Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, December 30, 1884, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY GWINNETT EKALD. YLKR M. PBKPLKB, I DlT*a AMD PROPRIgTOR. ( THE GWINNETT HERALD rUSUSIIBD ITRRT TUESDAY B 1 PEEPLES &. BOWLES. SUBSCKLPI'ION HATES : 1 copy 12 mos., $1.50 in advance 1 copy 6 mob., .75 in advance 1 c#py 3 inus., .50 in advance Low Enough for Everybody —S- An Advert in iny Altdiu »* The HERALD is unequaled by reason of its extensive circulation anil remarkably low rates, businessmen should, remember this. ANK.S PL A NK 5> 1 BL A (all kinds neatly printed) FORSA LE AT THE UERAD JOJB OB EH h TOWN & COUNTY DIKKOTOUY o JOHN CLAY SMITH, Mayor. COUNCIL. A L Moore, E D Herrin 8 A Townley W J Brown ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP TRAIN Arrives from Suwannee, 5.50 p. m leaves lor Suwannee, 7 a- m. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. Jppperson— Arrives 12 m, departs p. m., Monday and Thursday. Tkaqles Store.— Departs 6am ar rives 6 p in, Monday and Thursday. Loqanvh.lk.—Arrives 10 a m, de parts 1 p m.—Daily. Yk.llow River. —Arrives 12 m., de parts 6 a ui„Welnesday and Saturday W. H. HARVEY, P. M. CHURCHES Methodist — Rev J R King, Pastor Services on the Ist and 3th Sundays. Sunday School.— A T Pattillo, Supt 3..P..W *. kKsbytrrian— Rev J F McClelland, Pastor, Services on 2nd und4tb Sundays in each month, Sunday School. — T R Powell. Supt. Every Snnduy at 9.30 a nr Lawrknckville Masonic Lodge.—S D A im, W M., S A Hagood, S W„ SJ.Winn.JW. Meet* on Tuesday night on or befoi e full moon in each month. Mt Vernon Chapter, No 39, R A M,—J D Spence, HP, A T Pattillo, Sec. Meets Fiiduy nigh* before the 3rd Sunday io each month. win nett Superior Court.— N. L. Hutchins, Judge, Convenes on the l»t Monday in MarlH'and September. COONTT OFFICERS. Commissioners — J D Spence, Chair, and Clerk, N Bennett, Jeffersonßritt, J R Hop Kins, J E Cloud. Sheriff — J I'l Patterson. Ordinary —J * Lamkin. Clerk S O— D i' Cain. Tax Rkoeivkr--Cl’W Pharr. Tax Collector— «J C Lowery. Treasurer.— R N Robinson talFmJl Having ri'oentlv located in Gwin nett County tenders his profeasiona services as a Physician to the citizens Prompt attention to all culls wall be given Office and residence at the rest denceof ACainouthe Hurricane Shoals road. March 24th 1884 —6mo FARM AND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. One hundred and thirteen acres es good farming land 450 r SOacres in cultivation, balance in pne *nd original forest. On tbe premises are 3 small dwellings and a new •corn and wheat mill, machinery all new and first class and ih pro pelled Lya22f! overshotwater wheel Situated one and a half miles southeast Lawrenceville, Gwin nett county. Ga. For price and terms apply «o Nov 25,*84— 4t A SSALE. nr vi-Vi< if ii O’la* tr * mtlie Court of Ordinary of ‘ ,vr ;’'' iut , l { * Ga will be sold to the H ignest bidder,’ bo tare the Court house door in the towwpf .Lawrencevdie in said HonlltV, within the tops! .of saffi on the first Tuesday il follow mg described lands to wit. * tin? Tniddred and fifty eight acres ofltind more or less, lying *u omiuty in the fit h district and No 137 •.bout 120 acres in cultivation, about Jo acres Of good creek bottom ta.ml, comfortable dwelling with Iniild ings, belougiog to the estate of Kmly C Dyer, deceased Terms of sale one half cash, the re mainderdue thelstof December 188.), with lioud for tide*- . r , OHN F. WALLACE. >14.45-1)00 Ist Im. AdmimstratsL 'LilL'iSLllr V.' 0 Vi u »1 ,‘f miui'uiM*' I .' ly , i "I*' 1 *' h " h-5 * U Tli'h '• •f Win I'wmwil.-.iWk '■*'*„<,„« coii tfiei»fo-e o , itr i'Ji * , ‘,'i'torfl, <" T rne«i, he< „ W'l ." 'why uhow cause, if lU ,y Uu>y *5“ , | he *“jd. *“<’ l ‘ l, 1 ion l lis*liarp»efl tr«,i n sis » rt " mil *»<t receive lcHe rs ~m <’ , ' , J McmfUy ■!„ Feb- - 'i local intelligence LATEST MARKET REPORTS. Lawrenceville Deo 23 1884 Ht Good Middling 9 7. “ .’..