Newspaper Page Text
—ln this issue appear a mnnber of new
leg*’. advert iaeneßbL
-I ji*i Friiiav morning the first from ofthe
ara* >lwa# rvpr.rttwT several have Mlowtsi
siiM-r but vegetation allow* but little sign* irf
old Jark's visitations. riie leave* of gutton
are wi:Usl e link- hut noilainage hat* yet her*
ilaje to ihe lailla.
—lt Im* been iutimalt <1 that in view of
.the '• - - I'.n, 1 '.n, hare re
ctivi ! .;. in 111 \ I* \T> t: h<ai‘o
I*- enlarged tv, the point wet!
taken ami it 300 subw-ribers *la> an- in ar
rea*r* will step upantijattk theirdm-a w will
dttuhle the size uf the (taper hv the first of
Drivnibet Is the proposition fair? then
rush forward ami he the fir st t head the list
of the 300.
\\ 11 ' nrtridge of t'.u Tthihstrn t gnth
■t< and this year from jof an .. re w *ri> it*
lmaltela of e>a>.. This eorn w a* planted, m the
Pilh of June *mi sandy, gray u plain I that
was ehared tO years ago. there t-etng . .. a
stump to be f(*u*d it the (sMeli Mr Car
tridge thinks the dry weather in August
cut the field short four or five htutiiels. An
le ft- ~f s.iieii land would have produced
about s '• bushels pretty good for kind that
ha* la-eu ill cultivation nearly lalf a
I .) \ ntilemait. l[ has pim est upat
our table h huge Vain I’otnh* >f tin Ridge
way varn-ty w< ighinj ti puinds
l.oi Hao> the late rains have proven
pilu fiisasii 'UA in the Sui- in sst/'i ii ptrtiot
~! the eountyr.'"th* mllltiam* <if M M How
■ti n at,.( W I. till! ui till! * dtstnet, I*e‘iiig
swept >*i hv tin tlosU while that "f lit
ta.u is a Clireou ereek near tin- t'lialyh
i .in Spt ys sn lif'iken and jmttly < units 1
'l'jwy.., - sv
1 In town will no; suffer for meal ’ sun!
•svt -if i*ur leading i itireu* the other da) as
i.i n-il. nl iltis. tin need hull hi i timing
. a ipliirtetli - b line le- ii .
U iil(i i l Mi \t illiam * ui!haul repirts
tieit In se rohls and luat MatsUy mgtil on
t ti* 1 alts it ton i.hml Is yotai Mo, llendei s
| ■' tpir -if uliteS 11. 'itt>iw II Ml Iti i-.hiud
1 wnsk in s'Ued from lki mule anil
IHI t.iL. n ftimi Ins jus Wet. A large knot
-in tin siili if t|u lie.ti 1. a cut aid einpti
im -t kit attest five-! tut h ■if th* vii-tl.n'* st.'ili
I lie l H -
I iieri KM tlull it le w s nil is to Is
in (iii'C'iVllle issni
Mioiv tie a . i ‘mm ttia 1 tin la’- fail has
given them nearly an avefag* * rut- I Ids
. : n i, lullit pin- v.ilein was nnli/uul
: i . i-rii i* iti .1 t.i i- ' niuie ... p igm Ill'll
e-.l fan-*
|{- 1 .1 V\ idiam* w* In !wti ah w
lUtsi.- ; sikii g eiil after In- |.mriu'<>l
j nut ■ e.i-f Jli las u f*• lifill
e pr.-a-li'a in- u-ul wi'h his eodeugui-. di
e mi th i-i.i.' e .dn'i *-f he- lons'itli
' ij- 1 l.i m Hard* mid 't Walker of
p-.jtu were marri'sl hurt wi k
.hi V efi wel h<-f \ ii.di'a'->r i ■ eup oins - I
sli-si'n.-g at ui .'lit in th* stri els'-f rrs-nville
jsii uf th' \ ir-lii ator t* w e|| Pit ee
St.-- -n* 'ill ftispietlt ll ilius
illti t jiiints' * eu'iaet cst writ tig
'• -II igar.avi aaia . In a late ii'Pid"'!
