The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 26, 1871, Image 1

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THE JEFFEBSON B NEWS & FABMEB, vfef: 1. Jeffe&co, News & Farmer, HARRISON & ROBERTS: A Life FIRST CLASS 'VT'eelcXy Newspaper foil THE V. Farm, Garden, and Fireside. [Published Every Friday Morning AT • LOUISVILLE, GA TERMS |2 §t PER IMOI IS 4DVISCE. RATES OP ADVERTISING. ' 1 year. 6 month*. 8 months. 4 weeks. 1 week. SQUARES t , SI.OO $2.25 $7.50 $12.00 $20.00 q 1.75 5.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 3 2.00 7.00 16.00 2800 40.00 4 8.50 9.00 25.00 35.00 60.00 5 ' 4.0*1 -d‘4,00 28.00 40.00 60.00 *col| flSflff* 15.00 34.00 60.00 76.00 A col! 10.00 25.00 00.00 80.00 120.00 lcoippdO 1'50.00 80 00 120.00 160.00 jppw - UUL ADVEUTISINU. Oritnary'-fr—C ilations for letters ot adaiinUtratiOn.gaaniiuuship, &c. $ 3 00 Homestead notice 2 00 Applicatioutor dism’u from adm’n.. 500 Application for dism’u ofguard’n 3 50 Application tor leave to sell Hand 5 00 Notice to Debtor* and Creditors 3 00 Sale* of Laud, per square of ten lines 500 Sale of personal per s<(., ten days.... 150 Sheriff's— Each levy often lines, 2 50 Mortirnge sales of ten tines or less.. 500 Tax Collector’s sales, (2 months 5 00 Clerk's —Foreclosure of mortgage and other monthly's, per square 1 00 Estray n#tices,thirty days 3 00 Sales of Land, by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required, by law to. be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court house in the county in which the property is situated. Notift, of these sales must be published 40 days-previous to tlio day of sale. Notice for the sale of personal property must be published 10 days previous to sale day. » i- _ £ .... Notice to debtors and creditors, 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, 4 weeks. Citations for lutters of Administration, Guardianship, &«., must be published 30 days—for dismission from Administration, monthly sicynonths, for dismission from guar dianship, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgages must be published montltfy for four months —for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months— for compelling titles from Ex ecutors or Administrators, where bond has been given bv the deceused. the full space of three months. Application for Homestead to be published twice ti.the space of ten consecutive days. LOUISVILLE CARDS. J a. CAIN J. S. POLHILI. GAIN <fc POLHILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOUISVILLE, GA. May 5,1871. 1 J y- T. Watcli 3Vloils:©r —AND— REPAIRER, XsOßMv*He> Oa. Special attention given to reno- CLOCKS, May 5 ,1871. 1 lyr: _ DU. I. U, POWELL LOUISVILLE? GA. Thankful for the paronage enjoyed heretofore; takes this method of con tinuing the offer of his professional services to patrons and friedAi, f....... . May 5,1871. 1 J J r; CHARLESTON HOTEL. ■' E. h[*JACKSON, i t. „ Proprietor. CHARLESTON, S C, ?»f I iUkl-q jj,4 pply Hotel in the City where Gas is used throughout. JO UN A. G OLD STEIN. Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga., Friday, May 26, 1871. JOB PRINTING IN ALL STYLES & SOLOES, nm I, SOUTHERN RECORDER AND Southern Times & Planter, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, AND Sparta* Gr-a INVITE THE ATTENTION OF the Public generally, to our extensive and well-fitted JPaL HP/ c uztuiQ. Offices.. Our facilities for Executing 130 OK AND JO 13 PRINTING. are as good as those of any Office in the coun try, having a largo lot of types in our two Extensive Establishments. C A.RDS. WEDDING, VISITKNft, AND EVERY OTHER KIND, &LMJT QU €qlommm s m SISASDIT.OIIS iPEHCBB WE keep on hand all the lime a full supply of Legal Blanks, Sheriff’s, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Mag istrate’s, and Law Blanks, of every kind Printed on the Best Paper, and at Low Prices. Book Printing. AS we have a FINE lot of the BEST TYPE and a No. 1. Power Press, we are fully prepared to ex ecute as nice Book-work as any one. Call and give us a trial and be con vinced. BILL HEADS, ETC., In the line of Bill Heads, Letter Heads and Circulars, we are prepared as heretofore, to execute neat work, on favorable terms, and we guarantee that our work will be equal to that performed in any of the larger cities : so that our Law yers and Merchants need not send off to have, sych work done, §end in your Orders. