The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, November 10, 1871, Image 1

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THE JEFFERSON NEWS & FARMER. Vol. 1. the Jefierson News & Farmer B Y HARRISON to ROBERTS: A LIVE FIRST CLASS "Weekly IST ewspaper FOR THE Farm, Garden, ants Fireside 3?u.blish.ed. Every Friday Morning AT LOUISVILLE, O A TERMS $2 §0 PER ASJiUJI IS ADVANCE RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 year. 6 months, 8 months. ! 4 weeks. 1 week. SQUARES 1 1.76 6.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 I 2.00 7.00 16.00 2800 40.00 7 3.60 9.00 26.00 36.00 60.00 5 ! 4.00 12.00 28.00 40.00 60.00 icoll 6.00 15.00 34.00 60.00 75.00 icoli 10.00 26,00 60.00 80.00 120.00 lcol| 20.00 60.00 80.00 ?120 00 160.00 •LOCAL ADVERTISING. Ordinary's, —QiUtions tor letters ot adninist»*ti<fe, guardianship, &c. 4* 3 00 Hjmestead notice...., - 00 Application tor dism’n from adin’n.. 000 Application (or disirfn ofgnard’n.... 350 Application for leave to sell Land 5 00 Notice to Debtors and Creditors.... 300 Sales of Land, per square of Len lines 500 Sale of personal per sq.. ten days.... 150 Sheriff’s— Eaell levy often lines,.... 250 Mortgage sales of ten lines or less.. 500 Tax Collector’s sales, (2 months 5 00 Clerk's— Foreclosure of mortgage and other rfionthly's, per square 1 00 Esttay notices,thirty days.. 3 00 Sales of liand, by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardiaus, are required, by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hears of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court house in the county in which the property s situated. Notice ot theso sales must be published 40 days previous to the day of sale: Notice for the sale of personal property mutt t>e published 10 days previous to sale day. Notice to debtors and creditors, 40 day Notice that application will be made of the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, 4 weeks. Citations for letters of Administration, Guardianship, <te., must be published 30 dismission from Administration, nonthly six months, for dismission from guar iisnsbip, 40 days. Buies for foreclosure qf Mortgages mnst be published monthly for four months —for sstahUshingloSt papers, for the- full space oj \\m* months— foreowpaUittg titles fromEx icutors or Administrators, where bond has seen given by the deceased, the full space of three-months’; Application lor: Homestead to be published twice in the space of ten consecutive days. LOUISVILLE CARDS. K.W. Carswell, W. F. Denny. Carswell & Denny, attorrevs AT I,aw, LOUISVILLE, GEORGIA, ITTILh practice in all Courts in the Middle V V Circuit. All business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. Nov, 3.27 ly ' H. W, J. HAM, ATTORNEY AT EAW, LOUISVILLE,.......GEORGIA, OFFICE in Court House, second floor.— Will practice in Middle and Augusta Circuit. Refers, by permission, to prominent mem. bers of the Jefferson Bar. Nov. 3, 27 ts j (j. CAIN J. E. PQLHILL. CAIN i POLHILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOUISVILLE, GA. May 5,1871. 1 U'- T. F. HARLOIT watca Maker —AND— ihbpaiirer, Xionisvillo, Qa SpBCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN to reno vating and repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SEWING MACHINES &c„ &c. Also Agent for the best Sewing Machine that is made- May 5,1871. 1 *7” DR. I. U. POWELL, . LOUISVILLE, GA. Thankful fob the patronage enjoyed heretofore, takes this method of con tinuing the offer of his professional services to patrons and fiiends. Maygjari- 1 , 1 lyr - MEDICAL. rvs J.B. SMITH late of Sandersville Ga., U m,. bit Professional services to the ctifewSbflshriwille, and- Jefferson county. An experience -of nearly forty years nl e profession, should entitle him *\ Pu k' 10 . <??"' hdtnee- Special aUMrtumpajd t« Obstetrics and tbe diseases of women and children. o*' flee at Mrs. Doctor Millers. t*ouiav|lle June 20,1871, Btf. Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga., Friday, November 10, 1871. New Advertisements. Dissolution —OF— cmamxmsam The Copartnership heretofore ex isting between the undersigned, un der the firm name of SAMUEL M. LEDERER & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual con- S(> Messrs ISAAC M. FRANK and FUSTAVE ECKSTEIN are alone authorized to settle the affairs ol tbe late 6rm, collect all moneys due, and sian in liquidation. SAM’L M. LEDERER, I. M. FRANK, GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN > Savannah, July ISth, 1871. Copartnership Notice. The undersigned have this day associated themselves together as Partners for the transaction of a General DRY GOODS business in the City of Savannah, under the firm name of FRANK & ECKSTEIN, AT 131 BROUGHTON ST., where they will continue to carry an extensive stock ot 3 A IP IL ® AND i Ik % % MI ©OOBS AND I0?1 8 I X . Possessing facilities to purchase G oo ds in the Northern Markets on the very best terms, will contin ue to offer such INDUCEMENTS as will make it the interest of buyers to deal with us. Thanking you for the kind favors bestowed On the late firm, we re spectfully solicit your patronage in future. Also an early examination of our slock and prices. Yours respectfully, FRAAK & ECKSTEIN. 