Newspaper Page Text
A laic ef fb* Ufcudatnre fwar
jury duty, mini*cm, [iliyai* uui, dmggiau.
teacher*,-niltten ferrymea, certain rahrred
empk.yc** and ail jw-rsun* </vcr HO years <>•
Ik>Ure panned *0 alio*ini? iu
rum in jtwtlci-* ci/urt* %t ~'s, to ia paid *0
t)nf in *h**- i!m* im
r<',!iif •! ur and divldi;<.. 1 rt!y amorijr Ux- ju
ror*. Fnmll i-onllwri"ati<.
“Old Htk " Uudge Cuiiuuuutj aaya
“Join." in tlx Kii.juin r Hiifi, •><*- had a
negro found guilty >1 luaJii.g a j.mlol litd,
end tl.r- negro auid, Mow. court, biesa l!..
f/.nl,<lia hen: rx-gr did not know that tlu
law cared lor 1 t.i jp> i toting a iI lw
Imyrai it, old Buck said, ‘you an- a <ii
mi, and all cStlzeim must know tlu law,
ignorance kan’t u- yvu so tin mnUoa-.-
of lit* tourl is twelve month* on tlx- (train
(Vim [mri tlx verdict in tlx Hcufroc
J, H f iimnilug of Auguita wu* tlx- firs*
wnaior to make a aprecli txfore the high
..xjrt of liii|xnr|itix‘iil in d* f* tier' of lien
froe t-ince tits return lexix- Mr * uinming
|,a* found it ner i WHiry to explain hi* *|"< t*
and vote .* lx had all tin a|x aklng to
hlmnelf It I* likely lie tend' tlx lxa.l poreiblr
■t.uwliig f'<r til*
Would It not l well for lx Atlanta
( otisl lint lon to print a 'nub- hwue nmUtu ,
ing a ner!* *"f artir•)■* whl l ' warming 1,1 *"i
er Kettfir*- official ( took, din * ?
H hen i-imgresa meet* in Dcn-mUr tlx
House will aland, .Jcmocral*, 14*. “t>|w^i
t loll 143 , lh' democrat* *lll have ft major
Ity In the remit*
Ihr mild Mallon, late u|M'rintetxlent “f
the A Until a I'olilli Hr'lioola, >lted a I* * d.ty*
ago Mi Million had gained go a' n-pule
tlmi 111 tieorjdu a* a suiirsaful dtiedot "f
I’lililie aclmoln, Drat hi Muvat.mdi ami Inter
In Atlanta Me redgixrl a few luonU,i* ago
t Acecpt a **ll oat lon In 7V*u*
Kleelioii* io nt In eight nlolra msi ties
day. 11l fi Ilf them, VI/, Maryland, Maw*
rhusetts, Mlnncaotn, New i-.rk and Wl*
remain, state officers and members <d tlx.
legialatuie are to Ik- elionen ( In Mlwilwnppi.
Few Jersey and I'ennaylvauia metnher* of
tlx- legislature an elected Tlx great inlet
eat truitera in Ne w York, tlx radicals
(reeling to el.ft tlx- governor. lint for tlx l
Kelly flare ml the drill.* rney would *W''|>
the at ate Naiiguine democrats think tlx
will ill. no toy way, hut we think It ioipo"
at hie. 11x Keßcylt.s will support tlx reg
ular ticket with I fie t jetpli'Mt of He if over
While Hieik-oxa rnla have been disc, sir
aged hyTaTeTeverw* in I alifmiiia, Maine
and Ohio,, they have made large gain* in
('omirctieut ami New Jersey.
'I he < arrolltim I Ime* nk "lint ha*
brenmo of tlx Nehn*’ case ’/ ainre- It wn*
referred to tiie governor nothlnr tin* Ix-cii
lx aol from it
Strange that liny-"* turned (‘nrnelLuut't>f
olhce In New York i lty and now support*
him for governor of the state If he *v
not worthy lit fill one olllee lie Is certainly
not mutinied for the other ( .inkling and
11 aye* had a hard light over Cornell and
after Hayes had apparently whipped the
light, Conkltug enjoys the rare sport of see
ing the so called president setting down to a
mess of White House crow, Hayes and
his cabinet seoui to relish the <liwlt
Tlic advertising frea tiled by the h-gisla
lure are on an average just what the Vinm
caToit lias been rharging during the past
six years. Only in the case of Homesteads
•sour fee parti.idnrlv iliminishd by the
new act. Tlie ('am.mot. TWuxo , t vs that
it is reported .that paper* in the southern
(Ktrt of the state, charge nearly twice as
much as the rate now established. " e nrv
glat! the rates have ’men maile uniform and
are satisfied at the rates (ix.-d,
Mr. William Haralson has been appointed
to an olliec Itv the. Comptroller al Atlatrta
and his brother is state htirariau If there
arr any nmre lavila'rs of this branch f the
Haralatn fauiily it'is to lx- are
ofllees enough in * tlanta to give them all a
showing. Happy Haralson*.
