The Hamilton weekly visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1873-1874, October 23, 1874, Image 1

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HEMILTON Min. VOL D. -NO. 41. Clje PinraUa^pisitor RIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One copy one year...... $2 00 One copy six months y.' 1 00 One copy three months ,s>. 75 Any one furnishing five subscribers, with the money, will receive a copy free. Subscribers wishing their papers changed Vrom one po t-office to another, must state the name of the post office from which they wish it changed’, ha well as that' to which they wish it sent. All subscriptions must be paid m advance. The paper will be stopped at the end of the time paid for, unless subscriptions are pre viously renewed. Fifty numbers complete the year. caseTadvertising RATES. Spvcb -V Wo 3 raos 6 -mos 12 mos i-db .$20054 50 S 6 00 $lO 00 4 inches.. 450 725 11 00 18 00 1 inches .. 500 900 15 00 22 00 4 inches .. 550 11 00 18 00 27 00 i column.. 650 14 00 25 00 35 00 ! column.. 12 50 25 00 40 00 60 00 | column.. 22 00 41 00 62 00 100 00 Marriages and deaths not exceeding six lines will be published free. Payments to he made quarterly in advance, according to schedule rates, unless otherwise agreed upon. Persons sending advertisements, will state the length of time they wish them published and the space they want them to occupy. Parties advertising by contract will be re stricted to their legitimate business. Legal Advertisements. Sheriff's sales, pit inch, four weeks... $3 50 “ mortgage fi fa sales, per inch, eight weeks 5 50 Citition for letters of administration, guardianship, etc., thirty days 3 00 Notice to debtois and creditors of an estate, forty days 5 00 Application for leave to sell land, four weeks 4 00 SiUiOf land, etc., per huh, forty days 5 00 “ “ perishable property, per inch, ten days 2 00 Application for letters of dismission from guardianship, forty days 6 00 Application for letters of dismission from administration, three months 7 50 Establishing lost papers, the full space of three months, per inch.. 7 00 Compelling titles from executors or ad ministrators, where bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three mouths, per inch 7 00 Estray notices, thirty days 3 00 Rule for foreclosure of mortgage, four months, monthly, per inch 6 00 Sale of insolvent papers, thirty days... 300 Homestead, two weeks 2 00 Business Cards W. T. POOL, D. S., Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA., frill visit Hamilton and vicinity once a Month during the summer. All calls prompt ly attended to. Plate work and fillii g done in the bst and latest styles. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charge. mayS-6m ft A RUSSRI.L c R RUSSELL RUSSELL & RUSSELL, Attorneys at law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WiU practice in all the State Courts. T->r- T- X_i- Jenlans, HAMILTON, GA. TIIOS. S. MITCHELL, M. D., Resident Physician and Surgeon, HAMILTON, GEORGIA Special attention given to Operative Sur gery and treatment of Chronic diseases. Terms Cash. W. JEn_ TIO-NBR, DENTIST, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. Office over Chapman's drug store, Ran dolph st, near city terminus of N. & S. R. R. Itespccfully offers his services to the peo ple of Harris county. ju2oly CHATTAHOOCHEE HOUSE , By J. T. HIGGINBOTIIEM. WEST POINT, GA henry c. cameron, Attorney at Law , Hamilton , ga Hr. J. w. CAMERON, HAMILTON, GA. Special attention to Midwifery. Charges m <xlerate. Hines Dozier, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hamilton, Georgia " ill practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit, or "nvwhere else. All kinds of collections Hishh>—either way. , iiANKIjNJ" HOUSE COLUMBUS, GA. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. RUBY restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, under the rankin house. iauio J. w. RYAN, Prop’b. DO M E STIC 7 ' 1 6tylßS in dress famished In Patterns cut to any measure—price from ten to thirty cents each. Send for Catalogue which is free to all. - ° ’ ‘DOMESTIC’ SEWiNG MACHINE. The most perfect and reliable machine in the world, and capable of doing work that no other machine can. Bernl for piices and directions how to choose. ‘DOMESTIC’ MAGAZINE. A beautiful Family Joftfnal, published monthly at $1 50 a year—intended to make home happy. Send for specimen number— price 25 cents. Addre.s DOMESTIC 8. M. CO., ju!3 6m 27 Marietta st, Atlanta, Gi. TIFF- T- MOORE, At Van Riper’s old Stand, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Offers his services as a PHotograplicr to all wanting Pictures from card to life size Old Pictures cart he copied, enlarged and colored in a satisfactory manner, in oil or water. Lor.g experience and unsurpassed facilities enable me to offer as good inducements as any Gallery in the State. All work guaran teed to suit customers, or no charge, at rates as low as any. ju!3-6in J. & J. KAUFMAN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, Provisions, Liquor, Tobacco, BAGGING AND