Newspaper Page Text
Vol T
"ilfi -m: i-N
1 I fII I • - \ f *h*
\/\/ li'-uw I -*t iii tbc town of
▼ V N|*n %vH b.-r l o <a
jrtiiji Hi ir**? U*mr* •! *- vi* on iht* fitwt
r ';r*<in V.VtU.U r I ■'?’. ti Ml'iwillg
i* l wif i -t lof f :m?ml No, l
Oh tOfh liiftfti i il \l*rtwr|b*r • xin!v
. rMfjrt H *> H* ♦ * off ’in rt ‘ *•!' < ! mu>l
•K, No ION •* no tli ;'li *!•>-! |wrl)•*.
f <rt of mu! No I‘.HI >.no OHh
n*4in.| on Oa NorOi ■ -H r* ■■■’■■ *hi
iii- l\ tin *'aU* f '.I on f}< *m*Jll b\
.ol No jy; ;■*•><! ljn VN s !*'i \i ?V1
Vi :• ‘Hi Vl} o. It r "t U Vl' ll on
tlu■ j jH-ri \ * | . H 1* ' t W
‘hr *HK|lh vm >! * -nii ' { |n ■? a-.O %*•■?!¥
nth* 1! *i ilihit • ? '*l M<n*o. r i ounfv.
I*l o:i :,> Oil JH*. of till* V l uflM r No
h* *J m t ;*! 1 pr-.ja m *vi 0 *♦*
0 ; t o* rf\ *f Iti < I a.ujJ -< i Hi i v
i JL
lljfri C- *ort i r t . •"< I •*
v \Wn\ •* H, )>•• prim ‘ft*®? \N hH--
Ya lor . 0 Hi,* \ I'tirn* r m-i urtf *rop
11 m H I * o*l :, 1
" * 1 1** 1 w ltr < >t
if * ar-o Ofo* a .-at J. i‘ 'MO • v . I
art of ( *rr! N * If) *4 fit* W.* )tM<l •'* i**’
of n*t V )> Jyhtst :nl U if./
ir <.ir\oun. vUm ’wif wow th* I,*i<lm-f
v\\\* Oi*m t of Nli rtvM'Oi* r n*nnt\ * ontam
in if m * 0r hnM'tr* \ in <r f !'*
HfiO know n .ii On- [jlh* wl p oi. ' iniin
f SN *nt*Ji ii ! r.m-r v U Onnu
' r,- nytfflift \ -tl * ’,i riJt'iO' VN *U I ifi
•!i>ffY two f] fa x from Hnw*?li*f ( M rj.. r
4 >in, iHr .•> favor *if William Kl'-nrnov.v
< f Wifftbaffl. in fn/**f
1 William > A’a-on. V* < oli|!nl'n f *N r
rltain Hr 'j*’ov pi'nnOoJ jt I'-o if
A ft* *T' • \ a,ij 'inant '.*4ifi*-* 4 in f*rinr of ft*
Nf th *an' ll rrM- af*J y*la* * will * ><*i
* . *in*' t!*ir*i in -an*! to
h#> tor*' l**n*w amj l*f with hla< knith
*.*oj, nit in tin- town **f <irwnvilh*,
**ih<r f'rtjnty hi , ki<wn w of
nod Miwibit'* Hfl ami 31. an<| all that
.-option of hrt No 7, i^iv<*vwi by K W,n%
}owU>.l. I. }iannire i-X'v-jii, a atrip of
and wUl** *aaf and
w*-M ; tf>- now fir
Jotm K * buttle*. ii<l orrtfirid*rJ ,„i‘- liiin)
intemn, Jfvitxl,, ;t<*- \>r i\n-tiy of M I'
JBSayrjk to ■ft f* fr-nn .’,-r.►' ,*-r
rMif*-rior ( oort,io fiv< of W II HartrwH.
. A <1 Floyd. I>. H. i bVk aMi il V
> xniork I'roperty i*nnU*l out by Warn tiff
nrAifted am the Uwdin-eia. ew.
