The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 09, 1871, Image 3

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-■ - ■■' LOOALr ASBTiL Off PAS&N&EB TRAINS AT BAR TOW, C-S B. UP NIGHT PASSENGER arrives. 1.26 A. M. DOWNRIGHT “ “ 16.40 P.M. UP DAY “ “ 12 51 M. DOWN DAY “ 11.10 A. M. Wa vara pleaaad to meet in oor little town tbe other day, Maj. Wm. Wilkins, who Via in fi'M health. The crop# oe (To road leading to OUurk’a Mill are looking very veil, espwoially the “grass.” which was mw mqm. grifertplnf, ■,.?, -* P Omni Oreen nas been nutnceuvcring his forces finely in this Motion. Some farms look very much Ml the grass had been and drawn np in line, defying the farm murith bis free negro and hoe. For particulars of the picnic at Clark’s Mill on Friday see the common ieation from “Observer” which we fully endone, though it is rather hard on the young men, but we Acfcrfo"tbiy' can stand itt ' We call attention to the card of Messrs. John Vogt Sc Cos., of New York, Paris, and Hamburg, that appears in this issue. They deal extensively in wane of foreign importation, and have a vary extensive business. To the Public. Dr. J. W. Cooly will be in Louisville about two weak longer, before he goes wort* fX thrrSWfoer. * All m has commenced work for and not fin lshed, had batter call on him without dc. for- m Webs Ur's Unabridged Dictionary.— This is beyond doubt the Lest and most complete dictionary of the English lan-. gnage ever pnblished. The labor and research bestowed by the editors in its' revision are apparent on every page. On the whole, as a dictionary? and re pository of usefuf ip format ion it stands without a rival. £-:i -its ..fill witfT ’i.lei/r.Vi , 0A t 8 • We were shown by Mr. Farier, a bnnehof oats that grew on Mr. N. liar men’s farm, near No. 12 C. R. U , that measured 6 feet 9 inches. jq hejfiht, hav ing a head well 'filled, 22 inches long ; the stalks wefe Very large and fine. The seed were of a peculiar kind. W* understand that ty> > intends |o nve all the seed and dispose of to his farming iriends. m ju... . ... < f Cotton. A few days ego, business ‘dafftd us in' A* vfefoity of Bartow, where we on one of our old friends, that has the ftpifeatioaof bring tfNwM firmer. We yfow of ‘Mkwelf cnltlfrat ed t farm,and took ono stalk of cotton meas taalkg £4 iechenfrour the eorfaoe to the topeseet sprig. . There were eeverhl oth er stalks that had Mas forme bet Were not quite so tall On the same farm he has 30 acres of waters!stenlfcthat ard looking fine. US and the aarronnding corn crops are do ing well. IW I" I* I 1.1 Ji !:>'] Oj Btf'l )i COMMUNICATED. Ma. Editor : —Please allow me thro’ yonr columns to make an appeal in be half of at least a fourth of our citizens, ta our "Worthy City Fathers,” to have another public well dug in the centre of tka square where Market street and Herring Pond Avenue oross. It is en tirely unnecessary tor me to attempt to Row them the importuned ahduik&siAy of u well at this point, (or that is easily perceived and universally acknowledged by all. To say nothing of the advan tages to be derived from this well, both by the public and private families, I would base my appeal npon the point of “fair play and ao gouging.” Here yje a r regular town tax, a, large portion of which to annually expended on thp well on Broad Street, who never, per haps, doling the year, drank a drdp bf water. And what in worse still, every time one of them want a Atnlf Os frdsb they are forced 13*40** it, stniply befofose oid moth# earth does not see fit to direct one of her watery arteries through their respeettva lots. Now I ask ia “ Toting sysa t the io- |nd fqjjare of all the citizens st baarti why not oontribute to the interest of all alike 1 Let us have the tvell, for