Newspaper Page Text
rfiaUVtD (TUT WUT, .
BY VET. umt, i
ttT <■ vm ANMBM.IM tbXMJgV :
0T Omci imam im muc aggiinn
raTT* tfjSSSffiis
* metres 175 500 S8 fMBBItsU
t nch 100 00 10 ISMIKW
*ud 500 WOO *
1 co 700 nOO 83 00' *5 00 cot*
1 CO) 10 00 90 00 00|88|*88
tf A liberal dmluorioa tamim *• thw
advrrtUing b> th* o uotll nr *ms.
Religious Kotico,
Tilt* fellow U* i* th* Chaafih Ok-octo-T *
Greenriite for 1078 :
2nd and 4lh Salrtrath itoUaeh onlb.
Pastor Kev. W„t. caM>w*ll
I*t Sabbath U each tanartk
Parlor Ror. J. H. CLINE.
AU* Sabbath in <racU wrath
Pan.* Krv DR> McMIURAY.
Notice to the Public.
> After tb dal*, all tefri advevtiasmeate
uf Utt* count* of Mori wether will be pub
l.*krd tu itv Mesiwafar CWntjr Vindicator.
W. It. KKLi.KM
tXerk Sup'r (VnM
Jan 4th. 1^79
LOC A L Tol*l (3 s.
•. r i <%: v v;j. - v&q&Vt , M*s,
-- r ■
* I will pay the Market
price for Goon, well dried
I'emdieto ' -
H 1> Al>AlK.
Mr I > ulwm has gMlicmi six lad* * of
< attori Ua max
A M liahiwia Ifito .>*■ quarter ut au
wvr in ontt/ai bank, of Sir sture Ivauw tun w
K* qOud by L J. Mandrr that will averogv
to .a. <■> th, .talk h hi thnught th*
yield will tj* at 1-art tOO pmitxG <t lint
• utt<n
Tn Uw great r<gr*-t u# our vulire town
1 r’tniiiMifilty Mr* R’.-Utsen, t—ft ttftwv
till*' yoMt*-r*U\ to take up In • fuutrn nlaidr
Iti Atiwtit* Mm UuliiijiiHi daw till* ia iv
iter tu lie lima Urr *•**.* AnUut and 1 lor
• tie. wim <>i rigi- Hint lug Atuuita their
btX’ie. Wi part with ‘hu frvr hI. re
rretfully tamaoae ttortl retuovij i a knv tu
ir veirty <>*ir tmaincm and the rhuroii of
wlai ti ttwy wne usrflfl rwmtwre May
• in*** wid liafgaarite Stte'id • t.etu In I heir
new f.‘i*iw
Of W i tive lawn nakml tu tnsuitwi tlw*
iy rrqoare Itav ft' M. II Bond will dvliv.
e * auietly ikaSrieiai dtanrinto at Freeman'*
‘■trqa-f I m tb mramti ‘tabba'h in HejKrmtar,
1.-t ail who ilerire an eshauaUvr argument
t J*<* ijf Mi- bettrti c tan* la attend the
t'* xruxenM hfipu yaanyttay -vvotu.:
A large auendaact t* expartad and prepare
tom* ha*- tamo mad- to 'ake care at oh
who attend fh* *prvtu*a. Among the mini*,
ter* who are to rk preamt we hare the noma
'A Itv Haygood, th* wmmj>Miiil prbA
dnt of tjnory erriieg*. mentioned !rt oil
attend who can
Every year we bear af anroe riiwvlerty
•or .diet on Uie ground* and arreate in trm
•*•*;> tmoe tbmat. k t* to b* brypad Uti*
meeting will not hr dirt iihrd hyr a aingje
illegal, nriptnamhft fa or iortdtek
After aa I'thauafin day** tabor we bod
the piaamree at lair tag tea trith the hoaptta
bte fondly at am ktefi Mam) Dr. Hrwd field
of Mountvß*. aad taimliig the sotfngfart.
anoe of dm Dtotnfl excellent lady^Am)
• tiarming ksqgbtan. A more dritgjbtfnl
Ivxu- it hM not haw anr lot to apend In a
king while. Mag ail goad hkarinfi Sri*
upon the good Bteteritavri who, when we
ware hungry took ns in and fasatM as with
rid time hoapitohty andUtaritete
rotf •—-
frvwk who wans praanM aX flaliiii Cotap
Meeting In Troup eotmte |tel fiarit saaak
ia glowing terras at tire saaritag ami
fine preaching. Dr. wd. Rav. W.
