Newspaper Page Text
* TMRrV‘* 'V
The Heroisii*. Of lmUoi.
’'j Htf r
H* n*X In- who brils'iMty /kwr
Battlin'/ ill nati'in'a *■}<■-
Tempted with a iiaiiu- in story
IVx'tli ib-ed* of true ,*:mpri*r.
But ti* In Hu l.ifli)--™.
Sou! Ml so liUOll-te l,l<
< |.,it*ir'i* Um**i i*w ♦" ***<tW
Strug*!*-* for tin nu aiw of lif<-
HUtlggb* liruvi'ly mVr ili-epm ring
< mw|in rin/ ati-rii, <nj*Mi"ir K.tu-
Ev.-r nobly boldly W-aring
(,p ig.tuii't a loiyfy fate*
>lul tin <rnn;f* unil tin- riol.
Mill-tin Ktlrring about an-1 <r t
On tli<- gnt\ field of belli*
Coinage It. tuny m'-'I to >!)•■
But, In-ni nib a weight of Uuuhlr,
None to i-lii-i-f n or relieve
liuons-d, with want *rt*i woe to strove!*-,
Ti* a braver thing to five.
And tlw gallant heart ever
{lining, by It* stem i-mlt-Hvor,
Higher in Hi*' “ah' of bfe .
Striving on, ami cheering other*,
ItfArhing nearer h* tin- goal j
Teaching it* despairing linitln r*
Tftl*' Ui“* in*l* in tin iuoll ;
/n that until of fixed defbin* •
'fialnal tin wnr*l llmt Kata <*sn ilo
In that aoul of self return*
Willi mu ll ‘ IToft Wt fi ftcW ;
Truly win* tin- Jury’* lauri I,
Triumphing for huiuaii kind.
And hi* lift!** if mire-ml vi- moral
I4ve* to away I In- uimtwi iiiimi
Valor thi* n*i king* an knighting ,
Yet w ith tnli Id* firrft embrown* ,
lit- fo man a tau* i* fighting
Worth a pyramid of < rowim.
Hn| ipiitcNß in not only deftir
abta.lmt it in <>i<thtiig which
i! very httiwun lining in in ucardi
of, awl tin* material* tf which
urn everywhere ami in the po*-
HOHHion of uvuiy creuture (Uni
him *reute<l. Lika the gnu--*
in tin* Hold, the inenn of
which hiippiuom may he
moulded, grow everywhere
even in the poorest soi I. It i*
however, an ivrevocaldc law of
the Creator, that ho that
would he happy must use the
materials furnished hy the Di
viin| One. The j linnet, that
sports hut a day in the kuui
mer sunlight—the eattlo upon
a thousand hills, and the teem
ing multitude of mankind
are all in possession of the
means of life and enjoyment.
But by each mid all the effort
must be made. The provision
nuwtbe applied* and when thus
applied, happiness is sure. Let
none, therefore, complain of
their lot in life, when each
chooses that .tat for himself.
Happiness i* within the grasp
of all our race, Beach forth
yod* l*ttd, therefore, child of
earth, and possess it.
Hints fhr Everybody.
The way to get credit is to
he punctual ; the way to pre
serve It. Is not to use it much.
Trust no man’s appearance ;
appearances are deceitful, por*
haps assumed for the purpose
of obtaining credit.
The rich are plain ; trust
him, if anyone, who carries
but little on his back.
Ncveptrust him who flies
into a passion on baing dunn
ed, but make him pay quickly
ifide*e he'any virtue in the
law. - . ,
Whenever you meet a man
who is fond of argument, you
will nte.eJ.CMge profoundly igno
rant of the operations of the
human heart.
Jrfifcd own affairs. Let
tfea ecroreyou see iu
management suggest correc
tions in your own.
secret tfflMhg at
peace withalJUheworld is to
have an iWnP opin ion of
ourselves. I
False Morali I,y.
Never teach false morality.
How exquisitely uhur4 to tell
grills that beauty is of no vt*l
ue— of no use 1 Viewed
from :t vvorl<liy standpoint
beaiity i of inealeulable value.
A girl's whole prospect arid
happiness in life may often de
pernf upon anew dress or, a
becoming bonnet ; amHf she
bah five erains of eomrnofi
.sense Kite will find thin out.
