The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, December 07, 1871, Image 3

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IIWB k f ASMIE. LOCA THURSDAY DECEMBER 7. 1871. CL US MATES. For the benefit of those wishing <J«bs fbrilhe Nsws A Fu|l«, we offer the olio wing foAtcosoont*: Kto copies. JJO; The domT always to accompany tho order'. To those wishingpromlumo far elobs, wo «. *-*« *■,— Van Lottos Mogonne, Jortoor _:u—. *2.50 eoch: or, wo will give for twenty subscribers, »t iar>o, mnitdUicm, U»obt«S<* -P»fto«ary, ‘h« itnlir prico of which is Iff Parties retting op dobs, will pleoso send in tlw names as fast as they net them, loose wha hare sent in elube of iva.»nd upwards, <£• forward suboeribers at two dollars e-ch. Notwithstanding the inelemansy of the weeth or and the prevalent opinion that cotton will go higher, the market this week ha* been quite brisk. |< (q failed tv th« TANARUS« CoUectoia k°- tiea in another eelemn. He is now on his last (•and, and Ml hooks will be closed en the 20th ln*l, at whieh time he will iasuo executions against all defhaltor*. Loao-t-toosn Luc*—We learn that Mr Hamilton Coleman of onr county went ont on hmt Friday morning and brooght in four wild tnrk#y*,ull of which were killed by himself, ▼orily. wo would liko to go bir* hunting wtth Mr. Coleman. Stich lack is not mot with ovo ry morning. ocourod in town on Tneadny Inst" be tween two eiMff e ne of «ur county, M r - Augu.m. Wooten, and Mr. A. J Cook, in whioatho lat tW received three slight gash wounds in the hand, arm. and face Tbs e#ur would doubf iasa prored to hare been serious bad not other parties interfered- Mr ÜB, Johnson who bus bseq with 0* asreral days representing the house of Mess. Chslfaut, Cox * Cos. of Pbilitfelphia, has ex hibitsd some eery fine specimens of Dry Goods Hosiery, Notions Ac., and hss been eucceesful kt roceirsing ard*™ from our merehante. Mr. J. is H«ite a clersr gentleman, and we hope tbs pleasure of meeting him again oa his trip through this section next spring. Th<* eard of tha Jsffersou High 9ehw>l will be g>Wud in another column. Tho Spring term ot this school opsns on the third Monday iu Juuu pty under tb.e supervision of Bov. O. C. Pope, Mid Mr. M. A, Clark. The capacity of these gentlemen for teaching is too well known to need comment from ns. Suffice to say, that they will fill the vacancy made by Mr. Snnfurn whi- hss been employed to go in the College at reunfield. HEW GOODS! HEW GOODS!! The undersigned has just receied large ad gltions to their Stock—it is now complete Gome and see us ams we will satisfy you, that WP house in the State underfill* us. Tilts is no place to enumerate prices. The counter is the place to price goods. In a word, call on us, add we will prove by occular demonitration that what wo say we do. McGQWAN db STRATFORD Pianos,. Organs and Sewing Machine* can be furnished on most reason able terms by appiyiug (ft W. C. D. ROBERTS, at this office. Wm tan guarantees given with the St. Louis Pianos, by the manufacturing Company, for five years ■swing Machines with all tha new improve ments, from $76 00 to $l3O 00; Pianos from *373 00 to SI4OO 00. Organs so cheap that yv>u will almost think you are getting them for Bottling. Ail sold on the Instaesnout plan, ex cept Organs. At a meeting held by th* Democrats o( this county on Saturday last for the purpose of sendpig delegates to tha. Gubernatorial Conven tion which was held in Atlunta on yesterday, the 6th iml, the following gentamen were ap pointed : Gaul. B. W. Carswell, Col. James Staplston, Wm. 9. Alexander, M. A. Evans J. H. Wilkins and W. F. Denny. A motion was also adopted, requesting the Beprestativsa in the General Assembly from this eeuaty to act as Delegates to said Conven tion. See proeosdiugs of meeting in this issue. Vut Tneadny being public sale day, there was considerable amount of property disposed of ai pqhlic outcry, among which, mas tha heusc and lot on Eighth, St. belonging to the eetat%of 41. W. Roberson, deceased ; Sold for diatribe' tipn among hie minor heirs, to Dr. J. R. Smith who will take possession and more in. übont the Hirst of January. W» are gratified to