131 Broughton St- Parties desiring to send orders for Goods or Samples of Dry Goods will find them promptly attended to by addressing P. O. BOX 38, Savannah, Ga. August 18, ly. n B. J. Durant, Jr. W.D. Wapks J. Myers Davant, Waples <fc CO., FACTORS —AND— commission merchants, BAY STBEET, SAVANNAH, GA. August 15,4 m. rn PROSPECTUS °P THE ATLANTA CONSTITLIKP) ‘ DAILY AND WEEKLY. A DGmOCRIATC JOURNAL. Published st the CftpJUl of Georgia, and the Official Paper of the County and City. A NEWSPAPER For all classes, Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers. Mechanics mud ethers. Thw Constitntio pos sesses #*peri*r advantages for giving full in formation of the doings of the Mato Govern ment. It contains full reports of Legislative Proceedings, and ot the Supreme Court, the Reporter of the Court being exclusively en mured by The Constitution. Full reports giv ing the meetings of the State Agricultural Society The Lsgrsinure will soon meet. TS CdR&SWN&ENCE DEPARTMENT Is a speciality, Its corps of Special Corres nondents in the United States and Europe is large, having been engaged at great expense. The actings of the General Government, es necialty es tbo United States Congress, arc famished by a Special Washington Corres nondent. Forthe benefit of Lady Readers, the celebrated “Jinnix Junk has been em ployed, and sends monthly lashion Letters from New York. , The Proprietors also announce with great satisfaction, that they have made arrangements for EDITORIALS AKBORIGINIL CONTRIBUTIONS Upon Politics, Literature and other topics, from leading minds of the couutry. The Constitution is known pre eminently fbritt unceasing exposure of the corruptions ot the Radical Parly In Georgia, and tor waging sleepless war upon the enemies of the people and the State, refusing and utterly repudiating official patronage, and throwing itself for sup port solely upon the people. W. A. HEMPHILL and E. Y. CLARKE, I. W?AVERY, and E. Y. CLARKE, Politica Editor*. . W. A. HEMPHILL, Busioet* Manager. We also.liave News and Local Editors. THE CONSTITUTION Is tlieLergert Daily now published in Georgia. Its circulation is Urge, and_ increasing {every day. It is a SPLENDID MEDIUM FOR ADVER TISERS. DAILY, (Per Annum.) $lO 00 “ (Six Months.) fOO •' (Three Months,) \SO “ (One Month,) 100 WEEKLY, (Per Annum,) 2 to THE JOB DEPARTMENT Os The Cenetitution is prepared to fill orders for Circulars, Cards, BiU-Heads, Books, Pam ffiss^’^L^HlLLACO., Sep. 9, 87 ts p n a r it Atlanta, Ga. Are re pectfally solicited for the erection of a MONUMENT TO TUB Confederate Dead of Georgia, And those Soldiers from other Confederate The Corner is proposed shall be laid on the 4th ot July, or so soon thereafter as th Fqr every Five dollars subscribed, there wil be lived a certificate of Life Membership t the Monumental Association. This certificate will entitle the oWher thereof to an equal inter est in the following property, to be distributed as Soon as requisite number of shares are sold, First!* Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land in Lincoln county, Georgia, on which are the well-known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, val- Bed - 5150,000 And to Seventeen Hundred and Fortv-Four Shares iti One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency; to-wil: 1 share of SIO,OOO SIO,OOO t .. 5,000 5,000 o .. 2,500 5,000 ,7, .< 2,000 20.000 in >• 1,000 10,000 in .. 500 10,000 •• 100 10,000 inn “ 50 10,000 Inn “ 25 10.000 1000 10 9100,000 The value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be determined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of distribution. The following-gentlemen consented to act as Commissioners, and «*1 either by a Committee from their ownbOTy, or by Speem Trustees, appointed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Mon ument, as well as the Real Estate aud the U. 8 Currency offered as inducements for sub scription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the iuserption thereon, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, aud regulate the ceremonies to be observed when he laid to-wit: GeneralsL, MoLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner, Goode Bryan, Colo onels C. Snead, Wm. P. Crawford, Majors Jos. B. Camming, George T. Jackson, Joseph Ganalil, I.P.Giiardcy,Hon. R.fUMay.Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Mlßer, W,H. Good rich, J, D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr. W. E. Dear *T’he Agents*in the respective counties will retain the mon<v received for the sale ol Tickets until the subscription Books are clos ed In order that the several amounts may be returned to the Shareholders, in case the number of subscriptions will not warrant any further procedure the Agents will report to this office weekly, the result of their sales. When a sufficient number of the sfiares are sold, the Agents will receive notice. They will then forward to this office the amounts rstsoivvtli L & A. H. McLAWS, Gen. Ag’ts. No. t Did P. O. Range, Mclntosh sts. Augusta, Ga W. C D. ROBERTS Agent at Sparta, Ga. L. W. HUNT <fc CO., Agents Milledgeville Georgia] r p * n May, *, 1871. Cm. AiluaSiiSallaHL J. Walks*, ProprUtor. R. H. McDonald to Cos., Druggi*U to Goa. Ageßto, Son Fnndseo, Cal., sad M Commsrco atrool, N, Y. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to their WonderAil Curative JEffeete They are not a vile Fancy Drink* Made of Poor lium» Whiskey, Proof Spirit* and Befit so Liquors, doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tho tasta, called “Tonics,” ” Appotizers,” “Restorers,” Ac., that lead thatlpplcron to drunkennaai and raJu, but aro a true Modiclue, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stlrau. Innts. They aro the GBEAT BLOOD PURI. FIER and A UFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho Systom, carrying off all poLsonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other moans, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. Tkcy are a Gentle Purgative as well os a Tonic* possessing also, tho pocnliar merit of acting as a powerful agent iu relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and all tho Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS* whether In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womaiv hood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitter* have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Bhenua. tlam and Gont* Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Bilious* Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers* Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid neya and Bladder* these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood* which Is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, nead ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour [Eructation* of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain in the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and im* parting new lifo and vigor to tho whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncle*, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Boro Eyea, Erysipel as, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration* of the Skin, Hnmorsand Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature are literally dug up and carried out of tho system In a short time b»the use of theso Bitters. Ono bottle In suck cases will convince the most incredulous of tbeir cura tive effects. Cleanse me Vitlsteil Blood whenever you And Its Im purities bursting through the ekhl In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores; cleanse It when you And Itobatructed and stugglah m tbavelns; cleanse It when It is foul, and yoardsclings win tell you when. Keep the blood pure, andthe health of the system will follow. Ot". Tape and otker Worms, lurking In the s.vMeni of eo many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, therols scarcely an Individual upon the face or the earth whose body Is exempt from the presence of worms. It Is not noon the healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, but upon tho diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed thoso living monsters of disease. Ne system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no fheae BUtcm*' WIU frcc 1110 Byßtem from worms like SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. n. McDONALD to CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Calif orate* •nd 82 and 54 Commerce Street, New York. & n May 13, 1871. 70 ly DARBY’S Noniwiic HMD rpTn^nvaluaneFamilyTieilicrnenhi -*-purifying, cleansing, removing bau' odors in all kinds sores, cut for us awuah to softeajt^^fcttUti^j^^kin^ordtmEve ternally ag wijtl a.s applied externally; at | highly recommended by all who have used it—is forTalTTiynTTinjggists and (Joun- Sy Morohantg, and may be ordered di rcctly of tbe DARBY PH()PHYLACTTu l'o.