-if tie* Vpi tin v* i- vsi {juLlmheii a. ai'i*'
tn- I' in r-gapl ti Mr W illingliam him
i,, - - tl
'!n |ir- -if tin a- inT or extraordinary *•
• I er i.i -l.i part uf tin eliSli of mliteb It
:s ‘el* 1 . it -if i 4* - ttn dft |is 11! y*'ti
VV m (i -i ns in nr ll'iginsi ‘ . n*al
W 'two in >• deal Mr Kitn*
).a a spike tail" <'Kli "* tbt be has
ii*r <1 flirty fivi 1 car*. wlurli tiy tl>< way,
nut In* wr-iVHnc <!, 4H yi-nr* aye Hut to
it;: tlii climax. In* wm Win N <<>tiu- f<w
ward with lii Kiusr oir of pnrtt.* rnml"
year* 11” i llii! * Iwwa In** are alt riyli* and
although triad* no Vorijr strange to ray
liav< *ll Hie mmlcrii irnprorcroeiitj and ao
cut at cording to tli> present Late* ~tvl* J
I btn'i thew auii'jutlcil tainjii tiU send Mr
Willie; bam’* blue <;'Sd to *lie f rit of the
ria* ? - .
In answer (noimggprie* fr-nu invent!
fricrc U *< ?<•*;-tsrt *u - it we aha!! ri r'aiuly
oje-Ti a Heket Hchwii in Greenville about the
1 fjtli of January. Anew anil comfortable
r l ira will la- coast rurtixi mar our residence
and aii thildn-n entrust*d to our '.barge ail)
lie can-fuliy taught ami rapidly advancod-
The tuition will ht? the Mttif as that bow
};<! Vr Mine. As before stated we can
ri*-ivr only a limited number of pupils.
W T Rvt_
Tire la' irange Rtg-.r>er (bus *iaki of
.V r W II Huntley, aho ha* been chosen
to take. charge of tb rhol in Careenvilk '
next year :
• Tie-- Greenville '"aaouie Institute will j
open in January, nwl't charge of C. r W.
H. Huntley. Jr Greenville, tie capital of j
one of tbe lirst counties in Uie State, 'sight ;
to have a fipst-ciaae school, and Mr- Huntley j
it determined to mak< it such. if be can 'b- j
tain the co-operation of the citizens general- ’
- A-ii*JC£ tbe premium* awarded at the
LaGrangc fair last week we noticed Mays’
J. ¥ Junes obtained out for the Ijcsi eor
gia raised mule and J B Jackass for finest j
cabbage#. J B- Jac**oo's b jt*. bore off tbe j
third pfW in Friday's races. '
—Pkatw.—Jordan Reese died Ml hi rrd
dence near the and hit* Sulphur Springs loft
Moodsy fur"d about $4. Mr Reese was one
of tin- earliest settlers of Meriwether and
one of the brag ritisens the county ever had
A leading and useful member of the Metlio
! dist cfum h he long filled a prominent place
! at Trinity and enjoyed the enthe confidence
!of his brethren. He was a true type of
the old trim Methodist ami in eitrenie fee
j Llenesa seemed to gu-atly enjoy the
j Camp Xleetiiitf Uekt near his residence two
| Una.; hr ago.
In tlie iha-easi-d were united the elements
rival go to make up a truly gisal and useful
| man. and after along, active life, his friends,
who knew and loved him lest, have every
ssuranic that he luis entered into th u rest
tluat awaits all live finally faithful.
Still They Come 1
\A ill 'tpeu up this week u fowli and va
rif*tl Vru of liOODS lithhtx Htui Ship's
Vk*t o<*tnts k! Bo!!om the uii!o
nt HI 4i Frank
IVu’! jut* thos hßiuisoin‘ ti!
