Newspaper Page Text
The squirrel crop it reported m unuaueilv
large this fell , tbe opowrn tupply promis
es to be pretty fair, while tbe rabbit kind u
reported * abort.
Tea - a Ncrxoc.- lhe of eur Ktoet promi
nent dt;**u a Mined eery qutetlv but with
would not vote for a drunken man for any
office. The crowd endorsed the sentiment Taka atiCt, all ye seekers
after office
A J l doper is uaug a Hog Skin twig
gy collar that ha* done good service for 30
Married near tbe Chalybeate Springs b)
H. .V. Cheney, Kaq., on the 3th of Novem
ber, Mr John Flounaqy ami Mi.-o Sallie
l*oi. ham.
—ln reapouse to a petition of a number
of Tax Purer* Judge B.iGuaiuu last week
grafted a tc.upofart inyunciKHi reainwitiug
the ceilici'uou of the* county (ax for the
present year until tbe petition can be paesetl
> u debuituiy. The case.- wifi be decided at
>rwuab ou the Wtb The injunction re
straining tbe collection applies only to Llnae
wigmug Uir pedtioii
law* Tuesday the crowd tl in tbr cobulry
visa larger than ws have seen in Urt-enville
this year With the exception of , lillk
Kant, but god natural -w are happy to
sat not pr .faae -talking on the jiart of two
or three who partook 100 flwcly of tins over
joyful, the day jwwaiNi off quietly enough
A few your* ago such a crowd ou sate day
always brought profanity, druukenurss,
quarreia, tigiuing and ttkounug Nothing
afl-a.U u greater pleasure (ban to chronicle
tin marked improvement Would thu: the
time would tome when not a drunken man
could be awn on but b IM ivioite
A good blur} is told on one of out t 'ha,
lyUalc Api>oge ulst r;’MTa who recently
made an elegant dtvular, ruvotvtog dining
Indie and alter It* on luphrUon dtso verwl
that toe door of the du>p waa too amall for
tiic tatdi t |uuo through Hi Wa> anwll
ling Uj tear down tin shop or to lake lbs la
in n |ur<. a Finally In found by taking
-f*!f tin I.K'Pigb In the iloV Unit the table
c.gild * “ju'mil tbrangii and time Inuc
s*' f and lalib site relieved from au awknni
i'li da ■utu’iil Moral Mi uauru- your door
l ton eonainirtlng lary furirititrc- inaidi
!b< eli' .j ■
*>u> h<art was gladdened by in apfsttf
*o-| < of iji;?><- n limela-r of delliepn i.u i .an
ing lotwatd last Momly and i'tt-aday and
aittllup up old aeiirau lin-iv sn yet utli
Hat ii* if' Tlltor' Tin u I,a*
Is en so luta b said tl> vugli y mil column*
ale it.' old aCm us rial i vc nMn-tmtcd to irv
• unr-ii.ow- linli Wily 4 iwi ti ha* a ja ck
;. i* ran re j-ald I*> la a lutnd. ist y i a s old.
a j (tx.i-m
'lt T W Ho ./.I r Is aa * Itltu pill Ik r
lb i I ias lar ij in iiv over itu yes a
!l* i,r> H Its* II has a • win in pane
tKst hk mad' over 04i years ago
(ot tos sn l ! ntwnsiaiala a g.sal pier llj lent* In <outvilli, llov.t.i*-
voii 1 I*4 Vi iat Poinl ( iftiliilHn.
liafu**'ill* Mid (rrilUtl Iwjiik fsru I* bop);
tie >, aj.|< will go to lb i*-nt, but we I look
ad would do wi Ij Ihm-II v ' *>l)i|. tluy u.u
r‘-li/ a g*l |viY
\<im . ■ u*k if nothing c*e U >i< >rr
1 .. ip tnyi,ilr pi*ul in certain pur
n-• i i,i i,,Df A grwtb-NKW *y* In
xmi.ii r] tfdrteaa iwj wit Inn the |mm „f
fire minute* on til. near In* rxwtferxe
ia— -auirdsy tngl* We. have hoird of la,
ill--* wii< win .juju ill i*'i ahixxg thru*a
hi' '/nwwMmii try tin* unlawful aim- I**ll4.