Rpillnot only be a’behefiHti fhat'ieb- Uoa, hot an oraament to onr already beautiful little town. I am pleased to see new horse-racks going«p » frontff tboPost Qffia»; as they have been needed there for some time, principally from the iaot that onr worthy yeung friends Paunat & Harrell were in danger of loosing the gable end of their establishment every time a tirazy nigger with a country mole, oy A fait young man with wild horse hitched to thole beautiihf rustic posts Wet are ao ornamental to Undo Sam’s Postal Department. By Os Port Qfieep, ft,reminds me of mails, i 2s IT merenanm sue barncSS men generally do not-petUiou to the Department t o give ua a daily mail 1 We certainly deserve it, end could get if s move wee -made in the right dgectiou. Imt those beH iIOV’U all give a push. Give us your opinion npon the well and mail question. Truly yours, SIM. COtIMBNIciTRD. ' Mn. Editor Having heard consid erable complaint of cholera among hogs, ji would like, for. tbe benefit of nil inter eStal in the subject, to givethVm an i n . fallible remedy for this common bat fa tal disease, based upon the experience of a lady, whose success in bog raising has been unprecedented. The presence of the disease may be noted, Ist, by e failure of the hog to eat. 2nd, by a dis position m Nmaia quiet ajid alone with a want of energy and a proneness to sleep, accompanied with fever ; the pres ence of which msy he safely calculated npon, by its short and quick respiration. When these symptoms appear, you may safely bet yow parity has the cholera ; lKWtocdy f<F which may be found in the following simple prescription : Two table spoonsful of Laudanum poured down the throat night and morning, will cure the worst case, ouly two doses being sufficient. The Laudanum is easily procured end more easily administered; therefore let alt those who have sick hogs, try the remedy, and perhaps it will hare more to do with the reduction of the price of bacon than all the redneed freight tariffs combined. R. J. P. Louisvii.le, Ga., June 8, 1871. Another lot of'those cheap Slippers for ladies’ and gentlemen’s wear, only SI.OO per pair. McGOWAN & STRATFORD. ” Jnne 6, if. Cheap for Cash, A Large Lot of fine Spring and Summer Prints. WILKINS & HOPKINS. Wanted. In exchange for she Subscription pride to the News & Farmer, anything in the way of chickens, butter, eggs, &c., for which the market price will be allowed. ts. A large assortment of Shoes, all /Styles* just received at ' 4tf • WAtfftEN &HAYLES. i— - < . A fine lot of Fancy Groceries, con stantly arriving at 4tf ' WARREN A HAYLES. Peas! Peas!! ‘ A large lot oi goodfidd pew, on head and for McGowan 4 stratford. ' May I*9, lßf i We do not suppose there ever was an arti cle so universally popular and commended as a family medicine as Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid- ,We havg never yet heard any one say a word against it, but all speak inlts favor. ' : ; From the Southern Recorder. A heavy etorm of nia and wind oh Friday evening blsvr down ft»p«aa, broke off limbs and nprooted trees considera bly. No serious damage resulted. *i HegfyryaJiFthiye xr daily for nearly two weeks- If this state of the weather continnes long, bateaux will be broujjb^, in to requisition instead of Great quantities of fish continue to be taken m the Oconee and tributary waters near this city. They are selling at abont the rate of two dollars per ■Bushel, there being too many of them to sell by the pound. A beaver was killed on the shoals near Treanor’s Mill in this place. He was., fishing on tip . rocks, and was qat (off from the dee| water, and knock ed oh We head hy the nihermen who brought their prize np into town. We are informed that the Milledge rille Base Ball Glab has aocepted a challenge