Ami l*( Rutifu! <Nh*rrti Ikrk- ut
It N Ktxm
Ihe eougrvgatiim at the Methodist
ehureh in Oreenville were greatly tuoom
inoded last Sr.lvbath bv a leaking stove pt|M'
that filled die wa*ut w ith escaping smoke
To get ritl id the smoke the do.-r were
ojv ash when draughts of the con! crisp air
mam set the ladle* a shivering so that in
fear a greater jiertinti of the exi-oHent si-r
mint was lost aou.t the smoke that darki ued
the ojvtii al if not the mental visions of tin
f *
<>ur <irt*pw mv ik'!lm‘£ '•*> hu:
tm* m**>h if yt* i wih iht <lioirrJ4t
U N Ki.i !m
I>r \N li 1 *►!tt-r will pi nt hhi ilw <*\il * httrvh in \t Snifimlli juhl 4j *lil
iln 4ili QiiJiiUtly f*r tirivuvilW
M*i Trinity hiU' br** on Moihl.ij,
. .~|g •" •-• •* '
1 m irti virU*ty* Niiti
l4rj(f i.iiii.Uiit* i hnv mv r wrn in *m
fIIMKII I HAN A<M \ KIOUI aaiii .ill \i^U*
,' nun’♦unit in hi<
H N Fins
\N ith <nrtt4*n hI to| uiu l vil (hinkn u *
fir?*! r• !inw !<* j |*r fo |h\ u!7 fin *r lit
; tk‘ i* bu niio o th* prm !< r imhl
I |.f)uit r ihtult i hk\* \i lltjijhtlifr<l lln rit
little HktliK
It\ .* |v.tii Of our a button ki*l tHov*#,
Vi ;4M it lf f 1
It N Jut.-
* - *
|Khi'* iii'a- in - unKHtut •ff uhn^iuivl
ii with , if If > ry*. Hut Inik o\ -r } our
• lllih V lull V<U Mf* |W4HHbI|( h)
Oh l.j'v )m imtifu! ' Th** // |jlht filiawl*
uf K N Ki l l.'*
♦ . •
N*'' l f*VV MiltJ* only I>*J* tl 'M) worth of
< *'hin/ j*l ri*m
!( .N Kilt
It* n Winslow t< fi Ihal lin wfluv for tin
i v h* fnir it! If in on, w Inn hi w lf;hl r V '
ix ' !•<* r t f M flj* u • tllAl < fliL off 11 iI s*
v* •*< k
l utiik Bii J’iln;' t if It N I’llin hiiv* h**ih<‘
fn <h !■*■ I*'** fhii* wn-lk 'liny an
if tin nntntifftr!tir< r IbiV C'fuf' Ij-h Jlful
< o m-'i Xn r Bro•
| It ,N l.nis
.1 11 s-f \\ hat You ant.'
i Inc nf I tank llmming'n fituc*'*
• *u tn t v sv sc la-fore ufl. iisl. 4t
To <air friend and funner low iisniHii I
\ Wul Ii van j.isUina*ter at Sioidi-tsvifii
Waahirrg*'"'ctainfy. wear* IndrMed for n
rsitllpVtlliClltarv tjt k*‘t *o the f irilral tiv
fair that is to ’■>*■ In-iil in Surnli-rs'i ilii on tin
Mli fi'h and 7li. da\ of Noveints-r
■ t?
A whit* fr'iM a' Vcmphir lm* atayeil the
progr- ■* of yellow fever and refuge*-** an
fi/vking ’o tin.- borne* 70*1 having returned 1
In on*- day
AjmifHa* of fimrit a rsingratillations on .
Ewing's ileti-*t Isctiuw of his doctrines
tin N< V<vk **nn rcrmuki i.'Hssh is
nvjr* reap msi hi* f*H ties** ds trin**s than I j
Js firtvnt. a* ix pack**! tli<- wtprem*’ t-nirt
to -itaiti tlx- lonatitutioiiality of tic l< gal
tercW act .
Tbe special attention of Teacheis of
Public Hcbmrls ii called to tCe following
k 'ditiooft) Section to ibc School In* ', punt
ed Oct. 1 4 1871#. Tr.e new reqclramanU
read as Mio*s • ‘lie it further ro .< ted,
•f hat it shall ha the doty ol the teachers to
nuke and file with the County (luniuii*-
siouer. at the expiration of tacb term ol
school, a foil and complete report of ’he
w hole cumber <d wcbolsrs admitted to the
reboot during tsid term, distinguishing te
tween uiaies and feres tea, and colored and
w kite, t aether with the names thereof,
*nd the entire .and the average attendance,
the blanche* taught, the number of pupils
engaged in the study of each ol the said
branches, and aocb other statistics as be or
she may be required to report by the Coon
•jr Commissioner,or by the Bute Hcbool
Commissioner ; sod un’ii such report ibali
have been prepared, sworn to and died by
sard teacher as aloreasw', it shad net be
lswlul lor sard County Comm rat toner to
audit the account oi said teacher tor bis or
ber services.”