*.7.7.9 a “ g 5. St low Middling “ ...91- On next Saturday the election for Justice of the Peace in this district, will be held. The candi date* are W. C. Cole, Henry L. Pteplee and Wm. M. Lang’.ey. Rev J. F. McClelland will make Lawrerceville his future home His family moved in last week and will reside at the residence of Rev W. M. Winn. W.J. Born has just completed his new residence and his family moved in last week. It is a vet j handsome cottage and reflects credit upon the Townley brothers who were the contractors. Mr. WE Brown closed hie bar room last Saturday night and will no 1 again engage m the liquor business. He will make head quar ters far a while at the brick store on the corner known as the Moore building. Rer. Mr. Turner, the preacher assigned to the Lawrenceville cir cui>, arrived last week and took charge of the parsonage. He preached his first sermon in the Presbyterian Church, at the invi tation of Dr. A/cClelland, last Sab bath. MARRIED.—On last Tuesday night Miss Emma Adair, only daught jt of M. L. Aadair, of Law reuceville, to Rev. J. M. Arm strong, of North Ga. Conference, by Rev. J. H. Mashburn. The mariisge was private, only mem bers of the family being present. There are only about eight can didates for Constable of the town district. It is uuggested that they either throw heads and tails 10 see who shall run or that half of them run as deputy for the oth ers. This would get the race down treasonable proportiens. Dr. A J Mayfield left lasi Mon day for Cartersville where he will locate and practice hi* profession He is a young min with bi%ht prospects, sober, indattriou«(*nd atHeatvie to his , business. ■* goes info one of tbe ffioet proefies ous sections of tbe State and will uo doubt meet with the success be deserves. Mr. John T. Wilson, Jr., former ly of the Gainesvil'e Eagle, moves in this week and wiW take charge of the Herald office, as publisher. He is an experienced printer aud newspaper man, and under stands the business in all i*s de partments. He comes higkly rec ommended by the leading citizens of Gainesville where he was raised He will hkve charge of the office after the first of January. Christnaasn This lias been rather e dull Christmas in Lawrenceville but g< nerally a quiet one. A few childrens parties, Christmass trees shooting matches for tur keys and a fantastic parade by the young men •natirsce about all the sports of the holidays thus far. Old Santa Clause has beer as liberal as usual and m*rcb»ts who dealt in Confectionaries, toys dolls and Christmas tricks have had a lively trad*. The fantastic parade ended with a very seirous difficulty fhatst on: thus ti was teared would prove fatal. Oh Christmas eve the co - oiod people haa e party st tbe house of 41birt Riel Col: Somu •f the town boys went around to t,ie the fun end-while sbe>e get in to a difficulty with tne negroes. In this d tficulty Jack Moore was siruck by Charlie Rarnbo Col. Noxt day Jack end R P Bowks saiv Rambo going down the stiset —lnm with billiard an d would dje andtb* boys left. Andrew L Moore look charge of the wounded «*n »t once and baa bed aim propery eared for and be is doing well. 2 Mitchell thinks he will recov . Lawrenceville. Georgia, Tuesday December 30 iBB4 GOOD FARM FOR RENT. The undersigned desires to rent a good farm with land enough for a two horse crop to a reliable ten ant who can furnish his own stock It is situated 2$ miles A’ast of Lawrerceville, with comfortable residence aDd good outbuildings, fine orenard. &c., will rent tor standing rent or part of the crop. T M PEEPLES. Nor. 11th 1884. GOOD* AT COMT*’ In order to reduce my stock of Dry Goods, I offer for the noxt 60 days, my entire stock in that line at first cost. Those desiring to buy will do well to come and examine my goods. The goods are all new, bnt in order to go in to the Family Grocery business ex clusively, lam offering them at wnat they cost without freight- My line of Shoes and Hats can not be beat in town, Come and see me, and I will show you that it will tie to your interest to pat ion ize me. I will pay the highest market price for seed cotton. Respectfully, Not 81th Miles E. Ewing