Tl**' j/ii-al ibitig, the important
lesson, is lo Jestch her the just
value of’ dross,and that for real
happiness there must be some*
tiling ii< H i-i. timlcr tbe bumtet
lb.ill a pretty face. Hut never,
sacri/iee truth,
In Ifavarta the om*i are
driven from sln'vt t<> etrxcf,
l In* tinklin'' of the bells around
Un-ir necks amioum/jug tbeir
cominp. As they approach,
the ln lps emerge from the va
j cions liuhilsitiomt armed with
bowls anti cam! ; the COW is
1 then stopped, and the man,
seating him .self upon a foiu
lepged wooden stool, which he
caiiies liudcrneulii hid arm,
callitly proeeeils In inilk llie
uiiitiin! in (hi* pu-stMte*;-of Th--
hiiyur, while -vu mturelmnge ol
"nods, looks fin* I tviettlhetl
Mimics, ’’ I like plitee, folloWPif
Ity it jrossip hi the
o|n*rution of filling •1 he ves.:el
with tho civil my liquhl. <J*nils
urn iilo *lri\cu ffhnut in tlua
way in Harcelomt, Fpniu
Whfit Makes I form' ffnppjr
if home is the kingdom of
dud, and the kingdom of flod
home may be, it is because the
spirit of Odd i# there. It is
because the woman who is the
queen of that home makes
home the centre of Tier <Tio light
her hope and her | raver. It
is because the man who has
sworn to love her, to honor
her, and to cherish her. knows
that lie best keeps his oath ly
making her home and his home
glad, cheerful and beautiful ;
because he doffs not neglect it.
and desert it. To them there
grow up children who know
that the noblest duty is tin*
duty m"ct their hand ; who are
glad to Mtrpri.'JCi their mother
with anew pleasure, u.r to re
lieve her from some old care ;
children who liud their father
their best, companion, and who
have no secret from him of
boyhood’s or girlhood’s joys
and sorrows.
The original trinity, the trinity from
which Ml scholastic and ecclesiastical trini
lie* were formed, is the sacred • trinity of
the father, the mother and the child, one
In tliree and three in one. it is a life undi
vided ; a life outy perfect, when each share
with each, each is intertwined with each,
and eoch suslain* all. —[Edwerd Everett
If a man undertakes to trav
el on the line between truth
and dishonesty, says Josh Hil
lings lie is sure to. stumhte.aftd
we all know on which side of
the line he will fall.
For gohl at and i:ffioient res oua, I ht:e
bv give noli j that no person in lUi* coun
ty it tnlhoiiie tod issue Marriage Licenser
*1 and sign my name to the same, unless tliey
hare wntteu autiioi ity over my > rbeial
siguaturc and Ibe teal ol my court. 1 *ill
uol recognise tuy Liceute I-sued by any
(>exa<>n cz.ept be Uu auibocnoJ aa above
A. J. Hinton,
fly l-l 1879 U. aiL C.
Blames, Circulars and
all Kinds of Job Work execu
ted at this Office.
Ague Cure
I* a purely regulable letter sad powerful
tonic, and Jw warranted * speedy and •*<*■
Uin cur* tot Keene wul Ague, CbtMf
•nd Fever. InUnaittenl or Chill
Fever, Remittent Fever, I numb Ague,
Periodical or Mtllou* Fever, aad SI
ut*l*ri*i disorder*. In mixatuatir dis
trict*, tbe rapid |Wi*e, <x*Ced trmipi*,
thtrat, tassttads, lostl of appetite. f**n is
the back sod Wins, ami roMtun* of tbe
•pine and extremities, are only ptei.i'rfii
ttoij* of aeverer symptom* which termin
ate iii the aga** paroxysm, u***edd by
high fever and profuse perxpiratwa.
It I* a startling fact, that yainin*, ar
aenie, and <Atr poUonotw mineral* form
tins taut* of moat of tbe “ Fever and Agua
Frefstratbio*, ’ ’' Hpec-lftca," "Hyrl*,”
atni "T'milM," In tbe market. The prep
arat ion* made from th.-*. mineral poiaona,
aUisi|d* they are palatalilo, ami may
break the iJilfl, do aotcure, Mrt leave tbe
malarial ami tbefr own drug poteou In
tbe lyMero, ptoduiiing oulnsuo, dUalne#*.
ringing In tl*. ear*, headache, ve*tf/o and
lAh r dtord<-r* more firrmldaUe than
the diaeaee they wre iatemied to cure.