Teachers wit! please comply with the
law as given above and file their accounts
in my office by tbe Ist of December next.
Oct. 31s’, 1879. A. H. FKEtMYN,
County School Com.
Orv <1 in.da. Mats snd Capa.
Hardware \\ bite O.hsl*,
clothing, Crockerj-,
Glw T are. Notions,
8... U A Sle ica. Wooden Ware,
Saddlery, l>ruga, (Inwetie*.
Old at nek having Iveen sold out at coat the alaivr llbe of go. sta are friwli Snd eomplele.
Hougltt by im self from first Imn.t* with the CASH, I purpose giving my eustonu-r* llnf
b< ru fit of same- lvnocking the bottom mil of
Uve me a call and be eouvimied.
Urconvllle, Cn , Oct. 17, 1870
Now Store,
\ V K n*Ksf rvA)MV(fu)i\ •tfil** t tin* |>uhUr
♦ tlutl w* liavr iivrd to our Nkw
Si. l i on miuth <*n¥i cmatiht |ml>Mr *<iUßrr,
win t v\ will tnu*iHnfly kr-p on liiiiml u
lull Hiw of
I >r\ (iofnln, NolionK,
•”** UK>l. v^hokH,
Ilian, t'loihinjf.
11.'u ti\s mi ,NN•" h!
\N iii v•, I ’in W jih ,
him! Htiijih lhiu r s
Al. i K
A l(b N'k of ( ’<Nr*l4 lliOKKilfi
I < fur inotif i in
Short Profits,
Suit s, Poun Wriglils mul
W i guariintei aa'tafiii'tioti to our eusto
nn-ra (Uvc li* a lilai
II \HIIIm A lilt')
Nu rit k.
Iln uofj kin UI l> mi* f*m t mui<t
lu*t Full uni Hjriuqr fali tin' 1 tin 1 tltii of
( b fob< r unf fit r* of Novf'tiiU r. I'iiofM’ In
l<' fi ■i i w\\\ pi rant hr |*roiii|*l. aw flu*
ns iaily iiilowM tin* to hohl tin M t’ltilmn h i kw
fhi \ * nffrr fin} Im < o|m* < 11|< , lilid \s h<*ll I*
f lit fn it t| ( Iptlon in J/O.'i
Thoni* wishiiij.' thiiiio for tfinin will
pi* ik ;< l im l now .U Mini -*i 'lm! I inns
->nt*r in tiiiu
M (’ ‘MI 111
(iruhl villi*, t, a , (>r! 1 ill. 4'
Bhnut' in (it J( N I.iiim*
olil 4t
IU hiii< to i utl hixl l'Hk nt f>r I S.
liiHiifb'M * N w Drux ton* vshrn ym vlnit
f .ji< Irn ux* M
Hu Vf you ik in our (otitii ni $ i 75 titni
f 'I In y 14 rr Ijmitl tt Im at
It N Ti iim
nwumlwhm M
• an ins ris.Tgi no t ii"U am tn
wKAita wait ami iik.i ittti tigslilNa,
■ sild dlwnp l\ here ?at
M Fiiakk Ha NNIso a
f • *KJ J.J. hr, 13| els 11, M h'-re ’( at
** Than* lIA-.MMia
If yint want a FINK eigar while on a via
it to l,*;raiige go to |)r T H Hriulfldd'*
,\i v Drug Htore and get it.
They all Huy It ! !
j Th** Crown Hliirt H ply linen 'Aiui.aut
! rn Muslin bod), /or 4i 00, jrerf.vt filling
at Fua.vk BsSnixo's.
Hr don't keep cert’s coffee blit have
excellent i off' * already |tr< bed.
I(. N Kins.
Cable * r<-w shoe* hold together xrxvi*
times us s’rung as fagged urns ; standard
screw sljrs-s. in times as long as cable
[ screw. W e have quit fregs ; keep cable
, screw and standard screw fastened, which
I cannot rip. ,j .
it. S.
lie Given ’ein Fit*.
