The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 19, 1871, Image 1

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.. jb. ... j- ~ • • «• *r\ m TO JSFFEBSON mm NEWS & FARMER. vartr ..... - . ...fc* Jefferson News & Fanner, vfi&vtnrnryt HARRISON & ROBERTS: A LIVE FIRST CLASS FOR TfiE Farm, Garden, and Fireside* Every Friday Morning A T LOUISVILLE, QA. THIS S3 5» PH 4N!H» II AITAHCB. ’ bates of advertising. ; 1; year. ; 6 months. 8 months. 4 weeks. 1 week. SQUARE# 1 *I.OO $2.25 $7.50 t 512.60 $20.06 • 1.76 6.00 12.00 18.00 80.00 3 2.00 7.00 19.00 2800, ~49.00 4 8.60 9.00 28.00 86.00 60:00 5 4.00 12.00 28jQ0. 40,00 60,00 1001 l 6.00 16.00 84.00 60.00 76.00 Icoli 10.00 26.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 lcolj 20.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 UHUL ADVKRTIBINU. Qr4j.»«v»’f.-CUatU>*« far of a<ftiintsOration, guardianship, A#; * 3 00 Homestead notice 2 00 Applicationtor dism’n from adm’n.. 600 Applicationfor dism’n ofgnard’n.... 3 50 Application for leave to sell Land.... 500 Notice to Debtors and Creditors.... 300 8ale» of Land, ptr square of ten lutes 500 Sale of personal per sq-, ten days.... 160 SA«r»/’i—Bach levy often linet 2 60 Mfertotgesales of ten lines or let*.. 500 Tax Collector’s sales, (2 months.... 500 CterVs —Foreclosure of mortgage and other monthly’s, per square 1 00 Kstray notices,thirty days. 3 00 Sales*!lmild, ky Administrators, torsor«aapßv‘s,.»re required, by law to, be held** mo first Tuesday in the month, between the hoar* of ten in the forenoon and throe in the afternoon, at tho Court house ih the county in which the property Hotica of these sales mast be published 40 days previous to the day of sale: Notice for the sale of personal property most Do published 10 days previous to sale day. Notice to debtors and creditors, 40 days. Notice that application will he made to the Conrtof Ordinary for leave to tell land, 4weeks. ' ' : - CUatioue for letters of Administration, Guardianship, Ac., nut bo published 30 ieyi—for dismission from Administration, monthly six months, for dismission trom guar dianship, 40 days. ioreolosure Wf Mortgages most bCSPywI monthly for foor^mS^-lot establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months— for compelling titles from Ex ecutors or Administrators, whera bond baa been given by the deceased, the full spaoe Application for Homestead to be published twioe in the space often consecutive days. LOUISVILLE CARDS, j, a. n*TW J. H. POLEILL. CAIN & POLHILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOUISVILLE, QA. i I May 5,1871. *?• T. F. HARLOW •VV’aftoli Maßer —AND— ■> .u-.i. - ~•! ;i if . XB.3DX* A.m3B-3Ei»p ai’.-i’i -'itl » .»rt < r .i te’J Leaisvllle, *»• I In,a r-«u> Still sl.l .'4 * Wai4 .. ■ PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN *• reno vating and lufefcfctfc WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry, ie.. &C. MW&.K7L . . t ■ 1 »J"! ML L R.: POWELL, GA.,.. ■. . ,fe’ “ fi 'i'JllliH 'cr«ai* ,'i, • t ujal'i La piial l . TBANEFUL ROB THE PAKONAQEI enjoyed heretofore, **es (Ms method of con .•■T.frP the offer ol Us professional sasvices to patrons and Muy 6,1871. , 1 D r ’ s. hTjacksoh, . , Proprietor. CHARUMft'OII.S.O. 1 -.'V, a -|. "V. ■■■•■ • t The throughout. JOUN A. GQID&TEW. Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga u Friday, May 19, 1871. JOB PRINTING IN ALL STYLES &■ COLORS, ... ?im FMa SOUTHERN RECORDER AND Southern Times t Planter, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, lvlilled.geVille. AND Sparta. Q-a YyE iNvrrE the attention of the Public generally, to our extensive and well-fitted ~e ■?, . JfaL UPtLrdLrLQ. OffLcasi. Our facilities for Executing BOOlt AND JOB PRINTING. are as good as those of any Office in the coun try, having a large lot of types in our two ; Extensive Establishments. CARDS. TODmtt, miTßii©, AND EVERY os €omsm&, AY IBIEASdDHAIIL® ftDJIAJ C .. i. WE Aeep on hand all the time a fir CJ Cl. CJ Legal Blaiilts. Sheriff’s, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Mag istrate’s, and Law Blanks, pf every kind Printed on the Best Paper, and at Low Prices. Book Printing. AS we have a lot of the BEST TYPE arid n/No. 1. Pdwer Press» we are fully prepared to .ex ecute as nice Book-work as any &fie. Call and give as a trial and be con i t. a? Ziiii f vinced. BILL HEADS, ETC., In the . lino of Bill Heads, Letter Heads and Circulars, we are prepared as “ heretofore, to execute neat work, on favorable terms, and we guarantee that our work will be equal to that performed in any of the larger cities : so that our Law yers and Merchants need riibt send off to-fcave such work done. Send in your Qtdflrfc f.j swL'ij'ii.'J