to play the “Central City” Club of Macon; but unices we have fair weather for the next three days, it will be impossible to um the grounds, as they ura foi the rivet bottom, end have been fooded for a week. A few days ago, a fine shad was ta hen in tbh river at this place with a hook Ce excited considerable attention, w this, ta the &st (un of taken wmr-'yrW* heretofore 'thsHghtf-rtaC/fnly means of catching ! sbf£in these waters. Up to the timerAf ear;lsataoripe af |hn, crops proSMCts, everything was do ing finely* bnttne floods of rain since that time have greatly altered the as pect of affairs. Many farmers are dis couraged, and have given up their en tire crops as a failure. A great deal of the cotton has been drowned out, and that which remains, is overrun with grass, fjome hace plowed op the cotton kmd anted instead, peas or com. Very little cotten will he made with the pres ent prospects. Corn looks very fine, in fact top fine. The rain has caused it to ’rtfoYigfVapidly, and the 'stalks Are too sappy to stand s drought. Li gbting has Boon doing some damage in this vicinity recently. On last Monday a Ires on the lot of Dr. Green of the Asylum, was struck and a horse nndar neath was killed. The next afternoon thd Augusts road depot Was struck, and Aohsidctible damage resulted. Strik ing the northern end of the warehouse, the current ran down, tearing off the planks, jessing through the Beer, and killing a calf that had taken refuge un derneath. Several persons were in the house at the time, but fortunately they •soaped unhurt. - ■ i,°u. Sobthera Recorder. A Terrible Shootioj; Affray! i land to Hand Erunnier. ; rOTO NENSHOT nr THS NELEB. Two sf ms Farty rscsiva seven Wounds; Os the ether, IOST. PABKEK IBOTSHTI.T IILLIB. ’ [ COEONXE’S QWJEST-JVSTIFIABIS EON ! >*' : CISE. .. Statement of tha Whole A&ir. Just in the edge of Wilkinson county is a little cross-road grocery, rejoicing in the euphonious title of Liekskil let, kept by a Mr. Davis. On Friday evening last, this plaoe was the scene of a fatal encounter between several men of that eounty. Mr. Daniel Tucker Jr., passing along the road iu the direction of the grocery, saw Jack Parker in con versation with some negroes iu the em ploy of the former. Nothing however wa ß said by either until they met some hours afterwards at the grocery. Mr. Tucker then DEMANDED AN EXPLANATION of what Parker meant by talking to his negroes, thinking that perhaps Par ker wished to induce them to leave Mr. T’a employ. HIGH-WORDS were the result, a quarrel eosued, and with threats they separated. Jack Par ker going off about half-a-mile after his brother, Rob’t. Parker. After a while the two Parker broth, ers returned ARMED TO THE TEETH, and made an attack upon Mr. Tucker; He was STRUCK WITH A STICK by one of the brothers, the blow at his bead being arrested in its descent by his left arm. The other then fired at him, THE BALI, ENTERING HIS LEFT CHEEK just below the eye. He then- drew bis pistol, wfaieli contained only 3 loads; be ing disabled in the left arm by the blow of the stick, he cocked the weapon by pulling it against bis side. Just at the moment that Tucker commenced firing DaVis the keeper of the grocery, rnshed out to separate 1 the combatants, and save Tucker’s life. The Parkers immediately f BEGAN TO FIRE UPON DAVIS, knowing that he was a friend of Tnck er’s. Davis then drew Bis pistol and gan to shoot alsb. All this transpired ini about a minutb’s time, , and it to imposssblo to state who fired the fetal Ahots but of the dozen bullets fired, v ‘ EIGHT TOOK EFFECT ; three entered Mr. Davis’ body, four Mr. Tucker’s, and one pierced the heart of JJobt. Parker, insjanti.y. Jack Parker, between whom and Tucker tbe disagreement originated. TOOK TO HIS