Newspaper Page Text
the vindicator.
■— I
' *
Ei-anrio**.—TV moat reliable dl*imt< in*
go to chow that the republican* hare elect
ed tiuir governor by majority. itotli
ci<h* claim tin- legislator*: ami a* large gain*
are reported lor the republicaw* in Hamil
ton county it may be that the ilciissTats
lutve. lort the tcgbilalure. II so Thurman
retires from the senate ami J'titfi Sherman,
il' nut elected president, wiil la.' U sucts's
In lowa the lejiuhlM a/ia have made gabm
electing tlicir governor, legislature, anil a
roMgrnMiuan tiy Increased majority.
Tiles'lay waa a Waterloo to itttle
presidential prospect*
The hill restricting lawful interest to H
per cent, lift* lauded the legislature.
Latest. It i tie night the legialaturi- ad
/otprtied Ve ln stay night
\KO. Iloyiaton, it |>rornim ut merchant of
Attfcnmdied hurt Monday
If tlie IrgiHtjture adjourned Mi dries lay
It */u h. *c*4on 130 day*, each member
drawing %4bo.
iauit Monday the senate suit a in' nmg l lo
the I tonne providing for an ailjiairniin nt on
Wednesday, providing "It is lo tie public
interest." It Is believed that the tssly will
certainly adjiairn by to morrow, an by Unit
time it will surely lie to the public interest
lo do so.
lleechcr and < onUling wen- ’he speaker*
111 a mass meeting at Brooklyn a few even
lug* ago. As I loth have Isa tt Invaders 'of
the domestic " |icso. of h'mac holds,
their Joint presence was ernl
nently proper Had Elisabeth Til
ton and Ksle Kprague Is-en on hand the lab
lean bad lieen complete
The committee of the legislature ap|s>hit
e.| to invesUy. .Hun s . sar (iti
that W I I lli’inphill, Wright A Cos, anti
others have ehnrgeif 3fi p< r cent, on lie- gas
they used, the foul they burned, oilier mil,
salaries of foremen Ac. The cumndMc** say
tills was an Illegal ehlirge nnd ihslrr' dial
the governor prmeed at once to recover thi*
overclmrge by.suit. die item is
for Indeslng Ihc journals of 1073 ami IH*'B.
whlell is wholly ii(innthorl/rd hy law, Hu
cTerk of Hie I loimr ami Mccrrliuv of lll*'
Senate ladiig required hy law lo |S'rform
lliis work anil he lug also paid for Ibis labor
for I Kith Ihe year* s|h< died In noticing
these Irregulnrlltes the Atlanta Dispatch ap
proprlntely remnrks Hint our "g<sl old
tttatc Im* been iimde to suffer hy In r ow n
sons " If any crookedness really exist* li t
the guilty om - s he marie lo fork over
lion. K. M limtenti, senalor from this
on the first page, voted "gu'lffy' , nn llle'rfeu'
fr<*' llii|H'riehnient trial
Cetowagn, the Iniuhleautne Zulu Afrimn
chief Inis broil cnptiirrd by a party of En
glish dragoons. Wlwn taken lie belmvcd
lit a kingly maimer nntl asked to lie shot
Nttw l*Aimtc‘<. There arenis to tie some
unenslnetsi felt In regard to a split in demo
erotic ranks In regard Instate .Issues at the
ne*t election, home fear that those who
have oppomsl linpenehment priweedlngs and
icrtaln Investigations that have Is en n eenl
ly made will ws-k to make an appeal from
leglslativo notion and if this ap)s al Is not
counfotianeetl hy the ilemis raey an nlllanee
will tm formed with Hie dlssatlsflislelements
in the state ami the dormant radicals It
would seem that the large democratie ma
jority in the state cannot work harmonious
ly much longer nnd that imlepemlentism is
to lie largely Increased. We still cry for
orgnidr.rttien nnd r*'gulnr nominations.
JO people were killed uml ltd wounded by'
a nulroailcollision in Michigan last Tlmrs
<lny. The engiiiect. fireman and a tramp,
who w-uh stealing a ride, wen* killisl last
Saturday hy a (Gllisiou in West Virginia
near Wheeling.