LOAiYs"OF*MONirY. Negotiated on improved farms in Gwinnett and Walton Counties on hvs years time at eight per cent interest, Sept, 29th 1884. Wm. E. Simmons, John B. Brogdon offers to his customers for the next thirty days AU Wool Jeans at 25cts per yard, worth everywhere at 35 to 40 cts., do not miss the chance to buy some of this Jeans it is a bargain. It does Brogdon good to ssll bar gains. You may look out for 270 barrels of Hour they are coming. Very Resp’t J. B. Broodon. This Week John B Brogdon's Flour has arrived, there is only 270 Barrels 54,000 lbs. enough Fleur to make biscuit to reach from Snwnnaee to the Tennessee Mill. It is not my idea of busi- 1 ness to advise customers to buy but 1 cannot leDaio from suggest ing that Flour is at a Very Low Price, the lowest for years, John B Brogdon. “The Leadei of low Prices.” What SI,OO will buy at J B Brog dons. -#*Bl 20 Plugs of Tobacco. 20 lbs. of Brown Sugar. 17 “ Good .firown Sugar, 14 “ Best 12| “ Granulated “ 8 “ Best Coffee. 50 “ (food Flour. IV &<*- 33 - Grit*. 150“ Best Virginia Salt. (0 “ Good Cheese, 3 0%* 1 bushei of good seed wheat. 24 boxes snuff. 24 cakes soap. John B. Brogden “The leader of low 1 rices’” is selling some of the grandest iirgaius ever heard of to the trade of this country, he 2,560 yards Shirting at 4cts. 3,000 yds. Ga. Checks at 7cts. LSOQ yds. Dress goods at scte. These same Dress goods are selling every where from Bto 10 eta, _ 19400 Go to J B Brogdons to buy flonr he has just received Nineteen thousand and tour hundred pounds from one of the best mills in Ten nessee baying from the mill and by the car load, he can sell yon, flour cheaper than the merchants who buy in Atlanta in small lots, aDd you will save money by going to Brogdons for your flour. — «•; NOTICE. All persons art hereby notified not to purchase or receive as col lateral eecnriefy, in any way, three notes for SIOO, each ttnd 6n« for $75,00, due 25th Dec. 1884: four notes of like amount, due Dee. 35th 1885; four notes of same ameunt dne Dec. 28th 1887: four notes of like amount, dne 25th Dec 1887. All made by tbe undersign ed and payable to David Hamilton or bearer, ai Jiurcrose, a* the con nderatioir foi*whtetl said notes has entiiely failed end I will re fuse to pay then. James M Flowers. Nov. 18th 1884 NGTICA. HBgldMMMtofmthe un count are hereby notified to make immediate settlement, Accounts must not run beyond the loth day of this month withoutbeiog arrang R F Mkdlock. - T kJ— -I,L IHH-1 —‘L.in DEVOTED TO NEWS, LITERATURE AND LOCAL AFFAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Ordinary. V\> are authorized to announce JAMES T LAMKINas a c.uidi date for re-election to the office of Ordinary of Gwinnett County at the election nest January. For Sheriff. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM P. COSBY as aCandi date for Sheriff of Gwinnett Conn y at the election in January nest. William M. Mewborn will be associated with him as Deputy. We are authorized to announce Janie* M l’atterson as a Candida c for Sheriff of Gwinnett County at the Jan uary election. Daniel M Born will oe associated with him as deputy. I hereby announce myself a candi date for shtriff and will, if elected, faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office. Wm John Brand, of Suwannee will be my depu ty. Morgan S Brewn. Clerk Superior Court. We are authorized to announce D T CAIN as a candidate for re election to the office of Clerfc of the Superior Court of Gwinnett at thenext election. For Justice of the Peace. By request of my friends I here by announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Jus tice of the Peace in and for the 407th Diet. G. M. of this county on the Srit Saturday in Jahuary 1886. Wm. C. Cole. For County Commissioners. We are authorized to announce the following citizens as candi dates for County Commissioners of Gwinnett county at the Janua ry election: S. 4. Hagood, G H Jones, Moses Martin, Andrew Garner. Tyra L Harris. For Treasurer. Te the Voters of Gwinnett Count / Desiring to change