H. IxPraJe, of LaCtaparit, drfivwwd Mg
effective aad aritetailfYNlNlfiM on Shsa-
Several f ttai jMMghal lid W iprili
■ick, one of them aaghShg fiat K are
the bad water ta the tom fiat pro das *d aa
rn'Jrtfa illnean isritar thstogfirtfiri ante red3
it might be tha mate wlitey or tno mush
of the good sort. This fake writ “tarn Sly
■ ' ■■ '■ —a—sto^Statag—■ " —-
t ri
Mr. Peavy vn net ta (he asms mom
iari wnek when the arikiter dtapultxl bis
spaffiagof hrisr ami Si not hear of Ore
matter atari the next dtoy. He Uterifi, if
OAOssttaandaßadCsr a spdEag boS
and settling of tha ipmriii rithte yd **
We thought it staangtta tha rites that Mr.
Peavy r-.idsiesriar. nadW|r Nt the e smart
arm of Berra. “ -
" Hatic* tiS: hftal advemrtHireuu ia thu
- ~ — .
PnUrgrs&te httwaM cf fa gsorrian *.
faooorime to OtotAta torn army paatri
Oh count* It hr the iwri that pow ao <te
aneiiic. ■
A friend wr-in*" trU iKkhtoui ;
“Enrimnwi had money for anew subscriber
the tat m I aver aatod to take the Vn
in ota behalf aa thi* kind friend dkl T
Hr. BtlW, recauUy ofMatiwtaHos but now
dtim of LaOmage. m ssnourty injured
hat week by stepping at night hum a train
into a fifteen tat reek battened culvert
Then? wer* no fight* oa (be train.
Th* load church trial at Mountcaiue
u* a dew la* Twwdsy night about 7 o'chck
WUMa Brut bring acquitted on all the
chtegss by the nnaatmnni rate? of the 11
commiUrwHMKL At de enqnaat at fricnii
we will gjve the mate potato at the (**,■
rre week.
Pxtarti \Y.
P. Flmßev’u Httte dnuxtaUT rtslßr thought
Irsoly att down la a choir, in which die
bad placed her quUt work, when a needle
turied harif in bar leg ia rrar of, and just
above the knee: Medical aawar.c ><sa waa
had m early m padWt, but tha 'p o * l '"
remove the neatfe wsa unaureeteful The
auffHtofja f the twfWnata ddld Tueatoy
night were aintOat lutnierable ince which
tlm* the pain haa dlminh4wd. bat fear* art
entertained by her |aaaw aa to the filial
AWaT -A pealtentiar/guard arrived in
UraanviUr law Tueadav evening and lfl
nest morning with Haney Bagwell and Abe
Koaaer. Haney U will be n tunnbered Mole
fitly eaota worth of clothing and gnaa up
f;w fiva years Ala-, la the wife atnViter,
claims to be a preacher, ia a good figliler
amt will aerve the Iraaera (•<* ten yvara
The i>rtaoiura mmte an effort last Wink
to eacojie ]all by aettlug fire to the amtb
wall but tmoomlng frightanetl, ejttluguiabwl
the fiatnia They then wrenched off the
gra'lng of (lie wcat window ami ulu*> the
iron, bar lima oljtained endeavurod to tireak
Weigh the ii<ji*i a ‘*V n*.' dr.,
nudrrtnhiiig oui Wanhful abort(T <<uuu- up
and hiocke<t the little game, ami Nancy
and Abe cau now eiendae their ingenuity
in elmtiag the vtgilanc* at flic penluuitiary
CutoXl Au*i> Our Ku|i*rrtor tmirt u*t
j.mrinit I art kVitisy night Judf< lluidtsu
so t** mg after iiupp*'i tor Ni’Wnan in i*
<Wi to take llu’ ini* hattirday Morning fi*
1(1*11*, o b* r iv to bold iVMirt this work in
t ‘hxuonge rouroy fie Jiutg* Uiuh-rwuuii
Hardly was Use mk ilry u|mn the hut jndg
meat rßmUfnd in thi* *ii|orlor aairt err tlw
Jualhv ruurt (*W'S in thr uuurt lioum
Haliirtiay morning Inii'iuila Mallu wa and
h* iuiriMfMl Hi .lotiil; wire Iwought bofore
Dr Klu)it rtaugvtl wiili nn amaull iq.m
Mlt Hi* no, a nd<*<*l vtaur l b*’ (aartiiv
a err earning to an ttMMliug Friday night
met*‘Mi’ amt qtiari-fllng vraarednmt
Wfurt tin- tnugirtrMti the (mvlnr* wire
bfaight The |wtanKv were rmfulred tu
give a bond <A %4!t or go to Jail. After
mw Juggling th* matter wn* adjnaliii by
tire oK uawi tyUig (lie nMuplaiiiant M<v9u
<toli*r. anil quiet reigned.