Oov. b'mlth la mentioned ns one of the
three railroad slide commissioners under the
new hill now {tending before the lcgisla
lleing In Wert Point the other day we
were rallied on the 'good work" ('apt. Per
sons wu doing tor the ChaUtdwKwh.r and
chided for our lumdaome description of his
voyage tip the river. One of our would he
tormentors telling us of the money that had
already been appropriated for the opening
of the river, was thunderstruck when we
old him that Persons had not yet olttalned
ere dollar for the enterprise. Nor would
this man acknowledge the correctness of
our statement until some of his neiglilstrs,
friends tot apt. Persons, assured him that
we were right about the matter. The sur
vey about which some peopfo are making
such a parade was paid for with money ob
tained by the immediate predecessor of Mr
Persons. As the gallant (’apt. would scorn
to wear the honors of another we are satis
fied that, if interrogated, he would corrob
orate all that we have stated above.
Finding the Senate would not find Ren
froe guilty of impeachment, tlic House
passed a resolution, that as Renfrew had
corruptly used the state's money that the
governor should at once proceed to enter
suit against the treasurer for tlie money
thus corruptly pocketed. Now, this reso
lution was hard on the 17 senators who hail
just voted that Renfroe had sot corruptly
used the state’s money, so when the House
resolution reached the Senate these 17 intel
ligent gentlemen were placed in an awk
ward dilemma and grew restive under it.
If they supported the reaylution it waM 1*
s direct rcficetion ujssi their b-fitter vcAe,
anil if they voted against it tliis would Is- a
reflection ort Keafroe, who said lie lust tak
en tin- money and offered to pay rt bwk.
Asa majority of the senate could [-* this
rcaolirtwri, there was great wrath felt there -
at hy the 17 minority gentlemen. One of them,
a senator Vremttu, weiui to havs eudcavorxd
to frigllten (atopic from talking about hi* un
fortunate vote, hy asserting before the pa*
►age of I lie House resolution that any
scribbler or hi* -alter any man In privale
tsilt or in Hu- newspaper*, "f e.lsewls-r*
that insiniiatid that in luiri ts-cn actuati-d
try any other than a right awl bom M tine
live (• denounced him here publicly as an
hifauuais and v arulah/us Mar I hi* ****
anticipating unfavorable i/nnnienl arol put
ring rvi-rvlvtdy on msec tlial they had bet
ler mind bow they talk h'siul senator I'rev
ton's senatorial vote tt ell, if the <h-rwe
i-ratn voter* of the state think senator I'rcs
lon rlid right we eao submit wj'h as g'ksl
grat e a* any one • I**
The Atlanta Dispatch say* "The js-opte
are growing More anil more din*ati*fled with
llii’ Kenfrw verdict We believe that tin
ja-ople from one tml of Hu* Hlate to 1 1**' *rth
er will place Ihe seal of condemnatioo <si
the verdM, and tin* I nailer will continue to
tg- agitated until Kcnlroc turn raeuansplsred
from office, and mwlc to return the tnu nut
to Hw Treasury. If sur-h a state of things
hii.l existed U-fon ih< war when there wi re
Iwo evenly illvi'le'l [Wirtlcw In < o orgm lie
party (hat loleraied such ollieial cowin'l
would have la-en driv'-n from powo-r I.tick
Hy for Ihe .“laic Hi*- majority of Hie Senate
dissented fr<nn Hie venlii-l and He mlnori
ly Is resjamslhli fof the verdict and i’s if
A few week* It go ‘he Talbot ton "anil,nd
nlluded lo our published ink Ice of taking
charge of a aider i m lusil in ' year m*t
did until femnfks aliinll “in Isisslug a chain
gang some day Well there is no knowing
lo what honors lonnlry editors may aiiiiin
Hut hint her Mumfords iimrken' <'ouipli
uienl reiniuds ns of ao In* idenl Hint I* r
