The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 26, 1871, Image 3

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1 mynonayyfrt tA* g »i ft^QAL. Divine Service. We understand that the Rev. Mr. Cimming will preach in the Baptist Church on the first Sabbath in June. Read the notice of give in jour Tax before it is too late. Wanted. _ Tn exehan|M|M the Bffbsoription prioe to the NbsA & Farmer, anything in the way of chickens, butter, eggs &c , for which the market price will be alloUfr*- 1 ■— M ts We are glad to gee that the colored > °ih our town. The Baptist should take hold and fiuish up theirs, which is over half completed. A Jefferson county colored man, makes the following bill which beats all for originality. 42KX>S i'UW-’ Mtifß. E. Dr. To GMWodore Bob, Care and feed for one horse 1 month $2,00 Anxiety for the horse to fatten.. 1,00 Fear of the horse being stolen.... l.§o CLUBS. Those of our friends who are getting np clubs for the News & Farmer, will please favor us with their address, so wo can furnish them with a few extra form club’s in their neigborhoods, and •get the paper for ohly two dollars. DON’T mss IT. The prize Story, '‘Claude Arlington; or the Secret Marriage. A tale of the Late War. By Alice Arnold,” will be found very interesting. Now is the time to subscribe so as to loose none of the first chapters. It will probably run through £»t;r jp^fif^Ufuos. ** mmm... Why don’t the enterprising young people of our town get up a concert, or some other amusement for the edification of our citizens; the proceeds of which to he given to sewm benevolent insti tutions; for iraripnee— the “Lee Lodge of Good Templars,” or the new Method ist Church. We know there is quite a sufficiency of Ktvatlabld material in and around Louisville to get up a handsome entertainment, and we hope our young folks will at once set about it, and we predict if proper energy is used, it will be a Winter's Unabridged. Diftionary, Il lustrated.— Webster’* Hctioary embod ies a vast quantity of various and use ful knowledge to educate men ooffecteij. and set down in a terse and lucid manner. Contains one hundred and’* lourteen thousand words, defined with a clearness, fullness, precision, ts noting the soundest scholarship, and en tire fidelity to laborious details. We heartily commend it ag aspleodid speci men of learning,*tasfe and immense la bor. Good Templars. The call in our paper for a meeting of those favorable to the cause of temper ance, was responded to by a respectable number of our citizens. They assem bled at our office on Monday evening last, and JNR*fjfe appointment of * (flfairarat), Setretafy and Committees. Let all who favor this object send in their application for membership. As our space is limited we cannot say as much on this subject as we. would wish. Read the proceedings elsewhere in onr columns. THE MUBPEB CASE. We learn that investigations were instituted in the Burke Superior Court last week, which throws some addition al“light on this most diabolical outrage of law and justice. The particulars as we gather them, are as follows; Aft »urder, the unfortunate victim had a difficulty with one Mr. Whaley, in which Drew was being rather rooghlyutaatt with, when his JM& 1 told Wbajgy. he not < m F oße upon his son in thtf, “Well, aTiight, but time, and when I do, a—d if 1 doot kill you!” It seems after this, Drßw went down the road by the down pas senger train, and on his return by the up by*?*- ley, who exclaimed, “Now I’ll fix you!” and instantly discharged his pistol. viiftMHiMiiiiiikai Wii m + 1) re wn ve crun urTH on u&y~ stm saia ue could identify Whaley as his murderw. This together with what 4r*nSgn?e“Tß the morning, and what was said at the shoo** g&jgb C r e,P companion, seem to make out a pretty atrong case against him, As this transgressor is a white man, Govornor to ground of “politi cal pr^ufiMs”^ . it was Mr pleasure on Saturday last, ito i.lisit—fin- naighhnrhnod of Way’s Chnreh, about 12 miles from Louisville. gke oropein this motion have suffered verely ftom the affects of the rains W cold enaps; cotton is dyiog, corn looks yellow with a litilo spindling stalk; wheat and oats have the rust very bad. We saw where several planters were plowing np where they had cotton plan ted, and replanting. Stria