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HOUSE-BILLS, tq. These Offices will be found to be equal to anything in the State. Par ties have but. to call and Examine to be convinced. CALL ON OR ADDRESS R. A. Harrison A Cos. sax&iiED an vili.ii OR SVJhUTA, GA. SUBSCItIPTIONS Aie respectfully solicited for the erection of a MONUMENT TO THE Confederate Dead of Georgia. O J And those Soldiers from other Confederate States who were lulled or died in this State. TIIE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000. The Corner Stone it is proposed shall be laid on the 4th ot July, or so soon thereafter as the receipts will permit. For every Five Dollars subscribed, there will be given a certitie .to of Life Membership to the Monum: Lai Association. This certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal inter est in the following property, to be distributed as soon as number of shares are sold, to-wit: First. Nine Hundred and Ono Acres of Land in Lincoln county, Georgia, on which are the well la own Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, val ued at $150,000 And ta Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares iifcOne Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency; to-wit: J *hare of SIO,OOO SIO,OOO 1 “ 5,0(0 5,(-00 2 “ 2,500 5,000 30 “ 2,0u0 20.000 10 “ 1.000 30,000 20 “ 500 30.000 100 “ 100 30,(00 200 “ 50 J 0.04)0 400 “ 25 10,000 1000 “ 10 30,000 SIOO,OOO The value of the separrdo inteicst to which the holder of each Certilicate will be entitled, dill be determined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will either by a Committee from their own body, or by Special Trustees, appointed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Mon ument,as well as the lienl Estate and the IT S. Currency offered as inducements for sub scription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscipiiou thereon, tin:. ire therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner-stone is laid to w it: Generals L. McLaws, A. K. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner. Goode Bryan, CVdo onels C Snead, Wm. P. Crawford, Major.-, Jos. B. Cumming, George T. J; ckson, Joseph Gauabl, I. P. Girardey, Hon. R. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W, 11. Good rich, J, D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr. \V. E. Dear* ingj. TUo Agents in tho respective counties will retain the money received so: the sale ot Tickets until the subscription Books are dos ed. In order that the several amounts may be returned to the Shareholders, in case ihe number of sub. criptions will not -warrant ruf further jiro( dure the Agents will report to this office wo kiy, tlie result of their: sales. When a suffiei t number of (lie shares arc sold, the Ag i.s will receive notice. Tbriv will then forward to this office the amour is received. L & A. H. McLAWS, Gen. Ag* 4^. No. J Old I\ O. Range, Mcln >Ji sts. Augusta; Ga. W. C.D, ROBERTS, Ago it at. Bpaua, Ga. tW. HUNT CO., Agents Milledgeville Georgia. r p & n May, 2, 3671. (im. T- MARKWALTEIIS Broad St., Augusta, Ga. MARBLE MONUMENTS, TO MR STONES &(!., &Q. Mnrb'e MuirtsL ami Furuiture-Murlile of all kinds Furuisht'dlo O der. All work for ill o Country carefully boxed for shipment, p iLeh 12 ’7O ly, a Feb I, 71 ly Change of JSdiedule. GEN’AL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) CENTRAL RAILROAD, > Savannah, .January 20, 1871. ) O 3 N AND AFTER HNI-AY. 22DUlS’i Passenger Trains on the Georgia Centra! Railroad will run as follows ; UP DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah... 1 8:60 A. M. Arriveat Augusta 5:38 P. M. Arrive at Macon .5:401’- M. Connecting at Augusta wilt trains going North, and at Macon wkh trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Leave Maco.i 7:00 A.M. Arrive at Millcdgevillo U:35 A.,M. Arriveat Eatonton 1.11-35 A. M. Arriveat Af1’T’5ta........4. 