Tie- ntri rrmw and •■HKAVtht ciotliirig
ever before offerer), can fa- found at
Kha-vk BasmxoV
J>r. "I . H. Brie (field a .New Drug Store is
tie, place to buy su. sinks of medicines.
A large stock f Jeans direct from tin;
factories ten per cent cbeapr-r than you can
buy elsewhere. It wiu. vat toi to look at
our stock iief'rre buying.
H. X
/ Wery large lot of Bluest one for sale by
T. r. Bradfield, Laf> range, <a.
What an Explosion ! ! ! !
High prices- Hig profits ami bhoddy
Gucdi blown to pieces by the iflG STO< K
and CHEAT BA KC A IN' at
Kwavs Bswmvi'a I
l have juat received a eomplele line of
and I'ancy l'.y-Uoods,
im; hvT t and iIE v\ v t.Ro,;i;im:s
wlihh l Uffrrtoth* Full Htui V\ mt< r tnuht
nl Ihr i owjtNT prtr*M
Ht iin*mU‘r my niutto jk
tfe' Cow l’hick.
Hi< h nml |hmr, IrnmiMl Mini ixHurnnt, pn*ity
(uni iiirlv, ull tr uh-i iilikf nt On*
1 One I’hice Hucse.
I vpii-saing lo my frieinii thanks f-.r their
piilionage. Ila gn . .mtinu.inee of l||. aume
Mi \\ A Ti-rtill is willi im anil will be
pleased to Wait oil EvKI. V MollV
-. pi 11th, IN 71# EE WIM J KEN DI It
At tin Old Store of Shuttle* A (J • , Nmlli
West cornet of tin I’uhlle Si|inir. will Is
lound a l.ittog and Wait. AaMiniKii
ol Funilly (Iris i-i te, cunatailng nt
lian Meal. Khair, Meat, Enid,
hitgara, Moln on-*, Hyni(>a, 1 nfli-e,
Teas, l'ep| r, Spiel s, l. lnvea
all arlielca kept in a first ClasrTTnntly f.'ro
ALSO, a well aelia-ted of Confci
lioni rii-K, comprising Orangi s Eemona, |.
pita, • timlii-s Cukes, Craikera, Dyati-ra,
Sardine*, JTsfi of all kinds, Katslna, all
kinds of Nuts, Ji llies lie ,
1 ' *
| Al> llkao Aid km for nil Uiiklm of
i hun, IT|tiorfi, IJ< rw (IxMh on diHuxlit
i4tnl ImiHlpk;, CluiinfmixoK Ac , f rvi ty It
' m Tijrtioii.
Aiim j Ihu'ift linin'ln of T<Bip '*o A Lifitni
V\ n i.ik I4u an ui t with u j (It uMunl Mini I* ,
* li4*<rful word ami jcdit< 14! tint ion will
xlrplly wuftt iijMJu nil ' tiKt'Hip r* All iu<* n
**!• ♦fully *i)M*itp*| to r^nll
Hrii tivill*-, On , Oi l. 37th
Kveryhody Says S**.
Thut Etank llai-ningN i* art ill I Irttilijiux
t-ra tni llnolw ami Sh<s-. ii* >1 n<al -aim.-
lifit-c, M vhtMlily Wai whcrci.
J V. Kmh k*m> IE 11. El-i-i.Mj
ILOU KN 0 V k El’ I’ tT(L
('OH MIU S. * - - - GEORGIA.
Bagging and Tb-s at Lowest Prices.
<vT Special attention given hr tin sale and
st/wag• of cotton. „ o®7 1/127.
VV. J. mcckurkT
LA UFtANUK, (itnkfilt.
<>m fX-tober, 27tb, 1879
\yishins* to increase the value of our annual sales we have
marked our entire stock at closer prices than
heretofore and have a
. #
with yet more poods: to come in, Shall adheFe to our invaria
ble rule uniformly low prices the same to uU. The firwt price
given is ulwayw the lowest.
on! MntsT
aiv* the prettiest shown this season, so say the lame*.
A good assortment of prints tor quilts at fi eta. per yard.