Sni.iit iittig A'slid is* <lih U,check it
* ‘’ttWllvi With Jiirtxla Ifni tle
' •mi.'.) in*! 'J ix sdav *•- found tin farmer*
move hopeful and content than they imvx
In nfitniMj jmn [Mat Tin- late fail
cauja-il Lbr riAitr crop U. la- larger Umm th*
m *f sanguine unthapaiod taw, nxmlh* ago;
whik- the nnc<|wcij rfew in tin- p,iie. ha<i
cmiaeii a lmi in the fit-!iigi of tJJ. Mon
la more abundant and little del** ate
f,ai<i in'in- | mm. fitly than dial,** tin paat
.several seaaona. Eoonnruy and prudatx el'-
t'*;br with the pru not <xule m-nt of all
claim* tmtwnpu autr; ami man, w ifi jinu*
Joy pr wparffy atal good will to every dti-
MB of >lerianther ,
Election. &
„ .
I- ran a notice riw-wlx-rc it will be aci-ii
that an cieetioa fi/r three county xiriimka.
iooi-re willlx beid on the second Moralay
in January. 13H0 Theaa official* manage
the finance* 'if tla; county aud should he se
lected fn*u heat aud moat iuteiiigent
*r< radidaiaafxHhrJfee announced V*
the email wa of three dot lam iw advavo*-
I'tKUiß OKXAMKXT.— W 11. Wyi.he of
1 Gkiaud tin.sight for our inaperttkiu a gene
■logical tree 'if hi* family dating tjacfc to
- Heury W'yriie, who uxux to America in
I*so. The tree i moat elegantly rtcoulad
and in the w'JCk of Mr. of he now.
The founder of tto family.' Heorr Wycbe
in the root Irutt which Six; trae springs.
T’.'-re are two large branches that spring
front the owta rusk sag these subdivide
into raiaiier owe* heart Mg the came of the
tv rural members of the fauiiiy. The Imge
limt* hear toe names of Oaorge, Peter,
U. nrv, (ieorgr, coming to Mr. Wycbe and
hw Httie aon, William. The tree is a rataa-
Me family ’itMtj. The paititiag ishaf-.
nutnc-ly framed and waa brought to ss wrap- j
Led up in a cotmlrrpaas 100 tear* old.
The Board of Education are
requested to meet on Wednea- 1
day the 10th of December for
the purpose of auditing ac
counts of Teachers of Public
Schools for 1879.
Dec. sth, 1879.
School Commissioner.
—We have p epared a report of the pro
eeediiigs of the county cotutniawoners
which is crowtied out this week.
For Rent.
X g'Xwl tenant can rent the farm known
as tin* Durham phur, one mile east of
Greenville, on the moat accommodating
term*. The land lay" oui tins year and
would produce finely next year. Ajijdy for
partirumrs at this office
Myjnv ltcxioß states that Mr Willie
liras*ell is in Washington city an appli
cant, aither us Siltwlitute or principal, fur
the position of Messenger in the lloujic* l’osl
office . This i* Utr piaev from w hich we
wi re deputed I v our auriUy friend, t 'apt.,.
Persona iasl Ajtril and in which Gapl Mmt
tles was installed The present salary is
110 per month with plenty of work to do
Good luck to the fortunate ocett|>ttMt
Several year* ajo one Meriwether gcu
llevti&n ask i 0 ait. a her itow oilett thejust tee’s
court was iwKi m hts district ill. reply
was every time Um meal lull, if the nmgist rale
becoun * empl). lie is reported to have
decided against the party most able to jmv
the coats and thus replenished his lari let
Justice was it'd blind iu thsl Imdtwi. k
llaliy slmws are '.he faehinn now, but as
long ns oh* hers contlnu e to nurse tin ir little
ones with laudainmt or iUki opiates, they
i atiiert expect thi lr lialiies to look lirighi If
y.air liaby nesds mislieim get a g.H*i and
i lutt iiiiess one, such as Dr Hull's liaby rivi
: uj.,
KxFcutor’t Hite
' liKOKUU Miviweth*r t'lamljr.