HEELS, and while running off Mr- Davis snatch ed np a shot gun loaded with bird shot, and ponred the contents into him.' The shot were too small (o ;injure him seri ously, merely peppering him a little. MR. TUCKER’S WOUNDS. < Beside the ball already spoken of as entering the cheek of Mr. Tucker, du* ring the subsequent part of the fight, ; THREE OTHER '^XLLS took effect upon biin, obe entering his ldft shoulder, where it lodged, one pass ing through the fleshy .part of the left arm above the elbow, and another thro’ the palm of the left hand. He is badly wounded, bnt not seriously. MR. DAVIS’ WOUNDS, though dangerous are not thought mor tal; All thrtw basts pasted THROUGH his htfs, two passing thro'ngh his body, and the third lodging in the right kidney. He was able to sit up on Monday morning and is thought to be recovering. The Coroner’s Jury gave in a verdict of JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE, in the oxse of Messrs. Tucker and Davis. Robert Parker who had nothing to do with originating'the affray, but mere ly came with his brother, was the vie tim of this terrible tragedy, the other brother escapfag comparatively intact. All the shooting was doho in a nar row passage abont four feet, by twelvq, which was so filled with smoke that nothing could be seen, - Borne of; the wounds seem to have been inflicted by antagonists in the most unaccountable: positions, some 'balls ranging directly npward, and others in tbe Opposite direc tion; ;i - • It appears that for a moment or two the scene was one of kdlF a dozen inch down in a senffle for life, each firing in •very conceivable-direction. The Par kers seem to have beyn cooler than their antsgontots, as seven of .their shots took effect, while only one front the other •party was accurately aimed, causing the deatli of Hr. Robert Parker. - ' j.i.Wl » W: —: Anew brand of whisky, made in Rob ertson county, Kentucky, has been nam ed “Zaeh Chandler.” It is said to be ferty-rod liquor, 'sada' dead shot every time at that dliUace. f C O M M ti M flWßPff*** 2 ***** 1 Meurs. Editors t It seems oar people have just awakened to the fast that there ia pleasure to be mww at pie niea, and to a heart that loves naUro,Hher« to noth ing more delightfri than to spend e day j amid her rich treasnvee. The heart ia lifted up ‘'through 'nature to nature’s God,” and in reverenoe we do homage to so bountiful a being. Last Friday we attended a picnic given at Clerk’s Mill, a noted place for its beautiful scenery, smooth pond, elegant dinners, handsome girls sad ngly youog men, (asking their pasdoo. bnt 1 must tell the troth,) and as is usually ths case, the whole affair was a complete snbsess. There was ’uothidg to mar the pleasure of the day, not even tbe little sprinkle of rain that rousted the people and made them seek shelter in the mill-house, (or it served only to bring tha young folks into a closer tete a-tete; and I’m of the optniou that that half hour waa fully im proved by some, and the lightning glan ces flashed from bright - eyes upon the sterner sex, told Mem, if one eould judge from the fluttering of the vest that eov ers that part of the body known as the heart—and the future I have no doub will reveal more. On account of the rain, the table was spread in the church belonging to the colored being kindly tendered by some of its members; and pnek a dinner would do credit to an Emperor. Tbe table fairly groaned under .its weight of good thiugs, and judging from tbe e mount some disposed of, I think He mer its was duly appreciated. I am Confi dent some of those gentlemen skipped a meal in order to “make room, ” and the rich, ruby lips of the ladies also smacked in contentment, as they elosed ever cakes, piicklee, fish, &c., Ac. I noticed several