~ 16i ii r illianrStrcet^^r7.; pDcc24’7oly. r.'lny2 nJune3 ’7l ly Georgia COTTON PIJUNN IS NOT AN EXPERIMENT, but lias been tested by some of our best planters, our has proved to be an Excellent Press. Plan ters, send for our circular and price list, as tin price is from S2O to $35 less than any other reliable Press. We refer to Col. T. M. Turner, Sparta, Ga., who knows the merits of our Presses. PENDLETON * BOAXDMAN, . Patentees and Manufacturers. Foundry aqdMachine Work* Augusta, Ga. prnjy7tA 6m. Agents mntedyiKiistmt tlu tSeoth to; Bell nr How Enererli CROSS & Cl! great interest. Finely engraved on steel* Splendid tertiinonials from Rev Dra. John Hall, Tyng, Cnjler. Palmer, and others. One good Male pnr Female Agent wated m ever} town to take aubscjlplioti** Bxclusive Territory given. A fine, companion picture to take with ii The whole put up’ih'fl nciat> TigiitiwSample ont fit. Extra inducements 6ffered. Address, for circulars nnd fall particulars, PJ3RINE A MOORE, Publishers, 66 & 68 REAtIE .ST.. N * 'PERINE 4 MOORE. 66 <& 68 READ ST.. NEW YORK, want agents in every town throughout the South, to dispose of their elegant series of Bxlo OVAL STEEL ENGRAVINGS, 16x20 Arch. Top Pictures, with or without frames. Imported Chromos, and cheap Looking Glasses. Now is tiio time far Agents to make money. Send far airculars, terms &e Address PERINE ISI MOKE, Engravers and Publishers, 66 & 6r KEADB ST., NEW YORK. Au gust 12 6m. rpnf, C Subscribers ToP*TKßs’'Mosicat Month- 1! ly get all the latest and best Music atoue ill Hand two cent* apiece. Every number con-1] tains horn $4 to $S worth of new Music; U Eauditcau be had for 30 cents. The July P and August nAmhers contain I'hirty Pie 0 Aces of Music, (72 pages, sheet-music size,) 1 and will bo mailed r 50 cents. Address, 1 PS. L. PETERS Broadway, New ft York. U August 26, 85 2m pro ftlisccilancmts. Manners at Home. A trifling subject—is it ? Never theless, it has uni a little to do with the happiness of the home, and the real welfare of all its inmates. It has been well said : Good home manners are the foun dation anil the superstructure of good manners every wht re else.- The idea that it is of little moment how we btdiavc at home, provided we ure courteous and polite in com pany, is a radically wrong one.- Persons often allow themselves to be ill-bred at home, thinking that they can put on good manners when they choose, and appear as well abroad as others ; but unconsciously they are continually betraying them selves. Few things are so subserv ient to habit as those ever occurring little proprieties, graces, and amen ities ot social life which go to make up the well-bred men or women. The expression, tone, carriage, man ner, and language of years cannot he changed in a day for some spe cial occasion. The requisites of good manners are so multitudinous, it is impossi ble to give them all; and each, like the snow Hake which form the ava lanche, though important, is so mi nute in itself that it is difficult to se lect any as most essential. Good manners at home and elsewhere are bultheoutward manifestation®f love and that spirit "which suflereihlong and is kind ; which envieth not ; vaunted) not itself; is not puffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly ; seeketh not its own ; is not easily provoked; thioketh no evil; rejoic cth not in iniquity, beared) all things ; bclieveth all things.” The well-bred man and woman express by their manner that they regard the.judgment, feelings, tastes, wishes, convenience and pleasure of others as highly as their own.— They strive to avoid all habits which offend the tastes, all expres sions which shock the sensibilities or wound the feelings of (hose about them, and all needless violation of the customs and conventionalities of society. The following particulars will fall under and illustrate gener al principles : 1. Avoid all expressions which lend lo irritate, embarrass, mortify, or pain any member of the family. 2. Never allude to any fault or failing, unless with the purpose to benefit, and then in private. 3. Avoid sarcasm, hitter words, “sore” subjects, and reference to any personal deformity. 4. Do not ridicule, or hold the opinion of others in contempt. 5. Give attention when address ed, arid do not interrupt or speak when another is talking. 6. Never contradict. 7. Never scold. 8. Keep your temper. 9. Never speak in loud or querul oustoney, nor order in arbitrary or Arrogant manner, child or servant. 10. Use no slang phrases, nor rude, disrespectful, profane or inac curate language. 11. Never omit the "please” and “thank you,” and "good morning,” nor fail lo gratefully acknowledge by some word or look every act of kindness and attention. These lit tle words oil the harsh machinery of iife wonderfully. 12. Do not even enter your near est relation’s private room without knocking. 13. Never slam the door, sit in he windows, hum, whistle or sing in the balls or passage ; nor scream to persons out of windows or up stairways. 