It. virtu, of an ofd*'t from ili< eewirt of
l hdlnury of said itHtnly will lie sold on tin
;fh .1 Tuisstay in Jsuuary, next, within the
legal hour* of shU:. al tbe <sirt hotna iksir
in In. town ot Greenville, In said laainty,
the tollowi ng (bwerltssl real e*'ltd Is I.ltlg
tug to the este'eof Jn-|>h I, lla'inl'ig, di
je to wit Tow . lots No fit, It'J, east
I half of M No lUI. and loi No Ilk l-Xeejli a
*' p twelve feet wide ruunlny i and
west • ior* tin sisitliern part ol Haul lot
du* above Is Inc llu jiivmisos wdiereon the
, reaid.SK'.' ol said deceased la lorate.l aiui
< 'Miiprisiug all tlie Kinds of sttKl ths'i awil
| eoioMsnc.l wrtb stid reauUnK i-.and b atud
jed as follows t North by the latGi.inge
iai>..t .asl by tin sin..' leading to tin
j Meb**d*-d 1 bureb, tm-Ull by lUr tun yafif
|ol of Mrun EIU* mid ly llu* jwf fiiiwit
of Ouvl'luttu, (tMtiMtl) '■•ljd ill Alf it^
(grr%Hit! tUm nrr*n, m<n< nr ling AN*/
tnwt l>* No Ik/u ihL*l on tl**; (OKtfii ly
I tli< liiLri'ii’* xir*< f, *u *Hi by l*H of
H tntp Unit h, (furmerty fW!**l !y K Win**
to* mi i)i< vh>l by of i h )( V lint!
l<*fi,* rlv ,V InilH'fi* ml on tin Nofib by
!A,f I H A U Klo\(| <*oftt:t!!ilitg nt,v lirilf
*4*ft, **r U-tm A!4o of i<#t
No *. tm* iuiil ml*;, rior* nr
baa, and txattab-tl on tin- .Ninth liy tla, J,
i wngr s-n-sx. whk b line miwin* highly
lent front i* aaid nto'et, bounded on tlx
•mat fry K WhwioWa siore lot atal in apm
fot of weld deceased, on tlx wmth b_v bit No
7, tlx firofierty of IbiU li. Adair, 11ft th*' 1
weal Tiv tin- jru! atroet ixui the house formal
1y owned by Kola W tbr-trirtnii, lint u'Ar j
lif K. Whialoar, k'mwii aa tla Hal lit*,
th* OatuliXHi of It'd liio.i ba being tlurty
sis feel square on Die nortb-wt* cortx of
*aid ba No. <i Aiao th'- at.'®> and hit |
of vud ikai aaeii, texiixbd on tlx cast by
the (xiblii afuarc, <i the aratth by lix- at/al
lot of lln*a I>. Adair, iai the w'-at by tla?
prijfairty of aaxi iieneftae/1. arxl im tire tairth
hy Um- aton? Mof If. It flarri* (formerly
W h. Ixawaon *,, ail of tlx almre ilewtiliol
town pnnaaty aituated ami being in tlx
Urwn if fireenvllle ia aaid county Alwi
oxl-hu/xtriaJ acre* of ia'xt off of tlx- xi
axlo'ifba of kixl No 224 in tlx- bib dint riot
of Mhl dainty. hold tor 'tnrtrileitxm.
TBIUIW CAhH fha 3rd. IW*.
<iKOK<i£ L. HEAVY. ►
/ Notice.