Monday tin' <aw of W A Rio* k v* Jtin
iitalork will on a promtawiry note wa* be
fore th" Juaiee. Failure vrf ennauiMraUiai
ptearkrt ; Judgment lor plaintiff
Wlortow r* ltla>-k eoitUmu'd and legal
iHirtmaa bo* Iwen at a stand still (or A lung
Mfcling of County Ootiiiuia
Ail Urt member* nt tbr county board of
• ‘ Bum torturer* were pteaeoi at their nawting
loot Monday
A two*km to reremskb-r tha notion of th*
board at it* loot mint big refusing tu roa
oUrv* (TovrinfC* fur wagon* ireer tint nide-
Wolk. ieodhig to the eminborn* at the vart-
Ste ami wssuvn step* wa*. after some ris
eusvion, withdrawn.
The bridge across ij liiu Oak creek la the
lhth didrict known a* the Inng bridge,
bring reported in t>ad order, (' J
Reeves agreed to nave it placed la fd
e*nxiilion wittioqt oust to the county.
Tha ease <A the coroner's fee* in the Rkka
hondchie m postpraed until the next
The order (fin'ouUnuiog the bridge aenm
Yeßow Jacket creek near GfontviUe wa* re,
aritodryl. and J. 11. WiliWi*, J. W Kttea
md John Alt right were appointed a nom
itartre to enatract for rim btakling 'A anew
The Orand JsfJ passssriment* were rend
and the rocormuemtaduas respecting the as
pairing Jail, whitewsshing the court
haws, carpet*, water dsoti.A . were ta
definiteiy postponed. f
Thi rtsrk of the Noted was directed lo
notify (ha eonstetaritesn of th* first district
talteraths mads muter fair supervision
W. PVerre ond J. A
tending tern Itafaterita AS Rocky Mount
ha eanridteed n frihße highway sod kept in
•Kta endor by fha road hmsds who may be
R-N. D. Staten asd WiL
7hasJKtelmßfk>poitaadD review the
road taadtaf Ms Atfsedh chapel acro*
th* state assd fepe/rt to tha hated. This ac
tkm toasts to the eatahttshteSta ft s ferry nu
*tfTwSs4i4 JJSttasrit of
wan lesassd ItapeAfle docks ta the county
An order for ltd waa grsnfad WBtaa
Fatter fa repricing Fop* Mfat over
la Memoriam.
Date at Pulmonary Ocaauaapdoo at haa
fnthcr’a roaManaa four urika from Oraaa
rill* oa the 99th of Augaat, Mia Ootagte
McCtondon, wife of Mr. W K. McOtaadoa
and daughher at Mr. Abaakan Taaner.