gliding with their beaux over the smooth waters of the pond, and fomfd one gentleman deelare if be only haditto “girl” out there l —obstinate little tiring— he’d keep her there until she said “yes, sir,” to a certain question he had pro pounded. If she was of the opinion- of someone l know, it would be quite un necessary to take her out or ths water and threaten to drown bw, after one look into his dsrh ayes, ths all impor taps. question could be satisfactorily an swered on dry fond; bat of oourae. “ma ny men of many minds, tea , See. < Too much cannot be said in praite of the ladies in that section in the way they conduct a public entertainment. Warm er hearted people Cannot bi‘ found any where in the State, I’m sure. There Was a little target shooting, bat ao very good sh.qts; and I noticed a few engaged in fishing. Those whose poles were “named,” Jam told were generally successful; let us Fisk them the same luck on land. A short time after dinner, tha efonds looking like they bad just as sock dock ns as not, we all took onr way homeward’, fully’satisfied with the day’s enjoyment, each determined to “go again,” provided wo receive an invitation. , Respectfully, OBSERVER. • -ri ' Cholera jecreating quite a large death rate in St. Petersburg. A great many people have died already—among them Pflnce.George of Oldenburg—and it is feared (be epidemic may spread still,more with the wariifi weather. * ’ '. married;,^ At the residence of the bride’s fether on the Ist inst., by the Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. M. D. Cases, of this county to Him F. A. Favca l of Richmond county. j obituary died on the 31st of June, of Typhoid fever, Julia Virginia Bavles, only daughter of John H. and Margaret Hayles, aged sixteen. J set. as her life’s sun began to paint witfirocy luster the clouds, on heir future horizon, our lovefy little darling was taken from' diV aCd like a ■broken lily, alUMadan with the ttonsy dew of morning; aba: lay puroj and calm In death. She only Dnadedhare to M transplant tod by angels’ hands'to ' that Maid where there U no dyinv, but- when all ic atonal life and joy. Asa daughter she was loving ] tender and dntifbl, as ia niter fond and deating, as a friend ail that was kind and affectionto, and (he bright sunbeam that gladden bar now darkened home. Though our idol has been shattered, yet theticbe whore it stoodls still, there naroFtoibe/Kfitad, and as wkstood by her bed-side watching onr fraffjsnaas she waded through the cold river of death, wo felt comforted, knowing that over 4* fee “eth er side” we should, meat her after a ftrt tort* days of separation, there never, never moat to part. We have nowa golden link me should draw our hearts nearer to heaven, and let us each, parents, brothers, and live that, “When our summons comes ti join the innumerable caravan, that moves to that mysterious realm, where each shall take his chamberiathe silent hall of death. We go not. like the quarry slave at night, scourged to his dungeon; but sustained and soothed. By an unfaltering trust, approach our gsavasf UW one who draws the drapery of hfa couch aboat him, and his down to pleasant dreams.*’ Into the keeping of tha silent tomb we leave onr. loved one, feelgMt WScould notfoiva to earth a more precious .chime. Dust'to dust! We lay her in the groocd and from, hat fair and unpolltttod <l»h, raay vioMts Wring latest Markets Liverpool, June, 7 p. M Cotton firm; Uplands, BJd; B ? J ’ new York, Jam, !7 * *J ‘j?;i Co’ ton dtall; Sales 1,800 bales Uplands 19 Jo. . !