Uj virtue of eutUority veete'l in nx n
amot arxl truati# '/ AlMfthmi b Harria I
wXMett at aixnion, if not cold uoix-r at f.ri
vale aaie, at tjeceovllle. Men w'-tlx-r xauity,
fieorgW, doriag the legal Ixaug* of aale on
the flrat Tueaday in JvnUßry. lbbff. aii tlx?
iaudegif aaid Ham* lying in aaid county
Thrae lend* an well li.ifinved aixl valua
We I ievfte examinatiim of Uleni hy all.
who went a nice Ixanc '* a *aid iovext
menl I>x?. 2ixl. Ib7* %
Jam t. tlgleOee. ‘
Truatwe aw l Agent
ggpa.tA— I By virtue <4 an 'it-
M*neU*tu Guuxrty ) der fnxu the Oiurt
of Ordinary of aaad county I will exprue f-g
MM for the jam UM* before the court huuM
dixx ia the lowa of Greenville cn the first
T ir‘7 to January, 1830, the fdautatinu of
Jaiaaa IL Croley, dncanwl, situated in the
i district of Mid county whereon
Mid touted iaat raided, coouur.iag four
hundred acre*, more or icat. Term* Kent
Note* due Nor. I*L (330, with approved per
sonal Mcurity and lien oo crop* grown. •
W A- Heat.
GEOIU3IA \ OM&rAir’fc Office,
Meriwether County,> Dec., 3rd., 137®.
'Co all whom it may teouoem ; Whareas
J. C. Maftert of Mid state and county,' sp
pliea for Vttew of Administration on the es
tate of John S. Blalock, late of said county,
These are thoreforc to cite ami admonish
all ami singular the Idudnvl and creditors of
Mid deceased, to slsiw cause, (if any they
hitve\ at my office-in Greenville, ou or !>e
fore the And Monday in January, 1880, why
lett<r tvf Aaminis.ration ou the estate of
said deceased should not issue to said appli
Given under my liaud and official signa
ture A. J. Hinton,
' O. M. If.
GEORGIA— ) Ordinary’s Office,
Meriwether IVamiv. t (V. ‘i?th. IH7
\\ lieteas J M Bo> iks ns Administrator
o|t the estate v>f Mrs. Dia.ta Heard, late of
said county, vlecease.l, reprcsi'nG to
the court, that he lias fully administered
the estate of said deceased and applies for
letters of lKs.niseioti from ins tnisl as such
adtninisttn'.it ;
This is then fort* to cite and admivtif tli all
(Ktsons coneerueii, to show cause, t_if any,
they have), at my office, on or liefdre tile Mendayiu KVbtuary next, wiry letieis
of dismiasion. should not issue to said admin
istrator, as a!ore.>ud.
Given under my hand and official vigim
tetv . A J 111 NTrt.N,
GKOIUHA- • Gritinery's Office
Meriwelhcr txianty. i Nov, f! 1 -.!', ISi'.t
.1 omit Kan M II ami)) has apjtlled for ex
entptiuu of iM-iwonaHy and selling apart and
valuation of Homestead, knl l will pa-s
ins in the same nl m) ortl'V |U 10 o'clOi k a
in .mi tin: '. 4th day of lV'S'tntK'r next: tS7G'
• A J 111 N ION.
O M.
Notioo tti Debtors and ('redi--
AH | hin hnviua:
Jitm-N li i r**lfv J.fiF *f >bfitxmn
lv, Ht*o Urrt*by !
pmn'Dt llm'iii ato itu in !li<*
fi io him! inirnHT |Hf‘**ivn l bv
!.*%> All jh'iSods iiilt btf iit N.iiif ib*i nN* l
arr rvfjUTHl>m| to ooim* f* dh:*l nuLr
!)<h\ l*t JH7t* W A r*t.
• Arttn’r.
<E< Mb .1A I lit r < ''Hint)
Hv vitim ! ait <uL*r of Mm- < *ur! *( Or
**f aail roiihfv w\\\ In* n*bl lit twri-n
M r !r *:*! b*in* of nhl**. on tbr fW*i Tiir*!av
♦n .Fftmmn nrxf. !** tt*r flu* i o irt fion*r
Mlunfr*! in M<* 'Jf*i li>w|ii t of *nbl rouidy.
Mn 1 kiiMkk i in tin* plan of wruil ♦firtfiir! me 'ol
N<• JT'i. routHUtinji u rvs,m*tr h bh,
Sol !Mb tin p!*/|M'tV of T li f.vaix, lit
r*.t4‘ l f**r tJ■ <*f li ibti^bm.