A friend who knew her from
childhood tbits mi tea coocmdng the dr
eaaaad. “Mm McOJendon wn kind, gen
tle and lowing and natumUy of a aaodeM ra
tiring dlayswithm Pur ntany yuan aha
waa a aa-Jtnbcr of the UreenviUe
School and one of ita luoat regular pupils,
always obedient and delighting in It* axar
ciaea. In early childhood she uidtol with
the lletiiislist t burcb and ever after wall;. ,
itl m ooofivudty with the tewrltlngn of the
Scriptures and in obedience to the rules of
the discipline. As ah* lived well a> ahe
died uiiuniphant, rciiumting her friends to
uteri ber iu the ti tter Land, her cmiy ru
irret at dc|tarting being on accouut of laav
ing loved ones behind.
Prom such a life and happy death the living
can draw useful and beautiful lemons wor
thy at Imiutkm Loved ooea, tu whom
she made those touching appeals tu meet
her should hold the prondKM made aa ta
Mm Mct’UuuVm IssfN a Utiic daughter
two years old that manifested touching Sid
tmitatial sorrow at hM muthnrSi burial,show -
lug and IntelUgenoe and grief rcmarkabW ia
otoc no young. Plaintively she pointed to
bar mother as tha coflhi wns being towered
and lieggcd her father to bring dew Mnthur
batik. The scene waa ouc long to be re
iuciiilhto,i by tha sorrowing friend*
A C'tm! from C. J. Recvei.
Aa one of the lhawii of l ■ of
I loads ami Itcvenuea has imsttllcil my
ctiartu-ti r puliUcly in the most
cowanlly manner, I deem it m**-saary
for my wife nod my chtUiren am) uty friends
to reply to (he charges publicly, for it Outo
is art) thing ill the W<aid 1 deem tun nil it
I? !i ’ ,’lv .sud I say poaitlv* false
h<*U have been utHnmd against me,
through malice and without a just cause.
As the charge* allegist against rau isrigi
iiatcd in the |xtrchase of a jumper fhnn, I
will lomutetMS' at that |*oint and ezptaln
tlw whole trsnaocthm tut briefly aa I can to
show the facts in the case.
At our November term, 1859, the pre
sentments of the Orand Jury U-ing before
tlte Boartl, that lately agreed tu establish *
poor farm . pruaent Judge BibWy, Bucttan
aa, Ihautn and my self Not blag more
tlcflnlteiy lutlil lit* flrst Monday In Pcbnt
wry, 1078 At the inerting ut the board th
rtiat Mondiiv In Pubruary there were but two
farms befon tiie <surt for wile, those of
Pati* W. Htrnrler ami It Carter. Af
sotne dellls-ration the Carter fann was M -
IcCUsj and the Isianl ogreud to uteri M<tti
day the Uhh to confirm Uw htgthi- Judges
Kitdey, IlueliMiuin, Milam and myself met
February tlw I (Jilt, and after amrw detilwra.
liott, the Ikwil apjK.miiil W. >l. holler
and ntyaaif to write tin deed from Cortar to
the ivsutiv oonunitodoners. After Uw deed
was written, the eoniniiMi<Mwrs atowtuhled
sod < H Cwrisv Mgned tlw drod, Judgiw
Buchanan and Judge Kiblay
sigiad Uw awrru os witnessne Jt WM Item
on lend that Uw dead be roourdad and tha
ch ri loam on ordri to Cartotr In draw hia
usuney from the county Tfinsaury : pnaamt
of tills ioisiting, Jitdgna HlMry, Milam,
Duuhanan and myself.
At our March meeting Jmtgc fUbley ex
jwi’mud some dtawttafuigion ss to I Is* orrtar
tM-ing granted tu Carter tu draw the mutiny
tu mska tha find payment on *oid land ;
assd I had <ionc wrong fu granting thi’ or
ihv. I told him I did nut think so, bill If
th* court thought i hod, ail they had tu do
was to uiak tin deed track to inv and I
would replace the money I also said I
never intended thv county should suffer by
ny act* if 1 could avrid it.