A*‘Cg CT a* t throughly erwib at*-*
tbe nntlirti* jK/fcoio* froro the *y*ten,
ami alway* euf* tm evne wu. It
• onfern* no n uuloi loliteiai. or */ thing
tb*t <onld injure Uie f&nat deln-ale l-a
tlrot end It* - rooming edealUgce, above
U* t ertatnl r hr mfe, U that It leave* Mi*
*y tUut a* free from diteaaa M before tb
For Il**-r ( ompUlnU, Arm A/t*-
f,’* ar, fiy dire* t action on tbe live* and
biliare apparato*. rtttvea out tbe r*.u* u*
wk b pneloee thean ' OKtptalate, and
**io*iSa6 the (tyatem to igyt'**.
bealtby condition
We warrant It wba tekva nMMMiiag
to direr tp,ua.
Frapartd by Dr. I. C. Ay*f * .
Fraetleai end *nelr****t
LowtHi, Maaa.
tout ar ear. eat•** n*rViM
I vrr H,it* Ur
okoan 00.
Merit ten, fun. t'.S.A
"Ciuidran’s Blow Pedals,”!
Adjusted orramoredlnsiantly.
Invented ontf Exclosinly
used by this Company,
The most popular
Organs of the day!
“TS. Wilcox 3l White
Organ Instructor" is the
in the market 1
■Srni #o* AferfAafef Odtafc-; •
AAA A KEK in tout own town, and
JnnQ no apical risked. You can give
themwinoss a trial without ex
pense. be Itcst opportunity ever offered
for those witting to work. You should try
nothing else until you see for youritelf what
you can do at the business we rifer.' No
room to explain here. You can devote all
your time Ob' only your spare tin* to the
business, and make great pay for every
hour that you work. Women make as
much as men. Bend for special private
terms and particulars, which we mail free*
#5 Outfit free. Don’t complain of hard
times while you have such a chance. Ad
dyew. R HALLKT &CQ , Portland, Me.
The Great Blood JCuri
t . f
fier. :
Purely vegetable with not a partielecl
Mercury or iodide PotaeU
For aale by
Bn. J. E. O. Terrell Jc Cos.
PiatioS, OreranS
lutrodoctian rules
B perb Icuruirefits
Fiotivttie 111 M * ill a
T > IJH 'U..O A’l
Munfaditren , i Fate*
Fy'ti if A eanvarc-iccaf.
Tr-ti f - !.♦ 1, • in,. M ,1. ,!•> I,i , -,l i . •
t* S-, be*- |l*< On, • i-.-IV* ty 1-oi.tio o'
;i;n ! i iiuiiiim m toe h oiit, sc •
ffc**i * -1 a* to i tawu Ui lalf*>d. tfio . a. .
,Ci|v f*t*•*•*• fit, iiae Ibo j* ,od *l toe r
nl I* UtnNMb 111 #ape*.ts!t*e *t
>-! bonaahofca at V tb*ry Win. war
If*tat I M*
fir.tttd iHlnnliii'liiin *i|<-
• f,r ;♦ * 1 , . • .- r
4" ll J r r>- H;. * * .y| (< t i
|* U PHX ttt f III* ui ttfi fc M*ir f*l } e t
I * * j4f.J Ml
SI-.K III!-; I’itl‘JK S .
• <>>i, 11- re*v-i A, t"
i‘lAN‘*B f‘mvr-1 (.'.tai ga* 1 ,f l
P.ANOA p In. ,TfO IS
i’lAM* v *1 '*<*. fl . It rOMi* t.'.i
i•.J I mg* 0. .1 •; i; P 'HI Pr .
i l l
I'I.vSf I.H ?J n , 0••.{, B • tr'
C**‘. ("• logn* Pikv.pW
f .17 b stop*, Ha* i me W iii.i t < a
*ffg• n*. t *lel -gi*- Pn r, V/,-1
171 t*i Hi* [.•*, i.nyv l W .Inni t im* O .
.tin. Oil I- gm piicr. fall)
|S l-ib i*. tb i l l Mum I p (wr
ti ygn*. Cal i P. w, f.;;v
All goarsfii ad mat run am M ir‘
fiiid.e ti i each. Hiiie list T’i I U ssnt
* 'l, Wr P*V the l**lsji/l jh it i *!e. Alr •
met* notiiing if I**tni >iral don't ruM
n-*iT )*aita> *u wil r,
Mason & Hamlin Or-ans.,
Ma■*>#, \ Hv, i.
A ABBASv. A C 'li't, 1',,;,,
,k * '
* *< *
siiii it and t'umc*
( littkc'tjj. Krale, It rtri.llallcl A I).-
trh, M.nthust.ek, llalnei, Dial*, Peas*
Southern Oem and Fuo tic PnM, *l’ to
i lndcd lr> tld* *a!e. A rlctn Sap. p,
native. AC niw Instruments of late*;
Send f*.r I trrx'neti -n Sale clrc’tl r riv
ing price* a>*d 101 l intonialion.