know that the Doctor will locate, with bis family, here meat year. He is an old and experienced phy sician, and his superior knowledga of his busi ossa will gtHMMtee himawabapdanco ofprao ties. May success attend him Mr. Jeka J, Davis of Davisboro is in. onr towyi ennvasing for a History of tho Bible, by W. L. Smith L.fe Wa have Seans prospeclu oapy of this book and consider it a moat valua hie work, and it wonldibo truly a grant aequisi tion to any family library. It is richly and profnssiy Illustrated, and is gotten up in most oacellsnt style. Mr. Davis will be with us for several days and intends giving every body a chance te subscribe fur this book. Ha is also Agt. for anew Illustrated Family Bible which is sold by subscription. The weather for tha past week ha>. bees extremely celd. Mr. J. Frost spread oat Me heavy white cloak on Saturday night anti ftewe things spin stylo, as though winter hau •ai in in cold earnest. Up to Sunday, quit* q acpply of rain had fallen, rendering some parts of the read* almost impassible and caus ing a considerable swell in the creeks and riv* gy The various ftmds around town have been crowded with visitors of tha feathered tribe, much to the delight of oar several duck huu tprsin town, who have been goiugoul; dai>y for them; but we would judge from tho amount Iff game brought in that they fly high and dry, tho mush so, for hunters of small experieace. Tfa have heard of some of our country friends Mho have had very good luck, killing as many eg twelve orfitteen in one evening. A Minnesota paper chronicles a yield of oats, on a farm in that Slate, «f 833 bushels on three acres, and •Iso. a potato crop on another farm that averaged a peck to the hill, no potato weighing less than a pound. The popular amusement among. Bedford Indiana, ladies and gentle-j men is wrestling matches. What W«U I DEMOCRATIC! MliKTiNtt. At a meeting of the Democracy of the County, held in Louisville, on Saturday 2nd inst—Oa motion. Col James Cain was called to the Chair and J. R. Smith, M. D. appoi*t~ti Secretaty. The Chairman aiated the object of the meeting in a few pointed Remarks- Geul. R. W. Carswell then moved that our Rep reseatatives in the Legislature, Hon, W. P. Johnson and Hon. A. Beas ley, be requested to represent the County in the approaching Guber natorial Convention, and that the Chair appoint six other delegates to that Convention. The motion was carried without diasenl. and Geul. R. W. Carswell, Col. James Staple ton, Wm. 8. Alexander, M. A. Ev ans, J, H. Wilkins anil W. F. Den ny were appointed. On motion the Secretary was re quested to notify Messrs. Johnson ft Beasley of their appointment. On motion Re sol ved'*—Thai the News ft Farmer be requested to publish the proceedings of this meetii". On motion the meeting adjourned JAMES CAIN, Chui’n. J. R. Smith, M. D. Sec y. *w»*- - rrßiiraswf AfjrMHTMawv Willi the close of Die year 1871, Every Satukpa* Will drop its pic torial character. Its last number in pictorial form will bear dale Decem ber 30, IS7I. (Jn and altei Janua ry 1, 1872, its publication will be continued in the original character in which, during a period of four years (18G6-1809.) u gained ihe highest lavor trom many thousand* ol intelligent and thoughtful icadet throughout the country. The pub lishers confidently hope by making it emphatically “A Journal ol Choice Reading” lo commend it not only to it its earlier readers, hut to -those who ■ luring the two years of iis publication as an illustrated jour nal, have afforded it the mo#t sub manual token of their appreciation and good will. Address James U. Osgood ft Cos., Boston, Mass, CHR ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH CABLE TO BE SOLD. We learn from the New York Sun, and the New York Sun learn* “from a source entitled to credit,” that the British Government is. just at the conclusion of negotiations for pur chasing the Atlantic' telegraph cable. The story is partially confirmed by itie well known laot that a ring of London capitalists have lately paid $25,000 lot the privilege ol purchas ing, within muaiy days, and at nine tv cents on Oie dollar. $2,500,000 of the stock of ihe New York and New foundland Telegraph Company, the wires of which foirnthe ex l aive connection between the Western end of the Atlantic gable and the tele graph sysiemoi' the United Slates. It die Atlantic telegraph is sold it wtd doubtless be made a much greater huskies success that it is at ! present. The Ornish Government has for more than a year been work ing the land tines of the United ' Kingdom with remunerative results and if the purchase L made the line oetween Ireland aad America will at once be put under the same aye* letn. The Sun figures up the prob able cost of the purchase at about $12,000,000 in gold.