Mayor Huff of Vaeon, who has leased
the Markham House in Atlanta gave *-‘>o
as a premium for the Atlanta horse race* of
tliis week. The Mjtcon Telegraph censures
Huff for his gift upon Uk> ground that a
con has a scries of horse whs this week and
the mayor of the city ought to keep hla
motley at home for Uw benefit of the racing
and betting of his own eoMtituency- I’sjwrs
in the state are taking side* intheoxitiovcr
sy and horse-racing and the Markham
House are getting a iteal of free
Huff is sharp enough to run a h.ael survexa
fuly. _
The new law confining the legal rate of
interest to 7 per cent, or Bby contract, will
be openly viol.Ued by the hanks, and in
r’iking their statements to the state tbev
will confess the violation and then snap
their fingers In the face of the law and ask
what it will do about It.
•' ilden is directing the gubernatorial cam
paign In New York ami should Robinson be
elected it will be one of the greatest acitx v
"ments for iWen that wag ever aceooiplkh
ed by any leader. Robinson's success
means iiden’s re-nomtnakioo and perhaps
re-election Vo the presidency. while we
hope for success we fesr defeat.
The female college at Forsyth wa* de
stroyed by fire- last haturduy Many ralua
bk- booitA and some f i/uitur. w<tr>: c'.-uauiu.-.
Ihe prohibition against writing any pr
tioil of Ux: iixsaage <*t tlee face <li (ssSal
j iM(I ha* I*-* ii tevokivi
Mr. ( laud lb*td, of a inoxina and M Is*
Kali*- tiatis, of " bile 'Holj.ixir !kj/n.*n<
: were married at tlx- residence of ( apt. W
Mrajr, at ’lf springs, Inst ueda>
J.xeciitur’fi Hitlc.
I.UrtV.IA i Isy virtue of an or
M< ( <01.1)1 *l*-r from tlx im.rt of
(trdmaiy <ii raid canay, will I*, sold to tlx
t, ;dx * held, r is f' u the <</un Ixsisc door
in llx town of hrt- tivilk , in said (Vciuty,
and tal< afor. snxl, on tlx first I .x-isbiy in
Oeceii.lw-r im it, the b-gai Icx.i*
i,l sale tlx-* r<A tlx laixU.
, longii.g to tlx- estate of liffortl VV<s*trufl
f late <>t said (■.(), ik-cc a*ed, i/ *it all of
hs of land .No J4d cxiluining it ) :x
-mun !e* ' * Hne(,i o.x- h ere oil of sax)
ha, reserved as a family burial gnsnnl
Haiti I*4 lying and U-ing in tlx- llth d.*ttx t
j of said , anil HO ,it r> *, more •* less,
; off of tlx until, i<k 'A lot No IPI said HO
ia. re* lying and ix-lt.g in tlx 71 it district of
j said county iv.i.l for the lx ue/Uof the !x- ti
• andi orill.nx of said dx . iiM.I Tertwt, '*<*
! half. cast, an day of sale t.aj ,uvi dm ist
day of Novi.nixf, IHo*> Ibxul fix tubs
given until last jstyna iit . d.x
TW* Oct 2V, IX7!. Jtxi. tV V3.ssb.iif,
is r j
OKolfOl A t Orijinan s (.ftl*.
Mgrtwetlwrfount) , Met
.1 Jii VN 1 4 *rk fi" ■/■ ’..*!