For $lO <*n a Piano Of n an (>rgan, t
will tfetirer height ,-s'ld to any It It. y*ui l
In the P atth.
SAYAffVAtf, - oa
Wholesale Piano A Organ Dealer*.
Atlanta Medical
Th Twenty-Second Annual C urse ol
Leeme* wfM commence October 15th,
1879. amUriorc March 4th, I*WO.
Fact?: tY. - J O. WmtfhmeUnd am',
W. F. We*tmoreWl, W. A. Lore, V. n
TaMafmo, Jno. Thad, Johnson, A W.
Calhoon.J. RLtn, J.T. Bank*; Dem
onatrato-, J. W. WHlfams.
Thia wrfl established College aflor is
opportunity for thonoegb med'eal educa
It ia io affiliation siM; and its ticket*
°d diplomas rceegaised bv, every lead
ng medical college in the country.
Requirements for cradttatkm as hereto
Send lor Announcement, giving foil j n -
I or mat ion.
im>. THAD. JOHNSON, M. D. Dear*.
** * At hints, Georgia.
Aag. IS.
11l '■. IMI ■■■ gi|lU
U H^tun 1 n >I
a- > '
Oar new Orgaa, e Kp reul r drwtgued for Muuday HvitooU,
lluptl*, U. f is jiroriug a
Iks MiT to *nd for full dmcrlptlvt I'abUugue befurt
porebaaiug any oUtrr.
lUutralrd Catalogue m-ut free.
messa ~nm -aa - -* . ' . jssc-3-
*WSsßi:iai.i, r rSfttSsfK
suMMEHS A: MlilirilEY
-e * A
Jg S
Usr.i strt tiri* sn I Ib vWrv in * Aft \U A BU *<JllS h WA < )V1 aal II Vll VF-Hv
Of *SI k 1 E rvyib ht lui'itKeVM.f.l. nfcoiwilt.
W bv* F*"|l the St .tree* of e l h >4M woikn.m lu the t *'r | clod
iiX|, 90f12 <4 llw I 't fli(ti of fvi.Mb, £ u , ol4t
Wf* • Elf i g •n\ a >}t gf )*4 ij ftt. r rV/ 4 ,/rr %♦*! wHI h<| fnjl m j\y
'I Ninloffii Mm ilftfi r?*‘ Art*?! .
Wearmk> n . fif . .t- tel t g-e t,.,:,-., p •, „ n„„„ j,,
4d by tbe f 4d firm fur l® y*r an*} having a*tW t ••, ( ..*♦, i w ,
•genl* lot Tbe fatnou-* T* nv. • * t; , , Hr *| *{• i.ui ,„, \\ * u*
UI 7 y-7 7V £; DO/.Lil .S’
lie(*irin; of alt htn f* -t !,,v j •<-,
A large lot ot ,St /*d tm** lUm. *ol l*| mat-tie -Ml: llu.e ,ir ( o* r „|
Ligotning lliwl* puf o, I t ov; - b .l frs* ,:n/ *2f*it* r'ittge. fi ,if i r i 4
Pomp rt can *nj py y rmt
We keap oa baao full lim m oml WMMif.X I U-HAb CthKA
rOteTbablghaaitotbal tnl r r v' ~v ~s, ij K e.l, * ui, 4 Mi,ig t u
iioe that can be Itoaglt n. a A.*: b. W. 1,.,,, , ,„! t Da, la
Ilanog bcr r gtej in tba .S., b, bci luily tdenufted with all lu iuieirng an I in-
MiU’tiau ml having tetved in t|„- C-uJ. -br,U Army |„r hur year., a. ib lt ,k c are
prepand lo •pptet-ate tie heii p* ant rr.ppli tb* a ant* ol tin B tb* in P
A:i we wk i* b* le given * Pial and you ab*.l b,re tilejilo i and n-Uue raoritv'd.
B-.ntetvilk*, Georgia.
i -££ • *"■m*lW O* ✓ "
Will open on Monday,'Sci'timJjgr JW, 187A. wth a 101 l corps id raiuttt, roccsrs'ol
'eachers cl ter mined to kevp op Ike
cl. brate.l-cbt-d. tmm mMI A
Gordo* Liat-tnie < Oc:* supeti-.r ]r-*o<TimU Kj-vreots d< ; jj hmte ausn ate It Hr kks
i*jswmStßKEs&'ss greases. -
repouUoa ot baring the most .noraJ, ltberai and enUgbUu c cMiitnoaity
8-24-lj Gerrgm.