Grart next met the first Monday in April
Here ia where so issue waa tgwsmg. Jndg*
Barhanati and myarlf advpntad the limwa
diate iwulilisliaitei. of fa pour (arm ,
Judge* Kotos and Mibiey opposed A Judge
Koto* argued that H took hot a small sum
to support each pauper and the ponpta did
not fMrt. tor that small sura. Judge HdAey
argued that the county was nut side tu
•■quip the for in at present and that ws had
better wait until we had mousy to furskb
th* farm. I don't say this is verbatim, but
ta the substance of what was aaid. I than
af money paid from the Treasury to the
sopport of the p'*up*r* from fa ttnse I omnr
tata office aad the Itoanam op to the pros
eta time, and mid with Mh Increase It
would net be three yean bsfore it mould
take fI,OOO to support fa poor at aw
county, sad I thought mow was fa rites to
put the farm is operation I also proposed
to furnish th* county with two framed
cabins not quite a quarter at a mite from
the farm and not charge one cent for them.
1 also made this proposition to fa court,
rig; that if Ussy would put the grid tanaj
in operation and give me the eoutro
of H, and pay me annually
tar the next taut years, the amount
fa county waapapiuff fa poor, I would
tusk* a itnuafiau af fa tans lo fa county,
and would aetata! upca fa oouaty for g
riagte defter until tha ttOfi, which fa tom
costfaseutar* *M *F fa tafaw
lion. 1 rite atatad to fa aourt fat if fa
srpaoposad togtsua tauri to (hag sftasx,
psnpaslriou they hadhariarfitefa mag fad
a pate team and was mriritad B waa fa
heat for fa eoutep to sstaMteh one Me
said he was saliiikml that tha paupers 4 M
got get th* full tatotfU of all the mway w>
amid w them. I'dMT say Uilv is a uaeba
tim acuount, but M tk aobstamw of whal
waaaaki At lW<—h Ua puuguir agent
rose anal aoemadhpkto hurt by Judge 10.
Uni's remsrha, i|NMUpnn the Judge said
he did not meat g WM the caae with all
the paapevs bed tflkMri was oiludhig to Ida
brother's ewe, whrilhad been oa tha oouaty,
and ha knc l>g)t>e ffl not get the benefit
of the ijmM9 placot In his agent's
hands. Judge leMkanni then urged the
court to accept toy propoMUou, saving
that ha was astiskad I could give bond fur
the pra|>ev Un traant of the poor of the
comity, Ac. Aa fee court would not mv
iwpt utv proportion. Judge Uuriianan uiov. |
cd that the pour Avan he advertised and let
out hi Ut* lowest kWdrr mi the first Mon
day in May and (fiat all paupers who rs
ported to be planed on the county make ap
piicwliou on that day. The motion was
put and carried. Judges Kstis ami Sibley
opiKwing, Milam, Buchanan and myself fa
A few days after this meeting Judge HSr
ley went to (Ivornri lie and oriiend the
Merit mg lo have the above order advcrtU
td I mot the dark soon afterwards and
adtui him-why he had not advertised mid
farm. He lnfiomsd ate tlatl Jhdge BiWey
had ordered hint not to run the notice, and
furthermore had ordered him to Mane sub
oartaa to the mi-lUce that avamhmd the
hooka of die oougty oAeara :'T Utoa went
to the editor and told hhu to ran tha Botioa
and if the county refuted to pay fir the
same 1 would pap for ft myaaK
At our 51 ay meeting the order for lrtting
nut the poor Item wns revoked by Judgu
Milam going back and voting with Judges
Hitiley and fate 1 then made the asm
proporitkuw that I made at the meeting U -
for* but tu BO effret. Judge Ihiehoiian
urged the court to accept my proposition,
and triad tu show them where the oouaty
would make tha form dear, if no morn.
Klnally there was a mndon made to Issue
•crip to the poor of the ixiuaty i then
begged the nog* mg to do that, for the
poor wouHNmva faatehs has than vahv for
tlinao nrikf* I biid the board to make the
deed back to ins and I would replace the
money paid Out, and then the paupers
could gri cate far thefr ordetu, This offer
wa* rejected and tha order paaaad to laana
strip, Judge# Vataa, Milam and Sthh-y
voting for It.