mjr present ’fiußio4Bß,"i offer myself * a 'candi date for County 7reasnrer, at the election in January nex', and re spectfully solicit your votes. If elected I promise to discarge the duties of,Treasurer to the satisfai tion of the people. Reap. William E. Brown To the voters of Gminnett County : I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Coud ty Treasu r y. Profoundly grateful to the people * for their support in tbe past, I earnestly so licit their votes again at the Jan uary election, pledging myselt, if re-elected, to an honest and taith fnl administration of the duties of tbe office to tbe best of my ability R. N. Robinson. I hereby announce myself a c<>u didate for Treasurer of the county of Gwinnett at tbe election >n Jan uary next. And respectfully solic it tbu support of the voters of the County, assuring them that if elected I will faithfully discharge the duties ircumbent upon mt. C. Pennal Jackson, Elder one of the two wool fac tory boys. At tbe solicitation of many faiends I respeci fully announce myself as a candidate for County Treasurer. If elected, the duties of the office shall be discharges faithfully and correctly. Jesse A. Pate. ' For Collector. TO THE VOTERS OF GWINNETT COUNTY. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tbs office of Tax Collectoi of the County of Gwin nett; aud earnestly solicit the suf 'frage of my constituents at the ensuing election ty r ‘ i t ’ office. If lam elected, Ido hereby pledge myself to a faithful performance •I all thu duties entrusted, to me. Very Respectfully. E.M. McD»...ikl Errroa HERAU>:-?Ftease say to the voter* of Gwinnett tnat I am a candi date for Tax Collector at the January eleotioo. If my health will admit of me doing so, I desire to *eeyou all I was wounded it the battle of Pe tersburg was captured and held a prisoner uutil 24th of Oct 1885 my wound has never haeled aud I have a large family to support. Under these circumstances I ask the voters of Gwinnett fortheir supprrt If elect ed will discharge the dutiesfalthfully JOHN L POUNDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gwinnett County. I Know that lam competent to discharge t/ie duties es the office to the satisfac tion of the peopla I lost ene foot at the battle ofGetysburg and cannot do full labor eh the farm, j am poor, and have a large family dependent on me for support As the people seem det-rmined to know howjlhe candidates stand on the stock la v question. I will here state tbaf I am “For Fince.* if that beats me, )dt ik be so. WILLIAM Ai PATRICK. To the Voters of Gwinnett At the solicitation of friends I announce myself a Candida e for Tax Collector of Gwinnett County, at the next election anu solicit tbe support, of the people. If elected I will eudeav< r to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully and .o the snfisfacikn of tbe people. Respectfully ■f. N. Uutlkdgb. To the voters of Gwinnett County : I hereby announce myself a can didate for the of Tax Col lector of said,the elec tion in Janvuiry-Wxt. I earnestly solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens throughout the county. If elected, I pledge myself to a faithful and impartial discharge of duty. Respectfully, J. N. Verner. o the Voters of Gwinnett Counts : I hereby annouucu myself a can didate fur the office of Tax Col lector of Gwinnett County, at the next election, and ask jour sup port. From my experience in the office heretofore, I feel that I may confidently assure thepeople, that if I am elected, the duties of the office will be adminstered faithful ly and to the satisfaction of the people. Respectfully James R. Jackson. Editor Heralau. Ptimit me through your colons, to inform the voters of Gwi ett Co., that I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, I do not plead the “Solicitation of numerous friends.” but ask my friends and fellow citi zens for a situation that will en able me bettei to provide the nec essaries of life for my dependent family. My acquaintances will testify that from a severe stroke of patalysis, I am physically unable to do efficient labor or the farm. If elected I shall endeuvor to sat isly my constituents that they have not reposed trust in an un worthy man. Earnestly soliciting the active support of all my friends, I am, Very Respectfully, Isaac S. Auiyg. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, and I hope my friends will help me. Rev. Thom. J Pass. We are authorizid to aruounee JAMES O. WHITWORTH as a candidate for Tax Collector of Gwinnett Coumyat the January election. If honored by the peo ple with the office he will discharge its duties carefully and give the people all the accommodation con sistent with a faithful discharge of my duty. To the voters of Gwinnett County: — By the solicitation ol my friend I announce my name as a candit date for Tax Collector of Gwinnet County, at the ensuing election.— If I am elected I will endeavor to discharge my duty faithfully.— I earnestly solicit the support of all who feel an interest in my elec tion. Andrew J. Mayfield. For RkceivW^ We are authorized to an flounce Da vid W Andrew* a* a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gwinnett County at the January eieetion. We. are authorized to announe J C DURHAM as a candidate for Tax Collector of Gwinoett Coun ty at the election in January next. Yielding to the solicitation of ray friends, I hereby announce my self, for the office of Tax Receiver of Gwinnett County, and if elect ed will thoroughly and promptly discharge the duties of the office. Hoping my friends will remember me at the ballot box iu the Janua ry eleetion, I am Respectfully, &c. John S. Porter. To the vo t»rs of Gwivnett county I hnreby announce myself a candi date for tbe office of Tax Co lector ol this Uoaniy, 1 make this announce ment at the instance ot my friends, who urge me to submit my claims to the p o pie ouce more. Many of jon know the misfortunes undor which 1 labor, huving been per manently disabled by the loss ol tny right arm at ths battle of Hhuratairg, and i need the office or l wonh) not nek it As to my competency, 1 refer ta dll who know me as a teacher. If eleeled, 1 am satisfied 1 eau and will discharge the du ies ofjthe offic) to the t-atisl <•» lions ot the people I. N. J. Brambi.ktt. I hereby anuounce mv self a candidate for Tax Reciever of Gwinnett County, and earnesty solicit tbe support of my friends and fellow citizens. If elected 1 pledge myse'f to a faithful dis charge of duty. Thos. O. K. Lanier. 1 aunounce myself acandidite for re-election to office of Tax Receiver of Gwinnett Connty at the election in January next. Ueo- W. Pharr. ! To the lottrs of Guii. mt Ci.unty: I again announce myself a candi date for office of Tax Reciever at the election in January next. I return my thanks to my friends for past favors, and earnestly soli cit their support. Pledging my self if elected to give all aecom uo dationn that my time will admit of. I leal that I can safely say from my past experience that I can discharge (ho duties of the office so as to give satisfaction to the county and stats. Wm M. HUNNICUTT. I announce myself a candidate foi the office of Tax Receiver— not because my friends have solic ited me to tun —but because there is money iu the offi.ie and I want it, and believe I am competent to discharge the duties of the ottico in accordance with the law, and to the intetes< of the state, the county and the people. I there fore solicit the votes of my fellow citizens. Should I fail to canvass the county, it will lie owing to sick iness in my family and tbe repufc nance I have to making personal appeals for votes. I address this announcement to each, and ask that every one consider himself solicited for his vote J T. Baxter. Suwannee, Sept. 2‘Jtb, 1884. At the solicitation of many friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Iteceivor of Cfwinnett County, and if elected 1 pledge myself to a faith, ful discharge of the duties incum bent upon me. Very Respectfully, CHARLES M. COOPER. For Coroner We are authorized to announce JAMES H WILSON, as