FOSTERS. PEO6MMMI3, M-8M.,, ff ' These Offices Will be friund to be yquallo anything in the State. Par lies have but to caff and Examine j >« kvyti:?. to be convinced. CALL ON OR ADDRESS ; R. A. {prison & „Cq. ; rrrT&ni VVARVA, OA SUBSCRIPTIONS Are respectfully solicited for the erection of a MONUMENT TO THE Confederate Dead of Georgia, And those Soldiers from other Confederate States who were hilled or died in this State. THE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000. This Corner Btono it is proposed shall be laid on tho 4th of July, or so soon thereafter as ■ the receipts will permit. For every Five Dollars subscribed, there will be giyen a certificate of Life Membership to ,jj,a Monumental Association. This 1 certificate will entitle the owner thereof to au equal inter est in'thAfollowing property, to be distributed as soon as requisite number of shares a. j sold, to-wit: First. Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land in Lincoln ebhnty,' Georgia, on whichare the well-known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, val ued - $150,000 And te Seventeen Hniid ed and Forty-Four Shares in One Hundred, Thousand Dollars of United States Currency; to-wit: I,share of #IO,OOO SIO,OOO 1 .. 5,000 5,000 J r« 2,500 5,000 10 2,000 20.000 10 <* 1,000 10,000 »o <• 500 10,000 100 “ 1»0 10,000 200 “ 50 10,000 400 “ 25 10,000 1000 “ 10 10,000 SIOO,OOO The yalqe of the separate interest to which the "holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be determined by the Commissioners, who .will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of distribution. The iollowing gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will either by a Committee from their own body, or by Special Trustees, appointed by themse./es, receive and take proper charge of tho mor sy forthe Mon qme«>t,as well h* the Real Estate and the U "SnCurrency offered as inducements for sub scription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inseiption thereon, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner-stone is laid to-wit: - GeneralsL. McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Btovill, W. M. Gardner, Goode Bryan, Colo jtnels C *wad, Wm. P. Crawford, Majors Jos. B: Cumming, George T. Jackson, Joseph Ganahl, I. P. Girardey, Hon. E. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W, H. Good rich, J, D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr. W. E. Dear -IDq'he Agents in the reepective counties will retain thS* money received for the sale ol Tickets until the subscription Books are clos ed. In Older that the Several amounts may be returned to the Shareholders, in case the number of subscriptions will not warrant any farther D«ccdure, the Agents will report to this office weekly, the result of their sales. When a sufficient number of the shares are sold, the Agents will receive notice. They will then forward to this office the amounts received. L. & A. H. MoIiAWS, Gen. Ag’ts. No. 3 Old P. O. Range, Mclntosh sts. »j s < Augusta, Ga. VILcitNteBEBTS, Agent at Sparta, Ga. L. W. HUNT & CO., Agents Milledgeville Georgia. r. p St n May, 2, 1871. 6m. Groceries! Groceries!! fi ON TIME. O r H 20,000 DRY SALT SHOULDERS. ’20,000 D. S. SIDES, 20,000 Smoked SHOULDERS. 20,000,0. R- Bmoked SIDES. 200 Barrels FLOUR. 100 Bags COFFEE. 600 Sack SALT. 25 Tierces LARD. • 50- -Hogsheads MOLASES. 5,000 Bushels COEN. Also, a full stock of SUGARS, SYRUP and LIQUORS of all kinds, for sale on time, payable Ist November, with factors’ accept tance,by J. F. & L. J. MILLER, No, 216 Broad Street, opposite National Bank. Augusta, Ga. p& n May 5, 1871. 69 1 ts. Change of IScheJale. GEN’AL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 CENTRAL; RAILROAD, > Savannah, January 20, 1871. ) «BSIMMBNa& 3"\N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 82D INST.” D Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows : UP DAY TRAIN. : Leave Savannah ....,8:00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta M. Arrive at Macon - 5:40 P. M. Connecting at Augusta with trains going ’North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Laave Mac0n................ ....7:00 A. M trrive at Milledgeville 9:35 A. M. JS§ p: 2: Arrive st Making sami cohneetion afAugasta as above. NIGHT TEAINS GOING SOUTH. Leaye 5avannah.......... P- M- LeaVe Augusta--... -1. ...........8:15 P. M. Arrive at Milledgeville.. .to# A. M. .Arrive at Eatouton.... 11:25 A. M. Arrive at Mac0n..................9:05 A. M. j Connecting with trains to Columbus, leav iiig Macon at 6:20 A. M I Trains lonving Augusta atß:ls P. M. arrive , in Savannah at 4:40 A. M. . NIGHT. TRACKS GOING NORTH. Legye SaVtnnsh--.