5.38 P. M. Arrive at Sava a io'i .i:i2s P. M. Making same connection t A ugosta as above. NIGH TRAINS GC)I .TO. SOUTH. Leave Savr’inah.... ...7:00 P. M. Leave Augusta ...S:ls l*. M Arilve rt klilleo Seville 1 .1 5 A M. Arrive at Eatonton 11:25 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5;05 A ;M., Connecting with trains to Colifnibds, le.W iug Macon at 5:20 A. M Trains leaving Augua . at 8:15 P. M. arrive in Sava-inaU at 4:40 A. M. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH, i ... Eeaye Savannah...... Leave Macon M. Arrive at, Augu.ta :,;.7:10A. M. Arrive Savannah.......--- A. M. Making close connection with trains leaving Angusta Passqrigr rs going over tho Milledgevilld Eatonton Brr> ch will tnko day train from M;v coti, night train fi'om A>‘ usfrf, and’7 P. M.' ti-qin from Savannah, which connects daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with MilledgeviUe and Eatonton trains. ■ WILLIAM ROGERS, General SuperintiuHS eat. May 6,1861. J ts. ImiltE ALABAMA STREET csi-a. Boardi s3iper day. Baggage carried tu aud front Depot free of ciiargo SFO fS WOO D H(ff Ei D E P O TANARUS, T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. MAOOJf. qbo. (The following Story, written by a gifted. Southern writer , is entered eu a competitor for the 5100 00 2 >r * zc offered by Messrs. R. A. liar riaon § Bro., for “7he best original eontri button ” furnished their papers, during the pres ent year. MAUDE ARLINGTON; Or the Secret Marriage. A TALE OF THE LATE WAR. BY ALICE ARNOLD. CHAPTER I. The Knight of the White Rose. i 1 T "’as a bright day in llie November of JSGO, that a ’’large number of guests were assembled at Paymonte, the estate of Colonel Horace Arlington, of West Virginia, to witness one of those en tertainments which are termed “pe culiarly Southern.” Sixteen young knights had entered the lists to ride at ihe ring for a prize, which was the choosing and crowning of a Queen of Love and Beauty. Their names were announced by a herald as fol lows : •The Knight of ihe Joyous Heart.’ ‘The Knight of Unbroken Faith.’ ‘The Knight of the Ladve’s Blush.’ •The Knight of ihe Red Cross.’ ‘The Knight of St. John.’ •The Knight of the White Rose.’ ‘The Knight of the Red Rose.’ ‘The Knight of the Forest.’ ‘The Knight of the Field.’ ‘The Knight of the Glen.’ ‘The Knight of the Severed Crest.’— (Conveying an allusion to ihe an ticipated dissolution of the Union.) ‘The Champion of Slate’s Rights.’ ‘The Knight of Unblighted Hopes.’ ‘The Kn.’ght of St. George.’ ‘The Champion of True Love,’ and ‘The Champion of Minstrelsy, When ihe herald had ceased speak ing, there was a flourish of trumpets, and the knights, who were drawn up in glittering array on the lawn in front of the broad balcony upon which the ladies were placed, all doffed their helmets to the ladies whom they had respectively chosen, and prepared for the trial of horse manship. They were all richly at tired and well mounted, and each one wore his ladye’s badge. As they rode of]'to the appointed place, the band struck up a lively anti pa triotic strain ; and many were the hearts that throbbed anxiously and pulsesatbat quickened to behold their movements.' One might almost have fancied that they were on the eve of a battle. It seemed a foreshadow ing of the years thal followed ; and, alas! how few ofthose joyous youths, now revelling in the first flush of manhood, were destined to realize the hopes breathed for them ! How many, ere another twleve month had sped, lay mouldering under the grass “which now beneath them” grew ! How many mothers and maidens, now radiant with happiness and pride, two years later, when “The Spring Came forth her wprk of gladness to contrive. With all her reckless birds upon the wing, Turned from all sbo brought, to those she conld not bring.” My heart bleedß as I write. For ward with this tale! The competi tors wtjro so well matched that it was difficult to decide upon the victor, and the exerciser lasted far out into the a iter noon«. Refreshments were 'apt-WS# eqvwi t&« felcony, where the suspense was general; when sud denly there arose a cheer from the judges standing on the trial-ground, andi'The Knight of thef-White Rose’ was echoed from lip to lip. He was ala 11, slight figure, habited in a suit of yypll-imilaled. Milan armor, with liisiVisor xlown (and mounted on a genuine jet black Arab); who, stand ■;ing uprigfff- in his stirrup*,- with the horse goi!