< At 4 ll Till, !>** Ui 1m;
. f .1 J’UKAHf,
orolflif A Mm iwi-llxr (oiiiily.
Iti virtue of an ilhtet from llu Court if
trfdiimiv of an id cimiiiH wijl I" 1 aobl Ix'fol''
till I Ollft Ix.lllX' door ill < ilrl’llVtiil 1 M't VS '*<*ll
tlx- b gxl Ixmra of uni' 011 tlx tij t Tui tidiiv
in Ja iu y lx *l. *ll undlvjiiiii nan ititxiiat
in Hive liundn-d ix re* of Innd nxni or
b-ax, nitintti-d lying and iny in tlx- Mevxiitb
fUatrlct of aaid rounly, rind known In tlx
|ilhh o' wid dialrb t* lota No 4, iialf <t
No b unit No 214 told 10 tin |>ro|x rly of
Almira K. f’nrb, (Iti't-itwil. for the |itir|xw
of diatribultim 'l'erm* < iuli
\ NlfltE W K HA lOf,
D*a- 2 137 b Ailin '
< iK< I'ftll A Met iwetlier < ounty.
Hy vir'in of an order from the Court of
rirdltmry of I*ik<- County, aanl atate. will
lx aiild on the Ural Tm ailay iw Jaimmy
in I, la-fore the Omrt Inaiae door in lit*
tow I, 111 (rtiMuivtlle, lag ween the b-yal hour*
of aale, tlx- following l,ro|ie,ty to wit r
<lix hundred and lire (104; acrea of laud
more or lean, of l-Aa Um. 13b mid 140. in
tlx 10th diatrx‘l of Me. - !wether i-ounty,
lamnili-d a follow a • On the North by W
K Hrii'aiti, on tile Ktwft by Jamna
Hjrivi-y, 'it tii Koulh by
Willie Blliley, and 'm the We*t
by Mia. Itiiea haid land nold a* tlx; |rro|x-r
ty of fix 1 inixii: i litidien of Mrs. Mary J>.
Bland, itmrg. (■* dialtibiitbm
T-f m* of aale 'wah. *
Tiiuflb:': 4, 2370. burnt ilhui.
r•- - -
OBOICHA Meriwether < iruiity
Hy virtue Of an order from the Ordinary
of *ei'l county, will lx- wild between tlx; le
gal lx hi r* "f *le 'in tin flrat Tuesday in
Jamiaiy, 13W), 1 adore ‘lx court bonne d'mr
in th'- town 'if Oreeiiville, Meiiwetlier eoun
ty, Ga , tle f'libiwintr real eatate to wit ,
1 lot- undivided on*-f'mrtb Interest in ail
trf l'3 of ku"l No *22, efcci-p- 3 K- re*. rndie
or bw*. in tlx; North-eaal Jonier of said I-3,
alao one uixlivi'led <xie fourth interehl in tie
merchant, saw and grist mill 'Hi lot of land
M 4 222 inel'xling'HX u'xliv’xled'xxi-fo-irtb
inter'— in all lix- ajipun/nance* to aaid
mill* lad-xiging, abm <me undivided one
f.Hirth bdefent in anwj+e 10 a'** of lot
'il land MM-Kdl on thn HotMh Mde <4 < '*n*
Creek, with tlx; <*f railing the wa
ter 18 lix-ix-* -m the north 4de. of Cane
creek; a'w, rm- luxlividod one fourth inter
ext ia tiw eaat half of lot of land No 2-il,
lying and being in the -Mennd dintnot of
origißady Troup, now Meriwetiier county,
•sid pant half >4 V* No 231 known ax
Hiny-W/vid* 13; one undivided one-fourth
inte neat in one-half acre of land 00 lot No
renewed <M a family borial ground - all
of the above deacribed projierty Imbmgingto
e*tate of Mr*. Lucy Bonk*, deeeaar-d, arxl
add for benefit of heir" *nd -redM< r of
*akd eatate. Term* owh. Tni* line. 3rd
137*. }■ M. BKOOKh,
Hew Store,
•+%* y
WE most respectfully stale to the public
>. Gust we have moved to oair Nw
S in**, ou south east comer public Square,
where we will consUntly keep ou hand a
full line of
Dry-Goods, Notions,
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Clothing,
Hartlware, ood
Ware, Tin Ware,
anil Staple Drugs.