a candi date for the cflice of Coroner es (Gwinnett Co, at the election in Jan uary next, For Suveyor. Wo nro authorized to announce ROB I. N. MAFFETas a candi date for County Suveyor of Gwin iiftt county ah ‘.lie utxt election. MISCELLANEOUS ADV’TS. q BURN IIA )1S STAND’D TURBINE JWBE A I* the best constri ted and finished, give bet gr - ■ ter percentage, i> ore nSuMlfl imwer and is so I for UUUfHjIfIA less money |ier horse Yr*TSp power, than uuo other W Turbine iu the world UaTNew pamphlet went free by BURNHAM, BROS., York, Pa. m ii Tt gives tone!nml power. F or com plaint* of ibetKidneys, Bowel*, rttom m b, Liver and Lungs, for all lIV *nt> tie troubles Of women and for those bodily disorders Induced by anxiety, eare and mental strain,'itseffects will surprise aud ehariu you. It is uot an essence of ginger. Deleeious to ihe palate, an antidote to the liquor habit ami exceeding! helpful to the aged and feeble. 50c and 11.00 sizes HIS JOX, & CO., New York 7IHSI I %gd»i tt, k a ntedbjh at hie qu io Wstki • ••sell the pnßiographies of x Glevelaad hkmjricks By Ex-Governor Porshelmer, of N Y member of the U R congress, and Hon W L' Hensei chairman of Deni. State com of Pa.—intimate friends of ft & If. ftisthe most reliable, interesting and richly illustrated, hence an iin - mense demand, Agents are coining mouey. it ha* tine steel portraits. ,sells fastest aud pay* best. Beware of unreliable, catchpenny books write ty-Hubbard Bros, l*ul)s Philadelphia, Pa. M?bON & HAMLIN STY LEo W 1 j-, d,il O S<JOO Highest honors at all great World's If xliitetiens for seventeen years. (In ly Amercan Orguns awarded such at any. Forcush. easy payments or rent ■*sl - Up:igh.t Piaos liresenting very highest excellence yet attained in such iqstru vneuts ; ad ding to all to all previous improve ments one of greater value than any securing most pure, refined, mnsieai lanes and increased durability ; espe cially evoiding liability to get out of tune. Illustrated catalogue iree Mason <k Hamlin Organ and Piano Com fan y. Boston, 154 Tremont 8t; New York, 40 East 14th St ; Chicago, 149 Wabash Ave ■' 1 1 ■ " GEO ltd I A—G w INNF.TT < ’OUNTT Whereas, John M .ilson, adminis trator ol Loveless Stockland, p, o 0., deceased, represent* ’-o the court iu his petition duly tiled.that he has ful ly administered Loveless Striekf; mis estate, This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs ami credi tors to show cause, if any they can wily said adiuiuislsator£ should not lie discharged from his administia tion, and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday iu January 1885, James A Lamkin, Ordiuaay, Georgia—Gwinnett County. I) F Verner, guardian tor Miss NE P Harris W B Harris and T A Harris, appiies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship, aud I will pass upon his application on the first mouday in Dec next, at my office in Law-renooviile. Jas T Lamkin, oct liith 188-1 Ordiuary LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GWIN.YETT SHERIFF -SALE Will Ik* sold before 1 he ( ourt House door, in the town of Lawi cneeville, Gwinnett county Ga. within the legal hours of sale, on tho tlrsl Tuesday in Jan. next, the following described property, to-wit : Forty acres of land, more or Uo - ey. iug in said county and state. I e „ part of lot NoflHi, adjoining land in' Andy Smith, ilee'd north, on south west west by »V K t’lmmb doo’d and on t lie cast by Wyatt .ton. Notice give ito tenant in session. Property points#mill by a* fondants. Levied on by virtue of three justices court li fa*, in favor of Hut t , Rankin A Lamar vs Farr, Pow sr & co. Lew made and returned to me ov T 0 pgrton, L C 4.00 Also at the same time aud pla swill be sold, one lot or parcel of land, si i iu t lie town of Duliit Ii iu said county containing live aero* more or ies bounded ns follows ;on the west bj street, south by right of way of tin Richmond ami Dauvillo Rail ,{oa.l. North by A (’Jackson, M Y Robertson M Roberts and J New and south In II Mnthisuud R Mr Milieu, I A’vied on as the property of Weary