--. - .11:00 P.M., Leave NKrissiHesirsn —P- Mr Arriveaf Augu4«..—,..--,..-7:40 A. M. Arrive at SayaSiah.... 9:10 A. M. Making close connection with trains leaving Passengers going over the MiUedgeville and Eatouton Branch will take day ltrS» fromMa- CQO. night train from Augasta, and 7 P.M. tram from Savannah, which connects dally at Gordon. and EO(JERSi General Superintendent: May 5,1861. . ] tf ’ BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite Depot, MACON GA. # ft CO., prop rs to E. E. Brown & Son,) WF. Bbqwn. Gxfi. 0. Shown MISOSLSJfMOSSn HELIOTROPES. ‘True as the dial to the sun.”—Bapvos Boots' Nowhere in Nature do we see the utter dependence of life on the bright, warm rays of the sun more clearly exhibited than in the large class of •flowers which awake with the great orb, follow its course in the heavens, and sink into deep sleep when the night gains the victory. Early in the morning our white water-lily rises slowly trom its dark couch be low to the surface of the water, turning its chaste calyx toward the east; at noon it looks straight up, fully unfolded, and at night it once more closes its beautiful petals, turned to the west, and then sinks si lently into the deep. But it is not only the poetical nympheaa, which thus pays allegiance to the sun; even less highly-gifted flowers, the very herbs of the field acknowledge their dependence, and the wanderer, who in the evening approaches a blooming meadow from the east, sees not a single blossom on the green carpet, all the tiny, bright cups and clusters loqkuig steadfast ly toward the west. Nor is it the position only by which blossoms show their worship; the opening and closing of their petals also keeps pace with the progress of their great lord on high; every flower is in slow but steady motion ; it has an hour of fullest unfolding, and anoth er moment, twelve hours later, of complete closing. It is true the hour differs, but it returns generally with such unerring regularity that Linnaeus could easily compose his flower-clock of plant*, each of whi«h opened its flowers precisely at a given time. It need not be said that, of course, temperature, mois ture, and other climatic influences, frequently interfere with this punct uality. Some flowers are so sensi tive to moisture in the air, that they close before the rain begins, and thus like a certain marigold, serve as an unfailing barometer. Others close from excessive sensitiveness to light, whenever the sun hides for a lew minutes behind dark clouds, and the majority of all flowers fall asleep during an eclipse of some duration. Even ( the leaves of composite plants partake of this marvellous suscepti bility ; a visit to our gardens in a dark night shows, by the help of a lantern, a number of locusts (aca cias), the common clover, and the wood-sorrel, sleeping last, with all their leaves folded up, as we close our eyelids. > A strange feature in this sensitiveness is the capricious diversity among plants, of which some close and go to sleep—-not at night, but in the heat of midday, while others bloom only at night, tearing the ardent rays of the sun, and, the nympbrea, lotos, or l|>fl night-blooming cereus, unfolding their matchless beauty only to the chaste moon. Plants which turn their fair faces consistently toward the sun, are known as heliotropes, aside front other features which assign them to certain families and classes. In old en days this carious habit of theirs was attributed to an occult sympa. thy between flowers and sunlight, as another sympathy of the same kind bound up other flowers with moon-* light. Even Decandofle spoke only ol “a stronger attraction of the sun on one side and a constant increase ol evaporation,” which caused the stem to twist and flower to turn—- But the connection is'far more inti mate,"Since even color ahd taste de pend on the bright light of the sun. Many plants, opening in the morn ing, are white till noon, when tJbqy turn: ned, and at times they assume even k third shade at night; others .which-have an acid taste at an early hour, taste sweetish when the day is advanced, and the whole process of life in plants must, therefore depend upon light. Spectral analysis, the great discoverer of our day, has es tablished the fact that the blue and violet rays of the prism alone pro duce these movements in plants, while the red and green rays merely profit by the newly-assumed posi tion to further the activity of life, the coloring, the growth, and the matu ring of the saed, Plants raised un de* a j>ell of red glass look healthy, but do not grow toward the light! under a blue bell they follow the rays of light, but remain stunted am), etiolated. Generally, all plants exhibit-a vio lent longing lor light, and