Dress Good in great variety and at all prices from ll)c to 800
per yard. 'I he very best linseys with all wool filling at 20e
per yard White And red Klunnclw at las' years prices, not
withstanding the advance, beautiful (Quality opera Flannels
at, TOe per yd. Cotton Flannels from 10c up. Ladies, Misses
and children’s fancy hose from 10c to pir pair. Pretty
Zephyr shawls and cloth clonks at attractivs prices. Water
proofs of different colors and qualities from Csc to SI.OO per
yanl, .‘1 button kid gloves, warranted not to rip <iT tear at
SI.OO. large drawer three feet square and vehy deei*
full of Kmhroideries
in great profusion and variety ami newest styles. Corsets of
fault less shape at low figures. CJiOTHINd from $5 suits
to wedding suits as cheap as in any city in the state.
OUR BOOTS AND SHOKS all made for us by
The Ihty state shoe and Leather Cos., and Zeigler Bros, and
tire fully warranted. Have been keeping them for year’s with
satisfaction to is and the weaker. No pegs in them to hurt
•he little ones feet, are standard screw fastened and first-class
sewed work, us low us Atlanta can sell. Everything usually
kef t in a village general store ean he found at our house.
Fullest details will he cheerfully.exhibited with polite atten
tion. floods sold only for (JAS.L
Or*4*ivill , Git Oi l 17, 187 V. 11.. N. ULLIS.
K IS EM AN* iflfb a
T A I I, 0 If S k X E I, 0 T II I ER S
5.7 W Mil Kl* A 1.1 STHItm, A ft ASTA. UltOlU*l4,
HAVE *liviy mi hnml u sti * am* mkii. tun ai.ak nf READYMADE
Boys and Childrens’ Clothing a Speeially
■ . '. 11 ; 1
2ii iiiiinnsT., - oii.i Mtirs.amui*.
S|n-(.-il uttctilion jxml In S*b- of (kHutigmuttia* "I Ht ill P ItOXEY, ORXNOI'TH, &C.
I" OIL!) again mil your attention to niy magnificent hi<a k, just being received from
the North. In view of the present fluttering prospects, I run preparing to offer, my
customer* great inducement* ill tny Hue, 10-wtt :
My slock of JEWELRY will consist of everything Usually kirpt in s first daascrkablUh
nient. My prices i intend to make rut low ss any Woiisr in wcorgia —Mo MB UI'VIUI, —
My line of Musical instrument* waa selwhvi with great nur ido mg proo/rae to offer
an Instrument that Ido not play on myself hence, every Instrument will lie tested ire
fore leaving the store, to tire satisfaction <rf the purchaser, both iu quality and prior, or
no sale.
My line of spectacle* are form the Factories of lire New York Optical <>)., whose rep
utation is world wide My Him- of Hilverware will fie from Mm; iu-st mannfacturenr, and
•A the latest styles and designs, and priMW to suit the times.
In onlcr Oral liar people may know wliat User arr paying for clocks throughout tlie
pountry, 1 prorsise Ur give the whoieaafe price flat of th< same hr tlw-pulrlif;. For instance,
when the 8t Louis *Adendar Chsk Company were selling the Hcth Timms* Parlor Cal
endar No. It. Clock iu hundreda, ami I might say thousands, a! tbe exorlritant price of S3B,
they cost honest dealers In New York, fry lire single dock. fit), ami of course the ped
dler trouglit llierii for less money fry taking them by tbe hundred, thus making the swin
dler atiil greater: you paid him more Hum enough ue.rrey for >sre dock to purchase tbrsc.
Tlu- Mantle Spring Clock, with an siann. coating M eents extra, bought lr<xn the Seth
Thonuw company, the best cornpw- yon the ccaitinetit. owls from fl tkl tip to f 10,40,
Kisest <fr \litt. Tire. Modiuru chx;k. good style, finely tumlsbe/i. 1 and 8 day, can be
Irouglil from me at Manufacturer's price*, ranging fmtn M to 47. MaoSIXB MsOS—
There are no hand made eksrks on the continent- An inferinr c-iock Is being soid at from
** to 420
In thr repair department I am fully prepared to do all wwk In my line promptly and
satisfactorily. Thanking the put.lie for their kind pAlruiiage for tlie pat 12 years and
j soliciting a (xjrrtinuance of tig- bum, lam resjreetftiily,
Barncsville, G., Oct. 24, 3m. 0. S. HIGGINS*