the opinioh of some that there will not be one third as much cotton raisod in this section, this year as last. We heard a good deal of complaint about the fruit falling off. We visited Way’s Cliarcb Sabbath morning and had the pleasure of hearing a very impressive sermon from that good and able minister Rev. T. J. Cumming, to a very attentive audience. Owing to services being held in the different Churches in that neighborhood, we were told the congregation was not as lhrge as usual. Here we met some of Jeffer sons best and noblest citizens, and not withstanding the bad condition of crops, the good people, one and - all, seemed to be in cliearful spirits, and the gennine, hearty and substantial welcome, we re ceived, made us loath to leave when the time for onr departure arrived. We can not close without tendering onr beartlelt thanks' to that genial, wholesoled gentleman, Dr. J. N. Ali pbant, and his warm hearted lady, for the very kind and hearty welcome we received at their house. We visited tho Dr’s, fish pond, which promises to be one of the finest in this country, be has put quite a number of fine large fish in it, this spriug, and judging from the num her of small ones we saw, the Dr. was Juccessfnl in getting; a “good stock of breeders.” We were promised by several of onr ablest writers in this section, contribu tions for the News if Farmer , and wc hope to hear from tkem soon. “Every Saturday” grows in excel lence with every fresh number. Cer tainly there is no paperof a similar char acter published in this country, that de serves to be classed with it, either in the quality of its illustrations or reading mat ter. Published by Jas. R. Osgood &Cos., Boston. Price $5. good templars. The undersigned young men of the town of Louisville, in response to a no tice in the News if Farmer, met at the office of the above named paper, this Monday night, May 15th, 1871, and pro ceeded to organize by the election of Mr. R J Pannel, Chairman, and H W J Ham, Secretary. The Chairman sta ted the objeot of the meeting, and pro ceeded by ballot to the choice of a name for this society, which resulted in the following title. “Lee Lodge of Good Templars,” in honor of Goo. R E Leo of Va. On motion, it was submitted whether the enrollment of the names to-iiight is considered binding, so far as the '(Disk ing of intoxicating liquors ao a bever age is concerned. After-some discus sion it was deoided binding, aod enroll ed the names under this nation, R J Pannal, 8 W Roberts, L D Chance, L D Farmer, R A Hayles, F M Gobert, E Hunter, J H Hunter, JT Grubs, H W J Ham. Moved, seoouded and carried, that the Chair appoint a corresponding com mittee of two to confer with the Grand Dodge of the State, lay a copy of these proceedings before them, pray a charter &c.,—carried. Messrs. Roberts & Ham appointed said committee. . ... °i **>*& K resolv# tW a copy ot these proceedings be famished the News & Farmer, with a request to pub lish the same. —There being no further business the society adjourned to meet next Tues day night, the 23rd iust. at eight o'clock P.M. R J PANNEL. Chairman. HWJ HAM, Secretary, Printing. —The following is giv en by au exchange as a specimen of printers technical terms. It don’t mean howdver as much ds it wtidkl seem 16 the uninitiated: “Jim put George Washington on a galley and then finish the murder you commenc ed yesterday. Set up the Ruins of Herculaneum and disribute the small pox; you needn’t finish that runaway match, lock up Jeff Davis, slide Ben Bqtler into hen and let that pi alone till after dinner. Put the ladies fair to press and then go to the devil and put Him to work on Deacon Fogy’s article on eterual punishment.” IAIN ;■ ■ ■ ■ m m m Just received a choice lot if' lit'dies Hats, Latest Styles at 4 ts WILKINS A HOPKINS. A Urge assortment of AU Stylei, juM*ecoiveiwt - -<-:i 'r/>& *l* ttAifO" 4 ts WARREN & HAILfiS. ts«y t‘.«ii in i" ‘Bgeijaitari! “u 1 >l>--A fine let *£. Fanoy GrocesiM, son* %*aaHyafc bright. v* *>»*» ;j aiL-, m WARREN A HAYLES. Peas 1 Peas 1! A large loV of «dld pew, on hand •Mfi for sale by McGOWAN & STRATFORD. May 10> 1871—ts The Juue number of Demorcst's Illus trated Monthly Magazine is superb.