% at full speed, bad taken every ring, in turn ; thoi) scarcely pausing tit the end of th& course, wheeled, and dTopping grace fully., into a sitting posture, returned ,sielft'aH to their .res|*eeiive;pqslg» It was a feat worthy bf'an accomplish ed circus actor, and ihe prize was unanimously adjudged to him. ‘Who is he ” queried someone on the balcony. “A Captain de Caroll, from Lou isiana, a cousin or something of Her bert Ruthven’s wife, and staying with them at Elsinore,” replied an other. “You see he has taken as his badge the white rose which Maude Arlington wore in her.dress last evening; he is quite marked in his attentions to her, —and see, now, they are calling her out; she will be crowned Queen.” And as she spoke, a young girl was handed out upon the decorated platform which had been construct ed Tor the coronation. Miss Arling ton was little more than seventeen, a very fair blonde, with wavy gold en hair and deep blue eyes, and pre sented a striking contrast to the ap pearance of the victorious knight, whose raised visor disclosed a coun tenance ot unmistakably Creole type. He was pale, but his eyes glowed with animation ; and the hand that had held the reins so firmly first, now trembled as he placed the coronal upon her brow. Half an hour later the company sat down to a grand dinner; and the entertainment was "concluded by a ball. “Maude,” said Colonel Arlington to his daughter, next day, “it is wrong for a young lady to show such a decided preference tor any gentle man as you did for Captain de Ca roll, last night; I don’t think you danced with any one else the whole evening.” “Under the circumstances, papa,” she replied, coloring, “I thought it was allowable. You see he was my chosen champion for the occasion, and—” “Thai docs not alter the fact,” interrupted her father, who had been narrowly scanning her countenance, “The young man is a comparative stranger to you, Maude, and I tell you plainly I don’t care to encour age an intimacy with him. He is a greeable enough, and all that, no doubt; but 1 don’t fancy these Frenchmen.” “But, papa, Captain de Caroll is not a Frenchman; he was born in Louisiana.” “He is of French descent, and, I understand, was at school some where near Paris for some years previous to his being entered at West Point. We know nothing of him farther than his relationship to Mrs. Rulhven; aud her fast manners have not prepossessed me in favor of her States-people. Once for all, Maude, 1 tell you I don’t desire a nearer ac quaintance with Captain de Caroll! Furthermore, I am resolved that you shall not make your promised visit to Elsinore until he has left.” And with an emphatic twist in bis arm chair, the Colonel took up his news paper, and his daughter felt that it would be unwise to continue the subject. CHAPTER 11. —“So long as ye both shall live. Past the hour of sunset,-and in the still gloaming two figures were slow ly sauntering up and down the long avenue of oaks that led to the dwel ling house at Paymonte, and con versing in low tones. “Oh, Henri, I am so unhappy!” “And wherefore, my soul ?" “It seems so wrong to be here with you without papa’s knowledge, and when I know, too, that it to a gainst his expressed wishes.” “Your father is hugely prejudiced against me, on account of my foreign education, I believe,” said Captain de Caroll; “but reflect for an iar slant, Maude, and tell me it thia is not great injustice. Maude, Maude, do you really love me', little one “How can yon doubt-k; Heorif” “You profess to love,” he went oil, “yet your actions belie the words. It seems to me that, weie la woman, I could not love wilhoat trusting) and j«u do not, trust me.” “Ob; Henri I” “You do not give me thd lr«t place in your heart, Maude ; will not even biad ywrself by an £ng*#ment* and ! to-morrow, without that blest hope to cheer roe in my absence.” “Go away!