A large Stock of CoNKKcTIONIkIItS.
Our motto is
Profits, Quick
Bales, Down Weights and
Bquurc Measures.
W’c guarantee aallafactloU to our cualo
nters. Give us a trial.
At I lie Old Store of HUuttlea A Cos., South
P i*t corner ot the Public Hiiuare will be
found a I,a tin* and v\ u, Asaoitran stock
of Family Groi'erira, conaiHiiug of
Coi'ii Meal. Flour, Meal, Lard,
Sugars, Mullinses, Syru|t, Coffee,
Tx n, Hepper, Spices, r. loves
u tele* kept In a Hirst t'la** Fatuily^Nro
AIX >,<- well selected stock of ( on fee
lionerie- . comprising Oranges. Lamnns, Ap
pirn, 1 umhflß, Cakra, Cinrkera, Oyafaiv.
Cm,lliicx, Kish of all kinds, Katsius, all
kinds n! Nuts, Jellies Ac.,
Also llkah (JtiAttt KKs for all kiixln of
W iIICH, 1.1,1 11,11 M, lbs IS (Ix,III OU (illiughl
and buttles,, ( Iminpnigns Ac., of every dc
A!mo I >1 a lit l.s of Tulhuyo V
va 11 1 ik Uuahviiu 1 with it plcuMimt Ninilf,
**li*M*rful won! ami |x>lt(* Hlifiititjii will
j/liull) wail uj>4n nil niMloin(*ni Ail arv rr*
if oil v solid!cti to <l4ii
< III! iivlHh, <ift f ih*i. 97! il.
li. P. BLANTON cV( N ).,
rtfully rail tli* attention of flu clll
/4 Mof M m kiiikk 10 their lrgu and
weli si b-'-led sbx k of Kituilly <Jroeerie*_and
I’ liditidiou 1111 plli k. Gut ill tire lu 'iig
bxiited on Meriwetiier street It i no trouble
lo our friend* to step in as they puss our
door, mid it will afford it* [>h usury to show
out good* to all visitinx.
Jnst icmcmlx r that we eanniA Ist under
sold in
(lorn, meal, flour, or of her
Htuple fWniiug oomuiodities.
(Jiv Hi t lift Hand examine
,1 N > ■ *4l'
our go<wls M|d ptfee*/lißlore
purf;hiih||g iore. 'TL if
m)1 we afik.
B H BL\NT)J**(<.,
UrHßu, Oeorgla.
10 <hn.
dm OWnhw ,*7th, IST*
Hhcrman A Ca, Marshall, Mich., want an
agent in this cou.’hy at ooee, at a salary at
1100 per month and expenses paid. Par full
particulars address as above. MMy.
Wishing to increase the volume of our annual sale* m have
marked our ejit ire stock at closer prices than
heretofore aud isave a
with yet moi*e g<x>ds to come in. Si,nil adhere to our invaria
ble rule uniformly knv prices the same to all. The first price
given ie always the lowest.
are the prettiest shown this season, so say to* ladies'.
f ******* *
A good assortment of prints for quilts at 5 cts. peT yard.
Dress Good in great variety ami at all prices from 10c to 80c
per yard. The vary best liusoy* With all wool filling at 20c
per yard. White and red Flannels at last year’s prices, not
withstanding the advance. Beautiful Quality opera Flannels
at 40e per yd. Cotton Flannels from 10c up. Ladies, Misses
and children’s fancy hose from 10c to 75c pir pair. Pretty
Zephyr shawls anil cloth cloaks at attractive prices. Water
proofs of different colors ami qualities from 65c to SI.OO per
yard. 8 button kid gloves, warranted not to rip or tear at
SI.OO. large drawer three feet square and very deep
lull of Embroideries \
in great profusion and variety und newest styles. Corsets of
faultless shape at. low figures. CLOTHING f r< >n $5 suits
to wedding suits as cheap as in any city in the state.