•if 111 1 1 MMHI titn\ f Mi* < 1.
fHllh", '*f I T'f'ip * • (i|fs: y ;> •< 1 ff|{i *• fe r
s*M >i(f fuliy (Ix i* nrj'-tX U wtd
wid Mrn ( I*. ! iiiilit Imvlf. ' H?,ui, t! 11,^-
its'f f<t '1 V<Hf V If! U fj|* ti.*t
frlim 'liftoffMft mn Mi* r
f-*M t*:i |< rvuiM tutu i r i ith lur'lt, i.*
! ttoti ioijtiiff |!< i ifiJM if it ii> tflo
lll*' fi t *4l f > * * (| ui bf
fl *> 111 * I 11' *Vg Pl'ic f ll.\ Mo . 11 >t V '
AfllV Mj'J W il'lk I’ltfU I*f.* •<’•! oof X
• li-4 i.Mtst *| from lilt" viiid/ i,niUoafiij
, ■ -'a ’ ‘ W - .Nf. - V • > 't
fin A I HINT
n \| f
\ / Mrilimtf v'• < ;
Mrriwo Uo i ( 'Hint ~s * tf. ’i M?u j
' In r in. Hi hi \ I llsijiim i, n* A<!miot
Irftl->r fu fh- oninff -f |{ii>,ir l -
of uit| roi|nf% H(* *•,*<!. lift v I!!/ i-\ fun
wnUon |H-filioh .*f*|ll* <! ti, -f r o nr t*.
-ioll nit |f rriil * /f ifl il
r<*#lN <1 Till* UMm r fof to r if< !*| foliiHHi
’nil 111 l |>* tHoOH i oil* tfm i|, tO t IHOI OH*!<*! , if
fifty tin V foivt .if lisy nil r }>• f<*n
Ilir’ flfMl M *ii(lii\ In I>MTHihfT it . w h
fIM orilf‘l to if II Nrtif li] <Mh4i* hi|. til. Jo. l U
:;i 111 f il (lid ;uif
iimfrr itt Itmiil uml ffl ini
turf \ .1 HINT ON,
0 M (
Ot:nHUIA f Or*Hiifiry> OHlu
MrriwHlH r (Vmiif v f Of t .dfYth. t#7V
\\ li' rniM M Ntminffrnhr
on flw iwf itf fMr I,m v Jlrnok* Into *f
Mn| ofmU\, i|i-rt min 'I. tmvinur h\ tii* writ
IfO |M‘titinvi np|ilirtl to mr f**r I* m to *• 11
tiff flu r i*l fptntf •! K>iit| f( t tiim if
TI.U i tlid'i**f<r* f<*
I* (vinrt run!, o *liow i nm*o if !m\
lln*y hmvf\ n* fn\ on . r ?H* f .*o ?h
Moinlrtv m I>m (*inln r m il, 4'Jt i • t
• lor to ml) uni.| rrnl rf.*itr •bun Id not t>c
granted said nppli. mil
(liven utxlcr inv hand mid nfix Ini signa.
lure, \ .1 HINTON,
() M (
GKOIKH \ 1 ttr.linary’* office,
Meriwether (’ount i . Oct "7tb. Ik7!*
WUcrcaa T •• 1 aunlK-rt ntxl llmry Mar
tin. as Adtulnistraters of Tliercton H.tlcinau
laic of ssltl mutity. ih*criiscd, represent* to
the Ciairf. that tliey have fully adiniiiisn n-.|
the estate of salt! deeenaed. and np|ilv for
letters of dismission from their truat.s Mssucli
This is therefore to cite anti admomsh all
t tuicermal, to tlh tl.eir objection*, if am
thry have), in mv office, on or la-fore the
first Monday in February next, wltv letters
of dismission should not issue to sni.l A.I
.ministntt.av, u. aforesaid.
Given tmib'r my Imnd and oflleial siirna
ture. A J HINTON,
0. M l’.
GftIROIA Meriwether t outHy
By virtue of an order id the court and Or
dinar) of said etamty, will la- sold between
the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday
in Poeetnber, next, iKdore th; court
doer in i reeiivillc, the following lands sit
uated in the Cove in the first llist., of said
County, mid known in the plan of said
district, as lot No tiO.runUuning 'JO2J acres,
tiHre or less, and 135 acres on the west side
of lot No. 70, —The whole Constituting the
t place of Ejasy Bn>wi“ deol, s
of No. 70 is an excellent dwelling with gixsl
out buddings, gin house, screw, ifcc., Sold
ns the property of said iltwaseti ft>r distribu
tion. - Tenns Cash. Oct. doth. 1870.