— This Magazine is undoubtedly the queen es onr monthlies, especially on such mat ters as relate to Dress and Home inter ests. Demorcst also offers as a premium, and sent, post free, to each subscriber, the fine Parlor Cbromo. “Isn’t She Pret ty,” after Lily M. Spencer, ihe retail price Off which is SB, thus giving f ] 1 in value for only $3. Every family should avail themselves of this splendid offer. Address IV. Jennings Demorcst, 838, Broadway, N. Y. In Edinburgh anew musical instru ment is now being exhibited. It is de scribed in the English Mechanic ae a keyed instrument of six octaves, resemb ling an harmonium in general form, but very different in mechanism. The sounds are produced by the friction of wooden hammers against a revolving cylinder of wood, set in motion by the feet. The tones produced are said to be very sweet and wouderfully varied. “One can sometimes hardly believe they are not those of a wind instrument.” A young man, whose moustache is visible by the aid ofa microscope, was the victim of misplaced confi dence some time ago. He had been particularly sweet on a very young lady, and had previously paid her several visits. The girl’s parents, thinking both too young to begin keeping company with each other, gave them a gentle hint to that effect, first, by calling the girl out of ihe room and sending her to bed ; and second, by the lady of the house bringing into the room a huge slice of bread and butter, with molasses attachment, and saying to the youth in her kindest manner: ‘ There Bubby, take this and go home ; it is a long way, and your mother will be anxious.” Demorest’s Young America has be come the standard Juvenile Magazine for all Young Americans. The June No., just received, is fully up to its usual standard. “Young America” is now fur nished at ten cents per copy, or $1 00 a year, with the choice of numerous vain able premiums, worth from $2 to $5 each, by paying 50 cents extra. Do iot fail to secure this best of all juvenilo magazines, “Young America,” for your children. Address IF. Jennings Demo rest, 838 Broadway, N. Y. Milltdgcville Items. From the Southern Kecorder. With pain we announce that Mrs. Samuel E. Whitaker breathed her last on yesterday about one o’clock. The whole community sympathises deeply with the family in their affliction. Another gamo of Base Ball came off on Tuesday afternoon, wbich resulted in the defeat of the “Old Capitol" by a score of 21 to 31, in a game of seven in nings. The “Scrubs” acquitted them selves handsomely aud did not faint fioin excessive joy. The young people in the vicinity of Devereux Station had on Saturday a fishing excursion, followed by a regular break-down that night, which was pro tracted until some of the more thought ful suggested that the party was violat ing the fourth commandment. On Tuesday night last an attempt was made to bum the bouse of Col. L. H. Keuan, in the suburbs of this place. No oue was in the house at the time, but fortunately the fire did not take hold upon the building, though a quantity of fodder and fat lightwood placed under the floor by the incendiary, was consum ed, No traces of the rascal have up to this time been discovered. While a wagon was unloading the other day in front of Wright & Son’s Store, the driver dropped a heavy keg or barrel upon a' large box of matches which being ignited by the friction, blazed and popped in real Christmas style, much to the consternation of the driver, who doubtless considered the sul phurous fumes a foretaste—or rather a for e-smell —of what would titillate hU nasal organ, provided he was blown np. Col. Snead, being unable to give hail, aud, as wc are informed, to bear the ex penses of himself and two guards, went to jail on Tuesday last. He is to all appearances a perfect gentleman both by nature and education, and if be be a vil lain, is certainly one of the most accom plished we ever saw. It is reported that Miss Myrick has become convinced of his guilt, and re fuses to have any communication with him. : There is a rumor afloat, but without any substantiation, that still another wife has turned np somewhere, and has been mhking inquiries ffalative to hia whereabouts. Some hard feelings were entertained towards the Judges at the Sparta Tour nament en last Wednesday, by some of the spectators. Mr. Julian West made eighteen points and was entitled to the first prize. An unknown knight then accepted bis challenge, and by the de-. cision es (woof the judges tied Mr. West; but according to the testimony of all the knights and the by-standers, failed by one point to equal him. They then tilt ed again with the Same results and the saipe decision. Finally the prize was adjudged to the unknown by one point. No difficulty ensued, bet only a cry of partiality was by sqme raised against > the judges. > AH the knights acquiesced in the de cision, and professed themselves much deji|hte<!