only a few, like ivy, ferns, and selaginelhe, turn with the riigfat-bloomi&J|jfywers to ward the snadfe. Experiments have been made to test the power employ ed by* plants for the purpose of reaching the light, when purposely kept in the shade, and the results have been fcmWM ot the vine twist, and tutn, and stretch their leaf-stalks beyond at! expecta tion, in order to catch some rays of the sun j the powerful items of the sunflower show the same magic pow er; marigold and scabiosa, dande lion and chervil, all follow the sun with unwearied fidelity, and exhib it almost marvellous energy in their efforts. This mysterious sympathy be tween plants and the great luminary that gives them life and beauty, and the power of unceasing regeneration, has from the beginning excited the imagination of men. It was this which led to the worship of the lo tos in Egypt, and a kindred plant in India. The philosopher Proclus taught distinctly that the former, by opening its fair flowers as the sun rose in the heavens; and by closing it.when night came, proved its wor ship of the great God not less than man did by folding his bands and moving his lips in silent prayer.— Hence all Egypt abounds with pic tures and sculptures representing Hbrus sheltered by the gigantic blossoms of the nymphaaa Stellata. To the Indians the nymphoea was a symbol of creation, and brahma, the Creator, floated in its magnificent calyx. Sir William Jones tells us, not without deep emotion, how great was his astonishment when he saw a na tive of Nepaul bow low before the sacred flower which happened to stand in his office. Ovid has a different account of the origin of heliotropes. He tells us of a fair daughter of the sea-god, Clytia, whom Apollo loved beyond all mor tals and immortals. But in an evil hour he forgot her and gave his heart to another nymph, whom he deceiv ed by assuming the form of her mother. Clytia, tho Bright, filled with jealous rage, betrayed the poor child’s sin to her parents, who buried her alive; hut then came remorse, and nine days she remained crouch ing on the ground without food or drink, brooding over her sorrow and her misdeed. She never moved , on ly following the sun-god with her tearful countenance from morn till night; at last her fair form withered and wasted away, shrinking info a pale, sad-looking plant with a violet shaped flower, where her face had once shown; and, although held fast by the root, the flower to this day never ceases to gaze at the great god in the heiVens, preserving the an cient, unchanging affection. flower the poet may have meant, is not known. Pliny believes it to be the heliotrope of our day, “which,” he says, “even on cloudy the course of the sun, so great 13 its affection for the great orb! At night the sky-blue flower closes as if overcome by its longing for the sun.” Modern botanists believe that the poet bad in his mind a more modest flower, often called sun-rose (Heliunlhemutnroscum), with recum bent stem and flowers, not unlike the violets. In Northern Europe, however, a far less poetical plant has been sub stituted. Here botanists almost un animously designate the common blue chicory as the true Representa tive of heliotropes. It was known of old already as the Sponsa Solis, the sun’s bride, because it faithfully follows the sun all day long, even when the latter is hid behind dark clouds, and at night closes its petals. Legends, however, abound here also, telling of a faithful but forsaken rriaiden, who, in her lover's absence, still instinctively followed the sun day after day-, hoping at every hour to see him return who had Wotl her heart and broken The strange fact that an ant running over its blue petals turns them red in an instant—long looked upon as a mira cle of Nature, but now ascribed to the acid of the inseet—was happily explained as the maiden’s blush in rare moments of returning conscious-; ness, when sjhe was ashamed of ihos betraying to the world her unrequit ed love. It is hardly necessary to add that no ancient writer could have meant the flower which in our day is pro verbially taken as there presemative of the heliotropes, the sunflower, since this gigantic plant, the flowers of which not un frequently measure $ foot iu diameter, is a native of our own continent, and did not reach Europe till late in the sixteenth«en. tury. In vain did lovers ot Ovid, in vain did poetical minds like Mad ame de Genlis, deny its American origin; botanists soon established the fact beyond all dispute, and a Span ish physician, Monardss, is quoted as the Erst author who, in 158fl r »poke of the new plants Unfortunately, be sides, the sunflower is by no —asm a» faithful in its allegiance to the sun as • true