TIES, And all articles in the Grocery Line ar,d its branches. We sell as low as any other Douse in this city. Nos. 14 and 16 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA. Mr. JOHN W. HOOD, of Harris county, is with us, and will be please,) to see his friends and acquaintances, and take pleasure in serv ing them. J. & J. KAUFMAN FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Protect yourself frem loss by applying to WILLCOX’S INSURANCE AGENCY of the oldest am) strongest Companies in the country. All classes of property insured. Get a policy on your Gin House and Cotton, and provide against heavy loss in case of fire. All enquiries freely answered. Address, D. F. WILLCOX, GVn. Ins. Ag’t, oct2-lm 71 Broad st, Columbus, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before the Courthouse door in Hamilton, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following lands, to wit— -113 acres south part of lot No Cl in the 21st district of Harris county; 60 acres of lot No 43 in the 20th district. Sold as property if Lovick Gradditk, deceased. Terms cash. oct2-td W. I. HUDSON, Ailrn’r. Avoid guacks. A gentleman who has suffered from Ntrvous Debility, weakness, etc , the result of imprudent habits uontraeted in youth, and who took medicine for months without obtaining a cure, has since cured himself permanently by very simple sanitary rules, and an outward appli ance worn with the utmest secraev ; ami so satisfied is he that 1>) t* e same means every cate can be cured, that he will s<nd fuil par ticulars ftee to all that arc affected. Addiess John Lamb, Box 3385, New York. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Will be sold before the Courthouse door in Hamilton, between the legal hours of sale, on the fitst Tuesday in November uext. all the land belonging to the estate of John Westwood, deceased,- including the remain der or estate’B interest in the widow's dower, to wit: north half if lot No 199, 20 acres of lot No 219, lot No 231,9 acres of lot No 217, lot No 230, in 21st district of Harris county, containing 736 acres, more or lees. Terms cash. JAS. FOKBEB, Adm’r. HAMILTON, HARRIS CO., GA„ FRIDAY, OCTORu Established 1860. Over 150,000 Sold. w TEMRRE/S X ■ * IMPROVED MEAT fORCELAIMISED PEJiiP, Manufactured by the SOUTHERN PUMP and PIPE CO., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Adapted for cisterns and wells of any depth up to 100 feet. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT WOODEN PIPE, From 1 1-2 to 6 inches bore, for carrying Water and other liquids. This Pump is the simplest ever invented, being specially designed for family use.- It is made to work easily, so as not to tax the strength of women and children, who have the most occasion to use them. This is the only Wooden Pump so con structed as to prevent mischievous children and evil-di signing persons from putting into the putnp sticks, stones, or other rubbish, and thereby impair its working. They are also provided vth an inlet protector, to pre vent gravel, tra-h or chips from being ad mitted at tire inlet hole, and lodged under the check valve, preventing its closing, and thereby interfering with the pump working. Those having onr improved pumps in wells or cisterns are in possession of servants that will relieve their wives and daughters of one half the labor required in the performance of their domestic duties. 1 heir live stock need not suffer from an inadequate supply of wa ter; their gardens, so easily affected by drought, may he irrigated when neceetary, and made to yield in abundance ; they l ave increased protection against fire, and their wells being covered with tight platforms, vermin, reptiles and rubbish are kept out; and, above all. the danger to life and limb with which, with an open curb and flying windlass, their children were constantly threatened, is effectually avoided. ocin-3t W. T. BENNETT, Agent. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Oidinary of Harris county, I will Bell before the Courthouse door in Hamdton, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following lands; All the lands belonging to the estate of Cullen Bass, deceased—being about 140 acres more or less —it bring parts of lots Nos. 30 and 33 in the 3d district of originally Troup now Harris county—the place whereon John Garner now r< sides, situated on the market road to West Point. On said place is a good frame dwelling with four rooms, dining and stove rooms, kdtehen, and all other necessary ou'buildings, in good repair; also a well of excellent water anti an orchard unsurpassed. Terms, one-half payable Dec. 1, 1874, and one-half Dec. 1, 1875, with interest from day of sale on second payment. oct9-td DOVEYBASS, Adm’x. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.' Ail persons indebted to the estate of John Harris, deceased, are requested to make im mediate payment; and all those holding claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. MARTIN V. WIL-ON, JAMES. M. WEAVER, oct9-Gf Eiecntors. TO THE TAX-LAYERS OF HARRIS COUNTY! Wishing to give alt persons who are sub ject to pay tax in this county a fair opportu nity of doing so, I hereby announce the fol lowing appointments: Goodman’s, September 16, October 3 and 8l Cochran’s, “ 17, “ 5 Nov 2 Hamilton, “ 18, “ 6 “ 3 Whitesville, “ 21, “ 19 “ 9 Davidson's, “ 22, “ 20 “10 Whitaker’s, “ 23, “ 21 “ 11 Upper 19tb. “ 24, “ 22 u 12 Lower 19th, “ 25. “ 23 “13 Blue Spiing. ' “ 26, “ 24 “ 14 Vail y Plains, “ 28, “ 26 “ 16 Milner’s. 29, “ 27 “17 Waverly Hall, “ 30, “ 28 “18 hllerrlie, October 1 and 29. and Novcml>er 19 Catania, October 2 and 30, and November 20 I respectfully reque-t the land owners to make out a scnedule of their different tarm evopa, with their names attached, and have it ready for me at my Appointments. sep4 JOHN B. 11ASTET, T. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, I will sell Itcfore the Courthouse door in Hamilton, between the lcaal hours of sale, on the tir.t Tne day in Noveml>cr next, nil the lands belonging to the estate of John McKay, deceased, except the widow’s dower, to wit: Lot No 110 lot 109. lot No 83. esst half of lot No 82, 165 acres of lot No 78, in the 18th district of or : g ; nally Muecoeee, now Hsrria county, containing in all 865 acres, more or lc. s. Terms, half cash, balance due in twelve months with 7 per cent interest. sept 26 T. J. NLAL, Auiu'r, Dcr Baby. So help me gracious, efery day I laff me wild to see der way My schmall yung baby drie to play— Dot funny little baby. Ven Hooks at dem little toes, Und saw'dot funny little nose, Und herd de vay dot roo-ter crows, I sebmile like I vas grazy. ~ \ Und ven I herd der real nice vlty Dem peeples to my vife day say, “ More like his farder efery day,” I vas so proud as blazes, Sumdimes der kirtns a little schquail; Dots ven der vindy vind vill kraul Rite in its littel stomock schmall— Dots too bad for der baby. Det iffltes him sing at nite so schweet, TTnd gorrybarric he moost eat, Uud I moost shump shbry to my feet Ter help der lcetle baby. He bulls my nose and kicks my hair, Und grawls me ofer eferware, Und echlobbers—vot fur do I care? Dot vas my small yung baby. Around my head dot lectio arm Vas srhweezing me so nice and varm— Oh ! may der nefer kum sum harm To dot schmall leetle baby. A Good Yarn. In the village of lived a man who had once been a judge of the county, and was well known all over it by the name of Judge R. He kept a store and saw mill, and was always sure to haVe the best of the bargain on his side, by which means he bad gained an ample fortune; and some did not hesitate to call him the big gest rascal in the world. He was very conceited withal, and used to brag of his business capacity, When ever any one was near to listen. One rainy day, as several were sit ting around the stove, he began, as usual, to tell of his great bargains, and wound up with the expression: “Nobody has ever cheated me, nor they cau’t, neither.” “Judge,” said an old man of the company, “I’ve cheated you more than you ever did me.” “How so?” asked the Judge. “If you’ll promise yon ®o’t go to law aboutJt, nor do anything, I’ll tell you, or else I won’t: you’re too much of a law character for me.” ‘‘Let’s hear,” cried half a dozen voices at once. “I’ll promise,” said the Judge, “ and treat into the bargain if you have.” “ Well, do you remember the wag on jiou robbed me of? ” “ I never robbed yon of a wagon ; I only got the best of the bargain,” said the Judge. “Well, I made up my mind to have it back, and—” “You never did*” interrupted the cute Judge. “Yes, I did, and interest too.” “How so?” thundered the now enraged Judge, “ Well, you see, Judge, I sold you one day a nice pine log, and bargained with you for a lot more. Well, that log I stole off your pile down by the mill the night before, and next day I sold it to you; and so I kept on until you had bought your own log of me twenty-seven times!” “That’s a lie! ” exclaimed the in furiated Judge, running to his book, and examining his log account. “You never sold mp twenty-seven logs of the same measurement.” “I know it,said the vender of logs. “By drawing it back and forth the end wore off; and as it woro, I kept cutting the end off until it was only ten feet long—just fourteen feet shorter than it was the first time I brought it—and when it got so short, I drew it home and worked it up into shingles, and the next week you bought the shingles, and I concluded I had got the worth of my wagon back, and stored away in my pocket boolt.” Tlic exclamation of the Judge was drowned in the shout of the bystand ers, and the log-drawer found the door without the promised treat. f-W Beecher has returned to his church, and was received with open arms by his members, just as if he wasn’t an adulterer. It is consoliifg to know that Plymouth church is not a representative of the Christian re ligion, but simply ot a religion of form, show and sentiment. How Cheap! —Remember that twenty copies of the Visttoe will be sent one year to the same post-office for only twenty dollars. I3sT* “ I say, Ham, whaps dat mil ingtary company do wite fokes wos gwine to had? ” “Dunno, Pete; I