‘ < #hh the sport. 1 The Gotten Crop ’ Has been severely injured ita this Sec tion by the many eold and rainy days which woJwM fced fbjc the past month. We have heard of several planters who have been compelled to plowqp re plgnt their entire orop, and many others whose props were materially damaged. OflirMtyf. “• wportod to hi fin*. Peterson’s Ladies’ Magazine. —C. J. Peterson, Philadelphia. Price, $2. A meritorious publication. Its place be ing fully established in the front rank, if not at the head of the fashion montlics. needs no commendation from us. Horace Greely will deliver a lecture in Memphis on nis return from Texns. He will discuss the esthetic and alcohol ic qualities of huckleberries. A Mobile negro who had twenty cents worth of powder in his pocket, put a red hot pipe iu there with it. “How is that for hieh f” was the remark of ao old seven up player, as the form of the col ored man became like a speck in the sky. There is one vacant chair.and a vacaut hat at his late residence. A negro man in Vidalia, the other day, having been found guilty of lar ceny, by a negro jury, was asked by tho Court what he bad to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon him. “I’ve got nothing to say except that I ain’t guilty.” “But,’’ said the Court, “about tho matter there is a wide dif ference of opinion, as this jury oftwelve men say you are guilty.” “Well, Mr. Judge,” said the prisoner, “you might as well get a dozen ringtailed monkeys to give a man justice as to let him be tried by that jury.” This convulsed the Court, and the prisoner was remanded.— Natchez Dem. Action is Man's Salvation. —Men who have half a dozen irons in the fire are not the ones to go crazy. It is the man of voluntary or compelled leisure, who mopes and pines and thinks him self in the mad house or the grave. Mo tion is all nature’s law. Action is man’s salvation, physical and mental ; and yet nine out of ten are wistfully looking for, ward to the coveted hour when they shall have leisure to do nothing—the very siren that has lured to death many a “successful" man. He only is truly wise who lays himself out to work till life’s latest hour, and that is the man who will live the longest, and will live to most purpose. A Re awakening in the South.— One of the most gratifying signs of the times al the South is the growing interests everywhere manifested a mongst the tillers of the soil and those directly indentified with them in interests. Agricultural and hor ricultural journals are springing up in all quarters, and, we judge from appearances, they are better patron ized than before the war. In almost every one of these periodicals we learn of the establishment of agricul tural and horticultural societies for exhibition and discussion. There is a bright future for the “sunr.y South.” Be Social at Home. Let parents talk much and talk well at home. A father who is hab itually silent in his own house may be in many respects a wise man, but but he is not wise in his silence. — We sometimes see parents, who arc thelile of every company they enter, dull, silent, uninteresting at home among their children. If they have not mental activity and mental stores sufficient for both, let them first pro vide for their own household. Ire land exports beef and wheat, and lives on potatoes; and they fqre as poorly who reserve their social charms for companions abroad, and keep their dullness for home con sumption. It is better to instruct children and make them happy at home than it is to charm strangers or amuse friends. A silent house is a dull place for young people—a place from which they will escape if they can. They will talk or think of being “shut up” there; and the youth who does not love home i3 in danger. Latest Markets by Telegraph- LIVERPOOL, May, 25 a. m Cotton firm; Uplands, 7£d; Orleans 7sd. new York, May, 25 a. m. Cot ton dull; Sales 3,800 bales middling Uplands 160. SAVANNAH, May 25 A. M. Cotton, Light demand; Middlings 15c. Augusta, May, 25, a. m. Cotton 14|c. Macon, May, 25, a. m. Cotton Light demand, Middling; 14. Milledgeville May, 25 a. m. Cotton 13}. Gold buying 110^ —selling 112. Silver. “ 104 ' “ 106 swam* ffißMflwi Pimm XMfca .'