Kirby by virtue of and to satify one H fit h um Hie justices court ,d the-UMh district g m of said county in favor of Hiram Mathis v*(l W Willis and Hen ry Kirby, one It fa from said (mart in favor of the Atlantic Virginia Fer tilizer company. V* Henry Kerby Levy made and returned to die ny W F |Horingt( n I, c frioa Also ut I lie same time and place will he sold Idly (HO) acres of land more or less, being t lie N E part of lot Ne 1.11 uiljoing lrtidsc f Nathan Ben belt Mrs Hmith, .1 I, Moon aud Isham ltenuett being the place where tlio Deft Win Stone now resides. Levied on as the property of Win Stone by virtue of audio satisfy two II fas from the Justices Court of Ui01295l h I list U M of sui.l county in lavorof Tilford McConnell vs said win Stone for purchase money, Levy made and returned to meby W M Langley, L C. ifj.!).’) Also at the same (ime and place will lie sold an undivided one sixth inter est in a lot of laud No 333 iti the sth (listlictof Gwinnett county, on the waters of theApulachee, containing two hundred and titty acres more or less adjoining binds of Win Ethridge Dr 8 L Hinton and Samuel Edwards it being tl e place where Mary E Hill now resides. Levied on list,lie property of the Sa remi M Hillaiid pointed out by pill’s and due note of levy given to Ihe ten ant in possession. Leviei a* I tie property of Sarelia M HUI by «irl ue of and t satisfy one II fa from the) justices cour of 8101 b (list gin of said county, in* favor of S J Winn, vs said S M Hill. Levy made and returned loinc|by W M Langley, LC 44.00 j Also al l lie same time aud place will lie sold an undivided one sixth interest in a lot oflundNo 333, iu (lie 5t Ii (list of ij( wiuuott co and on Uiejwa ter* ftf | lic A|iiilH(4iee two h iindrcd and fifty acres, more or less adjoining lands Win Ethridge Dr S L Hinton and Samuel Edwards il being the place where (left now resides. Levied on ns the property of Mary E Hill by virtue of and to sal isly one 11 fa 11oni Justices court of the 310th district of said countv in favor of SJ Winn vs Mary K Hill. Levy made an returned tome by YV M Langley L.. 0. 53.15 Also at the same time and place wilt be sold forty acres of land.more or let s in i lie til li district of said county, lie in the west part of lot No 133 adjoin ing lauds of John K Langford, .lames Lee, Samuel Caldwell and Ueo SV Mitchell, being the place where deft now resides. Leviedon as the property of |Teinpa Leiteh and Nancy Leiloh by virluro of and to satisfy afi fa fromUwiuhett Superior Court, in favor of John W Scruggs vs Tenipa Leiteh and Nancy Leiteh, Also at the same time and place will he sold 412-3 acres of land cut mt of lot No 838 in the 5t h (list of said county, bounded as follows llegin u Ing at a red oak joining Dr Free man's lahd lllea ce S 32 1-4 (leg., E 2 eh anil 42 links to a rook—thence N 32 1-4 deg west 20 chains and 42 links to a stake thence west 52 3-4., w 20 (mains and 42 links to tiegiuuiii <; cor ner. t* Levied on at the property of ' .1 Hill to satisfy one 11 fa from justices court of the3l(>til (list gin in lavor NRobinson j J Hill and L F JacKStm. JAS. M PATTERSON, Dec Bfh 1884 Sheri i Georgia Gwinnett County. N H liny has appiiod for exemption of personally, and I will pass upon the ai 10 o’clock a m on the 12tli day of January 1335 at my office. James T. Lamkin, Dec 80th 1884 Ordinary Georgia—GwinneU County. To all wl(cin it may concern. Mary E Hill bus in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administ ration on the estate of Josh uaHilljr., lute of said county deed, nnd I will pu*s upon said application on the first Monday in February 1885. Jamas T Lamkin, Dee 11 1384 —43. it) Ordinary. vnrw p a tt AND WINTER GOODS, The undersigned calls attention to his s'.ock of New Goods received, consisting of DRV GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, //ATS, FK.vflL Y GROCERIES HARDWARE, NOTIONS, AND A GENERAL LINK OP OODS usually kept in this market. These Goods are offered to the Trad* at as low prices as they can be sold My Motto is : “quick pales and short PROFITS’” I invite everyCodyTho needs anything in my line, to examine my Goods for themselves. f I have also a desirable hous® and lot for sale. Situated in town and in good condition, with all necessary outbuildings. The lot con tains eve acre, is near the public square and a pleasant place to live If not sold before, wil> be sold lo the highest bidder on the hist Tues day in November next. R. N. Robinson Auus,2» '2oth 1884.