<> ** ’7l ??..V , savannah, June 7 p. u. Cotton, Light demand; Middlings 18$. AUGUSTA, JOB* “l* P. M. Cotton 18|«. >4 Dluwj Macon, Jbna, Cotton Light domaad, Mldditog; Hfo. Milledgeville Jnon 7, P'. Cotton 17. . . . -a-aK -fIT Gold buying, 1 M|ig rtiilin§ilfi- , .;v,. Silver. «! MKt. M, IQS J ',.0-mdid woda ~~'iwir if I fflnuurrjn i. . -wkmh . wcw fluWnrertP BI8» 8 O’OLOdK.' - . T34w. (hOflC A paid— Jhy I (j Male or Female Agents—H'-rae And outfit furnished. Address, Baeo Novelty Cos.. Saco. Up. l) 73 4 W SCHOOL TEACHERS Wanting EmpU>n»nt at fromf.">o to SHKJ (>er aJJ'esa Zieglct *• Agents Look' fSTtofarTpor day. Easy'genteel ft artd profitable '-basinea*. A littfe novelty which everyboody wants. Soc cess flare. Send for circulars. Churchill A Templeton; Man a, fil'> B'dway. Nr 4w IS IS JiU humbug: By tending 35 Cent* with age, height, etlpr of eyes add hair, voewif teceive, by return mail, a correct picture or veur future husband or wife, with aame and. date of marriage. Address, W Fox, F O Draw er No. 24. Fuhouville. N Y. 73 4w I A PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA Wltli grfiei Tea Flavor. Warranted to Suit all Tastes- FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. And for sale Wholesale only by the Great Atlantic $ Pacific Tea Cos. P. 0. Box, 5506, Church St.N. T. Send for Thee-Neetar Circular. 73 4w. Free To Book Agents T A pocket Prospectus ol the Illustrated Fans Uy Bible, published in both English and Gen man, containing Bible History of Religions Sent free on application. W. FLINT A CO. 2« South 7th St, Phil*., Pa. 73 4w. W" ANTED—-AGENTS, (S2U per d.y> u> spll the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the under-feed makes the “lack tlitek ” (alike on both aides,) and is fully licensed The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Ad dress, JORNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Lottis, Mo. 73 4w. S2BB IS 16 DAYS Made by one Agent. Do you want a situation an salesman at or near home to make $5 to S2O ,p«r day selling oar now 7 strand White Wire Clothes Line to last for ever. Sample line. Address Hudson River Wire Works, 13 Mai den lAne, cor. Water St. N Y or 16 Dear bon- St. Chicago. 73 3w ,j baa lb»*»M—sa am* wftntlw nLtvre rfiglffr MTB^>—_ 1 REDUCTION OP PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES- Great Saving to -.: J Consumers. nJBJEQfIUMKSCL, WtsSjßCOmyp»yLconuaoing lejyirections mak ing a large saving to cpusuipers and remunera tive to Club oi-gduirer* ‘ THE GHRAT AMERICA* TEA COM PANY- - 31 & S3 Yestpy Streets P.0.80x5643 NewYo-k. 73 4w. JURUBOA. WHAT IS IT It is a sore and perfect rpmpdy for all did eases ot the Liver and Spleen-,' SniargMEent* orDttltrucUouO' Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs Poverty ora- want of Blood; intermittent'or Remittent Feve-s, In fiamattonof the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish Cir culation o' tbe Blood, Abscesses, Tumorp, Jaundice, Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Ague 4k Fe ver or their Concomitants-. .V:I?r! ■' Dr. Wells having become atthfß of the ej traordinsry medicinal properties of South American Plant, called mvniA, Main special oommistion to that- country to procure if in iU nrtive poritsL apd having found its wond( rful currtive properties to even exceed the an'dpatfona formed- by ite greet reputation,has concluded M eCM if,fo the pnl lie, and is happy to state that he has perfected arrangements fork regular monthly supply eg this wonderful Plant, Bo haw spent matt time experimenting and. investigating as to the most efficient prep.-rallonfrom it, foi pop ular uuo. end has for feme time uoed’u his own prsejee wi th most happyresult* the effec tual medicine now presented to tbe public as Dr. Wells' Extract oj Jurubeba, and be confidently recommends it 4# every family as a household remedy wbfek sbocld fortify all w«®Ml Lyuiphatie-tomperumertta. JOHN Q KELLOGG, Flbtt Stl, »ow York, Bole Agent for the United Sfete*. Psice One Dollsr per bottle Send ter Circn ■hcr <; e l; i !