/l *7l TVimJ.JWMir. "WIWLrWCaHEL Schedule of the Georgia Railroad do] to*'* <>■' ■ SDFERIJjrirNpENT’S OFFICE, ) QeoßdiA And M. & A. Railroad Company, > Augusta, Ga., January 20,1871. > OR and after SUNDAY. January 22d, 1871, the. Passenger .Trains will run as fol- Io WSJ DAt PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY, , • . I. .si;,'. : (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.J Leave Augusta st B.GO A. U “ Atlanta»t. 5.10 A. M. Arrive at Augu5ta............6.30 P. M. “ St At1anta..,...........5.40 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. ■ Leave Augustaat ..8.30 P. M., “ Atlanta at.... iJ.... ....10.16 P.ll. Arrive at Ati^ff5ta............1.0.40 A. it. • Atlanta ....7.304. M. Both Day and Night P«is*4nger Trattfg will mak? close connections at Augusta and Atlan ta with PaasOnger Trains of Connecting Roads'. ’ Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Washing ton, and Stations on Georgia Railroad, by ta king the DOwu Day Passenger Train will make close connection at Camak with the Ma con Passenger Train, and reach Maoon the same day ip ®. CHANGE OFSCHEDUIE. MACON & AUGUSTA K. K. PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST DAILY. Leave Macon at... . ...6. a. m. Arrive at Milledgeville ... ....8.14 a. m. “ “ Sparta 9.24 a. m. “ “ Warrenton 11,00 a. m. Connect at Camak with up train on Geor gia It. R. for Atlanta. Arrive at Augusta 1.45 p. m. PASSENGER TRAINS GOING WEST DAILY. Leave Augu.ta .....12 00 m. Arrive at YVarrenton 2.00 p. m. “ “ Sparta 4.20 p. m. “ Milledgevillo.... 5.30 p. m. “ “ Macon .*...... ..7.10 p. m. TRI WEEKLY FREIGHT GOING WEST MONDAY, WED NESDAY AND FRIDAY. Leaves Camak .....6.00 a. m. Arrives at Warrenton ...,6.30 a. m '* “Sparta .....9.24 a.m. “ “ Milledgeville ...11.20 a. m. “ Macon ~3.35 p. m. RETURNING—G OI N G EAST TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Leave Macon 6.00 a. m Arrive at Milledgeville 10.00 a. m. “ “ Sparta 12.00 m. “ “ Warrenton 200 p.m. “ “ Camak 3.00 p. m. GET the best. Webster’s Unabridged dictionary. 10,000 words and meauings not in ether Dictionaries. 3000 Engravings. 1810 Pages Quarto. Price sll Glad to add my testimony in its favor. Pres’t Walker, of Harvard. Every scholar knows its value. W. H. Prescott, the Historian. The most complete Dictionary of the Lan guage. Dr. Dick, of Scotland. The best guide of students of our language. John G. Whittier. He will transmit his name to latest posterity. Chancellor Kent. ■ptyßiological parts surpasses anythiag by El earlier laborers. George Bancroft. Bearing relation to language Principia does to Philosophy. Elihu Burritt. Excells all others in defining scientific terms* President Hitchcock. So far as I know, best defining Dictionary. Horace Mann. Take it altogether, the surpassing work. Smart, the English Orthoepist. A necessity for every intelligent family, stndent, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete without the best English Dictionary? ALSO Webster’s National Pietorhsl Dictionary. 1010 Pages Ootaro. 600 Engravings. Prise $5. The work is realy a gem of Dictionary, jn«t the thing for the million.—“American Educa tional Monthly.” Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spring field Mass. Sold by all Booksellers, n May 26,1871. 4 3t- Georgia, jefferson county. Whereas. Lucius Q.C.D. Brown, Guardian for Mattie Whigham, now Mattie Yanghn, applies tome for Letters Dismissory from said trust: These are, therefore, to cite admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Louisville, for said c.onnty, on the first Monday in July next, and file their objections in writing, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. W. H. WATKINS, Ord’y. nMay 19,1871. 