porlid In have hapja iiivl during' lie in *n and
gtils rnaUalal eauvami made by f te IfXi"
Henry A Wise in Virglnlß In IHArt Mr
Win,- while addressing an andieim m lie
noilliwesO 111 part of the slate was frei|ii* rit
ly lulririlpled hy a riille t IsiisO t ms yisillt
eonsplciiously sbilloucil n|sili Hie ouhliirls
of Ihe crowd, pe i ounng I Iri and of tin- in
ti rruplioiiH lie i lispient speaket |inuw and and
Impressively |ioinluig lo Hie yotilig*!i t *aid
A niing matt, I shall lie Hie ie*tl tloverien
of Virginia you will likely he an Smimle
of Ihe slab-|'iiiletitlrv Tin re|sit.ahle
eiiniM I Hon* lo winch V'HI heliHig will pre petition for your pnnl'Si. lull uul<'>*
you sil ilojwn and Is have yourself I shall
not sign Hull pel it lon ' Hmnor tins It llml
Ihe young Virginian subsided
Cap! Persons, who w ith sui It n (loutish
of trumpets and Hying hwrmers was amt mn
pL %'M'i WW /), iWi^age' I !'^
the stormy < Imltalesa bee, has either been
wri ■ ked by ihe raging billows of Hi mighty
stream or else must have harked down from
entering u|“>n Hie perilous undertaking - ll
Is not |*i*lble Hint Ihe doughty < nptnlii, in
Imitnllon of Hit* king of Kroner,who mnreh
nil up the hill with twice 10.000 men and
then hurriedly mnrehcil down nguin, went
to West I’oln', and after hearing oftlnda
gers to he neoimfered, iiusmlinentlv hack
out nnd i|ulctlv slippeil hack home ! If so,
tell It not in Talholton mil publlili It not In
Columbus, ht nil w a in M C la-writtiui
ilown ns a timid navigator
There is another Indian M ar on hand in
Colorodo in eonsei|uetM'e of a disregard of
treat* stipulations on 'lie part of 'lie whites
In IHIW certain lands were secured to tin
Indians with the agreement on the part
of the government that- no white man
should ever la 1 altownl to infringe upon it
Soirri after valuable mines w ere diseovi red
upon Hies*' Italian hinils and the whiti'S
e*s*llv pris'i I'ited to illvide them up, Ke
moiistranri's made I*l the govermni nt wi n
passi'il over in sileni'e. I'inally the Indian
iigiuit, wlm ought to have protivtrd tin' na
tives in their rights ts-gan ti> golthle up the
lambi of the savages when, gondiil to *les
jMtrntlon the re*l men arose and asserted
their solemn treaty rights, A detachment
of soliliers has tii'cn hemmed in nnd rough
ly lmmlk'il but rv-enfoivcment* arriving, the
Indians have retreate*! to the maintains ami
a long, troublesome war niay be the re
The sale of the lauds of l£e late Hr.
Mathews were sold in Tnlbotton last Tues
day aggregating *14.570.
The Savannah Recorder rays .Tuilge Au
gustus lbs'sc of Madison lielongs to the or
der of men in whieli are found Governors
Crawford, McTVmald Johnson and Jenkins.
Asa lawyer lie ranks among the ablest in
the state and as a governor he wquld Is? the
equal of any who ever occupied that exalted
position We would cheerfully support
A writer in the New York Sun thinks
that Robinson will lie elected governor of
New York, as the democrats, on account of
the Kelly defection, will make a more de
termined effort to carry the state than ever
before. Robinson's election will secure
Tilden’s renominatiou and Tilden is delight
ed with Robinson’s chances for victory.
Kelly by opposing Tilden at St, Louis 3
years ago secured his nomination to the
presidency and by his mutiny this year
forced the renomination of Robinson for
governor. Tammany being in bad order
outside of New York city it* opposition to a
good man secures his triumph. We do not
know how much truth there is in the above
While in, > thutui a few day* ago we
met i ov. Htiutli. ( apt. Utile sod Hub. I.
K Garrard aiwi tniw-wdl tie* acrjttaloMw:
bjniisd hist par Ml the stormy congvw4amd
ixmvc/ili'tn at ( <>itiilihu*.