heliotrope ought to be; for wherever a number of them are found collected, as is nhw: The case in large plantations, used as safeguards against mafenp, there are always a number eTrebels to be seen, whose bread, staring feces tuns .everywhere else but toward the sun. The feet •fe that the flfwef ewe* Ha name to Us reaemhlaaee to pktores of the as a if ancient art, and aot to its ia)iUtiou of gsnuine hsliotropes. The great naturalist Kircher was therefore, utterly astray, when he proposed in his learned work anew, unerring clock, consisting of a*kind of sundial, dealing on the surface of a pond, with a hand to be guided by the regular motion of a ssnflowcr. Its enormous size and the almost incredible number of seeds, which turnish a rich, golden oil, made it soon a favorite with painters, who loved to introduce it in pictures of Paradise. A3 it reached Europe at a time when symbols and emblems were all the rage, it was, of course, soon pressed into service, and apj peared everywhere in seals aud devices. Turning toward the sun, as an emblem of perfect fidelity, with the motto “Je sin's,” it became in etrange self-condemnation, tho favorite of courtiers, and, best ofatl, held by the hand of a youth with bandaged eyes, it personified in stinct. As among men, so there are among plants also some which say: "Let others hail the rising sun ; I bow to that whose race is run,’* Heliotropes sometimes turn from the sun as anxiously as their sisters turn toward the great luminary, and we all know the beautiful jasmine of the Orient, which opens its fragrant snow-white blossoms only when the •un has disappeared in utter dark ness, and drops the short-lived off spring with the first blush of morn ing. Hindostan immortalizes, in this shrub, the sad tree of botanists (Nyetanlhes arbor tristisJ, a fair daughter of the land, whom the sun-god loved passionately, but only to deceive and leave her after a short peried of ineffable happiness. She ended her life in despair, and her body was burned according to the custom of the land; from the ashes, however, sprang up the new tree, whose flowers ever since shun the sun. and cannot bear its bright light. So true it is that— “The meanest flower that blooms can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.’- Schelb de Verb. A Mother’s Love. Did ever any one fully appreciate this great boon, next in value to that love towards us manifested by our Heavenly parent in giving his belov ed son to die on the cross, that we ungrateful creatures of his might not be deprived of that which out diso bedience had forfeited ? or did there ever exist a man, woman or child, who could presume to do justice to thesabjeel in trying to describe it ? *Tis not through hope of being able to do justice to it that I have taken my pen m hand at this time, but ra ther to add a word of warning, and at the same time help to guide the young and thoughtless t 6 prosperity. “Honor thy Father and Mother, that thy days may be long in the.,land which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee,” is a commandment given by our all wise Parent, and one which no child can defy and stiff enjoy life. In our youth we are apt often to come a cross like matters, that inexperience on our part-may render us entirely unfit to deal with aldrie; things which we are apt to see in a false light, and in Such instahdes a moth er’s love, guided by her greatest ex perience should be consulted. How many children by heeding the abovedivine command have lived in prosperity, while others straying beyond its limits have drunk the bitter dregs ever present-itt the cup of sin. A mothers love will recognize and stretch forth a supporting hand, when nearest friends turn upon you with the deepest disdain. Though cares may be hearing, that mother rapidly to the grave, she never grows indifferent to the trials and misfor tunes of a child, though covered with the sins of disobedience to that di vine command, but is willing (o take his burdens upon her shoulders, aud suffer in his stead, giving consola tion that comes from a heart; long a stranger to ease. My happiest mo ments are at sticb times as loan re call some act of mine tong" years a go, performed for the comfort and delight of a noble mother, “and noth ing casts a greater shadow of regret over any past history than the know ledge that I have wantonly or carelessly pained, by word or acl, that fond mother’s heart. Within 'he limits of that command are con* toined joys unspeakable,—outside, certain destruction and eternal wretebedhiess- — '.‘.