W. H. Kkij ek. Adm’r.
Georgia - ) Ordinary’s office,
Meriwether county, (' 0 x 27 v 1870.
Whereas A K Park as administrator on
the estate of Miss A E. Park. late of said
county, deceased, has by his written peti
tion, apidieil to me for leave to sell all the
real estate belonging to said deceased.
T7us is therefore to cite and admonish all
person* concerned, to show cause (if any
they have) oil or before the first Monday in
December next, at my office, why an order
to sell said real estate should not lie granted
said applicant-
Gixen under my hand and official signa
ture A J Hinton,
O. M C
j... - 4 fife VERY LATENT. 1
- *
.1. C. A N T H 0 N Y ,
Next Door to Drug Store. <
—* w *
A n<ccix.l iuviti.ix.ti is oxterib <t ’•> all t. rva,.e arid eutn ttx n y Lsat-f au 1 *iu
im, l:.' X/. vt'S kof
II Igtvi- txtmadi.!iary IssrgAtt.* s .off' rru in ev.-rv V! sclk *-■ i 4
the I* text M% bw I make a special*) of M.w* xirfl luSxi.l* tvtx* * Aa* Ir**w
(joori* Ifioidx/rg Tri mminfpi—aJl ei.k.rv and N * u* (in*t* .
iIAKDWAICH. uf ail de*es)(Xi/.v.('uri'-rj .f< 7 a/- < r <kcr> li.eke' I- A.
CO \ F 15CT I( \ 1511 IK S.
t .ff(- 7*-* Sugar, Hyru®, -llhk . 13-x.r. Mat !>aj't c * -r-x,' Ixe :
,ii ( aix-<l '<**(* art kinds,!*•■, <*nu (',•. Puunx* ' *-t Hwtgmg au-i
7.• * I.xksm-. I igar* muff, ew Au t .
~#* I sell It*. edctrated W.WTI' PI/At wi.xb eupenc 0, any of tix-kind A*.
wo V. v 51,,'., I'l - .i. mil It Pn* * #
.1, r. ANTHONY.
W11.1.k v ;.] •■*■* ,t>. tie c*.rt
hvatas door .. the trtwa otf
t.r, • :t v,i|l . MirtS.Tlw't ( 1 *
d.i!..., tlx .*, a I. .► of **l* on the ft.**
7Ax l*y In l*et e, t*e 1379 tlx f.ab.w mg
pfijxfty '..wit Ail t.MX l*rt ;*.•*!
,f iiitxl . o tKidll; oft ri vlt. *.f t** '
land No .11.(11 it aerie Jo-iW >
Ik.;, \1 It. .'IIX* Wt.ti IMS. t of tfll'l ....
tfCl.c.g ,l: -if ru ,|| Isikl, 'IT* * b-* 4
a, V, . n . .f taed n..a* '* !***, rdf ' I th
south ( a.: ' ;of .( ,f 0... 1 i. At
.of Jkx 1 ’ 1 * Ik 'O!,-. xvt B 7 in* 'Ts‘
diairfi ' <( Men .ethe t ■ -in*', jx'-ied
(~ ,(K rt> I >f J It t*-av. !l to a
ti f. f. -ip M. lit , ip. . ,ior
mtivo. "I I In. 1! Ifni* r, .'dm v *
J K I i*.di property psilnteei .*it bv
piff’suMV !<!...! ixS.ft.-t is Ok: bw ilirwts
(i Kl.tllJf N’t t
W M <
'*<■ Mill I* t* Is. Ifw naif!
hou*. .1 -*r u.:h* to-Ai. , t l.r*. i.vllte M.-r
aetlx-r . • ni'ily . dtttinx i|)<' legal l*x*
f-!. mill, l-l I'.. ,* iv e. lie .esut* r
ptv-i i"i <.f 1*...1 No I ■ ei.t.iaim>.g •'**
mt' s nxH' .rh*< sit.uiie.l, I*. ig six! t>
Trigin tbe 1.0-V'f till list.xt of
Miriwetlxr f-ntn •). ' and known
>t* tbe* pliee wheroxi t slh
I.rlue Finley twiw r.siik* , I. vied on as tlx
property of t'atharine Fio!•) to satisfy a fi
(s fr*>in Meriwether Bnfri>t ffiifiri in
“f-ivor .f 7Txxiiak J tb *.k* v t'ari.ariive
Fbilev |.fo|rt) | iti'ed nt •>)■ plff >H>
• rtian l i o<ifi<(l in term# “f ’lx- law
<1 8 fl. Ti n. .