specks, doe, its dun gone wbar dose injypendum kan’dates is gwine! ” \ ofav. request v that he cmti He expressed crystals, as they w v . chewed, but, as there w4re none venient, he would take the common window-pane glass. I went out and secured a pieco, about one-third of a broken pane, and brought in several friends to witness the sight. He took the glass and, .deliberately bit' out a piece about the size of a silver half a dollar, and chewed it up with as "much gusto as if it had beeu a piece of bread, swallowed it fc takiofe. afterwards a swallow of water and 1 ” bread, he said, to get the particles out of his teeth. He would have eaten the whole piece if I had re quested, as he has frequently eaten tumblers for a drink of whisky. Hd said he would eat any kirii of glass except the colored bottle glass, which had poison in it. He was first in duced to try the experiment ttboltt three years ago, at the Cape of Good Hope, by a surgeon in the British Navy, who bet he could eat all the glasses (eighteen iii number) at a din ner party, which he did, and he saw no reason why he could not do as much, so he tried it by eating only three. Since that time he has eaten glass for the amusement of others over a thousand times, with no disa greeable effect. The only difference he sees is, it gives him an appetite”’ . A Thrilling Spkkch, —The follow ing is a literal report of a Rpet-ch delivered in Bowling Green, Ky., by the candidate for the office of jailor: “Fellow Citizens: Where are triy opponents? Why, gentlemens they are nowhere. I feel myself as much above my opponents, as a jioeSHrt? in ! a persiraon tree does above the ground he crawls on. I ‘call on you in the name of the shaggy heated lion which whipped the American Eagle:, I call on you in the'name of the pea-| cock of liberty, which flowed over the mountain to come to my rescue. | Come on Monday next and promote Dick to the office to which he per spires. When you shall have beenj dead, and the green briers shall have entwined themselves around your graves, then will your sons come to me and say, • Dick, some years ago our fathers voted for you for the office of jailorship of Warren county.’ Then will I say, ‘roll on, thou silver moon, I will bo with thee till the lkst day in the evening.’ ” "W ii at was Found in a Boi’s Pocket. —A mother whoso boy was sick abed took out his pants to dust. They being heavy, she felt in his pocket to see what was in it. Judge of her astonishment when she took out the following articles < Some marbles, a fcroken bladed knife, a small piece of wire, a piece of a broken castor, a snarl of twine, a bit of colored glass, some shot, some speckled beans, a lot of buttons for a charm string, some pictures cut from somo curious hand-bill, a fish hook, throe bullets, a little paper of powder, a wad of a handkerchief the color of night, a half eaten apple, a small piece of molasses candy, a lot Of wbittt ougar and cake crumlm, some matches, a piece of gum, a false mus tache cut out of a buffalo robe, a stub piece of chalk, a lump of putty, a door knob, a watch key, and four nails, Post ofkiuk Rules. —Never buy any stamps. Hand your letters to the postmaster. If yon are out of change, tell him you will hand It to him tbo next time you are in. It won’t bo necessary, however, to (to so, as three cents are nothing. When you hand in your letter, do not forget to tell the postmaster to be sure and have It go. If you do not give this warning, he may keep it in the office. Always remember to call the post master and hand, your letters to him, and not put them in the, letter box. If you do, the pcstmsstor will not have so much to do, and you will thereby encourage laziness. Remem ber that the postmaster would con sider it very unkind to have your let ters stamped by any one hut himself. He will be pleased also to put wrap pers on papers and back them for yon occasionally, or oftener. Espe daily when he is busy distributing mail. ■ £3?” Beware of a man with half shut eyes. He’s not dreaming. I HT Virginia’s debt is 145,000,000. ringe.” “Ay,” rejomeu me banker,, “ I shall be glad if ho keeps bis feet.” There is a young man In &riffin who has so many children that hd has to call the foil every night. Af ter looking through the ditches sur rounding ids place,* lie counts them and shoves them off to roost. Here is a description of a mean church, which has a moral in it? “ After the old pastor died the dea cons went about for a two-hnndred and-fitty dollar minister, and you can get about as much minister for that price as yon can get psnim tuacl 6ftt of a file.” The best way for n man IS fleffuird a fine flow of language is to stub hid toe against a raised biick. A married girl of 13 years, seeking { a divorce on the ground that she is 100 young,'is one of tbo latest social developments of Indianapolis. No man can read about *ll these burglaries Without a determination to' have his wife sleep on the front side of the bed. Marriage is always said to be a lot-' tery; but Calab declares his belie/ that it is a game of cribbage.