-i,f .»f;i'Wy3 It <93 4w. Jefferson STieriff SSlle* CteOBGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY. hundred BMhefoofQ^M^t^OT. porior Court of said county in favor af Jokfi Walker vs. Boston Footer, This Muy 25 1871, P. H. SMlfd, Deputy Sheriff. ’June 4.1871. '‘”*'6 7t. KJBORGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.' re'vj . Wbttieau. fcpows Q. C. D. Brown, (Msvdi.n for Mattie Wqigham, now Mattie Vaughn, applied tomeforLetter* Dismisaory from said imatts!- nt *♦' •• 64* I'fitl <M sm:;wrtx» Const of Ordinary, to be held at LoairvMT*, for said county, on the first Monday in Judy nut, and file their objections ia.RwUiuf.:.u •ay they have, why said letter* should not be , iTibartc wsnwcnT) "■ia4w.w.^* t , w "*”^" i W o3oraTnnirCin3^orßioicneßSp^^m?lS vmi rhamwatim, and sHskin T diseatus; "fa# entereh.Sora nfottth, Bast throat,-Apfitfrii? a,. WwtnW Curative Meta Thsyaxa not true Fancy Brtak, Hade of Peer Sue, WSMur. WreeC Spirit# aa4 SalWe T If asm. doetered. rplced indsweeteud toptetM tbe tarns, eaUtd •‘Toatca'—Appetheis." “BMorenW *c.. th«tliu4Swtlfpl«roatoilninr»»n«wsaSruiß.bßter« a true Medicine, made from the neUre roots sad herbs of Calilornls, Sree Sea an AleeheUc SUae. lasts. They si* the SMUT BUMS WTOI riEB ut a lire si vise psiiciple, , a perfect Beaoveler sad Inrlssralor of the Syetom, csrrylnf off til potsooions matter and reatbriae the blood to a healthy condition. No person ean taka theta Bit ters accordJnff te direction*, and remain kaw unwell, provided their bones ere not destroyed by mine ret poUou or ether mesas, sad the vital organs waited beyond the point of repair. They are a Geatlo Parsatlve tewaUetn TaaSe, poaealns also, the peculiar merit of sctlnf an s powerful asent In NliaTlns ConseaUon or Inflam matron of the Liver, and all the visceral Oisana FOB NBKAIJE OOMPLAIXU, whether la yonac or old, married orelofle, at tbe dewn of woman, hood or it the turn of Ufa, these Tonic Bitters have he raw InSanMaatlrx aad Chraale Tiimh 8m «S Oaas, Syesayde ar ladlsarflea, Unmae. UimlldniiS aad latermluaat Fa. vasa. tha Bleed, Liver, Kid. »ay« aad ■ladder, them Ulttare have been mod ■ncceafSL Bath USeaaiee are etneedby TUStetad Ulaad, which it ceneraUy prod Seed by denotement of the U%estiva Ovwaae. BTSKMIA os mraunoi, Bead ache, Fata in the Shoulders, Cousin, Tightness af the Cherf, Dtzsluess, SouriKrucUUon* of the Stomach. AM Taste ht the Month, BUlous Attaetat PslpltnUonof the Heart, Inflammation of the Lunfs, Pain In the rvgions of At Kidneys, and n hundred other palnfsl symptoms era the otfrprlngs of Dyrpspeta. They tovigorete As stomach end aUmulate the torpid Ldver tad Bowels, which render them of unco salted •meaty la cleenslnf As blood of all impurities, aad Im part og new life and vigor to the whole system. VOX HUB miEASKS, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Fheure, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Both, Cap baneles, Btog Worms, Scald Head. Sore Eyas, Erysipel as, Itch, Senrfr, Dlocolorations of Ac Skin, Humors aad INannsss of tbs SUa, of whatever name or nature an lltonlly dug tip and carried out or Ae system la n short time by the use of then Bitten. One bottle la inch eaang will convince the most Incredulous of their emo tive effects. BgaS&aas3gs. S2? b!SS? ,WI “ ,nt * sr “ m frem *W«> «Se SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. f. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MCDONALD A CO., Druggistsand Gen. Agents. San Pranelaeo, Callfornlg, ' SBdSlaad St Commerce Street, Now Tort r> n May 13,1871, 70 ly. «ET THE BEST. Webster’s Unabridged 3»XOTIONAR7. UMO wordi and meaning* not in other L i ttionariei. 3000 Engroviagi. 