Tlte flrow n-tiunTud t//uUuitrty is at' an
end, aitd */•■: Uavrs ter dtatU Gov. Brown
kw often 3n thinking of his MiUgunist m Use
language c*f sooth *:r Haul ; “Hail I ko'/Wcle
was so cunning of fenre: I’d atn him bang
ed ere I iuei ctadtcng'vl him.”
I j*a Tneadsy right Uet Hall <>f Bcjtrew ,u
talivc* in Atlanta was grarited John JJ
for an amln-ss pon an ldV*ig*iion
of M< • Htephens, T<eanli Mel I Hi!-
What the S|s-akcr iuU-iuitnl <lcve|oj)l..g ban
n<t yet tronsciH-d. ft Bitty be mvxieT lo
vcstigatirai to Is inaugnratid. It so, tie
legislature will hardly get thniuge hefror
( Titistniiwi
It Is fsahi'inabte hi Atlanta U> aUrHiuu
tin- late iiivtatigathst hi the "Imt headed
y not Tut" 'if the H'w*' But, as Use DbufMO i
olss-rvrw it might b. well to recoils** that
I. flit these •y<srt| * I'tts of r<itten*ia*ai.d
official corni litk at W'sihf have montaed <■
Tlx ren-ut warm wi atlstr *ieS Pcfcave
warim-d Uu- yellow f* vei In
new lift Slid gnat liiK asiness again pre.
Again i f< told tlnii Mr Wat* iman fins
tv and oli ihr Hi I'rt )ui A
ftt ff/f "M/Jit* til:.#- jK l/i* W-'-'i U;if
11. ln /'H i'hiUifl V' 'I HfK'l Hf'/ ** ulsituMfl
*¥♦' fif* UtKiiDA !!• fhfl It
'll f jf’/Vt nai. ? ?.ik'*** .-t wli hi
in lJm Nt'lnia rthrt*
StMiiilor SjM‘i*i
Hmnf'ti In "nth l
ir *U# f, M}of I tan Hjv* rr )fi tit *My yr*
t# nfV f'r NVw Voft llllt l!fj ;o Vrf
f** fli’ rtiltl Ji* l<nil gory iIm 1 afturf iiflvk's*
of UU *% <li iiij-o- fU'
ofo| UmA ffttiti- Uu- *• << /'*rttt m
ImrrUhipki *>t lU* [r* -m nl *n*i 1 Willi
f'tflifiifjt iK/fiM-?UiMj/ nkiii i*t |trfiinn ll'
i- < mi‘ "1 li<- ir.finlx fi *( l> i !*o**ji
a ifittn of rtf./ !m iirin/ im| Ufirrift* r r
Iriml h funy l *t\ mm Ur l*w
f iimi > .iti-f fr it tvU aMI In* Itf t ' r
id vt<| f \r Unt
\ itDfriii <.f t| Ainfuitiix Nf.
•!<, fl*< inrinlo r tf tlir Hrfinlr
I y/n r i Mlm rof v l * krwwii *r
IK I"l ’ll I **<• wli< B , tyi ten
ihouxmul dolUra for !Id jvi* f*
n Iboml >
.* I ><* k ft** iiitvrrnt {Hiill in ♦lm iii'hh \
nf t.||4' jn-o|U U to M*v UMl>a>* r *r *t*
tr nmir* i *r li<i *tin fn*
.'I If thf’ trnuur r |fot *f*r- U'ft~
tII thoiDcmtl f|' tfM A*i'i’ ii* ui‘ f <u
r*Uy Iw ffirt li# {un Imfird *• | !i
• r
V If it \h ill t'Jil ?< i|riw irit r**t on th
jm-{! no'M< \ fifty or liumlr* l {<<
•mm! tlollurw Iy tld i *of { U* r \*|
riin it In* l#*gnUiN ( <i if U n u iv. \ j *rf >f
tin* y '
5 Ifylu* fr<uMiin ru i* <*f U/
iuw, why filti'tnpt to < U*nilrtin fy. r-r ivi
tin intrnif >
<ri Tooint* remarked alxmt ilm vnlkt
inj|i< fli MfrtHv jin|.s-i* |i !M n |,%f ! - -r
h**nvv lnm on Krnfro* to think th,*t ***v
rntwH 4* n.\torn wimiM not 1m U'Vd hln *n
hinmth Ilf* hml nworn that hr rwrvh!
thr nnry runl krj*t It for hi* own u*r
i of
rnilF, undersigned takes pleasure it an-
I nounring tliaf he is fully prepared
l to meet the wants of his customers
and friends in every line of Goods in which
lie usually deals
lie now has on hand
A ear load of MEAT.