At Our Juna mooting Judge Sibley asked
me lo take the paujwr fans, I refuwai, U
oauae tliey bad issued ordsat to tha county
poor and I had proponed to take tha land at
our last three martfnga | and another rea
aan was, a cl tie an of Umanrilh) had tokl nut
heretofore if the court waa not satisfied ha
would take tha land and pay Mm money,
cash, roul 1 ifid not suppoae ha wanted tha
land at that tat# dag
Judges Kite# and Milam were appinted
to r<infer with me and J agreed tu jiay rent
’tot the faMM, * . 4
I assert that Uw okarges ulloged nguinst
uw in tlw jirescntnumu at the grand Jury
are palpable falaohnaria, except the okaaga
of pinnting ami rvuttog the farm. I wiU
explain right hnm why 1 took poaai saion at
and planted tha farm Iluar ia mind that
at our A jail mooting an <srier passed tu lot
the farm mil the firm Monday in May. I
knew by that time it would bo too late to
plant the land to make a crop this year,and,
having the lutuwat of the oouaty in view, I
,wut forwatd sod planted tha land, and
when I arrived in (Jraanvitle tha Ant Mon
day bi May I informed Judge Buchanan
and others what I hod dons and why I hail
done ao. I also iwpaatod Judge Btoohansn
to state the same putritely before crying out
the land, I slated all that i wanted waa pay
fiv my iolsir and tha mousy paid out, and I
would leers fib* fixing that amount to
disinterested parifte. Ido think the grand
Jury did me great Injustice in embodying
tin chergM agaigM me in their general pro
scntiMcntx. I affirin it was their sworn duly
as Jurors, to finds true hit! and bring mo
before the Jarifa and Jury, and have me
triad upon the afeargea it is strange that
an inteHigunt Jury would ooa dawn a man
wtthotot giving Mm any rimming at all and
thtn appoint i iu Invfftigtlc Mi
official eutodiari, aod ropiari the preaant
manta publiahad hi a paper outride tha
county. The Mbs baa not bote date afaaoe
we have hadeftemln OreewriOv. la it
psribk that tfea,Orand Jury arrii draw
from the Trturiuy II or V doNgfu 9b have
the ftnavr of—■■ at the udrida atria Mfnt
ed ri and family wßhmit fiWng me
a thaduv at • sbowiag t X am twated
worse than pate Tray ; lam fauod in had
company rritfate* nan 1 lam found
dritedafteKlaf timpodhataaf thatex pay.
fIKOHOIA-- Mariwsthw Camriy.
Trie ta lo curttfjr fall paid to C. ft-
Dritar (8800,88), ffa Hundred Dofiara,
faamouwtof faugfafitrFanper Form,
•sfrt find, 1878. R. J. ANTHONY,
Tbistetocartffy fagOr l !. Rabves did
not rtaatau fwut aa* gap past of fa mousy
paid to me hp . J. Atetaiay, county
Treoauste, fa mf farm. BspC Bnd, 18TO.
Tha Tigririatetehte pawed au act pmhliy
kin* tfiw teriiltarifatafa itetewx wrfawMMi fTfltHtT
ids sf MiHwrihte aoutey that ha wril rm
fate 'BOTTOMB-ia targn
ehtaas for <WI DOLLAR; ftamfa
Cteaeaaiite, Aag. flat. Im.
lutemiiug to dovoW
a year specially to the iuM,mo
tion of hid own children, the
undemigned will open in Green
ville, about the 16th of .Tun--
imry, 1880,
Only a limited number of pu
pils will be received, so that
time may b given to look
carefully after our newspaper
interest ns well ns do full jus
tice to the children entrusted
to our charge.
W. T. Rkmix.
UKomtIA- ) Ordinary * OBr,
Mcrlwvtbcr ('ountv. t B*pt. Ist, IS7B
To nil whom it may convurn :
WhfirsM Andrew K. Park, of said slate
and appftea for letters of Admiais j
Urifite on tha uaUtc of Miaa A E. Ptek,
lata oi aahl county, daocaacd : Those arc
ihareforc to cite and admonish all and sin
gular, the kindred end creditors af mid dto
eteri, to dov cause, at uty office, on or
baficic tha first Monday in October nest,
why mid letten of Adminfattisrioa on tha
estate af said dcceaasd should not tsasuc to
aahl applicant.