1840 PsgM Quito. Pries tU Glad so add my teitimony in it* favor. Preg’t Walker, of Rarvvd. T? very scholar knows its value. JLi W. H. Prescott, tbe Historian, fllhe most complete Dictionary of the Lan- X gunge. Dr. Dick, of Bsotltad. rfihe best guide of stodeoti of our langaagv. A, t f t Johs.o. Whittior. He Bill transmit his name to latest posterity. Chancellor Kent. TUymological parts surpasses anything by Pi earlier laborer*. George Bancroft. Ttearing relation to language Principia doe* 0 to -Philonophy. Elihu Burritt. 4?*cell» all other* in defining scientific terms! Pi President Hitchcock, gofv a.I know, bet defining PfatoMjty^ Tike it altogether, the *urpn**ing work. Smart, the English Orthoapist. - A necessity ter every inteffigrnt family, student, teacher and professional man. Whit Library is complete without the heft English DiOtfonaryf nr ALSO Vibitar’s HtUosal PieUrUl Bietlmrj. 10M Pages Outevo. 600 Engraving*. Print |6 Tbe work Is reals a gem of Dictionary.'just tbe thing for tbe million.—‘-Amertcan Educa tional Moathly.'' • ■ . Published by G.&C. MERBIAM, Spring field Mass. Bold by all Booksellers. n May 26,1W1, 4 3t. CHANGE OFBCBEDULE. 6 -too * M4kßO»* AUGUSTA B. B, y.i ..iitelih n , PAMBIMfeB TRAINS GOING ... {L EAIT DAILY. Leave Macon BL.—. .eii.;... ...6.30 a. a. Arrive at Milledgavilla..-. .-i 8.17 a.m. “ **8p«rta.........~«.-. 924 a. as. ' *• ? H * , 'Won*ot6n. 1029 *. x. Arrives at Mil*.... 1 -.11.45* AlSutK WUh UP tr “ n °“ °*° r A»fr* at TO wrnrrtar —** ' J - KAfI&EYfiEM TWAINS > GOING ' WG*T ~WAIteT. ij^kd1kiwAiU...............112M m. Em' Ukteak ....3,09p. m. HiireistXsnsim ....3.18 p. m. BrtiWs <Sm»k-.. ..Trr.. :....a.15 a. on Ariivaa *Wifrentoo.. :..6J5*. m. •<< * Sparta... 900 a. m. -nT m sa. fciii p. m. BgltßilUMtOl N O EAST -TVBSWAT, IWmiBAY AND i SttTGWWIM- ; ■. * “ “ Bpartae.k... 11.51 a.m. ■* M Warrenton.. :....1.56 p. m. . * “ Camak.....226 p. m. leva) svi ,i- oaA . mjLWdiati HorsE ’' - “'Yrkrai tfticrw ahn Utah* Haiti -vrt ’o'vfnjiT v 4m4 <»* UiJri.ii"dCL '"'f -i diaati «1« umm ■*: • f ' - .Mntt» Butt Bmgie——^2Ao uJNWMyiteu AU .1 Try fio la^^MLgWasrego, I ■ uiili i ' LOUISVILLE AD\ ERTIBEMENTB. R. J. PANNAL. G. H. HARRELL. Carriage Manufactory. &££. TIHE UNDERSIGNED Ukes pleasure in informing the citizens of Jefferson and adjoining cuuutioa, that they have opened a Buggy, W agon -AND— PLOW MANUFACTORY, where work of all descriptions, both new and repairing, will bo done with neatnoai and dis patch. We are alto agents and manufacturers of the celebrated Ham Universal Plow, a specimen of which may be teen at the shop at all times. Plows of *ll descriptions made and repaired upon short notice. The celebrated DICKSON SWEEP furniuhed on demand. HORSE SHOEING done in the neatest and most substantial manner. Oolns Tarnished at Short Notice. GIVE US A CALL. PANNAIe * HABBELL, Lonlswiße. Ga. May 5,1871. Its Wilkins & Hopkins HAVE on hand and are constantly receiving additions to a Well Selected Stock of Dry Goods, *L BOOTS and SHOES, ffa Hats, Hats, ... . - :. 1. Hardware &0., «&0., Thankful for ihe liberal patron age already given to them, ibey re spectfully ask a continuance of it. CALL ON - ,!>!.! -,i . WILKINS A HOPKINS, Lwisville, Ga, i War fi. wi. .' i if. fey ■- MeGOWAN & STRATFORD. IiOTJXSVILUE. Q-Ai- Take plbabubb in informing their patroas and Oa pubjic generally that they have now an hand X . ■ CHEAP FOB CASH, a large aaacmntentaf -A w- ; - * .*. 'Jt?, ill.// •: ‘ r u.. •. .-v IM> fiad Yaaey Biy Mk, , ! <J <>J ■ ! • GROCERIES, CLOTHING. ■r ' BABDWABB, ■ t CUTLERY, WOODWABB. buckhts, Tubs Ao., Ac., Ac., a«„ a^dMisrWftLhwin b«f^ Wrtooa to Mlt tha Ttattt.'' • QIYS US A GALL. * - * tea ».■#.. SqREVaSSf;jHOUK&. ■■ aAVANNAU OX, -■» T.s. WfiKtßiGßa g»- Itm Iftte nEi iißituni v, W: "™ nr; ,