—to>raorrowP* And her hand dropped from his arm, while her (ace grew deadly pale. “Yes, I am going on to Washing ton to resign my commission. I be lieve that a war is inevitable, and wish to be one of the first to volun teer for the Southern service.” “But why must you go so soon ?” “If you really wish me to defer my departure, you have but to speak the word ; say, shall it bo yea or aay ?” And he bent closer over her. But she only covered her face with her hands and burst into tears. “Id o-o-n-t k-n-o-w !” she sobbed. “I see I must not detain you any longer,” he said in a low, smothered voice, in which irritation and bit ter disappointment were slrangely blended; then changing his maimer, “by-the-bye, here is a note from Rose. Good evening.” And belore she could detain him, he had placed the note in her hand aud walked rapidly away. Dashing back -her tears, Maude returned to the bouse, and going to her owr, room, lit a candle and open ed the note. It read as follows : “Afypoor little Friend , —Give up these false scruples, which only tor ture you, and obey the dictates of your own true woman’s nature. Be lieve me, dear, a woman’s first duty is to the man whom she loves, and who has singleil her out from all the rest. Henri’s life is bound up in you; and you are (unconsciously, it may be) trifling with his deep ear nest passion, and storing up misery for both. Don’t drive ham to despe ration, Maude, for none will have more bitter cause to rue it than your self. Child, I want to sec and speak with you. I hold a promise ot a vis it from you, the fulfillment of which I now claim. Come to-morrow, or as soon as you can to your very true friend, Rose Ruthven. Elsinore, Nov. —, 18(50.” That evening, at supper, Maude sought and obtained her father’s consent to her setting out for Elsi nore the following day, “I am not particularly desirous of your being much in Mrs. Ruthven’s society,” he said, grumbhngly, “but I must not offend Herbert, I suppose ; and Captain de Caroll, 1 understand, leaves on to-night’s train for Wash ington.” He did not fail to observe his daughter's quickly averted face, but said nothing; and as she kissed him good-night, inwardly returned thanks to Providence that the fascinating young Creole was removed, for a time, ‘at least, from his precious, motherless girl. -* * • • • Captain de Caroll did not start for Washington that night, as was generally believed ; and three days later, in the early grey of morning, a young couple knelt .together before thie altar of the little parish chapel, near Elsinore, and were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. There was no one present but the clergy man and one witness, who gave the bride away. This was Mrs. Her bert Rutbven; her husband had gone to Richmond ou business, to be ab sent for a considerable time; and Rose, who delighted in anything that savored of intrigue and mystery, had encouraged the general belief that she had accompanied him; thus ob viating the inconvenient chance of •iujbprftr ipt order that the Jo vers might bay* perfect and undisturbed possession of Elsinore. The final benediction was pro nounced, the clergyman had wilh drawn; and Henri, clasping his trembling bride to bis heart, pressed his lips to hers, murmuring fondly, “my wiljs, my owii!” (To be continued.) ~ Hit vkefc necessary to cite'a case to show how advertising pays, -we E mention how last week this dll»d*dtp«betßcomaof A. T. nt, amounting to the sum of peevunute. In less than twen ty-fourhcwMludf a dozen men call pd at his establishment to borrow his meome lor; .a few minutes. He was down town at the time, or he might their request.