* i arit ;i* • h "s- ;• .Vr .*< -4 fr ■ . !■:■ h eiJii' .1-* >: Un * ' * :i,..... • *.) use t* w .it* t*. Die " '.;■■! I (V ►.- * I ... t. it .- V’ - r -x? • iHtiiutjj.-nr , *!•*• --* *t&* , t a.ifi ‘ r.fulu u. f, i-'.-i i* vidy'-- *i ;***• te Is'.i *4 *:• *v* xf £ 'U* f f* £ i> 4 uty i H-U K*r n Uk. : vb irj *,? *f . tii ff. • t*-* j.* €.>!!- %*rm lhr*JM t. Illffih' jiUJ 1 ', | ♦:!/*. 1 Iff K) liiNiiS r* 'if/, .**! I I, * ** rfL/'is *f A iin 4. ft it iiV iL f ;**o * . ■ ' I*fife * .ts ' 4t)fl uljv lift r* % j fx • ** terf!' 4 Llf* -v h, I*s ntu- i\ * a If il ft i ,■ .{ ►*' i- , • .( t. •**- t; * h t ifl’! j*f '! fj- Mit *ri! /#•* Ui Wt t* • ri -r . J M f •.: •♦ i. t# / ; • : ’ ' . r- * n v I k; !) v'ut r • ■* .m hhi 4 ■ yr x ■ , ir% i'r ■ b& '*?f • • -i •*. w <-r !■ M -*.r • ii r ''' ' 'riifLi-; V ft,/** ?- V! . * *• .*| ft| i i* -i* ' - * . .*. ' f r .y ... I ’ , -if .■ x-r .- ' i , • C • ,„| * <ft. t ■ t i :tr** >v* *H • '•**!“' 1 * 1 i -Mf t -- j - f', Mr.# {.t-i'htf j • I'Mli *>4 |y (3ft ~J, c: 'r- t Cos, i ,iiA4’lf"' *1 t >• ■*•*•, t t, M4* *' *4Tr* V **' t f.Ti W 11 ll r Dll J IT. I 1 HUK* JL st CO WiLGOXiWHUi ORGAN CO. M. rilcn, < i xli. / . / fp ELt- " “Chlidron’s Blow ’’! Atfftistefl orfamavedinsfanMy. and '/ by ibis Cos::* } )any. The mo -t : I’lulur Organs of th*. J. .y! livbmii'rn !II rim rv UGiii t nt.Lt.D !• v iw■ >i, " The W Tcr.jg ' • ' On ran in i~r •• i ‘ PT ST nr.d CTT A T */" in t bfl t d ■■ rL -j 1 ! '- f P f/? *t*r’*ti .** AVV K} K in vemr own town ind Jnhn "pital riat-d. Yen * x.n giv the business a trial without \ pense. Tfte t>eri opportunity W off' red forthosi willing to worit. sh tW trv rutilling else until fixr yourself wlsU' yon ran iJhtAJj.the hjpltwat we off- r No romW to Tf<u Cm devote ill your titn%.,r rofir spUA time to the b*>urate||Avrorlt. TBBhX" *i'e.i ffv sp-r.x which we ma: fret . V 5 Ontfi* rrue. Don't complain of hud timei while you have such a chance. Ad dress, iCTdALLET A CO.. Portland. Vf*-. , I h* e -pinm-ibx.e —for- uaSSSSrrit^fTry,,.^ -stv tTHtm i Son —egpaa-pt.' **." * '• -• v. nr iV.w- r-risrv ia * < .:b*ra’ t'—r- "* • -y*-* * *' A- : i: '* > S.Wijf-i, Xr; ano ii-iiitliiafir. Nv ir \ *>■ J. ESTEY & COMPANY, ‘ ■' -i"., rt rll ; %wß|v"- BRATTLEBORO. VT. Our n Organ, express ly designed tor Suiiduy s, hoots, et*',, la proving’a OnEAT SI7COTISB. 1..- sure to send for fnf! lies, rii,n\. i ut.tlot-u,- hetdre pun hue:i4 MOV other, THE LARGEST WORKS (Of THE 11*0)011 THE CLOSE flluiitrated f , s., .o*. A ■s. * U I. HI MMM - < AIM t ,1 Ml U illA '¥■ i i • A . < •“. ..<4 \ e SI M M i■; I!S .V MITIII'II I'Y ( 'fr- • [J~- *4 i ,y v\y MairahM-taitr* -ol > - . < ar I \tj - tttt.eHr, A a , H\ UN i** lM ' t. ■ Vr- ■ • ►X-t. It At I \ • *.l lit.".; \ Wehsr**r i" ■ > ,t* t • .hr n*. i . * lag, firftiZ ' Wr or* >i t i • I- I|> b.l I i— - V - x*,r- ■ , r m Vy kSorioifib M** 'ifx'tn•• r*‘ ■ *Ve •mu •,* .• -t ... st t - v .►* l' . A. j .. ! t.) I *-• ’! r - - •. Stl-till t‘*( 't*- i*S t * v , - *)* l, As .f I 11 1 Y-J 1 Vll DOLL AUS . Rrpsir n.- Is' s C 1 *’ A large it "Is l oi4 A* e Hai *■-• • ,ss , ■. [|,, , Lightning Ro.Jk ill! !!<• fr ! i t h ' lot* • ; ■' jl a Pomp -*e * an *n, t-y ► We keep (. t.a"d i ‘ ilu- ■ M. I All * A ' *i!'r . : I 'A I, I ■■! 1 row ft,* ! Hto th* ? •**-•! ir > V. • < : . v -ie t* . . , ii’ that can i t *ckU4 ii Jl •i. * Ai-s t-. .*■), . , . j.. .. n„,\ j TANARUS(. her UaVin< ben rs e S. . .t. , hr f. s , stitetifoa •! bi*tg fve ia i- c-i f,hr • A i u.i lr'ur r* s-*, w- ;ir „ pf I arid to ap| return t|.c lie ■ fc * rd • | ;•’> thv * at*v ol the ri -lit.l, T. P ;<J A we a>k ito ts> e ven a Rial • l ynr. - , h-.v .t .*, , - . rv ,, (*. SUM>IEHJk & MURPHEY. csv In, Georgia. TH i / FALL TJE. R M OF MfiDo institute < W. I ‘fag ' e . Barnes, viJle Ga f - or-on on Monday, September 3rd, 17, with a full corps ol caracal, s*wa'l •tachers dsttffmloed t*k|na >• wldoapreoJ *d ueaeived reputation of tin* j'** l !/ rrlebteWl Otsßuol. . . . , . (Soidoa Institute ofler* supciior inducements Jeparersta itetrlnr t**e*:i>ea,e tr.eir w r nd daughter*- It baa all the modern appliance-. .arpvmtE# ar and hmumre, and a reo and or successful teaching unparalleled m the >tsie. Its matte depaiU-ect is * bT P*ot. Gottenbergr. skohunn superior a&J but tew equals in hi* prefes^on. Barresvilte is the Boost oaurpoiauig city on the Mle -n and Western K!.r>ad. and has justly ihe teputaiioa uj having Uc inyst .nora,, htxrai and en!lgbtin*d cmmouNy ** 11,10 to |I?.SO per Term. Board *lO 00 to Jl-5 CO per t,rr.ih, £, i.\Ji tDIS, p,„. or W R WOODALL, Hmc.. g. 24 1y Bar nss ride,’Gsorgi*.