—Mobile RegV. A suit is now pending in Cincin oati against the Western Union Tel egrspii Company of considerable ia terest to all who use the wires. It seems that owing to non-receipt ol a message telling him not to make a journey, a gentleman traveled to Mississippi and back. He claims from the telegraph company the amoant of kU expenses, alleging thai the fault was on their side.* The company set up the conditions prin ted on all their blanks giving notice that the company would not be lia ble for damages beyond the amount of transmission, unless tho message was repeated, and then only in a ■urn fifty times as great as the snm paid for transmission. This defence will hardly stand, A telegraph, com pany should bo held to as great re sponsibility as any other common carrier. The “Gran-Juke.— The New York Sun, wearied with awaiting the arrival of the young Alexis, amused itself by poking some fun at the fuss made over the expected event by the committees. The editor said : We are authorized by Mr. Catacuzv, Who is almost erazy with invitations tor the Gran-juke to dine, wine, and stuff generally, to say that the possible successor to the throne does not come here to oat, hut to see our institiuions, to get some • usight into the ways us our people, ■ind lay up a store ol information which will be useful to him when he shall be caiicd to occupy a high po sition near, if not on the throne of Russia, The Cincinaali Tines and Chron icle adopts the following method ot telling that its Radical cotemporary the Columbus Slate Journal is a dull concern : For heroic and long sustained- re venge commend us to the postmas ter’s organ in Columbus. About a year ago a Cleveland paper clipped something from it and omitted to credit, and horn pure spite the or gan has had nothing to clip over siaco. About three hundred lndia«s still inhabit the Everglades of Flotida. as *was aauMViar. The members ot the Board of acatioo are ordered to meet at the Court House on Saturday the 9th day of December next. All teach ers and others having claims, and other persons having business of any character, with the Board, are notified to present the same on that day. JAMES G. CAIN, President of the Bo trd. Louisvjle, Ga., Nov. 17, 1871. We do not suppose there ever was an article so universally popular and commended as a family medicine as Darby’s Prophylactic FUiitl. We have never yet heard any one say a word against it, hut all speak in its favor. The Alabama Conference is in ses sion in Mobile, Bishop George F. Pierce presiding. The Conference tepresents a membership of about 35.00050u15. The North Alabama Conicrence-of the same church rep resenia about the same. Harriett Thompson of New York ia the first victim of royalty, Ghe will probably die from iniitries re ceived by llie upsetting of a carriage in the ducat procession. MARKET REPORTS. Louieejll*. Dec. 6.—Cotton I6J@I7J. Augutta, December s.—Colton, IB; Snvannah, D»e. 5. Coitou, 171(01104;. JVeie York. D*c.!>—Cotton, I9j. Liverpool, Dec 5, —Cotton, CENTRAL H li. SCHEDULE. Mi mix Leave Savannah 7 IS Arrive at Bartow 12 f,| “ ‘ Vt»con 451 I.eav* Macon 7 s in Arrive at Ilir.ow l| g, “ •• Savannah 523 mour Tint*. Leave Savannah 7 p in A i rtvo at Harlow l ail “ “ Mr.00n...,. 5 ir, Leave Macon 6 ;|i) Arrive at Bartow v ..)t :tfi “ “ Savannah 450 Passengers for Augusta, make connection at Mitten, on both trains. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. JBTFRPON COUNTY, GEORGI', SPRING TERM begins 3rd Monday in Jan ■arv. 1872. TUITION—Ist Class S2O per war. 2nd “ S3O 3rd ” S4O <• Masic S4O •• Board eaa be obtaiued nan# th* A aadamp on reasonable term*. •\ C. POPE. M. A. CL RK. Pesfieipals. •eeembsr 7,1771. 