-V' *ln conclusion, permit‘ma to a4«ei the language of friend Starbcck* of Bridgeport, lod., and say,“ldo n<* like to see artides ia the payees ewer bogus or fictitious signatures; but when I read an Stride, | like to know not only the Writer’s nathfe, A contemporary ungaJhfejljr feakes the observation that the leading champions of “woman’s rights,”-are generally fenb# to be No. 3. To Make Mischief. Keep your eye on your neighbors. Take care of them. Do not let them stir without watching. They may do something wrong if you do. To he sure, you never knew them to do anything very bad, hut it may be on your account they have not. Per' haps it it had not been for your kind care they might have disgraced themselves a long time ago. There fore do not relax any effort, to keep them where they ought to be. Never mind your own business—that will take care of itself.- There is a man passing along—he is looking over the fence—be suspicious of him ; perhaps he contemplates stealing some of these datk nights; there is no knowing what cjueer fancies he may have got into his head. If you find any symptoms of any one passing out of the path of duty, tell every one else what you see, and be particular to see a great many. It is a good way to circulate such things, though it may not benefit yourself or any one else particularly. Do keep something going; though it is said there was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, do not let any such thing occur on earth ; it would be too much for this mun dane sphere. If, after all your watchful care, you cannot see anything out of the way in any one, you may be sure it is not because they have not done anything bad; perhaps in an un guarded moment you lost sight of them—throw out hints that they are no better than they should be—that you should not wonder if the people found out what they were after a while, then they may not carry their heads so high. Keep it going, and someone may take the hint and be gin to help you along after a while— then there will be music and every* thing will work to a charm. Ibniedllen. Married men are of two kinds— good and bad. The bad are truly horrible; the good, very good in deed. The bad married tnan ill treats his family in every way, and generally ends by running away and leaving his wife to earn a living by needle-work. Butt he good mar ried man—well, he is not madly in love any more, but he believes there never was such a woman as his wife. He does not see Time’s chan ges in her face; she is always young to him. Every baby binds them closer to each other. There is an expression in every married man’s face that a bachelor’s cannot have. It it indescribable.— He is little nearer the angels than the prettiest young fellow living. You can see that his broad chest is a pillow for. somebody’s head, and that little fingers pull his whiskers. When someone has said Husband, and some other Papa, a little seal is set upon his forehead. No one—no woman, at least—ever mistakes the good married man for an instant. It is only the erratic one who leaves you in doubt. The good one can protect all the unprotected females, and make.jymself generally agreea ble to the ladies, and yet never leave a doubt on any mind that there is a precious little woman at home worth all the world to him. Who Was to Blame—Adam or Eve>— The Xburier- Journal says: A writer in the New York Evening Mail reminds us that Adam endeav ored, to ship the blame of his fall up on ’Eve. It ja, wrong for one to speak disrespectfully of bis. grand-parents, but we can’t help thinking that Ad am acted the rascal in that little af fair. Instead of assyming the entire responsibility for the disreputable transaction and taking the conse quences upon himself, which he, as the ostensible hfead of the family, ought to'have doney hb had the inef fable meanness to throw the blame upon his wife. HSnett conduct was utterly unworthy a Christian gentle man, anddf fee had had a brother-in fauf of anjtj-Spirit whatever,’ the chances atV*£l he would have gone out of that, ratten in the foremost vehicle of a funeral procession,. ‘ ■.’o; ■Ml!**’ ■ We may lire ourselves with our devotions, and fill heaven with vain complaints, and yet by all this im portunity obtain nothing at God’s hands; like ktsy beggars that are al ways complaining, and always ask ing, but wilt not work, will dp noth ing help themselves beUer their j«oaf^ki u flw.r«tore are never likely- to mflve the,pity, and compos *iooof other*.— Arthbukop liUoUa*. U 1 -fliilyt «f Van, • Rev. Dr. West, of New Bedford, orroeheard that bis choir Would re fuse *tp»sing on the nett Sunday. Whew the day ya me begave out the hyena-. "Ctob we that love the liord.” After reading it thrbugh he looked up at the chpir, and ■ -.36* 'will begin at the second verse, “Bet those refuse to sing wtto never knew our God,” 'fha choir sang.