OIJR BOOTS AND SHOES Me all made for us by
the Bay State shoe and Leather (jo., and Zeigler Bros, and
art> fully warranted. Have been keeping them for years with
satisfaction to its andTfie wraukk. No pegs in them to hu*L
tin* little ones feet, are standard screw fastened and lirst-clasw
sewed work, as low as Atlanta can sell. Everything usually
kej t, in a village general store can be found at our house.
Eullest details will be cheerfully exhibited with polite atten
tion. Quods sold only for CASH-
Gri vuvUlv, Ou. Oct. 17, 187 U. R . N. ELLIS.
T A I J, 0 J( 8 & C J, 0 THIERS
46 WmruiiiM. Btkukt, -
Ha YK always on hand a mck AND wall. sKl.Korai) Hlrslt of HEADY MADE
•4 *
Hop ami Childreiih’ Clothing n Specialty
:0: ,*d
\ * - '■ * ‘ \
Hparial at tendon paid to Mai* of Cooalgnmenti of OYUH, WSiY, ORAMOMf *be.
Jp : Jf' %
#fc ‘ f* ••--••• •T-T ->
I v < iL’I.I) again iwll your attention to my innjnilfha-nt Htn;k, )t txiiag survived fcom
the North. In view of the present flattering pnuwnects, lam prrjiaitag. to offer my
i iMtotaers great IndueeuMHit* m uiy line, to-wit ; _ ,
My stoeh of JKWKIJfY will consiat of everything WMisliv kept hi a flrttetaasamgMafc
maot. My prises I Intend to make as low as any houae i fleowha a— Whbpvbb.—
My lirie’of Mnaiewl ImtruriieiiU was selected with great care. Ido not propose to offer
an Instrument that J do not play on myself . hence, every Tifetr—isat wW ha tretag ba
fore leaving the store, to the satisfaction of tha iiorubaaar, both itpalilg aad prica, or
noanle. .1 . i n*
My line of spectacles are from dm Factories of thg NawTork OutiMi Ca, wham Mp
utatkin in work) wide. My Una of Hilverware wilt he froaa the beat mpmtmet+-a, ad
of the latest style# ami designs, aad prices to suit tha times.
* i ot>4 s • t • -
i, . | , ii ,*••#• Rm**4 •*! -*h*ml
Is ur>lrr that the profile may know what they are [wyfeg for r-kicks fhmmghaut the
counSey, I to rive the wholesale prica Hat at the asms to t)HsaUKB||MMF,
When tle Si Louis Calendar ‘ lock Company were flailing thefeih TVJ
endar No 3. (' lock in hundreds, and l might say thqnraiirtflja%the
they O'art honeat denier* In New York, by the single c lock, *T<L and eftffJH tkf **#J
dler bought them for lam money by taking them by flie taandsflit MffWgiHHpJffFiMfl
(tier still greater, yon paid him more than nnough m—g lav *a*.g|HML MPHKSSMKm
Tha Mantle spring Ckicfc, with an alarm, costing SS cram extra, MjM fthM fha Hath
Thomas eompnny, the beat enmpary on the conlinaM(*MMfrmnj£ r V'tlUß
Pi*mar Qi autt. Tlte Medium clock, good style, fiidf tardtotl. ti*4| dsg k cfl*L Hb
bought from me at Manufacturer's prices, ranging moui m,f Mtaptofelii-
There are no hand made cha-ks on Hie continent. is inferior ami ftWH
Sfl lo|f(
In the repair department I am fully prepared to do slYwost in asp M promptly lad
mtiafactcrrlly. Thanking the public tor their Umi Mtsmsags fevlka pane IS yarns md
soliciting a continuance of the same, lam respectfiinr, m . .
Bamenville, On., Oct. H 3m. O. IHMIItS
m a ’VI * ilk ■ s