32 If SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia jeffebsom county- Will be sold at the Market House in Lo«- isville, on the First Tue-day in Jannerv n«i». between the legal hours of sale, a Tract of Land in said county, containing seventy acres, more less, adjoining lands of Henry Walden, G-org» C. Brown and others. Lev ied on as the |.rte erty of George T. Palmer, to satisfy n fieri faeiu issued from tha Superior Court of said county, in favor of E. H. W. Hunter. Agent otM. J. Baldy, vs. aaid George T. Palmer. No person ia poeseeaion and notice jgivea to tfefenden -■ „f levy. JESSE T. MULLING, Shlf. 9*e*mber?,lß7l. 33 tds. Tax Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to Town Tax Pay ers, that my books wii I be closed on the Bth day of December next, alter which time execsflona will be issued against alt delinquents. R. J. PANNAL, Marshal. Louisville, Ga-, Nov. 30th 1871. Notice. ALL articles for rapair whieh have b*aa. left ut my (hop and repaired previous to Ist 01 September, will—if not called far before the 96t1. .day of December next—be (old n aceordanru 'with the terms of the law, to pay ,xp-nas ol im pairing. t f. Harlow. Louisville. Nov. 30 IS7I 4t. C Georgia, jeffewson county.- F Whereas, Green 3. Hall app ies to me fin letters ot Administration on tha estate of X«d ing Hall, late of laid county deceased- These are therefore to cite aud anmoniw nil paities interested, lo tppear before th- Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said re.aty on.the First Monday in Janaary n»i> aud show causa if any thay can «hy sa.u leu, it should not be granted W H. WATKINS, Ord'v J. C. Nov. 30, 1871. 31 Id. W. H. WATKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ftOttfffbUlC* fiSfa. Wilt praatiee ia the middle Cir-uit. 6p <-»i attention given to the Collection of CLAIMS. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE IN LOULIVILLE. THE UNDERSIGNED haviig been ongag ed in the Carrirge business for the pan. twenty eight years.offers for sa'e sos two sin,, dwelling bouse, and lot, on lire » * Ter of Wtoeh tngton and Center Streets, containing five rooms, three fireplaces, garden and good well ol water - said lot contains half acre more or less; also on the North-west corner ol same streets, one whole square of three acres, oontainiiig Carriage - : hjip, two story building 42X24 feel, sheds on each side 16X42 feet, Blacksmith Shop 35X211 met, with two furnaces. Imrsetot, corncriil cow aud wagon shelter; also a single sior.w dwelling house containing \ rooms, kitsliva, well and garden tho above lo.s will be solo cheap, separately ortpgether. 1 itlca good. J>. R- U< 14* ■Novembel 17, 1871. 2!i 61 Dentist* DR. C. R STEED, formerly of TbsmsoS Ga., offers bis professional services to ths citizens of Louisville and Jefferson «ounty. Office at Mrs. Dr- Miller’s residence. A (share of patrouage solicited. September 22, 1871. ~ 21 3 m . Notice to debtors and cukdit- ORS, —All persons indebted to the estate of Thomas A. Mcßride, late es Jefferson jeonn ty deceased, are requested to como forward and make immediate payments, and those kav ing claims against said eatata are notified to. prcEor.t them in terms of th* law. ffAMUEL J. GORDON. Adm. Nov. 10th, 187,1. 37 64, WILKINS & HOI’KI N;8, Have ia stare aad are daflj receiving Bacon, Floor, Sugar, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Coffee, Whiskey, Tobacco, Molasses Also the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods ever brought to this Market, at astonishing low prices. WILKINS & MYLES) II *v* j«*t rmmeived «»4 Mr* bo# opening tbeir Aim Goods, and from ibis lima on will be daily receitig FRESH additions to their STOCK. Tbeir assortment is aart'd, and embraces everything kept in a They call particular attention to t heir assorment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Groceries, HARDWARE, TINWARE, and NOTIONS, COM MEAL ALWAYS ON HAND Hi-. ir slock has been carefully se if cic i, and in making tbeir purchas es, ihr '.asis and wants ot the coun ly have been consulted. Their y>xid- have lieeti bought upon the oust reasonable terms, and they win Ire sold CHEAT. They are determined to GIVE .SATiv'f'AC i ION, and will always i tk« pleasure in wailing on custom er- iind ho|M.' tocontiuUf- to merit the : patronage ot thedr old Iriefidd, Loe'.