if 8 M t
Al* Mill lx- *<id t for. lb. ...urt
lioiise d"*.r ill tlx- ' -sn of Grnnvilk
Meriwether roiintv. tin- ebirttig the legal
hours -if saie fifl tlx I' Tu<*<l*) in Ib.em
I* i, INTI*, lot ..f land N“ 177. cm.'.'imiug
.'tf.’j v. n*. more or less, silu.itrd, lying
and Ning in the 1 Itli distrieH of Ybr we'h
.■ri . itnty levi.d ■-n as th-- (.reijaTt) ff
11 f Rtsa rto satisfy * fi l. ' ■.
Meriwether Sii|x-rtr i*Mirt iu fsvor .( V A
tisskdivs 1 I * i’ lti**r. af
(is. FI. cen. i
8. >1 t
\i*o. Will Ik *o|tl I* for*- th. oKirt
house door in tie town of < .rvenville. Men
wether county, tin., during tbe iegx; In sirs
•f sale mi tin Ist Tuesday in Dceenilsr.
|B7'.. that tract of land mi w hich On >lc
fendant. 'I .1 Hate heft now n-side* -m
tabling 100 non* of land, nnsv -t l*s* ami
consisting of parts of hgs of laixt N\ 70
andsiumled, lying and flying in tin ’<*
district of Meriwetlier county ; levied on
a* the pn>|x rtv of M .1. Hithedt tc, sa'isfy
afi fa from Meriwether Suprn. r
4'ourt in favor of John 8. Blahs-k vs. M ,1
Hatchett, property pointed out by ; lff'
atty ; tenant notified in terms of the law
nf O. b. Kkiriuci
t*. M. ('.
Also, Will be sold before tbe court h >u.w
dour in tbe town of Greenville. Meriwether
county. Ga . within th legal lemrs of sale
on the Ist Tuesday In I>eceiubcr, otic
himdreil (100) seres of ',
mere or less, the samt being
part of lot of land J*ix fi, in the Ist
district of Meriwether county ami known as
the pi C whereon the defendant, Thomas J.
Gill now resides; levied on as tive property
of Thomas J Gill, the defendant, t satisfy
a fi- fa from Meriwether Superior court
in favor of 3' iliiam T. Cole vs Thomas J.'
Gill; property pointed out by pifT* atty;
tenant mMified as law ilireeta.
' his Oct. 30, 1870. O. S. Florence,
*f 8. M, a
Glomus—Meriwether County.
By virtue .f an order of tbe cxairt of Or
dinary. of said county, will be suW,between
the legal hours of sale, on tlie first Tuesilay.
in December next, before the c iurt house
door in Grvenville. a lot of land situated in
the Gill district of said county, ami known
in the p>!an of said district as lot No. 351,
cimtaining2oßj acres, more i>r less.—About
35 acres cleared, rest in the woods. Desira
ble little place. Sold as the property of
John F. Fuller, tkxx-ased, for the purpose of
distribution. Term* Cash. Oct. 30th. 187 V.
W. H. Kkllek. Adm r. De Bouis non.
k \c. ui ■ .r N ' t
•• l J tfi* r t M**fl 'Lt r < tkj ;;i •-
Mv vjn-i*- * f ti# ti* ! HJ‘ ; f J 4 4 r \
•4K. /* - ; K ‘* 7 j/ ,v/i| *
*■ * Uw fifwfi T h*Ut t* f F:.‘Uf fiMl
U* '* ; >m *4 e**~ t?jf ii* /ft
tvMkW It** M tit* •xg-sk-i Iff Ufnt iY. :.t I
• *4jf v in* 14Ur* H*f W •
" if'j *' ||4 ' #■' Hi t ! -Iv • V-* ‘
4*>) j M 4fc Ilf** -* !• ->l* *f f
*i . it *f fft-t.'-M <i/• -' -
i*ft .4 **■>*■ hh.y ; f K' .<
■ k ;.v : ■ f
~ ri rr. *.’'t '. T\
~-g--r*-v * > , f
I ft* i*| hi iia* v. .fin ly; r * <li * 4l ■■
‘ * ’ -- if *l-7 f **) fft fit • -
htM fVri-J in * V Mfin'i’mi-'"' 1 •. j*f 7-.!i •
>*f •*!!/! kititMc'l f> *r ?■ n '! j,*
•!rm- ‘ t 10l *h*ril ! -if Mt*:* f *nt ,t i f f
fill’, if !•;*, !ffi * I ,4. '* *1 !••;**
Y4 II I 'Ail- I , <tnr i.l* *S f
<( I * MMJI \ • # r-h vf'. •<C . c
MifltdiMf < uify i <*- | ►, J* ;\t
i ’Ah* fin* J I I h-tvli. \‘Uiu*U*ir%i -rf ui.