— H f N. F. Democat. Itlay has published 783 news papers. I No. 4- unwritten Heroissi of Faciios-Kiddfin Wonios. One thing must be conceded to women, namely, the grit to endure any amount of inconvenience, or even positive pain, for the sake of dress. Now men—what failings so ever they may have, and time would lail me to enumerate them—always, io my knowledge, slop short of phys ical torture, when they must choose between that and “the fashion.” Catch them at it! The good fellows, loving their ease better than wives, houses, or lands, shake their heads with a most decided negative at tight boots, tight hats, light gloves; and welcome flannel under-garments and gum shoes, though their propor tions may be thereby increased. This much I will say for them. But wo men! I have seen them, pale about the mouth, trying bravely to walk on those absurd pegs ol'heels run under the middle of their feet, while every muscle and joint was crying out in vain for mercy. 1 have seen them shivering, with defiant blue noses in the liosiy air, while they ttied, inour January snows, to keep their throats warm with a—necklace! I’ve seen iheir fingers looking like stuffed saus ages, in gloves at least two or three sizes too small; and when it was impossible for them to btmd one linger joint. I’ve seen them walk miles with a heavy water-proof cloak hanging over their arms, because that silk velvet suit must be worn, at all costs, and rain would ruin it. And now, just as every woman out-* side of a lunatic asylum ought to re joice in emancipation from long skirls in the streets, fashion says they must he worn. And for one, lam heartiy glad, when they are, to see a good | quarter ol a yard of mud embroider ing these expensive silk and velvet trains; and belter yet, embroidering as I know ihey must, their stockings and under skirts. As to catching cold the world can spare such fools belore they bring others into the world. So I don’t wear mourning for them. Now, do you suppose women like these care about “female suffrage?” No, sir. They prefer female suffering. It is well to break ground for the car of progress, but you can’t hoist women like that into it against their will. You’ve got to begin upon the little girls. Stop their candy feeding, their hot pasiry luncheons at school recess, their “childreu’s parties from seven till eleven” at nighi; their un suitable clothes at all limes, if you want women who will ever have sense enough to know their rights from their wrongs, or breadth enough or philanthropy enough to care, when their own lives are easy, whether those of other women are hard or not. That's the whole of it! Give women healthy bodies and an intelligent education, and you’ll have no need to be jogging their elbows in the direction of their “right.” They will walk up and lake them, just as inev itably and just as naturally, as a man takes his wife after the marriage ceremony; and tffty won’t care, any more thaw he either, what bystanders think about it.— Fanny Fern, in New York Ledger. Wisconsin furnished nearly 25, 000,000 feet of lumber during the present year- Over 600,000 seals have been captured by 140 Newfoundland ves sels this season. * A wise man advertises extesively, because he believes that many columns furnish a good support. lowa has twenty-two counties that have never been mapped, and whose precise location is problematical. A citizen of Montreal is undqr ap-. rest for refusing to tell a census enumerator the ages of his two un married daughters. The Comanche Indians are dis gusted with the employraent of colored troops on the frontier, they are so hard to scalp. There are in the world about 120,000 miles bF railwdy, that cost $10,000,000,000, and give employ ment to 1,000.000 persons. The number of poefns Composed ip German on the war is said to be about 6,000. * An admirer of the New Orleans Picayune has presented its editor with a wasp’s nest, to enable him to figlu the Bee. It i# said that the Galaxy glprtes in an increase of circalai amount of 10,000 copies. Mark Twain is to be the guilty cause of this fiMt-chMfsJjkni*“ ..shntw* : ■ fioi.- The Prussian Government, lately gave $50,000 tp a Berlin ropk.for his secret of making peas-puddimr saus-> age3 that will not turp sour.’ - The electric telegraph tes rCkdh ed Vardoe**iin*ei*dwn im the north eastern extremity of Norway, prob ably the northernmost town on tbs