-viile, Oct. 16, IS7I. I ly. GEORGIA JKFFEKBGN COUNTY— Green MeGahee applira to me for eieinf - ’ior. oi pursonaity mid selling apart and valua. ifiu of lf«uie. tend, mid I will pass upon ibe name on the Iflili d»v of December 1871, at niv office in • fit: Court Mouse of Said county at 10 . o’clock a m. w. ii, watkins. ord'y j. c. Doc. 7lli IST i, 21. Georgia jefferson county.— Whereas Amelia Week* applies to me for exemption of p. rsonalt,, and setting apact and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass up uu the same af mv office in the Court House of i. said county at lit o'clock, a. n. on So 16th day of December H7I, W. H„ WATKINS, Ord’y.,' J. 0. Dec Tth 1871. tj. GEORGIA. JEFFERSON COUNTY Whcreiis, U. K Stni'h as administra t r-'f A E Smith late of said a-funty, deceased, . applies to me for leave to sell all the rial estate of said M E Smith’s esiaie Tliese are , therefore io cite and admonish all persons iuUT. at. and to appear before tbe Court of Ordi nary w ithin the lime prescribed by law and . make known their objections if any they have Why said Leave should not bo granted. W. U, WATKINS Osd’v. Deo. Till 1871. jp, | < EOKOIA JKKFEKSON COUNTY,— 1 V3 Wherena, J T Jordan applies lo me for Letters of Disiaissiea at Guardian of the person and property of the estate of Sal lie M Kodger,. These are therefore to cite all persons interest ed to appoar before the Court of Ordinary, , within the time preacribed by law, and make | known their abjections if any they have, why : said letters should not be granted. W. IL WATKINB Ord’y. Dec 7th 187 L. st, g" 1 EOKOIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.— "iff Where*#, Samuel M. and Emit/ V. Clark, Administrator and admiuistrairix of James W Clark decoased applies to me for Letters of Dismission front said Administration; these are therefore io cite all persrfts interested te appear et ruy office within the time preacribed by law, and make their objection* in writing if any they have, why said letters should ant be granted W, H. WATKINS, Ord’y. J C Dee. 7 1871. 2ft. . -- . . i 1 EOKOIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.- Aj" By virtue of an o der eftke Court of Or dinary of Jeffersoa County, will be so'd at the Market House in 'be town of Loui-villeon the first. Tuesday iu February next within the n u 1 hours of sale tbe following prperty belong, ing to tile list«t ' frames W. Clark decea-cd, ‘H)i a crcs of land more or less adjoining lands of Robert Harrow, J. W Bdnsou and othr«._ Also at the same time and place sixty acres in the 85 District G. M. of said county and ad joiuing 1.-iudsof U,C. Brown Ko.-n Brown and lotiiers to tie sold for the benefit of the heirs eml credi ors of said estate. Terms cash. Pure'u:*- reqiured to pavfor titles stamps Ac. W. H. WATKINe Ord’y., J 0. . Dec, 7th 1871. 2ft. tds, f f EOKOIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.— Vj Whereas, William M. Mox’oy, udiniuistrar ' tor of hi M Moxley deceased applies to tne for Letters of dismission Irom said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to appear before the Court of Ordinary, within the time prescribed by law and make known their ob jections, if any tbev have, why said letters ■houkl not be grauted. W H. WATKINS, Oru’y J. C. Dec. 5 1871. St Georgia Jefferson county.