•h- f?*fl .*? ff I va*j ,n,lr < f
i * Mini V ill ••**# I !•■ i * \ % i) 4 xr.tu
iF'D m*’ f >r •• if f * t i
li'il *"•*•- !w 'U' ■ 7'ht/ f flit *( *!'
-ii# fi :vm* f
I!)■ U r*'• h •> *••.<! v!i ,*r*r*: t
pif'l.l :l ■ efi.r,!, ** , .1 !*’ *f k
• l‘i > hrt*’ Y? Tj . t f? 1•- - t * ••* " f*
firt M rntfiv in why *
|rf tfi M*i| nf)'l r * rlmnejl*! rcH • w
*n if *! -*?f ! t;>j k
Gvni \in*U ri. ? * %;■.-! *•! (Tumi ■.*
*’ir* \ J IIIVTU-N
~ ~ •> M ■’
■ ~ . ... ■ ■
I Gfc*B(lA ' • vili'ar. i ofll.i
'leriw.-ilur * i.ii.xv . ui , >?ih c-
I ■ ail * h in it n.n i rt. W he-. n
Ml** F i! fmlu -3 ai.l usinty sod I
sfa’i. *|.p t. i i(.|>e !.<l G.mMiai. 4
i|x-| r. soil (.ropt-rty >.f I i’srk*
'ferritt, minor of Mr* .4. j McrTto. >,(
said ■ ouritv dee. ik .1
n-w are therefore to cite siul H.lnionUh j
sll roix eriw-il, to lx>w eauae if *v ilx-i
liave ~ s* mv *4bei, on Of lx-* re it,,- i( r ai
M-niday in December iicst, why let .rs ~f
Guardianship sli- *jkl not iwaix *. said
can l
Given under tny baud ami ofTV. il stgi.a
lure A J HiNTo.N.
' M (
GEORGIA I Ordinary’s (ifi
Mertwc’lx-r ( .wtnty . I set 27th t*7P
33hcr-aJ M Brook* ss Administrator
on lhe estate nf Mrs Iha.ta lirard. iatc of
saiil dainty. ico-asi'd, rppnwrnts to ihc
curt, that In- ima fully administered the et-
late of said deceased, arxl spplie* f.r ii-tit-w
of Disudssioti fnnu h ’nist as such admin- ;
This is therefore 10 cite am! admonish all!
p rwn* ct'tK’entcd. to show cause. (If any 1
they have . at my office, on or before tlx- j
fire M uxlay in Felwi. y next, why letters;
.rf dismission, six mid txH issue to saxi Ad i
ministrmtor, as aforesaid
| Given umler my ham! ami official SirTsi
, lure. A. J HINTON,
’ <. M. C.
GF.oHGIA- ' ()nlirjr)'s Office,
1 Meriwether County, t Oct- 27th. 1879,
i To a'l whom k may conci-rn : Whcrea*.
RoN-rt H Vsgrud-T of said state and i
county, applxs for lettcri.if Administration
on the estate of Me*. 8. J, Merritt, late of '
said county*ed
i There- an theref re to tile and admonish
ail and singular, the kindrrei ami creditors '
of sahi de.-eanl to show cause, if any they j
hare), at my office, on or before- the first i
Monday in Dicemher next,, why letters of
Administration on the .real,! of said deceas
ed. shovild not iame to said applicant.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture. A. J. HINTON.
O. M. C
vTa JN T E D
1 HA AAn )*<* of texsl Heart Lumber,
lUU,UI/U to be tk-iivere-d at dye ''arm
Springs. Bids received until lat. Decwnbcr
Also, 1.000 I uahcls of cotton for
which the highest market price will be paid
2t Warm Springs, Ga..