—2ni0 jYol. XIV.—No 40 | RAIL ROAD SCHEDULES. I Richmond & Danville It R Pasiienokr JVIEST On an,l after- Oct 12111 1884 Passenger Train Service on Ibe Atlanta and Oharlotte Air i Line Division will be as follows : < i/ii. w2v i ; FTTpreswT No. 61 No. 0»L _ Daily, | DailfT Leave Atlanta (100 p m [ 8.40 a m Ar. Gainesville 8.13 “ 10,30“ “ bllla A H. 41 “ 10.54 “ “ It (lap Jn’o II O.'id “ li.a) •• “ Toooon <’ 10.04“ 11.55“ “ Heneeu D 10.0. H“ 12.51 pm “ Greenville.. K 12.40 “ 2.2» “ “ Npurtmibrg F 2.00 am 3.34 pm “ Gastonia... (1 4.23 ‘ 5.20 “ s rrr\v.\iu> Express Mail No. 50 No. 52 Daily Daily * L’ve Charlotte.... 1.45 am l.oopm Ar. (!astonia 2.;t0 “ 1.41 “ “ Span an IMI rg 4.2 S " 3.34 ** , “ Greenville... 5.43 “ 4.53 “ “ Seneea 7.28 “ 6.29 “ “ Tncooa 8.32 “ 7,:!2 “ , “ It (lap June. 9.20 “ 8.25 •• / “ Tail a 10.00 “ 8.50 “ I “ (luinesville.. 10.38 “ 0.25 “ 4 “ Atlanta l.oopm 11,30 pm I accommodation train (a. i.ine belle! GOING NORTH Taave Atlanta 5.1K1 p tn Arrive at Gainesville 7.40 p m accommodation train (a. l. rellk) GOING SOUTH. Leave Gainesville 7.00 a tn Arrive Atlantu 9.20 “ NO IS- LOCAL i-REIGHT. GOING SOUTH Leave Charlotte 5.3 ft a. m. Arrive at Gaffneys 10.07 “ ‘‘ Spartanburg. 12 20 p. m. Greenville.. ..5.27 h “ Central 8.10 “ NO 17—LOCAL FREIGHT. GOING NORTH. jtave Central 4.45 a m Arrive Greenville 't OG a. m. “ Spattaiibnrg.. .10.40 *• “ Gaffi eys 1.17 p. in. “ Charlotte 7.145 “ All freight I rains on this road carry pas sengert. All passenger trains run through to Danville and Hiclunoud without change, connecting at Dan ville with Y r a. idland Rwy,, to all eastern cities, and at Atlanta with all liin s diverging. No 50 leaves Rieh tnmtd at 1.30 p. M. and Nosl arrives there at 3.45 l’. M. 52 leaves itiehinoud *2.00 A. M. 53 arrives there 7.00 A. M. ho locp! f- olgtsls st*>* at above sta tions' 2(1 (e 30 minutes. , BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITH OUT CHANGE. (Ml trains No* 50 and 51, New Fork and Atlanta, via Washington and Danville, and ulso Greensboro and Ashvllle -On trams Nog 52 and 53, Rieiimond and Danville, and Washington and Au gusta, and Washington tunlNew Orle ans. Returning on No 52 sleeper Greensboro to Kichmoud K"Througli Tickets on sale at Char lotte, Greenville,Sene, a,.Spartanburg, and Gainesville to all points South, Southwest, North and East. A With A K K It. to At from Athens B “ N E if It to A from Tallula Falls. 0 “ K. Air line to At from Klberlon & Bowersville D “ Blue Ridge R it to Ac trom Wulhaliu, Ac “ O.S: G ,t t i'il i Newberry. Alston end Columbia A At S A S U & (J to A Ir'tn Hendersonville, Alston Ate. Chester At Lenoir to A from Chester, Yorkville At Dallas II N C Div A C C-A to A frr** Ureensbv.ro, Raleig dwin Berkeley, SupeninteDdend. A. L. IttVEB, 2nd V. P. & Gen Man geri M S'unghlr, Gen’l l'seen A Dili NISTR A TOKSSALE" Bv virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of G-vinnetl Co. Will lie sold befor- the court house door in Die town of Luwrenoeviile. Gwinnett county, Ga between the le gal hems of sale on the Ist Tuesday in February next, the following de scribed lauds to wit. One hundred and forty acres es land inure or less, lot No 206. i>i the * sth district of said county, it being , the eastern portion of said iot, except E one hundred and ten acres, cut oft of I west side of said lot as dower for Mrs L ,vi J Terrell. Adjoining the lands of a j M Kent, Thos M Jo. dan, T M Peeples 1 and others. Sold as"the property of K T Terrell, dee d and for the purpose I ot paying the debts of said deceased. Terms cash. . «« James D. Spence, Dec 22 1884, Aiirnr.