14. Teach children to offei prece lence to each other and their supe riors, to avoid awkward positions inet movements, and not to indulge in disagreeable or filthy personal habits, such as yawning, scratching he head, picking the nose, hawking, spilling on the floor, cleaning the nails in company, etc. 15. Hold the person and personal possessions of another sacred. He who observes this rule will not tick le, nor pinch, nor punch, nor poke nis friend or btother,will not, unless he has special permission, open his letter, rummage his drawers, mark nis books, finger bis clothes, nor misuse his private property. Shout Sleispbus.— Lord Broug ham, and many other great states men and lawyers, contented them selves with a marvelously smalt quantity of sleep. ‘Fredtick the Great slept only five hours out of twenty-four ; John Hunter, five hours ; General Elliot, the hero ol Gibraltar, four hours ; the Duke of Wellington in some of his cam paigns less than four hours ; Wes ley, six hours. The brevity of their sleep did not prevent their eti ioyment of good health, nor their living to a good old age. The Appetite and Food. BY DR. J. HANAFORD. It is the office of the appctiic to indicate what are the real wants ol the body under its various circum stances and conditions. Labor, physical and mental, or effort of any kind, is constantly “tearing down” the body, wasting and disarranging this mysterious structure of liio hu man body, and this waste proceeds very rapidly during violent and long-continued eflbris. lienee, it is reasonable to suppose that this waste must he supplied, or the bo dy built up as rapidly as it is wast ed by exercise. This, of course, is effected by our food, being ciianged to blood and then to every pari of the body. The necessity for this food, or a fresh supply of new materials to re pair the necessary wastes from la bor is indicated by the appetite, usually corresponding with tie amount and kind of labor perform ed. Our experience and observa tion teach us that unusual effbit lor a single day, even, correspondingly increases the appetite, imlical ng the necessity lor an excess of food, or for more than the usual supply. And it is worthy of remark that the amount thus indicated, under ordi nary circumstanees, can he safely received and disposed of by the stomach, the supply of gastric juice beipg sufficient to change such an amount ol (bod for tfie use and strengthening of the system. It is as certain, therefore, lhat a natural or normal appetite is the true guide, the real indiealor of the wants of the body—a kind of sentinel, giving thealaim when any danger of ex haustion exists—as that thirst indi cates the necessities for drinks, or fatigue, that rest is needed. It is also true that the stomach and the org ms of digestion, as or gans of the body, need and deserve rest as certainly as the body does as a whole. If the body as a combina tion of organs, demand for its heal thy action, exercise and succeeding rest, or a period lor recuperation, it is reasonable to infer that the stom ach is under the same law. And while it is true that a full meal of most articles of food ordinarily used demands some three or four hours for digestion —some a longer time, as pork, pastry, etc., —it follows lhat food of all kinds, including fruits, are needless, not to say inadmissi ble, "between meals,” under ordi nary circumstances. One meal is all that can be reasonably disposed of in the six hours between our meals, allowing a sufficient lime for rest. A natural appetite, aside from bad habits, will not demand more food while any part of the stomach’s labor still remains unper formed, not until a suitable amount of rest has been secured. „ 'lf these principles are correct, the idea must be fallacious that one must lake food simply for tbe pur pose of "keeping up the slrengli) of the body,” with no reference to the real wants of the system as indica ted by the appetite, which is gener ally more reliable in its indications during sickness than in health as strange as it may seetn. To take food when not really demanded for recuperation, when not indicated by a natural appetite, is worse than useless, as w r e might learn from the customs of brute3, guided as they are by unerring instincts. They seem true to their nalute while reso lutely refusing all food during any serious disturbance of the stomach, teaching us an important lesson. Not only is the appetite destroyed during the attacks of disease and a nausea established, but die taste, jn many instances, is also destroyed, as if in mercy, to guard the victim against the danger of taking food. And although our appetites may become so far vitiated as to be un- reliable sentinels, in consequence of bad habits, it is certain that food should not be taken, at least in ordi nary conditions, when the absence of an appetite indicates that it is not needed. It might seem that com mon sense, aided by the instincts of the brutes, might tench us the folly of forcing the appetite, aside from the fact that the gastric juice—so necessary for healthful digestion—is not found in the stomach