New Store ! New Goods !!
-4. V GRIFFIN. GA.,-
■ XV
J 8 t Kf>3\ DKD ssitG si. r-n of pic bas r- al! and ankhaia to obukn aaae of
1 Ux extraordinary iiarga offering a: Uo* Hu* ’’ > rapidly !*•'•' .ing known .v>
th*.- Hj*iiP*n for Bares in* c! ,*•-1) dets-rvtai tht i*.. ;v lury an imi veiling
Go igh HXAixa tbaa st y ikher House in Gnffit 3Yt tail particular attentkm to the (.>!-
lowing *
\l K DID Nt* 1 (mre-han s i.-ti cs - w-rtb ->f our .-ntire work a: aiv Auction *.*ir
d.d i" on to i;. (taxi, a ruV,M, F.wry'Pu-g n. .Kir esiabluhmeiit i* new
aod frtsl. ,and g.*t uti hand and [*i kt-d awav from !-, s. a*. a U> the other for ’it l
or 25
, v .. [h xt ~g.; .4 at j *■■ <r> .r Griffin Tin* dt Iy ad who
PaiVisited .sir store
Every arx-h- .* n.ark.d at a r guiar * hug jiriiv. t which we strict;) adlw-n A child
can o . eix ap >f us as tlx iwsi jkibukl itxh' idual "
" * od‘ ' >"• Ore* . lass ' at th- !>.•*at p>aibk- prn m amt are l>rejawed at all times
t lixe; a.i legitimate •• apelju.xi
A fu!‘ - ek of Dr) (esais. < B is, Six*-> i Mf Jre
w (iiv- .v. a i.wai-.
GTif&n. Ga.,
'io ins; ; o! \f inwi:tiij:k
3**3 , v . •" ■ ■
' I •_* * -k ►. o-k |< yr. ♦ M>;wtix i • • !i! .- .• uw .nr
... ... ■,r f *.I l.t . agao f* a . ' . ..u ■! pa!
' foo-np’
Its FALL 8f 3 8 a Mlper
•’** ‘t ■ O’ (.. • dto off >Sh. . . ;a -ha Vp. !,.[>?. * 1,
any market ir the state.
T\ . ?ith r m . |v r < At , **A 1 1 Itl *• H < I
UU |f{Gl!< K I It % M#il* Uii f u f HL K r I
*l' • ’ , r*- f I I'MI *)* I f I* I ) I * .-l! .#1 -**’ • ’ '• F| Sfl
j;YK.|(N r.-MfTf* * f. U VHU A * M I’fT' ijr -!•
* I .tilt. • ', of) .1! I ]• *fr;ij fu In ;i H‘jd< 1 til I'i
I■ ; Arr,J ?. . • •' (O' toil f" ' > '*' wn,fr
)ig;h hi m % kot prl ) .
Ia ~| l*’ * i-* JN-M ; - ; 'D tj * f f > ’ rt, i;* I\“* *N U** )f ’ I t U Va\ hff
i r * **. vin iavih y.rr :f * v .f m<hr;
l> Tihnn* , ' wT r* ; • •4‘ * ■*..< ■■■ -f %• tf h .ar *t
\v, v - *•i** tt '• gn* -t r # -.if ;*i '* 4-** friii v **•
V\> kr*• >: '■ t4‘ * % ??• %■ ** if s’ f '% '<! f i>- 'o f!*f -rr* nf
(irifßn ff'-r nhi e ./ 1* f:U *, •.<!*• ur f- •* i* * i \ vr* nt:*
n r: rm ir *
,l. r KiSU.'
Aug 20th. JfiTb .7m
The Old Reliable Drug Store.
Keep constantly orchand a full line of
Pure Drugs and Medicines* Paints-Olls
And Dye Stuffs
The fin oßl and cheapest Lot of Toilet. Article 9,
to l*e found in Greenville.
ALSO a larg’d lot of fancy Stationery. AH kituL of Bak
ing Powders Stock and Cattle Powders.
A full supply of trusses and Rubber syringes of every
W e are Headqnirtert for the Genuine Simmon* Liver
Hop Bitters
M fTett's Teetliini.
and other leading proprietary .Nfedieincs.
All Cheap For cash
ItE. J .E. G. TtRRELL k CO.
Greenville, July 18th, 1879. 6ra. |