— Whereas F. A. Sinquefield applies to me for letters of Dismission from the Gua«< ship of the person and property of S. A. D. Brown, of said county. These are thereforo to cite and admonish «R persons interested, to appear before the Court of Ordinary, within tbe time preacribed by law, and make known their objections, why said leUeraisheuld not be granted. W. H. WATKINS, Ord’y 3. C. Not. 17 1871. W &» McGowan & Stratford, LOUISVILLE, GA. TAKB PLBASUHK IN INFORMING their patrons and tbu public gsnecally that thsy have now on hand CHEAP FOR CASH, a Urge a**oriment of iSAfIIS All MBIT Dry Goods, •Bocißiai, CLOTHING, hakdwarb, CUTLERY. WOOD W ABM, BUCKETS, TUBS, Re., As., **, dbu., ANT and all sf which will be sold at PSICBB TO SUIT THB TIMM. QITB Cl A CALL. McGOWAN * STRATFORD, Lrrarwill*, Ot. iwyr.MA' i iV TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. Positively my Last Round. I nfaiffs will please notify ibe Freedmen in ibeir employ that it ia Tte* Raying tune, * MrPoll Tax to be Paid, 6TOKK3 BORE, 77tb District, O. M.. MONDAY, December 11th. POPE HILL, 61st " •* TUEBDAT, •• iatb. STAFLETON’S STORK, 76ib •* *• WEDNESDAY, •• IMk. STAPLETON’S ACADEMY, 761 b ** - THURSDAY, - 14th. HUDSON’S STOKE, 7Mb •• “ FRIDAY, • l&tk, BARTOW, 86th •• “ SATURDAY, « IdtE BETHANY, 83rd - - MONDAY, • |fl,h. ! ALEXANDER’S Woe. 84th “ » TUESDAY,) ** I9tb Will remain in Louisville orrtill December 2-slh, at which time I wifi positively close my Book* ami issue Executions against all who tail to pay Os that lime. R. A. GARVIN, T.C. Louisville Ga., October 13lh, 1871. ANDES Insurance Company, eSBOEMKAKSe ®®EB« Cash Capital $1,000,000 WILKINS k HOPKINS, AGTS- Louisville Drug Store E. H. W. HUNTER, M. D. Druggist & Apothecary. Saseeteor to HUNTER A CO. i Keeps on hand a full and well assorted stock of DRUGS, MIDICINE9, CHEMICALS, paints, oils, varnishes, DYESTUFFS, PERFUM ERY, SOAPS, COMBS. BRUSHES, TOIL. KT ARTICLE’S, LAMP CHIMNEYS. GARDEN SEED es all kinds; PINE CIGARS end CHEWING TOBACCO; WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Re. A*. j Which he offers to sell FOR CASH, as sheep at they eeii be bought, at retail, in sap town ia the Mete. August 4, 1821. Id ts. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. THE UNDBBSIGND takes pleasure in in orming tke citisrns of Jefferson and ad joining counties that he has opened a AND where work of ell description., both new and repairjsra, will be done witii n*stuess and die patch. HOKBE SHOEING done in the neatest and most .nbttantiel manner, furnished at sort notice. a H. HARRELL, Louisville, Ga. Jaly», 1871. and 6m. POSTPONED SALE. Georgia, jefferso county- By virtue off au order tram tbe court of Ordinary of said county, will be raid at the Market house, in the town of Louievillu, eU ihe FIRST TUE'DAY in DECEMBER next, within the ueual hours of sale, one half interest in that tract or parcel of laud situated in said county, containing 11070) one thousand and seventy seres morn or less, nod adjoining lands of A. J. Williams, Elisabeth Brawn end«them, to be soldae the properly es the eats** of Blimt Brown deceased, fur the benefit es the creditors sod heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. Purchaser required Is pay for titles. BURWELL J. CROWN, Adm’r EeUtate of Blisa Brswr. Sep! 2e.l«L II kds r*» a. v. tusr, wa. *. mssim I ATTORNEYS AT LAW WBIGHTSYILLB, GA. A 1 baainesa entrusted to their earn *4l’ meet with prompt attention.. Particular attention gtvsn la Ike eelUeMS* es claims, July 3,1871. |S fg w v cancan. »o caavaa, • * eaavap, 4k. W. W. Carter K Sons, COTTON FACTOBS AJfiM GBgEBAL COMMISSION MKKCHANTS -lAJ BAY SAVANNAH. AU* STREET, REUBOIA. CM*Prompt personal atteation gWea la Max CM’Planters supplied Srith Bagging and TIB at Lowest Bate*. July 23rd 1871. El Ip. DR. E. & V. BDBTEB Having resumed tke pmeties of med icine. offers bit Piifiartieiel aerviaee (a Ibe aittaena of Loaisaills ead the immtdiata vA etaity. Sept. 29, 7871. m am Rags! Rags!! WE wiil pay ag«oJ price foraU the geaß clran.Cottoo Kag* Drought to us. Nowisßp time to get rid of your old cloth*. WILKBW A nmna J. W. COOLEY, LOUISVILLE, GA* Will resume practice at hia,old Ofifc*« 0«M --ber, 10th, 1871. Oet 6th 1871 M O COURT OF ORDINARY. JirrtiM* O# 2 For Covrvv Puapcssm 7 At Chsmberb Ocv. 12, WA .1 IT IB ORDERED, that there be aoitestad \f the Tax Collector of aud county 66 per cent, upon the fftate Tex for CeU*% tudabtedanra 30 “ Bndgee An. ID • “ *’ Pan peg* S « •• •• ” Distriat Cant |fi- K e «. u « Mdaeatioasd ffßk -1# •• • • •• snrar». H * Ceaaty QB>B A ■* “ ’* " ‘BtaVi. io •• • -ceafi Bmmmo Jail. ’ 0 ** €oith(|Ml Ik js&.’sarßCwSsraS ,#Tl * W. M. WJIBIMf Oatober 13th, IP7I. ® ®