during cer tain forms of disease, attended by a loss of the appetite. It food, theie fore, is taken into the stomach at such a time, its thorough digestion is utterly impossible, while it should lie remembered that it can give no strength, do uo good, only by this change called digestion. It only remains as an irritant, if not fortu nately thrown off* by vomiting, until it ferments and then decays, like such food in any warm place. It is generally safe, therefore, never to lake food during the absence of the appetite, or till it can be restored by suitable means. Tho observance of this rule would not only save many attacks of disease* but prevent their No. 28. j long continuance, with a dreaded i relapse. »—* Ths Slides of Dress. Lnjiri’nis. The first instict about ; anew fashion is the true one. Don’t ! '■'’a't lid your eye lias lost its accu ! racy and judgment its edge. Sub ject the thing at once to the general rule, and bow to the decision. tid. \\ hat suits one person does not suit another. Know thyself. 31. Dress should supplement good points and correct bad ones.— I hick and thin, long and short, are i not all to be subjected to one Fro j crustean style. 4th. Colors should be harmonious, i should he massed—should be be coming. Id est, many little points or blotches ot color sprinkled over a costume produce a disagreeable pied and speckled eflect, as ot a monstrous robin’s egg, or a plum pudding. One tint should prevail, relieved by a contrasting tint. No amount of fashionable prestige can make an unbecoming color becom ing. “Nile green” will turn some i people into oranges, though twenty empresses ordain its adoption. slli. Lines should he continuous, graceful, and feminine. It is better to look like a woman (it you are one) than anything else—even a fashion plate ! bih. Ornament is subordinate. Nature, .vith all profusion, never for gets this fundamental law. 7th. Above all things, be neat. Dainty precision and freshness is as essential to a woman as a llower. Sth. Individuality is the rarest and the cheapest thing in the world. Dth, and lastly, “Stylish” is of all the words in tlie English language the most deadly. It has slain its thousands.— Scribner's Magazine. Love in the Household.— There is one place where love is more nearly supreme than any where else, and that is where suc cess has been achieved more near ly than anywhere else. I refer to the household. There the foun tain of love is never sealed. There love is more nearly on the pattern of love in Heaven than anywhere else. Thai is the bright spot of human history. While nations have gone on, voluminous, dark, with desola tion on every hand, gioaning and travailing in pain till now ; while there have been outward conflicts innumerable; while the world has been full of confusion and crying and misery, there have been in all latuls, houses with families secluded in them. And that which the Stale lacked, and business Jacked, and all men outside, the household have pos sessed. Equity, justice and forgive ness have flourished in the house hold .— Beecher. Animal Food. —Many of the an cients never ate animal food. Plu tarch, a learned Grecian, abstained from it altogether. He lived to be nearly eighty years old and was a hard worker. He is said to have written three hundred philosophical works. One hundred and twenty five of them are extant. This cele brated mail once wrote: “You ask me for what reason Pythagoras ab stained from eating the flesh of brutes ; for my part I am astonished to think what appetite first induced man to taste of a dead carcass; or what motive could suggest the no tion of nourishing himself with the flesh ol dead animals.” People could live much cheaper if they were to adopt Plutarch’s views. Work During Sleep.—Those cases in which the brain is hard at woik during sleep, instead of being totally oblivious of everj thing, may be called dreaming or'somnambu lism, according to the mode in which the activity displays itself. Many of them are full of interest. Some men fmve done really hard work during sleep. Condorcel finished a train of calculations in his sleep which had much puzzled him during the day. In 1786, a collegian no ticed the peculiarities of a fellow student who was rather stuoid than otherwise during his waking hours, but wfio got through some excellent work in geometry and algebra <fu< ring sleep. Coleridge composed Kubla Kahn while asleep. A man too busy to lake care of his health is like a mechanic too bu sy to take care of his tools. A certain Edinburgh professor once pronounced upon a student his severe opinion: “Dunqe you are, and dunce you will ever remain.” That student was Sir Walter Seott. One can no more judge of the true value of a man by the impression he makes on the public, than we can tell whether the seal was gold dt brass by which the stamp Was made.