A car load of SALT.
A car load of BAGGING.
A of ‘VTTG.'S Yilii..
Resides a large quantity of
Ac , Ac..
Together with a Full line of lhy Goods,
Ik wits. Shoes. Hats. Caps Ac.
In fact his stock is
in every department, and all at the
no i* able to meet the prices of other
markets and is determined not to be under
sold. —Give him a trial.
lie is always actively engaged in the
Cotton trade and will give the highest
Cotton prices. llognnsville Cotton Market
is said by many to be the best on the Atlan
ta and " est Point R. R.
Very Respectfully,
Hogansville, Ga.. Oct- 17.
Nev Store,
UTY. Beal respectfully state to the public
thai we have moved to OUT Nt*
Hi oii*. im sotgh east comer puhtic stjuare
where we will consLiUiUy keep on hand a
fid! line of
I try l end*. .Votioua,
Hats, f ltAhing
Hardware, M irrd
Ware Tin War*
tend Htaph- I>mgv.
A largi st s k <4 < vste* i losettlte
Our Intk.Pi m
Hhort I'mlitH, f/tti- k
r*itl**tt, D'dvii Weights aii'l
Hfjuarj; Mea.*iitre.
Wt guarantee satidar Ik si to <str ■ oshc
risr*. Give us trial
HAitltlH A MliO'i
U’AltHfUt .r, XoTIGB.
■W. C. Ghobon’s
f'tke droop
I til
f# n *'. iOfcT *tt V\ jtjoil lit* If •'<
I- • k fn! Piil Ihn * > i!r~ fr
truth \
f |* Wl‘l|t f X. -s V,lt'^.oDß;li
AhMtflUl Im f tl* *r lto W*ih ' l hi* 01/J fftriDk*
rti<l rftoioiiir r* rt m f< iUv*
•’■ft ’t-ifli ’i * ftu ':•.! va af* r hdd r
• _ *v
efi mi*;f, riCK.F. to ;ill l*<f rii|*rr >*>i**i
of f|*rir r/rffon *ith ur
\V I
Mrs. A. Lower,
34 Him Hreirrrr Gturris, Griui-.i *,
" . V
Ibis jus' ..(* nr.| a !arg, i, 4 k >f Miili
n>tv G<lh of th< Vrwi*t Hum whhfj
■ill. is |.rep,,red lo ft I! 11l ih.vl'.wije [staep.h
pri< •■*■ \ /
AV iih tin i . IV Mvrt/'. .1 < k
son and Miss Kate K"U^ahi —will p' •
*ii wlki will favor In-r with their Palron
age. Iskli in HTA LE ami I’lUf EH
Mils \
|V. IMUrAM ONvM 07,
(tKIFFIN, (i\.,
Hcupcrtfully imll tli* attrntion of tbc rid
;rn if M*KiwKrwrß to thrir lair* mit
well wlertid stock of Family Groceries ard
Plantation Supplies Our Hoo* here
located on M* riwcther tr t it i no tronble
to our friend* to tep in an th y (kiss nor
door, and it will afford n plrmnirr to ,*how
our Goods to all Tiaitocm.
.lust remember that we rantv-t hr umlrr
o!i| in
Corn, meal, Wour, or other
Staple farming commodities.
(live us a 'all and examine
our goods and prices before
purchasing elsewhere. This is
all we ask.
Griffin, Geortria.
At FAA TO S6OO A YEAR, or *5
jx 1 DUw *° in y° ur omn **'■
“ w w cahly. No risk. Women
do as well as men. Many make more than
the am jonl stated above. No one can fail
to make money last. Any one can do the
work. You can make from 50 cts, to $2
an hour by devoting yoor evenings and
spare lime to the business. Nothing like
t for money mak in* ever offered before.