A*, the name time arwi place ib I* a,ld
r t ; levied on a* the BTouertr
*.ir -im’l > M.-mt of hfi. (’ount vfp iftioid, Oct IT. 1 M7'>,
>ika ant (%N’hran to satisfy two MnbjXPnM
fi iaH from Nit-nwofliri Sn rior tNmii. tu*
in favor of (NU*v 4ni*a. tin- otl*r in fuvor
! Klbcrl Wimbiah. v * ■* ikn* ;*♦! t Vadoan
U*v\ iimdr and ri , t.urn’l f>j irn- l> .1 N\
I ' o**l Hnl fft?o
-> - HI.OKI N I
h M •
til.oKOl A • Ordinal v < Mtinr
Mriw.-Uiii i -n.iv i >• ft ih;i
1o a I w 11>*:11 i. ttui\ ' hi W Inynn*
It I l,nra-;‘t Tl .• *4 I >f,ift id roiilii) n}>
{•■i -t*u :ffi< r •' nt ia* ton on t !*•' * '
tn!<- f>f 4 m hi !< vv hkl, Ini* of n.i I • "jn \
and * i-tta** j
1 hi' • li'T l f i 'o - itr nut admonish
al! a.d ajnj'i if fin' Uindii t and • *o* 1 11 f
of vod d**t * as. V (osho.v . if . 111 \ ll*'v
.oo a 1 os ltt.o on -I l*> I jf. fir-l
Vlooday in Nnvt'oitwf ri v', wl> !* ftni- **l
a*! nil i 1 f.ilo . ..* . . •.? .no • jri t■ a■>.#•*l
ah *>ifid no* i.V‘ti*- i aai'l oU*ijli**nn f
1 ! ■ v oi <i id t i \ j I'd and 'tit-in'
sly. 1 ■
\ t IlfNTo-N
* t M i
•; I OHO f \ Ordt OV A < Mft. t
Vfi'fi ,F*fJs o i’o'i ilv '** 1 H7'd
NV O -oi r' I I* *v\ .*it| 4a.n*M VN
Hi To i , \*> • io* ■ .1 'h - I I \N ill and
J * :i. . * ■’ * •*:** I. 11 nint/ laf- •>t
oaid * *n?v t • t-1 Vtv' hv tlr.'ir wrtf
’l l, J>< ■;!(,. • f n. •< r f .1 0 iivc fo a*-!l
I 1 Im* i f ' • ’ • aaid *b*
* 1 a*nj
I h:* 1# fit* ' * *iil •. |-n*nih all
i’W 'f 'U*l *- ■!'■. < n'n<- I * •, ♦ !**■• vlw
■>u• ,j b *f< r • tf|.- fir *t N! n lav i Nov** rt*-r
u**} ’ whv i l -f It t** ‘ aI i *f -aid r*al
l*o i.l I rt 'la /*tf;| -11-1 i
j r).*r rrxA! ha I f l Niifh'iai
O M f
5 ■
WiJJ !>•* !*rt <i|f a* tb.* Bri lz** *'* *?•* frt*w
♦-a? bidder IrHtwrw'ii t'f ain -* **l 1 [* in '*
, tl*e tliif*! "Htnrda \ i <nt ta*r tlw
buiidinjf **f a brid/* * r N dlow .lit# k**f
'alo 'fa - •***
■ - nit* *f h< * r**k -d ;/'****!
b*-ar: jdn*'. and ai f*rth *md- **f ill* t*ri* 4 -o' f, >
, br* •'urimifkurtni# bij)t and M* \d*mi/*d
*{V*/*it}* ati'*na *m llv* day of p-tting
*yf bridj
Thia ~*‘\A WnU. I*7T
.1 W yjne*, f
4no AHiri^ht,
4 if W'il)ia;na )
I t i.i l,\ tli.'ln,l wi‘| vvl
t't,iH',il ~t \|„. v Fuller lute of Meriw.-th
ef Count \ lie, , ~e.| ||| |te
''•*fore the ruurt I,<Ml*> .|,N,f. in the tow n of
.reen\ ill, of Miii| e.m,it. on the IMI T i. M
dm Id N.reillllel lletl. Mitliin the legnl
lioiiim of Male, the fo!|ov\int( Inn Im or [mreelM
"I Inn,l
Ml \ I'llllet Militated in the lltli ili.Mtrie' of
xitid e.unity of Merlwetle r. ronlaininK two
Imndreif and eighty Heven aereM more or
11 |>rii'm emit lmll ot lot of land No
two hundred and thirty Ml* '.d! :eonlalniii K
one limidred on. and one fourth Hit j a, ten
He l-. iMt half ol Hie Mouth half of |oi No
Ivt" hundred and Ihirfeei, Jl.'f) e.e,l|,„„
M,,v * lie mat Imlfi.f tin N..rt|j fourth
of |,i No I ... liundrivl and forty lin MM
I wenfy (Ue m nat lln Mouth
hall ol lot \,, (wo I,iintlied and twenty
', 1 M and alao a |,ar. i| of |,,i No
l■' hundred and thirteen ' M;| off dm
Nor,l, l.all ofHHldlo'. la.fcrii,ni,i|. the
-eat aide Ol lot No M", and running ..*
lode .-roaa leiiee or elnrry ir-, tin- road
heinyf the line on Hi, Nordl Midi and the
Hllev Turner and .( I' t |„p
to , the -'oijlll aide eontMining *errr
fi” Hit "I "*! .and Mold I „ ,li.
Illliu lon Term* ,
S l'|,l *f | HT!I
John I o|i| t K*
lone,, I Fuller I
'il'llt'.l \ jutldln..' onm y
lly virto* i , order from tie- eourf of
Ordnmry "ounlt will he aold I adore
and„ e , ir h ■ im ,|oor ol Meriwether ( 'inty,
in the town ,| tfi yi||e *,,<l Mla'e atiwe
■aid on tie' I,' I today In No vemlier. ni*> f
tad we, , tie 1 1 a, |a j 'iiairn of Male III" lurdt
la-loiigi,ig to da eat ate ~f Mary F TliodaeM,
lah- of Sjiaiili i', eounty deeeaMed Mi wit
Two hundred aere* of land, rnori or lern,
Milliar din tie |at di.triei of Meriwether
eounty alanil Ole half Inild fro.n Hie <'h
ly!.■• e ■'prm • are) known ae the | H , It
-tfoilina plat . adjoining W illlar-i Miu he|l'
oi tie- ewe |{ fte-nei o, !h„ aoijth
and the t haiyiaali taprinpa on till. w.-Mt
!*eto and for 'la fienefl' of In ir. and ere |it,,i*
a forue-r (eireli,,e r. naU Met ifrd IM7(i
lerioM one had eaah. ha'ar.ce I? inoetfia
from day of aale with intereat
’< ' Md"y \ r r,t4
Ad , r
\ i t.rdlMary'M Olio,
Meriwellier < ,aj i, v. , 1 ),•) ffl || , JH7W
If I* Thoiripeon liaa ajiplied to rim for
x rnpfion of (MTnoial y. and I will (at** up
on the aaom at A", „ eiia-k a m mi tln- IMth
if '.d/ffmr H 7;., at my offtee
O. M (
Nu, 11