Uivon under my hand and official aigna
O. M C.
tiKOHOIA, — ) Ordinary'* (Mira,
Mmwrtber County, J Hept., Ist. 1878
Wbcrt'M Joint Wild* Park, (Juanlian of
ttw pmraoo and property of Andrew K
Pork, of mid ooonty having fully dlaohargcd
hla trust and (aahl Andrew K Park hMfing
ohtaiiwd tha age of 81 yvara ) applies tu b*
dismissed from Ida to aftsro
mid, ihaasfoM all paraom ooßceraed era
hereby iMAlfiiMl and required lo appear at
my office oa or before lit* Ant Monday in
October next, and show cause (if any they
have) why aaid John Wide Park should
not be <Usmis*ed from his said Guardian
Given under my hand and oflMal signs,
0. M. C.
Mariwethar Oouaty, > Kept Ist., 1178.
To ail wtiom It may censers j Wbaroa#
John J. Thumb of aaid date, aad county of
Troup, applies for letter* of Admlnistm
trstion on the eatotc of Thonte B. Evans,
late of sold county, dmassed.
There are therefore tu cite and admoniah
ail aud niugulor the kindred and crmUturs of
mid dreroaad, vnahaw mama (it f they
have) at my office on or before tha flrat
Monday In October next why lettete of Ad
mluWrathm on tlut ariats of said deceased
should not tame tu mid applicant.
Given under my Inwwt and official aigna.
O. M C.
maum jm ■UHUMNIM
Th<> Fall Tern of ffcbool in
GRinoiViLLE Masonic Institute
will commence oa Monday, tho
4th, day of August.
farms wUI nevita the benefit of fa
fUBLIOFUKD daring Ilia first Ihtw
SnUt of Tmltlota i
8*2,0*. fFIJOO and sl4 88 per schriarti
year. On# duHsr Incktanub.
TtsukLg thusgpf aur tnaoda who bav*
larotad ua u itU ttadr pateonage, w $ soiled
a co. tin.lain * of iht l will tfidrav
or to prore ovfarlvs* worthy ol ny proof
• i coefltkw a tbu* vg'aix'sd utt
JOHN 11. CU.\E.
Jut) 2-Vb.
Bridge Notice.
Wffi he tat ota to fa tawast Hifa ha
wssu Watt, sari Ipi an aa fa ssecud
fisSurday ia fiapSsusbar sMt, fa buftdtag
ptaatattou af Mm MaGshaa Said bsfas
ta b*BB taat tang and at good heart tlmbor.
the eetanrt will he tat eut at the bridge.
AD. Oaritaa, )
J- WJtor J Gam.
ta., fa, ITA
cLOsnra out
Entire Stock Ckods!
1 tflMtll *ommonce my second
Closing Out Sale
- or
-0 1-0 <(*o9,
N 11 lONA,
t'Lni lIINti.
* if O .'-tand
HAT 4 ,
llAltDdf AlfiC,
•V * -
q tb* let day i Aminat, to etethwj tar
40 dayg only.
Tu|. I* vti >m ivtoailv tt>ma a’xMlJ wU
who dM *• > *******
a •**>*• lie* nt On nl, saving to tu in 99
I’M gent.
-TO* am#
I intend to clean out my
r.tANX oamnimo.
We take pleasure in an
uounoing to the public that
we have now in stock and will
kocp coiiNtiuitly on hand on
our trade demand*, a good
line of
Htaflk and Fancy Groomum,
Gunria’lxg Oi
hUtJvli. IXirVEK,
vuiiTK run,
An ' ircslt in CANS.
rOJA, rOAPri.
Lnfiadrjr aid Tottrit
tW A targe stock ol sasortad TEA
CAUSED GOODS oi aU kb.**.
W* ha*aai> s wail amortad steak
Tin Ware, Wo*kn Ware, aad atrarythtag
Hurt l| kapt in s Jbri star. Family
Grocvty More.
Wa kill remthMa to ran aur SODA
FOUNt th Utgk tha reatef.
Tbaskitog Om panpla lor there pMt pet
f<*g* *B 1 *ullckig * StoatteßMUt Sf fit
Wa are very raw* 1 tally.
QrenvDla. Jaly. 99h. t fir.
For Sal© Bv ‘