3 2m. GREAT ATTRACTION IN THE WAY OP O Xj O T B I N Or, AND FURNISHING GOODS AT NATHAN SIMONS, 224 Broad Street Aaguato, Ga. Dealer in Men's, Boys', and Youths' Clothing, Gents’ Famishing Good. Hats, Tranks and Umbrellas. My large and well assorted Stock of Clothing is comprised of the Cheapest and Best ever brought to this market before. I beg leave to invite my friends and the public generally, to call and examine, whether for the pur pose of buying, comparing prices, or from mere curiosity. Those who favor me with a call will be certain to receive polite attention, as I never stop trying to see how low I can,sell clothing, and how polite I can be to the public. N. B.—Mr. A. J. Adkins of Warrenton Ga., will be pleased to welcome his friends at the above Clothing Hoose., N. ISIMON, Angasta, 6a. pirn May. 5, 1871. 69 l Id. scSvesf house- SAVANNAH OA. P T.S-BICKERSOH, 66 proprietor. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. B. J. PANNAL. G. 11. HARRELL. Carriage Manufactory. THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in informing the citizens of Jefferson anil adjoining counties, that they have opened a Buggy, W agon —AND— PLOW MANUFACTORY. where work of all descriptions, both new and repairing, will be dune with neatness and dis patch. We are also agents and manufacturers of the celebrated Ham Universal Plow, a specimen of which may be seen at the shop At All time*. Plows of All descriptions made and repaired upon short notice. The celebrated DICKSON SWEEP furnished on demand. HORSE SHOEING done in the neatest and most substantial maimer. Coffins Fnraishod at Short Notice GIVE US A CALL. PANNAL 7k HARRELL, Lonisvillc, Ga. May 5,1871. 1 ts Wilkins & Hopkins HAVE on ham! and are constantly receiving additions to a Weil Selected Slock of Dry Goods, * BOOTS and SHOES, ill Hats, Hats, ano cbries, Hardware <Sbc., «Szjc., Thankful for the liberal patron age already given to them, they re •pcclfully ask a continuance of it. CALL ON WILKINS & HOPKINS, Louisville, Ga, May 5,1871. 1 ts. MeGOWAN & STRATFORD. LOUISVILLE. GA rriAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING JL their patrons and the public generally that they have now on hand CHEAP FOR CASH, a large awortment of Stapli and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WOODWARE, BUCKETS, TUBS dkc-, Ac., Ac., Ac., AMY and all of which will be acid at frilH to Sait Hie Times. <HVB DS A CALL. SBeOewaa 4t Stratford, , Louisville, Ga. May 6,1871. * 1 lyr. BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite Depot, MACON GA. W- F. BROWN & CO., Prop’rs (SaooNsom to E. E. Brown k Son,) wr. Brown. Gio. C. Brown LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. LOUISVILLE, GA. SADDLE —AND— Harness Maker. ALSO, BOOTS tfc SHOES ade o order All work w& rranted and sat isfaction guaranted both as to work and priceg Give me a call. May 5. 187 L 1 fi m .. WARREN <fc IIAYLES; RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, —AND— of every DESCRIPTION. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, "Whit*} G-oods, BOOTS, SLEOBS, -t- Lt CglCkSB atmcfl CSAIVjpSU of the most seasonable styles always found on hand. In connection with our business we have a fine assortment of GROCERIES, which we offer cheap for O -—u3L~S WARREN * HAYLBS. Lonisvillc, Ga May 5, 1871. 1 ts. Look to Your Interest 1 M. A. EYANS & CO. Bartow, Ga-, No. 11, fe. R. JR. Keep on hand the LARGEST AND BEST ( Assortment of Goods, to be found in ibis Section of Coun*> try. Which will be sold LOW FOR CASH- If small Profits and Correct Dealings are properly estimated, This is the Place to Trade. Liberal Prices Given for COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, EGGS AND POULTRY, &c M &c. Don’t forget to Call on M. A- EVANS &CO - Bartow, Ga. n. May 5, 1871. 1 3ni. Agents Wanted. IN Middle and Southwestern Georgia for ;u Mortimer’s “Acme Linen Marker,” and Card Printer, a neat and ingenious tlttle ufslßa£nrl ' for marking all articles of wearing apparel, and for the printing of Business Cards, and; Envelopes neatly and quickly. Liberal terms given to good canvassers. If# humbug. Ad- - dress with stamp, H. W. J. HAM. r.'V\uv-r\i* General Agent, . ‘ . M.y 19. 18,1. . THE TAX BOOKS ARE now open for receiving returns of taxable property, county and State, for the year 1871. These returns include all tan#. ' hie property on hand on the let day of AbriL The books will positively he closed on the Ist of Joly. « m W. mFAY.Taaßeeeiv*. n May 19,1871. Jn,