Business pies tan t and atrictly honorable*
Render, if you want to know all about the
beet paying business before the
us your address and we will send yon full
particulars and private terms tree ; sample
worth |5 also tree ; you can then make up
your mind lor yourself. Address GEORGE
STINSON A CO., Portland, Maine.
f *
7 7.* >
Griffin, Ga.,
•TO THg PfiOPIaE OF tfBRfwfiTHER :
-§G A v
Heturtu ,g my thank.* lo :hr ptsuide of Meriwether ( ,un!. f, tfa-ir hiirr.U jiatrxaiage
during the priwcet year . lam lielure you agaiu tor a txmluiance of your preantf pat
r Af tagt*.
I aai |.fe|M*.l to oxiaiiCßte He. FALL HEAfSiN. nh , superior Mack vf
w’-t > aejg ,a my hut, and to. -A-r th>iu. a: pfiiv- tuai willcwoipctc with
any market in the state.
1 U*v*• j'-iHA -a.* en l*uists.- li**- UaaM •! AND IH> CH<K’L
uu,- G.u'iiw iu*n> anumi<h> ,u
.< kt hy tlaf I 1 AitiliNU JM JM.i< J *r< i*< jinut* U> {>i*x yu io
KW.H’k i'AirilM IAH t*|M< i- |*lU< i.> *' 4 AI.H Vot *'♦*•<*
UCjW. ' I jU.ilßihlce i'll | , .)! < tvi'i, 1G 111- IfltlXh-Cllttui.* Jjejf/
I „|. |-r.p..n . ■ cotton f ••* < u*t- att .cl *se a **>* >* ■ ute
tic ..He liijfh at kl-t J}J ic . H *'"■ ll.MiiiMnmuUl,
1 wsild st*'4.y*af we *C |i |4*l*l t. rt,| ■ 1 , i r~<t\He *t I lrntno* “'Oil
n.t *i* ■ - ?OiM it Al, Ml,IS* li iMtf’l ii v til* wril * ta*gr and M<HU.
* j'l jI '| (1,.,- , vi-t I. I-a* -t. i< ■. aiD wca ■ ft*, a; reel t !i,at s ' Ifrlirv e if vs ii t
!. .*•! Pw*' Uu at kst
-,‘i . . t Vl' I ‘ ' r • 'h* fjt* tl St if
Griffin >• It" roe ok -I'lnio i,'* * w w.ur- ' > • sir |il>‘S<ag<
V t il li • I HI I V
.ii kim;
Aug *Sh !“.',u v .
..... \ - . . 'V
V. ' \
The Old. Reliable Drug Store.
v V
■ ' 'St
SI m%
K( j i-riii *.i 111 i V • f“ • !•>••' of
I*tt i: Dhuik. a:* and M ink ' I’ai :- i: • ( Ju*
Andi ) k Sj'nj j
■ The fii.t At hit*i • 1,• ..| 4 t I,< tof Ti* t Arl• left,
Sn.\|v, I’utn Ml>, KxTKAtT I! Al li Oil, AVP I'l.t HI ,
to Kc f*iuihl m Fr< < 11 \ 1 11c*.
AI.SO a 1.-irde lot off t t-'v Sf.itin i v All kirri of IJt'c
ing I’owtii'rs Slock aid 1 attic l’tiA 'Ete.
A full su]i|l) of trit?-xoritl KiiMx-r kyringf* of tvery
1 . . > 1 V *
uesenjition. \
Wo nro H'(l€|uartorw for the Genuine Simmon* Liver
Hftp B.tters
Moffett's Terthin'k.
and other leading proprietary Medicines.
■ 4
f , - ... t ce-.U-.T" vr. iiC.. 4V'#n,y.' ■■c.v
All Cheap Fob cash-
DR. .1. K. G. TERRELL & CO..
Greenville, July 18th, 1879. 6m.
WIN^ 1 "
85 'Whitehall and 02 Broad Sts.
Atlanta - - Georgia.
Call and see that Cash will win f>r you a it has for me.